Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines functions for the worker thread pool.
Gurdeep Singh Pall (gurdeep) Nov 13, 1997
Revision History:
lokeshs - extended/modified threadpool.
Rob Earhart (earhart) September 29, 2000 Split off from threads.c
These routines are statically linked in the caller's executable and are callable only from user mode. They make use of Nt system services.
#include <ntos.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <wow64t.h>
#include "ntrtlp.h"
#include "threads.h"
// Worker Thread Pool
// ------------------
// Clients can submit functions to be executed by a worker thread. Threads are
// created if the work queue exceeds a threshold. Clients can request that the
// function be invoked in the context of a I/O thread. I/O worker threads
// can be used for initiating asynchronous I/O requests. They are not terminated if
// there are pending IO requests. Worker threads terminate if inactivity exceeds a
// threshold.
// Clients can also associate IO completion requests with the IO completion port
// waited upon by the non I/O worker threads. One should not post overlapped IO requests
// in worker threads.
ULONG StartedWorkerInitialization ; // Used for Worker thread startup synchronization
ULONG CompletedWorkerInitialization ; // Used to check if Worker thread pool is initialized
ULONG NumFutureWorkItems = 0 ; // Future work items (timers, waits, &c to exec in workers)
ULONG NumFutureIOWorkItems = 0 ; // Future IO work items (timers, waits, &c to exec in IO workers)
ULONG NumIOWorkerThreads ; // Count of IO Worker Threads alive
ULONG NumWorkerThreads ; // Count of Worker Threads alive
ULONG NumMinWorkerThreads ; // Min worker threads should be alive: 1 if ioCompletion used, else 0
ULONG NumIOWorkRequests ; // Count of IO Work Requests pending
ULONG NumLongIOWorkRequests ; // IO Worker threads executing long worker functions
ULONG NumWorkRequests ; // Count of Work Requests pending.
ULONG NumQueuedWorkRequests; // Count of work requests pending on IO completion
ULONG NumLongWorkRequests ; // Worker threads executing long worker functions
ULONG NumExecutingWorkerThreads ; // Worker threads currently executing worker functions
ULONG TotalExecutedWorkRequests ; // Total worker requests that were picked up
ULONG OldTotalExecutedWorkRequests ; // Total worker requests since last timeout.
HANDLE WorkerThreadTimerQueue = NULL ; // Timer queue used by worker threads
HANDLE WorkerThreadTimer = NULL ; // Timer used by worker threads
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION WorkerTimerCriticalSection; // Synchronizes access to the worker timer
ULONG LastThreadCreationTickCount ; // Tick count at which the last thread was created
LIST_ENTRY IOWorkerThreads ; // List of IOWorkerThreads
PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB PersistentIOTCB ; // ptr to TCB of persistest IO worker thread
HANDLE WorkerCompletionPort ; // Completion port used for queuing tasks to Worker threads
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION WorkerCriticalSection ; // Exclusion used by worker threads
NTSTATUS RtlpStartWorkerThread ( VOID );
VOID RtlpWorkerThreadCancelTimer( VOID ) { if (! RtlTryEnterCriticalSection(&WorkerTimerCriticalSection)) { //
// Either another thread is setting a timer, or clearing it.
// Either way, there's no reason for us to clear the timer --
// return immediately.
return; }
__try { if (WorkerThreadTimer) { ASSERT(WorkerThreadTimerQueue); RtlDeleteTimer(WorkerThreadTimerQueue, WorkerThreadTimer, NULL); } } __finally {
WorkerThreadTimer = NULL;
} }
VOID RtlpWorkerThreadTimerCallback( PVOID Context, BOOLEAN NotUsed ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine checks if new worker thread has to be created
Arguments: None
Return Value: None
--*/ { IO_COMPLETION_BASIC_INFORMATION Info ; BOOLEAN bCreateThread = FALSE ; NTSTATUS Status ; ULONG QueueLength, Threshold ;
Status = NtQueryIoCompletion( WorkerCompletionPort, IoCompletionBasicInformation, &Info, sizeof(Info), NULL ) ;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return ;
QueueLength = Info.Depth ;
if (!QueueLength) { OldTotalExecutedWorkRequests = TotalExecutedWorkRequests ; return ; }
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
// if there are queued work items and no new work items have been scheduled
// in the last 30 seconds then create a new thread.
