// main.cpp : Implementation of DLL Exports.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "PromptForPathDlg.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "stdio.h"
CComModule _Module;
VOID DisableBalloons( BOOL bDisable );
VOID AddBS( TCHAR* psz ) { if( !_tcslen(psz) ) { return; }
const TCHAR *szTemp = psz; const UINT iSize = _tcslen(psz); // MBCS-safe walk thru string to last char
for (UINT ui = 0; ui < iSize; ui++) szTemp = CharNext(szTemp);
// See if the last char is a "\"
if (_tcsncmp( szTemp, _T("\\"), 1)) { // Append a backslash
_tcscat( psz, _T("\\") ); }
int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int /*nShowCmd*/) { USES_CONVERSION; CoInitialize(NULL); _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance); TCHAR* pszLocation = NULL;
// Necessary to grab argv[0] too so we can successfully parse argv[1] flag later... (_FindOption)
lpCmdLine = GetCommandLine();
if ( _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, _T("winsb")) ) { g_bWinSB = TRUE; } else { g_bWinSB = FALSE; }
INT iRetVal = 0; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH * 2];
g_bSBS = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFO cInfo; cInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( cInfo ); if (!GetVersionEx( &cInfo )) goto CLEAN_UP;
if( cInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5 ) { OSVERSIONINFOEX cInfoEx; cInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( cInfoEx ); GetVersionEx( (OSVERSIONINFO*)&cInfoEx ); if( (cInfoEx.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS) || (cInfoEx.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED) ) { g_bSBS = TRUE; } } // Supress the balloons!!
// look for the /suppresscys switch
if( SUCCEEDED(CheckSuppressCYS(lpCmdLine)) ) { goto CLEAN_UP; }
// look for the /dcpromo switch on the command line. if it's there, setup to re-startup
// with the rest of the command line, and then launch dcpromo.exe
if( SUCCEEDED(CheckDCPromoSwitch(lpCmdLine)) ) { // can check here for needing to show a message (i.e. if hr == S_FALSE)
goto CLEAN_UP; }
// if we didn't find /dcpromo, look for /bossetup and /bosunattend
if( SUCCEEDED(CheckBOSSwitch(lpCmdLine)) ) { // can check here for needing to show a message (i.e. if hr == S_FALSE)
goto CLEAN_UP; }
// Parse the cmdLine arguments to find out if we are setting up for BOS/SBS 5.0 Setup.
INT iRunSetup = ParseCmdLine( lpCmdLine );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse command line the "real" way to look for the /l <setup location>
// parameter.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
pszLocation = new TCHAR[_tcslen(lpCmdLine)+1]; if ( !pszLocation ) { goto CLEAN_UP; } _tcscpy( pszLocation, _T("") ); if( pszLocation != NULL ) { LPCTSTR lpszToken; LPTSTR pszCurrentPos;
for ( lpszToken = _FindOption(lpCmdLine) ; // Init to no bad usage and get the first param.
(lpszToken != NULL) && (pszCurrentPos = const_cast<LPTSTR>(lpszToken)) ; // While no bad usage and we still have a param...
lpszToken = _FindOption(pszCurrentPos) ) // Get the next parameter.
{ switch(*pszCurrentPos) { case _T('l'): // /l <setup location>
case _T('L'): { _ReadParam(pszCurrentPos, pszLocation); break; } } } }
if ( iRunSetup ) { // safely construct path from commandline if it exists.
INT iLaunchSetup = 1; CComBSTR bszPath = pszLocation ? pszLocation : _T(""); CComBSTR bszFilename = _T("setup.exe");
CComBSTR bszSetupFile = _T(""); bszSetupFile += bszPath; bszSetupFile += bszFilename;
// First try out the path we got from the command line
if( !VerifyPath((TCHAR*)OLE2T(bszSetupFile)) ) { // If not, try getting one from the registry.
TCHAR * szSourcePath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; if (szSourcePath) { if ( !GetSourcePath( szSourcePath, MAX_PATH ) ) { // Error reading the registry.
szSourcePath[0] = 0; } else { AddBS(szSourcePath); } bszPath = szSourcePath; delete [] szSourcePath; }
// Launch BO Setup
bszSetupFile = _T(""); bszSetupFile += bszPath; bszSetupFile += bszFilename;
// Try the default directory.
if ( !VerifyPath((TCHAR*)OLE2T(bszSetupFile)) ) { // If BOS/SBS setup.exe isn't there, prompt them for it.
iLaunchSetup = PromptForPath( &bszPath ); } } else { // clean off trailing backslash from bszPath so that the append of \setup.exe works.
// the conditional logic here is a little ugly, but it works.
WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; int cbPathSize; wcscpy( wszPath, (WCHAR *)OLE2W(bszPath) ); cbPathSize = wcslen( wszPath ); wszPath[cbPathSize-1] = '\0'; bszPath = wszPath; }
// If the user wants to run setup...
if ( iLaunchSetup ) { CComBSTR bstrEXE = bszPath; // NOTE: No longer branching here because both WinSB and SBS have the same CD layout now.
