* * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * WUCOMM.C * WOW32 16-bit User API support * * History: * Created 07-Mar-1991 by Jeff Parsons (jeffpar) * made real Dec-1992 by Craig Jones (v-cjones) * made work Apr-1993 by Craig Jones (v-cjones) * made fast Jun-1993 by Craig Jones (v-cjones) --*/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntddser.h>
/* Define the table for mapping Win3.1 idComDev's to 32-bit comm HFILE's. */ /* This table is indexed by the 16-bit idComDev that we return to the app */ /* which is assigned based on the device name (see wucomm.h). You can */ /* use GETPWOWPTR(idComDev) to get the ptr to the corresponding WOWPort */ /* struct from PortTab[]. */
/* This table must contain NUMPORTS (def'd in wucomm.h) entries */ PORTTAB PortTab[] = { {"COM1", NULL}, {"COM2", NULL}, {"COM3", NULL}, {"COM4", NULL}, {"COM5", NULL}, {"COM6", NULL}, {"COM7", NULL}, {"COM8", NULL}, {"COM9", NULL}, {"LPT1", NULL}, {"LPT2", NULL}, {"LPT3", NULL} };
/* function prototypes for local support functions */ DWORD Baud16toBaud32(UINT BaudRate); WORD Baud32toBaud16(DWORD BaudRate); void DCB16toDCB32(PWOWPORT pWOWPort, LPDCB lpdcb32, PDCB16 pdcb16); void DCB32toDCB16(PDCB16 pdcb16, LPDCB lpdcb32, UINT idComDev, BOOL fChEvt); BOOL DeletePortTabEntry(PWOWPORT pWOWPort); ULONG WOWCommWriterThread(LPVOID pWOWPortStruct); USHORT EnqueueCommWrite(PWOWPORT pwp, PUCHAR pch, USHORT cb); UINT GetModePortTabIndex(PSZ pszModeStr); BOOL GetPortName(LPSTR pszMode, LPSTR pszPort); UINT GetStrPortTabIndex(PSZ szPort); BOOL InitDCB32(LPDCB pdcb32, LPSTR pszModeStr); VOID InitDEB16(PCOMDEB16 pComDEB16, UINT iTab, WORD QInSize, WORD QOutSize); PSZ StripPortName(PSZ psz); PSZ GetPortStringToken(PSZ pszSrc, PSZ pszToken); BOOL MSRWait(PWOWPORT pwp); BOOL IsQLinkGold(WORD wTDB);
/* prototypes for Modem interrupt emulation thread support */ VOID WOWModemIntThread(PWOWPORT pWOWPortStruct); BOOL WOWStartModemIntThread(PWOWPORT pWOWPort); DWORD WOWGetCommError(PWOWPORT pWOWPort);
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 on success OR LPT.
// -1 on ANY error.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32BuildCommDCB(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = (ULONG)-1; UINT len, iTab; PSZ psz1; PDCB16 pdcb16; DCB dcb32; register PBUILDCOMMDCB16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(BUILDCOMMDCB16), parg16); GETPSZPTR(parg16->f1, psz1);
// if valid device name...
if((INT)(iTab = GetModePortTabIndex(psz1)) >= 0) {
// Initialize a Win3.1 compatible 32-bit DCB
if(InitDCB32(&dcb32, psz1)) {
GETMISCPTR(parg16->f2, pdcb16);
if(pdcb16) { // copy the psz1 fields to the 16-bit struct
iTab = (VALIDCOM(iTab) ? iTab : TABIDTOLPT(iTab)); DCB32toDCB16(pdcb16, &dcb32, iTab, FALSE);
// set timeouts for COMx ports only
if(VALIDCOM(iTab)) {
// 'P' is the only "retry" option supported in Win3.1
len = strlen(psz1) - 1; while(psz1[len] != ' ') { // delete trailing spaces
len--; } if((psz1[len] == 'P') || (psz1[len] == 'p')) { pdcb16->RlsTimeout = INFINITE_TIMEOUT; pdcb16->CtsTimeout = INFINITE_TIMEOUT; pdcb16->DsrTimeout = INFINITE_TIMEOUT; } }
FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, sizeof(DCB16), pdcb16); FREEMISCPTR(pdcb16);
ul = 0; // Win3.1 returns 0 if success
} } FREEPSZPTR(psz1); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32BuildCommDCB: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// Error word on success OR LPTx.
// 0x8000 on bad idComDev.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32ClearCommBreak(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x00008000; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PCLEARCOMMBREAK16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(CLEARCOMMBREAK16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
if (VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { if(!ClearCommBreak(pWOWPort->h32)) { WOWGetCommError(pWOWPort); } } ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul!=0x00008000)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32ClearCommBreak: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 if success OR if LPTx.
// -1 for bad idComDev OR port not open.
// -2 for Timeout error.
// We pass back (as a 2nd parameter) the DWORD obtained from the call to
// GlobalDosAlloc() in IOpenComm() in user.exe. (WOWModemIntThread() support)
ULONG FASTCALL WU32CloseComm(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = (ULONG)-1; UINT idComDev; PDWORD16 lpdwDEB16; PWOWPORT pWOWPort = NULL; register PCLOSECOMM16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(CLOSECOMM16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
// pass back the 16:16 ptr for the WOWModemIntThread() support
GETMISCPTR(parg16->f2, lpdwDEB16); if (lpdwDEB16) { *lpdwDEB16 = pWOWPort->dwComDEB16; FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, sizeof(DWORD), lpdwDEB16); FREEMISCPTR(lpdwDEB16); }
// clean up the PortTab[] entry
if (DeletePortTabEntry(pWOWPort)) { ul = (ULONG)-2; // return Win3.1 timeOut error
} else { ul = 0; } } else { LOGDEBUG (0, ("WOW::WU32CloseComm: Not a valid COM or LPT\n")); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32CloseComm: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// TRUE on success.
// FALSE if error OR if EnableCommNotification() not supported.
// User16 validation layer returns 0 for bad hwnd.
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if ((VALIDCOM(idComDev)) && (pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort)) {
lpComDEB16 = pWOWPort->lpComDEB16;
// if they are trying to disable notifcation (HWND == NULL)
if(WORD32(parg16->f2) == 0) { lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle = 0; lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags = CN_TRANSMITHI; lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger = (WORD)-1; lpComDEB16->SendTrigger = 0; ul = (ULONG)TRUE; }
// Validate non-null hwnd's since hwnd validation is disabled in
// user16 validation layer
else if(!IsWindow(HWND32(parg16->f2))) { ul = (ULONG)FALSE; }
// else set up the notification mechanisms
else {
// if the Modem interrupt thread hasn't started yet -- go start it
if(pWOWPort->hMiThread == NULL) {
if(!WOWStartModemIntThread(pWOWPort)) { fOK = FALSE; } }
// update the DEB to reflect notification
if(fOK) {
lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle = WORD32(parg16->f2); lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags = CN_TRANSMITHI | CN_NOTIFYHI;
// set trigger values the same way Win3.1 does
cbQue = WORD32(parg16->f3); if((cbQue < lpComDEB16->QInSize) || ((SHORT)cbQue == -1)) { lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger = cbQue; } else { lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger = lpComDEB16->QInSize - 10; } cbQue = WORD32(parg16->f4); if((cbQue < lpComDEB16->QOutSize) || ((SHORT)cbQue == -1)) { lpComDEB16->SendTrigger = cbQue; } else { lpComDEB16->SendTrigger = lpComDEB16->QOutSize - 10; }
ul = (ULONG)TRUE; } } } // else there is no notification for LPT in Win3.1
else { ul = (ULONG)FALSE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==1)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32EnableCommNotification: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// The value from the specified function.
// The error word for: the line & signal state functions,
// function not implemented, OR LPTx where function != (RESETDEV||GETMAXLPT).
// 0x8000 for bad idComDev.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32EscapeCommFunction(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x00008000; UINT idComDev; UINT nFunction; WORD IRQ; VPVOID vpBiosData; PWORD16 pwBiosData; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PESCAPECOMMFUNCTION16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(ESCAPECOMMFUNCTION16), parg16);
// this construct is set up this way because Win3.1 will allow GETMAXCOM
// & GETMAXLPT to succeed as long as the idComDev is in the valid range.