// this will take care of deadlocks.
// this will create a problem only if some thread is running for a long time
if (TotalExecutedWorkRequests == OldTotalExecutedWorkRequests) {
bCreateThread = TRUE ; }
// if there are a lot of queued work items, then create a new thread
{ ULONG NumEffWorkerThreads = NumWorkerThreads > NumLongWorkRequests ? NumWorkerThreads - NumLongWorkRequests : 0; ULONG ShortWorkRequests ; ULONG CapturedNumExecutingWorkerThreads;
ULONG ThreadCreationDampingTime = NumWorkerThreads < NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD ? THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME1 : (NumWorkerThreads < 30 ? THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME2 : (NumWorkerThreads << 13)); // *100ms
Threshold = (NumWorkerThreads < MAX_WORKER_THREADS ? (NumEffWorkerThreads < 7 ? NumEffWorkerThreads*NumEffWorkerThreads : ((NumEffWorkerThreads<40) ? NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD * NumEffWorkerThreads : NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD2 * NumEffWorkerThreads)) : 0xffffffff) ;
CapturedNumExecutingWorkerThreads = NumExecutingWorkerThreads;
ShortWorkRequests = QueueLength + CapturedNumExecutingWorkerThreads > NumLongWorkRequests ? QueueLength + CapturedNumExecutingWorkerThreads - NumLongWorkRequests : 0;
if (LastThreadCreationTickCount > NtGetTickCount()) LastThreadCreationTickCount = NtGetTickCount() ;
if (ShortWorkRequests > Threshold && (LastThreadCreationTickCount + ThreadCreationDampingTime < NtGetTickCount())) { bCreateThread = TRUE ; }
if (bCreateThread && NumWorkerThreads<MaxThreads) {
RtlpStartWorkerThread(); RtlpWorkerThreadCancelTimer(); }
OldTotalExecutedWorkRequests = TotalExecutedWorkRequests ;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
NTSTATUS RtlpWorkerThreadSetTimer( VOID ) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE NewTimerQueue; HANDLE NewTimer;
if (! RtlTryEnterCriticalSection(&WorkerTimerCriticalSection)) { //
// Either another thread is setting a timer, or clearing it.
// Either way, there's no reason for us to set the timer --
// return immediately.
__try {
if (! WorkerThreadTimerQueue) { Status = RtlCreateTimerQueue(&NewTimerQueue); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { __leave; } WorkerThreadTimerQueue = NewTimerQueue; } ASSERT(WorkerThreadTimerQueue != NULL);
if (! WorkerThreadTimer) { Status = RtlCreateTimer( WorkerThreadTimerQueue, &NewTimer, RtlpWorkerThreadTimerCallback, NULL, 60000, 60000, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD ) ; if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { __leave; }
WorkerThreadTimer = NewTimer; }
} __finally {
return Status; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
LONG RtlpWorkerThread ( PVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description:
All non I/O worker threads execute in this routine. Worker thread will try to terminate when it has not serviced a request for
HandlePtr - Pointer to our handle. N.B. This is closed by RtlpStartWorkerThread, but we're still responsible for the memory.
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status ; PVOID WorkerProc ; PVOID Context ; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb ; ULONG SleepTime ; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut ; ULONG Terminate ; PVOID Overlapped ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "Starting worker thread\n"); #endif
// Set default sleep time for 40 seconds.
#define WORKER_IDLE_TIMEOUT 40000 // In Milliseconds
// Loop servicing I/O completion requests
for ( ; ; ) {
TimeOut.QuadPart = Int32x32To64( SleepTime, -10000 ) ;
Status = NtRemoveIoCompletion( WorkerCompletionPort, (PVOID) &WorkerProc, &Overlapped, &IoSb, &TimeOut ) ;
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
TotalExecutedWorkRequests ++ ;//interlocked op not req
InterlockedIncrement(&NumExecutingWorkerThreads) ;
// Call the work item.
// If IO APC, context1 contains number of IO bytes transferred, and context2
// contains the overlapped structure.
// If (IO)WorkerFunction, context1 contains the actual WorkerFunction to be
// executed and context2 contains the actual context
Context = (PVOID) IoSb.Information ;
RtlpApcCallout(WorkerProc, IoSb.Status, Context, Overlapped);
InterlockedDecrement(&NumExecutingWorkerThreads) ;
} else if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
// NtRemoveIoCompletion timed out. Check to see if have hit our limit
// on waiting. If so terminate.
