Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code for boot prefetching.
Cenk Ergan (cenke) 15-Mar-2000
Revision History:
#include "cc.h"
#include "zwapi.h"
#include "prefetch.h"
#include "preftchp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CcPfBeginBootPhase)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CcPfBootWorker)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, CcPfBootQueueEndTraceTimer)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
// Globals:
// Whether the system is currently prefetching for boot.
LOGICAL CcPfPrefetchingForBoot = FALSE;
// Current boot phase, only updated in begin boot phase routine.
PF_BOOT_PHASE_ID CcPfBootPhase = 0;
// Prefetcher globals.
// Routines for boot prefetching.
Routine Description:
This routine is the control center for the boot prefetcher. It is called to notify boot prefetcher of boot progress.
Phase - Boot phase the system is entering.
Return Value:
Kernel mode. IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL.
{ LARGE_INTEGER VideoInitEndTime; LARGE_INTEGER MaxWaitTime; LONGLONG VideoInitTimeIn100ns; HANDLE ThreadHandle; PETHREAD Thread; PERFINFO_BOOT_PHASE_START LogEntry; PF_BOOT_PHASE_ID OriginalPhase; PF_BOOT_PHASE_ID NewPhase; ULONG VideoInitTime; NTSTATUS Status;
// This is the boot prefetcher. It is allocated and free'd in this routine.
// It is passed to the spawned boot worker if boot prefetching is enabled.
static PCCPF_BOOT_PREFETCHER BootPrefetcher = NULL;
// This is the system time when we started initializing the video.
static LARGE_INTEGER VideoInitStartTime;
DBGPR((CCPFID,PFTRC,"CCPF: BeginBootPhase(%d)\n", (ULONG)Phase));
// Make sure phase is valid.
if (Phase >= PfMaxBootPhaseId) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanup; }
// Log phase to trace buffer.
LogEntry.Phase = Phase; PerfInfoLogBytes(PERFINFO_LOG_TYPE_BOOT_PHASE_START, &LogEntry, sizeof(LogEntry)); }
// Update the global current boot phase.
for (;;) { OriginalPhase = CcPfBootPhase;
if (Phase <= OriginalPhase) { Status = STATUS_TOO_LATE; goto cleanup; }
// If CcPfBootPhase is still OriginalPhase, set it to Phase.
NewPhase = InterlockedCompareExchange(&(LONG)CcPfBootPhase, Phase, OriginalPhase);
if (NewPhase == OriginalPhase) {
// CcPfBootPhase was still OriginalPhase, so now it is set to
// Phase. We are done.
break; } }
// Perform the work we have to do for this boot phase.
switch (Phase) {
case PfSystemDriverInitPhase:
// Update whether prefetcher is enabled or not.
// If boot prefetching is not enabled, we are done.
if (!CCPF_IS_PREFETCHER_ENABLED() || CcPfGlobals.Parameters.Parameters.EnableStatus[PfSystemBootScenarioType] != PfSvEnabled) { Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
// Allocate and initialize boot prefetcher.
BootPrefetcher = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(*BootPrefetcher), CCPF_ALLOC_BOOTWRKR_TAG);
if (!BootPrefetcher) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
KeInitializeEvent(&BootPrefetcher->SystemDriversPrefetchingDone, NotificationEvent, FALSE); KeInitializeEvent(&BootPrefetcher->PreSmssPrefetchingDone, NotificationEvent, FALSE); KeInitializeEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitPrefetchingDone, NotificationEvent, FALSE); KeInitializeEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitStarted, NotificationEvent, FALSE);
// Kick off the boot worker in paralel.
Status = PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, CcPfBootWorker, BootPrefetcher); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Give boot worker some head start by bumping its
// priority. This helps to make sure pages we will
// prefetch are put into transition before boot gets
// ahead of the prefetcher.
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ThreadHandle, THREAD_SET_INFORMATION, PsThreadType, KernelMode, &Thread, NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KeSetPriorityThread(&Thread->Tcb, HIGH_PRIORITY - 1); ObDereferenceObject(Thread); }
// Before returning to initialize system drivers, wait
// for boot worker to make progress.
