Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides the int 31 API for dpmi
Neil Sandlin (neilsa) 23-Nov-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "softpc.h"
#include "xlathlp.h"
VOID Int31NotImplemented(VOID); VOID Int31SelectorManagement(VOID); VOID Int31DOSMemoryManagement(VOID); VOID Int31InterruptManagement(VOID); VOID Int31Translation(VOID); VOID Int31Function4xx(VOID); VOID Int31MemoryManagement(VOID); VOID Int31PageLocking(VOID); VOID Int31DemandPageTuning(VOID); VOID Int31VirtualIntState(VOID); VOID Int31DbgRegSupport(VOID);
// Local constants
Int31SelectorManagement , // Selector_Management ;[0]
Int31DOSMemoryManagement, // DOS_Mem_Mgt ;[1]
Int31InterruptManagement, // Int_Serv ;[2]
Int31Translation , // Trans_Serv ;[3]
Int31Function4xx , // Get_Version ;[4]
Int31MemoryManagement , // Mem_Managment ;[5]
Int31PageLocking , // Page_Lock ;[6]
Int31DemandPageTuning , // Demand_Page_Tuning ;[7]
Int31NotImplemented , // Phys_Addr_Mapping ;[8]
Int31VirtualIntState , // Virt_Interrrupt_State ;[9]
Int31NotImplemented , // Not_Supported ;[A]
Int31DbgRegSupport , // Debug_Register_Support ;[B]
VOID DpmiInt31Entry( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is invoked when the caller has issued an int31.
Return Value:
--*/ {
DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; ULONG DpmiMajorCode = getAH(); PUCHAR StackPointer;
// Pop ds from stack
StackPointer = VdmMapFlat(getSS(), (*GetSPRegister)(), VDM_PM);
setDS(*(PWORD16)StackPointer); (*SetSPRegister)((*GetSPRegister)() + 2);
// Take the iret frame off the stack before we do the operation. This
// way we have the stack pointer set up to the same place as we would
// if this was a kernel mode dpmi host.
setCF(0); // assume success
if (DpmiMajorCode <= MAX_DPMI_MAJOR_FUNCTION) {
} else { setCF(1); }
VOID DpmiInt31Call( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dispatches to the appropriate routine to perform the actual translation of the api
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; ULONG DpmiMajorCode = getAH(); PUCHAR StackPointer;
// Pop ds from stack
StackPointer = VdmMapFlat(getSS(), (*GetSPRegister)(), VDM_PM);
setDS(*(PWORD16)StackPointer); (*SetSPRegister)((*GetSPRegister)() + 2);
setCF(0); // assume success
if (DpmiMajorCode <= MAX_DPMI_MAJOR_FUNCTION) {
} else { setCF(1); }
VOID Int31NotImplemented( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles int 31 functions that aren't implemented on NT. It just returns carry to the app.
Return Value:
TRUE - The function has been completed
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext;
setCF(1); }
VOID Int31SelectorManagement( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 00xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; USHORT Sel; USHORT NewSel; UCHAR Func = getAL(); LDT_ENTRY UNALIGNED *Descriptor; USHORT Access; ULONG Base; USHORT Count; ULONG Limit; static UCHAR ReservedSelectors[16] = {0};
// First, validate the selector
if ((Func >= 4) && (Func <= 0xC)) { Sel = getBX() & SEL_INDEX_MASK;
// Make sure the selector in question is allocated
if (((Sel <= SEL_DPMI_LAST) && (!ReservedSelectors[Sel>>3])) || (Sel > LdtMaxSel) || ((Sel > SEL_DPMI_LAST) && IS_SELECTOR_FREE(Sel))) { setCF(1); return; }
switch(Func) {
// Allocate Selectors
case 0: Count = getCX(); Sel = ALLOCATE_SELECTORS(Count);
if (!Sel || !Count) { setCF(1); break; }
setAX(Sel); while(Count--) { SetDescriptor(Sel, 0, 0, STD_DATA); Sel+=8; } break;
// Free Selector
case 1: Sel = getBX() & SEL_INDEX_MASK;
if (Sel <= SEL_DPMI_LAST) { if (!ReservedSelectors[Sel>>3]) { setCF(1); } else { ReservedSelectors[Sel>>3] = 0; } break; }
if (!FreeSelector(Sel)) { setCF(1); }
if (getCF() == 0) { // Zero out segment registers if it contains what we just freed
// shielint: fs, gs, ss??? kernel will fix fs and gs for us. SS is unlikely
// to have the freed selector. If yes, the app is gone anyway.
