Copyright (c) 1989-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements kernel debugger synchronization routines.
Ken Reneris (kenr) 30-Aug-1990
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "ki.h"
// KiDebugRoutine - This is the address of the kernel debugger. Initially
// this is filled with the address of a routine that just returns. If
// the system debugger is present in the system, then it sets this
// location to the address of the system debugger's routine.
PKDEBUG_ROUTINE KiDebugRoutine = &KdpStub;
#define IDBG 1
#define FrozenState(a) (a & 0xF)
// state
#define RUNNING 0x00
#define TARGET_FROZEN 0x02
#define TARGET_THAW 0x03
#define FREEZE_OWNER 0x04
// Define flags bits.
#define FREEZE_ACTIVE 0x20
// Define local storage to save the old IRQL.
KIRQL KiOldIrql;
#ifndef NT_UP
PKPRCB KiFreezeOwner; #endif
BOOLEAN KeFreezeExecution ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame )
Routine Description:
This function freezes the execution of all other processors in the host configuration and then returns to the caller.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame that describes the trap.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame that describes the trap.
Return Value:
Previous interrupt enable.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
#if IDBG
ULONG Count = 30000;
// Disable interrupts.
Enable = KeDisableInterrupts(); KiFreezeFlag = FREEZE_FROZEN;
// Raise IRQL to HIGH_LEVEL.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); if (FrozenState(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->IpiFrozen) == FREEZE_OWNER) {
// This processor already owns the freeze lock.
// Return without trying to re-acquire lock or without
// trying to IPI the other processors again
return Enable; }
// Try to acquire the KiFreezeExecutionLock before sending the request.
// To prevent deadlock from occurring, we need to accept and process
// incoming FreexeExecution requests while we are waiting to acquire
// the FreezeExecutionFlag.
while (KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&KiFreezeExecutionLock) == FALSE) {
// FreezeExecutionLock is busy. Another processor may be trying
// to IPI us - go service any IPI.
KeEnableInterrupts(Enable); Flag = KiIpiServiceRoutine((PVOID)TrapFrame, (PVOID)ExceptionFrame); KeDisableInterrupts();
#if IDBG
if (Flag != FALSE) { Count = 30000; continue; }
KeStallExecutionProcessor (100); if (!Count--) { Count = 30000; if (KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&KiFreezeLockBackup) == TRUE) { KiFreezeFlag |= FREEZE_BACKUP; break; } }
// After acquiring the lock flag, we send Freeze request to each processor
// in the system (other than us) and wait for it to become frozen.
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); // Do this after spinlock is acquired.
TargetSet = KeActiveProcessors & ~(AFFINITY_MASK(Prcb->Number)); if (TargetSet) {
#if IDBG
Count = 4000; #endif
KiFreezeOwner = Prcb; Prcb->IpiFrozen = FREEZE_OWNER | FREEZE_ACTIVE; Prcb->SkipTick = TRUE; KiIpiSend((KAFFINITY) TargetSet, IPI_FREEZE); while (TargetSet != 0) { KeFindFirstSetLeftAffinity(TargetSet, &BitNumber); ClearMember(BitNumber, TargetSet); Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[BitNumber];
#if IDBG
while (Prcb->IpiFrozen != TARGET_FROZEN) { if (Count == 0) { KiFreezeFlag |= FREEZE_SKIPPED_PROCESSOR; break; }
KeStallExecutionProcessor (10000); Count--; }
while (Prcb->IpiFrozen != TARGET_FROZEN) { KeYieldProcessor(); } #endif
} }
// Save the old IRQL.
KiOldIrql = OldIrql;
// Save the current IRQL.
KiOldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql();
#endif // !defined(NT_UP)
// Return whether interrupts were previous enabled.
return Enable; }
VOID KiFreezeTargetExecution ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame )
Routine Description:
This function freezes the execution of the current running processor. If a trapframe is supplied to current state is saved into the prcb for the debugger.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to the trap frame that describes the trap.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to the exception frame that describes the trap.
Return Value:
#if !defined(NT_UP)
Enable = KeDisableInterrupts(); KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); Prcb->IpiFrozen = TARGET_FROZEN; Prcb->SkipTick = TRUE; if (TrapFrame != NULL) { KiSaveProcessorState(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame); }
// Sweep the data cache in case this is a system crash and the bug
// check code is attempting to write a crash dump file.