KeWaitForSingleObject(&BootPrefetcher->SystemDriversPrefetchingDone, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL);
} else {
// Free the allocated boot prefetcher.
ExFreePool(BootPrefetcher); BootPrefetcher = NULL; }
case PfSessionManagerInitPhase:
// Wait for boot worker to make enough progress before launching
// session manager.
if (BootPrefetcher) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&BootPrefetcher->PreSmssPrefetchingDone, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); }
case PfVideoInitPhase:
// Note when video initialization started.
// Signal boot prefetcher to start prefetching in parallel to video
// initialization.
if (BootPrefetcher) { KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitStarted, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); }
case PfPostVideoInitPhase:
// Note when we complete video initialization. Save how long video
// initialization took in the registry in milliseconds.
VideoInitTimeIn100ns = VideoInitEndTime.QuadPart - VideoInitStartTime.QuadPart; VideoInitTime = (ULONG) (VideoInitTimeIn100ns / (1i64 * 10 * 1000));
KeEnterCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread()); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock, TRUE);
Status = CcPfSetParameter(CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersKey, CCPF_VIDEO_INIT_TIME_VALUE_NAME, REG_DWORD, &VideoInitTime, sizeof(VideoInitTime));
ExReleaseResourceLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock); KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread());
// Wait for prefetching parallel to video initialization to complete.
if (BootPrefetcher) {
// Make sure video init was signaled if it was skipped somehow.
KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitStarted, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
KeWaitForSingleObject(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitPrefetchingDone, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); }
case PfBootAcceptedRegistryInitPhase:
// Service Controller has accepted this boot as a valid boot.
// Boot & system services have initialized successfully.
// We are done with boot prefetching. No one else could be accessing
// BootPrefetcher structure at this point.
if (BootPrefetcher) {
// Cleanup the allocated boot prefetcher.
ExFreePool(BootPrefetcher); BootPrefetcher = NULL;
// Determine if the prefetcher is enabled now that boot
// is over.
CcPfDetermineEnablePrefetcher(); }
// The user may not log in after booting.
// Queue a timer to end boot trace.
MaxWaitTime.QuadPart = -1i64 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; // 60 seconds.
break; case PfUserShellReadyPhase: //
// Explorer has started, but start menu items may still be launching.
// Queue a timer to end boot trace.
MaxWaitTime.QuadPart = -1i64 * 30 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; // 30 seconds.
default: //
// Ignored for now.
// Fall through with status from switch statement.
DBGPR((CCPFID,PFTRC,"CCPF: BeginBootPhase(%d)=%x\n", (ULONG)Phase, Status));
return Status; }
VOID CcPfBootWorker( PCCPF_BOOT_PREFETCHER BootPrefetcher )
Routine Description:
This routine is queued to prefetch and start tracing boot in parallel.
BootPrefetcher - Pointer to boot prefetcher context.
Return Value:
Kernel mode. IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL.
{ PF_SCENARIO_ID BootScenarioId; CCPF_PREFETCH_HEADER PrefetchHeader; CCPF_BASIC_SCENARIO_INFORMATION ScenarioInfo; CCPF_BOOT_SCENARIO_INFORMATION BootScenarioInfo; PERFINFO_BOOT_PREFETCH_INFORMATION LogEntry; ULONG NumPages; ULONG RequiredSize; PFN_NUMBER NumPagesPrefetched; PFN_NUMBER TotalPagesPrefetched; ULONG BootPrefetchAdjustment; PFN_NUMBER AvailablePages; PFN_NUMBER NumPagesToPrefetch; ULONG TotalPagesToPrefetch; ULONG RemainingDataPages; ULONG RemainingImagePages; ULONG VideoInitTime; ULONG VideoInitPagesPerSecond; ULONG VideoInitMaxPages; ULONG RemainingVideoInitPages; ULONG VideoInitDataPages; ULONG VideoInitImagePages; ULONG PrefetchPhaseIdx; ULONG LastPrefetchPhaseIdx; ULONG SystemDriverPrefetchingPhaseIdx; ULONG PreSmssPrefetchingPhaseIdx; ULONG VideoInitPrefetchingPhaseIdx; ULONG ValueSize; CCPF_BOOT_SCENARIO_PHASE BootPhaseIdx; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN OutOfAvailablePages; BOOLEAN BootPrefetcherGone;
// First we will prefetch data pages, then image pages.