// (ie: the app doesn't have to call OpenComm() first to set up the PortTab)
// for RESETDEV we tell them that we reset the printer. (we're such liars!)
nFunction = WORD32(parg16->f2); idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (VALIDCOM(idComDev)) {
if (nFunction == GETMAXCOM) { ul = NUMCOMS-1; } else if (nFunction == GETBASEIRQ || nFunction == GETBASEIRQ+1) { ul = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (idComDev < COM5) { vpBiosData = (VPVOID) (RM_BIOS_DATA + (idComDev * sizeof(WORD))); if (pwBiosData = (PWORD16)GetRModeVDMPointer(vpBiosData)) { if (idComDev == COM1 || idComDev == COM3) { IRQ = IRQ4; } else { IRQ = IRQ3; } ul = MAKELONG((WORD)(*pwBiosData), IRQ); FREEVDMPTR(pwBiosData); } } } else { // for the other functions they must have called OpenComm()
if (pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort) {
switch(nFunction) {
// line & signal state functions
case SETXOFF: case SETXON: case SETRTS: case CLRRTS: case SETDTR: case CLRDTR: if(!EscapeCommFunction(pWOWPort->h32, nFunction)) { WOWGetCommError(pWOWPort); } ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; break;
// 0:
case 0: ul = 0; // like WFW
// any other value...
// non-zero is error: use dwErrcode if there is one
if(pWOWPort->dwErrCode) ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode;
// else use what WFW seems inclined to return
else ul = CE_OVERRUN | CE_RXPARITY; break; } } } } else if (VALIDLPT(idComDev)) { if(nFunction == RESETDEV) { ul = 0; // no error (ie. "just tell them we did it" - TonyE)
} else if(nFunction == GETMAXLPT) { ul = LPTLAST; } else if (pWOWPort = PortTab[GETLPTID(idComDev)].pWOWPort) { ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; } else { ul = 0; } }
RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 on success.
// 0x8000 if bad idComDev.
// Error word on error or LPTx.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32FlushComm(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x00008000; UINT idComDev; DWORD dwAction; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PFLUSHCOMM16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(FLUSHCOMM16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
// is a COMx?
if (VALIDCOM(idComDev)) {
// if flush transmit buffer specified
dwAction = PURGE_RXCLEAR; if(parg16->f2 == 0) { dwAction = PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_TXABORT;
// Flush the local writers buffer
EnterCriticalSection(&pWOWPort->csWrite); pWOWPort->pchWriteHead = pWOWPort->pchWriteTail = pWOWPort->pchWriteBuf; pWOWPort->cbWriteFree = pWOWPort->cbWriteBuf - 1; pWOWPort->cbWritePending = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&pWOWPort->csWrite); }
if(PurgeComm(pWOWPort->h32, dwAction)) {
if(dwAction == PURGE_RXCLEAR) { pWOWPort->fUnGet = FALSE; }
ul = 0; // Win3.1 returns 0 on success
} else { WOWGetCommError(pWOWPort); ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; } } // else just return current error code for LPTx
else { ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; } }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32FlushComm: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0x8000 for bad idComDev.
// The error word for all other cases.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetCommError(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x00008000; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; PCOMSTAT16 pcs16; register PGETCOMMERROR16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCOMMERROR16), parg16); GETMISCPTR(parg16->f2, pcs16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR (idComDev)) {
if (VALIDCOM(idComDev) && pcs16) {
// Always update the COMSTAT status byte, DynComm depends on it.
pcs16->status = 0; if(pWOWPort->cs.fCtsHold) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fCtsHold; if(pWOWPort->cs.fDsrHold) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fDsrHold; // Note: RlsdHold is zero'd out on Win3.1
if(pWOWPort->cs.fRlsdHold) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fRlsdHold; if(pWOWPort->cs.fXoffHold) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fXoffHold; if(pWOWPort->cs.fXoffSent) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fSentHold; if(pWOWPort->cs.fEof) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fEof; if(pWOWPort->cs.fTxim) pcs16->status |= W31CS_fTxim;
pcs16->cbInQue = (WORD)pWOWPort->cs.cbInQue; pcs16->cbOutQue = (WORD)pWOWPort->cs.cbOutQue;
// account for the UnGot char (if any)
if(pWOWPort->fUnGet) { pcs16->cbInQue++; } }
// if an LPT OR pcs16 == NULL, Win3.1 returns the error code
else { // for LPT's Win3.1 just zero's the COMSTAT & returns the error code
if(VALIDLPT(idComDev)) { if(pcs16) { RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pcs16, sizeof(COMSTAT16)); } } }
ul = (ULONG)pWOWPort->dwErrCode;
// clear the error now that the app has got it (but maintain queues)
pWOWPort->dwErrCode = 0; pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->ComErr = 0; RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)&(pWOWPort->cs), sizeof(COMSTAT)); if(pcs16) { pWOWPort->cs.cbInQue = pcs16->cbInQue; pWOWPort->cs.cbOutQue = pcs16->cbOutQue; } }
FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, sizeof(COMSTAT16), pcs16); FREEMISCPTR(pcs16); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// EvtWord on success.
// 0 for bad idComDev OR LPTx.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetCommEventMask(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul=0; DWORD dwEvtMask; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; PCOMDEB16 pDEB16; register PGETCOMMEVENTMASK16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCOMMEVENTMASK16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { if(pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort) {
if(pDEB16 = pWOWPort->lpComDEB16) {
// in Win3.1 the app gets current event word (NOT the EvtMask!!)
ul = (ULONG)pDEB16->EvtWord;
// clear event word like Win3.1 does
dwEvtMask = (DWORD)WORD32(parg16->f2); pDEB16->EvtWord = LOWORD((~dwEvtMask) & (DWORD)ul); } } }
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 for success.
// -1 for bad idComDev.
// IE_NOPEN for not opened.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetCommState(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = (ULONG)-1; UINT idComDev; DCB dcb32; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; PDCB16 pdcb16; register PGETCOMMSTATE16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCOMMSTATE16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
GETMISCPTR(parg16->f2, pdcb16);
if(pdcb16) { if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { if(GetCommState(pWOWPort->h32, &dcb32)) {
DCB32toDCB16(pdcb16, &dcb32, idComDev, pWOWPort->fChEvt); ul = 0; // Win3.1 returns 0 if success
} }
// else get DCB for LPT's
else { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)pdcb16, (PVOID)pWOWPort->pdcb16, sizeof(DCB16)); ul = 0; // Win3.1 returns 0 if success
FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, sizeof(DCB16), pdcb16); FREEMISCPTR(pdcb16); } } // else if they got a handle that looks good but they didn't open the port
else if(VALIDCOM(idComDev) || VALIDLPT(idComDev)) { ul = (ULONG)IE_NOPEN; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32GetCommState: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// An idComDev on success.
// IE_BADID for bad port name.
// IE_OPEN if port already open.
// IE_HARDWARE if hardware in use (ie. by mouse) OR port doesn't exist.
// IE_MEMORY if both cbInQueue & cbOutQueue == 0 OR can't allocate a queue.
// IE_NOPEN if can't open port.
// IE_DEFAULT if initialization fails for various reasons.
// We pass an additional (4th) parameter from IOpenComm() for SetCommEventMask()
// support. It's a DWORD that is obtained by a call to GlobalDosAlloc().
ULONG FASTCALL WU32OpenComm(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { INT ret; UINT iTab, idComDev; CHAR COMbuf[] = "COMx:9600,E,7,1"; // Win3.1 default
CHAR szPort[MAXCOMNAMENULL]; DWORD dwDEBAddr; DWORD cbInQ = 0; DWORD cbOutQ; HANDLE h32 = 0; HANDLE hREvent = 0; DCB dcb32; PSZ psz1; PDCB16 pdcb16 = NULL; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; PCOMDEB16 lpComDEB16; COMMTIMEOUTS ct; PUCHAR pchWriteBuf = NULL; UINT cbWriteBuf = 0; HANDLE hWriteEvent = 0; DWORD dwWriteThreadId; BOOL fIsLPTPort; register POPENCOMM16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(OPENCOMM16), parg16); GETPSZPTR(parg16->f1, psz1);
// see if valid com device name...
if((iTab = GetModePortTabIndex(psz1)) == (UINT)IE_BADID) { ret = IE_BADID; goto ErrorExit0; }
// check if named port is already in use
if(PortTab[iTab].pWOWPort != NULL) { ret = IE_OPEN; goto ErrorExit0; }
if ( VALIDCOM(iTab) ) { idComDev = iTab; fIsLPTPort = FALSE; } else { idComDev = TABIDTOLPT(iTab); fIsLPTPort = TRUE; }
// get port name: app may pass in a full mode string in Win3.1
GetPortName(psz1, szPort);
// try to open the port
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { ret = IE_HARDWARE; } else { LOGDEBUG (LOG_ERROR,("WOW::WU32OpenComm CreateFile failed, lasterror=0x%x\n",GetLastError())); ret = IE_NOPEN; } goto ErrorExit0; }
// ignore LPT's for this check like Win3.1 does
if( !fIsLPTPort ) {
// common method apps use to see if a COM port is already open
if((WORD32(parg16->f2) == 0) && (WORD32(parg16->f3) == 0)) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit1; }
// set up the I/O queues
cbInQ = (DWORD)WORD32(parg16->f2); cbOutQ = (DWORD)WORD32(parg16->f3);
// Allocate write buffer to emulate Win3.1's transmit queue.
