// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// DriverQuery.cpp
// Abstract:
// This modules Queries the information of the various drivers present in the
// system .
// Syntax:
// ------
// DriverQuery [-s server ] [-u [domain\]username [-p password]]
// [-fo format ] [-n|noheader ] [-v]
// Author:
// J.S.Vasu ([email protected])
// Revision History:
// Created on 31-0ct-2000 by J.S.Vasu
// Modified on 9-Dec-2000 by Santhosh Brahmappa Added a new function IsWin64()
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "LOCALE.H"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "DriverQuery.h"
#ifndef _WIN64
BOOL IsWin64(void); #define countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
// function prototypes
LCID GetSupportedUserLocale( BOOL& bLocaleChanged ); #define MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS 10
DWORD _cdecl wmain( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This the entry point to this utility.
Arguments: [ in ] argc : argument(s) count specified at the command prompt [ in ] argv : argument(s) specified at the command prompt
Return Value: 0 : If the utility successfully displayed the driver information. 1 : If the utility completely failed to display the driver information
--*/ { BOOL bResult = FALSE ; BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE ; BOOL bUsage = FALSE ; BOOL bHeader= FALSE ; LPTSTR szUserName = NULL ; LPTSTR szPassword = NULL; LPTSTR szServer = NULL ;
WCHAR szTmpPassword[MAX_RES_STRING]= NULL_STRING; __MAX_SIZE_STRING szFormat = NULL_STRING ; DWORD dwSystemType = 0; HRESULT hQueryResult = S_OK ; DWORD dwExitCode = 0; DWORD dwErrCode = 0; BOOL bLocalFlag = TRUE ; BOOL bLocalSystem = TRUE; BOOL bVerbose = FALSE ; BOOL bComInitFlag = FALSE ; IWbemLocator* pIWbemLocator = NULL ; IWbemServices* pIWbemServReg = NULL ; LPCTSTR szToken = NULL ; COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity = NULL; BOOL bFlag = FALSE ; BOOL bSigned = FALSE ; CHString strUserName = NULL_STRING; CHString strPassword = NULL_STRING; CHString strMachineName = NULL_STRING;
_tsetlocale( LC_ALL, _T(""));
bResult = ProcessOptions(argc,argv,&bUsage,&szServer,&szUserName,szTmpPassword,szFormat, &bHeader,&bNeedPassword,&bVerbose,&bSigned);
if(bResult == FALSE) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetReason()); ReleaseGlobals(); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szUserName ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szServer ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); return(EXIT_FAILURE); }
// check if the help option has been specified.
if(bUsage==TRUE) { ShowUsage() ; ReleaseGlobals(); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szUserName ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szServer ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
bComInitFlag = InitialiseCom(&pIWbemLocator); if(bComInitFlag == FALSE ) { CloseConnection(szServer); ReleaseGlobals(); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szUserName ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szServer ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); return(EXIT_FAILURE); }
try { strUserName = (LPCWSTR) szUserName ; strMachineName = (LPCWSTR) szServer ; strPassword = (LPCWSTR)szTmpPassword ;
bFlag = ConnectWmiEx( pIWbemLocator, &pIWbemServReg, strMachineName, strUserName, strPassword, &pAuthIdentity, bNeedPassword, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, &bLocalSystem );
//if unable to connect to wmi exit failure
if( bFlag == FALSE ) { SAFEIRELEASE( pIWbemLocator); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szUserName ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szServer ); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } //free the memory of these variables
FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szUserName ); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szServer ); //get the changed server name, user name, password back
szUserName = strUserName.GetBuffer(strUserName.GetLength()); szPassword = strPassword.GetBuffer(strPassword.GetLength()) ; szServer = strMachineName.GetBuffer(strPassword.GetLength());
} catch(CHeap_Exception) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//display warning message if local credentials supplied
if( ( IsLocalSystem( szServer ) == TRUE )&&(StringLengthW(szUserName, 0)!=0) ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_IGNORE_LOCAL_CRED)); }
// establish connection to remote system by using win32api function
if ( bLocalSystem == FALSE ) { LPCWSTR pwszUser = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszPassword = NULL;
// identify the password to connect to the remote system
if ( pAuthIdentity != NULL ) { pwszPassword = pAuthIdentity->Password; if ( strUserName.GetLength() != 0 ) pwszUser =(LPCWSTR) strUserName; }
DWORD dwConnect = 0 ; dwConnect = ConnectServer( (LPCWSTR)strMachineName, pwszUser, pwszPassword ); if(dwConnect !=NO_ERROR ) { dwErrCode = GetLastError(); if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT) { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_WARNING | SLE_INTERNAL ); } else if( dwConnect == ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); strMachineName.ReleaseBuffer(); strUserName.ReleaseBuffer(); strPassword.ReleaseBuffer(); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } else { SetLastError( dwConnect ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); strMachineName.ReleaseBuffer(); strUserName.ReleaseBuffer(); strPassword.ReleaseBuffer(); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } else { bLocalFlag = FALSE ; } } else { StringCopy( szServer, _T( "" ), StringLengthW(szServer, 0) ); }
hQueryResult = QueryDriverInfo(szServer, szUserName,szPassword,szFormat,bHeader,bVerbose,pIWbemLocator,pAuthIdentity,pIWbemServReg,bSigned); if((DWORD)hQueryResult == FAILURE) { // close connection to the specified system and exit with failure.
if (bLocalFlag == FALSE ) { CloseConnection(szServer); } WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); strMachineName.ReleaseBuffer(); strUserName.ReleaseBuffer(); strPassword.ReleaseBuffer(); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return(EXIT_FAILURE); }
// close connection to the specified system and exit
if (bLocalFlag == FALSE ) { CloseConnection(szServer); }
strMachineName.ReleaseBuffer(); strUserName.ReleaseBuffer(); strPassword.ReleaseBuffer(); WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdentity ); SAFEIRELEASE( pIWbemLocator); CoUninitialize(); ReleaseGlobals(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void ShowUsage() /*++
Routine Description: This function fetches usage information from resource file and displays it
Arguments: None
Return Value: None --*/
for(;dwIndex<=ID_USAGE_ENDING; dwIndex++) { ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString( dwIndex )); } }
DWORD QueryDriverInfo( IN LPWSTR szServer, IN LPWSTR szUserName, IN LPWSTR szPassword, IN LPWSTR szFormat, IN BOOL bHeader, IN BOOL bVerbose, IN IWbemLocator* pIWbemLocator, IN COAUTHIDENTITY* pAuthIdentity, IN IWbemServices* pIWbemServReg, IN BOOL bSigned ) /**+
Routine Description: This function queries the driverinfo of the specified system by connecting to WMI
Arguments: [ in ] szServer : server name on which DriverInformation has to be queried. [ in ] szUserName : User name for whom DriverInformation has to be queried. [ in ] szPassword : Password for the user [ in ] szFormat : Format in which the results are to be displayed. [ in ] bHeader : Boolean indicating if the header is required. [ in ] bVerbose : Boolean indicating if the output is to be in verbose mode or not. [ in ] IWbemLocater : Pointer to IWbemLocater. [ in ] pAuthIdentity : Pointer to AuthIdentity structure. [ in ] IWbemServReg : Pointer to IWbemServices object [ in ] bSigned : Boolean variable indicating if signed drivers to show or not
Return Value: SUCCESS : if the function is successful in querying FAILURE : if the function is unsuccessful in querying. --*/ {
HRESULT hRes = S_OK ; HRESULT hConnect = S_OK; _bstr_t bstrUserName ; _bstr_t bstrPassword ; _bstr_t bstrNamespace ; _bstr_t bstrServer ; DWORD dwProcessResult = 0; DWORD dwSystemType = 0 ; LPTSTR lpMsgBuf = NULL; IWbemServices *pIWbemServices = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pSystemSet = NULL;
HRESULT hISecurity = S_FALSE; HANDLE h_Mutex = 0;
try { bstrNamespace = CIMV2_NAMESPACE ; bstrServer = szServer ; } catch(...) { ShowMessage( stderr,ERROR_RETREIVE_INFO); return FAILURE; }
if ( IsLocalSystem( szServer ) == FALSE ) {
try { //appending UNC paths to form the complete path.