enum { DataCursor = 0, ImageCursor, MaxCursor } CursorIdx;
// Initialize locals.
BootPrefetcherGone = FALSE; CcPfInitializePrefetchHeader(&PrefetchHeader); TotalPagesPrefetched = 0; OutOfAvailablePages = FALSE;
DBGPR((CCPFID,PFTRC,"CCPF: BootWorker()\n"));
// Initialize boot scenario ID.
wcsncpy(BootScenarioId.ScenName, PF_BOOT_SCENARIO_NAME, PF_SCEN_ID_MAX_CHARS);
BootScenarioId.ScenName[PF_SCEN_ID_MAX_CHARS] = 0; BootScenarioId.HashId = PF_BOOT_SCENARIO_HASHID;
// Start boot prefetch tracing.
CcPfBeginTrace(&BootScenarioId, PfSystemBootScenarioType, PsInitialSystemProcess);
// If we try to prefetch more pages then what we have available, we will
// end up cannibalizing the pages we prefetched into the standby list.
// To avoid cannibalizing, we check MmAvailablePages but leave some
// breathing room for metadata pages, allocations from the driver
// initialization phase etc.
BootPrefetchAdjustment = 512;
// We also know that right after we prefetch for boot, in smss when
// initializing the registry we'll use up 8-10MB of prefetched pages if we
// don't have anything left in the free list. So we leave some room for
// that too.
BootPrefetchAdjustment += 8 * 1024 * 1024 / PAGE_SIZE;
// Get prefetch instructions.
Status = CcPfGetPrefetchInstructions(&BootScenarioId, PfSystemBootScenarioType, &PrefetchHeader.Scenario);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; } //
// Query the total number of pages to be prefetched.
Status = CcPfQueryScenarioInformation(PrefetchHeader.Scenario, CcPfBasicScenarioInformation, &ScenarioInfo, sizeof(ScenarioInfo), &RequiredSize);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; } //
// Query the number of pages we have to prefetch for boot phases.
Status = CcPfQueryScenarioInformation(PrefetchHeader.Scenario, CcPfBootScenarioInformation, &BootScenarioInfo, sizeof(BootScenarioInfo), &RequiredSize);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; }
// Read how long it took to initialize video in the last boot.
KeEnterCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread()); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock, TRUE);
ValueSize = sizeof(VideoInitTime); Status = CcPfGetParameter(CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersKey, CCPF_VIDEO_INIT_TIME_VALUE_NAME, REG_DWORD, &VideoInitTime, &ValueSize);
ExReleaseResourceLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock); KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread());
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Reset video init time, so we don't attempt to prefetch
// in parallel to it.
VideoInitTime = 0;
} else {
// Verify the value we read from registry.
if (VideoInitTime > CCPF_MAX_VIDEO_INIT_TIME) { VideoInitTime = 0; } }
// Read how many pages per second we should be trying to prefetching
// in parallel to video initialization.
KeEnterCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread()); ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock, TRUE);
ValueSize = sizeof(VideoInitPagesPerSecond); Status = CcPfGetParameter(CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersKey, CCPF_VIDEO_INIT_PAGES_PER_SECOND_VALUE_NAME, REG_DWORD, &VideoInitPagesPerSecond, &ValueSize);
ExReleaseResourceLite(&CcPfGlobals.Parameters.ParametersLock); KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread(KeGetCurrentThread());
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// There was no valid value in the registry. Use the default.