// We allocate one extra byte because the last byte of the
// buffer is never filled. If it were, then the head and
// tail pointers would be equal, which we use to indicate
// an *empty* buffer.
cbWriteBuf = cbOutQ + 1;
if (!(pchWriteBuf = malloc_w(cbWriteBuf))) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit1; }
// IO buffers must be a multiple of 2 for SetupComm().
// Note that SetupComm may ignore the write buffer size
// entirely, but TonyE says that we should still pass
// down the size requested, since in any case writes
// will complete only when the bits are irretrievably
// sent, I.E. in the UART or other hardware, out of
// the control of the device driver.
cbInQ = (cbInQ + 1) & ~1; cbOutQ = (cbOutQ + 1) & ~1; if(!SetupComm(h32, cbInQ, cbOutQ)) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit2; }
// Create an event used by the app thread to wake up
// the writer thread when the write buffer is
// empty and the app writes something. The event
// is auto-reset, meaning it is reset when the
// writer wakes up. The event is initially not
// signaled, it will be signaled when the first
// write occurs.
if (!(hWriteEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL))) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit2; }
// create an event for ReadComm()'s overlapped structure
if(!(hREvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL))) { ret = IE_NOPEN; goto ErrorExit3; }
// set the timeout values
ct.ReadIntervalTimeout = (DWORD)INFINITE; // == MAXDWORD
ct.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier=0; ct.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant=0; ct.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier=0; ct.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant=WRITE_TIMEOUT; if(!SetCommTimeouts(h32, &ct)) { ret = IE_DEFAULT; goto ErrorExit3; }
// make sure the DCB is Win3.1 compatible
// NOTE: app can pass in a full mode string in Win3.1
if((strlen(psz1) < 4) || !InitDCB32(&dcb32, psz1)) { if(!InitDCB32(&dcb32, COMbuf)) { ret = IE_DEFAULT; goto ErrorExit3; } }
// set current DCB to Win3.1 compatibility
if(!SetCommState(h32, &dcb32)) { ret = IE_DEFAULT; goto ErrorExit3; }
// purge the I/O buffers just to be sure
PurgeComm(h32, PURGE_TXCLEAR); PurgeComm(h32, PURGE_RXCLEAR);
// we need to set up a default DCB for LPT's
else {
if((pdcb16 = malloc_w(sizeof(DCB16))) == NULL) { ret = IE_DEFAULT; goto ErrorExit1; }
// initialize everything to 0
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pdcb16, sizeof(DCB16));
// save the idComDev only in the DCB
pdcb16->Id = LOBYTE(LOWORD(idComDev)); }
// allocate the WOWPort structure for this port
if((pWOWPort = malloc_w(sizeof(WOWPORT))) == NULL) { ret = IE_DEFAULT; goto ErrorExit3; }
// get seg:sel dword returned by GlobalDosAlloc for the DEB struct
// we'll treat the 16:16 pDEB as real mode on 32-bit side due to
// some MIPS issues: v-simonf
if (!(dwDEBAddr = DWORD32(parg16->f4))) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit4; }
// Isolate the segment value
dwDEBAddr &= 0xFFFF0000;
// save flat pointer to DEB for use in Modem interrupt thread
lpComDEB16 = (PCOMDEB16) GetRModeVDMPointer(dwDEBAddr);
// init the DEB
InitDEB16(lpComDEB16, iTab, WORD32(parg16->f2), WORD32(parg16->f3));
// init the support struct
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pWOWPort, sizeof(WOWPORT));
pWOWPort->h32 = h32; pWOWPort->idComDev = idComDev; pWOWPort->dwComDEB16 = DWORD32(parg16->f4); pWOWPort->lpComDEB16 = lpComDEB16; pWOWPort->dwThreadID = CURRENTPTD()->dwThreadID; pWOWPort->hREvent = hREvent; pWOWPort->cbWriteBuf = (WORD)cbWriteBuf; pWOWPort->cbWriteFree = cbWriteBuf - 1; // never use byte before head.
pWOWPort->pchWriteBuf = pchWriteBuf; pWOWPort->pchWriteHead = pchWriteBuf; pWOWPort->pchWriteTail = pchWriteBuf; pWOWPort->hWriteEvent = hWriteEvent; pWOWPort->cbWritePending = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&pWOWPort->csWrite); pWOWPort->pdcb16 = pdcb16; pWOWPort->cbInQ = cbInQ; // hack for QuickLink Gold 1.3 -- See bug #398011
// save QL stack sel in hiword, ComDEB16 seg in the loword
if(IsQLinkGold(pFrame->wTDB)) { pWOWPort->QLStackSeg = (DWORD32(parg16->f1) & 0xFFFF0000) | (pWOWPort->dwComDEB16 & 0x0000FFFF); } // else pWOWPort->QLStackSeg implicitly set to 0 by RtlZeroMemory above.
if (!(pWOWPort->olWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL))) { LOGDEBUG(0, ("%s", "WU32OpenComm unable to create overlapped write event, failing.\n")); ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit4; }
PortTab[iTab].pWOWPort = pWOWPort;
// Create the writer thread and pass it pWOWPort as its
// parameter.
if (!fIsLPTPort) { pWOWPort->hWriteThread = CreateThread( NULL, // lpsa
0, // stack size (default)
WOWCommWriterThread, // start address
pWOWPort, // lpvThreadParm
0, // fdwCreate
&dwWriteThreadId );
if (!pWOWPort->hWriteThread) { ret = IE_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit5; } }
ret = idComDev; // return the idComDev
goto CleanExit;
// this is the error code path
ErrorExit5: CloseHandle(pWOWPort->olWrite.hEvent);
ErrorExit4: free_w(pWOWPort);
ErrorExit3: if (hREvent) { CloseHandle(hREvent); } if (hWriteEvent) { CloseHandle(hWriteEvent); } if (fIsLPTPort) { free_w(pdcb16); }
ErrorExit2: if(pchWriteBuf) { free_w(pchWriteBuf); }
ErrorExit1: CloseHandle(h32);
ErrorExit0: LOGDEBUG (0, ("WOW::WU32OpenComm failed\n"));
CleanExit: FREEVDMPTR(psz1); FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN((ULONG)ret); // return error
// WriteComm()
// Win3.1 returns:
// # bytes written on success (*= -1 on error).
// 0 for bad idComDev OR if app specifies to write 0 bytes.
// -1 if port hasn't been opened,
ULONG FASTCALL WU32WriteComm(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { register PWRITECOMM16 parg16; LONG i = -1; PSZ psz2; PWOWPORT pwp; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; DWORD cbWritten;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(WRITECOMM16), parg16); GETPSZPTR(parg16->f2, psz2);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); // this will be true only if the (valid) port has been opened
if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) {
if ((pwp = GETPWOWPTR(UINT32(parg16->f1))) && psz2) {
// if the app is interested in timeouts...
if(pwp->lpComDEB16->MSRMask) {
// ...see if RLSD, CTS, & DSR timeout before going high
if(MSRWait(pwp)) { FREEPSZPTR(psz2); FREEARGPTR(parg16); return(0); // this is what Win3.1 does for Timeouts
} }
i = EnqueueCommWrite(pwp, psz2, parg16->f3); if (i != parg16->f3) { i = -i; pwp->dwErrCode |= CE_TXFULL; } } }
// else LPT's go this way...
else {
// This call to WriteFile could block, but I don't think
// that's a problem. - DaveHart
if ((pwp = GETPWOWPTR(UINT32(parg16->f1))) && psz2) {
if (!WriteFile(pwp->h32, psz2, parg16->f3, &cbWritten, &pwp->olWrite)) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) {
// Wait for the write to complete or for us to
// be alerted that the port is closing.
if (GetOverlappedResult(pwp->h32, &pwp->olWrite, &cbWritten, TRUE )) { i = cbWritten; goto WriteSuccess; } } LOGDEBUG(0, ("WU32WriteComm: WriteFile to id %u fails (error %u)\n", pwp->idComDev, GetLastError())); if (cbWritten) { i = cbWritten; i = -i; } } else { i = cbWritten; } } } } else if(!(VALIDCOM(idComDev) || VALIDLPT(idComDev))) { i = 0; } WriteSuccess:
// Win3.1 returns:
// # chars read on success.