bstrNamespace = TOKEN_BACKSLASH2 + _bstr_t( szServer ) + TOKEN_BACKSLASH + CIMV2_NAMESPACE;
// if user name is specified then only take user name and password
if ( StringLengthW( szUserName, 0 ) != 0 ) { bstrUserName = szUserName; if (StringLengthW(szPassword, 0)==0) { bstrPassword = L""; } else { bstrPassword = szPassword ; }
} } catch(...) { ShowMessage( stderr,ERROR_RETREIVE_INFO); return FAILURE; } }
dwSystemType = GetSystemType(pAuthIdentity,pIWbemServReg); if (dwSystemType == ERROR_WMI_VALUES) { ShowMessage( stderr,ERROR_RETREIVE_INFO); return FAILURE; }
// Connect to the Root\Cimv2 namespace of the specified system with the current user.
// If no system is specified then connect to the local system.
// To pass the appropriate Username to connectserver
// depending upon whether the user has entered domain\user or only username at the command prompt.
// connect to the server with the credentials supplied.
hConnect = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(bstrNamespace, bstrUserName, bstrPassword, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pIWbemServices );
if((StringLengthW(szUserName, 0)!=0) && FAILED(hConnect) && (hConnect == E_ACCESSDENIED)) { hConnect = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(bstrNamespace, bstrUserName, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pIWbemServices );
} if(hConnect == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { // Set the proxy so that impersonation of the client occurs.
hISecurity = SetInterfaceSecurity(pIWbemServices,pAuthIdentity);
if(FAILED(hISecurity)) { GetWbemErrorText(hISecurity); ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return FAILURE ; }
// Use the IWbemServices pointer to make requests of WMI.
// Create enumeration of Win32_Systemdriver class
if(bSigned == FALSE) { hRes = pIWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum(_bstr_t(CLASS_SYSTEMDRIVER), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pSystemSet); } else { h_Mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, DRIVERQUERY_MUTEX ); if( h_Mutex != NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString(IDS_MORE_INSTANCES_SIGNEDDRIVERS)); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return SUCCESS ; } hRes = pIWbemServices->ExecQuery(_bstr_t(LANGUAGE_WQL),_bstr_t(WQL_QUERY),WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY| WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY,NULL,&pSystemSet); }
//if ( hRes == S_OK)
if ( SUCCEEDED(hRes )) {
hISecurity = SetInterfaceSecurity(pSystemSet,pAuthIdentity);
if(FAILED(hISecurity)) { GetWbemErrorText(hISecurity); ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystemSet); return FAILURE ; }
if(bSigned == FALSE) { dwProcessResult = ProcessCompSysEnum(szServer,pSystemSet,szFormat,bHeader,dwSystemType,bVerbose); } else { dwProcessResult = ProcessSignedDriverInfo(szServer,pSystemSet,szFormat,bHeader,dwSystemType,bVerbose); }
switch(dwProcessResult) { case EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC : SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystemSet); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return FAILURE ;
case EXIT_SUCCESSFUL: SAFEIRELEASE(pSystemSet); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return SUCCESS ; break ;
case EXIT_FAILURE_RESULTS: ShowMessage(stdout, NEWLINE ); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_NO_DRIVERS_FOUND)); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystemSet); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return SUCCESS ; default : break; }
} else { ShowMessage( stderr, ERROR_ENUMERATE_INSTANCE); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); return FAILURE; } } else { //display the error if connect server fails
//unauthorized user
if(hRes == WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED) { ShowMessage( stderr, ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE); } //local system credentials
else if(hRes == WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS) { ShowMessage( stderr, ERROR_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS); } //some error
else { ShowMessage( stderr, ERROR_WMI_FAILURE ); } return (FAILURE); }
SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServices); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystemSet); return (hRes); }
DWORD ProcessCompSysEnum( IN CHString szHost, IN IEnumWbemClassObject *pSystemSet, IN LPTSTR szFormat, IN BOOL bHeader, IN DWORD dwSystemType, IN BOOL bVerbose ) /*++
Routine Description: Processes enumeration of Win32_SystemDirver instances
Arguments: [ in ] szHost : HostName to connect to [ in ] pSystemSet : pointer to the structure containing system properties. [ in ] szFormat : specifies the format [ in ] bHeader : specifies if the header is required or not. [ in ] dwSystemType : specifies the sytem type. [ in ] bVerbose : Boolean varibale tells whether verbose mode is on or not.
Return Value: 0 no error 1 error occured while allocating memory. --*/ { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; ULONG ulReturned = 1;
// declare variant type variables
VARIANT vtPathName;
//declaration of normal variables
CHString szPathName ; DWORD dwLength = 0; LPCTSTR szPath = NULL; LPTSTR szHostName = NULL ; CHString szAcceptPauseVal ; CHString szAcceptStopVal ; LPTSTR szSysManfact = NULL; TARRAY arrResults = NULL ; TCHAR szPrintPath[MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1] =TOKEN_EMPTYSTRING ; DWORD dwRow = 0 ; BOOL bValue = FALSE ; DWORD dwValue = 0 ;
DWORD dwPosn1 = 0; DWORD dwStrlen = 0;
BOOL bResult = FALSE ; NUMBERFMT *pNumberFmt = NULL; TCOLUMNS ResultHeader[ MAX_COLUMNS ]; IWbemClassObject *pSystem = NULL; LPTSTR szCodeSize = NULL; LPTSTR szInitSize = NULL; LPTSTR szBssSize = NULL ; LPTSTR szAcceptStop = NULL ; int iLen = 0; LPTSTR szAcceptPause = NULL; LPTSTR szPagedSize = NULL ; TCHAR szDriverTypeVal[MAX_RES_STRING+1] = NULL_STRING;
CHString szValue ; CHString szSysName ; CHString szStartMode ; CHString szDispName ; CHString szDescription ; CHString szStatus ; CHString szState ; CHString szDriverType ; BOOL bBlankLine = FALSE; BOOL bFirstTime = TRUE;
//get the paged pool acc to the Locale
BOOL bFValue = FALSE ;
// Fill up the NUMBERFMT structure acc to the locale specific information
LPTSTR szGroupSep = NULL; LPTSTR szDecimalSep = NULL ; LPTSTR szGroupThousSep = NULL ;
pNumberFmt = (NUMBERFMT *) AllocateMemory(sizeof(NUMBERFMT)); if(pNumberFmt == NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC ;
// Initialise the structure to Zero.
