Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation of the CSecurityIoHandler class which enapsulates the primary security elements used by the CSession class.
TODO: this class needs to use a TermCap class to abstract the screen controls - currently, the class implicitly uses VT-UTF8
Brian Guarraci (briangu) 2001.
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "cmnhdr.h"
#include "secio.h"
#include "nullio.h"
#include "sacmsg.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define VTUTF8_CLEAR_SCREEN L"\033[2J\033[0;0H"
CSecurityIoHandler::CSecurityIoHandler( IN CIoHandler *LockedIoHandler, IN CIoHandler *UnlockedIoHandler ) : CLockableIoHandler( LockedIoHandler, UnlockedIoHandler ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor Arguments:
LockedIoHandler - the IoHandler to use when the channel is locked UnlockedIoHandler - the IoHandler to use when the channel is unlocked Return Value:
--*/ {
// Lock the IoHandler so that the read/write routines
// are disabled.
// Validate that our Io Handler pointers are valid
// This way, we don't have to check everytime we want
// to use them.
ASSERT(myLockedIoHandler != NULL); ASSERT(myUnlockedIoHandler != NULL); ASSERT(myIoHandler != NULL);
// initialize our internal lock event
m_InternalLockEvent = 0;
// init
m_StartedAuthentication = FALSE;
CSecurityIoHandler::~CSecurityIoHandler() /*++
Routine Description:
N/A Return Value:
--*/ {
// Notify the remote user that we are shutting down the
// command console session
WriteResourceMessage(SHUTDOWN_NOTICE); //
// release the redraw handler
if (m_RedrawHandler) { delete m_RedrawHandler; } //
// The CLockableIoHandler destructor deletes the IoHandlers for us.
// If the TimeOut thread is running, then stop it
if ((m_TimeOutThreadHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (m_ThreadExitEvent != NULL)) { //
// Tell the TimeOut Thread to exit
// Wait for the thread to exit
WaitForSingleObject( m_TimeOutThreadHandle, INFINITE ); }
// Close the internal lock event
if (m_InternalLockEvent) { CloseHandle(m_InternalLockEvent); }
// Close the thread exit handle
if (m_ThreadExitEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_ThreadExitEvent); }
// Close the thread handle
if (m_TimeOutThreadHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_TimeOutThreadHandle); }
CSecurityIoHandler* CSecurityIoHandler::Construct( IN SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES Attributes ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine constructs a security IoHandler connected to a channel with the specified attributes.
Attributes - the attributes of the new channel Return Value:
Success - A ptr to a CSecurityIoHandler object. Failure - NULL
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; CSecurityIoHandler *IoHandler; CIoHandler *SacIoHandler; CIoHandler *NullIoHandler;
// default: failed to construct
bSuccess = FALSE; IoHandler = NULL; SacIoHandler = NULL; NullIoHandler = NULL;
do {
BOOL bStatus;
// Validate the LockEvent for the timeout thread
ASSERT(Attributes.LockEvent != NULL); if (Attributes.LockEvent == NULL) { break; } ASSERT(Attributes.LockEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (Attributes.LockEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; } //
// Validate the CloseEvent for the WaitForInput thread
ASSERT(Attributes.CloseEvent != NULL); if (Attributes.CloseEvent == NULL) { break; } ASSERT(Attributes.CloseEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (Attributes.CloseEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; } //
// Validate the RedrawEvent for the Redraw IoHandler
ASSERT(Attributes.RedrawEvent != NULL); if (Attributes.RedrawEvent == NULL) { break; } ASSERT(Attributes.RedrawEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (Attributes.RedrawEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; }
// Attempt to open a SAC channel
SacIoHandler = CSacIoHandler::Construct(Attributes);
// If we failed to open the SAC channel,
// then notify the caller that we failed by returning null
if (SacIoHandler == NULL) { break; }
// Get the Null Io Handler to be the locked IoHandler
NullIoHandler = new CNullIoHandler();
// Create a new SAC IoHandler
IoHandler = new CSecurityIoHandler( NullIoHandler, SacIoHandler );
// Create the event we will use to signal that a timeout
// occured while we were trying to authenticate a user
IoHandler->m_InternalLockEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT(IoHandler->m_InternalLockEvent); if (IoHandler->m_InternalLockEvent == 0) { break; } //
// Keep the LockEvent for the timeout thread
// Keep the CloseEvent for the WaitForInput thread
IoHandler->m_CloseEvent = Attributes.CloseEvent; IoHandler->m_LockEvent = Attributes.LockEvent; IoHandler->m_RedrawEvent = Attributes.RedrawEvent;
// Create the event used to signal the threads to exit
IoHandler->m_ThreadExitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if (IoHandler->m_ThreadExitEvent == NULL) { break; }
// Start the timeout thread if we need to
bStatus = IoHandler->InitializeTimeOutThread(); if (! bStatus) { break; }
// Create handler for redraw events
IoHandler->m_RedrawHandler = CRedrawHandler::Construct( IoHandler, Attributes.RedrawEvent );
ASSERT(IoHandler->m_RedrawHandler); if (IoHandler->m_RedrawHandler == NULL) { break; } //
// we were successful
bSuccess = TRUE;
} while ( FALSE );
// if we were not successful
// then clean up
if (! bSuccess) {
// Note: we do not need to clean up the Lock, Close, and Redraw events
// because we do not own them. Also, we do not need
// to clean up the NullIo and SacIo IoHandlers because
// they are cleaned up by the LockIo parent class.