// 0 for: bad idComDev, cbRead == 0, LPTx, port not open, 0 chars read,
// OR for general comm error.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32ReadComm(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0; ULONG cb; BOOL fUnGet = FALSE; UINT idComDev; PBYTE pb2; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; OVERLAPPED Rol; register PREADCOMM16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(READCOMM16), parg16); GETMISCPTR(parg16->f2, pb2);
cb = (ULONG)UINT32(parg16->f3); if((cb != 0) && pb2) {
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (VALIDCOM(idComDev) && (pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort)) {
// if an UnGot char is pending
if (pWOWPort->fUnGet) { fUnGet = TRUE; pWOWPort->fUnGet = FALSE; *pb2++ = pWOWPort->cUnGet;
// this line commented out 8/3/95
// cb--; // we now need one less char
// In order to make this work correctly we should cb-- above
// to reflect the ungot char, unfortunately Win3.1 & Win95
// don't do that so we will maintain this bug for "ouch!"
// compatibility. a-craigj 8/3/95
// TonyE claims we should do this before each read to avoid problems
Rol.Internal = 0; Rol.InternalHigh = 0; Rol.Offset = 0; Rol.OffsetHigh = 0; Rol.hEvent = pWOWPort->hREvent;
if (!ReadFile(pWOWPort->h32, pb2, cb, (LPDWORD)&ul, &Rol)) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) {
if (!GetOverlappedResult(pWOWPort->h32, &Rol, &ul, TRUE )) {
LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOW::WU32ReadComm:GetOverlappedResult failed, error = 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); ul = 0;
} else {
LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOW::WU32ReadComm:ReadFile failed, error = 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); ul = 0; } }
if(fUnGet) { ul++; // account for ungot char
pb2--; // accounts for previous pb2++ for FREEVDMPTR
FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, (USHORT)ul, pb2);
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// Error word on success OR LPTx.
// 0x8000 on bad idComDev.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32SetCommBreak(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x00008000; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PSETCOMMBREAK16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETCOMMBREAK16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) { if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { if(!SetCommBreak(pWOWPort->h32)) { WOWGetCommError(pWOWPort); } } ul = pWOWPort->dwErrCode; // Win3.1 returns last err
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul!=CE_MODE)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32SetCommBreak: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// A 16:16 ptr into the DEB struct on success.
// 0 on any error OR LPT.
// The 16:16 ptr that we return to the app was actually obtained in
// IOpenComm() in user.exe.
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETCOMMEVENTMASK16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if ((VALIDCOM(idComDev)) && (pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort)) {
// if the Modem interrupt thread hasn't been started yet -- go start it
if(pWOWPort->hMiThread == NULL) {
// start our Modem interrupt thread
if(!WOWStartModemIntThread(pWOWPort)) { fOK = FALSE; } }
// if everything is hunky-dory...
if(fOK) {
// success: Win3.1 returns 16:16 protect mode ptr to
// DEB->EvtWord (some apps subtract offset of EvtWord
// from ptr to get start of DEB).
dwDEBAddr = LOWORD(pWOWPort->dwComDEB16) << 16; ul = dwDEBAddr + FIELD_OFFSET(COMDEB16, EvtWord);
// save the mask the app requested
pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->EvtMask = (WORD)(parg16->f2); } }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul!=0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32SETCOMMEVENTMASK: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 on success OR LPTx.
// IE_BADID for bad idComDev.
// IE_NOPEN if file hasn't been opened.
// IE_BAUDRATE for bad baud rate.
// IE_BYTESIZE for bad byte size.
// IE_DEFAULT for bad parity or stop bits.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32SetCommState(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = (ULONG)IE_BADID; UINT idComDev; PDCB16 pdcb16; DCB dcb32; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PSETCOMMSTATE16 parg16; DWORD dwMSR;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETCOMMSTATE16), parg16); GETMISCPTR(parg16->f1, pdcb16);
if(pdcb16) {
idComDev = pdcb16->Id; if(pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { DCB16toDCB32(pWOWPort, &dcb32, pdcb16);
if(SetCommState(pWOWPort->h32, &dcb32)) { ul = 0;
// Win 3.1 initializes the MSRShadow during SetCommState
// so we will too. InterNet in a Box Dialer depends on it.
GetCommModemStatus(pWOWPort->h32, &dwMSR); dwMSR &= MSR_STATEONLY; pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRShadow = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwMSR)); } else { ul = (ULONG)IE_DEFAULT; // we just say something's wrong
} else { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)pWOWPort->pdcb16, (PVOID)pdcb16, sizeof(DCB16)); ul = 0; } } // else if they got a handle that looks good but they didn't open port
else if (VALIDCOM(idComDev) || VALIDLPT(idComDev)) { ul = (ULONG)IE_NOPEN; }
FREEMISCPTR(pdcb16); }
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 for success.
// 0x8000 for bad idComDev.
// 0x4000 if char can't be sent.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32TransmitCommChar(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = 0x8000; UINT idComDev; CHAR ch; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; DWORD cbWritten; register PTRANSMITCOMMCHAR16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(TRANSMITCOMMCHAR16), parg16);
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(idComDev)) {
if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { if(TransmitCommChar(pWOWPort->h32, CHAR32(parg16->f2))) { ul = 0; // Win3.1 returns 0 on success
} else { ul = (ULONG)ERR_XMIT; } }
// else LPT's go this way...
else {
// This call to WriteFile could block, but I don't think
// that's a problem. - DaveHart
ch = CHAR32(parg16->f2); ul = ERR_XMIT; if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR(UINT32(parg16->f1))) {
if (!WriteFile(pWOWPort->h32, &ch, 1, &cbWritten, &pWOWPort->olWrite)) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) {
// Wait for the write to complete or for us to
// be alerted that the port is closing.
if (GetOverlappedResult(pWOWPort->h32, &pWOWPort->olWrite, &cbWritten, TRUE )) { ul = 0; goto TransmitSuccess; } } LOGDEBUG(0, ("WU32TransmitCommChar: WriteFile to id %u fails (error %u)\n", pWOWPort->idComDev, GetLastError())); } else { ul = 0; } }
} } TransmitSuccess:
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
// Win3.1 returns:
// 0 on success OR bad idComDev OR LPTx.
// -1 if port not open OR if ungot char already pending.
ULONG FASTCALL WU32UngetCommChar(PVDMFRAME pFrame) { ULONG ul = (ULONG)-1; UINT idComDev; PWOWPORT pWOWPort; register PUNGETCOMMCHAR16 parg16;
GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(UNGETCOMMCHAR16), parg16);
// see if port open...
idComDev = UINT32(parg16->f1); if (VALIDCOM(idComDev)) {
if (pWOWPort = PortTab[idComDev].pWOWPort) {
// if ungot char already pending return -1
if(pWOWPort->fUnGet == FALSE) { pWOWPort->fUnGet = TRUE; pWOWPort->cUnGet = CHAR32(parg16->f2); ul = 0; } } } else { ul = 0; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ul==0)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::WU32UngetCommChar: failed\n")); } #endif
FREEARGPTR(parg16); RETURN(ul); }
DWORD Baud16toBaud32(UINT BaudRate) { UINT DLatch;
// this function is set up this way on purpose (see SetCom300 ibmsetup.asm)
// get the equivalent baud
switch(BaudRate) {
// it they specified the baud rate directly
case CBR_110: case CBR_300: case CBR_600: case CBR_1200: case CBR_2400: case CBR_4800: case CBR_9600: case CBR_19200: case CBR_14400: case CBR_38400: case CBR_56000: return(BaudRate);
// Win3.1 baud rate constants
case W31CBR_110: return(CBR_110); case W31CBR_300: return(CBR_300); case W31CBR_600: return(CBR_600); case W31CBR_1200: return(CBR_1200); case W31CBR_2400: return(CBR_2400); case W31CBR_4800: return(CBR_4800); case W31CBR_9600: return(CBR_9600); case W31CBR_19200: return(CBR_19200); case W31CBR_14400: return(CBR_14400); case W31CBR_38400: return(CBR_38400); case W31CBR_56000: return(CBR_56000);
// start special cases
// SmartCom uses this to get 115200
case W31CBR_115200: return(CBR_115200);
// Win3.1 fails these two (even though they're defined in windows.h)
// but they just might work on NT
case W31CBR_128000: return(CBR_128000); case W31CBR_256000: return(CBR_256000); // end special cases
// handle the blank table entries for "reserved"
case W31CBR_reserved1: case W31CBR_reserved2: case W31CBR_reserved3: case W31CBR_reserved4: case W31CBR_reserved5: return(0);
// avoid divide by zero
case 0: case 1: return(0);
// handle obscure specifications that will work in Win3.1
// get the integer divisor latch value
DLatch = CBR_115200 / BaudRate;
switch(DLatch) { case W31_DLATCH_110: return(CBR_110); case W31_DLATCH_300: return(CBR_300); case W31_DLATCH_600: return(CBR_600); case W31_DLATCH_1200: return(CBR_1200); case W31_DLATCH_2400: return(CBR_2400); case W31_DLATCH_4800: return(CBR_4800); case W31_DLATCH_9600: return(CBR_9600); case W31_DLATCH_19200: return(CBR_19200); case W31_DLATCH_14400: return(CBR_14400); case W31_DLATCH_38400: return(CBR_38400); case W31_DLATCH_56000: return(CBR_56000); case W31_DLATCH_115200: return(CBR_115200);
// Win3.1, anything else returns whatever DLatch happens to be
// since we're mapping to baud we return the specified baud
default: return(BaudRate); } } }
WORD Baud32toBaud16(DWORD BaudRate) { if(BaudRate >= CBR_115200) { switch(BaudRate) { case CBR_256000: return(W31CBR_256000); case CBR_128000: return(W31CBR_128000); case CBR_115200: default: return(W31CBR_115200); } } else { return(LOWORD(BaudRate)); } }
void DCB16toDCB32(PWOWPORT pWOWPort, LPDCB lpdcb32, PDCB16 pdcb16) {
// zero 32-bit struct -> any flags and fields not explicitly set will be 0
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)lpdcb32, sizeof(DCB));
lpdcb32->DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); lpdcb32->BaudRate = Baud16toBaud32(pdcb16->BaudRate);
// 16-bit bitfields may align differently with 32-bit compilers
// we use this mechanism to align them the way Win3.1 expects them
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fBinary) lpdcb32->fBinary = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fParity) lpdcb32->fParity = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fOutxCtsFlow) lpdcb32->fOutxCtsFlow = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fOutxDsrFlow) lpdcb32->fOutxDsrFlow = 1;
// set up mechanism for handling event char notification
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fChEvt) pWOWPort->fChEvt = TRUE;
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fDtrFlow) { lpdcb32->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; } else if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fDtrDisable) { lpdcb32->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; } else { lpdcb32->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; }
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fOutX) lpdcb32->fOutX = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fInX) lpdcb32->fInX = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fPeChar) lpdcb32->fErrorChar = 1; if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fNull) lpdcb32->fNull = 1;
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fRtsFlow) { lpdcb32->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; } else if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fRtsDisable) { lpdcb32->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; } else { lpdcb32->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; }
if(pdcb16->wFlags & W31DCB_fDummy2) lpdcb32->fDummy2 = 1;
// Check the passed in XonLim & XoffLim values against the cbInQ value.