// assign the appropriate format type to the dwFormattype flag
if( StringCompare(szFormat,TABLE_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; } else if( StringCompare(szFormat,LIST_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_LIST; } else if( StringCompare(szFormat,CSV_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_CSV; }
// formulate the Column headers and show results appropriately
// loop till there are results.
bFirstTime = TRUE; while ( ulReturned == 1 ) { // Create new Dynamic Array to hold the result
arrResults = CreateDynamicArray();
if(arrResults == NULL) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &pNumberFmt); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC ; }
// Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pSystemSet->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, // return just one system
&pSystem, // pointer to system
&ulReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) && (ulReturned == 1) ) {
// initialise the variant variables to empty
VariantInit(&vtPathName); szValue = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; szSysName = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szStartMode = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szDispName = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szDescription = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szStatus = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szState = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ; szDriverType = NO_DATA_AVAILABLE ;
try { hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_NAME,szValue); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_SYSTEMNAME,szSysName); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_STARTMODE,szStartMode); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME,szDispName); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION,szDescription); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_STATUS,szStatus); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_STATE,szState); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_ACCEPTPAUSE,szAcceptPauseVal); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_ACCEPTSTOP,szAcceptStopVal); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pSystem,PROPERTY_SERVICETYPE,szDriverType); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); } catch(_com_error) { ShowMessage(stderr,ERROR_GET_VALUE); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &pNumberFmt); return FAILURE; }
// retreive the PathName property
szPath = NULL; try { hRes = pSystem->Get( PROPERTY_PATHNAME, 0,&vtPathName,0,NULL ); if (( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) && (vtPathName.vt != VT_NULL) && (vtPathName.vt != VT_EMPTY)) { szPathName = ( LPWSTR ) _bstr_t(vtPathName); szSysManfact = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory ((MAX_RES_STRING) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (szSysManfact == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
dwLength = szPathName.GetLength(); GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( szPathName, szSysManfact, dwLength+2 ); szPath = szSysManfact ;
// Initialise the structure to Zero.
// convert the szHost variable (containing hostname) into LPCTSTR and pass it to the GETAPI function
szHostName = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR))); if (szHostName == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( szHost, szHostName,dwLength+2 );
StringCopy(szPrintPath,szPath, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szPrintPath)); BOOL bApiInfo = GetApiInfo(szHostName,szPath,&Current, dwSystemType); if(bApiInfo == FAILURE) { DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szSysManfact); continue ; }
} else { DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szSysManfact); continue ; // ignore exception
} } catch(...) { // If the path is empty then ignore the present continue with next iteration
DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &szSysManfact); continue ; // ignore exception
//create a new empty row with required no of columns
dwRow = DynArrayAppendRow(arrResults,MAX_COLUMNS) ;
// Insert the results into the Dynamic Array
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL0,szSysName,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL1,szValue,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL2,szDispName,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL3,szDescription,0 );
// strip off the word Driver from the display.
dwLength = StringLengthW(szDriverType, 0) ; GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( szDriverType, szDriverTypeVal,dwLength+2 );
StringCopy(szDelimiter,DRIVER_TAG, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szDelimiter)); dwPosn1 = _tcslen(szDelimiter); dwStrlen = _tcslen(szDriverTypeVal); szDriverTypeVal[dwStrlen-dwPosn1] = _T('\0');
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL4,szDriverTypeVal,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL5,szStartMode,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL6,szState,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL7,szStatus,0 );
iLen = StringLengthW(szAcceptStopVal, 0); szAcceptStop = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szAcceptStop == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode(szAcceptStopVal,szAcceptStop,iLen + 2 ); szAcceptStop[iLen] = '\0'; if (StringCompare(szAcceptStop,_T("0"), TRUE, 0)==0) { StringCopy(szAcceptStop,FALSE_VALUE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(szAcceptStop));
} else { StringCopy(szAcceptStop,TRUE_VALUE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(szAcceptStop)); }
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL8,szAcceptStop,0 );
iLen = StringLengthW(szAcceptPauseVal, 0); szAcceptPause = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szAcceptPause == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode(szAcceptPauseVal,szAcceptPause,iLen + 2 ); szAcceptPause[iLen] = '\0'; if (StringCompare(szAcceptPause,_T("0"), TRUE, 0)==0) { StringCopy(szAcceptPause,FALSE_VALUE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(szAcceptPause)); } else { StringCopy(szAcceptPause,TRUE_VALUE, SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(szAcceptPause)); }
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL9,szAcceptPause,0 );
bFValue = FormatAccToLocale(pNumberFmt, &szGroupSep,&szDecimalSep,&szGroupThousSep); if (bFValue == FALSE) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_FORMAT ; }
szPagedSize = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szPagedSize == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
_ltow(Current.ulPagedSize, wszStrVal,10); dwLocale = GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,wszStrVal,pNumberFmt, szPagedSize,(MAX_RES_STRING + 1)); if(dwLocale == 0) { FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szPagedSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_FORMAT; }
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL10, szPagedSize,0 );
// get the CodeSize info acc to the locale
szCodeSize = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory ((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szCodeSize == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szPagedSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC; }
_ltow(Current.ulCodeSize, wszStrVal,10); dwLocale = GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,wszStrVal,pNumberFmt,szCodeSize,(MAX_RES_STRING + 1)); if(dwLocale == 0) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_FORMAT ; } DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL11, szCodeSize,0 );
// retreive the bss info acc to the locale
szBssSize = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szBssSize == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC ; }
_ltow(Current.ulBssSize, wszStrVal,10); dwLocale = GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,wszStrVal,pNumberFmt, szBssSize,(MAX_RES_STRING + 1)); if(dwLocale == 0) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szBssSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_FORMAT ; } DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL12, szBssSize,0 );
//link date
//Path of the File
if(szPath != NULL) { DynArraySetString2(arrResults,dwRow,COL14,(LPTSTR)szPrintPath,0); //
} else { szPath= NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; DynArraySetString2(arrResults,dwRow,COL14,(LPTSTR)szPath,0); //
// get the initsize info acc to the locale
szInitSize = (LPTSTR) AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING) * (sizeof(TCHAR ))); if (szInitSize == NULL) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szBssSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC ; }
_ltow(Current.ulInitSize, wszStrVal,10); dwLocale = GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,wszStrVal,pNumberFmt, szInitSize,(MAX_RES_STRING + 1)); if(dwLocale == 0) { SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szBssSize);; FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szInitSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrResults); return EXIT_FAILURE_FORMAT ; }
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL15, szInitSize,0 );
if ( bBlankLine == TRUE && (dwFormatType & SR_FORMAT_MASK) == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) ShowMessage( stdout, _T( "\n" ) );
if ( bFirstTime == TRUE && (dwFormatType & SR_FORMAT_MASK) != SR_FORMAT_CSV) { ShowMessage( stdout, _T( "\n" ) ); bFirstTime = FALSE; }
if(bHeader) { ShowResults(MAX_COLUMNS, ResultHeader, dwFormatType|SR_NOHEADER,arrResults ) ; } else { ShowResults(MAX_COLUMNS, ResultHeader, dwFormatType,arrResults ) ; }
//set the header flag to true
bHeader = TRUE ; bBlankLine = TRUE; //set the bResult to true indicating that driver information has been displyed.