if (IoHandler) { delete IoHandler; IoHandler = NULL; }
return IoHandler; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::Write( PBYTE Buffer, ULONG BufferSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements the IoHandler Write behavior.
(see iohandler) Return Value:
(see iohandler)
--*/ {
// Pass through to the secured Io Handler
return myIoHandler->Write( Buffer, BufferSize );
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::Flush( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements the IoHandler Flush behavior.
(see iohandler) Return Value:
(see iohandler)
--*/ { //
// Pass through to the secured Io Handler
return myIoHandler->Flush(); }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::Read( PBYTE Buffer, ULONG BufferSize, PULONG ByteCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements the IoHandler Read behavior and resets the timeout counter when ever there is a successful read. Arguments:
(see iohandler) Return Value:
(see iohandler)
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// Pass through to the secured Io Handler
// if this iohandler is locked,
// then the caller will be reading from the NullIoHandler
// else they will read from the UnlockedIoHandler
bSuccess = myIoHandler->Read( Buffer, BufferSize, ByteCount );
// If the sesssion received new user input,
// then reset the timeout counter
if (*ByteCount > 0) { ResetTimeOut(); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::ReadUnlockedIoHandler( PBYTE Buffer, ULONG BufferSize, PULONG ByteCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads a character from the unlocked io hander so that we can authenticate the user while the scraper still uses the LockedIohandler. resets the timeout counter when ever there is a successful read. Arguments:
(see iohandler) Return Value:
(see iohandler)
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// Pass through to the secured Io Handler
bSuccess = myUnlockedIoHandler->Read( Buffer, BufferSize, ByteCount );
// If the sesssion received new user input,
// then reset the timeout counter
if (*ByteCount > 0) { ResetTimeOut(); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::HasNewData( PBOOL InputWaiting ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements the IoHandler HasNewData behavior.
(see iohandler) Return Value:
(see iohandler)
--*/ { //
// Pass through to the secured Io Handler
return myIoHandler->HasNewData(InputWaiting);
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::WriteResourceMessage( IN INT MsgId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine writes a resource string message to the Unlocked ioHandler.
MsgId - the id of the message to write Return Value:
TRUE - the message was loaded and written FALSE - failed
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString = {0}; BOOL bSuccess;
// Default: failed
bSuccess = FALSE;
// Attempt to load the string and write it
do {
if ( LoadStringResource(&UnicodeString, MsgId) ) {
// Terminate the string at the %0 marker, if it is present
if( wcsstr( UnicodeString.Buffer, L"%0" ) ) { *((PWCHAR)wcsstr( UnicodeString.Buffer, L"%0" )) = L'\0'; }
// Write the message
bSuccess = m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)UnicodeString.Buffer, (ULONG)(wcslen( UnicodeString.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if (!bSuccess) { break; }
bSuccess = m_RedrawHandler->Flush();
} } while ( FALSE );
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::LoadStringResource( IN PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString, IN INT MsgId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a simple implementation of LoadString().
usString - Returns the resource string. MsgId - Supplies the message id of the resource string. Return Value:
FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success.