Terminate = FALSE ;
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
// The thread terminates if there are > 1 threads and the queue is small
// OR if there is only 1 thread and there is no request pending
if (NumWorkerThreads > 1) {
ULONG NumEffWorkerThreads = NumWorkerThreads > NumLongWorkRequests ? NumWorkerThreads - NumLongWorkRequests : 0;
if (NumEffWorkerThreads<=NumMinWorkerThreads) {
Terminate = FALSE ;
} else {
// have been idle for very long time. terminate irrespective of number of
// work items. (This is useful when the set of runnable threads is taking
// care of all the work items being queued). dont terminate if
// (NumEffWorkerThreads == 1)
if (NumEffWorkerThreads > 1) { Terminate = TRUE ; } else { Terminate = FALSE ; }
} else {
if ( NumMinWorkerThreads == 0 && NumWorkRequests == 0 && NumFutureWorkItems == 0) {
Terminate = TRUE ;
} else {
Terminate = FALSE ;
if (Terminate) {
Terminate = FALSE ;
Status = NtQueryInformationThread( NtCurrentThread(), ThreadIsIoPending, &IsIoPending, sizeof( IsIoPending ), NULL ); if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if (! IsIoPending ) Terminate = TRUE ; } }
if (Terminate) {
ASSERT(NumWorkerThreads > 0); NumWorkerThreads--;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
RtlpExitThreadFunc( 0 );
} else {
// This is the condition where a request was queued *after* the
// thread woke up - ready to terminate because of inactivity. In
// this case dont terminate - service the completion port.
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
} else {
ASSERTMSG ("NtRemoveIoCompletion failed", (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) && (Status != STATUS_TIMEOUT)) ;
return 1 ; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
NTSTATUS RtlpStartWorkerThread ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine starts a regular worker thread
Return Value:
NTSTATUS error codes resulting from attempts to create a thread STATUS_SUCCESS
--*/ { HANDLE ThreadHandle; ULONG CurrentTickCount; NTSTATUS Status;
// Create worker thread
Status = RtlpStartThreadpoolThread (RtlpWorkerThread, NULL, &ThreadHandle);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "Created worker thread; handle %d (closing)\n", ThreadHandle); #endif
// We don't care about worker threads' handles.
// Update the time at which the current thread was created
LastThreadCreationTickCount = NtGetTickCount() ;
// Increment the count of the thread type created
} else {
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "Failed to create worker thread; status %p\n", Status); #endif
// Thread creation failed. If there is even one thread present do not return
// failure - else queue the request anyway.
if (NumWorkerThreads <= NumLongWorkRequests) {
return Status ; }
NTSTATUS RtlpInitializeWorkerThreadPool ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes all aspects of the thread pool.
Return Value:
ASSERT(! RtlIsImpersonating());
// Initialize the timer component if it hasnt been done already
if (CompletedTimerInitialization != 1) {
Status = RtlpInitializeTimerThreadPool () ;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return Status ;
// In order to avoid an explicit RtlInitialize() function to initialize the thread pool
// we use StartedInitialization and CompletedInitialization to provide us the necessary
// synchronization to avoid multiple threads from initializing the thread pool.
// This scheme does not work if RtlInitializeCriticalSection() fails - but in this case the
// caller has no choices left.
if (!InterlockedExchange(&StartedWorkerInitialization, 1L)) {
if (CompletedWorkerInitialization) InterlockedExchange( &CompletedWorkerInitialization, 0 ) ;
do {
// Initialize Critical Sections
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &WorkerCriticalSection ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break ;
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &WorkerTimerCriticalSection ); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &WorkerCriticalSection ); break; }
InitializeListHead (&IOWorkerThreads) ;
// get number of processors
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation ( SystemBasicInformation, &BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), NULL ) ;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { BasicInfo.NumberOfProcessors = 1 ; }
// Create completion port used by worker threads
Status = NtCreateIoCompletion ( &WorkerCompletionPort, IO_COMPLETION_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, BasicInfo.NumberOfProcessors );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &WorkerCriticalSection ); RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &WorkerTimerCriticalSection ); break; }
} while ( FALSE ) ;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
StartedWorkerInitialization = 0 ; InterlockedExchange( &CompletedWorkerInitialization, ~0 ) ; return Status ; }
// Signal that initialization has completed
InterlockedExchange (&CompletedWorkerInitialization, 1L) ;
} else {
// Sleep 1 ms and see if the other thread has completed initialization
while (!*((ULONG volatile *)&CompletedWorkerInitialization)) {
NtDelayExecution (FALSE, &TimeOut) ; }
if (CompletedWorkerInitialization != 1) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
return NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : Status ; }
LONG RtlpIOWorkerThread ( PVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description:
All I/O worker threads execute in this routine. All the work requests execute as APCs in this thread.
