* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * EAGLE.C - VLSI Eagle PCI chipset routines. * * Notes: * Algorithms from VLSI VL82C534 Spec * */
#include "local.h"
void CDECL EagleUpdateSerialIRQ( IN UCHAR bIRQ, IN ULONG fSet );
#pragma data_seg()
#pragma const_seg()
const UCHAR rgbIRQToBit[16] = { // IRQ= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0xFF, 8, 0xFF, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0xFF, 6, 7, }; const UCHAR rgbBitToIRQ[16] = { // Bit=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, };
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, VLSIEagleValidateTable)
* * EagleUpdateSerialIRQ - Set or Reset the Eagle Serial IRQ registers * * Not exported. * * ENTRY: bIRQ is the IRQ to modify. * * fSet is TRUE to set bit, FALSE to reset bit. * * EXIT: None. * ***************************************************************************/ static void CDECL EagleUpdateSerialIRQ(UCHAR bIRQ, ULONG fSet) { UCHAR bBitIndex, bReg; USHORT wBit, wSerialIRQConnection;
// Validate bIRQ as a serial IRQ.
if (!bIRQ) return; bBitIndex=rgbIRQToBit[bIRQ]; if (bBitIndex==0xFF) return; wBit=1<<bBitIndex;
for (bReg=0x70; bReg<=0x72; bReg+=2) {
wSerialIRQConnection=ReadConfigUshort( bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, bReg);
if (fSet) wSerialIRQConnection|=wBit; else wSerialIRQConnection&=~wBit;
WriteConfigUshort( bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, bReg, wSerialIRQConnection); } }
* * VLSIEagleSetIRQ - Set an Eagle PCI link to a specific IRQ * * Exported. * * ENTRY: bIRQNumber is the new IRQ to be used. * * bLink is the Link to be set. * * EXIT: Standard PCIMP return value. * ***************************************************************************/ PCIMPRET CDECL VLSIEagleSetIRQ(UCHAR bIRQNumber, UCHAR bLink) { ULONG ulEagleRegister; UCHAR bOldIRQ; ULONG fUsingOldIRQ; ULONG i;
// Make link number 0 based, and validate.
bLink--; if (bLink >= NUM_EAGLE_LINKS) {
// First, set the Eagle Interrupt Connection Register.
ulEagleRegister=ReadConfigUlong(bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, 0x74); bOldIRQ=(UCHAR)((ulEagleRegister >> (bLink*4))&0xF); ulEagleRegister&=~(0xF << (bLink*4)); ulEagleRegister|=(bIRQNumber << (bLink*4)); WriteConfigUlong(bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, 0x74, ulEagleRegister);
// Determine if we are still using the old IRQ.
fUsingOldIRQ=FALSE; for (i=0; i<NUM_EAGLE_LINKS; i++) { if ((ulEagleRegister >> (bLink*4))==bOldIRQ) {
fUsingOldIRQ=TRUE; } }
// If not using old IRQ, enable the serial IRQs.
if (!fUsingOldIRQ) {
EagleUpdateSerialIRQ(bOldIRQ, FALSE); }
// Prevent serial IRQs on the new IRQ.
EagleUpdateSerialIRQ(bIRQNumber, TRUE);
return(PCIMP_SUCCESS); }
* * VLSIEagleGetIRQ - Get the IRQ of an Eagle PCI link * * Exported. * * ENTRY: pbIRQNumber is the buffer to fill. * * bLink is the Link to be read. * * EXIT: Standard PCIMP return value. * ***************************************************************************/ PCIMPRET CDECL VLSIEagleGetIRQ(PUCHAR pbIRQNumber, UCHAR bLink) { ULONG ulEagleRegister;
// Make link number 0 based, and validate.
bLink--; if (bLink >= NUM_EAGLE_LINKS) {
// Read in the Eagle Interrupt Connection Register.
ulEagleRegister=ReadConfigUlong(bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, 0x74);
// Find the link's IRQ value.
*pbIRQNumber=(UCHAR)((ulEagleRegister >> (bLink*4)) & 0xF);
return(PCIMP_SUCCESS); }
* * VLSIEagleSetTrigger - Set the IRQ triggering values for the Eagle. * * Exported. * * ENTRY: ulTrigger has bits set for Level triggered IRQs. * * EXIT: Standard PCIMP return value. * ***************************************************************************/ PCIMPRET CDECL VLSIEagleSetTrigger(ULONG ulTrigger) { USHORT wAssertionRegister; ULONG i; UCHAR bBitIndex;
// For each IRQ...
for (i=0; i<16; i++) { //
// If this is to be set level...
if (ulTrigger & (1<<i)) {
// If this is not a levelable IRQ, bail.
bBitIndex=rgbIRQToBit[i]; if (bBitIndex==0xFF) return(PCIMP_INVALID_IRQ);
// Set the corresponding bit in our new mask.
wAssertionRegister|=1<<bBitIndex; } }
// Set the Assertion Register.
WriteConfigUshort(bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, 0x88, wAssertionRegister);
return(PCIMP_SUCCESS); }
* * VLSIEagleGetTrigger - Get the IRQ triggering values for the Eagle. * * Exported. * * ENTRY: pulTrigger will have bits set for Level triggered IRQs. * * EXIT: TRUE if successful. * ***************************************************************************/ PCIMPRET CDECL VLSIEagleGetTrigger(PULONG pulTrigger) { USHORT wAssertionRegister; ULONG i;
// Read in the Interrupt Assertion Level register.
wAssertionRegister=ReadConfigUshort(bBusPIC, bDevFuncPIC, 0x88);
// Clear the return buffer.
*pulTrigger = 0;
// For each bit...
for (i=0; i<16; i++) { //
// If the bit set, and this bit corresponds to an IRQ...
if ( (wAssertionRegister & (1 << i)) && (rgbBitToIRQ[i]!=0xFF)) { //
// Set the corresponding bit in the
// return buffer.
*pulTrigger |= 1 << rgbBitToIRQ[i]; } }
return(PCIMP_SUCCESS); }
* * VLSIEagleValidateTable - Validate an IRQ table * * Exported. * * ENTRY: piihIRQInfoHeader points to an IRQInfoHeader followed * by an IRQ Routing Table. * * ulFlags are PCIMP_VALIDATE flags. * * EXIT: Standard PCIMP return value. * ***************************************************************************/ PCIMPRET CDECL VLSIEagleValidateTable(PIRQINFOHEADER piihIRQInfoHeader, ULONG ulFlags) { PAGED_CODE();
if (GetMaxLink(piihIRQInfoHeader)>NUM_EAGLE_LINKS) {
return(PCIMP_FAILURE); }
return(PCIMP_SUCCESS); }