--*/ {
Status = RtlFindMessage( NtCurrentPeb()->ImageBaseAddress, (ULONG_PTR) RT_MESSAGETABLE, 0, (ULONG)MsgId, &MessageEntry );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return FALSE; }
if (!(MessageEntry->Flags & MESSAGE_RESOURCE_UNICODE)) { RtlInitAnsiString( &AnsiString, (PCSZ)&MessageEntry->Text[ 0 ] ); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( pUnicodeString, &AnsiString, TRUE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return FALSE; } } else { RtlCreateUnicodeString(pUnicodeString, (PWSTR)MessageEntry->Text); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::AuthenticateCredentials( IN PWSTR UserName, IN PWSTR DomainName, IN PWSTR Password, OUT PHANDLE pUserToken ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will attempt to authenticate the supplied credentials.
UserName - Supplied UserName DomainName - Supplied DomainName Password - Supplied Password pUserToken - Holds the valid token for the authenticated user credentials.
Return Value:
TRUE - Credentials successfully authenticated. FALSE - Credentials failed to authenticate.
interface: exposes user input to LogonUser()
{ BOOL b;
// Notify the user that we are attempting to authenticate
// Try the authentication.
b = LogonUser( UserName, DomainName, Password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, pUserToken );
if (b) { //
// Reset the timeout counter before we start the thread
ResetTimeOut(); } else {
// Wait 3 seconds before returning control to user in
// order to slow iterative attacks
// Notify the user that the attempt failed
WriteResourceMessage(LOGIN_FAILURE); //
// Wait for a key press
WaitForUserInput(TRUE); }
return b; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::RetrieveCredential( OUT PWSTR String, IN ULONG StringLength, IN BOOL EchoClearText ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will request credentials from the user. Those credentials are then returned to the caller. Arguments:
String - on success, contains the credential StringLength - the # of WCHARS (length) in the string (includes NULL termination) EchoClearText - TRUE: echo user input in clear text FALSE: echo user input as '*' Return Value:
TRUE - Credential recieved. FALSE - Something failed when we were trying to get credentials from the user.
interface: external input echos user input
--*/ { PWCHAR buffer; ULONG bufferSize; ULONG i, j; BOOLEAN Done = FALSE; BOOL bSuccess;
// validate parameters
if (! String) { return FALSE; } if (StringLength < 1) { return FALSE; }
// default: failed
bSuccess = FALSE;
// allocate the buffer we'll use to read the channel
// default: start at the first character
i = 0; //
// default: we need to read user input
Done = FALSE;
// Attempt to retrieve the credential
while ( !Done ) {
// Wait until the user inputs something
bSuccess = WaitForUserInput(FALSE);
if (!bSuccess) { Done = TRUE; continue; } //
// Read what the user input
// we should be in a locked state now
// which implies we are using the unlocked
// io handler - the scraper is using the locked one
ASSERT(myLockedIoHandler == myIoHandler);
bSuccess = ReadUnlockedIoHandler( (PUCHAR)buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &bufferSize ); if (bSuccess) {
// We have received at least one character
// hence by setting this to true, we enable
// the internal lock event to succeed in
// resetting the authentication attempt
// that is, if the user starts to authenticate
// and stops before finishing, the timer will
// fire and reset the authentication attempt
m_StartedAuthentication = TRUE;
// Process the characters he gave us.
// Note: the buffer contains WCHARs, hence we need to
// divide the returned buffersize by sizeof(WCHAR) in
// order to get the # of wchars to process.
for ( j = 0; j < bufferSize/sizeof(WCHAR); j++ ) {
// stop if:
// we reached the end of the Credentials buffer (not including the NULL)
// we received a CR || LF
if ( (i >= (StringLength-1)) || (buffer[j] == 0x0D) || (buffer[j] == 0x0A) ) { Done = TRUE; break; }
// handle user input
if( buffer[j] == '\b' ) {
// The user gave us a backspace. We should cover up the
// character on the screen, then backup our index so we
// essentially forget the last thing he gave us.
