* * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1988-1999 * *****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <powrprof.h>
* * Globals * *****************************************************************/ BOOLEAN Enable = FALSE; BOOLEAN Verbose = FALSE; BOOLEAN HiberStatus = FALSE;
* PrintHelp * * DESCRIPTION: This routine prints the help message * * RETURNS: VOID * */ VOID PrintHelp() { printf ("Enables/Disables Hibernation File\n\n"); printf ("EHIB [/e | /d] [/v] [/s]\n\n"); printf ("\t/e\tEnable Hibernation File\n"); printf ("\t/d\tDisable Hibernation File\n"); printf ("\t/s\tPrint Current Hibernate File Status\n"); printf ("\t/v\tVerbose Mode On\n\n"); }
* ParseArgs * * Description: * This routine parses the input arguments and validates the * command line paramters * * Returns: * TRUE if valid command line usage/syntax * FALSE if invalid command line usage/syntax * */ BOOLEAN ParseArgs(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int ii; BOOLEAN ValidArgs;
// Assume failure
ValidArgs = FALSE;
if (argc < 2) { PrintHelp(); } else { for (ii=1; ii<argc; ii++) { if (!strcmp(argv[ii], "/e") || !strcmp(argv[ii], "-e")) { Enable = TRUE; ValidArgs = TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[ii], "/d") || !strcmp(argv[ii], "-d")) { Enable = FALSE; ValidArgs = TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[ii], "/v") || !strcmp(argv[ii], "-v")) { Verbose = TRUE;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "/s") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-s")) { HiberStatus = TRUE; ValidArgs = TRUE;
} else { ValidArgs = FALSE; break; } } if (!ValidArgs) { PrintHelp(); } }
return(ValidArgs); }
* UpgradePermissions * * Description: * This routine promotes the user permissions in order to allocate * & deallocate the hibernation file. * * Returns: * VOID */ VOID UpgradePermissions() { HANDLE hToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp;
OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken );
LookupPrivilegeValue ( NULL, SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid );
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
AdjustTokenPrivileges ( hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, NULL, 0 ); }
* HiberFile * * Description: * This routine allocated/deallocates the hiberfile and prints the appropriate errors messages * * Returns: * TRUE if successful * FALSE if not successful * */ BOOLEAN HiberFile() { BOOLEAN RetStatus; NTSTATUS Status; SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES SysPwrCapabilities;
// Assume Failure
RetStatus = FALSE;
if (GetPwrCapabilities(&SysPwrCapabilities)) { if (!SysPwrCapabilities.SystemS4) { printf("System does not support S4");
} else if (HiberStatus) { if (SysPwrCapabilities.HiberFilePresent) { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Enabled\n"); } else { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Disabled\n"); }
} else if (Verbose && Enable && SysPwrCapabilities.HiberFilePresent) { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Enabled\n"); RetStatus = TRUE;
} else if (Verbose && !Enable && !SysPwrCapabilities.HiberFilePresent) { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Disabled\n"); RetStatus = TRUE;
} else { Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemReserveHiberFile, &Enable, sizeof (Enable), NULL, 0 );
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Verbose && Enable) { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Enabled\n"); } else if (Verbose) { printf ("Reserved Hibernation File Disabled\n"); } RetStatus = TRUE;
} else { printf ("Error allocating/deallocating Hibernation file. Status = %x\n", Status); } } }
return(RetStatus); }
* main * * Description: * This program allocates and deallocates the reserved hibernation file * */ int __cdecl main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { /* Assume Failure */ int ErrorStatus = 1;
// Parse the input arguments
if (ParseArgs(argc, argv)) { //
// Upgrade permissions & Allocate/Deallocate Hibernation File
UpgradePermissions(); if (HiberFile()) { ErrorStatus = 0; } else { ErrorStatus = 1; } }
return(ErrorStatus); }