// Wait for person requesting us to freeze to
// clear our frozen flag
while (FrozenState(Prcb->IpiFrozen) == TARGET_FROZEN) { if (Prcb->IpiFrozen & FREEZE_ACTIVE) {
// This processor has been made the active processor
if (TrapFrame) { RtlZeroMemory (&ExceptionRecord, sizeof ExceptionRecord); ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = &ExceptionRecord; ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)CONTEXT_TO_PROGRAM_COUNTER (&Prcb->ProcessorState.ContextFrame);
Status = (KiDebugSwitchRoutine) ( &ExceptionRecord, &Prcb->ProcessorState.ContextFrame, FALSE );
} else { Status = ContinueError; }
// If status is anything other then, continue with next
// processor then reselect master
if (Status != ContinueNextProcessor) { Prcb->IpiFrozen &= ~FREEZE_ACTIVE; KiFreezeOwner->IpiFrozen |= FREEZE_ACTIVE; } } KeYieldProcessor(); }
if (TrapFrame != NULL) { KiRestoreProcessorState(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame); }
Prcb->IpiFrozen = RUNNING; KeFlushCurrentTb(); KeSweepCurrentIcache(); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); KeEnableInterrupts(Enable);
#endif // !define(NT_UP)
return; }
KCONTINUE_STATUS KeSwitchFrozenProcessor ( IN ULONG ProcessorNumber ) {
#if !defined(NT_UP)
PKPRCB TargetPrcb, CurrentPrcb;
// If Processor number is out of range, reselect current processor
if (ProcessorNumber >= (ULONG) KeNumberProcessors) { return ContinueProcessorReselected; }
TargetPrcb = KiProcessorBlock[ProcessorNumber]; CurrentPrcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
// Move active flag to correct processor.
CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen &= ~FREEZE_ACTIVE; TargetPrcb->IpiFrozen |= FREEZE_ACTIVE;
// If this processor is frozen in KiFreezeTargetExecution, return to it
if (FrozenState(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen) == TARGET_FROZEN) { return ContinueNextProcessor; }
// This processor must be FREEZE_OWNER, wait to be reselected as the
// active processor
if (FrozenState(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen) != FREEZE_OWNER) { return ContinueError; }
while (!(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen & FREEZE_ACTIVE)) { KeYieldProcessor(); }
#endif // !defined(NT_UP)
// Reselect this processor
return ContinueProcessorReselected; }
VOID KeThawExecution ( IN BOOLEAN Enable )
Routine Description:
This function thaws the execution of all other processors in the host configuration and then returns to the caller. It is intended for use by the kernel debugger.
Enable - Supplies the previous interrupt enable that is to be restored after having thawed the execution of all other processors.
Return Value:
#if !defined(NT_UP)
KIRQL OldIrql; KAFFINITY TargetSet; ULONG BitNumber; ULONG Flag; PKPRCB Prcb;
// Before releasing FreezeExecutionLock clear any all targets IpiFrozen
// flag.
KeGetCurrentPrcb()->IpiFrozen = RUNNING;
TargetSet = KeActiveProcessors & ~(AFFINITY_MASK(KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber())); while (TargetSet != 0) { KeFindFirstSetLeftAffinity(TargetSet, &BitNumber); ClearMember(BitNumber, TargetSet); Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[BitNumber]; #if IDBG
// If the target processor was not forzen, then don't wait
// for target to unfreeze.
if (FrozenState(Prcb->IpiFrozen) != TARGET_FROZEN) { Prcb->IpiFrozen = RUNNING; continue; } #endif
Prcb->IpiFrozen = TARGET_THAW; while (Prcb->IpiFrozen == TARGET_THAW) { KeYieldProcessor(); } }
// Capture the previous IRQL before releasing the freeze lock.
OldIrql = KiOldIrql;
#if IDBG
Flag = KiFreezeFlag; KiFreezeFlag = 0;
if ((Flag & FREEZE_BACKUP) != 0) { KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeLockBackup); } else { KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeExecutionLock); }
KiFreezeFlag = 0; KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeExecutionLock);
#endif // !defined (NT_UP)
// Flush the current TB, instruction cache, and data cache.
KeFlushCurrentTb(); KeSweepCurrentIcache(); KeSweepCurrentDcache();
// Lower IRQL and restore interrupt enable
#if !defined(NT_UP)
KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); #endif
KeEnableInterrupts(Enable); return; }
VOID KiPollFreezeExecution( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called from code that is spinning with interrupts disabled, waiting for something to happen, when there is some (possibly extremely small) chance that that thing will not happen because a system freeze has been initiated.
N.B. Interrupts are disabled.
Return Value:
{ //
// Check to see if a freeze is pending for this processor.
PKPRCB Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
if ((Prcb->RequestSummary & IPI_FREEZE) != 0) {
// Clear the freeze request and freeze this processor.
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&Prcb->RequestSummary, -(IPI_FREEZE)); KiFreezeTargetExecution(NULL, NULL);
} else {
// No freeze pending, assume this processor is spinning.
KeYieldProcessor(); } }