; SCCSID = @(#)pdb.asm 1.1 85/04/10 BREAK <Process data block>
;** Process data block (otherwise known as program header) ;
; These offset are documented in the MSDOS Encyclopedia, so nothing ; can be rearranged here, ever. Reserved areas are probably safe ; for use.
FilPerProc EQU 20
Process_data_block STRUC PDB_Exit_Call DW ? ; INT int_abort system terminate PDB_block_len DW ? ; size of execution block DB ? PDB_CPM_Call DB 5 DUP (?) ; ancient call to system PDB_Exit DD ? ; pointer to exit routine PDB_Ctrl_C DD ? ; pointer to ^C routine PDB_Fatal_abort DD ? ; pointer to fatal error PDB_Parent_PID DW ? ; PID of parent (terminate PID) PDB_JFN_Table DB FilPerProc DUP (?) PDB_environ DW ? ; seg addr of environment PDB_User_stack DD ? ; stack of self during system calls PDB_JFN_Length DW ? ; number of handles allowed PDB_JFN_Pointer DD ? ; pointer to JFN table PDB_Next_PDB DD ? ; pointer to nested PDB's
PDB_InterCon DB ? ; *** jh-3/28/90 *** PDB_Append DB ? ; *** Not sure if still used ***
PDB_Novell_Used DB 2 DUP (?) ; Novell shell (redir) uses these
PDB_Version DW ? ; DOS version reported to this app
PDB_PAD1 DB 0Eh DUP (?) PDB_Call_system DB 5 DUP (?) ; portable method of system call PDB_PAD2 DB 7h DUP (?) ; reserved so FCB 1 can be used as ; an extended FCB PDB_FCB1 DB 10h dup (?) ; default FCB 1 PDB_FCB2 DB 10h dup (?) ; default FCB 2 PDB_PAD3 DB 4 dup (?) ; not sure if this is used by PDB_FCB2 PDB_TAIL DB 128 dup (?) ; command tail and default DTA
Process_data_block ENDS
; ;PDB_Append equ BYTE PTR PDB_PAD1 + 1 ; reincluded because APPEND ; ; wouldn't build w/o it. feb 1990, leaf ; ;PDB_InterCon EQU BYTE PTR PDB_PAD1 ; 2/12/KK ;