Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test program for the security system
Gary Kimura [GaryKi] 20-Nov-1989
Revision History:
v3: robertre Updated ACL_REVISION
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include "sep.h"
#include "ttoken.c"
VOID RtlDumpAcl( IN PACL Acl );
main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { HANDLE CurrentProcessHandle; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG i; VOID SeMain();
CurrentProcessHandle = NtCurrentProcess(); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
DbgPrint( "Entering User Mode Test Program\n" );
DbgPrint( "argc: %ld\n", argc ); if (argv != NULL) { for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { DbgPrint( "argv[ %ld ]: %s\n", i, argv[ i ] ); } }
if (envp != NULL) { i = 0; while (*envp) { DbgPrint( "envp[ %02ld ]: %s\n", i++, *envp++ ); } }
DbgPrint( "Exiting User Mode Test Program with Status = %lx\n", Status );
NtTerminateProcess( CurrentProcessHandle, Status ); }
VOID SeMain( ) { BOOLEAN TestCreateAcl(); BOOLEAN TestQueryInformationAcl(); BOOLEAN TestSetInformationAcl(); BOOLEAN TestAddAce(); BOOLEAN TestDeleteAce(); BOOLEAN TestGetAce();
BOOLEAN TestAccessCheck(); BOOLEAN TestGenerateMessage();
DbgPrint("Starting User Mode Security Test\n");
if (!TestCreateAcl()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestQueryInformationAcl()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestSetInformationAcl()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestAddAce()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestDeleteAce()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestGetAce()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; }
if (!TestAccessCheck()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; } if (!TestGenerateMessage()) { DbgPrint("TestCreateAcl Error\n"); return; }
DbgPrint("Ending User Mode Security Test\n");
return; }
BOOLEAN TestCreateAcl() { UCHAR Buffer[512]; PACL Acl;
Acl = (PACL)Buffer;
// Create a good large acl
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlCreateAcl( Acl, 512, 1))) { DbgPrint("RtlCreateAcl Error large Acl : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Create a good small acl
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlCreateAcl( Acl, sizeof(ACL), 1))) { DbgPrint("RtlCreateAcl Error small Acl : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Create a too small acl
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlCreateAcl( Acl, sizeof(ACL) - 1, 1))) { DbgPrint("RtlCreateAcl Error too small Acl : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Create a bad version acl
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlCreateAcl( Acl, 512, 2))) { DbgPrint("RtlCreateAcl Error bad version : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestQueryInformationAcl() { UCHAR Buffer[512]; PACL Acl; ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION AclRevisionInfo; ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION AclSizeInfo;
Acl = (PACL)Buffer;
BuildAcl( Fred, Acl, 512 );
// Query the revision information
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlQueryInformationAcl( Acl, (PVOID)&AclRevisionInfo, sizeof(ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION), AclRevisionInformation))) { DbgPrint("RtlQueryInformationAcl revision info error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; } if (AclRevisionInfo.AclRevision != ACL_REVISION) { DbgPrint("RtlAclRevision Error\n"); return FALSE; }
// Query size information
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlQueryInformationAcl( Acl, (PVOID)&AclSizeInfo, sizeof(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), AclSizeInformation))) { DbgPrint("RtlQueryInformationAcl size info Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; } if ((AclSizeInfo.AceCount != 6) || (AclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse != (sizeof(ACL)+6*sizeof(STANDARD_ACE))) || (AclSizeInfo.AclBytesFree != 512 - AclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse)) { DbgPrint("RtlAclSize Error\n"); DbgPrint("AclSizeInfo.AceCount = %8lx\n", AclSizeInfo.AceCount); DbgPrint("AclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse = %8lx\n", AclSizeInfo.AclBytesInUse); DbgPrint("AclSizeInfo.AclBytesFree = %8lx\n", AclSizeInfo.AclBytesFree); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestSetInformationAcl() { UCHAR Buffer[512]; PACL Acl; ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION AclRevisionInfo;
Acl = (PACL)Buffer;
BuildAcl( Fred, Acl, 512 );
// Set the revision information to the current revision level
AclRevisionInfo.AclRevision = ACL_REVISION; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlSetInformationAcl( Acl, (PVOID)&AclRevisionInfo, sizeof(ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION), AclRevisionInformation))) { DbgPrint("RtlSetInformationAcl revision info error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Set the revision information to something wrong
AclRevisionInfo.AclRevision = ACL_REVISION+1; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlSetInformationAcl( Acl, (PVOID)&AclRevisionInfo, sizeof(ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION), AclRevisionInformation))) { DbgPrint("RtlSetInformationAcl revision to wrong info error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestAddAce() { UCHAR AclBuffer[512]; PACL Acl;