// Prodigy's modem detector leaves these values uninitialized.
if ((pdcb16->XonLim >= pWOWPort->cbInQ) || (pdcb16->XoffLim > pWOWPort->cbInQ) || (pdcb16->XonLim >= pdcb16->XoffLim)) { lpdcb32->XonLim = 0; lpdcb32->XoffLim = (WORD)(pWOWPort->cbInQ - (pWOWPort->cbInQ >> 2)); } else { lpdcb32->XonLim = pdcb16->XonLim; lpdcb32->XoffLim = pdcb16->XoffLim; }
lpdcb32->ByteSize = pdcb16->ByteSize; lpdcb32->Parity = pdcb16->Parity; lpdcb32->StopBits = pdcb16->StopBits;
// Digiboard driver doesn't want to see XonChar == XoffChar even if
// xon/xoff is disabled.
if ((pdcb16->XonChar == '\0') && (lpdcb32->XoffChar == '\0')) { lpdcb32->XonChar = pdcb16->XonChar+1; } else { lpdcb32->XonChar = pdcb16->XonChar; }
lpdcb32->XoffChar = pdcb16->XoffChar; lpdcb32->ErrorChar = pdcb16->PeChar; lpdcb32->EofChar = pdcb16->EofChar; lpdcb32->EvtChar = pdcb16->EvtChar;
#ifdef FE_SB
// for MSKKBUG #3213 by v-kenich
// MYTALK for Win set NULL these two fields at transfering binary file
// If call SetCommstate as it is, SetCommState return error (Invalid parameter)
// I think this fix doesn't occur any bad thing without condition of MYTALK
// Really correcting parameter check is better. but I don't know where it is.
if (!lpdcb32->XonChar) lpdcb32->XonChar = 0x11; if (!lpdcb32->XoffChar) lpdcb32->XoffChar = 0x13; #endif // FE_SB
// set up for RLSD, CTS, and DSR timeout support (not supported on NT)
pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRMask = 0;
pWOWPort->RLSDTimeout = pdcb16->RlsTimeout; if(pWOWPort->RLSDTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRMask |= LOBYTE(MS_RLSD_ON);
pWOWPort->CTSTimeout = pdcb16->CtsTimeout; if(pWOWPort->CTSTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRMask |= LOBYTE(MS_CTS_ON);
pWOWPort->DSRTimeout = pdcb16->DsrTimeout; if(pWOWPort->DSRTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRMask |= LOBYTE(MS_DSR_ON);
// these fields remain 0
//lpdcb32->fDsrSensitivity = 0;
//lpdcb32->fTXContinueOnXoff = 0;
//lpdcb32->fAbortOnError = 0;
//lpdcb32->wReserved = 0;
void DCB32toDCB16(PDCB16 pdcb16, LPDCB lpdcb32, UINT idComDev, BOOL fChEvt) {
// zero 16-bit struct -> any flags and fields not explicitly set will be 0
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pdcb16, sizeof(DCB16));
// set this field no matter what
pdcb16->Id = (BYTE)idComDev;
// if a COMx (Win3.1 leaves the rest 0 for LPT's)
if(VALIDCOM(idComDev)) { pdcb16->Id = (BYTE)idComDev;
// these are the "ComX:96,n,8,1" fields
pdcb16->BaudRate = Baud32toBaud16(lpdcb32->BaudRate); pdcb16->ByteSize = lpdcb32->ByteSize; pdcb16->Parity = lpdcb32->Parity; pdcb16->StopBits = lpdcb32->StopBits;
// 16-bit bitfields may align differently with 32-bit compilers
// we use this mechanism to align them the way Win3.1 expects them
if(lpdcb32->fBinary) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fBinary;
if(lpdcb32->fRtsControl == RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE) { pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fRtsDisable; }
if(lpdcb32->fParity) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fParity; if(lpdcb32->fOutxCtsFlow) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fOutxCtsFlow; if(lpdcb32->fOutxDsrFlow) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fOutxDsrFlow;
if(lpdcb32->fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE) { pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fDtrDisable; }
if(lpdcb32->fOutX) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fOutX; if(lpdcb32->fInX) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fInX; if(lpdcb32->fErrorChar) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fPeChar; if(lpdcb32->fNull) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fNull;
if(fChEvt) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fChEvt;
if(lpdcb32->fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE) { pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fDtrFlow; }
if(lpdcb32->fRtsControl == RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE) { pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fRtsFlow; }
if(lpdcb32->fDummy2) pdcb16->wFlags |= W31DCB_fDummy2;
pdcb16->XonChar = lpdcb32->XonChar; pdcb16->XoffChar = lpdcb32->XoffChar; pdcb16->XonLim = lpdcb32->XonLim; pdcb16->XoffLim = lpdcb32->XoffLim; pdcb16->PeChar = lpdcb32->ErrorChar; pdcb16->EofChar = lpdcb32->EofChar; pdcb16->EvtChar = lpdcb32->EvtChar;
// these fields remain 0
//pdcb16->fDummy = 0;
//pdcb16->TxDelay = 0;
BOOL DeletePortTabEntry(PWOWPORT pWOWPort) { INT iTab; BOOL fTimeOut;
iTab = pWOWPort->idComDev; if(VALIDLPT(iTab)) { iTab = GETLPTID(iTab); }
// flush I/O buffers & attempt to wake up Modem Interrupt thread (if any)
pWOWPort->fClose = TRUE; if(VALIDCOM(iTab)) { PurgeComm(pWOWPort->h32, PURGE_TXCLEAR); PurgeComm(pWOWPort->h32, PURGE_RXCLEAR); SetCommMask(pWOWPort->h32, 0); // this should wake up the Mi thread
// wake up WOWModemIntThread & tell it to exit
// (we attempt to block (1.5 second max.) until it does)
if(pWOWPort->hMiThread) { WaitForSingleObject(pWOWPort->hMiThread, 1500); CloseHandle(pWOWPort->hMiThread);
// zero COMDEB
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pWOWPort->lpComDEB16, sizeof(COMDEB16)); }
// Wake up WOWCommWriterThread so it will exit, wait up to
// 5 sec for it to go away.