if (getBX() == getDS()) { setDS(0); } if (getBX() == getES()) { setES(0); } } break;
// Segment to Descriptor
case 2: Sel = SegmentToSelector(getBX(), STD_DATA); if (!Sel) { setCF(1); } else { setAX(Sel); } break;
// Get Next Selector Increment value
case 3: setAX(8); break;
// Lock functions unimplemented on NT
case 4: case 5: break;
// Get Descriptor Base
case 6: Base = GET_SELECTOR_BASE(Sel); setDX((USHORT)Base); setCX((USHORT)(Base >> 16)); break;
// Set Descriptor Base
case 7: SetDescriptorBase(Sel, (((ULONG)getCX())<<16) | getDX()); break;
// Set Segment Limit
case 8: Limit = ((ULONG)getCX()) << 16 | getDX();
if (Limit < 0x100000) { // < 1Mb?
Ldt[Sel>>3].HighWord.Bits.Granularity = 0; } else { if ((Limit & 0xfff) != 0xfff) {
// Limit > 1MB, but not page aligned. Return error
setCF(1); break; }
Ldt[Sel>>3].HighWord.Bits.Granularity = 1;
SET_SELECTOR_LIMIT(Sel, Limit); SetShadowDescriptorEntries(Sel, 1); FLUSH_SELECTOR_CACHE(Sel, 1); break;
// Set Descriptor Access
case 9: Access = getCX(); //
// verify that they aren't setting "System", and that its ring3
if ((Access & 0x70) != 0x70) { setCF(1); break; }
SET_SELECTOR_ACCESS(Sel, Access); SetShadowDescriptorEntries(Sel, 1); FLUSH_SELECTOR_CACHE(Sel, 1); break;
// Create data alias
case 0xA: if (!IS_SELECTOR_READABLE(Sel)) { setCF(1); break; }
NewSel = ALLOCATE_SELECTOR(); if (!NewSel) { setCF(1); break; }
Ldt[NewSel>>3] = Ldt[Sel>>3];
Ldt[NewSel>>3].HighWord.Bytes.Flags1 &= (AB_PRESENT | AB_DPL3); Ldt[NewSel>>3].HighWord.Bytes.Flags1 |= (AB_DATA | AB_WRITE); SetShadowDescriptorEntries(NewSel, 1); FLUSH_SELECTOR_CACHE(NewSel, 1);
setAX(NewSel); break;
// Get Descriptor
case 0xB: Descriptor = VdmMapFlat(getES(), (*GetDIRegister)(), VDM_PM); *Descriptor = Ldt[Sel>>3]; break;
// Set Descriptor
case 0xC: Descriptor = VdmMapFlat(getES(), (*GetDIRegister)(), VDM_PM);
// verify that this isn't a System descriptor, and that its ring3
if (!(Descriptor->HighWord.Bits.Type & 0x10) || ((Descriptor->HighWord.Bits.Dpl & 3) != 3)) { setCF(1); return; }
Ldt[Sel>>3] = *Descriptor;
SetShadowDescriptorEntries(Sel, 1); FLUSH_SELECTOR_CACHE(Sel, 1); break;
// Allocate Specific Sel
case 0xD: Sel = getBX() & ~7;
if ((Sel > SEL_DPMI_LAST) || ReservedSelectors[Sel>>3]) { setCF(1); } else { ReservedSelectors[Sel>>3] = 1; } break;
default: setCF(1); }
return; }
VOID Int31DOSMemoryManagement( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 01xx functions. The functionality is implemented in dosmem.c.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext;
switch(getAL()) {
// Allocate DOS memory block
case 0: DpmiAllocateDosMem(); break;
// Free DOS memory block
case 1: DpmiFreeDosMem(); break;
// Resize DOS memory block
case 2: DpmiSizeDosMem(); break;
} }