Acl = (PACL)AclBuffer;
// Create a good large acl
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlCreateAcl( Acl, 512, 1))) { DbgPrint("RtlCreateAcl Error large Acl : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// test add ace to add two aces to an empty acl
AceList[0].Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; AceList[0].Header.AceSize = sizeof(STANDARD_ACE); AceList[0].Header.InheritFlags = 0; AceList[0].Header.AceFlags = 0; AceList[0].Mask = 0x22222222; CopyGuid(&AceList[0].Guid, &FredGuid);
AceList[1].Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; AceList[1].Header.AceSize = sizeof(STANDARD_ACE); AceList[1].Header.InheritFlags = 0; AceList[1].Header.AceFlags = 0; AceList[1].Mask = 0x44444444; CopyGuid(&AceList[1].Guid, &WilmaGuid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlAddAce( Acl, 1, 0, AceList, 2*sizeof(STANDARD_ACE)))) { DbgPrint("RtlAddAce to empty acl Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// test add ace to add one to the beginning of an acl
AceList[0].Header.AceType = SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE; AceList[0].Header.AceSize = sizeof(STANDARD_ACE); AceList[0].Header.InheritFlags = 0; AceList[0].Header.AceFlags = 0; AceList[0].Mask = 0x11111111; CopyGuid(&AceList[0].Guid, &PebblesGuid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlAddAce( Acl, 1, 0, AceList, sizeof(STANDARD_ACE)))) { DbgPrint("RtlAddAce to beginning of acl Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// test add ace to add one to the middle of an acl
AceList[0].Header.AceType = ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE; AceList[0].Header.AceSize = sizeof(STANDARD_ACE); AceList[0].Header.InheritFlags = 0; AceList[0].Header.AceFlags = 0; AceList[0].Mask = 0x33333333; CopyGuid(&AceList[0].Guid, &DinoGuid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlAddAce( Acl, 1, 2, AceList, sizeof(STANDARD_ACE)))) { DbgPrint("RtlAddAce to middle of acl Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// test add ace to add one to the end of an acl
AceList[0].Header.AceType = ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE; AceList[0].Header.AceSize = sizeof(STANDARD_ACE); AceList[0].Header.InheritFlags = 0; AceList[0].Header.AceFlags = 0; AceList[0].Mask = 0x55555555; CopyGuid(&AceList[0].Guid, &FlintstoneGuid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlAddAce( Acl, 1, MAXULONG, AceList, sizeof(STANDARD_ACE)))) { DbgPrint("RtlAddAce to end of an acl Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestDeleteAce() { UCHAR Buffer[512]; PACL Acl;
Acl = (PACL)Buffer;
BuildAcl( Fred, Acl, 512 );
// test delete first ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlDeleteAce(Acl, 0))) { DbgPrint("RtlDeleteAce first ace Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// test delete middle ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlDeleteAce(Acl, 2))) { DbgPrint("RtlDeleteAce middle ace Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// test delete last ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlDeleteAce(Acl, 3))) { DbgPrint("RtlDeleteAce last ace Error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestGetAce() { UCHAR Buffer[512]; PACL Acl;
Acl = (PACL)Buffer;
BuildAcl( Fred, Acl, 512 );
// Get first ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlGetAce(Acl, 0, (PVOID)&Ace))) { DbgPrint("RtlGetAce first ace error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// Get middle ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlGetAce(Acl, 3, (PVOID)&Ace))) { DbgPrint("RtlGetAce middle ace error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
// Get last ace
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = RtlGetAce(Acl, 5, (PVOID)&Ace))) { DbgPrint("RtlGetAce last ace error : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// RtlDumpAcl(Acl);
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestAccessCheck() { UCHAR AclBuffer[1024]; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; PACL Acl;
UCHAR TokenBuffer[512]; PACCESS_TOKEN Token;
Acl = (PACL)AclBuffer; BuildAcl( Fred, Acl, 1024 );
Token = (PACCESS_TOKEN)TokenBuffer; BuildToken( Fred, Token );
DiscretionarySecurityDescriptor( &SecurityDescriptor, Acl );
// Test should be successful based on aces
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtAccessCheck( &SecurityDescriptor, Token, 0x00000001, NULL ))) { DbgPrint("NtAccessCheck Error should allow access : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Test should be successful based on owner
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtAccessCheck( &SecurityDescriptor, Token, READ_CONTROL, &FredGuid ))) { DbgPrint("NtAccessCheck Error should allow owner : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Test should be unsuccessful based on aces
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtAccessCheck( &SecurityDescriptor, Token, 0x0000000f, &FredGuid ))) { DbgPrint("NtAccessCheck Error shouldn't allow access : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
// Test should be unsuccessful based on non owner
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtAccessCheck( &SecurityDescriptor, Token, READ_CONTROL, &BarneyGuid ))) { DbgPrint("NtAccessCheck Error shouldn't allow non owner access : %8lx\n", Status); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN TestGenerateMessage() { return TRUE; }