// If the very first thing the user did was type in a backspace,
// no need to back anything up.
if( i > 0 ) { i--; String[i] = L'\0'; bSuccess = m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)L"\b \b", (ULONG)(wcslen(L"\b \b") * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if (!bSuccess) {
// write failed: exit
Done = TRUE;
} }
} else if (buffer[j] < ' ') { //
// If the character is less than ' ' (a control char),
// then ignore it
} else {
// It was a valid character: remember the input and echo it back
// to the user.
String[i] = buffer[j]; i++; //
// Echo according to caller specifications
bSuccess = m_RedrawHandler->Write( EchoClearText ? (PUCHAR)&buffer[j] : (PUCHAR)L"*", sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!bSuccess) { //
// write failed: exit
Done = TRUE; }
} }
if (bSuccess) { //
// Flush any text echoing we've done.
bSuccess = m_RedrawHandler->Flush(); if (!bSuccess) {
// write failed: exit
Done = TRUE;
} } } else { //
// read failed: exit
Done = TRUE;
} }
// Terminate the credential
String[i] = UNICODE_NULL;
// release the read buffer
delete [] buffer;
return bSuccess;
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::RetrieveCredentials( IN OUT PWSTR UserName, IN ULONG UserNameLength, IN OUT PWSTR DomainName, IN ULONG DomainNameLength, IN OUT PWSTR Password, IN ULONG PasswordLength )
Routine Description:
This routine will request credentials from the user. Those credentials are then returned to the caller. Arguments:
UserName - Buffer to hold the UserName UserNameLength - Length of the UserName buffer DomainName - Buffer to hold the DomainName DomainNameLength - Length of the DomainName buffer Password - Buffer to hold the Password PasswordLength - Length of the Password buffer Return Value:
TRUE - Credentials recieved. FALSE - Something failed when we were trying to get credentials from the user.
{ BOOL HaveDomainName; BOOL bSuccess;
// Initialize the flag that we use to keep track
// of when the user first starts to authenticate.
// that is, after they enter at least one character
// they have started to authenticate.
m_StartedAuthentication = FALSE;
// Initialize our redraw screen
// Clear the screen
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)VTUTF8_CLEAR_SCREEN, (ULONG)(wcslen( VTUTF8_CLEAR_SCREEN ) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); m_RedrawHandler->Flush();
// Put up the login banner.
if (! WriteResourceMessage(LOGIN_BANNER) ) { return FALSE; }
// Prompt for user name.
if (! WriteResourceMessage(USERNAME_PROMPT) ) { return FALSE; } if ( UserName[0] != UNICODE_NULL ) {
// We were supplied a UserName. Put that up and proceed.
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)UserName, (ULONG)(wcslen( UserName ) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); m_RedrawHandler->Flush(); //
// If we were given the username, we conclude that
// they gave us the domain name as well. We need
// to do this since the domain name may be empty
// and we automatlically conclude that because the
// domain name is empty we need to retrieve it.
HaveDomainName = TRUE;
} else {
// Retrieve the UserName.
bSuccess = RetrieveCredential( UserName, UserNameLength, TRUE );
if (!bSuccess) { return FALSE; }
// We need to retrieve the domain name too.
HaveDomainName = FALSE; }
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)L"\r\n", (ULONG)(wcslen(L"\r\n") * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); m_RedrawHandler->Flush(); //
// Prompt for domain name
if (! WriteResourceMessage(DOMAINNAME_PROMPT) ) { return FALSE; } //
// Prompt for domain name.
if ( HaveDomainName ) {
// We were supplied a username. Put that up and proceed.
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)DomainName, (ULONG)(wcslen( DomainName ) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); m_RedrawHandler->Flush(); } else {
// Retrieve the DomainName.
bSuccess = RetrieveCredential( DomainName, DomainNameLength, TRUE );
if (!bSuccess) { return FALSE; }
// If user entered a blank domain, force it to '.'
