Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. #define NOGDICAPMASKS
  2. #define NOWINMESSAGES
  3. #define NOSYSMETRICS
  4. #define NOICON
  5. #define NOKEYSTATE
  6. #define NOSYSCOMMANDS
  7. #define NOSHOWWINDOW
  8. #define NOATOM
  9. #define NOGDI
  10. #define NOFONT
  11. #define NOBRUSH
  12. #define NOCLIPBOARD
  13. #define NOCOLOR
  14. #define NOCREATESTRUCT
  15. #define NODRAWTEXT
  16. #define NOMB
  17. #define NOMEMMGR
  18. #define NOMETAFILE
  19. #define NOMINMAX
  20. #define NOOPENFILE
  21. #define NOPEN
  22. #define NOREGION
  23. #define NOSCROLL
  24. #define NOSOUND
  25. #define NOTEXTMETRIC
  26. #define NOWH
  27. #define NOWINOFFSETS
  28. #define NOWNDCLASS
  29. #define NOCOMM
  30. #include <windows.h>
  31. #include "drwatson.rcv"
  32. #include "str.h"
  33. drwatsonIcon ICON doctor.ico
  34. #define DS_3DLOOK 0x0004
  37. CAPTION "Dr. Watson's Clues"
  38. BEGIN
  39. CONTROL "To help fix the problem you just encountered, please describe what you were doing before the fault occurred." 101, "STATIC", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | 0x1L, 26, 5, 128, 26
  40. CONTROL "" 102, "EDIT", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x44L, 13, 33, 151, 62
  42. CONTROL "Cancel" 2, "BUTTON", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 110, 101, 36, 14
  43. END
  45. BEGIN
  46. /* Note all strings below must be <= CCH_MAX_STRING_RESOURCE chars! */
  47. /* drwatson.c */
  48. IDSTRNoFault "No Faults Detected\n\nCopyright 1991-1995, Microsoft Corp."
  49. IDSTRFaulty "%d new 'Dr. Watson' Failure Reports can be found in file '%s'\n\nCopyright 1991-1995, Microsoft Corp."
  50. IDSTRGPText "An error has occurred in your application.\nIf you choose Ignore, you should save your work in a new file.\nIf you choose Close, your application will terminate."
  51. IDSTRErrMsg "A copy of 'Dr. Watson' is already running on the system."
  52. IDSTRVers "Unable to install 'Dr. Watson', may have wrong version of TOOLHELP.DLL"
  53. IDSTRClassMsg "Unable to install 'Dr. Watson', can't register window class."
  54. IDSTRCoprocessor "Math coprocessor"
  55. IDSTR8086 "8086"
  56. IDSTR80186 "80186 or 80188"
  57. IDSTR80286 "80286"
  58. IDSTR80386 "80386 or 80386 SX"
  59. IDSTR80486 "80486"
  60. IDSTREnhancedMode "Enhanced mode"
  61. IDSTRProtectMode "Protect mode"
  62. IDSTRStandardMode "Standard mode"
  63. IDSTRWindowsNT "Windows NT"
  64. /* drwatson.c SegFlags */
  65. IDSTRNullPtr "Null Ptr"
  66. IDSTRInvalid "Invalid"
  67. IDSTRNotPresent "!Present"
  68. IDSTRCode "Code "
  69. IDSTRExR "Ex/R"
  70. IDSTRExO "Ex/O"
  71. IDSTRData "Data "
  72. IDSTRRW "R/W"
  73. IDSTRRO "R-O"
  74. /* drwatson.c ModuleName (and several others) */
  75. IDSTRUnknown "Unknown"
  76. /* drwatson.c FaultType */
  77. IDSTRDivideByZero "Divide by 0"
  78. IDSTRInvalidOpcode "Invalid Opcode"
  79. IDSTRGeneralProtection "General Protection"
  80. /* drwatson.c DecodeFault */
  81. IDSTRInvalidSelector "Invalid selector"
  82. IDSTRNullSelector "Null Selector"
  83. IDSTRSegmentNotPresent "Segment Not Present"
  84. IDSTRExceedSegmentBounds "Exceed Segment Bounds"
  85. IDSTRCodeSegment "Code Segment"
  86. IDSTRExecuteOnlySegment "Execute-Only Segment"
  87. IDSTRReadOnlySegment "Read-Only Segment"
  88. /* drwatson.c SafeDisAsm86 */
  89. IDSTRSegNotPresentOrPastEnd "Segment not present, or past end"
  90. /* drwatson.c FaultCause */
  91. IDSTRErrorLog "Error Log"
  92. IDSTRParameterErrorLog "Parameter Error Log"
  93. /* drwatson.c FileInfo */
  94. IDSTRFileNotFound "File Not Found"
  95. /* drwatson.c DisAsmAround */
  96. IDSTRCodeSegmentNPOrInvalid "Code segment not present, or invalid\n"
  97. IDSTRNoSymbolsFound "(no symbols found)\n"
  98. /* drwatson.c DumpInfo */
  99. IDSTRSystemInfoInfo "System Info (info)\n"