fTimeOut = (WaitForSingleObject(pWOWPort->hWriteThread, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (fTimeOut) { LOGDEBUG(LOG_ALWAYS, ("WOW DeletePortTabEntry: Comm writer thread for port %d refused\n" " to die when asked nicely.\n", (int)pWOWPort->idComDev)); } #endif
CloseHandle(pWOWPort->hWriteThread); CloseHandle(pWOWPort->hWriteEvent); free_w(pWOWPort->pchWriteBuf);
CloseHandle(pWOWPort->hREvent); } // else free the LPT DCB support struct
else { free_w(pWOWPort->pdcb16); CloseHandle(pWOWPort->olWrite.hEvent); fTimeOut = FALSE; }
DeleteCriticalSection(&pWOWPort->csWrite); CloseHandle(pWOWPort->h32);
// QuickLink Gold 1.3 hack. Bug #398011
// The app calls OpenComm(), & then SetCommEventMask() to get the ptr to the
// comdeb16 struct. It saves the ptr at offset 0xf36 on its stack. The
// problem is that the app holds onto the comdeb16 ptr after it calls
// CloseComm() (when we free the comdeb16 memory) to be able to peek at a
// status byte from time to time. This works OK on Win 3.1 but not with
// our model on NT. Fortunately, the app tests to see if it has a comdeb16
// ptr before dereferencing it. Also, we're lucky because the ptr for
// lpszDevControl in its call to OpenComm() is from its stack thus allowing
// us to obtain the stack selector and zero out the comdeb16 ptr stored at
// stack ss:0xf36 when the app calls CloseComm().
if(pWOWPort->QLStackSeg) { LPDWORD lpQLS; VPVOID vpQLS, vpCD16;
// construct the 16:16 ptr to where the app saved the ptr to the
// COMDEB16 struct on its stack at offset 0xf36
vpQLS = pWOWPort->QLStackSeg & 0xFFFF0000; vpQLS = vpQLS | 0x00000f36;
// construct realmode 16:16 ptr of the COMDEB16 struct + 0x38 (seg:0x38)
vpCD16 = pWOWPort->QLStackSeg & 0x0000FFFF; vpCD16 = (vpCD16 << 16) | 0x00000038;
if(lpQLS) {
// sanity check to see if everything is still what & where we
// think it is
// if seg:0x38 is still stored at offset 0xf36 on the apps stack...
if(*lpQLS == (DWORD)vpCD16) {
// zero it out -- forcing app to avoid checking the status byte
*lpQLS = 0;
free_w(pWOWPort); PortTab[iTab].pWOWPort = NULL;
return(fTimeOut); }
UINT GetModePortTabIndex(PSZ pszModeStr) {
if(pszModeStr) { if(GetPortName(pszModeStr, szPort)) { return(GetStrPortTabIndex(szPort)); } }
BOOL GetPortName(LPSTR pszMode, LPSTR pszPort) {
INT len; CHAR szTemp[80]; // max len we'll take for DOS style MODE command
len = strlen(pszMode); if((len >= 3) && (len < 80)) {
// Get the first token from the mode string.
GetPortStringToken(pszMode, szTemp);
// map "AUX" or "PRN" to "COM1" or "LPT1" if necessary
len = strlen(szTemp); if((len >= 3) && (len <= MAXCOMNAME)) { // "AUX" <= len <= "COMx"
strcpy(pszPort, szTemp); CharUpper(pszPort);
// filter out duplicate names for the same thing
if(!WOW32_strcmp(pszPort, "PRN")) { strcpy(pszPort, "LPT1"); } else if(!WOW32_strcmp(pszPort, "AUX")) { strcpy(pszPort, "COM1"); }
bRet = TRUE; } }
PSZ StripPortName(PSZ psz) { CHAR dummy[80]; // max len we'll take for DOS style MODE command
return(GetPortStringToken(psz, dummy)); }
// Copy first token to pszToken. Return pointer to next token or NULL if none.
// This code cloned from Win 3.1, COMDEV.C, field(). HGW 3.0 modem registration
// passes "COMx,,," instead of "COMx:,,," so we need to handle all seperators.
PSZ GetPortStringToken(PSZ pszSrc, PSZ pszToken) { char c;
// While not the end of the string.
while (c = *pszSrc) { pszSrc++;
//Look for seperators.
if ((c == ' ') || (c == ':') || (c == ',')) { *pszToken = '\0';
while (*pszSrc == ' ') { pszSrc++; }
if (*pszSrc) { return(pszSrc); }
return(NULL); }
*pszToken++ = c; }
*pszToken = '\0';
return(NULL); }
UINT GetStrPortTabIndex(PSZ szPort) { UINT iTab;
for(iTab = COM1; iTab < NUMPORTS; iTab++) { if(!WOW32_strcmp((LPCTSTR)PortTab[iTab].szPort, (LPCTSTR)szPort)) { return(iTab); } }
return((UINT)IE_BADID); }
BOOL InitDCB32(LPDCB pdcb32, LPSTR pszModeStr) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszParams;
// eliminate "COMx:" from mode string leaving ptr to parameters string
pszParams = StripPortName(pszModeStr);
// if there are params... (some apps pass "com1:" -- hence 2nd test)
if(pszParams) {
// initialize everything to 0 (especially the flags)
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pdcb32, sizeof(DCB));
// NOTE: 32-bit BuildCommDCB ONLY touches fields associated with psz1
if(BuildCommDCB(pszParams, pdcb32)) {
pdcb32->DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
// fill in specific fields a la Win3.1
// NOTE: fields are 0 unless explicitly set
pdcb32->fBinary = 1; pdcb32->fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; //same as fDTRDisable == 0
pdcb32->fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; //same as fRTSDisable == 0
pdcb32->XonLim = 10; pdcb32->XoffLim = 10; pdcb32->XonChar = 0x11; // Ctrl-Q
pdcb32->XoffChar = 0x13; // Ctrl-S
bRet = TRUE; } }
return(bRet); }
VOID InitDEB16(PCOMDEB16 pComDEB16, UINT iTab, WORD QInSize, WORD QOutSize) { VPVOID vpBiosData; PWORD16 pwBiosData;
// Win3.1 init's most the stuff to zero except as handled below
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pComDEB16, sizeof(COMDEB16));
// get the I/O base address for the port
vpBiosData = (VPVOID)(RM_BIOS_DATA + (iTab * sizeof(WORD))); if(pwBiosData = (PWORD16)GetRModeVDMPointer(vpBiosData)) { pComDEB16->Port = (WORD)*pwBiosData; FREEVDMPTR(pwBiosData); }
pComDEB16->RecvTrigger = (WORD)-1; pComDEB16->QInSize = QInSize; pComDEB16->QOutSize = QOutSize;
/* start thread for Modem interrupt emulation */ BOOL WOWStartModemIntThread(PWOWPORT pWOWPort) { BOOL ret = FALSE; DWORD dwUnused; HANDLE hEvent, hMiThread;
// set up temporary semaphore to sync with Modem interrupt thread
if((hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { goto ErrorExit0; }
// use pWOWPort->hMiThread temporarily to help start the thread
pWOWPort->hMiThread = hEvent;
// create the MSR thread
if((hMiThread = CreateThread(NULL, 8192, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WOWModemIntThread, (PWOWPORT)pWOWPort, 0, (LPDWORD)&dwUnused)) == NULL) { goto ErrorExit1; }
// block until thread notifies us that it has started
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
pWOWPort->hMiThread = hMiThread;
CloseHandle(hEvent); ret = TRUE;
goto FunctionExit;
// this is the error code path
ErrorExit1: CloseHandle(hEvent);
ErrorExit0: pWOWPort->hMiThread = NULL;
FunctionExit: #ifdef DEBUG
if(!(ret)) { LOGDEBUG(0,("WOW::W32StartModemIntThread failed\n")); } #endif
// Modem Interrupt thread for SetCommEventMask/EnableCommNotification support
// Tries to emulate the interrupt handling in ibmint.asm of Win3.1 comm.drv.