bResult = TRUE ;
// free the allocated memory
FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szPagedSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szBssSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szInitSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep); SAFEIRELEASE(pSystem);
} // If System Succeeded
// Destroy the Dynamic arrays
}// While SystemSet returning objects
FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &pNumberFmt); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysManfact); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szHostName); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptStop); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szAcceptPause); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szPagedSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szBssSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szInitSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szCodeSize); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupThousSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szDecimalSep); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szGroupSep);
// return the error value or success value
if (bResult == TRUE) { return SUCCESS ; } else { return EXIT_FAILURE_RESULTS ; } }
BOOL GetApiInfo( IN LPTSTR szHostName, IN LPCTSTR pszPath, OUT PMODULE_DATA Mod, IN DWORD dwSystemType ) /*++
Routine Description: This function queries the system properties using API's .
Arguments: [ in ] szHostName : HostName to connect to [ in ] pszPath : pointer to the string containing the Path of the file. [ out] Mod : pointer to the structure containing system properties. [ in ] dwSystemType : variable specifies the system type
Return Value: SUCCESS : If successful in getting the information using API's. FAILURE : If unable to get the information using API's. --*/ {
HANDLE hMappedFile = NULL; PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER DosHeader; LOADED_IMAGE LoadedImage; ULONG ulSectionAlignment = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER Section; DWORD dwI = 0; ULONG ulSize = 0; TCHAR szTmpServer[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ] = NULL_STRING; HANDLE hFile = NULL ; PTCHAR pszToken = NULL; StringCopy(szTmpServer,TOKEN_BACKSLASH2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)); TCHAR szFinalPath[MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1] =TOKEN_EMPTYSTRING ; PTCHAR pdest = NULL ;
#ifndef _WIN64
BOOL bIsWin64; #endif
//copy the path into a variable
StringCopy(szFinalPath,pszPath, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFinalPath));
//get the token upto the delimiter ":"
pszToken = _tcstok(szFinalPath, COLON_SYMBOL );
//form the string for getting the absolute path in the required format if it is a remote system.
if(_tcslen(szHostName) != 0) { pdest = (PTCHAR)FindString(pszPath,COLON_SYMBOL, 0);
if(pdest== NULL) { return FAILURE ; }
_tcsnset(pdest,TOKEN_DOLLAR,1); StringConcat(szTmpServer,szHostName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)); StringConcat(szTmpServer,TOKEN_BACKSLASH, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)); StringConcat(szTmpServer,pszToken, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)); StringConcat(szTmpServer,pdest, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)); } else { StringCopy(szTmpServer,pszPath, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpServer)) ; }
#ifndef _WIN64
bIsWin64 = IsWin64();
if(bIsWin64) Wow64DisableFilesystemRedirector((LPCTSTR)szTmpServer); #endif
// create a file on the specified system and return a handle to it.
//if the filehandle is invalid then return a error
if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FAILURE ; }
#ifndef _WIN64
if(bIsWin64) Wow64EnableFilesystemRedirector(); #endif
// create a mapping to the specified file
hMappedFile = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hMappedFile == NULL) { CloseHandle(hFile); return FAILURE ; }
LoadedImage.MappedAddress = (PUCHAR)MapViewOfFile(hMappedFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
// close the opened file handles
CloseHandle(hMappedFile); CloseHandle(hFile);
if ( !LoadedImage.MappedAddress ) { return FAILURE ; }
// check the image and find nt image headers
DosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)LoadedImage.MappedAddress;
//exit if the DOS header does not match
if ( DosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ) { UnmapViewOfFile(LoadedImage.MappedAddress); return FAILURE ; }
LoadedImage.FileHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((ULONG_PTR)DosHeader + DosHeader->e_lfanew);
if ( LoadedImage.FileHeader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) { UnmapViewOfFile(LoadedImage.MappedAddress);
return FAILURE ; }
//get the number of sections present
LoadedImage.NumberOfSections = LoadedImage.FileHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
if(dwSystemType == SYSTEM_64_BIT ) { LoadedImage.Sections = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((ULONG_PTR)LoadedImage.FileHeader + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)); } else { LoadedImage.Sections = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((ULONG_PTR)LoadedImage.FileHeader + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)); }
LoadedImage.LastRvaSection = LoadedImage.Sections;
// Walk through the sections and tally the dater
ulSectionAlignment = LoadedImage.FileHeader->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment;
for(Section = LoadedImage.Sections,dwI=0;dwI < LoadedImage.NumberOfSections; dwI++,Section++) { ulSize = Section->Misc.VirtualSize;
if (ulSize == 0) { ulSize = Section->SizeOfRawData; }
ulSize = (ulSize + ulSectionAlignment - 1) & ~(ulSectionAlignment - 1);
if (!_strnicmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_PAGE, 4 )) { Mod->ulPagedSize += ulSize; }
else if (!_stricmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_INIT )) { Mod->ulInitSize += ulSize; }
else if(!_stricmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_BSS)) { Mod->ulBssSize = ulSize; } else if (!_stricmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_EDATA)) { Mod->ulExportDataSize = ulSize ; } else if (!_stricmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_IDATA )) { Mod->ulImportDataSize = ulSize; } else if (!_stricmp((char *)(Section->Name),EXTN_RSRC)) { Mod->ulResourceDataSize = ulSize; } else if (Section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) { Mod->ulCodeSize += ulSize; } else if (Section->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) { Mod->ulDataSize += ulSize; } else { Mod->ulDataSize += ulSize; } }
#ifndef _WIN64
LONG lTimeVal ;
LONG64 lTimeVal; #endif
lTimeVal = LoadedImage.FileHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp ;
struct tm *tmVal = NULL; tmVal = localtime(&lTimeVal);
// proceed furthur only if we successfully got the localtime
if ( tmVal != NULL ) { LCID lcid; SYSTEMTIME systime; __STRING_64 szBuffer; BOOL bLocaleChanged = FALSE;
systime.wYear = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR)( tmVal->tm_year + 1900 ); // tm -> Year - 1900 SYSTEMTIME -> Year = Year
systime.wMonth = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_mon + 1; // tm -> Jan = 0 SYSTEMTIME -> Jan = 1
systime.wDayOfWeek = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_wday; systime.wDay = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_mday; systime.wHour = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_hour; systime.wMinute = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_min; systime.wSecond = (WORD) (DWORD_PTR) tmVal->tm_sec; systime.wMilliseconds = 0;
// verify whether console supports the current locale 100% or not
lcid = GetSupportedUserLocale( bLocaleChanged );
// get the formatted date
GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systime, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szBuffer ) );
// copy the date info
StringCopy( Mod->szTimeDateStamp, szBuffer, MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1 );
// now format the date
GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systime, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szBuffer ) );
// now copy time info
StringConcat( Mod->szTimeDateStamp, _T( " " ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringConcat( Mod->szTimeDateStamp, szBuffer, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); }
UnmapViewOfFile(LoadedImage.MappedAddress); return SUCCESS; }
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN LONG argc, IN LPCTSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbShowUsage, OUT LPTSTR *pszServer, OUT LPTSTR *pszUserName, OUT LPTSTR pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR pszFormat, OUT PBOOL pbHeader, OUT PBOOL bNeedPassword, OUT PBOOL pbVerbose, OUT PBOOL pbSigned ) /*++
Routine Description: This function parses the options specified at the command prompt
Arguments: [ in ] argc : count of elements in argv [ in ] argv : command-line parameterd specified by the user [ out ] pbShowUsage : set to TRUE if -? exists in 'argv' [ out ] pszServer : value(s) specified with -s ( server ) option in 'argv' [ out ] pszUserName : value of -u ( username ) option in 'argv' [ out ] pszPassword : value of -p ( password ) option in 'argv' [ out ] pszFormat : Display format [ out ] bHeader : specifies whether to display a header or not. [ in ] bNeedPassword : specifies if the password is required or not. [ in ] pbVerbose : Boolean variable returns back if Verbose option specified [ in ] pbSigned : Boolean variable returns back if /si switch is specified.