VOID Int31InterruptManagement( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 02xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; UCHAR IntNumber = getBL(); PWORD16 pIvtEntry;
switch(getAL()) {
// Get Real Mode Interrupt Vector
case 0: pIvtEntry = (PWORD16) (IntelBase + IntNumber*4);
setDX(*pIvtEntry++); setCX(*pIvtEntry); break;
// Set Real Mode Interrupt Vector
case 1: pIvtEntry = (PWORD16) (IntelBase + IntNumber*4);
*pIvtEntry++ = getDX(); *pIvtEntry = getCX(); break;
// Get exception handler Vector
case 2: { PVDM_FAULTHANDLER Handlers = DpmiFaultHandlers;
if (IntNumber >= 32) { setCF(1); break; }
setCX(Handlers[IntNumber].CsSelector); (*SetDXRegister)(Handlers[IntNumber].Eip);
break; }
// Set exception handler Vector
case 3: if (!SetFaultHandler(IntNumber, getCX(), (*GetDXRegister)())){ setCF(1); } break;
// Get Protect Mode Interrupt Vector
case 4: { PVDM_INTERRUPTHANDLER Handlers = DpmiInterruptHandlers;
setCX(Handlers[IntNumber].CsSelector); (*SetDXRegister)(Handlers[IntNumber].Eip);
break; }
// Set Protect Mode Interrupt Vector
case 5: if (!SetProtectedModeInterrupt(IntNumber, getCX(), (*GetDXRegister)(), (USHORT)(Frame32 ? VDM_INT_32 : VDM_INT_16))) { setCF(1); } break;
VOID Int31Translation( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 03xx functions. The functionality is implemented in modesw.c.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext;
switch(getAL()) {
// Simulate Real Mode Interrupt
// Call Real Mode Procedure with Far Return Frame
// Call Real Mode Procedure with Iret Frame
case 0: case 1: case 2: DpmiRMCall(getAL()); break;
// Allocate Real Mode Call-Back Address
case 3: DpmiAllocateRMCallBack(); break;
// Free Real Mode Call-Back Address
case 4: DpmiFreeRMCallBack(); break;
// Get State Save/Restore Addresses
case 5: setAX(0); setBX((USHORT)(DosxRmSaveRestoreState>>16)); setCX((USHORT)DosxRmSaveRestoreState); setSI((USHORT)(DosxPmSaveRestoreState>>16)); (*SetDIRegister)(DosxPmSaveRestoreState & 0x0000FFFF); break;
// Get Raw Mode Switch Addresses
case 6: setBX((USHORT)(DosxRmRawModeSwitch>>16)); setCX((USHORT)DosxRmRawModeSwitch); setSI((USHORT)(DosxPmRawModeSwitch>>16)); (*SetDIRegister)(DosxPmRawModeSwitch & 0x0000FFFF); break;
VOID Int31Function4xx( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 04xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; USHORT Sel;
switch(getAL()) {
// Get Version
case 0: setAX(I31VERSION); setBX(I31FLAGS); setCL(idCpuType); setDX((I31MasterPIC << 8) | I31SlavePIC); break;
// INTERNAL NT FUNCTION: WowAllocSelectors
// This function is equivalent to DPMI func 0000,
// except that it skips the step of initializing the
// descriptors.
case 0xf1: Sel = ALLOCATE_WOW_SELECTORS(getCX());
if (!Sel) { setCF(1); // We fall thru to make sure AX is set to 0 in the failure case.
