Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the zero page thread for memory management.
Lou Perazzoli (loup) 6-Apr-1991 Landy Wang (landyw) 02-June-1997
Revision History:
#include "mi.h"
#define MACHINE_ZERO_PAGE(ZeroBase,NumberOfBytes) KeZeroPagesFromIdleThread(ZeroBase,NumberOfBytes)
LOGICAL MiZeroingDisabled = FALSE;
#if !defined(NT_UP)
LONG MiNextZeroProcessor = (LONG)-1;
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,MiStartZeroPageWorkers)
VOID MmZeroPageThread ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Implements the NT zeroing page thread. This thread runs at priority zero and removes a page from the free list, zeroes it, and places it on the zeroed page list.
Return Value:
Kernel mode.
{ KIRQL OldIrql; PFN_NUMBER PageFrame1; PFN_NUMBER PageFrame; PMMPFN Pfn1; PKTHREAD Thread; PVOID ZeroBase; PVOID WaitObjects[NUMBER_WAIT_OBJECTS]; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID StartVa; PVOID EndVa; PFN_COUNT PagesToZero; PFN_COUNT MaximumPagesToZero; ULONG Color; ULONG StartColor; PMMPFN PfnAllocation;
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
ULONG i; ULONG n; ULONG LastNodeZeroing;
n = 0; LastNodeZeroing = 0; #endif
// Before this becomes the zero page thread, free the kernel
// initialization code.
MiFindInitializationCode (&StartVa, &EndVa);
if (StartVa != NULL) { MiFreeInitializationCode (StartVa, EndVa); }
MaximumPagesToZero = 1;
#if !defined(NT_UP)
// Zero groups of pages at once to reduce PFN lock contention.
// Charge commitment as well as resident available up front since
// zeroing may get starved priority-wise.
// Note using MmSecondaryColors here would be excessively wasteful
// on NUMA systems. MmSecondaryColorMask + 1 is correct for all platforms.
PagesToZero = MmSecondaryColorMask + 1;
if (MiChargeCommitment (PagesToZero, NULL) == TRUE) {
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
// Check to make sure the physical pages are available.
UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); }
// The following code sets the current thread's base priority to zero
// and then sets its current priority to zero. This ensures that the
// thread always runs at a priority of zero.
Thread = KeGetCurrentThread (); Thread->BasePriority = 0; KeSetPriorityThread (Thread, 0);
// Initialize wait object array for multiple wait
WaitObjects[MM_ZERO_PAGE_OBJECT] = &MmZeroingPageEvent; WaitObjects[PO_SYS_IDLE_OBJECT] = &PoSystemIdleTimer;
Color = 0; PfnAllocation = (PMMPFN) MM_EMPTY_LIST;
// Loop forever zeroing pages.
do {
// Wait until there are at least MmZeroPageMinimum pages
// on the free list.
Status = KeWaitForMultipleObjects (NUMBER_WAIT_OBJECTS, WaitObjects, WaitAny, WrFreePage, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
if (Status == PO_SYS_IDLE_OBJECT) { PoSystemIdleWorker (TRUE); continue; }
PagesToZero = 0;
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
do {
if (MmFreePageListHead.Total == 0) {
// No pages on the free list at this time, wait for
// some more.
MmZeroingPageThreadActive = FALSE; UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); break; }
if (MiZeroingDisabled == TRUE) { MmZeroingPageThreadActive = FALSE; UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); KeDelayExecutionThread (KernelMode, FALSE, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&MmHalfSecond); break; }
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
// In a multinode system, zero pages by node. Resume on
// the last node examined, find a node with free pages that
// need to be zeroed.