Return Value: TRUE : if the parsing is successful FALSE : if errors occured in parsing --*/
PTCMDPARSER2 pcmdOption = NULL; //pointer to the structure
// init the password
if ( pszPassword != NULL ) { StringCopy( pszPassword, _T( "*" ), MAX_RES_STRING ); }
// help option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_HELP] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_USAGE ; pcmdOption->pValue = pbShowUsage ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_HELP; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_HELP].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//server name option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_SERVER] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pcmdOption->pValue = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_SERVER; // _T("s")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_SERVER].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//domain\user option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL ; pcmdOption->pValue = NULL; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_USERNAME; // _T("u")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); //password option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_PASSWORD] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL; pcmdOption->pValue = pszPassword; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_RES_STRING; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_PASSWORD; // _T("p")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_PASSWORD].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//format option.
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_FORMAT] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_MODE_VALUES | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pcmdOption->pValue = pszFormat ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_RES_STRING; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=FORMAT_VALUES; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_FORMAT; // _T("fo")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_FORMAT].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//no header option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_HEADER] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = 0; pcmdOption->pValue = pbHeader; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL_STRING; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_HEADER; // _T("nh")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_HEADER].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//verbose option..
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_VERBOSE] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = 0 ; pcmdOption->pValue = pbVerbose; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL_STRING; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_VERBOSE; // _T("v")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_VERBOSE].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_SIGNED] ; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = 0 ; pcmdOption->pValue = pbSigned; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL_STRING; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_SIGNED; // _T("di")
StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_SIGNED].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
bval = DoParseParam2(argc,argv,-1, MAX_OPTIONS,cmdOptions, 0) ;
if( bval== FALSE) { ShowMessage(stderr,ERROR_TAG); return FALSE ; }
if((*pbShowUsage == TRUE)&&(argc > 2)) { SetReason(ERROR_SYNTAX); return FALSE ; } *pszServer = (LPTSTR) cmdOptions[OI_SERVER].pValue; *pszUserName = (LPTSTR) cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME].pValue; // checking if -u is specified when -s options is not specified and display error msg .
if ((cmdOptions[OI_SERVER].dwActuals == 0) && (cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME].dwActuals !=0 )) { SetReason(ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE); return FALSE ; }
// checking if -u is specified when -p options is not specified and display error msg .
if ((cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME].dwActuals == 0) && (cmdOptions[OI_PASSWORD].dwActuals !=0 )) { SetReason(ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME); return FALSE ; }
// checking if -p is specified when -u options is not specified and display error msg .
if ((cmdOptions[OI_SERVER].dwActuals != 0) && (StringLengthW(*pszServer, 0)==0 )) { SetReason(ERROR_INVALID_SERVER); return FALSE ; }
// checking if -p is specified when -u options is not specified and display error msg .
if ((cmdOptions[OI_USERNAME].dwActuals != 0) && (StringLengthW(*pszUserName, 0)==0 )) { SetReason(ERROR_INVALID_USER); return FALSE ; }
if((cmdOptions[OI_FORMAT].dwActuals != 0)&&(StringCompare((LPCTSTR)cmdOptions[OI_FORMAT].pValue,LIST_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0)&&(cmdOptions[OI_HEADER].dwActuals != 0)) { SetReason(ERROR_NO_HEADERS); return FALSE ; }
if((cmdOptions[OI_SIGNED].dwActuals != 0)&&(cmdOptions[OI_VERBOSE].dwActuals != 0)) { SetReason(INVALID_SIGNED_SYNTAX); return FALSE ; }
if(StrCmpN(*pszServer,TOKEN_BACKSLASH2,2)==0) { if(!StrCmpN(*pszServer,TOKEN_BACKSLASH3,3)==0) { szToken = *pszServer+2; StringCopy( *pszServer, szToken, SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(*pszServer) ); // szToken = _tcstok(*pszServer,TOKEN_BACKSLASH2);
// StringCopy(*pszServer,szToken, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
} }
if(IsLocalSystem( *pszServer ) == FALSE ) { // set the bNeedPassword to True or False .
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 && pszPassword != NULL && pszPassword != NULL && StringCompare( pszPassword, _T( "*" ), TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
*bNeedPassword = TRUE; } else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 && ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals != 0 || cmdOptions[ OI_USERNAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { // -s, -u is specified without password ...
// utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
*bNeedPassword = TRUE; if ( pszPassword != NULL && pszPassword != NULL ) { StringCopy( pszPassword, _T( "" ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } } } return TRUE ; }
VOID FormHeader( IN DWORD dwFormatType, IN BOOL bHeader, OUT TCOLUMNS *ResultHeader, IN BOOL bVerbose ) /*++
Routine Description: This function is used to build the header and also display the result in the required format as specified by the user.
Arguments: [ in ] arrResults : argument(s) count specified at the command prompt [ in ] dwFormatType : format flags [ in ] bHeader : Boolean for specifying if the header is required or not.