// which implies local machine domain
if (wcslen(DomainName) == 0) { wsprintf( DomainName, L"." ); }
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)L"\r\n", (ULONG)(wcslen(L"\r\n") * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); //
// Prompt for password.
if (! WriteResourceMessage(PASSWORD_PROMPT) ) { return FALSE; }
// Retrieve the Password.
bSuccess = RetrieveCredential( Password, PasswordLength, FALSE );
if (!bSuccess) { return FALSE; }
m_RedrawHandler->Write( (PUCHAR)L"\r\n", (ULONG)(wcslen(L"\r\n") * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); m_RedrawHandler->Flush();
return TRUE;
VOID CSecurityIoHandler::ResetTimeOut( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine resets the StartTickCount to 0 Arguments:
None Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG TimerTick;
// Get the current timer tick
TimerTick = GetTickCount();
// Reset the timeout counter by making the current timer tick
// the starting tick count
InterlockedExchange(&m_StartTickCount, TimerTick);
{ WCHAR blob[256]; wsprintf(blob,L"ResetTimeOut\n"); OutputDebugString(blob); } #endif
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::TimeOutOccured( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the specified timeout interval has been reached. It takes the specified TickCount and compares it to the m_StartTickCount. If the interval equals or exceeds the timeout interval, then a timeout has occured.
None Return Value:
TRUE - The timeout interval has been reached FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bTimedOut; DWORD DeltaT;
// default: we did not time out
bTimedOut = FALSE;
// See if we timed out
DeltaT = GetAndComputeTickCountDeltaT(m_StartTickCount); if (DeltaT >= m_TimeOutInterval) {
// Reset the timeout counter
// We timed out
{ WCHAR blob[256]; wsprintf(blob,L"TimeOutOccured\n"); OutputDebugString(blob); } #endif
return bTimedOut;
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::InitializeTimeOutThread( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the timeout thread if timeout behavior is enabled.
None Return Value:
TRUE Success FALSE Otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// default: failed to init
bSuccess = FALSE;
// default: we do not have a timeout thread
m_TimeOutThreadHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// determine if we need a timeout thread
// if we do, then set one up
do {
// If the timeout behavior is disabled,
// then we are done.
if (IsTimeOutEnabled() == FALSE) {
// No Initialization required
bSuccess = TRUE;
} //
// determine the time out interval
if (GetTimeOutInterval(&m_TimeOutInterval) == TRUE) {
// Reset the timeout counter before we start the thread
// Create thread to handle Input
m_TimeOutThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, CSecurityIoHandler::TimeOutThread, this, 0, (unsigned int*)&m_TimeOutThreadTID );
if (m_TimeOutThreadHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { break; }
// we successfully started the thread
bSuccess = TRUE; } } while ( FALSE );
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::GetTimeOutInterval( OUT PULONG TimeOutDuration )
Routine Description:
This routine determines the timeout interval. It attempts to read the registry and use a specified value from there, or defaults.
TimeOutDuration - the determined timeout interval
Return Value:
TRUE - TimeOutDuration is valid FALSE - otherwise
interface: registry
{ DWORD rc; HKEY hKey; DWORD DWord; DWORD dwsize; DWORD DataType;
// See if the user gave us a registry key to define the timeout duration
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SACSVR_PARAMETERS_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( rc == NO_ERROR ) { dwsize = sizeof(DWORD); rc = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, SACSVR_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_VALUE, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)&DWord, &dwsize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ((rc == NO_ERROR) && (DataType == REG_DWORD) && (dwsize == sizeof(DWORD)) ) {
// Convert the specified timeout from minutes --> ms
*TimeOutDuration = DWord * (60 * 1000); //
// A timeout interval of 0 is not allowed, default.
if (*TimeOutDuration == 0) {
// clamp the timeout interval to a reasonable value
if (*TimeOutDuration > MAX_TIME_OUT_INTERVAL) {
return TRUE;
// Default: timeout duration
return TRUE;
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::IsTimeOutEnabled( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the timeout behavior is enabled by the system.
Return Value:
TRUE - timeout behavior is enabled FALSE - otherwise
interface: registry
{ DWORD rc; HKEY hKey; DWORD DWord; DWORD dwsize; DWORD DataType;
// See if the user gave us a registry key to disable the timeout behavior
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SACSVR_PARAMETERS_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( rc == NO_ERROR ) { dwsize = sizeof(DWORD);
rc = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, SACSVR_TIMEOUT_DISABLED_VALUE, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)&DWord, &dwsize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ((rc == NO_ERROR) && (DataType == REG_DWORD) && (dwsize == sizeof(DWORD)) ) { return DWord == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE; } }
// default: timeout is enabled
return TRUE;
unsigned int CSecurityIoHandler::TimeOutThread( PVOID pParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a the timeout management thread. When the Timeout interval is reached, this routine fires the lock event and causes the session to perform its locking behavior. Arguments:
pParam - thread context Return Value:
thread return value
--*/ { CSecurityIoHandler *IoHandler; BOOL bContinueSession; DWORD dwRetVal; DWORD dwPollInterval; HANDLE handles[2]; ULONG HandleCount; BOOL bRedrawEventSignaled;
// Get the session object
IoHandler = (CSecurityIoHandler*)pParam;
// Assign the events to listen for
handles[0] = IoHandler->m_ThreadExitEvent; handles[1] = IoHandler->m_RedrawEvent; //
// default: listen
bContinueSession = TRUE;
// wait on the redraw event
bRedrawEventSignaled = FALSE;
// Poll Interval = 1 second
dwPollInterval = 1000;
// While we should listen...
