Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains various support routines for processing SMBs.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 9-Nov-1989 David Treadwell (davidtr)
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "smbsupp.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
#define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_SMBSUPP
#define CHAR_SP ' '
// Mapping is defined in inc\srvfsctl.h
// Forward references
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, Srv8dot3ToUnicodeString )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCanonicalizePathName )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCanonicalizePathNameWithReparse )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCheckSearchAttributesForHandle )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCheckSearchAttributes )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetAlertServiceName )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetBaseFileName )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetMultiSZList )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetOsVersionString )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetString )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetStringLength )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvGetSubdirectoryLength )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvIsLegalFatName )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvMakeUnicodeString )
//#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvReleaseContext )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvSetFileWritethroughMode )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvOemStringTo8dot3 )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3 )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvVerifySid )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvVerifyTid )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvVerifyUid )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvVerifyUidAndTid )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvIoCreateFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvNtClose )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvImpersonate )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvRevert )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvSetLastWriteTime )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCheckShareFileAccess )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvReleaseShareRootHandle )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvUpdateVcQualityOfService )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvIsAllowedOnAdminShare )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRights )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvRetrieveMaximalShareAccessRights )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvUpdateMaximalAccessRightsInResponse )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvUpdateMaximalShareAccessRightsInResponse )
//#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvValidateSmb )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvWildcardRename )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, SrvCheckForSavedError )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvIsDottedQuadAddress )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvUpdateStatistics2 NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvVerifyFid2 NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvVerifyFidForRawWrite NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvReceiveBufferShortage #endif
VOID Srv8dot3ToUnicodeString ( IN PSZ Input8dot3, OUT PUNICODE_STRING OutputString )
Routine Description:
Convert FAT 8.3 format into a string.
Input8dot3 - Supplies the input 8.3 name to convert
OutputString - Receives the converted name. The memory must be supplied by the caller.
Return Value:
{ LONG i; CLONG lastOutputChar; UCHAR tempBuffer[8+1+3]; OEM_STRING tempString;
// If we get "." or "..", just return them. They do not follow
// the usual rules for FAT names.
lastOutputChar = 0;
if ( Input8dot3[0] == '.' && Input8dot3[1] == '\0' ) {
tempBuffer[0] = '.'; lastOutputChar = 0;
} else if ( Input8dot3[0] == '.' && Input8dot3[1] == '.' && Input8dot3[2] == '\0' ) {
tempBuffer[0] = '.'; tempBuffer[1] = '.'; lastOutputChar = 1;
} else {
// Copy over the 8 part of the 8.3 name into the output buffer,
// then back up the index to the first non-space character,
// searching backwards.
RtlCopyMemory( tempBuffer, Input8dot3, 8 );
for ( i = 7; (i >= 0) && (tempBuffer[i] == CHAR_SP); i -- ) { ; }
// Add a dot.
i++; tempBuffer[i] = '.';
// Copy over the 3 part of the 8.3 name into the output buffer,
// then back up the index to the first non-space character,
// searching backwards.
lastOutputChar = i;
for ( i = 8; i < 11; i++ ) {
// Copy the byte.
// *** This code used to mask off the top bit. This was a
// legacy of very ancient times when the bit may have
// been used as a resume key sequence bit.
tempBuffer[++lastOutputChar] = (UCHAR)Input8dot3[i];
while ( tempBuffer[lastOutputChar] == CHAR_SP ) { lastOutputChar--; }
// If the last character is a '.', then we don't have an
// extension, so back up before the dot.
if ( tempBuffer[lastOutputChar] == '.') { lastOutputChar--; }
// Convert to Unicode.
tempString.Length = (SHORT)(lastOutputChar + 1); tempString.Buffer = tempBuffer;
OutputString->MaximumLength = (SHORT)((lastOutputChar + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( OutputString, &tempString, FALSE );
} // Srv8dot3ToUnicodeString
Routine Description:
Allocates space and concatenates the paths in the parameter strings. ALLOCATE_HEAP is used to allocate the memory for the full pathname. Directory separator characters ('\') are added as necessary so that a legitimate path is built. If the third parameter is NULL, then only the first two strings are concatenated, and if both the second and third parameters are NULL then the first string is simply copied over to a new location.
Input8dot3 - Supplies the input 8.3 name to convert
OutputString - Receives the converted name, the memory must be supplied by the caller.
Return Value:
{ UNICODE_STRING path2; UNICODE_STRING path3; PWCH nextLocation; PWSTR pathBuffer; ULONG allocationLength; WCHAR nullString = 0;
// Set up the strings for optional parameters Path2 and Path3. Doing
// this allows later code to be ignorant of whether the strings were
// actually passed.
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Path2) ) {
path2.Buffer = Path2->Buffer; path2.Length = Path2->Length;
} else {
path2.Buffer = &nullString; path2.Length = 0; }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Path3) ) {
path3.Buffer = Path3->Buffer; path3.Length = Path3->Length;
} else {
path3.Buffer = &nullString; path3.Length = 0; }
// Allocate space in which to put the path name we are building.
// The +3 if to account for as many as two directory separator
// characters being added and the zero terminator at the end. This
// has a small cost in terms of memory usage, but it simplifies this
// code.
// The calling routine must be careful to deallocate this space
// when it is done with the path name.
allocationLength = Path1->Length + path2.Length + path3.Length + 3 * sizeof(WCHAR);
pathBuffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( allocationLength, BlockTypeDataBuffer ); if ( pathBuffer == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName: Unable to allocate %d bytes " "from heap.", allocationLength, NULL );
BuiltPath->Buffer = NULL; return; }
BuiltPath->Buffer = pathBuffer; BuiltPath->MaximumLength = (USHORT)allocationLength;
ASSERT ( ( allocationLength & 0xffff0000 ) == 0 );
RtlZeroMemory( pathBuffer, allocationLength );
// Copy the first path name to the space we have allocated.
RtlCopyMemory( pathBuffer, Path1->Buffer, Path1->Length ); nextLocation = (PWCH)((PCHAR)pathBuffer + Path1->Length);
// If there was no separator character at the end of the first path
// or at the beginning of the next path, put one in. We don't
// want to put in leading slashes, however, so don't put one in
// if it would be the first character. Also, we don't want to insert
// a slash if a relative stream is being opened (i.e. name begins with ':')
if ( nextLocation > pathBuffer && *(nextLocation - 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR && *path2.Buffer != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR && *path2.Buffer != RELATIVE_STREAM_INITIAL_CHAR ) {
// Concatenate the second path name with the first.
RtlCopyMemory( nextLocation, path2.Buffer, path2.Length ); nextLocation = (PWCH)((PCHAR)nextLocation + path2.Length);
// If there was no separator character at the end of the first path
// or at the beginning of the next path, put one in. Again, don't
// put in leading slashes, and watch out for relative stream opens.
if ( nextLocation > pathBuffer && *(nextLocation - 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR && *path3.Buffer != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR && *path3.Buffer != RELATIVE_STREAM_INITIAL_CHAR ) {
// Concatenate the third path name.
RtlCopyMemory( nextLocation, path3.Buffer, path3.Length ); nextLocation = (PWCH)((PCHAR)nextLocation + path3.Length);
// The path cannot end in a '\', so if there was one at the end get
// rid of it.
if ( nextLocation > pathBuffer && *(nextLocation - 1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) { *(--nextLocation) = '\0'; }
// Find the length of the path we built.
BuiltPath->Length = (SHORT)((PCHAR)nextLocation - (PCHAR)pathBuffer);
} // SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName
Routine Description:
This routine canonicalizes a filename. All ".\" are removed, and "..\" are evaluated to go up a directory level. A check is also made to ensure that the pathname does not go to a directory above the share root directory (i.e., no leading "..\"). Trailing blanks are always removed, as are trailing dots if RemoveTrailingDots is TRUE.
If the input string is not Unicode, a Unicode representation of the input is obtained. This requires that additional space be allocated, and it is the caller's responsibility to free this space.
If the input string IS Unicode, this routine will align the input pointer (Name) to the next two-byte boundary before performing the canonicalization. All Unicode strings in SMBs must be aligned properly.
This routine operates "in place," meaning that it puts the canonicalized pathname in the same storage as the uncanonicalized pathname. This is useful for operating on the Buffer fields of the request SMBs--simply call this routine and it will fix the pathname. However, the calling routine must be careful if there are two pathnames stored in the buffer field--the second won't necessarily start in the space just after the first '\0'.
The LastValidLocation parameter is used to determine the maximum possible length of the name. This prevents an access violation if the client fails to include a zero terminator, or for strings (such as the file name in NT Create And X) that are not required to be zero terminated.
If the SMB described by WorkContext is marked as containing Dfs names, this routine will additionally call the Dfs driver to translate the Dfs name to a path relative to the Share. Since this call to the Dfs driver is NOT idempotent, the SMB flag indicating that it contains a Dfs name is CLEARED after a call to this routine. This posses a problem for the few SMBs that contain multiple names. The handlers for those SMBs must make sure that they conditionally call the SMB_MARK_AS_DFS_NAME macro before calling this routine.
WorkContext - contains information about the negotiated dialect. This is used for deciding whether to strip trailing spaces and dots.
Share - a pointer to the share entry
Name - a pointer to the filename to canonicalize.
LastValidLocation - a pointer to the last valid location in the buffer pointed to by Name.
RemoveTrailingDots - if TRUE, trailing dots are removed. Otherwise, they are left in (this supports special behavior needed by directory search logic).
SourceIsUnicode - if TRUE, the input is canonicalized in place. If FALSE, the input is first converted to Unicode, then canonicalized.
String - a pointer to string descriptor.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - FALSE if the name was invalid or if storage for the Unicode string could not be obtained.
{ PWCH source, destination, lastComponent, name; BOOLEAN notNtClient; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD numberOfPathElements = 0;
#if DBG
return SrvCanonicalizePathNameWithReparse( WorkContext, Share, RelatedPath, Name, LastValidLocation, RemoveTrailingDots, SourceIsUnicode, String ); #else
if( SMB_IS_UNICODE( WorkContext ) && ( FlagOn( WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2, SMB_FLAGS2_REPARSE_PATH ) || (Share && (Share->SnapShotEpic != -1) && !SrvDisableDownlevelTimewarp) ) ) { return SrvCanonicalizePathNameWithReparse( WorkContext, Share, RelatedPath, Name, LastValidLocation, RemoveTrailingDots, SourceIsUnicode, String ); } #endif
notNtClient = !IS_NT_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect );
if ( SourceIsUnicode ) {
// The source string is already Unicode. Align the pointer.
// Save the character at the last location in the buffer, then
// set that location to zero. This prevents any loops from
// going past the end of the buffer.
name = ALIGN_SMB_WSTR(Name); String->Buffer = name;
} else {
OEM_STRING oemString; PCHAR p; ULONG length;
// The source string is not Unicode. Determine the length of
// the string by finding the zero terminator or the end of the
// input buffer. We need the length in order to convert the
// string to Unicode, and we can't just call RtlInitString, in
// case the string isn't terminated.
for ( p = Name, length = 0; p <= LastValidLocation && *p != 0; p++, length++ ) { ; }
// Convert the source string to Unicode.
oemString.Buffer = Name; oemString.Length = (USHORT)length; oemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)length;
status = RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( String, &oemString, TRUE );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { return status; }
name = (PWCH)String->Buffer; LastValidLocation = (PCHAR)String->Buffer + String->Length;
// Though everything is done in place, separate source and
// destination pointers are maintained. It is necessary that source
// >= destination at all times to avoid writing into space we
// haven't looked at yet. The three main operations performed by
// this routine ( ".\", "..\", and getting rid of trailing "." and "
// ") do not interfere with this goal.
destination = name; source = name;
// The lastComponent variable is used as a placeholder when
// backtracking over trailing blanks and dots. It points to the
// first character after the last directory separator or the
// beginning of the pathname.
lastComponent = destination;
// Get rid of leading directory separators.
while ( source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) && (*source != L'\0') ) { source++; }
// Walk through the pathname until we reach the zero terminator. At
// the start of this loop, source points to the first charaecter
// after a directory separator or the first character of the
// pathname.
while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source != L'\0') ) {
if ( *source == L'.' ) {
// If we see a dot, look at the next character.
if ( notNtClient && ((source+1) <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*(source+1) == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) ) {
// If the next character is a directory separator,
// advance the source pointer to the directory
// separator.
source += 1;
} else if ( ((source+1) <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*(source+1) == L'.') && ((source+1) == (PWCH)LastValidLocation || IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *(source+2) ))) {
// If the following characters are ".\", we have a "..\".
// Advance the source pointer to the "\".
source += 2;
// Move the destination pointer to the charecter before the
// last directory separator in order to prepare for backing
// up. This may move the pointer before the beginning of
// the name pointer.
destination -= 2;
// If destination points before the beginning of the name
// pointer, fail because the user is attempting to go
// to a higher directory than the share root. This is
// the equivalent of a leading "..\", but may result from
// a case like "dir\..\..\file".
if ( destination <= name ) { if ( !SourceIsUnicode ) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( String ); String->Buffer = NULL; } return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD; }
// Back up the destination pointer to after the last
// directory separator or to the beginning of the pathname.
// Backup to the beginning of the pathname will occur
// in a case like "dir\..\file".
while ( destination >= name && *destination != UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) { destination--; }
// destination points to \ or character before name; we
// want it to point to character after last \.
} else {
// The characters after the dot are not "\" or ".\", so
// so just copy source to destination until we reach a
// directory separator character. This will occur in
// a case like ".file" (filename starts with a dot).
do { *destination++ = *source++; } while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && !IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *source ) );
} else { // if ( *source == L'.' )
// source does not point to a dot, so copy source to
// destination until we get to a directory separator.
while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && !IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *source ) ) { *destination++ = *source++; }
// Truncate trailing dots and blanks. destination should point
// to the last character before the directory separator, so back
// up over blanks and dots.
if ( notNtClient ) {
while ( ( destination > lastComponent ) && ( (RemoveTrailingDots && *(destination-1) == '.') || *(destination-1) == ' ' ) ) { destination--; } }
// At this point, source points to a directory separator or to
// a zero terminator. If it is a directory separator, put one
// in the destination.
if ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) ) {
// If we haven't put the directory separator in the path name,
// put it in.
if ( destination != name && *(destination-1) != UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) {
// It is legal to have multiple directory separators, so get
// rid of them here. Example: "dir\\\\\\\\file".
do { source++; } while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) );
// Make lastComponent point to the character after the directory
// separator.
lastComponent = destination;
// We're just about done. If there was a trailing .. (example:
// "file\.."), trailing . ("file\."), or multiple trailing
// separators ("file\\\\"), then back up one since separators are
// illegal at the end of a pathname.
if ( destination > name && *(destination-1) == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) {
destination--; }
*destination = L'\0';
// The length of the destination string is the difference between the
// destination pointer (points to zero terminator at this point)
// and the name pointer (points to the beginning of the destination
// string).
String->Length = (SHORT)((PCHAR)destination - (PCHAR)name); String->MaximumLength = String->Length;
// One final thing: Is this SMB referring to a DFS name? If so, ask
// the DFS driver to turn it into a local name.
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) && Share->IsDfs && SMB_CONTAINS_DFS_NAME( WorkContext )) {
BOOLEAN stripLastComponent = FALSE;
// We have to special case some SMBs (like TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2)
// because they contain path Dfs path names that could refer to a
// junction point. The SMB handlers for these SMBs are not interested
// in a STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED error; instead they want the name
// to be resolved to the the junction point.
if (WorkContext->NextCommand == SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 ) {
PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT command;
transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; command = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[0] );
if (command == TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 && numberOfPathElements > 2 ) stripLastComponent = TRUE;
status = DfsNormalizeName(Share, RelatedPath, stripLastComponent, String);
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { if ( !SourceIsUnicode ) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( String ); String->Buffer = NULL; } } }
return status;
} // SrvCanonicalizePathName
NTSTATUS SrvCanonicalizePathNameWithReparse( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PSHARE Share OPTIONAL, IN PUNICODE_STRING RelatedPath OPTIONAL, IN OUT PVOID Name, IN PCHAR LastValidLocation, IN BOOLEAN RemoveTrailingDots, IN BOOLEAN SourceIsUnicode, OUT PUNICODE_STRING String )
Routine Description:
This routine is identical to the one above with the exception that it checks the path for reparse-able names (such as snapshot references) and handles them accordingly. This allows us to present new features within the Win32 namespace so old applications can use them.
WorkContext - contains information about the negotiated dialect. This is used for deciding whether to strip trailing spaces and dots.
Share - a pointer to the share entry
Name - a pointer to the filename to canonicalize.
LastValidLocation - a pointer to the last valid location in the buffer pointed to by Name.
RemoveTrailingDots - if TRUE, trailing dots are removed. Otherwise, they are left in (this supports special behavior needed by directory search logic).
SourceIsUnicode - if TRUE, the input is canonicalized in place. If FALSE, the input is first converted to Unicode, then canonicalized.