} else {
// Verify the value we read from registry.
// Determine how many pages max we can prefetch in parallel to video
// initialization.
VideoInitMaxPages = VideoInitTime * VideoInitPagesPerSecond / 1000;
// We can only prefetch pages used after winlogon in parallel to video
// initialization. Determine exactly how many pages we will prefetch
// starting from the last boot phase.
RemainingVideoInitPages = VideoInitMaxPages; VideoInitDataPages = 0; VideoInitImagePages = 0;
for (BootPhaseIdx = CcPfBootScenMaxPhase - 1; RemainingVideoInitPages && (BootPhaseIdx >= CcPfBootScenSystemProcInitPhase); BootPhaseIdx--) {
NumPages = CCPF_MIN(RemainingVideoInitPages, BootScenarioInfo.NumDataPages[BootPhaseIdx]); VideoInitDataPages += NumPages; RemainingVideoInitPages -= NumPages;
if (RemainingVideoInitPages) { NumPages = CCPF_MIN(RemainingVideoInitPages, BootScenarioInfo.NumImagePages[BootPhaseIdx]); VideoInitImagePages += NumPages; RemainingVideoInitPages -= NumPages; } }
// Let MM know that we have started prefetching for boot.
CcPfPrefetchingForBoot = TRUE;
// Log that we are starting prefetch disk I/Os.
LogEntry.Action = 0; LogEntry.Status = 0; LogEntry.Pages = ScenarioInfo.NumDataPages + ScenarioInfo.NumImagePages; PerfInfoLogBytes(PERFINFO_LOG_TYPE_BOOT_PREFETCH_INFORMATION, &LogEntry, sizeof(LogEntry)); }
// Verify & open the volumes that we will prefetch from.
Status = CcPfOpenVolumesForPrefetch(&PrefetchHeader);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; }
// Prefetch the metadata.
// Initialize the boot prefetch cursors for data and image.
RtlZeroMemory(Cursors, sizeof(Cursors));
Cursors[DataCursor].PrefetchType = CcPfPrefetchPartOfDataPages; Cursors[ImageCursor].PrefetchType = CcPfPrefetchPartOfImagePages;
PrefetchPhaseIdx = 0; RemainingDataPages = ScenarioInfo.NumDataPages; RemainingImagePages = ScenarioInfo.NumImagePages;
// Setup the cursors for phases in which we will prefetch for boot.
// First we will prefetch for system drivers.
NumPages = BootScenarioInfo.NumDataPages[CcPfBootScenDriverInitPhase]; Cursors[DataCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = NumPages; RemainingDataPages -= NumPages;
NumPages = BootScenarioInfo.NumImagePages[CcPfBootScenDriverInitPhase]; Cursors[ImageCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = NumPages; RemainingImagePages -= NumPages;
SystemDriverPrefetchingPhaseIdx = PrefetchPhaseIdx;
// Account for the video init pages we will prefetch last.
RemainingDataPages -= VideoInitDataPages; RemainingImagePages -= VideoInitImagePages;
// If we have plenty of available memory, prefetch the rest of the pages
// (i.e. left over after driver init pages) in one pass.
TotalPagesToPrefetch = ScenarioInfo.NumDataPages + ScenarioInfo.NumImagePages;
if (MmAvailablePages > BootPrefetchAdjustment + TotalPagesToPrefetch) { Cursors[DataCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = RemainingDataPages; RemainingDataPages = 0; Cursors[ImageCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = RemainingImagePages; RemainingImagePages = 0;
} else {
// We will be short on memory. Try to prefetch for as many phases of
// boot as we can in parallel. Prefetching data & image pages per boot
// phase, so we don't end up with data pages for all phase but no image
// pages so we have to go to the disk in each phase. Prefetching in
// chunks also help that all the pages we need for the initial phases
// of boot ending up at the end of the standby list, since when
// CcPfPrefetchingForBoot is set, prefetched pages will be inserted
// from the front of the standby list.