HandlePtr - Pointer to our handle.
Return Value:
--*/ { #define IOWORKER_IDLE_TIMEOUT 40000 // In Milliseconds
LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut ; ULONG SleepTime = IOWORKER_IDLE_TIMEOUT ; PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB ThreadCB ; // Control Block allocated on the
// heap by the parent thread
NTSTATUS Status ; BOOLEAN Terminate ;
ASSERT(Parameter != NULL);
ThreadCB = (PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB) Parameter;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "Starting IO worker thread\n"); #endif
// Sleep alertably so that all the activity can take place
// in APCs
for ( ; ; ) {
// Set timeout for IdleTimeout
TimeOut.QuadPart = Int32x32To64( SleepTime, -10000 ) ;
Status = NtDelayExecution (TRUE, &TimeOut) ;
// Status is STATUS_SUCCESS only when it has timed out
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { continue ; }
// idle timeout. check if you can terminate the thread
Terminate = FALSE ;
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
// dont terminate if it is a persistent thread
TimeOut.LowPart = 0x0; TimeOut.HighPart = 0x80000000;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
continue ; }
// The thread terminates if there are > 1 threads and the queue is small
// OR if there is only 1 thread and there is no request pending
if (NumIOWorkerThreads > 1) {
ULONG NumEffIOWorkerThreads = NumIOWorkerThreads > NumLongIOWorkRequests ? NumIOWorkerThreads - NumLongIOWorkRequests : 0; ULONG Threshold;
if (NumEffIOWorkerThreads == 0) {
Terminate = FALSE ;
} else {
// Check if we need to shrink worker thread pool
Threshold = NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD * (NumEffIOWorkerThreads-1);
if (NumIOWorkRequests-NumLongIOWorkRequests < Threshold) {
Terminate = TRUE ;
} else {
Terminate = FALSE ; SleepTime <<= 1 ; } }
} else {
if (NumIOWorkRequests == 0 && NumFutureIOWorkItems == 0) {
// delay termination of last thread
if (SleepTime < 4*IOWORKER_IDLE_TIMEOUT) {
SleepTime <<= 1 ; Terminate = FALSE ;
} else {
Terminate = TRUE ; }
} else {
Terminate = FALSE ;
// terminate only if no io is pending
if (Terminate) {
Terminate = FALSE ;
xStatus = NtQueryInformationThread( ThreadCB->ThreadHandle, ThreadIsIoPending, &IsIoPending, sizeof( IsIoPending ), NULL ); if (NT_SUCCESS( xStatus )) {
if (! IsIoPending ) Terminate = TRUE ; } }
if (Terminate) {
ASSERT(NumIOWorkerThreads > 0); NumIOWorkerThreads--;
RemoveEntryList (&ThreadCB->List) ; NtClose( ThreadCB->ThreadHandle ) ; RtlpFreeTPHeap( ThreadCB );
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
RtlpExitThreadFunc( 0 );
} else {
// This is the condition where a request was queued *after* the
// thread woke up - ready to terminate because of inactivity. In
// this case dont terminate - service the completion port.
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
} }
return 0 ; // Keep compiler happy
NTSTATUS RtlpStartIOWorkerThread ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine starts an I/O worker thread
N.B. Callers MUST hold the WorkerCriticalSection.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS error codes resulting from attempts to create a thread STATUS_SUCCESS
--*/ { ULONG CurrentTickCount ; NTSTATUS Status ; PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB ThreadCB;
// Create the worker's control block
ThreadCB = (PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB) RtlpAllocateTPHeap(sizeof(RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB), 0); if (! ThreadCB) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// Fill in the control block
ThreadCB->Flags = 0; ThreadCB->LongFunctionFlag = FALSE;
// Create worker thread
Status = RtlpStartThreadpoolThread (RtlpIOWorkerThread, ThreadCB, &ThreadCB->ThreadHandle);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Update the time at which the current thread was created,
// and insert the ThreadCB into the IO worker thread list.
LastThreadCreationTickCount = NtGetTickCount() ; NumIOWorkerThreads++; InsertHeadList(&IOWorkerThreads, &ThreadCB->List);
} else {
// Thread creation failed.
// If there is even one thread present do not return
// failure since we can still service the work request.
if (NumIOWorkerThreads <= NumLongIOWorkRequests) {
return Status ;
} }
VOID RtlpExecuteLongIOWorkItem ( PVOID WorkEntryPtr, PVOID Context, PVOID ThreadCB ) /*++
Routine Description:
Executes an IO Work function. RUNs in a APC in the IO Worker thread.
WorkEntryPtr - Work entry to run
Context - Context for the work entry
ThreadCB - The thread running this APC
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_WORK WorkEntry = (PRTLP_WORK) WorkEntryPtr;
RtlpWorkerCallout(WorkEntry->Function, Context, WorkEntry->ActivationContext, WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken);
((PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB)ThreadCB)->LongFunctionFlag = FALSE ;
// Decrement pending IO requests count
// decrement pending long funcitons
if (WorkEntry->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) { RtlReleaseActivationContext(WorkEntry->ActivationContext); }
if (WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); }
RtlpFreeTPHeap(WorkEntry); }
VOID RtlpExecuteIOWorkItem ( PVOID WorkEntryPtr, PVOID Context, PVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Executes an IO Work function. RUNs in a APC in the IO Worker thread.
WorkEntryPtr - Work entry to run
Context - Context for the work entry
Parameter - Argument is not used in this function.
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_WORK WorkEntry = (PRTLP_WORK) WorkEntryPtr;
RtlpWorkerCallout(WorkEntry->Function, Context, WorkEntry->ActivationContext, WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken);
// Decrement pending IO requests count
if (WorkEntry->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) { RtlReleaseActivationContext(WorkEntry->ActivationContext); }
if (WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); }
RtlpFreeTPHeap(WorkEntry); }
NTSTATUS RtlpQueueIOWorkerRequest ( WORKERCALLBACKFUNC Function, PVOID Context, ULONG Flags, HANDLE Token )
Routine Description:
This routine queues up the request to be executed in an IO worker thread.
Function - Routine that is called by the worker thread
Context - Opaque pointer passed in as an argument to WorkerProc
Flags - Flags passed to RtlQueueWorkItem
Token - Impersonation token to use
Return Value:
WorkEntry = (PRTLP_WORK) RtlpAllocateTPHeap(sizeof(RTLP_WORK), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY);
if (! WorkEntry) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
WorkEntry->Function = Function; WorkEntry->Flags = Flags;
Status = RtlpThreadPoolGetActiveActivationContext(&WorkEntry->ActivationContext); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLED) { WorkEntry->ActivationContext = INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { goto cleanup_workentry; } }
if (Token) { Status = NtDuplicateToken(Token, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, NULL, FALSE, TokenImpersonation, &WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup_actctx; } } else { WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken = NULL; }
if (!PersistentIOTCB) { for (ple=IOWorkerThreads.Flink; ple!=&IOWorkerThreads; ple=ple->Flink) { TCB = CONTAINING_RECORD (ple, RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB, List) ; if (! TCB->LongFunctionFlag) break; }
if (ple == &IOWorkerThreads) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup_token; }
} else { TCB = PersistentIOTCB ; }
} else { for (ple=IOWorkerThreads.Flink; ple!=&IOWorkerThreads; ple=ple->Flink) {
// do not queue to the thread if it is executing a long function, or
// if you are queueing a long function and the thread is a persistent thread
if (! TCB->LongFunctionFlag && (! ((TCB->Flags&WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTIOTHREAD) && (Flags&WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)))) { break ; }
if ((ple == &IOWorkerThreads) && (NumIOWorkerThreads<1)) {
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_WARNING_MASK, "Out of memory. " "Could not execute IOWorkItem(%x)\n", (ULONG_PTR)Function); #endif
Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup_token; } else { ple = IOWorkerThreads.Flink; TCB = CONTAINING_RECORD (ple, RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB, List) ;
// treat it as a short function so that counters work fine.
LongFunction = FALSE; }
// In order to implement "fair" assignment of work items between IO worker threads
// each time remove the entry and reinsert at back.
RemoveEntryList (&TCB->List) ; InsertTailList (&IOWorkerThreads, &TCB->List) ; }
// Increment the outstanding work request counter
NumIOWorkRequests++; if (LongFunction) { NumLongIOWorkRequests++; TCB->LongFunctionFlag = TRUE ; }
// Queue an APC to the IoWorker Thread
Status = NtQueueApcThread( TCB->ThreadHandle, LongFunction? (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpExecuteLongIOWorkItem: (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpExecuteIOWorkItem, (PVOID)WorkEntry, Context, TCB );
if (! NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto cleanup_counters; }
cleanup_counters: NumIOWorkRequests--; if (LongFunction) NumLongIOWorkRequests--;
cleanup_token: if (WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); }
cleanup_actctx: if (WorkEntry->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) { RtlReleaseActivationContext(WorkEntry->ActivationContext); }
cleanup_workentry: RtlpFreeTPHeap(WorkEntry);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS RtlSetIoCompletionCallback ( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN APC_CALLBACK_FUNCTION CompletionProc, IN ULONG Flags )
Routine Description:
This routine binds an Handle and an associated callback function to the IoCompletionPort which queues work items to worker threads.
Handle - handle to be bound to the IO completion port
CompletionProc - callback function to be executed when an IO request pending on the IO handle completes.
Flags - Reserved. pass 0.
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
if (Flags) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(FALSE, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
// Make sure that the worker thread pool is initialized as the file handle
// is bound to IO completion port.
if (CompletedWorkerInitialization != 1) {
Status = RtlpInitializeWorkerThreadPool () ;
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto cleanup; }
// from now on NumMinWorkerThreads should be 1. If there is only 1 worker thread
// create a new one.
if ( NumMinWorkerThreads == 0 ) {
// Take lock for the global worker thread pool
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
if ((NumWorkerThreads-NumLongWorkRequests) == 0) {
Status = RtlpStartWorkerThread () ;
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ; goto cleanup; } }
// from now on, there will be at least 1 worker thread
NumMinWorkerThreads = 1 ;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
// bind to IoCompletionPort, which queues work items to worker threads
CompletionInfo.Port = WorkerCompletionPort ; CompletionInfo.Key = (PVOID) CompletionProc ;
Status = NtSetInformationFile ( FileHandle, &IoSb, //not initialized
&CompletionInfo, sizeof(CompletionInfo), FileCompletionInformation //enum flag
) ;
cleanup: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status ; }
VOID RtlpExecuteWorkerRequest ( NTSTATUS StatusIn, //not used
PVOID Context, PVOID WorkContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine executes a work item.
Context - contains context to be passed to the callback function.
WorkContext - contains callback function ptr and flags
Return Value:
Notes: This function executes in a worker thread or a timer thread if WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD flag is set.
{ PRTLP_WORK WorkEntry = (PRTLP_WORK) WorkContext; NTSTATUS Status;
if (! (WorkEntry->Flags & WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTTHREAD) && InterlockedDecrement(&NumQueuedWorkRequests) && NumExecutingWorkerThreads == NumWorkerThreads) {
RtlpWorkerCallout(WorkEntry->Function, Context, WorkEntry->ActivationContext, WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken);
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection); NumWorkRequests--; if (WorkEntry->Flags & WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION) { NumLongWorkRequests--; } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection);
if (WorkEntry->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) RtlReleaseActivationContext(WorkEntry->ActivationContext);
if (WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); }
RtlpFreeTPHeap( WorkEntry ) ; }
NTSTATUS RtlpQueueWorkerRequest ( WORKERCALLBACKFUNC Function, PVOID Context, ULONG Flags, HANDLE Token ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine queues up the request to be executed in a worker thread.