break; //
// This function assumes that the local LDT has already
// been set in the client. All that needs to be done
// is an update of dpmi32 entries, as well as sending
// it to the x86 ntoskrnl.
case 0xf2:
Sel = getBX() & ~7;
if (Sel > LdtMaxSel) { setCF(1); break; }
SetShadowDescriptorEntries(Sel, getCX()); // no need to flush the cache on risc since the ldt was changed
// from the 16-bit side, and has thus already been flushed
// Wow is passing us the address of GlobalDOSAlloc, GlobalDOSFree
// so that we can support the DPMI Dos memory management functions
case 0xf3: WOWAllocSeg = getBX(); WOWAllocFunc = getDX(); WOWFreeSeg = getSI(); WOWFreeFunc = getDI(); break;
VOID Int31MemoryManagement( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 05xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; PMEM_DPMI pMem;
switch(getAL()) {
// Get Free Memory Information
case 0: DpmiGetMemoryInfo(); break;
// Allocate Memory Block
case 1: pMem = DpmiAllocateXmem(((ULONG)getBX() << 16) | getCX());
if (!pMem) { setCF(1); break; } //
// Return the information about the block
setBX((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem->Address >> 16)); setCX((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem->Address & 0x0000FFFF)); setSI((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem >> 16)); setDI((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem & 0x0000FFFF)); break;
// Free Memory Block
case 2: pMem = (PMEM_DPMI)(((ULONG)getSI() << 16) | getDI()); if (!DpmiIsXmemHandle(pMem) || !DpmiFreeXmem(pMem)) { setCF(1); } break;
// Resize Memory Block
case 3: {
ULONG ulMemSize;
ulMemSize = ((ULONG)getBX() << 16) | getCX();
// Not allowed to resize to 0
if ( ulMemSize != 0 ) {
pMem = (PMEM_DPMI)(((ULONG)getSI() << 16) | getDI());
if (!DpmiReallocateXmem(pMem, ulMemSize) ) { setCF(1); break; }
// Return the information about the block
setBX((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem->Address >> 16)); setCX((USHORT)((ULONG)pMem->Address & 0x0000FFFF)); } else { setCF(1); }
break; }
VOID Int31PageLocking( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 06xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; switch(getAL()) {
// Lock functions not implemented
case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: break;
// Get Page Size
case 4: setBX(0); setCX(0x1000); break;
VOID Int31DemandPageTuning( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 07xx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext; ULONG Addr = (getBX()<<16 | getCX()) + IntelBase; ULONG Count = getSI()<<16 | getDI();
if (Count) {
switch(getAL()) {
// Mark Page as Demand Paging Candidate
case 0: // Addr, Count expressed in 4k pages
Addr <<= 12; Count <<= 12; case 2:
VirtualUnlock((PVOID)Addr, Count);
// Discard Page Contents
case 1: // Addr, Count expressed in 4k pages
Addr <<= 12; Count <<= 12; case 3:
VirtualAlloc((PVOID)Addr, Count, MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE);
default: setCF(1); }
VOID Int31VirtualIntState( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 09xx functions.
Return Value:
switch(getAL()) {
// Get and disable Virtual Interrupt State
case 0: setEFLAGS(getEFLAGS() & ~EFLAGS_IF_MASK); break;
// Get and enable Virtual Interrupt State
case 1: setEFLAGS(getEFLAGS() | EFLAGS_IF_MASK); break;
case 2: break;
default: setCF(1); return; }
if (bVIF) { setAL(1); } else { setAL(0); } }
VOID Int31DbgRegSupport( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles Int31 0bxx functions.