for (BootPhaseIdx = CcPfBootScenDriverInitPhase + 1; BootPhaseIdx < CcPfBootScenMaxPhase; BootPhaseIdx++) {
// If we don't have any type of pages left to prefetch, we are done.
if (!RemainingDataPages && !RemainingImagePages) { break; }
NumPages = CCPF_MIN(RemainingDataPages, BootScenarioInfo.NumDataPages[BootPhaseIdx]); RemainingDataPages -= NumPages; Cursors[DataCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = NumPages;
NumPages = CCPF_MIN(RemainingImagePages, BootScenarioInfo.NumImagePages[BootPhaseIdx]); RemainingImagePages -= NumPages; Cursors[ImageCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = NumPages;
PrefetchPhaseIdx++; } }
PreSmssPrefetchingPhaseIdx = PrefetchPhaseIdx - 1;
// If we'll be prefetching pages in parallel to video initialization, now
// add the phase for it.
if (VideoInitDataPages || VideoInitImagePages) {
Cursors[DataCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = VideoInitDataPages; Cursors[ImageCursor].NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx] = VideoInitImagePages;
VideoInitPrefetchingPhaseIdx = PrefetchPhaseIdx;
} else {
// We won't have a prefetching phase parallel to video initialization.
VideoInitPrefetchingPhaseIdx = CCPF_MAX_BOOT_PREFETCH_PHASES; }
// We should not end up with more prefetch phases than we have room for.
LastPrefetchPhaseIdx = PrefetchPhaseIdx;
// Prefetch the data and image pages for each boot prefetching phase,
// waiting for & signaling the events matching those phases so boot
// is synchronized with prefetching. (I.e. we prefetch pages for a boot
// phase before we start that boot phase.)
for (PrefetchPhaseIdx = 0; PrefetchPhaseIdx < LastPrefetchPhaseIdx; PrefetchPhaseIdx++) {
// If this is the video init prefetching phase, wait for video
// initialization to begin.
if (PrefetchPhaseIdx == VideoInitPrefetchingPhaseIdx) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitStarted, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); }
for (CursorIdx = 0; CursorIdx < MaxCursor; CursorIdx++) {
Cursor = &Cursors[CursorIdx];
NumPagesToPrefetch = Cursor->NumPagesForPhase[PrefetchPhaseIdx];
// For prefetch phases before SMSS is launched keep an eye on
// how much memory is still available to prefetch into so we
// don't cannibalize ourselves. After SMSS our heuristics on
// standby-list composition do not make sense.
if (PrefetchPhaseIdx <= PreSmssPrefetchingPhaseIdx) {
// Check if we have available memory to prefetch more.
if (TotalPagesPrefetched + BootPrefetchAdjustment >= MmAvailablePages) {
OutOfAvailablePages = TRUE;
NumPagesToPrefetch = 0;
} else {
// Check if we have to adjust NumPagesToPrefetch and prefetch
// one last chunk.
AvailablePages = MmAvailablePages; AvailablePages -= (TotalPagesPrefetched + BootPrefetchAdjustment);
if (AvailablePages < NumPagesToPrefetch) { OutOfAvailablePages = TRUE; NumPagesToPrefetch = AvailablePages; } } }
if (NumPagesToPrefetch) {
Status = CcPfPrefetchSections(&PrefetchHeader, Cursor->PrefetchType, &Cursor->StartCursor, NumPagesToPrefetch, &NumPagesPrefetched, &Cursor->EndCursor);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup; }
} else {
NumPagesPrefetched = 0; }
// Update our position.
Cursor->StartCursor = Cursor->EndCursor;
TotalPagesPrefetched += NumPagesPrefetched;
// Note that we are done with this prefetching phase and
// system boot can continue.
if (PrefetchPhaseIdx == SystemDriverPrefetchingPhaseIdx) { KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->SystemDriversPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); }
if (PrefetchPhaseIdx == PreSmssPrefetchingPhaseIdx) { KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->PreSmssPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); }
if (PrefetchPhaseIdx == VideoInitPrefetchingPhaseIdx) { KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
// After we signal this event the BootPrefetcher structure may
// get freed, so don't touch it.