Return Value: none --*/ {
// host name
ResultHeader[COL0].dwWidth = COL_HOSTNAME_WIDTH; ResultHeader[COL0].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; ResultHeader[COL0].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL0].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL0].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL0].szColumn,COL_HOSTNAME, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
//File Name header
ResultHeader[COL1].dwWidth = COL_FILENAME_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL1].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL1].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL1].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL1].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL1].szColumn,COL_FILENAME, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the DisplayName header Column
ResultHeader[COL2].dwWidth = COL_DISPLAYNAME_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL2].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL2].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL2].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL2].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL2].szColumn,COL_DISPLAYNAME, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the Description header Column
ResultHeader[COL3].dwWidth = COL_DESCRIPTION_WIDTH; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL3].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL3].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL3].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL3].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL3].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL3].szColumn,COL_DESCRIPTION, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the Drivertype header Column
ResultHeader[COL4].dwWidth = COL_DRIVERTYPE_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL4].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL4].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL4].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL4].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL4].szColumn,COL_DRIVERTYPE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the StartMode header Column
ResultHeader[COL5].dwWidth = COL_STARTMODE_WIDTH; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL5].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL5].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL5].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL5].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL5].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL5].szColumn,COL_STARTMODE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the State header Column
ResultHeader[COL6].dwWidth = COL_STATE_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL6].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL6].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL6].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL6].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL6].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL6].szColumn,COL_STATE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the Status header Column
ResultHeader[COL7].dwWidth = COL_STATUS_WIDTH; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL7].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL7].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL7].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL7].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL7].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL7].szColumn,COL_STATUS, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the AcceptStop header Column
ResultHeader[COL8].dwWidth = COL_ACCEPTSTOP_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL8].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL8].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL8].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL8].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL8].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL8].szColumn,COL_ACCEPTSTOP, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the AcceptPause header Column
ResultHeader[COL9].dwWidth = COL_ACCEPTPAUSE_WIDTH; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL9].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL9].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL9].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL9].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL9].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL9].szColumn,COL_ACCEPTPAUSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the PagedPool header Column
ResultHeader[COL10].dwWidth = COL_PAGEDPOOL_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL10].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN ; } else { ResultHeader[COL10].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL10].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL10].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL10].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy(ResultHeader[COL10].szColumn,COL_PAGEDPOOL, MAX_STRING_LENGTH) ;
// Forming the Executable Code header Column
ResultHeader[COL11].dwWidth = COL_EXECCODE_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL11].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN ; } else { ResultHeader[COL11].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL11].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL11].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL11].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy(ResultHeader[COL11].szColumn ,COL_EXECCODE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH) ;
// Forming the BlockStorage Segment header Column
ResultHeader[COL12].dwWidth = COL_BSS_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL12].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL12].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING ; } ResultHeader[COL12].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL12].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL12].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy(ResultHeader[COL12].szColumn ,COL_BSS, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the LinkDate header Column
ResultHeader[COL13].dwWidth = COL_LINKDATE_WIDTH; ResultHeader[COL13].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL13].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL13].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL13].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL13].szColumn,COL_LINKDATE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// Forming the Location header Column
ResultHeader[COL14].dwWidth = COL_LOCATION_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL14].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL14].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL14].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL14].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL14].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy(ResultHeader[COL14].szColumn,COL_LOCATION, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
// Forming the Init Code header Column
ResultHeader[COL15].dwWidth = COL_INITSIZE_WIDTH ; if(!bVerbose) { ResultHeader[COL15].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING|SR_HIDECOLUMN; } else { ResultHeader[COL15].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; } ResultHeader[COL15].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL15].pFunctionData = NULL; StringCopy( ResultHeader[COL15].szFormat, NULL_STRING, 65 ); StringCopy(ResultHeader[COL15].szColumn,COL_INITSIZE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); }
#ifndef _WIN64
// IsWin64
// Arguments :
// none
// Returns true if we're running on Win64, false otherwise.
BOOL IsWin64(void) { #ifdef UNICODE
// get a pointer to kernel32!GetSystemWow64Directory
HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle (_T("kernel32.dll"));
if (hmod == NULL) return (FALSE);
UINT (WINAPI* pfnGetSystemWow64Directory)(LPTSTR, UINT); (FARPROC&)pfnGetSystemWow64Directory = GetProcAddress (hmod, "GetSystemWow64DirectoryW");
if (pfnGetSystemWow64Directory == NULL) return (FALSE);
* if GetSystemWow64Directory fails and sets the last error to * ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, we're on a 32-bit OS */ TCHAR szWow64Dir[MAX_PATH];
if (((pfnGetSystemWow64Directory)(szWow64Dir, countof(szWow64Dir)) == 0) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) { return (FALSE); }
// we're on Win64
return (TRUE); #else
// non-Unicode platforms cannot be Win64
return (FALSE); #endif // UNICODE
#endif // _WIN64
BOOL FormatAccToLocale( OUT NUMBERFMT *pNumberFmt, OUT LPTSTR* pszGroupSep, OUT LPTSTR* pszDecimalSep, OUT LPTSTR* pszGroupThousSep ) /*++
Routine Description: Formats the Number to the locale with thousands position
Arguments: NUMBERFMT *pNumberFmt[in] - NUMBERFMT Structure to be filled with .
Return Value: VOID --*/ {
HRESULT hResult = 0; DWORD dwLocale = 0;
if( GetInfo( LOCALE_SGROUPING, pszGroupSep ) == FALSE) { pNumberFmt = NULL; return FALSE ; } if( GetInfo( LOCALE_SDECIMAL, pszDecimalSep ) == FALSE) { pNumberFmt = NULL; return FALSE ; } if( GetInfo( LOCALE_STHOUSAND, pszGroupThousSep ) == FALSE) { pNumberFmt = NULL; return FALSE ; }
if(pNumberFmt != NULL) { pNumberFmt->LeadingZero = 0; pNumberFmt->NegativeOrder = 0; pNumberFmt->NumDigits = 0;