// Our "interrupts" here are the events from the NT serial comm stuff
VOID WOWModemIntThread(PWOWPORT pWOWPort) { BOOL fRing = FALSE; UINT iTab; DWORD dwRing; DWORD dwEvts = 0; DWORD dwEvtOld = 0; DWORD dwEvtWord = 0; DWORD dwMSR = 0; DWORD dwErrCode = 0; DWORD cbTransfer; HANDLE h32; PCOMDEB16 lpComDEB16; OVERLAPPED ol;
iTab = pWOWPort->idComDev; lpComDEB16 = pWOWPort->lpComDEB16; h32 = pWOWPort->h32;
// set the current modem status & Event word
lpComDEB16->MSRShadow = (BYTE)0; lpComDEB16->EvtWord = (WORD)0; lpComDEB16->ComErr = (WORD)0; lpComDEB16->QInCount = (WORD)0; lpComDEB16->QOutCount = (WORD)0;
if(VALIDLPT(iTab)) { iTab = GETLPTID(iTab); }
ol.Internal = 0; ol.InternalHigh = 0; ol.Offset = 0; ol.OffsetHigh = 0; ol.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, (LPTSTR)PortTab[iTab].szPort);
// activate modem events in the mask, we want to emulate all the interrupts
SetCommMask(h32, EV_NTEVENTS);
// initialize the shadow MSR
GetCommModemStatus(h32, &dwMSR); dwMSR &= MSR_STATEONLY; lpComDEB16->MSRShadow = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwMSR));
// wake up the thread that created this thread in WOWStartModemIntThread()
while(!pWOWPort->fClose) {
// wait for an event - hopefully this will be somewhat similar to
// the TimerProc in ibmint.asm which gets called every 100ms
if(!WaitCommEvent(h32, &dwEvts, &ol)) {
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// ...block here 'til event specified in WaitCommEvent() occurs
if(!GetOverlappedResult(h32, &ol, &cbTransfer, TRUE)) { LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOW::WUCOMM: WOWModemIntThread: Wait failed\n")); } } else { LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOW::WUCOMM: WOWModemIntThread : Overlap failed\n")); } } ResetEvent(ol.hEvent);
// Get current MSR state, current state of delta bits isn't accurate for us
GetCommModemStatus(h32, &dwMSR);
dwMSR &= MSR_STATEONLY; // throw away delta bits
// set the DELTA bits in the shadow MSR
if(dwEvts & EV_CTS) dwMSR |= MSR_DCTS;
if(dwEvts & EV_DSR) dwMSR |= MSR_DDSR;
if(dwEvts & EV_RLSD) dwMSR |= MSR_DDCD;
if(dwEvts & EV_RING) { fRing = TRUE; dwRing = EV_RING; } else if(fRing) { fRing = FALSE; dwMSR |= MSR_TERI; dwRing = EV_RingTe; } else { dwRing = 0; }
// Form the events
dwEvtOld = (DWORD)lpComDEB16->EvtWord; dwEvtWord = 0; dwEvtWord = dwRing | (dwEvts & (EV_ERR | EV_BREAK | EV_RXCHAR | EV_TXEMPTY | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_RLSD | EV_RXFLAG));
// we have to figure the state bits out from the MSR
if(dwMSR & MS_CTS_ON) dwEvtWord |= EV_CTSS; if(dwMSR & MS_DSR_ON) dwEvtWord |= EV_DSRS; if(dwMSR & MS_RLSD_ON) dwEvtWord |= EV_RLSDS;
// One of the major tasks of this routine is to update the MSRShadow
// and EvtWord in the COMDEB16 structure.
//apply the msr as well
lpComDEB16->MSRShadow = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwMSR));
// apply the event mask the app specified
lpComDEB16->EvtWord |= LOWORD(dwEvtWord) & lpComDEB16->EvtMask;
// The following code simluates the COM Notifcation functionality of
// Win 3.1.
// Notifications:
// if they want receive transmit notification & it's time to notify
// if there wasn't an Rx overflow continue...
if( lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle ) {
// get current error code & queue counts
if((dwEvtWord & ( EV_RXCHAR | EV_RXFLAG )) && !(pWOWPort->dwErrCode & CE_RXOVER)) {
// if they want receive notification & it's time to notify
// apps should set RecvTrigger to -1 if they don't want notification
if((((SHORT)lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger) != -1) && (lpComDEB16->QInCount >= lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger)) {
// if the app hasn't already been notified of this ...
if(!(lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags & CN_RECEIVEHI)) {
PostMessage(HWND32(lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle), WOW_WM_COMMNOTIFY, MAKEWPARAM((WORD)pWOWPort->idComDev, 0), MAKELPARAM(CN_RECEIVE, 0));
lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags |= CN_RECEIVEHI; } } else { lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags &= ~CN_RECEIVEHI; } }
// if they want receive transmit notification & it's time to notify
if(lpComDEB16->QOutCount < (SHORT)lpComDEB16->SendTrigger) {
// if the app hasn't already been notified of this ...
if(!(lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags & CN_TRANSMITHI)) {
PostMessage(HWND32(lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle), WOW_WM_COMMNOTIFY, MAKEWPARAM((WORD)pWOWPort->idComDev, 0), MAKELPARAM(CN_TRANSMIT, 0));
lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags |= CN_TRANSMITHI; } } else { lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags &= ~CN_TRANSMITHI; }
// if we are notifying the app of EV_ event's
if((lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags & CN_NOTIFYHI) && ((DWORD)lpComDEB16->EvtWord != dwEvtOld)) {
PostMessage(HWND32(lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle), WOW_WM_COMMNOTIFY, MAKEWPARAM((WORD)pWOWPort->idComDev, 0), MAKELPARAM(CN_EVENT, 0)); }
// Now that we've processed all the interrupts, do the TimerProc.
// if we are notifying the app of anything in Rx queue
// this mimics the notification in the TimerProc (see ibmint.asm)
if(((SHORT)lpComDEB16->RecvTrigger != -1) && (lpComDEB16->QInCount != 0) && (!(lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags & CN_RECEIVEHI))) {
PostMessage(HWND32(lpComDEB16->NotifyHandle), WOW_WM_COMMNOTIFY, MAKEWPARAM((WORD)pWOWPort->idComDev, 0), MAKELPARAM(CN_RECEIVE, 0));
lpComDEB16->NotifyFlags |= CN_RECEIVEHI; } }
// we've handled all interrupts, give control back to app
} // end thread loop
ExitThread(0); }
ClearCommError(pwp->h32, &dwErr, &cs);
// We do our own write buffering so we ignore
// the cbOutQue returned by ClearCommError, which
// only reflects pending writes.
// Number of bytes in our write queue is calculated
// using the size of the queue and the amount free
// in the queue, minus one. Minus one because
// there's one slot in the queue which is never used.
cs.cbOutQue = (pwp->cbWriteBuf - pwp->cbWriteFree) - 1;
// always update the status & preserve any error condition
pwp->cs = cs; pwp->dwErrCode |= dwErr; pwp->lpComDEB16->ComErr |= LOWORD(dwErr);
// always update the queue counts in the DEB
pwp->lpComDEB16->QInCount = LOWORD(cs.cbInQue); pwp->lpComDEB16->QOutCount = LOWORD(cs.cbOutQue);
return(dwErr); }
/* for hung/crashed app support */ VOID FreeCommSupportResources(DWORD dwThreadID) { UINT iTab; PWOWPORT pWOWPort;
for(iTab = 0; iTab < NUMPORTS; iTab++) { if(pWOWPort = PortTab[iTab].pWOWPort) { if(pWOWPort->dwThreadID == dwThreadID) { DeletePortTabEntry(pWOWPort); break; } } } }
/* functions exported to the VDM */ /* NOTE: idComDev: COM1 == 0, LPT1 == 0x80 */ BYTE GetCommShadowMSR(WORD idComDev) { BYTE MSR=0; DWORD dwModemStatus; PWOWPORT pWOWPort;
if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR (idComDev)) {
if(pWOWPort->hMiThread) { MSR = (BYTE)pWOWPort->lpComDEB16->MSRShadow; }
// get it the slow way if SetCommEventMask() hasn't been called
else if ( GetCommModemStatus(pWOWPort->h32, &dwModemStatus) ) { MSR = (BYTE)LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwModemStatus)); } }
return(MSR); }
/* NOTE: idComDev: COM1 == 0, LPT1 == 0x80 */ HANDLE GetCommHandle(WORD idComDev) { PWOWPORT pWOWPort;
if (pWOWPort = GETPWOWPTR (idComDev)) { return(pWOWPort->h32); }
else { return(NULL); // will return NULL if bad range of idComDev or if the
} // port wasn't initialized through an OpenComm() API call
pTDB = (PVOID)SEGPTR(wTDB,0); if(WOW32_stricmp(pTDB->TDB_ModName, "QLGOLD")) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// EnqueueCommWrite - stuff characters into the Comm Write queue
// assoicated with pWOWPort.
// Returns number of characters queued.
// This function takes care of entering/leaving the critsec.
USHORT EnqueueCommWrite(PWOWPORT pwp, PUCHAR pch, USHORT cb) { USHORT cbWritten = 0; USHORT cbToCopy; USHORT cbChunk; BOOL fQueueEmpty; BOOL fDelay = FALSE;
// WinFax Lite 3 calls WriteFile("AT+FCLASS=1") to set the modem to fax mode
// when it is recieving a fax. Some modems appear to be slow to repsond
// with the "OK" string (especially since we enqueue the "AT+FCLASS=1" write
// and then write it in overlapped mode) -- so, when we tell the app we sent
// it, it then follows with a "ATA" string without waiting for the modem's
// response to the previous command. This confuses several different modems
// and so they never answer. This mechanism allows us to synchronize the
// "AT+FCLASS=1" command so that it works more like Win3.1. See bug #9479
if(cb == 12) {
// Handy way to say:
// if(pch[0]=='A' && pch[1]=='T' && pch[2]=='+' && pch[3]=='F') {
if((*(DWORD *)pch) == 0x462b5441) {
// if(pch[0]=='C' && pch[1]=='L' && pch[2]=='A' && pch[3]=='S') {
if((*(DWORD *)(pch+sizeof(DWORD))) == 0x53414c43) {
// if(pch[0]=='S' && pch[1]=='=') {
if((*(WORD *)(pch+(2*sizeof(DWORD)))) == 0x3D53) { fDelay = TRUE; } } } }
fQueueEmpty = (pwp->pchWriteHead == pwp->pchWriteTail);
// cbToCopy is the total number of bytes that we are going to enqueue
cbToCopy = min(cb, pwp->cbWriteFree);
// Any write can be accomplished in at most two chunks.