if (KeNumberNodes > 1) {
n = LastNodeZeroing;
for (i = 0; i < KeNumberNodes; i += 1) { if (KeNodeBlock[n]->FreeCount[FreePageList] != 0) { break; } n = (n + 1) % KeNumberNodes; }
ASSERT (i != KeNumberNodes); ASSERT (KeNodeBlock[n]->FreeCount[FreePageList] != 0);
if (n != LastNodeZeroing) { Color = KeNodeBlock[n]->MmShiftedColor; } } #endif
ASSERT (PagesToZero == 0);
StartColor = Color;
do { PageFrame = MmFreePagesByColor[FreePageList][Color].Flink;
if (PageFrame != MM_EMPTY_LIST) {
PageFrame1 = MiRemoveAnyPage (Color);
ASSERT (PageFrame == PageFrame1);
Pfn1 = MI_PFN_ELEMENT (PageFrame);
Pfn1->u1.Flink = (PFN_NUMBER) PfnAllocation;
// Temporarily mark the page as bad so that contiguous
// memory allocators won't steal it when we release
// the PFN lock below. This also prevents the
// MiIdentifyPfn code from trying to identify it as
// we haven't filled in all the fields yet.
Pfn1->u3.e1.PageLocation = BadPageList;
PfnAllocation = Pfn1;
PagesToZero += 1; }
// March to the next color - this will be used to finish
// filling the current chunk or to start the next one.
Color = (Color & ~MmSecondaryColorMask) | ((Color + 1) & MmSecondaryColorMask);
if (PagesToZero == MaximumPagesToZero) { break; }
if (Color == StartColor) { break; }
} while (TRUE);
ZeroBase = MiMapPagesToZeroInHyperSpace (PfnAllocation, PagesToZero);
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
// If a node switch is in order, do it now that the PFN
// lock has been released.
if ((KeNumberNodes > 1) && (n != LastNodeZeroing)) { LastNodeZeroing = n; KeFindFirstSetLeftAffinity (KeNodeBlock[n]->ProcessorMask, &i); KeSetIdealProcessorThread (Thread, (UCHAR)i); }
#if 0
ASSERT (RtlCompareMemoryUlong (ZeroBase, PagesToZero << PAGE_SHIFT, 0) == PagesToZero << PAGE_SHIFT); #endif
MiUnmapPagesInZeroSpace (ZeroBase, PagesToZero);
PagesToZero = 0;
Pfn1 = PfnAllocation;
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
do {
Pfn1 = (PMMPFN) Pfn1->u1.Flink;
MiInsertPageInList (&MmZeroedPageListHead, PageFrame);
} while (Pfn1 != (PMMPFN) MM_EMPTY_LIST);
// We just finished processing a cluster of pages - briefly
// release the PFN lock to allow other threads to make progress.
PfnAllocation = (PMMPFN) MM_EMPTY_LIST;
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
} while (TRUE);
} while (TRUE); }
#if !defined(NT_UP)
VOID MiZeroPageWorker ( IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This routine is the worker routine executed by all processors so that initial page zeroing occurs in parallel.
Context - Supplies a pointer to the workitem.
Return Value:
Kernel mode initialization time, PASSIVE_LEVEL. Because this is INIT only code, don't bother charging commit for the pages.
{ MMPTE TempPte; PMMPTE PointerPte; KAFFINITY Affinity; KIRQL OldIrql; PVOID ZeroBase; PKTHREAD Thread; CCHAR OldProcessor; SCHAR OldBasePriority; KPRIORITY OldPriority; PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem; PMMPFN Pfn1; PFN_NUMBER NewPage; PFN_NUMBER PageFrame; #if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
PKNODE Node; ULONG Color; ULONG FinalColor; #endif
WorkItem = (PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM) Context;
ExFreePool (WorkItem);
TempPte = ValidKernelPte;
// The following code sets the current thread's base and current priorities
// to one so all other code (except the zero page thread) can preempt it.
Thread = KeGetCurrentThread (); OldBasePriority = Thread->BasePriority; Thread->BasePriority = 1; OldPriority = KeSetPriorityThread (Thread, 1);
// Dispatch each worker thread to the next processor in line.