  100. IDSTRWindowsVersion "Windows version %d.%02d\n"
  101. IDSTRDebugBuild "Debug build\n"
  102. IDSTRRetailBuild "Retail build\n"
  103. IDSTRWindowsBuild "Windows Build %s\n"
  104. IDSTRUsername "Username %s\n"
  105. IDSTROrganization "Organization %s\n"
  106. IDSTRSystemFreeSpace "System Free Space %ld\n"
  107. IDSTRStackBaseTopLowestSize "Stack base %u, top %u, lowest %u, size %u\n"
  108. IDSTRSystemResourcesUserGDI "System resources: USER: %u%% free, seg %04x GDI: %u%% free, seg %04x\n"
  109. IDSTRMemManInfo1 "LargestFree %ld, MaxPagesAvail %ld, MaxPagesLockable %ld\n"
  110. IDSTRMemManInfo2 "TotalLinear %ld, TotalUnlockedPages %ld, FreePages %ld\n"
  111. IDSTRMemManInfo3 "TotalPages %ld, FreeLinearSpace %ld, SwapFilePages %ld\n"
  112. IDSTRMemManInfo4 "Page Size %d\n"
  113. IDSTRTasksExecuting "%d tasks executing.\n"
  114. IDSTRWinFlags "WinFlags -\n"
  115. /* drwatson.c GetProcName */
  116. IDSTRUnknownAddress "Unknown address"
  117. /* drwatson.c DumpStack */
  118. IDSTRStackDumpStack "Stack Dump (stack)\n"
  119. IDSTRStackFrameInfo "Stack Frame %d is %-28s ss:bp %04x:%04x"
  120. /* drwatson.c BeginReport */
  121. IDSTRFailureReport "\n%s Failure Report - %s"
  122. /* drwatson.c ShowParamError */
  123. IDSTRLastParamErrorWas "Last param error was:"
  124. /* drwatson.c Sherlock */
  125. IDSTRHadAFaultAt "%s had a '%s' fault at %s\n"
  126. IDSTRCPURegistersRegs "CPU Registers (regs)\n"
  127. IDSTRCPU32bitRegisters32bit "CPU 32 bit Registers (32bit)\n"
  128. IDSTRInstructionDisasm "Instruction Disassembly (disasm)\n"
  129. IDSTRSystemTasksTasks "System Tasks (tasks)\n"
  130. IDSTRTaskHandleFlagsInfo "Task %8s, Handle %04x, Flags %04x, Info %s\n"
  131. IDSTRFilename " FileName %s\n"
  132. IDSTRSystemModulesModules "System Modules (modules)\n"
  133. IDSTRModuleHandleFlagsInfo "Module %8s, Handle %04x, Flags %04x, Info %s\n"
  134. IDSTRFile " File %s\n"
  135. IDSTRContinuingExecution "Attempting to continue execution at user request, %s"
  136. /* drwatson.c CallMeToo */
  137. IDSTRDebugString "DebugString: %s"
  138. IDSTRApplicationError "Application Error"
  139. IDSTRInvalidParameter "Invalid Parameter"
  140. IDSTRNA "n.a."
  141. IDSTRHadAFaultAt2 "%s had a '%s (%x)' fault at %s\n"
  142. IDSTRParamIs "param is %lx$%s\n"
  143. /* drwatson.c Moriarty */
  144. IDSTRStop "Stop"
  145. /* drwatson.c SherlockWndProc */
  146. IDSTRLogFileGettingLarge "Your 'Dr. Watson' log file '%s' is getting quite large."
  147. /* drwatson.c WinMain */
  148. IDSTRStart "\nStart"
  149. /* error.c LogErrorStr */
  150. IDSTRWarningError "\r\n\r\nWarning error #%04x"
  151. IDSTRFatalError "\r\n\r\nFatal error #%04x"
  152. /* error.c LogParamErrorStr */
  153. IDSTRParamErrorParam "Invalid parameter passed to %s: %ld"
  154. IDSTRParamErrorBadInt "Invalid parameter passed to %s: %d"
  155. IDSTRParamErrorBadFlags "Invalid flags passed to %s: %#04x"
  156. IDSTRParamErrorBadDWord "Invalid flags passed to %s: %#08lx"
  157. IDSTRParamErrorBadHandle "Invalid handle passed to %s: %#04x"
  158. IDSTRParamErrorBadPtr "Invalid pointer passed to %s: %#04x:%#04x"
  159. /* drwatson.c CurTime -- These strings must be short enough to not overflow
  160. the 48-byte buffer used by CurTime with a string of
  161. the form "Fri Sep 1 01:58:19 1995" (which is 24
  162. characters + 1 for the null terminator). */
  163. IDSTRJan "Jan"
  164. IDSTRFeb "Feb"
  165. IDSTRMar "Mar"
  166. IDSTRApr "Apr"
  167. IDSTRMay "May"
  168. IDSTRJun "Jun"
  169. IDSTRJul "Jul"
  170. IDSTRAug "Aug"
  171. IDSTRSep "Sep"
  172. IDSTROct "Oct"
  173. IDSTRNov "Nov"
  174. IDSTRDec "Dec"
  175. IDSTRSun "Sun"
  176. IDSTRMon "Mon"
  177. IDSTRTue "Tue"
  178. IDSTRWed "Wed"
  179. IDSTRThu "Thu"
  180. IDSTRFri "Fri"
  181. IDSTRSat "Sat"
  182. END