String - a pointer to string descriptor.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - FALSE if the name was invalid or if storage for the Unicode string could not be obtained.
{ PWCH source, destination, lastComponent, name; BOOLEAN notNtClient; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD numberOfPathElements = 0;
notNtClient = !IS_NT_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect );
if ( SourceIsUnicode ) {
// The source string is already Unicode. Align the pointer.
// Save the character at the last location in the buffer, then
// set that location to zero. This prevents any loops from
// going past the end of the buffer.
name = ALIGN_SMB_WSTR(Name); String->Buffer = name;
} else {
OEM_STRING oemString; PCHAR p; ULONG length;
// The source string is not Unicode. Determine the length of
// the string by finding the zero terminator or the end of the
// input buffer. We need the length in order to convert the
// string to Unicode, and we can't just call RtlInitString, in
// case the string isn't terminated.
for ( p = Name, length = 0; p <= LastValidLocation && *p != 0; p++, length++ ) { ; }
// Convert the source string to Unicode.
oemString.Buffer = Name; oemString.Length = (USHORT)length; oemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)length;
status = RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( String, &oemString, TRUE );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { return status; }
name = (PWCH)String->Buffer; LastValidLocation = (PCHAR)String->Buffer + String->Length;
// Though everything is done in place, separate source and
// destination pointers are maintained. It is necessary that source
// >= destination at all times to avoid writing into space we
// haven't looked at yet. The three main operations performed by
// this routine ( ".\", "..\", and getting rid of trailing "." and "
// ") do not interfere with this goal.
destination = name; source = name;
// The lastComponent variable is used as a placeholder when
// backtracking over trailing blanks and dots. It points to the
// first character after the last directory separator or the
// beginning of the pathname.
lastComponent = destination;
// Get rid of leading directory separators.
while ( source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) && (*source != L'\0') ) { source++; }
// Walk through the pathname until we reach the zero terminator. At
// the start of this loop, source points to the first charaecter
// after a directory separator or the first character of the
// pathname.
while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source != L'\0') ) {
if ( *source == L'.' ) {
// If we see a dot, look at the next character.
if ( notNtClient && ((source+1) <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*(source+1) == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) ) {
// If the next character is a directory separator,
// advance the source pointer to the directory
// separator.
source += 1;
} else if ( ((source+1) <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*(source+1) == L'.') && ((source+1) == (PWCH)LastValidLocation || IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *(source+2) ))) {
// If the following characters are ".\", we have a "..\".
// Advance the source pointer to the "\".
source += 2;
// Move the destination pointer to the charecter before the
// last directory separator in order to prepare for backing
// up. This may move the pointer before the beginning of
// the name pointer.
destination -= 2;
// If destination points before the beginning of the name
// pointer, fail because the user is attempting to go
// to a higher directory than the share root. This is
// the equivalent of a leading "..\", but may result from
// a case like "dir\..\..\file".
if ( destination <= name ) { if ( !SourceIsUnicode ) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( String ); String->Buffer = NULL; } return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD; }
// Back up the destination pointer to after the last
// directory separator or to the beginning of the pathname.
// Backup to the beginning of the pathname will occur
// in a case like "dir\..\file".
while ( destination >= name && *destination != UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) { destination--; }
// destination points to \ or character before name; we
// want it to point to character after last \.
} else {
// The characters after the dot are not "\" or ".\", so
// so just copy source to destination until we reach a
// directory separator character. This will occur in
// a case like ".file" (filename starts with a dot).
do { *destination++ = *source++; } while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && !IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *source ) );
} else { // if ( *source == L'.' )
// Try to parse out a snap token
// Length = LastValidLocation - Source + sizeof(WCHAR) (since LastValidLocation is potentially a valid character)
if( SrvSnapParseToken( source, ((ULONG)((PCHAR)LastValidLocation - (PCHAR)source + sizeof(WCHAR))), &SnapShotTime ) ) { if( (WorkContext->SnapShotTime.QuadPart != 0) || (SnapShotTime.QuadPart == 0) ) { // Don't allow 2 timestamps in the same path, or 0-time timestamps. These
// can cause a variety of confusing or Denail-of-Service situations.
WorkContext->SnapShotTime = SnapShotTime;
while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && !IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *source ) ) { source++; }
#if 0 //DBG
if( !(WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2 & SMB_FLAGS2_REPARSE_PATH) ) { DbgPrint( "Found token but REPARSE not set!\n" ); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
} else { while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && !IS_UNICODE_PATH_SEPARATOR( *source ) ) { *destination++ = *source++; } }
// Truncate trailing dots and blanks. destination should point
// to the last character before the directory separator, so back
// up over blanks and dots.
if ( notNtClient ) {
while ( ( destination > lastComponent ) && ( (RemoveTrailingDots && *(destination-1) == '.') || *(destination-1) == ' ' ) ) { destination--; } }
// At this point, source points to a directory separator or to
// a zero terminator. If it is a directory separator, put one
// in the destination.
if ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) ) {
// If we haven't put the directory separator in the path name,
// put it in.
if ( destination != name && *(destination-1) != UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) {
// It is legal to have multiple directory separators, so get
// rid of them here. Example: "dir\\\\\\\\file".
do { source++; } while ( (source <= (PWCH)LastValidLocation) && (*source == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR) );
// Make lastComponent point to the character after the directory
// separator.
lastComponent = destination;
// We're just about done. If there was a trailing .. (example:
// "file\.."), trailing . ("file\."), or multiple trailing
// separators ("file\\\\"), then back up one since separators are
// illegal at the end of a pathname.
if ( destination > name && *(destination-1) == UNICODE_DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) {
destination--; }
*destination = L'\0';
// The length of the destination string is the difference between the
// destination pointer (points to zero terminator at this point)
// and the name pointer (points to the beginning of the destination
// string).
String->Length = (SHORT)((PCHAR)destination - (PCHAR)name); String->MaximumLength = String->Length;
// One final thing: Is this SMB referring to a DFS name? If so, ask
// the DFS driver to turn it into a local name.
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) && Share->IsDfs && SMB_CONTAINS_DFS_NAME( WorkContext )) {
BOOLEAN stripLastComponent = FALSE;
// We have to special case some SMBs (like TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2)
// because they contain path Dfs path names that could refer to a
// junction point. The SMB handlers for these SMBs are not interested
// in a STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED error; instead they want the name
// to be resolved to the the junction point.
if (WorkContext->NextCommand == SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 ) {
PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT command;
transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; command = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[0] );
if (command == TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 && numberOfPathElements > 2 ) stripLastComponent = TRUE;
status = DfsNormalizeName(Share, RelatedPath, stripLastComponent, String);
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { if ( !SourceIsUnicode ) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( String ); String->Buffer = NULL; } } }
#if 0 //DBG
if( (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2 & SMB_FLAGS2_REPARSE_PATH) && (WorkContext->SnapShotTime.QuadPart == 0) ) { DbgPrint( "Token not found but REPARSE set!\n" ); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
return status;
} // SrvCanonicalizePathNameWithReparse
NTSTATUS SrvCheckForSavedError( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PRFCB Rfcb )
Routine Description:
This routine checks to see if there was a saved error.
WorkContext - Pointer to the workcontext block which will be marked with the error.
Rfcb - Pointer to the rfcb which contains the saved error status.
Return Value:
status of SavedErrorCode.
NTSTATUS savedErrorStatus; KIRQL oldIrql;
// Acquire the spin lock and see if the saved error
// is still there.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &Rfcb->Connection->SpinLock, &oldIrql ); savedErrorStatus = Rfcb->SavedError; if ( !NT_SUCCESS( savedErrorStatus ) ) {
// There was a write behind error. Fail this operation
// with the write error.
Rfcb->SavedError = STATUS_SUCCESS; RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &Rfcb->Connection->SpinLock, oldIrql );
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SrvCheckForSavedError: Returning write" "behind error %X\n", savedErrorStatus )); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, savedErrorStatus );
} else {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &Rfcb->Connection->SpinLock, oldIrql ); }
return savedErrorStatus;
} // SrvCheckForSavedError
NTSTATUS SRVFASTCALL SrvCheckSearchAttributes( IN USHORT FileAttributes, IN USHORT SmbSearchAttributes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines whether the FileAttributes has attributes not specified in SmbSearchAttributes. Only the system and hidden bits are examined.
FileAttributes - The attributes in question
SmbSearchAttributes - the search attributes passed in an SMB.
Return Value:
STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE if the attributes do not jive, or STATUS_SUCCESS if the search attributes encompass the attributes on the file.
--*/ { PAGED_CODE( );
// If the search attributes has both the system and hidden bits set,
// then the file must be OK.
if ( (SmbSearchAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0 && (SmbSearchAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0 ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Mask out everything but the system and hidden bits--they're all
// we care about.
// If a bit is set in fileAttributes that was not set in the search
// attributes, then their bitwise OR will have a bit set that is
// not set in search attributes.
if ( (SmbSearchAttributes | FileAttributes) != SmbSearchAttributes ) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE; }
} // SrvCheckSearchAttributes
NTSTATUS SrvCheckSearchAttributesForHandle( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN USHORT SmbSearchAttributes )
Routine Description:
Determines whether the file corresponding to FileHandle has attributes not specified in SmbSearchAttributes. Only the system and hidden bits are examined.
FileHandle - handle to the file; must have FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES access.
SmbSearchAttributes - the search attributes passed in an SMB.
Return Value:
STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE if the attributes do not jive, some other status code if the NtQueryInformationFile fails, or STATUS_SUCCESS if the search attributes encompass the attributes on the file.
{ NTSTATUS status; FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION fileBasicInformation;
// If the search attributes has both the system and hidden bits set,
// then the file must be OK.
if ( (SmbSearchAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0 && (SmbSearchAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0 ) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Get the attributes on the file.
status = SrvQueryBasicAndStandardInformation( FileHandle, NULL, &fileBasicInformation, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvCheckSearchAttributesForHandle: NtQueryInformationFile (basic " "information) returned %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_INFO_FILE, status ); return status; }
return SrvCheckSearchAttributes( (USHORT)fileBasicInformation.FileAttributes, SmbSearchAttributes );
} // SrvCheckSearchAttributesForHandle
VOID SrvGetAlertServiceName( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine gets the server display string from the registry.
Return Value:
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING unicodeKeyName; UNICODE_STRING unicodeRegPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes; HANDLE keyHandle;
ULONG lengthNeeded; NTSTATUS status;
PWCHAR displayString; PWCHAR newString;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeRegPath, StrRegServerPath ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeKeyName, StrRegSrvDisplayName );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objAttributes, &unicodeRegPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = ZwOpenKey( &keyHandle, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &objAttributes );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto use_default; }
status = ZwQueryValueKey( keyHandle, &unicodeKeyName, KeyValueFullInformation, NULL, 0, &lengthNeeded );
if ( status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) { NtClose( keyHandle ); goto use_default; }
infoBuffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( lengthNeeded, BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( infoBuffer == NULL ) { NtClose( keyHandle ); goto use_default; }
status = ZwQueryValueKey( keyHandle, &unicodeKeyName, KeyValueFullInformation, infoBuffer, lengthNeeded, &lengthNeeded );
NtClose( keyHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto use_default; }
// If it's empty, use the default.
lengthNeeded = infoBuffer->DataLength; if ( lengthNeeded <= sizeof(WCHAR) ) { goto use_default; }
// Get the display string. If this is the same as the default,
// exit.
displayString = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)infoBuffer + infoBuffer->DataOffset);
if ( wcscmp( displayString, StrDefaultSrvDisplayName ) == 0 ) { goto use_default; }
// allocate memory for the new display string
newString = (PWCHAR)ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( lengthNeeded, BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( newString == NULL ) { goto use_default; }
RtlCopyMemory( newString, displayString, lengthNeeded );
SrvAlertServiceName = newString; FREE_HEAP( infoBuffer ); return;
if ( infoBuffer != NULL ) { FREE_HEAP( infoBuffer ); }
SrvAlertServiceName = StrDefaultSrvDisplayName; return;
} // SrvGetAlertServiceName
Routine Description:
This routine finds the part of a path name that is only a file name. For example, with a\b\c\filename, it sets the buffer field of OutputName to point to "filename" and the length to 8.
*** This routine should be used AFTER SrvCanonicalizePathName has been used on the path name to ensure that the name is good and '..' have been removed.
InputName - Supplies a pointer to the pathname string.
OutputName - a pointer to where the base name information should be written.
Return Value:
{ PWCH ep = &InputName->Buffer[ InputName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) ]; PWCH baseFileName = ep - 1;
for( ; baseFileName > InputName->Buffer; --baseFileName ) { if( *baseFileName == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) { OutputName->Buffer = baseFileName + 1; OutputName->Length = PTR_DIFF_SHORT(ep, OutputName->Buffer); OutputName->MaximumLength = OutputName->Length; return; } }
*OutputName = *InputName;
} // SrvGetBaseFileName
VOID SrvGetMultiSZList( PWSTR **ListPointer, PWSTR BaseKeyName, PWSTR ParameterKeyName, PWSTR *DefaultList )
Routine Description:
This routine queries a registry value key for its MULTI_SZ values.
ListPointer - Pointer to receive the pointer to the null session pipes. ParameterKeyValue - Name of the value parameter to query. DefaultList - Value to assign to the list pointer in case something goes wrong.
Return Value:
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING unicodeKeyName; UNICODE_STRING unicodeParamPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes; HANDLE keyHandle;
ULONG lengthNeeded; ULONG i; ULONG numberOfEntries; ULONG numberOfDefaultEntries = 0; NTSTATUS status;
PWCHAR regEntry; PWCHAR dataEntry; PWSTR *ptrEntry; PCHAR newBuffer; PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION infoBuffer = NULL;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeParamPath, BaseKeyName ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeKeyName, ParameterKeyName );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objAttributes, &unicodeParamPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = ZwOpenKey( &keyHandle, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &objAttributes );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto use_default; }
status = ZwQueryValueKey( keyHandle, &unicodeKeyName, KeyValueFullInformation, NULL, 0, &lengthNeeded );
if ( status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) { NtClose( keyHandle ); goto use_default; }
infoBuffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( lengthNeeded, BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( infoBuffer == NULL ) { NtClose( keyHandle ); goto use_default; }
status = ZwQueryValueKey( keyHandle, &unicodeKeyName, KeyValueFullInformation, infoBuffer, lengthNeeded, &lengthNeeded );
NtClose( keyHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto use_default; }
// Figure out how many entries there are.
// numberOfEntries should be total number of entries + 1. The extra
// one is for the NULL sentinel entry.
lengthNeeded = infoBuffer->DataLength; if ( lengthNeeded <= sizeof(WCHAR) ) {
// No entries on the list. Use default.
goto use_default; }
dataEntry = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)infoBuffer + infoBuffer->DataOffset); for ( i = 0, regEntry = dataEntry, numberOfEntries = 0; i < lengthNeeded; i += sizeof(WCHAR) ) {
if ( *regEntry++ == L'\0' ) { numberOfEntries++; } }
// Add the number of entries in the default list.
if ( DefaultList != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; DefaultList[i] != NULL ; i++ ) { numberOfDefaultEntries++; } }
// Allocate space needed for the array of pointers. This is in addition
// to the ones in the default list.
newBuffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( lengthNeeded + (numberOfDefaultEntries + numberOfEntries + 1) * sizeof( PWSTR ), BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( newBuffer == NULL ) { goto use_default; }
// Copy the names
regEntry = (PWCHAR)(newBuffer + (numberOfDefaultEntries + numberOfEntries + 1) * sizeof(PWSTR));
RtlCopyMemory( regEntry, dataEntry, lengthNeeded );
// Free the info buffer
FREE_HEAP( infoBuffer );
// Copy the pointers in the default list.
ptrEntry = (PWSTR *) newBuffer;
for ( i = 0; i < numberOfDefaultEntries ; i++ ) {
*ptrEntry++ = DefaultList[i];
// Build the array of pointers. If numberOfEntries is 1, then
// it means that the list is empty.
if ( numberOfEntries > 1 ) {
*ptrEntry++ = regEntry++;
// Skip the first WCHAR and the last 2 NULL terminators.
for ( i = 3*sizeof(WCHAR) ; i < lengthNeeded ; i += sizeof(WCHAR) ) { if ( *regEntry++ == L'\0' ) { *ptrEntry++ = regEntry; } } }
*ptrEntry = NULL; *ListPointer = (PWSTR *)newBuffer; return;
if ( infoBuffer != NULL ) { FREE_HEAP( infoBuffer ); } *ListPointer = DefaultList; return;
} // SrvGetMultiSZList
NTSTATUS SrvGetDWord( PWSTR BaseKeyName, PWSTR ParameterKeyName, LPDWORD Value )
Routine Description:
This routine queries a dword registry value key
BaseKeyName - value of the base key ParameterKeyValue - Name of the value parameter to query. Value - pointer to where to fill in the value if successful
Return Value:
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING unicodeKeyName; UNICODE_STRING unicodeParamPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes; HANDLE keyHandle;
ULONG lengthNeeded; NTSTATUS status; BYTE bData[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)+2*(sizeof(DWORD))];
*Value = 0;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeParamPath, BaseKeyName ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &unicodeKeyName, ParameterKeyName );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objAttributes, &unicodeParamPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
status = ZwOpenKey( &keyHandle, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &objAttributes );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { return status; }
status = ZwQueryValueKey( keyHandle, &unicodeKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, infoBuffer, sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)+2*(sizeof(DWORD)), &lengthNeeded );
NtClose( keyHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { return status; }
if( infoBuffer->Type != REG_DWORD || infoBuffer->DataLength < sizeof(DWORD) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*Value = *( (LPDWORD)(infoBuffer->Data) );
} // SrvGetDWord
// NOTE: Any changes made here should also be made to the accompanying routines in the MRXSMB
// RDR such that NativeLanMan and NativeOS match between the two.