while ( bContinueSession ) {
HandleCount = bRedrawEventSignaled ? 1 : 2;
// Wait for our exit event
dwRetVal = WaitForMultipleObjects( HandleCount, handles, FALSE, dwPollInterval );
switch ( dwRetVal ) { case CHANNEL_REDRAW_EVENT:
// reset the timeout if someone switches back to a channel
// We don't need to waint on this event again until it clears
bRedrawEventSignaled = TRUE;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { //
// Check for timeout
if (IoHandler->TimeOutOccured()) { //
// set the lock event causing
// the command console session to lock.
SetEvent(IoHandler->m_LockEvent); //
// Set the internal lock event
SetEvent(IoHandler->m_InternalLockEvent); }
// Wait until the event clears by looking
dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject( IoHandler->m_RedrawEvent, 0 );
// Check the wait result
switch (dwRetVal) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
// It's ok to wait for this event again
bRedrawEventSignaled = FALSE;
ASSERT (dwRetVal != WAIT_FAILED); if (dwRetVal == WAIT_FAILED) { bContinueSession = false; }
} break; }
// incase WAIT_FAILED, call GetLastError()
// An error has occured, stop listening
bContinueSession = FALSE; break; } } return 0;
BOOL CSecurityIoHandler::WaitForUserInput( IN BOOL Consume ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine blocks waiting for user input. Arguments:
Consume - if TRUE, this routine eats the character that caused the the channel to have new data.
Return Value:
TRUE - no errors FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwRetVal; BOOL bHasNewData; BOOL done; HANDLE handles[2];
// Assign the events to listen for
handles[0] = m_CloseEvent; handles[1] = m_InternalLockEvent;
// Default: we succeeded
bSuccess = TRUE;
// Default: we loop
done = FALSE;
// Wait for a key press
while (!done) {
dwRetVal = WaitForMultipleObjects( sizeof(handles) / sizeof(handles[0]), handles, FALSE, 20 // 20ms
switch(dwRetVal) { case CHANNEL_CLOSE_EVENT: //
// The channel closed, we need to exit
// The channel has locked,
// or the timeout has gone fired and we need to
// clear the current logon attempt
// in either case, we need to exit
done = TRUE;
// Our attempt to get new data failed
bSuccess = FALSE; break;
// clear the internal lock event
if (m_StartedAuthentication) { #if ENABLE_EVENT_DEBUG
{ WCHAR blob[256]; wsprintf(blob,L"ResettingAuthentication\n"); OutputDebugString(blob); } #endif
// the timeout has gone fired and we need to
// clear the current logon attempt
done = TRUE;
// Our attempt to get new data failed
bSuccess = FALSE; } break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: //
// we should be in a locked state now
// which implies we are using the unlocked
// io handler - the scraper is using the locked one
ASSERT(myLockedIoHandler == myIoHandler); //
// determine the input buffer status
bSuccess = myUnlockedIoHandler->HasNewData(&bHasNewData);
if (! bSuccess) { done = TRUE; break; }
if (bHasNewData) { //
// We have new data, so we need to exit
done = TRUE;
// Consume character the character which caused
// the waitforuserinput to return
if (Consume) {
WCHAR buffer; ULONG bufferSize;
bSuccess = ReadUnlockedIoHandler( (PUCHAR)&buffer, sizeof(WCHAR), &bufferSize );
} break; default: //
// We should not get here unless something broke
bSuccess = FALSE; done = TRUE; break; } }
return bSuccess; }