if(StringCompare(*pszGroupSep, GROUP_FORMAT_32, TRUE, 0) == 0) { pNumberFmt->Grouping = GROUP_32_VALUE; } else { pNumberFmt->Grouping = UINT( _ttoi( *pszGroupSep ) ); } pNumberFmt->lpDecimalSep = *pszDecimalSep; pNumberFmt->lpThousandSep = *pszGroupThousSep; }
return TRUE ; }
BOOL GetInfo( IN LCTYPE lctype, OUT LPTSTR* pszData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the Locale information
[ in ] lctype -- Locale Information to get [ out ] pszData -- Locale value corresponding to the given information
Return Value: BOOL --*/ { LONG lSize = 0;
// get the locale specific info
lSize = GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, lctype, NULL, 0 ); if ( lSize != 0 ) {
*pszData = (LPTSTR)AllocateMemory((lSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if ( *pszData != NULL ) { // get the locale specific time seperator
GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, lctype, *pszData, lSize ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }//end of GetInfo
DWORD GetSystemType( IN COAUTHIDENTITY* pAuthIdentity, IN IWbemServices* pIWbemServReg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the type os the specified System ( 32 bit or 64 bit)
IWbemLocator *pLocator[in] -- Pointer to the locator interface. _bstr_t bstrServer[in] -- Server Name _bstr_t bstrUserName[in] -- User Name _bstr_t bstrPassword [in] -- Password information
Return Value: DWORD : SYSTEM_32_BIT -- If the system is 32 bit system. SYSTEM_64_BIT -- If the system is 32 bit system. ERROR_WMI_VALUES -- If error occured while retreiving values from WMI. --*/ {
IWbemClassObject * pInClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pOutInst = NULL; IWbemClassObject * pInInst = NULL; VARIANT varConnectName; VARIANT varSvalue ; VARIANT varHkey; VARIANT varVaue ; VARIANT varRetVal ;
HRESULT hRes = S_OK; LPTSTR szSysName = NULL ; CHString szSystemName ; DWORD dwSysType = 0 ;
VariantInit(&varConnectName) ; VariantInit(&varSvalue) ; VariantInit(&varHkey) ; VariantInit(&varVaue) ; VariantInit(&varRetVal) ; try { hRes = pIWbemServReg->GetObject(bstr_t(STD_REG_CLASS), 0, NULL, &pClass, NULL); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); if(hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hRes = FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
// Get the input argument and set the property
hRes = pClass->GetMethod(_bstr_t(PROPERTY_GETSTRINGVAL), 0, &pInClass, NULL); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); if(hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
hRes = pInClass->SpawnInstance(0, &pInInst); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); if(hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
//the registry path to get the connection name
varConnectName.vt = VT_BSTR; varConnectName.bstrVal= SysAllocString(REG_PATH); hRes = pInInst->Put(REG_SUB_KEY_VALUE, 0, &varConnectName, 0); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes);
//set the svalue name
varSvalue.vt = VT_BSTR; varSvalue.bstrVal= SysAllocString(REG_SVALUE); hRes = pInInst->Put(REG_VALUE_NAME, 0, &varSvalue, 0); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes);
varHkey.vt = VT_I4 ; varHkey.lVal = HEF_KEY_VALUE; hRes = pInInst->Put(HKEY_VALUE, 0, &varHkey, 0); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); // Call the method
hRes = pIWbemServReg->ExecMethod(_bstr_t(STD_REG_CLASS), _bstr_t(REG_METHOD), 0, NULL, pInInst, &pOutInst, NULL); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes);
if(pOutInst == NULL) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
if(varRetVal.lVal != 0) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
hRes = pOutInst->Get(REG_RETURN_VALUE,0,&varVaue,NULL,NULL); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); if(hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); } } catch(_com_error& e) { ShowMessage(stderr,ERROR_GET_VALUE); FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
szSystemName = V_BSTR(&varVaue);
szSysName = (LPTSTR)AllocateMemory((MAX_RES_STRING)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if(szSysName == NULL) { FreeMemoryAll(pInClass,pClass,pOutInst,pInInst,pIWbemServReg,&varConnectName,&varSvalue,&varHkey,&varRetVal,&varVaue,szSysName ); return (ERROR_WMI_VALUES); }
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( szSystemName, szSysName, StringLengthW( szSystemName, 0 )+2 );
dwSysType = FindString(szSysName,X86_MACHINE, 0) ? SYSTEM_32_BIT:SYSTEM_64_BIT ;
FreeMemoryAll(pInClass, pClass, pOutInst, pInInst, pIWbemServReg, &varConnectName, &varSvalue, &varHkey, &varRetVal, &varVaue, szSysName ); return (dwSysType);
BOOL InitialiseCom( IN IWbemLocator** ppIWbemLocator ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the type os the specified System ( 32 bit or 64 bit) Arguments:
IWbemLocator** pLocator[in] -- Pointer to the locator interface.
Return Value: BOOL : TRUE on Successfully initialising COM. FALSE on Failure to initialise COM. --*/
try { // To initialize the COM library.
// Initialize COM security for DCOM services, Adjust security to
// allow client impersonation
// get a pointer to the Interface IWbemLocator
hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) ppIWbemLocator); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes);
} catch(_com_error& e ) { GetWbemErrorText( e.Error() ); ShowMessage( stderr, ERROR_TAG ); ShowMessage( stderr, GetReason() ); return( FALSE ); }
// if successfully initialised COM then return true
return TRUE ; }
HRESULT PropertyGet( IN IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, IN LPCTSTR pszInputVal, OUT CHString &szOutPutVal ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine extract the value of the property into szOutputVal from given wmi class object
[ in ] pWmiObject -- Pointer to the locator interface. [ in ] pszInputVal -- Input string containing the desired value. [ in ] szOutPutVal-- String containing the retreived value.
Return Value: BOOL : TRUE on Successfully initialising COM. FALSE on Failure to initialise COM.
--*/ {
HRESULT hRes = S_FALSE ; VARIANT vtValue ; VariantInit(&vtValue); hRes = pWmiObject->Get(pszInputVal,0,&vtValue,NULL,NULL);
if (hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hRes = VariantClear(&vtValue); return (hRes); } if ((hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)&&(vtValue.vt != VT_NULL) && (vtValue.vt != VT_EMPTY)) { szOutPutVal = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(vtValue); }
hRes = VariantClear(&vtValue); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; } return TRUE ;
HRESULT FreeMemoryAll( IN IWbemClassObject *pInClass, IN IWbemClassObject * pClass, IN IWbemClassObject * pOutInst , IN IWbemClassObject * pInInst, IN IWbemServices *pIWbemServReg, IN VARIANT *varConnectName, IN VARIANT *varSvalue, IN VARIANT *varHkey, IN VARIANT *varRetVal, IN VARIANT *varVaue, IN LPTSTR szSysName ) /*++
Routine Description: This function frees the memory allocated in the function.
Arguments: [ in ] pInClass - Interface ptr pointing to the IWbemClassObject interface [ in ] pClass - Interface ptr pointing to the IWbemClassObject interface [ in ] pOutInst - Interface ptr pointing to the IWbemClassObject interface [ in ] pInInst - Interface ptr pointing to the IWbemClassObject interface [ in ] pIWbemServReg - Interface ptr pointing to the IWbemServices interface [ in ] varConnectName - variant to be cleared [ in ] varSvalue - variant to be cleared [ in ] varHkey - variant to be cleared [ in ] varRetVal - variant to be cleared [ in ] varVaue - variant to be cleared [ in ] szSysName - LPTSTR varaible containing the system name.
Return Value: None --*/ {
HRESULT hRes = S_OK ; SAFEIRELEASE(pInInst); SAFEIRELEASE(pInClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pIWbemServReg); FreeMemory((LPVOID *) &szSysName); hRes = VariantClear(varConnectName); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; } hRes = VariantClear(varSvalue); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; } hRes = VariantClear(varHkey); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; } hRes = VariantClear(varVaue); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; } hRes = VariantClear(varRetVal); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; }
return S_OK ; }
HRESULT PropertyGet_Bool( IN IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, IN LPCTSTR pszInputVal, OUT PBOOL pIsSigned ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine will get the property of boolean type from the class object
[ in ] pWmiObject[in] -- Pointer to the locator interface. [ in ] pszInputVal[in] -- Input string containing the desired value. [ in ] pIsSigned[out] -- String containing the retreived value.
Return Value: HRESULT : hRes on Successfully retreiving the value. S_FALSE on Failure in retreiving the value. --*/ {
HRESULT hRes = S_FALSE ; VARIANT vtValue ; VariantInit(&vtValue); hRes = pWmiObject->Get(pszInputVal,0,&vtValue,NULL,NULL);
if (hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hRes = VariantClear(&vtValue); return (hRes); } if ((hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)&&(vtValue.vt != VT_NULL) && (vtValue.vt != VT_EMPTY)) { if(vtValue.vt == VT_BOOL) if(vtValue.boolVal == -1) *pIsSigned = 1; else *pIsSigned = 0;
hRes = VariantClear(&vtValue); if(hRes != S_OK) { return hRes ; }
return hRes ; } else if ((hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)&&(vtValue.vt == VT_NULL) ) { *pIsSigned = FALSE; }
hRes = VariantClear(&vtValue); return S_FALSE ;
VOID FormSignedHeader( IN DWORD dwFormatType, IN BOOL bHeader, OUT TCOLUMNS *ResultHeader) /*++
Routine Description: This function is used to build the header and also display the result in the required format as specified by the user.