OldProcessor = (CCHAR) InterlockedIncrement (&MiNextZeroProcessor);
Affinity = AFFINITY_MASK (OldProcessor); Affinity = KeSetAffinityThread (Thread, Affinity);
// Zero all local pages.
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
if (KeNumberNodes > 1) { Node = KeGetCurrentNode (); Color = Node->MmShiftedColor; FinalColor = Color + MmSecondaryColorMask + 1; } else { SATISFY_OVERZEALOUS_COMPILER (Node = NULL); SATISFY_OVERZEALOUS_COMPILER (Color = 0); SATISFY_OVERZEALOUS_COMPILER (FinalColor = 0); } #endif
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
do {
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
// In a multinode system, zero pages by node.
if (KeNumberNodes > 1) {
if (Node->FreeCount[FreePageList] == 0) {
// No pages on the free list at this time, bail.
UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); break; }
// Must start with a color MiRemoveAnyPage will
// satisfy from the free list otherwise it will
// return an already zeroed page.
while (MmFreePagesByColor[FreePageList][Color].Flink == MM_EMPTY_LIST) { //
// No pages on this free list color, march to the next one.
Color += 1; if (Color == FinalColor) { UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); goto ZeroingFinished; } }
PageFrame = MiRemoveAnyPage (Color); } else { #endif
if (MmFreePageListHead.Total == 0) {
// No pages on the free list at this time, bail.
UNLOCK_PFN (OldIrql); break; }
PageFrame = MmFreePageListHead.Flink; ASSERT (PageFrame != MM_EMPTY_LIST);
Pfn1 = MI_PFN_ELEMENT(PageFrame);
NewPage = MiRemoveAnyPage (MI_GET_COLOR_FROM_LIST_ENTRY(PageFrame, Pfn1)); if (NewPage != PageFrame) {
// Someone has removed a page from the colored lists
// chain without updating the freelist chain.
KeBugCheckEx (PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, 0x8F, NewPage, PageFrame, 0); } #if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
} #endif
// Use system PTEs instead of hyperspace to zero the page so that
// a spinlock (ie: interrupts blocked) is not held while zeroing.
// Since system PTE acquisition is lock free and the TB lazy flushed,
// this is perhaps the best path regardless.
PointerPte = MiReserveSystemPtes (1, SystemPteSpace);
if (PointerPte == NULL) {
// Put this page back on the freelist.
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
MiInsertPageInFreeList (PageFrame);
break; }
ASSERT (PointerPte->u.Hard.Valid == 0);
ZeroBase = MiGetVirtualAddressMappedByPte (PointerPte);
TempPte.u.Hard.PageFrameNumber = PageFrame; MI_WRITE_VALID_PTE (PointerPte, TempPte);
KeZeroPages (ZeroBase, PAGE_SIZE);
MiReleaseSystemPtes (PointerPte, 1, SystemPteSpace);
LOCK_PFN (OldIrql);
MiInsertPageInList (&MmZeroedPageListHead, PageFrame);
} while (TRUE);
#if defined(MI_MULTINODE)
ZeroingFinished: #endif
// Restore the entry thread priority and processor affinity.
KeSetAffinityThread (Thread, Affinity);
KeSetPriorityThread (Thread, OldPriority); Thread->BasePriority = OldBasePriority; }
VOID MiStartZeroPageWorkers ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine starts the zero page worker threads.
Return Value:
Kernel mode initialization phase 1, PASSIVE_LEVEL.
for (i = 0; i < (ULONG) KeNumberProcessors; i += 1) {
WorkItem = ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof (WORK_QUEUE_ITEM), 'wZmM');
if (WorkItem == NULL) { break; }
ExInitializeWorkItem (WorkItem, MiZeroPageWorker, (PVOID) WorkItem);
ExQueueWorkItem (WorkItem, CriticalWorkQueue); } }