// The first writes up until the buffer wraps, while
// the second starts at the beginning of the buffer.
// Do the first half, which may do it all.
// Number of bytes for the first chunk is the smaller of
// the total number of bytes free in the write buffer and
// the number of bytes free before the end of the buffer.
cbChunk = min(cbToCopy, (pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf) - pwp->pchWriteTail);
RtlCopyMemory(pwp->pchWriteTail, pch, cbChunk); pwp->cbWriteFree -= cbChunk; pwp->pchWriteTail += cbChunk; cbWritten += cbChunk;
// Tail pointer may have moved to point just beyond the buffer.
if (pwp->pchWriteTail >= pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf) { WOW32ASSERT(pwp->pchWriteTail == pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf); pwp->pchWriteTail = pwp->pchWriteBuf; }
// Are we done?
if (cbWritten < cbToCopy) {
// I think this case should only be taken when we've wrapped, so
// be sure.
WOW32ASSERT(pwp->pchWriteTail == pwp->pchWriteBuf);
// Nope, do the second half.
cbChunk = min((cbToCopy - cbWritten), pwp->cbWriteFree);
RtlCopyMemory(pwp->pchWriteTail, pch + cbWritten, cbChunk); pwp->cbWriteFree -= cbChunk; pwp->pchWriteTail += cbChunk; cbWritten += cbChunk;
WOW32ASSERT(pwp->pchWriteTail < pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf);
// If the buffer was empty to start with and we made it
// non-empty, issue the first WriteFile and signal the
// writer thread to wake up.
if (fQueueEmpty && cbWritten) {
pwp->cbWritePending = CALC_COMM_WRITE_SIZE(pwp);
if (!WriteFile(pwp->h32, pwp->pchWriteHead, pwp->cbWritePending, &pwp->cbWritten, &pwp->olWrite)) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) { pwp->fWriteDone = FALSE; } else { pwp->fWriteDone = TRUE; LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOW EnqueueCommWrite: WriteFile to id %u fails (error %u)\n", pwp->idComDev, GetLastError())); }
} else { pwp->fWriteDone = TRUE; }
// Leave the critical section before setting the event. Otherwise
// the other thread could wake up when the event is set and immediately
// block on the critical section.
// avoid setting the event twice
if(!fDelay) { SetEvent(pwp->hWriteEvent); }
} else { LeaveCriticalSection(&pwp->csWrite); }
// this gives the writer thread a chance to write out "AT+FCLASS=1" strings
if(fDelay) { SetEvent(pwp->hWriteEvent); Sleep(1000); }
return cbWritten; }
// WOWCommWriteThread created for COM ports only. This thread dequeues
// characters from the write buffer and writes them to the COM port.
// This thread uses pwp->hWriteEvent for two purposes:
// 1. The event is signalled by EnqueueCommWrite when the write
// buffer had been empty but is not now. This wakes us up
// so we can write to the port. Note that we will always
// be in the WaitForSingleObject at the top of the function
// in this case, since that's where we sleep when the buffer
// is empty.
// 2. DeletePortTabEntry signals the event after setting
// pwp->fClose to tell us the port is closing and we
// need to clean up and terminate this thread. This
// thread might be doing anything in this case, but
// it is careful to check pwp->fClose before sleeping
// again.
// 3. wu32FlushComm() signals the event and marks the queue empty
ULONG WOWCommWriterThread(LPVOID pWOWPortStruct) { PWOWPORT pwp = (PWOWPORT)pWOWPortStruct; HANDLE ah[2];
// Copy event handles into array for WaitForMultipleObjects.
ah[0] = pwp->hWriteEvent; ah[1] = pwp->olWrite.hEvent;
// pwp->fClose is TRUE when the port is closed.
while (!pwp->fClose) {
// First wait for something to be written to the buffer.
WaitForSingleObject(pwp->hWriteEvent, INFINITE);
// Critical section protects write buffer.
// The buffer is empty when head == tail.
while (pwp->pchWriteHead != pwp->pchWriteTail) {
// pwp->cbWritePending will be nonzero if
// the application thread queued a write to
// an empty buffer and then issued the first
// WriteFile call.
if (pwp->cbWritePending) { if (!pwp->fWriteDone) { LeaveCriticalSection(&pwp->csWrite); goto WaitForWriteCompletion; } else { goto CleanupAfterWriteComplete; } }
pwp->cbWritePending = CALC_COMM_WRITE_SIZE(pwp);
// Leave the critical section before writing. This is
// safe because the app thread doesn't change the
// head pointer. (Not true if wu32FlushComm was called)
if (!WriteFile(pwp->h32, pwp->pchWriteHead, pwp->cbWritePending, &pwp->cbWritten, &pwp->olWrite)) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError() ) {
WaitForWriteCompletion: //
// Wait for the write to complete or for us to
// be alerted that the port is closing.
while (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForMultipleObjects(2, ah, FALSE, INFINITE)) {
// pwp->hWriteEvent was signaled. This probably
// means that the port was closed.
if (pwp->fClose) { goto PortClosed; } }
if (GetOverlappedResult(pwp->h32, &pwp->olWrite, &pwp->cbWritten, TRUE ) ) { goto WriteSuccess; } }
LOGDEBUG(0, ("WOWCommWriterThread: WriteFile to id %u fails (error %u)\n", pwp->idComDev, GetLastError())); pwp->cbWritePending = 0; goto WaitForWriteOrder;
// Update head pointer to reflect portion written.
CleanupAfterWriteComplete: WOW32ASSERT(pwp->cbWritten == (WORD)pwp->cbWritten);
pwp->pchWriteHead += pwp->cbWritten; pwp->cbWriteFree += (WORD)pwp->cbWritten; pwp->cbWritePending = 0;
// The following is a sanity check on our buffer manipulations.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (pwp->pchWriteHead >= pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf) { WOW32ASSERT(pwp->pchWriteHead == pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf); } #endif
if (pwp->pchWriteHead == pwp->pchWriteBuf + pwp->cbWriteBuf) { pwp->pchWriteHead = pwp->pchWriteBuf; } }
// We have exhausted the write buffer, leave the critical section
// and loop back to the wait for the buffer to become non-empty.
LeaveCriticalSection(&pwp->csWrite); }
PortClosed: CloseHandle(pwp->olWrite.hEvent);
return 0; }
// Checks status on RLSD, CTS, and DSR for timeout support
// see MSRWait() in win3.1 comm.drv code
BOOL MSRWait(PWOWPORT pwp) { DWORD dwStartTime, dwElapsedTime, dwLineStatus; DWORD dwErr = 0;
// start the timeout clock (returns msec)
dwStartTime = GetTickCount();
// loop until either all lines are high or a timeout occurs
while(!dwErr) {
// get the current status of the lines
if ( !GetCommModemStatus(pwp->h32, &dwLineStatus) ) { //can't rely on third party drivers not to mess with dwLineStatus on failure
dwLineStatus = 0; }
// if all the required lines are up -- we're done
if((pwp->lpComDEB16->MSRMask & LOBYTE(dwLineStatus)) == pwp->lpComDEB16->MSRMask) break;
// get the elapsed time
dwElapsedTime = GetTickCount() - dwStartTime;
if(pwp->RLSDTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) { // if line is low
if(!(dwLineStatus & MS_RLSD_ON)) { if(dwElapsedTime > UINT32(pwp->RLSDTimeout)) dwErr |= CE_RLSDTO; } }
if(pwp->CTSTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) { // if line is low
if(!(dwLineStatus & MS_CTS_ON)) { if(dwElapsedTime > UINT32(pwp->CTSTimeout)) dwErr |= CE_CTSTO; } }
if(pwp->DSRTimeout != IGNORE_TIMEOUT) { // if line is low
if(!(dwLineStatus & MS_DSR_ON)) { if(dwElapsedTime > UINT32(pwp->DSRTimeout)) dwErr |= CE_DSRTO; } } }
pwp->dwErrCode |= dwErr; pwp->lpComDEB16->ComErr |= LOWORD(dwErr);
if(dwErr) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE);