Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common security accessibility test routines.
These routines are used in both the kernel and user mode RTL tests.
This test assumes the security runtime library routines are functioning correctly.
Jim Kelly (JimK) 23-Mar-1990
Test of security.
Revision History:
v5: robertre Updated ACL_REVISION
#include "tsecomm.c" // Mode dependent macros and routines.
// //
// Module wide variables //
// //
NTSTATUS Status; STRING Event1Name, Process1Name; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeEvent1Name, UnicodeProcess1Name;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES NullObjectAttributes;
HANDLE Event1; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Event1ObjectAttributes; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Event1SecurityDescriptor; PSID Event1Owner; PSID Event1Group; PACL Event1Dacl; PACL Event1Sacl;
PACL TDacl; BOOLEAN TDaclPresent; BOOLEAN TDaclDefaulted;
PACL TSacl; BOOLEAN TSaclPresent; BOOLEAN TSaclDefaulted;
PSID TOwner; BOOLEAN TOwnerDefaulted; PSID TGroup; BOOLEAN TGroupDefaulted;
HANDLE Process1; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Process1ObjectAttributes;
// //
// Initialization Routine //
// //
BOOLEAN TestSeInitialize() {
Event1SecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)TstAllocatePool( PagedPool, 1024 );
RtlInitString(&Event1Name, "\\SecurityTestEvent1"); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeEvent1Name, &Event1Name, TRUE ); SEASSERT_SUCCESS( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ); RtlInitString(&Process1Name, "\\SecurityTestProcess1"); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeProcess1Name, &Process1Name, TRUE ); SEASSERT_SUCCESS( NT_SUCCESS(Status) );
InitializeObjectAttributes(&NullObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Build an ACL or two for use.
TDacl = (PACL)TstAllocatePool( PagedPool, 256 ); TSacl = (PACL)TstAllocatePool( PagedPool, 256 );
TDacl->AclRevision=TSacl->AclRevision=ACL_REVISION; TDacl->Sbz1=TSacl->Sbz1=0; TDacl->Sbz2=TSacl->Sbz2=0; TDacl->AclSize=256; TSacl->AclSize=8; TDacl->AceCount=TSacl->AceCount=0;
return TRUE; }
// //
// Test routines //
// //
BOOLEAN TestSeUnnamedCreate() //
// Test:
// No Security Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence With Creator ID
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Empty Security Descriptor Explicitly Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Dacl Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Sacl Specified (W/Privilege)
// No Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Default Dacl Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Default Sacl Specified (W/Privilege)
// No Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Sacl Specified (W/O Privilege - should be rejected)
// Default Sacl Specified (W/O Privilege - should be rejected)
// Valid Owner Explicitly Specified
// Invalid Owner Explicitly Specified
// Explicit Group Specified
BOOLEAN CompletionStatus = TRUE;
InitializeObjectAttributes(&Event1ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); DbgPrint("Se: No Security Descriptor... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... ");
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, DELETE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DbgPrint("Succeeded.\n"); } else { DbgPrint(" **** Failed ****\n"); CompletionStatus = FALSE; } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence W/ Creator ID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl And Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
return CompletionStatus;
BOOLEAN TestSeNamedCreate() //
// Test:
// No Security Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence With Creator ID
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Empty Security Descriptor Explicitly Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Dacl Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Sacl Specified (W/Privilege)
// No Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Default Dacl Specified
// No Inheritence
// Dacl Inheritence
// Sacl Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Default Sacl Specified (W/Privilege)
// No Inheritence
// Dacl & Sacl Inheritence
// Explicit Sacl Specified (W/O Privilege - should be rejected)
// Default Sacl Specified (W/O Privilege - should be rejected)
// Valid Owner Explicitly Specified
// Invalid Owner Explicitly Specified
// Explicit Group Specified
BOOLEAN CompletionStatus = TRUE;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &Event1ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeEvent1Name, 0, NULL, NULL);
DbgPrint("Se: No Security Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... "); Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, DELETE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DbgPrint("Succeeded.\n"); } else { DbgPrint(" **** Failed ****\n"); CompletionStatus = FALSE; } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence With Creator ID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Empty Security Descriptor Explicitly Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... ");
RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( Event1SecurityDescriptor, 1 ); InitializeObjectAttributes(&Event1ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeEvent1Name, 0, NULL, Event1SecurityDescriptor); Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, DELETE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DbgPrint("Succeeded.\n"); } else { DbgPrint(" **** Failed ****\n"); CompletionStatus = FALSE; } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Explicit Dacl Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... ");
RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( Event1SecurityDescriptor, 1 ); RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor( Event1SecurityDescriptor, TRUE, TDacl, FALSE );
InitializeObjectAttributes(&Event1ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeEvent1Name, 0, NULL, Event1SecurityDescriptor); Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, DELETE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DbgPrint("Succeeded.\n"); } else { DbgPrint(" **** Failed ****\n"); CompletionStatus = FALSE; } ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Explicit Sacl Specified (W/Privilege)... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Default Dacl Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Default Sacl (W/Privilege)... Test\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Dacl & Sacl Inheritence... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Explicit Sacl (W/O Privilege)... Test\n"); DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Default Sacl (W/O Privilege)... Test\n"); DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Valid Owner Explicitly Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Invalid Owner Explicitly Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Explicit Group Specified... Test\n"); DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
return CompletionStatus;
BOOLEAN TestSeQuerySecurity() //
// Test:
// No Security Descriptor
// Query Owner
// Query Group
// Query Dacl
// Query Sacl (Privileged)
// Query Sacl (Unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Empty Security Descriptor
// Query Owner
// Query Group
// Query Dacl
// Query Sacl (Privileged)
// Query Sacl (Unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Security Descriptor W/ Owner & Group
// Query Owner
// Query Group
// Query Dacl
// Query Sacl (Privileged)
// Query Sacl (Unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Full Security Descriptor
// Query Owner
// Query Group
// Query Dacl
// Query Sacl (Privileged)
// Query Sacl (Unprivileged - should be rejected)
BOOLEAN CompletionStatus = TRUE;
DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
#if 0
DbgPrint("Se: No Security Descriptor... \n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Owner... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Dacl... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Unprivileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Empty Security Descriptor... \n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Owner... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Dacl... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Unprivileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Security Descriptor W/ Owner & Group... \n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Owner... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented. \n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Dacl... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Unprivileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Full Security Descriptor...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Owner... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Dacl... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Query Sacl (Unprivileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); #endif //0
return CompletionStatus; }
BOOLEAN TestSeSetSecurity() //
// Test:
// No Security Descriptor
// Set Valid Owner SID
// Set Invalid Owner SID
// Set Group
// Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)
// Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)
// Set Dacl (invalid attempt)
// Set Sacl (privileged)
// Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Empty Security Descriptor
// Set Valid Owner SID
// Set Invalid Owner SID
// Set Group
// Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)
// Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)
// Set Dacl (invalid attempt)
// Set Sacl (privileged)
// Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Security Descriptor W/ Owner & Group Only
// Set Valid Owner SID
// Set Invalid Owner SID
// Set Group
// Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)
// Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)
// Set Dacl (invalid attempt)
// Set Sacl (privileged)
// Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)
// Full Security Descriptor
// Set Valid Owner SID
// Set Invalid Owner SID
// Set Group
// Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)
// Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)
// Set Dacl (invalid attempt)
// Set Sacl (privileged)
// Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)
BOOLEAN CompletionStatus = TRUE;
DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); #if 0
DbgPrint("Se: No Security Descriptor...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Valid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Invalid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (invalid attempt)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Empty Security Descriptor...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Valid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Invalid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (invalid attempt)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Security Descriptor W/ Owner & Group Only...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Valid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Invalid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (invalid attempt)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Full Security Descriptor...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Valid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Invalid Owner SID... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Group... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (explicitly granted by dacl)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (by virtue of ownership)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Dacl (invalid attempt)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (privileged)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Set Sacl (unprivileged - should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
#endif //0
return CompletionStatus;
BOOLEAN TestSeAccess() //
// Test:
// Creation
// No Access Requested (should be rejected)
// Specific Access Requested
// - Attempted Granted
// - Attempt Ungranted
// Access System Security
// Open Existing
// No Access Requested (should be rejected)
// Specific Access Requested
// - Attempted Granted
// - Attempt Ungranted
// Access System Security
{ BOOLEAN CompletionStatus = TRUE;
DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); #if 0
DbgPrint("Se: Creation...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Access Requested (should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Specific Access Requested... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: - Attempted Granted... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: - Attempt Ungranted... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Access System Security... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Open Existing...\n"); DbgPrint("Se: No Access Requested (should be rejected)... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Specific Access Requested... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: - Attempted Granted... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: - Attempt Ungranted... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); DbgPrint("Se: Access System Security... "); DbgPrint(" Not Implemented.\n"); #endif //0
#if 0 //old code
// Without security descriptor
// Simple desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test1b... \n"); // Attempt ungranted access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(!NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test1c... \n"); // Delete object
Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Without security descriptor
// Simple desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test2a... \n"); // unnamed object, specific access
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, (EVENT_MODIFY_STATE | STANDARD_DELETE), &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test2b... \n"); // Attempt granted specific access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test2c... \n"); // Delete object
// Without security descriptor
// Generic desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test3a... \n"); // Unnamed object, generic mask
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, GENERIC_EXECUTE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test3b... \n"); // Attempt implied granted access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test3c... \n"); // Delete object
Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Without security descriptor
// Empty desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test4a... \n"); // Empty desired access
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, 0, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(!NT_SUCCESS(Status));
RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( Event1SecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); InitializeObjectAttributes(&Event1ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, Event1SecurityDescriptor); DbgPrint("Se: Empty Security Descriptor... \n");
// Without security descriptor
// Simple desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test1a... \n"); // Create unnamed object
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, STANDARD_DELETE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test1b... \n"); // Attempt ungranted access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(!NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test1c... \n"); // Delete object
Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Without security descriptor
// Simple desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test2a... \n"); // unnamed object, specific access
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, (EVENT_MODIFY_STATE | STANDARD_DELETE), &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test2b... \n"); // Attempt granted specific access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test2c... \n"); // Delete object
Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Without security descriptor
// Generic desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test3a... \n"); // Unnamed object, generic mask
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, GENERIC_EXECUTE, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test3b... \n"); // Attempt implied granted access
Status = NtSetEvent( Event1, NULL ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
DbgPrint("Se: Test3c... \n"); // Delete object
Status = NtClose(Event1); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Without security descriptor
// Empty desired access mask...
DbgPrint("Se: Test4a... \n"); // Empty desired access
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event1, 0, &Event1ObjectAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); ASSERT(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)); #endif // old code
return CompletionStatus; }
DbgPrint("Se: Initialization... "); TestSeInitialize(); DbgPrint("Succeeded.\n");
DbgPrint("Se: Unnamed Object Creation Test... Suite\n"); if (!TestSeUnnamedCreate()) { Result = FALSE; } DbgPrint("Se: Named Object Creation Test... Suite\n"); if (!TestSeNamedCreate()) { Result = FALSE; } DbgPrint("Se: Query Object Security Descriptor Test... Suite\n"); if (!TestSeQuerySecurity()) { Result = FALSE; } DbgPrint("Se: Set Object Security Descriptor Test... Suite\n"); if (!TestSeSetSecurity()) { Result = FALSE; } DbgPrint("Se: Access Test... Suite\n"); if (!TestSeAccess()) { Result = FALSE; }
DbgPrint("\n"); DbgPrint("\n"); DbgPrint(" ********************\n"); DbgPrint(" ** **\n");
if (Result = TRUE) { DbgPrint(" ** Test Succeeded **\n"); } else { DbgPrint(" ** Test Failed **\n"); }
DbgPrint(" ** **\n"); DbgPrint(" ********************\n"); DbgPrint("\n"); DbgPrint("\n");
return Result; }