VOID SrvGetOsVersionString( VOID ) { ULONG Storage[256], Storage2[256], Storage3[256]; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HANDLE hRegistryKey; NTSTATUS Status, Status2; ULONG BytesRead;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, StrRegOsVersionPath);
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, // name
NULL, // root
NULL); // security descriptor
Status = ZwOpenKey (&hRegistryKey, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes);
if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, StrRegVersionBuildNumberKeyName); Status = ZwQueryValueKey( hRegistryKey, &UnicodeString, KeyValueFullInformation, Value, sizeof(Storage), &BytesRead);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, StrRegVersionProductKeyName ); Status = ZwQueryValueKey( hRegistryKey, &UnicodeString, KeyValueFullInformation, Value3, sizeof(Storage3), &BytesRead);
if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // Change the data pointers
PWSTR pProduct = (PWSTR)((PCHAR)Value3 + Value3->DataOffset); if( (Value3->DataLength > 20) && (_wcsnicmp( pProduct, L"Microsoft ", 10 ) == 0) ) { Value3->DataLength -= 20; Value3->DataOffset += 20; }
// check for existance of Service Pack String
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, StrRegVersionSPKeyName); Status2 = ZwQueryValueKey( hRegistryKey, &UnicodeString, KeyValueFullInformation, Value2, sizeof(Storage2), &BytesRead);
SrvNativeOS.MaximumLength = (USHORT)Value->DataLength + (USHORT)Value3->DataLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
if(NT_SUCCESS(Status2)) { SrvNativeOS.MaximumLength += (USHORT)Value2->DataLength; }
SrvNativeOS.Length = 0;
SrvNativeOS.Buffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD(SrvNativeOS.MaximumLength, BlockTypeDataBuffer);
if (SrvNativeOS.Buffer != NULL) {
RtlZeroMemory( SrvNativeOS.Buffer, SrvNativeOS.MaximumLength );
// Copy string
RtlCopyMemory(SrvNativeOS.Buffer, (PCHAR)Value3+Value3->DataOffset, Value3->DataLength); // Replace NULL with SPACE
RtlCopyMemory((SrvNativeOS.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1), L" ", sizeof(WCHAR)); SrvNativeOS.Length += (USHORT)Value3->DataLength;
// Copy next string
RtlCopyMemory((SrvNativeOS.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength/sizeof(WCHAR))), (PCHAR)Value+Value->DataOffset, Value->DataLength); SrvNativeOS.Length += (USHORT)Value->DataLength;
if(NT_SUCCESS(Status2)) {
// replace NULL with SPACE
RtlCopyMemory(SrvNativeOS.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength + Value->DataLength)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1, L" ", sizeof(WCHAR));
// Copy last string (including NULL)
RtlCopyMemory(SrvNativeOS.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength + Value->DataLength)/sizeof(WCHAR), (PCHAR)Value2+Value2->DataOffset, Value2->DataLength); SrvNativeOS.Length += (USHORT)Value2->DataLength; }
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &SrvOemNativeOS, &SrvNativeOS, TRUE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
FREE_HEAP( SrvNativeOS.Buffer ); SrvNativeOS.Buffer = NULL; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, StrRegVersionKeyName); Status = ZwQueryValueKey( hRegistryKey, &UnicodeString, KeyValueFullInformation, Value, sizeof(Storage), &BytesRead);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SrvNativeLanMan.MaximumLength = SrvNativeLanMan.Length = (USHORT)Value->DataLength + (USHORT)Value3->DataLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD(SrvNativeLanMan.Length, BlockTypeDataBuffer ); if (SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer != NULL) {
RtlZeroMemory( SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer, SrvNativeLanMan.MaximumLength ); SrvNativeLanMan.Length = 0;
RtlCopyMemory( SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer, (PCHAR)Value3 + Value3->DataOffset, Value3->DataLength); RtlCopyMemory( (SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1), L" ", sizeof(WCHAR)); SrvNativeLanMan.Length += (USHORT)Value3->DataLength;
RtlCopyMemory( (SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer + (Value3->DataLength/sizeof(WCHAR))), (PCHAR)Value+Value->DataOffset, Value->DataLength); SrvNativeLanMan.Length += (USHORT)Value->DataLength;
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &SrvOemNativeLanMan, &SrvNativeLanMan, TRUE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
FREE_HEAP( SrvNativeOS.Buffer ); SrvNativeOS.Buffer = NULL;
RtlFreeOemString( &SrvOemNativeOS ); SrvOemNativeOS.Buffer = NULL;
FREE_HEAP( SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer ); SrvNativeLanMan.Buffer = NULL; }
ZwClose(hRegistryKey); }
if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &SrvNativeOS, StrDefaultNativeOs ); RtlInitAnsiString( (PANSI_STRING)&SrvOemNativeOS, StrDefaultNativeOsOem ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &SrvNativeLanMan, StrNativeLanman ); RtlInitAnsiString( (PANSI_STRING)&SrvOemNativeLanMan, StrNativeLanmanOem ); }
return; }
USHORT SrvGetString ( IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING Destination, IN PVOID Source, IN PVOID EndOfSourceBuffer, IN BOOLEAN SourceIsUnicode )
Routine Description:
Reads a string out of an SMB buffer, and converts it to Unicode, if necessary. This function is similar to SrvMakeUnicodeString, except
(1) It always copies data from source to destination (2) It assumes storage for destination has been preallocated. Its length is Destination->MaximumLength
Destination - the resultant Unicode string.
Source - a zero-terminated input.
EndOfSourceBuffer - A pointer to the end of the SMB buffer. Used to protect the server from accessing beyond the end of the SMB buffer, if the format is invalid.
SourceIsUnicode - TRUE if the source is already Unicode.
Return Value:
Length - Length of input buffer (included the NUL terminator). -1 if EndOfSourceBuffer is reached before the NUL terminator.
{ USHORT length;
if ( SourceIsUnicode ) {
PWCH currentChar = Source;
ASSERT( ((ULONG_PTR)Source & 1) == 0 );
length = 0; while ( currentChar < (PWCH)EndOfSourceBuffer && *currentChar != UNICODE_NULL ) { currentChar++; length += sizeof( WCHAR ); }
// If we hit the end of the SMB buffer without finding a NUL, this
// is a bad string. Return an error.
if ( currentChar >= (PWCH)EndOfSourceBuffer ) { return (USHORT)-1; }
// If we overran our storage buffer, this is a bad string. Return an error
if( length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) > Destination->MaximumLength ) { return (USHORT)-1; }
// Copy the unicode data to the destination, including the NULL. Set length
// of Destination to the non-null string length.
Destination->Length = length;
// We didn't change this to RtlCopyMemory because it is possible that
// the source and destination can overlap. Copy the NULL as well
RtlMoveMemory( Destination->Buffer, Source, length );
} else {
PCHAR currentChar = Source; OEM_STRING sourceString;
length = 0; while ( currentChar <= (PCHAR)EndOfSourceBuffer && *currentChar != '\0' ) { currentChar++; length++; }
// If we hit the end of the SMB buffer without finding a NUL, this
// is a bad string. Return an error.
if ( currentChar > (PCHAR)EndOfSourceBuffer ) { return (USHORT)-1; }
// If we overran our storage buffer, this is a bad string. Return an error
if( (USHORT)(length + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) > Destination->MaximumLength ) { return (USHORT)-1; }
sourceString.Buffer = Source; sourceString.Length = length;
// Convert the data to unicode.
Destination->Length = 0; RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( Destination, &sourceString, FALSE );
// Increment 'length', to indicate that the NUL has been copied.
// Return the number of bytes copied from the source buffer.
return length;
} // SrvGetString
USHORT SrvGetStringLength ( IN PVOID Source, IN PVOID EndOfSourceBuffer, IN BOOLEAN SourceIsUnicode, IN BOOLEAN IncludeNullTerminator )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the length of a string in an SMB buffer in bytes. If the end of the buffer is encountered before the NUL terminator, the function returns -1 as the length.
Source - a NUL-terminated input.
EndOfSourceBuffer - A pointer to the end of the SMB buffer. Used to protect the server from accessing beyond the end of the SMB buffer, if the format is invalid.
SourceIsUnicode - TRUE if the source is already Unicode.
IncludeNullTerminator - TRUE if the Length to be returned includes the null terminator.
Return Value:
Length - Length of input buffer. -1 if EndOfSourceBuffer is reached before the NUL terminator.
{ USHORT length;
if ( IncludeNullTerminator) { length = 1; } else { length = 0; }
if ( SourceIsUnicode ) {
PWCH currentChar = (PWCH)Source;
ASSERT( ((ULONG_PTR)currentChar & 1) == 0 );
while ( currentChar < (PWCH)EndOfSourceBuffer && *currentChar != UNICODE_NULL ) { currentChar++; length++; }
// If we hit the end of the SMB buffer without finding a NUL, this
// is a bad string. Return an error.
if ( currentChar >= (PWCH)EndOfSourceBuffer ) { length = (USHORT)-1; } else { length = (USHORT)(length * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
} else {
PCHAR currentChar = Source;
while ( currentChar <= (PCHAR)EndOfSourceBuffer && *currentChar != '\0' ) { currentChar++; length++; }
// If we hit the end of the SMB buffer without finding a NUL, this
// is a bad string. Return an error.
if ( currentChar > (PCHAR)EndOfSourceBuffer ) { length = (USHORT)-1; }
// Return the length of the string.
return length;
} // SrvGetStringLength
USHORT SrvGetSubdirectoryLength ( IN PUNICODE_STRING InputName )
Routine Description:
This routine finds the length of "subdirectory" information in a path name, that is, the parts of the path name that are not the actual name of the file. For example, for a\b\c\filename, it returns 5. This allows the calling routine to open the directory containing the file or get a full pathname to a file after a search.
*** This routine should be used AFTER SrvCanonicalizePathName has been used on the path name to ensure that the name is good and '..' have been removed.
InputName - Supplies a pointer to the pathname string.
Return Value:
The number of bytes that contain directory information. If the input is just a filename, then 0 is returned.
{ ULONG i; PWCH baseFileName = InputName->Buffer;
for ( i = 0; i < InputName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); i++ ) {
// If s points to a directory separator, set fileBaseName to
// the character after the separator.
if ( InputName->Buffer[i] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR ) { baseFileName = &InputName->Buffer[i]; }
return (USHORT)((baseFileName - InputName->Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR));
} // SrvGetSubdirectoryLength
BOOLEAN SRVFASTCALL SrvIsLegalFatName ( IN PWSTR InputName, IN CLONG InputNameLength )
Routine Description:
Determines whether a file name would be legal for FAT. This is needed for SrvQueryDirectoryFile because it must filter names for clients that do not know about long or non-FAT filenames.
InputName - Supplies the string to test InputNameLength - Length of the string (excluding the NULL termination) to test.
Return Value:
TRUE if the name is a legal FAT name, FALSE if the name would be rejected by FAT.
{ UNICODE_STRING original_name;
UNICODE_STRING upcase_name; WCHAR upcase_buffer[ 13 ];
STRING oem_string; CHAR oem_buffer[ 13 ];
UNICODE_STRING converted_name; WCHAR converted_name_buffer[ 13 ];
BOOLEAN spacesInName, nameValid8Dot3;
// Special case . and .. -- they are legal FAT names
if( InputName[0] == L'.' ) {
if( InputNameLength == sizeof(WCHAR) || ((InputNameLength == 2*sizeof(WCHAR)) && InputName[1] == L'.')) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
original_name.Buffer = InputName; original_name.Length = original_name.MaximumLength = (USHORT)InputNameLength;
nameValid8Dot3 = RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3( &original_name, NULL, &spacesInName );
if( !nameValid8Dot3 || spacesInName ) { return FALSE; }
if( SrvFilterExtendedCharsInPath == FALSE ) { //
// One final test -- we must be able to convert this name to OEM and back again
// without any loss of information.
oem_string.Buffer = oem_buffer; upcase_name.Buffer = upcase_buffer; converted_name.Buffer = converted_name_buffer;
oem_string.MaximumLength = sizeof( oem_buffer ); upcase_name.MaximumLength = sizeof( upcase_buffer ); converted_name.MaximumLength = sizeof( converted_name_buffer );
oem_string.Length = 0; upcase_name.Length = 0; converted_name.Length = 0;
nameValid8Dot3 = NT_SUCCESS( RtlUpcaseUnicodeString( &upcase_name, &original_name, FALSE )) && NT_SUCCESS( RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oem_string, &upcase_name, FALSE )) && FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal( oem_string, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) && NT_SUCCESS( RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &converted_name, &oem_string, FALSE )) && RtlEqualUnicodeString( &upcase_name, &converted_name, FALSE ); }
return nameValid8Dot3;
} // SrvIsLegalFatName
NTSTATUS SrvMakeUnicodeString ( IN BOOLEAN SourceIsUnicode, OUT PUNICODE_STRING Destination, IN PVOID Source, IN PUSHORT SourceLength OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Makes a unicode string from a zero-terminated input that is either ANSI or Unicode.
SourceIsUnicode - TRUE if the source is already Unicode. If FALSE, RtlOemStringToUnicodeString will allocate space to hold the Unicode string; it is the responsibility of the caller to free this space.
Destination - the resultant Unicode string.
Source - a zero-terminated input.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - result of operation.
{ OEM_STRING oemString;
if ( SourceIsUnicode ) {
ASSERT( ((ULONG_PTR)Source & 1) == 0 );
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( SourceLength ) ) { ASSERT( (*SourceLength) != (USHORT) -1 ); Destination->Buffer = Source; Destination->Length = *SourceLength; Destination->MaximumLength = *SourceLength; } else { RtlInitUnicodeString( Destination, Source ); }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( SourceLength ) ) { oemString.Buffer = Source; oemString.Length = *SourceLength; oemString.MaximumLength = *SourceLength; } else { RtlInitString( &oemString, Source ); }
return RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( Destination, &oemString, TRUE );
} // SrvMakeUnicodeString
VOID SrvReleaseContext ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This function releases (dereferences) control blocks referenced by a Work Context block. It is called when processing of an incoming SMB is complete, just before the response SMB (if any) is set.
The following control blocks are dereferenced: Share, Session, TreeConnect, and File. If any of these fields is nonzero in WorkContext, the block is dereferenced and the fields is zeroed.
Note that the Connection block and the Endpoint block are NOT dereferenced. This is based on the assumption that a response is about to be sent, so the connection must stay referenced. The Connection block is dereferenced after the send of the response (if any) when SrvRequeueReceiveIrp is called. That function also releases the response buffer, if it is different from the request buffer.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to a work context block.
Return Value:
// !!! If you change the way this routine works (e.g., you add
// another block that needs to be dereferenced), make sure you
// check fsd.c\SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete to see if it needs to be
// changed too.
// Dereference the Share block, if any.
if ( WorkContext->Share != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceShare( WorkContext->Share ); WorkContext->Share = NULL; }
// Dereference the Security Context, if any.
if ( WorkContext->SecurityContext != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceSecurityContext( WorkContext->SecurityContext ); WorkContext->SecurityContext = NULL; }
// Dereference the Session block, if any.
if ( WorkContext->Session != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceSession( WorkContext->Session ); WorkContext->Session= NULL; }
// Dereference the Tree Connect block, if any.
if ( WorkContext->TreeConnect != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceTreeConnect( WorkContext->TreeConnect ); WorkContext->TreeConnect = NULL; }
// Dereference the RFCB, if any.
if ( WorkContext->Rfcb != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceRfcb( WorkContext->Rfcb ); WorkContext->OplockOpen = FALSE; WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL; }
// Dereference the wait for oplock break, if any
if ( WorkContext->WaitForOplockBreak != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceWaitForOplockBreak( WorkContext->WaitForOplockBreak ); WorkContext->WaitForOplockBreak = NULL; }
// If this was a blocking operation, update the blocking i/o count.
if ( WorkContext->BlockingOperation ) { InterlockedDecrement( &SrvBlockingOpsInProgress ); WorkContext->BlockingOperation = FALSE; }
} // SrvReleaseContext
BOOLEAN SrvSetFileWritethroughMode ( IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN BOOLEAN Writethrough )
Routine Description:
Sets the writethrough mode of a file as specified. Returns the original mode of the file.
Lfcb - A pointer to the LFCB representing the open file.
Writethrough - A boolean indicating whether the file is to be placed into writethrough mode (TRUE) or writebehind mode (FALSE).
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - Returns the original mode of the file.
// If the file is already in the correct mode, simply return.
// Otherwise, set the file to the correct mode.
if ( Writethrough ) {
if ( (Lfcb->FileMode & FILE_WRITE_THROUGH) != 0 ) { return TRUE; } else { Lfcb->FileMode |= FILE_WRITE_THROUGH; }
} else {
if ( (Lfcb->FileMode & FILE_WRITE_THROUGH) == 0 ) { return FALSE; } else { Lfcb->FileMode &= ~FILE_WRITE_THROUGH; }
// Change the file mode.
// !!! Don't do this by file handle -- build and issue an IRP using
// the file object pointer directly.
modeInformation.Mode = Lfcb->FileMode;
(VOID)NtSetInformationFile( Lfcb->FileHandle, &iosb, &modeInformation, sizeof( modeInformation ), FileModeInformation );
// Return the original mode of the file, which was the opposite of
// what was requested.
return (BOOLEAN)!Writethrough;
} // SrvSetFileWritethroughMode
VOID SrvOemStringTo8dot3 ( IN POEM_STRING InputString, OUT PSZ Output8dot3 )
Routine Description:
Convert a string into FAT 8.3 format. This derived from GaryKi's routine FatStringTo8dot3 in fastfat\namesup.c.
InputString - Supplies the input string to convert
Output8dot3 - Receives the converted string. The memory must be supplied by the caller.
Return Value:
--*/ { CLONG i, j; PCHAR inBuffer = InputString->Buffer; ULONG inLength = InputString->Length;
ASSERT( inLength <= 12 );
// First make the output name all blanks.
RtlFillMemory( Output8dot3, 11, CHAR_SP );
// If we get "." or "..", just return them. They do not follow
// the usual rules for FAT names.
if( inBuffer[0] == '.' ) { if( inLength == 1 ) { Output8dot3[0] = '.'; return; }
if( inLength == 2 && inBuffer[1] == '.' ) { Output8dot3[0] = '.'; Output8dot3[1] = '.'; return; } }
// Copy over the first part of the file name. Stop when we get to
// the end of the input string or a dot.
for ( i = 0; (i < inLength) && (inBuffer[i] != '.') && (inBuffer[i] != '\\'); i++ ) {
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(inBuffer[i])) {
if (i+1 < inLength) { Output8dot3[i] = inBuffer[i]; i++; Output8dot3[i] = inBuffer[i]; } else { break; }
} else {
Output8dot3[i] = inBuffer[i]; } }
} else {
for ( i = 0; (i < inLength) && (inBuffer[i] != '.') && (inBuffer[i] != '\\'); i++ ) {
Output8dot3[i] = inBuffer[i]; }
// See if we need to add an extension.
if ( i < inLength ) {
// Skip over the dot.
ASSERT( (inLength - i) <= 4 ); ASSERT( inBuffer[i] == '.' );
// Add the extension to the output name
for ( j = 8; (i < inLength) && (inBuffer[i] != '\\'); i++, j++ ) {
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(inBuffer[i])) {
if (i+1 < inLength) { Output8dot3[j] = inBuffer[i]; i++; j++; Output8dot3[j] = inBuffer[i]; } else { break; }
} else {
Output8dot3[j] = inBuffer[i];
} }
} else {
for ( j = 8; (i < inLength) && (inBuffer[i] != '\\'); i++, j++ ) {
Output8dot3[j] = inBuffer[i]; } } }
// We're all done with the conversion.
} // SrvOemStringTo8dot3
VOID SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3 ( IN PUNICODE_STRING InputString, OUT PSZ Output8dot3, IN BOOLEAN Upcase )
Routine Description:
Convert a string into fat 8.3 format. This derived from GaryKi's routine FatStringTo8dot3 in fat\fatname.c.
InputString - Supplies the input string to convert
Output8dot3 - Receives the converted string, the memory must be supplied by the caller.
Upcase - Whether the string is to be uppercased.
Return Value:
{ ULONG oemSize; OEM_STRING oemString; ULONG index = 0; UCHAR aSmallBuffer[ 50 ]; NTSTATUS status;
oemSize = RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( InputString );
if( oemSize <= sizeof( aSmallBuffer ) ) { oemString.Buffer = aSmallBuffer; } else { oemString.Buffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP( oemSize, BlockTypeBuffer ); if( oemString.Buffer == NULL ) { *Output8dot3 = '\0'; return; } }
oemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)oemSize; oemString.Length = (USHORT)oemSize - 1;
if ( Upcase ) {
status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN( oemString.Buffer, oemString.Length, &index, InputString->Buffer, InputString->Length );
ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( status ) );
} else {
status = RtlUnicodeToOemN( oemString.Buffer, oemString.Length, &index, InputString->Buffer, InputString->Length );
ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ); }
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
oemString.Buffer[ index ] = '\0';
SrvOemStringTo8dot3( &oemString, Output8dot3 ); } else {
*Output8dot3 = '\0'; }
if( oemSize > sizeof( aSmallBuffer ) ) { FREE_HEAP( oemString.Buffer ); }
} // SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvUpdateStatistics2 ( PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, UCHAR SmbCommand )
Routine Description:
Update the server statistics database to reflect the work item that is being completed.
WorkContext - pointer to the work item containing the statistics for this request.
SmbCommand - The SMB command code of the current operation.
Return Value:
{ if ( WorkContext->StartTime != 0 ) {
td.QuadPart = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->stats.SystemTime - WorkContext->StartTime;
// Update the SMB-specific statistics fields.
// !!! doesn't work for original transact smb--SmbCommand is too
// large.
if ( SmbCommand <= MAX_STATISTICS_SMB ) { SrvDbgStatistics.Smb[SmbCommand].SmbCount++; SrvDbgStatistics.Smb[SmbCommand].TotalTurnaroundTime.QuadPart += td.QuadPart; }
#if 0 // this code is no longer valid!
// Update the size-dependent IO fields if necessary. The arrays
// in SrvStatistics correspond to powers of two sizes for the IO.
// The correspondence between array location and IO size is:
// Location IO Size (min)
// 0 0
// 1 1
// 2 2
// 3 4
// 4 8
// 5 16
// 6 32
// 7 64
// 8 128
// 9 256
// 10 512
// 11 1024
// 12 2048
// 13 4096
// 14 8192
// 15 16384
// 16 32768
if ( WorkContext->BytesRead != 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 17 && WorkContext->BytesRead != 0; i++, WorkContext->BytesRead >>= 1 );
SrvDbgStatistics.ReadSize[i].SmbCount++; SrvDbgStatistics.ReadSize[i].TotalTurnaroundTime.QuadPart += td.QuadPart; }
if ( WorkContext->BytesWritten != 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 17 && WorkContext->BytesWritten != 0; i++, WorkContext->BytesWritten >>= 1 );
SrvDbgStatistics.WriteSize[i].SmbCount++; SrvDbgStatistics.WriteSize[i].TotalTurnaroundTime.QuadPart += td.QuadPart; } #endif
} // SrvUpdateStatistics2
#endif // SRVDBG_STATS
PRFCB SrvVerifyFid2 ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN USHORT Fid, IN BOOLEAN FailOnSavedError, IN PRESTART_ROUTINE SerializeWithRawRestartRoutine OPTIONAL, OUT PNTSTATUS NtStatus )
Routine Description:
Verifies the FID, TID, and UID in an incoming SMB. If they are valid, the address of the RFCB corresponding to the FID is returned, and the block is referenced.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate file table. If the FID is valid, the RFCB address is stored in WorkContext->Rfcb.
Fid - Supplies the FID sent in the request SMB
FailOnSavedError - If TRUE, return NULL to the caller if there is an outstanding write behind error. If FALSE, always attempt to return a pointer to the RFCB.
SerializeWithRawRestartRoutine - If not NULL, is the address of an FSP restart routine, and specifies that this operation should be queued if a raw write is currently in progress on the file. If this is the case, this routine queues the work context block to a queue in the RFCB. When the raw write completes, all work items on the queue are restarted.
NtStatus - This field is filled in only when this function returns NULL. If there was a write behind error, NtStatus returns the write behind error status, otherwise it returns STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE.
Return Value:
PRFCB - Address of the RFCB, or SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER if the Fid was invalid, or if there is a raw write in progress and serialization was requested (in which case *NtStatus is set to STATUS_SUCCESS).
{ PCONNECTION connection; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PRFCB rfcb; USHORT index; USHORT sequence; KIRQL oldIrql;
#if 0
// If the FID has already been verified, return the RFCB pointer.
// *** Note that we don't do the saved error checking or the raw
// write serialization in this case, on the assumption that
// since we already passed the checks once (in order to get the
// RFCB pointer in the first place), we don't need to do them
// again.
if ( WorkContext->Rfcb != NULL ) { return WorkContext->Rfcb; } #endif
// Initialize local variables: obtain the connection block address
// and crack the FID into its components.
connection = WorkContext->Connection;
// Acquire the spin lock that guards the connection's file table.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, &oldIrql );
// See if this is the cached rfcb
if ( connection->CachedFid == (ULONG)Fid ) {
rfcb = connection->CachedRfcb;
} else {
// Verify that the FID is in range, is in use, and has the correct
// sequence number.
index = FID_INDEX( Fid ); sequence = FID_SEQUENCE( Fid ); tableHeader = &connection->FileTable;
if ( (index >= tableHeader->TableSize) || (tableHeader->Table[index].Owner == NULL) || (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber != sequence) ) {
*NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; }
rfcb = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner;
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(rfcb) != BlockStateActive ) {
*NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; }
// If the caller wants to fail when there is a write behind
// error and the error exists, fill in NtStatus and do not
// return the RFCB pointer.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(rfcb->SavedError) && FailOnSavedError ) {
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(rfcb->SavedError) ) { *NtStatus = rfcb->SavedError; rfcb->SavedError = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error_exit; } }
// Cache the fid.
connection->CachedRfcb = rfcb; connection->CachedFid = (ULONG)Fid; }
// The FID is valid within the context of this connection. Verify
// that the owning tree connect's TID is correct.
// Do not verify the UID for clients that do not understand it.
if ( (rfcb->Tid != SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Tid )) || ((rfcb->Uid != SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Uid )) && DIALECT_HONORS_UID(connection->SmbDialect)) ) {
*NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; }
// If raw write serialization was requested, and a raw write
// is active, queue this work item in the RFCB pending
// completion of the raw write.
if ( (rfcb->RawWriteCount != 0) && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SerializeWithRawRestartRoutine) ) {
InsertTailList( &rfcb->RawWriteSerializationList, &WorkContext->ListEntry );
WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SerializeWithRawRestartRoutine; *NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error_exit; }
// The file is active and the TID is valid. Reference the
// RFCB. Release the spin lock (we don't need it anymore).
rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount++; UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, FALSE );
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql );
// Save the RFCB address in the work context block and
// return the file address.
WorkContext->Rfcb = rfcb;
// Mark the rfcb as active
rfcb->IsActive = TRUE;
ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_TYPE( rfcb->Mfcb ) == BlockTypeMfcb );
return rfcb;
// Either the FID is invalid for this connection, the file is
// closing, or the TID doesn't match. Release the lock, clear the
// file address in the work context block, and return a file address
// of NULL.
WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL; // connection spinlock must be held
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql );
} // SrvVerifyFid2
PRFCB SrvVerifyFidForRawWrite ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN USHORT Fid, OUT PNTSTATUS NtStatus )
Routine Description:
Verifies the FID, TID, and UID in an incoming SMB. If they are valid, the address of the RFCB corresponding to the FID is returned, and the block is referenced. In addition, the RawWriteCount in the RFCB is incremented.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate file table. If the FID is valid, the RFCB address is stored in WorkContext->Rfcb.
Fid - Supplies the FID sent in the request SMB
NtStatus - This field is filled in only when this function returns NULL. If there was a write behind error, NtStatus returns the write behind error status, otherwise it returns STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE.
Return Value:
PRFCB - Address of the RFCB, or SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER if the Fid was invalid, or if there is a raw write in progress and serialization was requested (in which case *NtStatus is set to STATUS_SUCCESS).
{ PCONNECTION connection; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PRFCB rfcb; USHORT index; USHORT sequence; KIRQL oldIrql;
ASSERT( WorkContext->Rfcb == NULL );
// Initialize local variables: obtain the connection block address
// and crack the FID into its components.
connection = WorkContext->Connection;
// Acquire the spin lock that guards the connection's file table.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, &oldIrql );
// See if this is the cached rfcb
if ( connection->CachedFid == Fid ) {
rfcb = connection->CachedRfcb;
} else {
// Verify that the FID is in range, is in use, and has the correct
// sequence number.
index = FID_INDEX( Fid ); sequence = FID_SEQUENCE( Fid ); tableHeader = &connection->FileTable;
if ( (index >= tableHeader->TableSize) || (tableHeader->Table[index].Owner == NULL) || (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber != sequence) ) {
*NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; }
rfcb = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner;
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(rfcb) != BlockStateActive ) {
*NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; }
// If there is a write behind error, fill in NtStatus and do
// not return the RFCB pointer.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( rfcb->SavedError ) ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( rfcb->SavedError ) ) { *NtStatus = rfcb->SavedError; rfcb->SavedError = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error_exit; } }
connection->CachedRfcb = rfcb; connection->CachedFid = (ULONG)Fid;
// The FID is valid within the context of this connection. Verify
// that the owning tree connect's TID is correct.
// Do not verify the UID for clients that do not understand it.
if ( (rfcb->Tid != SmbGetAlignedUshort(&WorkContext->RequestHeader->Tid)) || ( (rfcb->Uid != SmbGetAlignedUshort(&WorkContext->RequestHeader->Uid)) && DIALECT_HONORS_UID(connection->SmbDialect) ) ) { *NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto error_exit; } }
// If a raw write is already active, queue this work item in
// the RFCB pending completion of the raw write.
if ( rfcb->RawWriteCount != 0 ) {
InsertTailList( &rfcb->RawWriteSerializationList, &WorkContext->ListEntry );
WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartSmbReceived; *NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error_exit; }
// The file is active and the TID is valid. Reference the
// RFCB and increment the raw write count. Release the spin
// lock (we don't need it anymore).
rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount++; UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, FALSE );
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql );
// Save the RFCB address in the work context block and
// return the file address.
WorkContext->Rfcb = rfcb; ASSERT( GET_BLOCK_TYPE( rfcb->Mfcb ) == BlockTypeMfcb );
// Mark the rfcb as active
rfcb->IsActive = TRUE;
return rfcb;
// Either the FID is invalid for this connection, the file is
// closing, or the TID and UID don't match. Clear the file address
// in the work context block, and return a file address of NULL.
WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL; // connection spinlock must be held
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock, oldIrql );
} // SrvVerifyFidForRawWrite
PSEARCH SrvVerifySid ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN USHORT Index, IN USHORT Sequence, IN PSRV_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION DirectoryInformation, IN CLONG BufferSize )
Routine Description:
Verifies the SID in the resume key of a Search or Find SMB. If the SID is valid, the address of the search block corresponding to the SID is returned. The appropiate fields in the DirectoryInformation structure are filled in so that SrvQueryDirectoryFile may be called.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate search table.
ResumeKey - a pointer the the resume key to evaluate.
Return Value:
PSEARCH - address of the Search block, or NULL.
{ PCONNECTION connection; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PSEARCH search;
connection = WorkContext->Connection;
// Acquire the connection's lock.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// Verify that the index is in range, that the search block is in use,
// and that the resume key has the correct sequence number.
tableHeader = &connection->PagedConnection->SearchTable; if ( (Index < tableHeader->TableSize) && (tableHeader->Table[Index].Owner != NULL) && (tableHeader->Table[Index].SequenceNumber == Sequence) ) {
search = tableHeader->Table[Index].Owner;
// The SID is valid. Verify that the search block is still
// active.
// !!! Does this really apply for search blocks?
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(search) != BlockStateActive || search->InUse ) {
// The search block is no longer active or somebody is
// already using the search block.
search = NULL;
} else {
// We found a legitimate search block, so reference it.
SrvReferenceSearch( search );
// Fill in fields of DirectoryInformation.
DirectoryInformation->DirectoryHandle = search->DirectoryHandle; DirectoryInformation->CurrentEntry = NULL; DirectoryInformation->BufferLength = BufferSize - sizeof(SRV_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION); DirectoryInformation->Wildcards = search->Wildcards; DirectoryInformation->ErrorOnFileOpen = FALSE; DirectoryInformation->DownlevelTimewarp = search->DownlevelTimewarp;
// Indicate that the search is being used.
search->InUse = TRUE; }
} else {
// The SID is invalid.
search = NULL;
// Release the lock and return the search block address (or NULL).
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
return search;
} // SrvVerifySid
Routine Description:
Verifies the TID in an incoming SMB. If the TID is valid, the address of the tree connect block corresponding to the TID is returned, and the block is referenced.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate tree table. Also, the tree connect block address, if the TID is valid, is stored in WorkContext->TreeConnect.
Tid - Supplies the TID sent in the request SMB
Return Value:
PTREE_CONNECT - Address of the tree connect block, or NULL
{ PCONNECTION connection; PTREE_CONNECT treeConnect; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; USHORT index; USHORT sequence;
// If the TID has already been verified, return the tree connect
// pointer.
if ( WorkContext->TreeConnect != NULL ) { return WorkContext->TreeConnect; }
// Initialize local variables: obtain the connection block address
// and crack the TID into its components.
connection = WorkContext->Connection; index = TID_INDEX( Tid ); sequence = TID_SEQUENCE( Tid );
// Acquire the connection's tree connect lock.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// Verify that the TID is in range, is in use, and has the correct
// sequence number.
tableHeader = &connection->PagedConnection->TreeConnectTable; if ( (index < tableHeader->TableSize) && (tableHeader->Table[index].Owner != NULL) && (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber == sequence) ) {
treeConnect = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner;
// The TID is valid within the context of this connection.
// Verify that the tree connect is still active.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(treeConnect) == BlockStateActive ) {
// The tree connect is active. Reference it.
SrvReferenceTreeConnect( treeConnect );
} else {
// The tree connect is closing.
treeConnect = NULL;
} else {
// The TID is invalid for this connection.
treeConnect = NULL;
// Release the lock, save the tree connect address in the work context
// block, and return the tree connect address (or NULL).
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
WorkContext->TreeConnect = treeConnect;
return treeConnect;
} // SrvVerifyTid
Routine Description:
Verifies the UID in an incoming SMB. If the UID is valid, the address of the session block corresponding to the UID is returned, and the block is referenced.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate user table. Also, the session block address, if the UID is valid, is stored in WorkContext->Session.
Uid - Supplies the UID sent in the request SMB
Return Value:
PSESSION - Address of the session block, or NULL
{ PCONNECTION connection; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PSESSION session; PSECURITY_CONTEXT securityContext; USHORT index; USHORT sequence;
// If the UID has already been verified, return the session pointer.
if ( WorkContext->Session != NULL ) { return WorkContext->Session; }
// Initialize local variables: obtain the connection block address
// and crack the UID into its components.
connection = WorkContext->Connection; index = UID_INDEX( Uid ); sequence = UID_SEQUENCE( Uid );
// Acquire the connection's session lock.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// If this is a down-level (LAN Man 1.0 or earlier) client, than
// we will not receive a UID, and there will only be one session
// per connection. Reference that session.
tableHeader = &connection->PagedConnection->SessionTable; if (!DIALECT_HONORS_UID(connection->SmbDialect) ) {
session = tableHeader->Table[0].Owner;
} else if ( (index < tableHeader->TableSize) && (tableHeader->Table[index].Owner != NULL) && (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber == sequence) ) {
// The UID is in range, is in use, and has the correct sequence
// number.
session = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner;
} else {
// The UID is invalid for this connection.
IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(( "SrvVerifyUid: index %d, size %d\n", index, tableHeader->TableSize )); if( index < tableHeader->TableSize ) { KdPrint((" Owner %p, Table.SequenceNumber %d, seq %d\n", tableHeader->Table[index].Owner, tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber, sequence )); } }
session = NULL; }
if ( session != NULL ) {
// The UID is valid within the context of this connection.
// Verify that the session is still active.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(session) == BlockStateActive ) {
KeQuerySystemTime( &liNow);
if( session->LogonSequenceInProgress == FALSE && liNow.QuadPart >= session->LogOffTime.QuadPart ) { IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(( "SrvVerifyUid: LogOffTime has passed %x %x\n", session->LogOffTime.HighPart, session->LogOffTime.LowPart )); }
// Mark the session as expired
session->IsSessionExpired = TRUE; KdPrint(( "Marking session as expired.\n" )); }
// The session is active. Reference it.
SrvReferenceSession( session );
securityContext = session->SecurityContext; if( securityContext != NULL ) SrvReferenceSecurityContext( securityContext );
// Update the last use time for autologoff.
session->LastUseTime = liNow;
} else {
// The session is closing.
IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(( "SrvVerifyUid: Session state %x\n", GET_BLOCK_STATE( session ) )); }
session = NULL; securityContext = NULL; } } else { securityContext = NULL; }
// Release the lock, save the session address in the work context
// block, and return the session address (or NULL).
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
WorkContext->Session = session; WorkContext->SecurityContext = securityContext;
return session;
} // SrvVerifyUid
Routine Description:
Verifies the UID and TID in an incoming SMB. If both the UID and the TDI are valid, the addresses of the session/tree connect blocks corresponding to the UID/TID are returned, and the blocks are referenced.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block for the current SMB. In particular, the Connection block pointer is used to find the appropriate user table. If the UID and TID are valid, the session/tree connect block addresses are stored in WorkContext->Session and WorkContext->TreeConnect.
Uid - Supplies the UID sent in the request SMB
Tid - Supplies the TID sent in the request SMB
Session - Returns a pointer to the session block
TreeConnect - Returns a pointer to the tree connect block
ShareType - the type of share it should be
Return Value:
{ PCONNECTION connection; PSESSION session; PTREE_CONNECT treeConnect; PPAGED_CONNECTION pagedConnection; PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; USHORT index; USHORT Uid; USHORT Tid; USHORT sequence; LARGE_INTEGER liNow;
// If the UID and TID have already been verified, don't do all this
// work again.
if ( (WorkContext->Session != NULL) && (WorkContext->TreeConnect != NULL) ) {
if( ShareType != ShareTypeWild && WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->ShareType != ShareType ) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
*Session = WorkContext->Session; *TreeConnect = WorkContext->TreeConnect;
// Obtain the connection block address and lock the connection.
connection = WorkContext->Connection; pagedConnection = connection->PagedConnection;
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// If we haven't negotiated successfully with this client, then we have
// a failure
if( connection->SmbDialect == SmbDialectIllegal) { RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); return STATUS_INVALID_SMB; }
// If the UID has already been verified, don't verify it again.
if ( WorkContext->Session != NULL ) {
session = WorkContext->Session;
} else {
// Crack the UID into its components.
Uid = SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Uid ), index = UID_INDEX( Uid ); sequence = UID_SEQUENCE( Uid );
// If this is a down-level (LAN Man 1.0 or earlier) client, than
// we will not receive a UID, and there will only be one session
// per connection. Reference that session.
// For clients that do send UIDs, verify that the UID is in
// range, is in use, and has the correct sequence number, and
// that the session is not closing.
tableHeader = &pagedConnection->SessionTable;
if (!DIALECT_HONORS_UID(connection->SmbDialect)) { session = tableHeader->Table[0].Owner; } else if( (index >= tableHeader->TableSize) || ((session = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner) == NULL) || (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber != sequence) || (GET_BLOCK_STATE(session) != BlockStateActive) ) {
// The UID is invalid for this connection, or the session is
// closing.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// it's valid
if( session == NULL ) { RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
if( session->LogonSequenceInProgress == FALSE && liNow.QuadPart >= session->LogOffTime.QuadPart ) { // Mark the session as expired
session->IsSessionExpired = TRUE; }
// The UID is valid. Check the TID. If the TID has already been
// verified, don't verify it again.
if ( WorkContext->TreeConnect != NULL ) {
treeConnect = WorkContext->TreeConnect;
} else {
// Crack the TID into its components.
Tid = SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Tid ), index = TID_INDEX( Tid ); sequence = TID_SEQUENCE( Tid );
// Verify that the TID is in range, is in use, and has the
// correct sequence number, and that the tree connect is not
// closing.
tableHeader = &pagedConnection->TreeConnectTable; if ( (index >= tableHeader->TableSize) || ((treeConnect = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner) == NULL) || (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber != sequence) || (GET_BLOCK_STATE(treeConnect) != BlockStateActive) ) {
// The TID is invalid for this connection, or the tree
// connect is closing.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// Make sure this is not a Null session trying to sneak in
// through an established tree connect.
if ( session->IsNullSession && SrvRestrictNullSessionAccess && ( treeConnect->Share->ShareType != ShareTypePipe ) ) {
BOOLEAN matchFound = FALSE; ULONG i;
ACQUIRE_LOCK_SHARED( &SrvConfigurationLock );
for ( i = 0; SrvNullSessionShares[i] != NULL ; i++ ) {
if ( _wcsicmp( SrvNullSessionShares[i], treeConnect->Share->ShareName.Buffer ) == 0 ) {
matchFound = TRUE; break; } }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvConfigurationLock );
// The null session is not allowed to access this share - reject.
if ( !matchFound ) {
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); return(STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); } } }
// Both the UID and the TID are valid. Reference the session and
// tree connect blocks.
if ( WorkContext->Session == NULL ) {
SrvReferenceSession( session ); WorkContext->Session = session;
if( session->SecurityContext != NULL ) { SrvReferenceSecurityContext( session->SecurityContext ); WorkContext->SecurityContext = session->SecurityContext; }
// Update the last use time for autologoff.
session->LastUseTime = liNow;
if ( WorkContext->TreeConnect == NULL ) {
SrvReferenceTreeConnect( treeConnect ); WorkContext->TreeConnect = treeConnect;
// Release the connection lock and return success.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
*Session = session; *TreeConnect = treeConnect;
// Make sure this is the correct type of share
if( ShareType != ShareTypeWild && (*TreeConnect)->Share->ShareType != ShareType ) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
} // SrvVerifyUidAndTid
BOOLEAN SrvReceiveBufferShortage ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function calculates if the server is running low on receive work items that are not involved in blocking operations.
Return Value:
TRUE - The server is running short on receive work items. FALSE - The server is *not* running short on receive work items.
{ KIRQL oldIrql; BOOLEAN bufferShortage; PWORK_QUEUE queue = PROCESSOR_TO_QUEUE();
// Even if we have reached our limit, we will allow this blocking
// operation if we have enough free work items to allocate. This
// will allow the resource thread to allocate more work items to
// service blocking requests.
if ( (queue->FreeWorkItems < queue->MaximumWorkItems) || ((queue->FreeWorkItems - SrvBlockingOpsInProgress) > SrvMinFreeWorkItemsBlockingIo) ) {
// The caller will start a blocking operation. Increment the
// blocking operation count.
InterlockedIncrement( &SrvBlockingOpsInProgress ); bufferShortage = FALSE;
} else {
// The server is running short on uncommitted receive work items.
bufferShortage = TRUE; }
return bufferShortage;
} // SrvReceiveBufferShortage
// The following functions are defined in smbgtpt.h. When debug mode is
// disabled (!SMBDBG), these functions are instead defined as macros.
USHORT SmbGetUshort ( IN PSMB_USHORT SrcAddress )
{ return (USHORT)( ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[0] ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[1] << 8 ) ); }
USHORT SmbGetAlignedUshort ( IN PUSHORT SrcAddress )
{ return *(SrcAddress); }
VOID SmbPutUshort ( OUT PSMB_USHORT DestAddress, IN USHORT Value )
{ ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[0] = BYTE_0(Value); ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[1] = BYTE_1(Value); return; }
VOID SmbPutAlignedUshort ( OUT PUSHORT DestAddress, IN USHORT Value )
{ *(DestAddress) = (Value); return; }
ULONG SmbGetUlong ( IN PSMB_ULONG SrcAddress )
{ return (ULONG)( ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[0] ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[1] << 8 ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[2] << 16 ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)(SrcAddress) )[3] << 24 ) ); }
ULONG SmbGetAlignedUlong ( IN PULONG SrcAddress )
{ return *(SrcAddress); }
VOID SmbPutUlong ( OUT PSMB_ULONG DestAddress, IN ULONG Value )
{ ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[0] = BYTE_0(Value); ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[1] = BYTE_1(Value); ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[2] = BYTE_2(Value); ( (PUCHAR)(DestAddress) )[3] = BYTE_3(Value); return; }
VOID SmbPutAlignedUlong ( OUT PULONG DestAddress, IN ULONG Value )
{ *(DestAddress) = Value; return; }
VOID SmbPutDate ( OUT PSMB_DATE DestAddress, IN SMB_DATE Value )
{ ( (PUCHAR)&(DestAddress)->Ushort )[0] = BYTE_0(Value.Ushort); ( (PUCHAR)&(DestAddress)->Ushort )[1] = BYTE_1(Value.Ushort); return; }
VOID SmbMoveDate ( OUT PSMB_DATE DestAddress, IN PSMB_DATE SrcAddress )
{ (DestAddress)->Ushort = (USHORT)( ( ( (PUCHAR)&(SrcAddress)->Ushort )[0] ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)&(SrcAddress)->Ushort )[1] << 8 ) ); return; }
VOID SmbZeroDate ( IN PSMB_DATE Date )
{ (Date)->Ushort = 0; }
{ return (BOOLEAN)( (Date)->Ushort == 0 ); }
VOID SmbPutTime ( OUT PSMB_TIME DestAddress, IN SMB_TIME Value )
{ ( (PUCHAR)&(DestAddress)->Ushort )[0] = BYTE_0(Value.Ushort); ( (PUCHAR)&(DestAddress)->Ushort )[1] = BYTE_1(Value.Ushort); return; }
VOID SmbMoveTime ( OUT PSMB_TIME DestAddress, IN PSMB_TIME SrcAddress )
{ (DestAddress)->Ushort = (USHORT)( ( ( (PUCHAR)&(SrcAddress)->Ushort )[0] ) | ( ( (PUCHAR)&(SrcAddress)->Ushort )[1] << 8 ) ); return; }
VOID SmbZeroTime ( IN PSMB_TIME Time )
{ (Time)->Ushort = 0; }
{ return (BOOLEAN)( (Time)->Ushort == 0 ); }
#endif // SMBDBG
NTSTATUS SrvIoCreateFile ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT PHANDLE FileHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, IN PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize OPTIONAL, IN ULONG FileAttributes, IN ULONG ShareAccess, IN ULONG Disposition, IN ULONG CreateOptions, IN PVOID EaBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG EaLength, IN CREATE_FILE_TYPE CreateFileType, IN PVOID ExtraCreateParameters OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Options, IN PSHARE Share OPTIONAL ) { PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; NTSTATUS status; NTSTATUS tempStatus; BOOLEAN dispositionModified = FALSE; ULONG eventToLog = 0; ULONG newUsage; ULONG requiredSize; SHARE_TYPE shareType = ShareTypeWild; UNICODE_STRING fileName, *pName;
LARGE_INTEGER timeStamp, currentTime; LARGE_INTEGER timeDifference; #endif
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("\nSrvIoCreateFile:\n" )); KdPrint((" Obja->ObjectName <%wZ>\n", ObjectAttributes->ObjectName )); KdPrint((" Obja->Attributes %X,", ObjectAttributes->Attributes )); KdPrint((" RootDirectory %p,", ObjectAttributes->RootDirectory )); KdPrint((" SecurityDescriptor %p,", ObjectAttributes->SecurityDescriptor )); KdPrint((" SecurityQOS %p\n", ObjectAttributes->SecurityQualityOfService )); KdPrint((" DesiredAccess %X, FileAttributes %X, ShareAccess %X\n", DesiredAccess, FileAttributes, ShareAccess )); KdPrint((" Disposition %X, CreateOptions %X, EaLength %X\n", Disposition, CreateOptions, EaLength )); KdPrint((" CreateFileType %X, ExtraCreateParameters %p, Options %X\n", CreateFileType, ExtraCreateParameters, Options )); }
// See if this operation is allowed on this share
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) ) { status = SrvIsAllowedOnAdminShare( WorkContext, Share );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create disallowed on Admin Share: %X\n", status )); } return status; } }
// We do not allow the remote opening of structured storage files
// We do not allow opening files by ID. It is too easy to escape the share
if( CreateOptions & FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID ) { IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID unsupported\n" )); } return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Make sure the client isn't trying to create a file having the name
// of a DOS device
SrvGetBaseFileName( ObjectAttributes->ObjectName, &fileName ); for( pName = SrvDosDevices; pName->Length; pName++ ) { if( pName->Length == fileName.Length && RtlCompareUnicodeString( pName, &fileName, TRUE ) == 0 ) { //
// Whoa! We don't want clients trying to create files having a
// DOS device name
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create open %wZ unsupported\n", &fileName )); } return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } }
// If this is from the NULL session, allow it to open only certain
// pipes.
if ( CreateFileType != CreateFileTypeMailslot ) {
shareType = WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->ShareType;
if( shareType == ShareTypePipe ) { if ( WorkContext->Session->IsNullSession ) {
if( SrvRestrictNullSessionAccess ) { BOOLEAN matchFound = FALSE; ULONG i;
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvConfigurationLock );
for ( i = 0; SrvNullSessionPipes[i] != NULL ; i++ ) {
if ( _wcsicmp( SrvNullSessionPipes[i], ObjectAttributes->ObjectName->Buffer ) == 0 ) {
matchFound = TRUE; break; } }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvConfigurationLock );
if ( !matchFound ) { IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(( "Create via NULL session denied\n" )); } return(STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); } }
} else if( WorkContext->Session->IsLSNotified == FALSE ) { //
// We have a pipe open request, not a NULL session, and
// we haven't gotten clearance from the license server yet.
// If this pipe requires clearance, get a license.
ULONG i; BOOLEAN matchFound = FALSE;
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvConfigurationLock );
for ( i = 0; SrvPipesNeedLicense[i] != NULL ; i++ ) {
if ( _wcsicmp( SrvPipesNeedLicense[i], ObjectAttributes->ObjectName->Buffer ) == 0 ) { matchFound = TRUE; break; } }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvConfigurationLock );
if( matchFound == TRUE ) { status = SrvXsLSOperation( WorkContext->Session, XACTSRV_MESSAGE_LSREQUEST );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(( "Create failed due to license server: %X\n", status )); } return status; } } } }
// !!! a hack to handle a bug in the Object system and path-based
// operations on print shares. to test a fix, try from OS/2:
// copy config.sys \\server\printshare
if ( Share == NULL && ObjectAttributes->ObjectName->Length == 0 && ObjectAttributes->RootDirectory == NULL ) {
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create failed: ObjectName Len == 0, an ! Root directory\n" )); } return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD; }
// Check desired access against share ACL.
// This gets a little hairy. Basically, we simply want to check the
// desired access against the ACL. But this doesn't correctly
// handle the case where the client only has read access to the
// share, and wants to (perhaps optionally) create (or overwrite) a
// file or directory, but only asks for read access to the file. We
// deal with this problem by, in effect, adding write access to the
// access requested by the client if the client specifies a
// dispostion mode that will or may create or overwrite the file.
// If the client specifies a dispostion that WILL create or
// turn on the FILE_WRITE_DATA (aka FILE_ADD_FILE) and
// access check fails, we return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.
// If the client specifies optional creation, then we have to be
// even more tricky. We don't know if the file actually exists, so
// we can't just reject the request out-of-hand, because if the file
// does exist, and the client really does have read access to the
// file, it will look weird if we deny the open. So in this case we
// turn the OPEN_IF request into an OPEN (fail if doesn't exist)
// request. If the open fails because the file doesn't exist, we
// Note that this method effectively means that the share ACL cannot
// distinguish between a user who can write to existing files but
// who cannot create new files. This is because of the overloading
// OK. First, check the access exactly as requested.
status = SrvCheckShareFileAccess( WorkContext, DesiredAccess, &ShareAccess ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status )) { //
// Some clients want ACCESS_DENIED to be in the server class
// instead of the DOS class when it's due to share ACL
// restrictions. So we need to keep track of why we're
// returning ACCESS_DENIED.
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create failed, SrvCheckShareFileAccess returns %X\n", status )); }
WorkContext->ShareAclFailure = TRUE; return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
} else {
// Set it to CreateFileTypeNone so no extra checking is done.
CreateFileType = CreateFileTypeNone; }
// That worked. Now, if the Disposition may or will create or
// overwrite, do more checking.
if ( Disposition != FILE_OPEN ) {
status = SrvCheckShareFileAccess( WorkContext, DesiredAccess | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA, &ShareAccess );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status )) {
// The client cannot create or overwrite files. Unless
// they asked for FILE_OPEN_IF, jump out now.
if ( Disposition != FILE_OPEN_IF ) { //
// Some clients want ACCESS_DENIED to be in the server class
// instead of the DOS class when it's due to share ACL
// restrictions. So we need to keep track of why we're
// returning ACCESS_DENIED.
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(("Create failed, SrvCheckShareFileAccess returns ACCESS_DENIED\n")); } WorkContext->ShareAclFailure = TRUE; return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
// Change OPEN_IF to OPEN, and remember that we did it.
Disposition = FILE_OPEN; dispositionModified = TRUE;
// If this client is reading from the file, turn off FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY in case
// caching this file would be beneficial to other clients.
if( shareType == ShareTypeDisk && !(DesiredAccess & (FILE_WRITE_DATA|FILE_APPEND_DATA)) ) {
CreateOptions &= ~FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY; }
if( SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { //
// Make sure that this open will not push the server over its
// nonpaged and paged quotas.
newUsage = InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, IO_FILE_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE ) + IO_FILE_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE;
if ( newUsage > SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage ) { status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; eventToLog = EVENT_SRV_NONPAGED_POOL_LIMIT; goto error_exit1; }
if ( SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage > SrvStatistics.PeakNonPagedPoolUsage) { SrvStatistics.PeakNonPagedPoolUsage = SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage; } }
if( SrvMaxPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); newUsage = InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, IO_FILE_OBJECT_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE ) + IO_FILE_OBJECT_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE; ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 );
if ( newUsage > SrvMaxPagedPoolUsage ) { status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; eventToLog = EVENT_SRV_PAGED_POOL_LIMIT; goto error_exit; }
if ( SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage > SrvStatistics.PeakPagedPoolUsage) { SrvStatistics.PeakPagedPoolUsage = SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage; } }
// If Share is specified, we may need to fill up the root share
// handle of the object attribute.
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) && (shareType != ShareTypePrint) ) {
// Get the Share root handle.
status = SrvGetShareRootHandle( Share );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(CREATE) { KdPrint(( "SrvIoCreateFile: SrvGetShareRootHandle failed: %X\n", status )); } goto error_exit;
// Fill in the root handle.
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &ObjectAttributes->RootDirectory ); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { goto error_exit; }
// Make sure no data is being written
if( (WorkContext->SnapShotTime.QuadPart != 0) && (DesiredAccess & (FILE_WRITE_DATA|FILE_APPEND_DATA)) ) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto error_exit; } }
// Impersonate the client. This makes us look like the client for
// the purpose of checking security. Don't do impersonation if
// this is a spool file since spool files have admin all access,
// everybody read access by definition.
if ( shareType != ShareTypePrint ) { status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext ); }
// Get the system time for statistics tracking.
KeQuerySystemTime( &timeStamp ); #endif
// Perform the actual open.
// *** Do not lose the status returned by IoCreateFile! Even if
// it's a success code. The caller needs to know if it's
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
status = IoCreateFile( FileHandle, DesiredAccess, ObjectAttributes, IoStatusBlock, AllocationSize, FileAttributes, ShareAccess, Disposition, CreateOptions, EaBuffer, EaLength, CreateFileType, ExtraCreateParameters, Options );
// If the volume was dismounted, and we can refresh the share root handle,
// we should try the operation again.
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) && SrvRetryDueToDismount( Share, status ) ) {
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &ObjectAttributes->RootDirectory ); if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { goto error_exit; }
status = IoCreateFile( FileHandle, DesiredAccess, ObjectAttributes, IoStatusBlock, AllocationSize, FileAttributes, ShareAccess, Disposition, CreateOptions, EaBuffer, EaLength, CreateFileType, ExtraCreateParameters, Options ); }
// Grab the time again.
KeQuerySystemTime( ¤tTime ); #endif
// Go back to the server's security context.
if ( shareType != ShareTypePrint ) { //
// Calling REVERT() even if the impersonate failed is harmless
REVERT( ); }
// Determine how long the IoCreateFile took.
timeDifference.QuadPart = currentTime.QuadPart - timeStamp.QuadPart;
// Update statistics, including server pool quota statistics if the
// open didn't succeed.
ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger( &SrvDbgStatistics.TotalIoCreateFileTime, timeDifference, &GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK(Statistics) ); #endif
// Release the share root handle
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( Share ) ) { SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( Share ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(( " ** %wZ, handle %p\n", ObjectAttributes->ObjectName, *FileHandle )); }
tempStatus = SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize( *FileHandle, TRUE, &fileObject, &deviceObject, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( tempStatus )) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvIoCreateFile: Verify Device Stack Size failed: %X\n", tempStatus, NULL );
SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( *FileHandle, "FIL", 50, 0 ); SrvNtClose( *FileHandle, FALSE ); status = tempStatus; } else {
// Mark the orgin of this file as remote. This should
// never fail. If it does, it means it is already set.
// Check for this in a debug build, but ignore errors
// in the retail build.
#if DBG
tempStatus = #endif
IoSetFileOrigin( fileObject, TRUE );
// Remove the reference we added in SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize().
ObDereferenceObject( fileObject ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto error_exit; }
IF_DEBUG(HANDLES) { if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { PVOID caller, callersCaller; RtlGetCallersAddress( &caller, &callersCaller ); KdPrint(( "opened handle %p for %wZ (%p %p)\n", *FileHandle, ObjectAttributes->ObjectName, caller, callersCaller )); } }
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint((" Status %X\n", status )); }
return status;
if( SrvMaxPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= IO_FILE_OBJECT_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE );
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, -IO_FILE_OBJECT_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE );
ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); }
if( SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage >= IO_FILE_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE );
InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, -IO_FILE_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE );
ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); }
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvIoCreateFile: nonpaged pool limit reached, current = %ld, max = %ld\n", newUsage - requiredSize, SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage );
SrvLogError( SrvDeviceObject, eventToLog, STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, &requiredSize, sizeof(ULONG), NULL, 0 );
} else {
// Finish up the access checking started above. If the open failed
// because the file didn't exist, and we turned off the create-if
// mode because the client doesn't have write access, change the
if ( dispositionModified && (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) ) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint((" Status %X\n", status )); }
return status;
} // SrvIoCreateFile
NTSTATUS SrvNtClose ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN BOOLEAN QuotaCharged )
Routine Description:
Closes a handle, records statistics for number of handles closed, total time spent closing handles.
Handle - the handle to close.
QuotaCharged - indicates whether the server's internal quota for paged and nonpaged pool was charged for this open.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - result of operation.
LARGE_INTEGER timeStamp, currentTime; LARGE_INTEGER timeDifference; #endif
PEPROCESS process;
// SnapShot the system time.
KeQuerySystemTime( &timeStamp ); #endif
// Make sure we're in the server FSP.
process = IoGetCurrentProcess(); if ( process != SrvServerProcess ) { //KdPrint(( "SRV: Closing handle %x in process %x\n", Handle, process ));
KeAttachProcess( SrvServerProcess ); }
IF_DEBUG( CREATE ) { KdPrint(( "SrvNtClose handle %p\n", Handle )); }
// Close the handle.
status = NtClose( Handle );
// Return to the original process.
if ( process != SrvServerProcess ) { KeDetachProcess(); }
IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { KdPrint(( "SRV: NtClose failed: %x\n", status )); #if DBG
DbgBreakPoint( ); #endif
} }
ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS( status ) );
// Get the time again.
KeQuerySystemTime( ¤tTime );
// Determine how long the close took.
timeDifference.QuadPart = currentTime.QuadPart - timeStamp.QuadPart; #endif
// Update the relevant statistics, including server quota statistics.
SrvDbgStatistics.TotalNtCloseTime.QuadPart += timeDifference.QuadPart; #endif
if ( QuotaCharged ) { if( SrvMaxPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)IO_FILE_OBJECT_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE ); ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); }
if( SrvMaxNonPagedPoolUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG)&SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage, -(LONG)IO_FILE_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_CHARGE ); ASSERT( (LONG)SrvStatistics.CurrentNonPagedPoolUsage >= 0 ); } }
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalHandlesClosed );
IF_DEBUG(HANDLES) { PVOID caller, callersCaller; RtlGetCallersAddress( &caller, &callersCaller ); if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { KdPrint(( "closed handle %p (%p %p)\n", Handle, caller, callersCaller )); } else { KdPrint(( "closed handle %p (%p %p) FAILED: %X\n", Handle, caller, callersCaller, status )); } }
} // SrvNtClose
NTSTATUS SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize ( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN BOOLEAN ReferenceFileObject, OUT PFILE_OBJECT *FileObject, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject, OUT POBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION HandleInformation OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Ths routine references the file object associated with the file handle and checks whether our work item has sufficient irp stack size to handle requests to this device or the device associated with this file.
FileHandle - The handle to an open device or file ReferenceFileObject - if TRUE, the file object is left referenced. FileObject - The file object associated with the filehandle. DeviceObject - the device object associated with the filehandle. HandleInformation - if not NULL, returns information about the file handle.
Return Value:
Status of request.
--*/ {
NTSTATUS status;
// Get a pointer to the file object, so that we can directly
// get the related device object that should contain a count
// of the irp stack size needed by that device.
status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( FileHandle, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)FileObject, HandleInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_OB_REF_BY_HANDLE, status );
// This internal error bugchecks the system.
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE, "SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize: unable to reference file handle 0x%lx", FileHandle, NULL );
} else {
*DeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject( *FileObject );
if ( (*DeviceObject)->StackSize > SrvReceiveIrpStackSize ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvVerifyStackSize: WorkItem Irp StackSize too small. Need %d Allocated %d\n", (*DeviceObject)->StackSize+1, SrvReceiveIrpStackSize );
ObDereferenceObject( *FileObject ); *FileObject = NULL; status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES;
} else if ( !ReferenceFileObject ) {
ObDereferenceObject( *FileObject ); *FileObject = NULL;
} }
return status;
} // SrvVerifyDeviceStackSize
NTSTATUS SrvImpersonate ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
Impersonates the remote client specified in the Session pointer of the work context block.
WorkContext - a work context block containing a valid pointer to a session block.
Return Value:
status code of the attempt
{ NTSTATUS status;
ASSERT( WorkContext->Session != NULL );
if( WorkContext->SecurityContext == NULL || !IS_VALID_SECURITY_HANDLE (WorkContext->SecurityContext->UserHandle) ) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
status = ImpersonateSecurityContext( &WorkContext->SecurityContext->UserHandle );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "IMPERSONATE: NtSetInformationThread failed: %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_SET_INFO_THREAD, status ); }
return status;
} // SrvImpersonate
NTSTATUS SrvImpersonateSession ( IN PSESSION Session )
Routine Description:
Impersonates the remote client specified in the Session pointer of the work context block.
WorkContext - a work context block containing a valid pointer to a session block.
Return Value:
status code of the attempt
{ NTSTATUS status;
ASSERT( Session != NULL );
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &Session->Connection->Lock );
if( Session->SecurityContext == NULL || !IS_VALID_SECURITY_HANDLE (Session->SecurityContext->UserHandle) ) { status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { status = ImpersonateSecurityContext( &Session->SecurityContext->UserHandle ); }
RELEASE_LOCK( &Session->Connection->Lock );
return status;
} // SrvImpersonate
VOID SrvRevert ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Reverts to the server FSP's default thread context.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = PsAssignImpersonationToken(PsGetCurrentThread(),NULL);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "REVERT: NtSetInformationThread failed: %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_SET_INFO_THREAD, status ); }
} // SrvRevert
NTSTATUS SrvSetLastWriteTime ( IN PRFCB Rfcb, IN ULONG LastWriteTimeInSeconds, IN ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the last write time on a file if the specified handle has sufficient access. This is used by the Close and Create SMBs to ensure that file times on server files are consistent with times on clients.
Rfcb - pointer to the rfcb block that is associated with the file which we need to set the lastwrite time on.
LastWriteTimeInSeconds - the time, in seconds since 1970, to put on the file. If it is 0 or -1, the last write time is not changed.
GrantedAccess - an access mask specifying the access the specified handle has. If it has insufficient access, the file time is not changed.
ForceChanges - flag set to true if we want to send down the SetFileInfo anyway even if the client specified a zero lastWriteTime. Useful to force the filesystem to update the file control block now rather than at the close.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - result of operation.
// If the client doesn't want to set the time, don't set it.
if ( Rfcb->ShareType != ShareTypeDisk || LastWriteTimeInSeconds == 0 || LastWriteTimeInSeconds == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
// If the file was written to, we won't cache the file. This is to
// ensure the file directory entry gets updated by the file system.
if ( Rfcb->WrittenTo ) { Rfcb->IsCacheable = FALSE; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Make sure that we have the correct access on the specified handle.
CHECK_FILE_INFORMATION_ACCESS( GrantedAccess, IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION, FileBasicInformation, &status );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { return status; }
// Set to 0 the fields we don't want to change.
fileBasicInfo.CreationTime.QuadPart = 0; fileBasicInfo.LastAccessTime.QuadPart = 0; fileBasicInfo.ChangeTime.QuadPart = 0; fileBasicInfo.FileAttributes = 0;
// Set up the last write time.
RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime( LastWriteTimeInSeconds, &fileBasicInfo.LastWriteTime );
ExLocalTimeToSystemTime( &fileBasicInfo.LastWriteTime, &fileBasicInfo.LastWriteTime );
// Set the time using the passed-in file handle.
status = NtSetInformationFile( Rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle, &ioStatusBlock, &fileBasicInfo, sizeof(FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION), FileBasicInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvSetLastWriteTime: NtSetInformationFile returned %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_SET_INFO_FILE, status ); return status; }
} // SrvSetLastWriteTime
NTSTATUS SrvCheckShareFileAccess( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN ACCESS_MASK FileDesiredAccess, IN OUT PULONG ShareMode )
Routine Description:
This routine checks the desired access against the permissions set for this client.
WorkContext - pointer to the work context block that contains information about the request. FileDesiredAccess - the desired access. ShareMode - The sharing mode desired. This can be manipulated to prevent Read-Deny Read on shares marked as such, to prevent a variety of DoS attacks
Return Value:
Status of operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjectContext; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR securityDescriptor; ACCESS_MASK grantedAccess; ACCESS_MASK mappedAccess = FileDesiredAccess; PPRIVILEGE_SET privileges = NULL;
// For Restrict Opens behavior, we no longer allow someone to lock the file exclusively if they are opening
// simple for read. This prevents cases where clients with read-only access can lock a file and prevent anyone
// else from reading it. It presents interesting DoS situations in policy.
if( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->ShareProperties & SHI1005_FLAGS_RESTRICT_EXCLUSIVE_OPENS ) { if( (!((*ShareMode) & FILE_SHARE_READ) && !(FileDesiredAccess & (FILE_WRITE_DATA|FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES|FILE_WRITE_EA|FILE_APPEND_DATA)) ) ) { *ShareMode |= FILE_SHARE_READ; } }
if( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->ShareProperties & SHI1005_FLAGS_FORCE_SHARED_DELETE ) { *ShareMode |= FILE_SHARE_DELETE; }
ACQUIRE_LOCK_SHARED( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->SecurityDescriptorLock );
securityDescriptor = WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->FileSecurityDescriptor;
if (securityDescriptor != NULL) {
status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
SeCaptureSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
RtlMapGenericMask( &mappedAccess, &SrvFileAccessMapping );
// SYNCHRONIZE and ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY do not make any sense for a share ACL
if ( !SeAccessCheck( securityDescriptor, &subjectContext, FALSE, // Locked ?
mappedAccess, 0, // PreviousGrantedAccess
&privileges, &SrvFileAccessMapping, UserMode, &grantedAccess, &status ) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SrvCheckShareFileAccess: Status %x, Desired access %x, mappedAccess %x\n", status, FileDesiredAccess, mappedAccess )); } }
if ( privileges != NULL ) { SeFreePrivileges( privileges ); }
SeReleaseSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
REVERT( ); } }
RELEASE_LOCK( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->SecurityDescriptorLock );
return status;
} // SrvCheckShareFileAccess
VOID SrvReleaseShareRootHandle ( IN PSHARE Share )
Routine Description:
This routine releases the root handle for a given share if the shared device is removable (floopy, or cdrom).
Share - The share for which the root directory handle is to be released.
Return Value:
if ( Share->Removable ) {
ASSERT( Share->CurrentRootHandleReferences > 0 ); ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvShareLock );
if ( --Share->CurrentRootHandleReferences == 0 ) {
ASSERT( Share->RootDirectoryHandle != NULL ); SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( Share->RootDirectoryHandle, "RTD", 51, Share ); SrvNtClose( Share->RootDirectoryHandle, FALSE ); Share->RootDirectoryHandle = NULL; SrvDereferenceShare( Share );
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvShareLock );
} // SrvReleaseShareRootHandle
VOID SrvUpdateVcQualityOfService ( IN PCONNECTION Connection, IN PLARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Updates the connection quality of service information by querying the underlying transport.
Connection - pointer to the connection whose qos we want to update.
CurrentTime - an optional pointer to a large interger containing the current time.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; PTDI_CONNECTION_INFO connectionInfo; LARGE_INTEGER currentTime; LARGE_INTEGER throughput; LARGE_INTEGER linkDelay; PPAGED_CONNECTION pagedConnection = Connection->PagedConnection;
// This routine is a no-op on connectionless transports.
if ( Connection->Endpoint->IsConnectionless ) {
Connection->EnableOplocks = FALSE; Connection->EnableRawIo = FALSE; return; }
// Update the connection information
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( CurrentTime ) ) {
currentTime = *CurrentTime;
} else {
KeQuerySystemTime( ¤tTime );
// Check if connection info is still valid.
if ( pagedConnection->LinkInfoValidTime.QuadPart > currentTime.QuadPart ) { return; }
// We need to update the connection information.
connectionInfo = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFO), BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( connectionInfo == NULL ) { goto exitquery; }
// Issue a TdiQueryInformation to get the current connection info
// from the transport provider for this connection. This is a
// synchronous operation.
status = SrvIssueTdiQuery( Connection->FileObject, &Connection->DeviceObject, (PUCHAR)connectionInfo, sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFO), TDI_QUERY_CONNECTION_INFO );
// If the request failed, log an event.
// *** We special-case STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION because NBF completes
// our Accept IRP before it's actually ready to accept requests.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { if ( status != STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION && status != STATUS_CONNECTION_INVALID ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvUpdateVcQualityOfService: SrvIssueTdiQuery failed: %X\n", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_IOCTL_FILE, status ); }
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( connectionInfo ); goto exitquery; }
// Set the time when this information becomes invalid.
currentTime.QuadPart += SrvLinkInfoValidTime.QuadPart;
// Get a positive delay. The TP returns a relative time which
// is negative.
linkDelay.QuadPart = -connectionInfo->Delay.QuadPart; if ( linkDelay.QuadPart < 0 ) { linkDelay.QuadPart = 0; }
// Get the throughput
throughput = connectionInfo->Throughput;
// If connection is reliable, check and see if the delay and throughput
// are within our limits. If not, the vc is unreliable.
Connection->EnableOplocks = (BOOLEAN) ( !connectionInfo->Unreliable && throughput.QuadPart >= SrvMinLinkThroughput.QuadPart );
// We need to check the delay for Raw I/O.
Connection->EnableRawIo = (BOOLEAN) ( Connection->EnableOplocks && linkDelay.QuadPart <= SrvMaxLinkDelay.QuadPart );
// See if oplocks are always disabled for this connection. We do it
// here so that Connection->EnableRawIo can be computed correctly.
if ( Connection->OplocksAlwaysDisabled ) { Connection->EnableOplocks = FALSE; }
// Access "large" connection QOS fields using a lock, to
// ensure consistent values.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &Connection->Lock ); pagedConnection->LinkInfoValidTime = currentTime; pagedConnection->Delay = linkDelay; pagedConnection->Throughput = throughput; RELEASE_LOCK( &Connection->Lock );
Connection->EnableOplocks = TRUE; Connection->EnableRawIo = TRUE; return;
} // SrvUpdateVcQualityOfService
Routine Description:
This function validates an SMB header.
WorkContext - Pointer to a work context block. The RequestHeader and RequestParameter fields must be valid.
Return Value:
TRUE - The SMB is valid FALSE - The SMB is invalid
{ PSMB_HEADER smbHeader; UCHAR wordCount = 0; PSMB_USHORT byteCount = NULL; ULONG availableSpaceForSmb = 0;
smbHeader = WorkContext->RequestHeader;
// Did we get an entire SMB? We check here for an SMB that at least goes
// to the WordCount field.
if( WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength < sizeof( SMB_HEADER ) + sizeof( UCHAR ) ) { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB of %d bytes too short!\n", availableSpaceForSmb )); } IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("Closing connection %p -- msg too small\n", WorkContext->Connection )); } //
// This client has really misbehaved. Nuke it!
WorkContext->Connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectBadSMBPacket; SrvCloseConnection( WorkContext->Connection, FALSE ); return FALSE; }
// Does it start with 0xFF S M B ?
if ( SmbGetAlignedUlong( (PULONG)smbHeader->Protocol ) != SMB_HEADER_PROTOCOL ) { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB does not start with SMB_HEADER_PROTOCOL\n" )); } IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("Closing connection %p -- no ffSMB\n", WorkContext->Connection )); } //
// This client has really misbehaved. Nuke it!
WorkContext->Connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectBadSMBPacket; SrvCloseConnection( WorkContext->Connection, FALSE ); return FALSE; }
#if 0
if ( smbHeader->Reserved != 0 ) { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB Header->Reserved %x != 0!\n", smbHeader->Reserved )); } SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); return FALSE; }
// DOS LM2.1 sets SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR on an oplock break
// response, so ignore that bit.
if ( (smbHeader->Flags & ~(INCOMING_SMB_FLAGS | SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR)) != 0 ) { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB Header->Flags (%x) invalid\n", smbHeader->Flags )); } SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); return FALSE; }
if ( (SmbGetAlignedUshort( &smbHeader->Flags2 ) & ~INCOMING_SMB_FLAGS2) != 0 ) { KdPrint(( "ValidatesmbHeader: Flags2 = %lx, valid bits = %lx, " "invalid bit(s) = %lx\n", SmbGetAlignedUshort( &smbHeader->Flags2 ), INCOMING_SMB_FLAGS2, SmbGetAlignedUshort( &smbHeader->Flags2 ) & ~INCOMING_SMB_FLAGS2 ));
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); return FALSE; }
#if 0
if( (smbHeader->Command != SMB_COM_LOCKING_ANDX) && (smbHeader->Flags & SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR) ) {
// A client has set the bit indicating that this is a server response
// packet. This could be an attempt by a client to sneak through a
// firewall -- because the firewall may be configured to allow incoming
// responses, but no incomming requests (thereby allowing internal clients
// to access Internet servers, but not allowing external clients to access
// internal servers). Reject this SMB.
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); return FALSE; } #endif
if( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect == SmbDialectIllegal && smbHeader->Command != SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE ) {
// Whoa -- the client sent us an SMB, but we haven't negotiated a dialect
// yet!
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB command %x w/o negotiate!\n", smbHeader->Command )); } IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("Closing connection %p -- no Negotiate\n", WorkContext->Connection )); }
// This client has really misbehaved. Nuke it!
WorkContext->Connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectBadSMBPacket; SrvCloseConnection( WorkContext->Connection, FALSE );
return FALSE; }
// Get the WordCount and ByteCount values to make sure that there
// was enough information sent to satisfy the specifications.
wordCount = *((PUCHAR)WorkContext->RequestParameters); byteCount = (PSMB_USHORT)( (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestParameters + sizeof(UCHAR) + (wordCount * sizeof(USHORT)) ); availableSpaceForSmb = WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength - PTR_DIFF( WorkContext->ResponseParameters, WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer );
// Verify all of the fixed valued SMB header fields. Variable
// valued fields (such as Tid) are verified as needed by the
// individual SMB handlers.
// Make sure that the valid word count was sent across. If the
// value in the table is -1, then the processing routine will
// verify the word count, and if the word count is -2 then this
// is an illegal command which will be caught later.
// We check whether the word count is negative first since
// critical smbs like read/write (andX/raw) have -1.
// Make sure that the ByteCount lies within the boundaries of
// the received SMB. Without this test, it would be possible,
// when at the end of a long AndX chain and WordCount is large,
// for the server to take an access violation when looking at
// ByteCount. The location for ByteCount must be at least two
// bytes short of the end of the buffer, as ByteCount is a
// USHORT (two bytes).
// The WordCount parameter is a byte that indicates the number of
// word parameters, and ByteCount is a word that indicated the
// number of following bytes. They do not account for their own
// sizes, so add sizeof(UCHAR) + sizeof(USHORT) to account for them.
if ( ((SrvSmbWordCount[WorkContext->NextCommand] < 0) || ((CHAR)wordCount == SrvSmbWordCount[WorkContext->NextCommand]))
((PCHAR)byteCount <= (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer + WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength - sizeof(USHORT))
((wordCount*sizeof(USHORT) + sizeof(UCHAR) + sizeof(USHORT) + SmbGetUshort( byteCount )) <= availableSpaceForSmb) ) {
// If we have an NT style WriteAndX, we let the client exceed the negotiated
// buffer size. We do not need to check the WordCount, because we know that
// the SMB processor itself checks it.
if( WorkContext->LargeIndication ) {
if( WorkContext->NextCommand == SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX ) { return(TRUE); } else { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "LargeIndication but not WRITE_AND_X (%x) received!\n", WorkContext->NextCommand )); } IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("Closing connection %p -- msg too large\n", WorkContext->Connection )); } //
// This client has really misbehaved. Nuke it!
WorkContext->Connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectBadSMBPacket; SrvCloseConnection( WorkContext->Connection, FALSE );
return( FALSE ); }
// Make sure that the valid word count was sent across. If the
// value in the table is -1, then the processing routine will
// verify the word count, and if the word count is -2 then this
// is an illegal command which will be caught later.
// We check whether the word count is negative first since
// critical smbs like read/write (andX/raw) have -1.
if ( (CHAR)wordCount != SrvSmbWordCount[WorkContext->NextCommand] ) {
// Living with sin. The DOS redir sends a word count of 9
// (instead of 8) on a Transaction secondary SMB. Pretend it
// sent the correct number.
if ( WorkContext->RequestHeader->Command == SMB_COM_TRANSACTION_SECONDARY && IS_DOS_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect) && wordCount == 9 ) {
wordCount = 8; *((PUCHAR)WorkContext->RequestParameters) = 8;
byteCount = (PSMB_USHORT)( (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestParameters + sizeof(UCHAR) + (8 * sizeof(USHORT)) );
} else {
// Any other request with an incorrect word count is
// toast. Reject the request.
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB WordCount incorrect. WordCount=%ld, " "should be %ld (command = 0x%lx)\n", wordCount, SrvSmbWordCount[WorkContext->NextCommand], WorkContext->NextCommand )); KdPrint(( " SMB received from %z\n", (PCSTRING)&WorkContext->Connection->OemClientMachineNameString ));
} SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); return FALSE; } }
// Make sure that the ByteCount lies within the boundaries of
// the received SMB. Without this test, it would be possible,
// when at the end of a long AndX chain and WordCount is large,
// for the server to take an access violation when looking at
// ByteCount. The location for ByteCount must be at least two
// bytes short of the end of the buffer, as ByteCount is a
// USHORT (two bytes).
if ( (PCHAR)byteCount > (PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer + WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength - sizeof(USHORT) ) {
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "ByteCount address past end of sent SMB. " "ByteCount address=0x%p, " "End of buffer=0x%lx\n", byteCount, WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength )); KdPrint(( " SMB received from %z\n", (PCSTRING)&WorkContext->Connection->OemClientMachineNameString ));
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("Closing connection %p -- ByteCount too big\n", WorkContext->Connection )); }
// This client has really misbehaved. Nuke it!
WorkContext->Connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectBadSMBPacket; SrvCloseConnection( WorkContext->Connection, FALSE );
} else {
// if this is an IOCTL smb with category 0x53, set byte count to zero.
// This is due to a DOS Lm2.0 and Lm2.1 bug which does not zero out
// the bcc causing the preceding check to fail.
if ( (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Command == SMB_COM_IOCTL) && (((PREQ_IOCTL) WorkContext->RequestParameters)->Category == 0x53) ) {
SmbPutUshort( byteCount , 0 ); return(TRUE); }
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SMB WordCount and/or ByteCount incorrect. " "WordCount=%ld, ByteCount=%ld, Space=%ld\n", wordCount, SmbGetUshort( byteCount ), availableSpaceForSmb )); KdPrint(( " SMB received from %z\n", (PCSTRING)&WorkContext->Connection->OemClientMachineNameString ));
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); }
return FALSE;
} // SrvValidateSmb
Routine Description:
This routine converts a filespec and a source filename into a destination file name. This routine is used to support DOS-based wildcard renames.
FileSpec - The wildcard specification describing the destination file. SourceString - Pointer to a string that contains the source file name. TargetString - Pointer to a string that will contain the destination name.
Return Value:
Status of operation.
--*/ { PWCHAR currentFileSpec; WCHAR delimit; PWCHAR buffer; PWCHAR source; ULONG bufferSize; ULONG sourceLeft; ULONG i;
// This will store the number of bytes we have written to the
// target buffer so far.