Function - Routine that is called by the worker thread
Context - Opaque pointer passed in as an argument to WorkerProc
Flags - Flags passed to RtlQueueWorkItem
Token - Impersonation token to use
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS Status ; PRTLP_WORK WorkEntry ;
WorkEntry = (PRTLP_WORK) RtlpAllocateTPHeap ( sizeof (RTLP_WORK), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY) ;
if (! WorkEntry) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
Status = RtlpThreadPoolGetActiveActivationContext(&WorkEntry->ActivationContext); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLED) { WorkEntry->ActivationContext = INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { goto cleanup_workentry; } }
if (Token) { Status = NtDuplicateToken(Token, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, NULL, FALSE, TokenImpersonation, &WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup_actctx; } } else { WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken = NULL; }
// Increment the outstanding work request counter
NumWorkRequests++; if (Flags & WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION) { NumLongWorkRequests++; }
WorkEntry->Function = Function ; WorkEntry->Flags = Flags ;
// Queue APC to timer thread
Status = NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpExecuteWorkerRequest, (PVOID) STATUS_SUCCESS, (PVOID) Context, (PVOID) WorkEntry ) ;
} else {
Status = NtSetIoCompletion ( WorkerCompletionPort, RtlpExecuteWorkerRequest, (PVOID) WorkEntry, STATUS_SUCCESS, (ULONG_PTR)Context ); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { InterlockedDecrement(&NumQueuedWorkRequests); } else { if (NumExecutingWorkerThreads == NumWorkerThreads) { RtlpWorkerThreadSetTimer(); } } }
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto cleanup_counters; }
cleanup_counters: NumWorkRequests--; if (Flags & WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION) { NumLongWorkRequests--; }
if (WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(WorkEntry->ImpersonationToken); }
cleanup_actctx: if (WorkEntry->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) { RtlReleaseActivationContext(WorkEntry->ActivationContext); }
cleanup_workentry: RtlpFreeTPHeap( WorkEntry ) ; return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine queues up the request to be executed in a worker thread.
Function - Routine that is called by the worker thread
Context - Opaque pointer passed in as an argument to WorkerProc
Flags - Can be:
WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD - Specifies that the WorkerProc should be invoked by a thread that is never destroyed when there are pending IO requests. This can be used by threads that invoke I/O and/or schedule APCs.
The below flag can also be set: WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION - Specifies that the function might block for a long duration.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Queued successfully.
STATUS_NO_MEMORY - There was not sufficient heap to perform the requested operation.
{ ULONG Threshold ; ULONG CurrentTickCount ; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; HANDLE Token = NULL; HANDLE RequestToken; if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(Flags & WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
if (Flags & WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION) { RequestToken = Token; } else { RequestToken = NULL; }
// Make sure the worker thread pool is initialized
if (CompletedWorkerInitialization != 1) {
Status = RtlpInitializeWorkerThreadPool () ;
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto cleanup; } }
// Take lock for the global worker thread pool
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
if (Flags&0xffff0000) { MaxThreads = (Flags & 0xffff0000)>>16; }
if (NEEDS_IO_THREAD(Flags)) {
// execute in IO Worker thread
ULONG NumEffIOWorkerThreads = NumIOWorkerThreads > NumLongIOWorkRequests ? NumIOWorkerThreads - NumLongIOWorkRequests : 0; ULONG ThreadCreationDampingTime = NumIOWorkerThreads < NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD ? THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME1 : THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME2 ;
if (NumEffIOWorkerThreads && PersistentIOTCB && (Flags&WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) NumEffIOWorkerThreads -- ;
// Check if we need to grow I/O worker thread pool
Threshold = (NumEffIOWorkerThreads < MAX_WORKER_THREADS ? NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD * NumEffIOWorkerThreads : 0xffffffff) ;
if (LastThreadCreationTickCount > NtGetTickCount()) LastThreadCreationTickCount = NtGetTickCount() ;
if (NumEffIOWorkerThreads == 0 || ((NumIOWorkRequests - NumLongIOWorkRequests > Threshold) && (LastThreadCreationTickCount + ThreadCreationDampingTime < NtGetTickCount()))) {
// Grow the IO worker thread pool
Status = RtlpStartIOWorkerThread () ;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Queue the work request
Status = RtlpQueueIOWorkerRequest(Function, Context, Flags, RequestToken); }