Arguments: [ in ] dwFormatType : format flags [ in ] bHeader : Boolean for specifying if the header is required or not. [ out ] ResultHeader : The result header of tcolumns.
Return Value: none --*/ {
// Device name
ResultHeader[COL0].dwWidth = COL_DEVICE_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL0].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL0].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL0].pFunctionData = NULL; STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL0].szFormat, NULL_STRING ); STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL0].szColumn,COL_DEVICENAME );
//Inf header
ResultHeader[COL1].dwWidth = COL_INF_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL1].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL1].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL1].pFunctionData = NULL; STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL1].szFormat, NULL_STRING ); STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL1].szColumn,COL_INF_NAME);
// Forming the IsSigned header Column
ResultHeader[COL2].dwWidth = COL_ISSIGNED_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL2].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL2].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL2].pFunctionData = NULL; STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL2].szFormat, NULL_STRING ); STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL2].szColumn,COL_ISSIGNED);
// Forming the Manufacturer header Column
ResultHeader[COL3].dwWidth = COL_MANUFACTURER_WIDTH ; ResultHeader[COL3].dwFlags = SR_TYPE_STRING; ResultHeader[COL3].pFunction = NULL; ResultHeader[COL3].pFunctionData = NULL; STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL3].szFormat, NULL_STRING ); STRING_COPY_STATIC( ResultHeader[COL3].szColumn,COL_MANUFACTURER); }
LCID GetSupportedUserLocale( OUT BOOL& bLocaleChanged ) /*++
Routine Description: This function checks if the current locale is supported or not.
Arguments: [ out ] bLocaleChanged : returns back if the current locale is supported or not.
Return Value: LCID of the current locale. --*/ { // local variables
LCID lcid;
// get the current locale
lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// check whether the current locale is supported by our tool or not
// if not change the locale to the english which is our default locale
// return the locale
return lcid; }
DWORD ProcessSignedDriverInfo( IN CHString szHost, IN IEnumWbemClassObject *pSystemSet, IN LPTSTR szFormat, IN BOOL bNoHeader, IN DWORD dwSystemType, IN BOOL bVerbose ) /*++
Routine Description: Processes enumeration of Win32_PnpSignedDriver instances
Arguments: [ in ] szHost : HostName to connect to [ in ] pSystemSet : pointer to the structure containing system properties. [ in ] szFormat : specifies the format [ in ] bHeader : specifies if the header is required or not.
Return Value: 0 no error 1 error occured while allocating memory. -*/ { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; ULONG ulReturned = 1; DWORD dwCount = 0;
//declaration of normal variables
IWbemClassObject* pDriverObjects[ MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS ];
CHString szPnpDeviceName ; CHString szPnpInfName ; CHString szPnpMfg ; CHString szSigned ;
BOOL bIsSigned = FALSE;
TCOLUMNS ResultHeader[ MAX_SIGNED_COLUMNS ]; TARRAY arrResults = NULL; DWORD dwRow = 0; DWORD dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_TABLE ;
BOOL bHasNewResults = FALSE ;
// Create new Dynamic Array to hold the result
arrResults = CreateDynamicArray(); if(arrResults == NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE_MALLOC ; }
// determine the format of the output
if( StringCompare(szFormat,TABLE_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; } else if( StringCompare(szFormat,LIST_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_LIST; } else if( StringCompare(szFormat,CSV_FORMAT, TRUE, 0) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_CSV; }
// prepare the header structure
// determine whether to show the header row or not
if ( bNoHeader == TRUE ) { dwFormatType |= SR_NOHEADER; }
// initialize all the objects to NULL
for(DWORD dw = 0 ;dw< MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS;dw++ ) { pDriverObjects[ dw ] = NULL; }
// loop till there are results.
bHasNewResults = FALSE; while ( ulReturned > 0 ) { // loop thru the object list and release them
for( DWORD dw = 0; dw < MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS; dw++ ) { SAFEIRELEASE( pDriverObjects[ dw ] ); }
// delete all the information in the data array
// Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pSystemSet->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS, // return just one system
pDriverObjects, // pointer to system
&ulReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
// update the count of records we retrived so far
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { for(ULONG ul=0;ul< ulReturned;ul++) { // initialise the variant variables to empty
//create a new empty row with required no of columns
dwRow = DynArrayAppendRow(arrResults,MAX_COLUMNS) ;
try { hRes = PropertyGet(pDriverObjects[ul],PROPERTY_PNP_DEVICENAME,szPnpDeviceName); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pDriverObjects[ul],PROPERTY_PNP_INFNAME,szPnpInfName); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet_Bool(pDriverObjects[ul],PROPERTY_PNP_ISSIGNED,&bIsSigned); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes); hRes = PropertyGet(pDriverObjects[ul],PROPERTY_PNP_MFG,szPnpMfg); ONFAILTHROWERROR(hRes);
} catch(_com_error) { ShowMessage(stderr,ERROR_GET_VALUE); SAFEIRELEASE(pDriverObjects[ul]); return FAILURE; }
// free the allocated memory
if(bIsSigned) { szSigned = TRUE_VALUE; } else { szSigned = FALSE_VALUE; }
DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL0,szPnpDeviceName,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL1,szPnpInfName,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL2,szSigned,0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrResults,dwRow,COL3,szPnpMfg,0 );
//display one blank line for first time
if( FALSE == bHasNewResults && (dwFormatType & SR_FORMAT_MASK) != SR_FORMAT_CSV) { ShowMessage(stdout, L"\n" ); }
// this flag is to check if there are any results
// else display an error message.
bHasNewResults = TRUE ; // delete all the information in the data array
//display results
if( TRUE == bHasNewResults ) { // show the results enumerated in this loop
ShowResults( MAX_SIGNED_COLUMNS, ResultHeader, dwFormatType, arrResults );
// clear the reuslts that we enumerated so far
DynArrayRemoveAll( arrResults );
// from next time onwards, we should not display the columns header
dwFormatType |= SR_NOHEADER;
if ( (dwFormatType | SR_FORMAT_LIST) == (SR_NOHEADER | SR_FORMAT_LIST) ) { bHasNewResults = FALSE; } } } else { if( 0x80041010 == hRes ) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR) ); DestroyDynamicArray( &arrResults ); return VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR; } else { WMISaveError( hRes ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_INTERNAL | SLE_TYPE_ERROR ); DestroyDynamicArray( &arrResults ); return VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR; } } }
if (dwCount == 0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR));
// free the allocated memory
for(DWORD dw = 0 ;dw< MAX_ENUM_DRIVERS;dw++ ) { SAFEIRELEASE(pDriverObjects[dw]); } return VERSION_MISMATCH_ERROR ; }
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrResults ); return SUCCESS ; }