BootPrefetcherGone = TRUE; } }
// Log that we are done with boot prefetch disk I/Os.
LogEntry.Action = 1; LogEntry.Status = Status; LogEntry.Pages = (ULONG) TotalPagesPrefetched; PerfInfoLogBytes(PERFINFO_LOG_TYPE_BOOT_PREFETCH_INFORMATION, &LogEntry, sizeof(LogEntry)); }
// Make sure all the events system may wait for before proceeding with
// boot are signaled.
if (!BootPrefetcherGone) {
// Don't access the BootPrefetcher structure after the video-init-done
// event is signaled: it may get freed from beneath us.
KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->SystemDriversPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->PreSmssPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
KeSetEvent(&BootPrefetcher->VideoInitPrefetchingDone, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);
BootPrefetcherGone = TRUE; } //
// Let MM know that we are done prefetching for boot.
CcPfPrefetchingForBoot = FALSE;
// Cleanup prefetching context.
if (PrefetchHeader.Scenario) { ExFreePool(PrefetchHeader.Scenario); }
DBGPR((CCPFID,PFTRC,"CCPF: BootWorker()=%x,%d\n",Status,(ULONG)OutOfAvailablePages)); }
NTSTATUS CcPfBootQueueEndTraceTimer ( PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout )
Routine Description:
This routine allocates and queues a timer that will attempt to end the boot trace when it fires.
Timeout - Timeout for the timer.
Return Value:
Kernel mode. IRQL <= PASSIVE_LEVEL.
{ PVOID Allocation; PKTIMER Timer; PKDPC Dpc; ULONG AllocationSize; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN TimerAlreadyQueued;
// Initialize locals.
Allocation = NULL;
// Make a single allocation for the timer and dpc.
AllocationSize = sizeof(KTIMER); AllocationSize += sizeof(KDPC);
Allocation = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, AllocationSize, CCPF_ALLOC_BOOTWRKR_TAG);
if (!Allocation) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto cleanup; }
Timer = Allocation; Dpc = (PKDPC)(Timer + 1);
// Initialize the timer and DPC. We'll be passing the allocation to the
// queued DPC so it can be freed.
KeInitializeTimer(Timer); KeInitializeDpc(Dpc, CcPfEndBootTimerRoutine, Allocation);
// Queue the timer.
TimerAlreadyQueued = KeSetTimer(Timer, *Timeout, Dpc);
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; cleanup:
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Allocation) { ExFreePool(Allocation); } }
return Status; }
VOID CcPfEndBootTimerRoutine( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 )
Routine Description:
This routine is invoked as the DPC handler for a timer queued to mark the end of boot and end the boot trace if one is active.
DeferredContext - Allocated memory for the timer & dpc that need to be freed.
Return Value:
Kernel mode. IRQL == DISPATCH_LEVEL.
// Initialize locals.
BootTrace = NULL;
// Is the boot trace still active?
BootTrace = CcPfReferenceProcessTrace(PsInitialSystemProcess);
if (BootTrace && BootTrace->ScenarioType == PfSystemBootScenarioType) {
// Is somebody already ending the boot trace?
if (!InterlockedCompareExchange(&BootTrace->EndTraceCalled, 1, 0)) { //
// We set EndTraceCalled from 0 to 1. Queue the
// workitem to end the trace.
ExQueueWorkItem(&BootTrace->EndTraceWorkItem, DelayedWorkQueue);
// Log that we are ending the boot trace.
LogEntry.Phase = PfMaxBootPhaseId; PerfInfoLogBytes(PERFINFO_LOG_TYPE_BOOT_PHASE_START, &LogEntry, sizeof(LogEntry)); } } }
// Free the memory allocated for the timer and dpc.
CCPF_ASSERT(DeferredContext); ExFreePool(DeferredContext);
if (BootTrace) { CcPfDecRef(&BootTrace->RefCount); }
return; }