} else {
// execute in regular worker thread
ULONG NumEffWorkerThreads = NumWorkerThreads > NumLongWorkRequests ? NumWorkerThreads - NumLongWorkRequests : 0; ULONG ThreadCreationDampingTime = NumWorkerThreads < NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD ? THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME1 : (NumWorkerThreads < 30 ? THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME2 : NumWorkerThreads << 13);
// if io completion set, then have 1 more thread
if (NumMinWorkerThreads && NumEffWorkerThreads) NumEffWorkerThreads -- ;
// Check if we need to grow worker thread pool
Threshold = (NumWorkerThreads < MAX_WORKER_THREADS ? (NumEffWorkerThreads < 7 ? NumEffWorkerThreads*NumEffWorkerThreads : ((NumEffWorkerThreads<40) ? NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD * NumEffWorkerThreads : NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD2 * NumEffWorkerThreads)) : 0xffffffff) ;
if (LastThreadCreationTickCount > NtGetTickCount()) LastThreadCreationTickCount = NtGetTickCount() ;
if (NumEffWorkerThreads == 0 || ( (NumWorkRequests - NumLongWorkRequests >= Threshold) && (LastThreadCreationTickCount + ThreadCreationDampingTime < NtGetTickCount()))) { // Grow the worker thread pool
if (NumWorkerThreads<MaxThreads) { Status = RtlpStartWorkerThread () ;
} }
// Queue the work request
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
Status = RtlpQueueWorkerRequest(Function, Context, Flags, RequestToken); } }
// Release lock on the worker thread pool
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
cleanup: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status ; }
NTSTATUS RtlpWorkerCleanup( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Node; ULONG i; HANDLE TmpHandle; BOOLEAN Cleanup;
IS_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED( StartedWorkerInitialization, CompletedWorkerInitialization, Cleanup ) ;
if ( Cleanup ) {
RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
if ( (NumWorkRequests != 0) || (NumIOWorkRequests != 0) ) {
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
// queue a cleanup for each worker thread
for (i = 0 ; i < NumWorkerThreads ; i ++ ) {
NtSetIoCompletion ( WorkerCompletionPort, RtlpThreadCleanup, NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS, 0 ); }
// queue an apc to cleanup all IO worker threads
for (Node = IOWorkerThreads.Flink ; Node != &IOWorkerThreads ; Node = Node->Flink ) { PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB ThreadCB ;
ThreadCB = CONTAINING_RECORD (Node, RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB, List) ; RemoveEntryList( &ThreadCB->List) ; TmpHandle = ThreadCB->ThreadHandle ;
NtQueueApcThread( ThreadCB->ThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpThreadCleanup, NULL, NULL, NULL );
NtClose( TmpHandle ) ; }
NumWorkerThreads = NumIOWorkerThreads = 0 ;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection (&WorkerCriticalSection) ;
NTSTATUS RtlpThreadPoolGetActiveActivationContext( PACTIVATION_CONTEXT* ActivationContext ) { ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_BASIC_INFORMATION ActivationContextInfo = {0}; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
ASSERT(ActivationContext != NULL); *ActivationContext = NULL;
Status = RtlQueryInformationActivationContext( RTL_QUERY_INFORMATION_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_FLAG_USE_ACTIVE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT, NULL, 0, ActivationContextBasicInformation, &ActivationContextInfo, sizeof(ActivationContextInfo), NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Exit; } if ((ActivationContextInfo.Flags & ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_INHERIT) != 0) { RtlReleaseActivationContext(ActivationContextInfo.ActivationContext); ActivationContextInfo.ActivationContext = NULL; // fall through
} *ActivationContext = ActivationContextInfo.ActivationContext; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Exit: return Status; }
NTSTATUS RtlpAcquireWorker(ULONG Flags) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (CompletedWorkerInitialization != 1) { Status = RtlpInitializeWorkerThreadPool () ;
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) return Status ; }
if (NEEDS_IO_THREAD(Flags)) { RtlEnterCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection); InterlockedIncrement(&NumFutureIOWorkItems); if (NumIOWorkerThreads == 0) { Status = RtlpStartIOWorkerThread(); } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection); } else { RtlEnterCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection); InterlockedIncrement(&NumFutureWorkItems); if (NumWorkerThreads == 0) { Status = RtlpStartWorkerThread(); } RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&WorkerCriticalSection); }
return Status; }
VOID RtlpReleaseWorker(ULONG Flags) { if (NEEDS_IO_THREAD(Flags)) { ASSERT(NumFutureIOWorkItems > 0); InterlockedDecrement(&NumFutureIOWorkItems); } else { ASSERT(NumFutureWorkItems > 0); InterlockedDecrement(&NumFutureWorkItems); } }