ULONG resultLength = 0;
// This points to the current character in the filespec.
currentFileSpec = FileSpec->Buffer;
// Initialize the pointer and the length of the source buffer.
source = SourceString->Buffer; sourceLeft = SourceString->Length;
// Initialize the pointer and the length of the target buffer.
buffer = TargetString->Buffer; bufferSize = TargetString->MaximumLength;
// Go throught each character in the filespec.
for ( i = 0; i < (ULONG)FileSpec->Length ; i += sizeof(WCHAR) ) {
if (resultLength < bufferSize) {
switch ( *currentFileSpec ) { case L':': case L'\\': return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID;
case L'*':
// Store the next character.
delimit = *(currentFileSpec+1);
// While we have not exceeded the buffer and
// we have not reached the end of the source string
// and the current source character is not equal to
// the delimeter, copy the source character to the
// target string.
while ( ( resultLength < bufferSize ) && ( sourceLeft > 0 ) && ( *source != delimit ) ) {
*(buffer++) = *(source++); sourceLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); resultLength += sizeof(WCHAR); } break;
case L'?': //
case L'>': // should we even consider >, <, and "
case L'<': // I'll just put this here to be safe
// For each ? in the filespec, we copy one character
// from the source string.
if ( ( *source != L'.' ) && ( sourceLeft > 0 )) {
if (resultLength < bufferSize) {
*(buffer++) = *(source++); sourceLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); resultLength += sizeof(WCHAR);
} else {
} break;
case L'.': case L'"':
// Discard all the characters from the source string up
// to . or the end of the string.
while ( (*source != L'.') && (sourceLeft > 0) ) { source++; sourceLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); }
*(buffer++) = L'.'; resultLength += sizeof(WCHAR);
if ( sourceLeft > 0 ) { source++; sourceLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); } break;
// Just copy one to one
if ( (*source != L'.') && (sourceLeft > 0)) { source++; sourceLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); }
if (resultLength < bufferSize) { *(buffer++) = *currentFileSpec; resultLength += sizeof(WCHAR);
} else {
} break; }
} else { return(STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); } }
TargetString->Length = (USHORT)resultLength;
} // SrvWildcardRename
VOID DispatchToOrphanage( IN PQUEUEABLE_BLOCK_HEADER Block ) { KIRQL oldIrql;
ASSERT( Block->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 1 );
ExInterlockedPushEntrySList( &SrvBlockOrphanage, &Block->SingleListEntry, &GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK(Fsd) );
InterlockedIncrement( &SrvResourceOrphanedBlocks );
SrvFsdQueueExWorkItem( &SrvResourceThreadWorkItem, &SrvResourceThreadRunning, CriticalWorkQueue );
return; } // DispatchToOrphanage
NTSTATUS SrvIsAllowedOnAdminShare( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PSHARE Share ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the client represented by the WorkContext should be allowed to access the Share, if the share is an Administrative Disk share.
WorkContext - the unit of work Share - pointer to a share, possibly an administrative share
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if allowed. Error otherwise.
if( Share->SpecialShare && Share->ShareType == ShareTypeDisk ) {
SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjectContext; ACCESS_MASK desiredAccess, grantedAccess;
status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { SeCaptureSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
if( !SeAccessCheck( Share->SecurityDescriptor, &subjectContext, FALSE, SRVSVC_SHARE_CONNECT, 0L, NULL, &SrvShareConnectMapping, UserMode, &grantedAccess, &status ) ) {
// We have a non-administrative user trying to access a file
// through an administrative share. Can't allow that!
// Some clients want ACCESS_DENIED to be in the server class
// instead of the DOS class when it's due to share ACL
// restrictions. So we need to keep track of why we're
// returning ACCESS_DENIED.
WorkContext->ShareAclFailure = TRUE; }
SeReleaseSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
REVERT(); } }
return status; }
NTSTATUS SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser( CtxtHandle *pUserHandle, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PGENERIC_MAPPING pMapping, PACCESS_MASK pMaximalAccessRights) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the maximal access rights for this client
pUserHandle - the users security handle
pSecurityDescriptor - the security descriptor
pMapping - the mapping of access rights
pMaximalAccessRights - the computed rights
Return Value:
Status of operation.
The srv macros IMPERSONATE is defined in terms of a WORK_CONTEXT. Since we desire this routine should be used in all situations even when a WORK_CONTEXT is not available the code in SrvImpersonate is duplicated over here
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PPRIVILEGE_SET privileges = NULL; SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT subjectContext;
status = ImpersonateSecurityContext( pUserHandle);
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
SeCaptureSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
if (!SeAccessCheck( pSecurityDescriptor, &subjectContext, FALSE, // Locked ?
MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, 0, // PreviousGrantedAccess
&privileges, pMapping, UserMode, pMaximalAccessRights, &status ) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { KdPrint(( "SrvCheckShareFileAccess: Status %x, Desired access %x\n", status, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED )); } }
if ( privileges != NULL ) { SeFreePrivileges( privileges ); }
SeReleaseSubjectContext( &subjectContext );
if (status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) { *pMaximalAccessRights = 0; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
return status; }
NTSTATUS SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRights( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT PACCESS_MASK pMaximalAccessRights, OUT PACCESS_MASK pGuestMaximalAccessRights) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the maximal access rights for this client as well as a guest based upon the ACLs specified for the file
WorkContext - pointer to the work context block that contains information about the request.
pMaximalAccessRights - the maximal access rights for this client.
pGuestMaximalAccessRights - the maximal access rights for a guest
Return Value:
Status of operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status;
BOOLEAN SecurityBufferAllocated = FALSE;
PRFCB rfcb;
ULONG lengthNeeded;
LONG SecurityDescriptorBufferLength;
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptorBuffer;
rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb;
SecurityDescriptorBufferLength = (WorkContext->RequestBuffer->DataLength - sizeof(SMB_HEADER) - - 4);
if (SecurityDescriptorBufferLength > 0) { SecurityDescriptorBufferLength &= ~3; } else { SecurityDescriptorBufferLength = 0; }
SecurityDescriptorBuffer = ((PCHAR)WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer + WorkContext->RequestBuffer->BufferLength - SecurityDescriptorBufferLength);
status = NtQuerySecurityObject( rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle, (DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION), SecurityDescriptorBuffer, SecurityDescriptorBufferLength, &lengthNeeded );
if (status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { SecurityDescriptorBuffer = ALLOCATE_HEAP(lengthNeeded,PagedPool);
if (SecurityDescriptorBuffer != NULL) { SecurityBufferAllocated = TRUE;
SecurityDescriptorBufferLength = lengthNeeded;
status = NtQuerySecurityObject( rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle, (DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION), SecurityDescriptorBuffer, SecurityDescriptorBufferLength, &lengthNeeded ); } else { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser( &WorkContext->SecurityContext->UserHandle, SecurityDescriptorBuffer, &Mapping, pMaximalAccessRights); }
// Extract the GUEST access rights
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser( &SrvNullSessionToken, SecurityDescriptorBuffer, &Mapping, pGuestMaximalAccessRights);
if (SecurityBufferAllocated) { FREE_HEAP(SecurityDescriptorBuffer); }
return status; }
NTSTATUS SrvRetrieveMaximalShareAccessRights( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT PACCESS_MASK pMaximalAccessRights, OUT PACCESS_MASK pGuestMaximalAccessRights) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the maximal access rights for this client as well as a guest based upon the ACLs specified for the share
WorkContext - pointer to the work context block that contains information about the request.
pMaximalAccessRights - the maximal access rights for this client.
pGuestMaximalAccessRights - the maximal access rights for a guest
Return Value:
Status of operation.
ACQUIRE_LOCK_SHARED( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->SecurityDescriptorLock );
securityDescriptor = WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->FileSecurityDescriptor;
if (securityDescriptor != NULL) { status = SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser( &WorkContext->SecurityContext->UserHandle, securityDescriptor, &SrvFileAccessMapping, pMaximalAccessRights);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // Get the guest rights
status = SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRightsForUser( &SrvNullSessionToken, securityDescriptor, &SrvFileAccessMapping, pGuestMaximalAccessRights); } } else { // No Share Level ACL, Grant maximum access to both the current client
// as well as guest
*pMaximalAccessRights = 0x1ff; *pGuestMaximalAccessRights = 0x1ff; }
RELEASE_LOCK( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->SecurityDescriptorLock );
return status; }
NTSTATUS SrvUpdateMaximalAccessRightsInResponse( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT PSMB_ULONG pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, OUT PSMB_ULONG pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the maximal access rights fields in an extended response. This is used to update these fields in various kinds of OPEN requests
WorkContext - Supplies the address of a Work Context Block describing the current request. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description of the valid fields.
pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse - the maximal access rights field in the response
pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse - the guest maximal access rights field in the response
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise appropriate error code
--*/ { NTSTATUS status;
ACCESS_MASK OwnerMaximalAccessRights = 0; ACCESS_MASK GuestMaximalAccessRights = 0;
status = SrvRetrieveMaximalAccessRights( WorkContext, &OwnerMaximalAccessRights, &GuestMaximalAccessRights);
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmbPutUlong( pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, OwnerMaximalAccessRights );
SmbPutUlong( pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, GuestMaximalAccessRights ); }
return status; }
NTSTATUS SrvUpdateMaximalShareAccessRightsInResponse( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT PSMB_ULONG pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, OUT PSMB_ULONG pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the maximal access rights fields in an extended response. This is used to update these fields in various kinds of TREE_CONNECT requests
WorkContext - Supplies the address of a Work Context Block describing the current request. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description of the valid fields.
pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse - the maximal access rights field in the response
pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse - the guest maximal access rights field in the response
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise appropriate error code
--*/ { NTSTATUS status;
ACCESS_MASK OwnerMaximalAccessRights = 0; ACCESS_MASK GuestMaximalAccessRights = 0;
status = SrvRetrieveMaximalShareAccessRights( WorkContext, &OwnerMaximalAccessRights, &GuestMaximalAccessRights);
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmbPutUlong( pMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, OwnerMaximalAccessRights );
SmbPutUlong( pGuestMaximalAccessRightsInResponse, GuestMaximalAccessRights ); }
return status; }
VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartConsumeSmbData( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the restart routine for 'SrvConsumeSmbData'. We need to see if we drained the current message from the transport. If we have, then we send the response SMB to the client. If we have not, we keep going.
--*/ { PIRP irp = WorkContext->Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE parameters;
ASSERT( WorkContext->LargeIndication );
// Check to see if we are done. If so, send the response to the client
if( irp->Cancel || NT_SUCCESS( irp->IoStatus.Status ) || irp->IoStatus.Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) {
RtlZeroMemory( WorkContext->ResponseHeader + 1, sizeof( SMB_PARAMS ) ); WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->DataLength = sizeof( SMB_HEADER ) + sizeof( SMB_PARAMS ); WorkContext->ResponseHeader->Flags |= SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR;
// Send the data!
SRV_START_SEND_2( WorkContext, SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion, NULL, NULL );
return; }
// Not done yet. Consume more data!
WorkContext->Connection->ReceivePending = FALSE;
irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = NULL; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode;
// Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to
// hold the parameters for the device I/O control request.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
// Set up the completion routine
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine, WorkContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartConsumeSmbData;
irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = (UCHAR)TDI_RECEIVE; irpSp->FileObject = WorkContext->Connection->FileObject; irpSp->DeviceObject = WorkContext->Connection->DeviceObject; irpSp->Flags = 0;
parameters = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE)&irpSp->Parameters; parameters->ReceiveLength = WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->BufferLength - sizeof( SMB_HEADER ); parameters->ReceiveFlags = 0;
// Set the buffer's partial mdl to point just after the header for this
// WriteAndX SMB. We need to preserve the header to make it easier to send
// back the response.
IoBuildPartialMdl( WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Mdl, WorkContext->RequestBuffer->PartialMdl, WorkContext->ResponseHeader + 1, parameters->ReceiveLength );
irp->MdlAddress = WorkContext->RequestBuffer->PartialMdl; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL; irp->Flags = (ULONG)IRP_BUFFERED_IO; // ???
(VOID)IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, irp );
Routine Description:
This routine handles the case where we have received a LargeIndication from a client (i.e. received SMB exceeds the negotiated buffer size). Some error has occurred prior to consuming the entire message. The SMB header is already formatted for the response, but we need to consume the rest of the incoming data and then send the response.
--*/ { if( WorkContext->LargeIndication == FALSE ) { return SmbStatusSendResponse; }
IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(("SRV: SrvConsumeSmbData, BytesAvailable = %u\n", WorkContext->BytesAvailable )); }
WorkContext->Irp->Cancel = FALSE; WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; RestartConsumeSmbData( WorkContext );
return SmbStatusInProgress; }
BOOLEAN SrvIsDottedQuadAddress( IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return true if the ServerName appears to be a dotted quad address along the lines of xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq
False otherwise --*/ { PWCHAR p, ep; DWORD numberOfDots = 0; DWORD numberOfDigits = 0;
// If the address is all digits and contains 3 dots, then we'll figure that it's
// a dotted quad address.
ep = &ServerName->Buffer[ ServerName->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ];
for( p = ServerName->Buffer; p < ep; p++ ) {
if( *p == L'.' ) { if( ++numberOfDots > 3 || numberOfDigits == 0 ) { return FALSE; } numberOfDigits = 0;
} else if( (*p < L'0' || *p > L'9') || ++numberOfDigits > 3 ) { return FALSE; } }
return (numberOfDots == 3) && (numberOfDigits <= 3); }
BOOLEAN SrvIsLocalHost( IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerName ) /*++
Routine Description: Return true if the ServerName represents the loopback connection
False otherwise --*/ { UNICODE_STRING LocalHost = { 18, 18, L"localhost" };
return !RtlCompareUnicodeString( ServerName, &LocalHost, TRUE ); }
PSESSION SrvFindSession( IN PCONNECTION connection, IN USHORT Uid ) { PTABLE_HEADER tableHeader; PSESSION session; USHORT index; USHORT sequence;
// Initialize local variables: obtain the connection block address
// and crack the UID into its components.
index = UID_INDEX( Uid ); sequence = UID_SEQUENCE( Uid );
// Acquire the connection's session lock.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// If this is a down-level (LAN Man 1.0 or earlier) client, than
// we will not receive a UID, and there will only be one session
// per connection. Reference that session.
tableHeader = &connection->PagedConnection->SessionTable; if (!DIALECT_HONORS_UID(connection->SmbDialect) ) {
session = tableHeader->Table[0].Owner;
} else if ( (index < tableHeader->TableSize) && (tableHeader->Table[index].Owner != NULL) && (tableHeader->Table[index].SequenceNumber == sequence) ) {
// The UID is in range, is in use, and has the correct sequence
// number.
session = tableHeader->Table[index].Owner;
} else {
// The UID is invalid for this connection.
session = NULL; }
if( session && GET_BLOCK_STATE(session) == BlockStateActive ) { SrvReferenceSession( session ); } else { session = NULL; }
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
return session; }
NTSTATUS DuplicateSystemHandle(PKPROCESS InitialSystemProcess, HANDLE FileHandle, HANDLE *NewFileHandle) { HANDLE SystemProcess; NTSTATUS Status;
if (NewFileHandle == NULL) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
Status = ObOpenObjectByPointer( InitialSystemProcess, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, //PsProcessType,
KernelMode, &SystemProcess );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
Status = ZwDuplicateObject( SystemProcess, FileHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), NewFileHandle, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES | DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
// close system process
ZwClose (SystemProcess);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS SrvCreateHandleWithOptions(PUNICODE_STRING FileName, HANDLE FileHandle, ULONG Options, ACCESS_MASK Access, ULONG Share, BOOLEAN KernelHandle, HANDLE *Handle) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; NTSTATUS err; UNICODE_STRING cwspath; WCHAR *name; WCHAR *prefix = L"\\??\\"; ULONG length;
length = (wcslen(prefix) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + FileName->MaximumLength + sizeof(WCHAR); name = ALLOCATE_HEAP( length, BlockTypeMisc ); if (name == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
cwspath.Buffer = name; cwspath.MaximumLength = (USHORT)length; cwspath.Length = 0; RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&cwspath, prefix); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&cwspath, FileName);
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &cwspath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | ((KernelHandle == TRUE) ? OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE : 0), NULL, 0);
err = IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint (Handle, Access, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, 0L, Share, FILE_OPEN, Options, NULL, 0, CreateFileTypeNone, NULL, IO_IGNORE_SHARE_ACCESS_CHECK | IO_NO_PARAMETER_CHECKING, NULL);
return err; }
// Try to find a file that matches the file ID. Only an exact
// match will work.
rfcb = SrvFindEntryInOrderedList( &SrvRfcbList, NULL, NULL, (ULONG)(pDupRequest->Key.ResumeKey), TRUE, NULL );
if ( (rfcb == NULL) || ( (UINT64)(rfcb->PagedRfcb->OpenTime.QuadPart) != pDupRequest->Key.Timestamp) ) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; }
// Don't do LWIO on TIMEWARP files
if ( rfcb->Mfcb->SnapShotTime.QuadPart != 0 ) { SrvDereferenceRfcb( rfcb ); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Validate that the SID matches that used to open the file
session = SrvFindSession( rfcb->Connection, rfcb->Uid ); if( !session ) { status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } else { pOutHandleDup->LockKey = rfcb->ShiftedFid | SmbGetUshort(&pDupRequest->Key.Pid);
status = SrvImpersonateSession( session );
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { if (IoGetCurrentProcess() != SrvServerProcess) { status = DuplicateSystemHandle(SrvServerProcess, rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle, &pOutHandleDup->hFile);
if (pDupRequest->Options != 0 && status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { HANDLE tmp;
if (SrvCreateHandleWithOptions(&rfcb->Lfcb->Mfcb->FileName, pOutHandleDup->hFile, pDupRequest->Options, rfcb->GrantedAccess, rfcb->ShareAccess, FALSE, &tmp) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { ZwClose(pOutHandleDup->hFile); pOutHandleDup->hFile = tmp; } } } else { status = SrvCreateHandleWithOptions( &rfcb->Lfcb->Mfcb->FileName, rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle, pDupRequest->Options, rfcb->GrantedAccess, rfcb->ShareAccess, TRUE, &pOutHandleDup->hFile); }
SrvRevert(); }
SrvDereferenceSession( session ); }
SrvDereferenceRfcb( rfcb );
return status; }