Return Value:
--*/ { DECLARE_LocalVdmContext;
#ifndef _X86_
setCF(1); #else
ULONG DebugRegisters[6]; USHORT Handle; ULONG Mask; ULONG Size; ULONG Type; UCHAR Func = getAL();
#define DBG_TYPE_WRITE 1
#define DBG_DR6 4
#define DBG_DR7 5
#define DR7_LE 0x100
#define DR7_L0 0x01
#define DR7_L1 0x04
#define DR7_L2 0x10
#define DR7_L3 0x40
// Debugging ntvdm under NTSD affects the values of the debug register
// context, so defining the following value turns on some debugging
// code
if (!DpmiGetDebugRegisters(DebugRegisters)) { setCF(1); return; }
{ char szMsg[256]; wsprintf(szMsg, " DR0-3=%.8X %.8X %.8X %.8X DR6,7=%.8X %.8X\n", DebugRegisters[0], DebugRegisters[1], DebugRegisters[2], DebugRegisters[3], DebugRegisters[DBG_DR6], DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7]); OutputDebugString(szMsg); } #endif
if (Func != 0) { Handle = getBX(); //
// point at the local enable bit for this handle in DR7
Mask = (DR7_L0 << Handle*2);
if ((Handle >= 4) || (!(DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] & Mask))) { // Invalid Handle
setCF(1); return; }
switch(Func) {
// Set Debug Watchpoint
case 0:
for (Handle = 0, Mask = 3; Handle < 4; Handle++, Mask <<= 2) { if (!(DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] & Mask)) { //
// found a free register
// Set the linear address
DebugRegisters[Handle] = (((ULONG)getBX()) << 16) + getCX();
Size = getDL(); Type = getDH();
if (Type == DBG_TYPE_EXECUTE) { // force size to be 1 for execute
Size = 1; }
if ((Size > 4) || (Size == 3) || (!Size) || (Type > 2)) { // error: invalid parameter
break; }
// convert size to appropriate bits in DR7
Size--; Size <<= (18 + Handle*4);
// convert type to appropriate bits in DR7
if (Type == DBG_TYPE_READWRITE) { Type++; } Type <<= (16 + Handle*4);
Mask = 0xf << (16 + Handle*4);
// Set the appropriate Len, R/W, and enable bits in DR7
// Also set the common global and local enable bits.
DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] &= ~Mask; DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] |= (Size | Type | (DR7_L0 << Handle*2)); DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] |= DR7_LE;
// Clear triggered bit for this BP
DebugRegisters[DBG_DR6] &= ~(1 << Handle);
{ char szMsg[256]; wsprintf(szMsg, "Int31 Setting DBGREG %d, Location %.8X, DR7=%.8X\n", Handle, DebugRegisters[Handle], DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7]); OutputDebugString(szMsg); } #endif
if (DpmiSetDebugRegisters(DebugRegisters)) { return; } break; } }
setCF(1); break;
// Clear Debug Watchpoint
case 1:
// clear enabled and triggered bits for this BP
DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] &= ~Mask; DebugRegisters[DBG_DR6] &= (1 << Handle); DebugRegisters[Handle] = 0;
// Check to see if this clears all BP's (all local enable bits
// clear), and disable common enable bit if so
if (!(DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] & (DR7_L0 | DR7_L1 | DR7_L2 | DR7_L3))) { DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7] &= ~DR7_LE; }
{ char szMsg[256]; wsprintf(szMsg, "Int31 Clearing DBGREG %d, DR7=%.8X\n", Handle, DebugRegisters[DBG_DR7]); OutputDebugString(szMsg); } #endif
if (!DpmiSetDebugRegisters(DebugRegisters)) { setCF(1); }
// Get State of Debug Watchpoint
case 2: if (DebugRegisters[DBG_DR6] & (1 << Handle)) { setAX(1); } else { setAX(0); }
{ char szMsg[256]; wsprintf(szMsg, "Int31 Query on DBGREG %d returns %d\n", Handle, getAX()); OutputDebugString(szMsg); } #endif
// Reset Debug Watchpoint
case 3: DebugRegisters[DBG_DR6] &= ~(1 << Handle);
{ char szMsg[256]; wsprintf(szMsg, "Int31 Resetting DBGREG %d\n", Handle); OutputDebugString(szMsg); } #endif
if (!DpmiSetDebugRegisters(DebugRegisters)) { setCF(1); }
default: setCF(1); }