// if ( _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, _T("winsb")) ) // In the WinSB SKU, setup.exe is in a different dir.
// {
bstrEXE += _T("\\setup\\i386\\setup.exe"); // }
// else
// {
// bstrEXE += _T("\\sbs\\i386\\setup.exe");
// }
CComBSTR bstrRun = _T("setup.exe /chain");
// CreateProcess.
STARTUPINFO suinfo; memset( &suinfo, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); suinfo.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO ); PROCESS_INFORMATION pinfo;
if( CreateProcess( (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrEXE), (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrRun), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &suinfo, &pinfo) ) { CloseHandle(pinfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread); }
} else { // Nothing I guess.. let's just continue on with the cleanup.
// Clean up (remove BOSPrep.exe).
TCHAR szSBS[MAX_PATH]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SBSSwitch, szSBS, sizeof(szSBS) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); if( _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, szSBS) ) { TCHAR szExe[MAX_PATH]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_EXEName, szExe, sizeof(szExe) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
SHGetSpecialFolderPath( NULL, szPath, CSIDL_SYSTEM, FALSE ); AddBS( szPath ); _tcscat( szPath, szExe ); } else { TCHAR* szDrive = NULL; GetSystemDrive(&szDrive); lstrcpyn( szPath, szDrive, MAX_PATH ); delete [] szDrive;
AddBS( szPath ); _tcscat( szPath, _T("bosprep.exe")); }
// Clean up (remove the shortcut from the StartUp folder).
TCHAR szLinkPath[MAX_PATH + 64]; if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szLinkPath, CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP, FALSE) ) { TCHAR szTmp[64]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_BOlnk, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); _tcscat( szLinkPath, szTmp ); DeleteFile( szLinkPath ); } } else { // Fix up the userinit regkey to make sure that DCPromo.exe is not in there.
RemoveFromUserinit( _T("DCPromo") );
// Suppress the Configure Your Server page.
// Add ourself to the StartUp with the /setup option so that we can
// begin BackOffice setup.
// JeffZi: bosprep.exe will be copied to %PROGFILESDIR%\Microsoft BackOffice\Setup, except for
// SBS clean install cases, where it will be in %windir%\system32
if( _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, _T("sbs")) || _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, _T("winsb")) ) { TCHAR szExe[MAX_PATH]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_EXEName, szExe, sizeof(szExe) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
SHGetSpecialFolderPath( NULL, szPath, CSIDL_SYSTEM, FALSE ); AddBS( szPath ); _tcscat( szPath, szExe ); } else { TCHAR* szDrive = NULL; GetSystemDrive(&szDrive); _tcsncpy( szPath, szDrive, sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); delete [] szDrive; AddBS( szPath ); _tcscat( szPath, _T("bosprep.exe")); }
if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szLinkPath, CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP, FALSE) ) { TCHAR szArgs[128]; // Used for IDS_IDS_SetupSwitch ("/setup")
TCHAR szTmp[64]; // Used for IDS_BOlnk ("\\boinst.lnk")
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_BOlnk, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); _tcscat( szLinkPath, szTmp); LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SetupSwitch, szArgs, sizeof(szArgs)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
if ( _tcsstr(lpCmdLine, _T("winsb")) ) { _tcscat( szArgs, _T(" /winsb") ); }
// Create the shortcut.
MakeLink(szPath, szLinkPath, szArgs); }
// Set the AppCompatibility\store.exe regkeys for SBS only.
if ( g_bSBS ) { HKEY hk = NULL; CRegKey cKey; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwDisp = 0; BYTE byTmp; BYTE byArray[1024]; TCHAR szKeyName[1024]; TCHAR szTmpKey[1024]; TCHAR szTmpVal[4096]; TCHAR *pszToken = NULL;
memset(byArray, 0, 1024); _tcscpy(szKeyName, _T("")); _tcscpy(szTmpKey, _T("")); _tcscpy(szTmpVal, _T(""));
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_StoreExeKey, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
if ( RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hk, &dwDisp) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // "DllPatch-SBSUpgrade" = "_sbsw2ku.dll"
/* LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_DllPatchSBSUpgrade, szTmpKey, sizeof(szTmpKey)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_DllPatchVal, szTmpVal, sizeof(szTmpVal)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); RegSetValueEx( hk, szTmpKey, NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szTmpVal, (_tcslen(szTmpVal)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR) ); */ // "SBSUpgrade"=hex:0C,00,00,00, ... etc
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SBSUpgrade, szTmpKey, sizeof(szTmpKey)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SBSUpgradeVal, szTmpVal, sizeof(szTmpVal)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
dwSize = 0; pszToken = _tcstok(szTmpVal, ","); while ( pszToken ) { byTmp = 0; if(1==_stscanf( pszToken, _T("%x"), &byTmp )) { byArray[dwSize++] = byTmp; } else { byArray[dwSize++]= 0; } pszToken = _tcstok(NULL, ","); } RegSetValueEx( hk, szTmpKey, NULL, REG_BINARY, byArray, dwSize );
cKey.Close(); } } }
CLEAN_UP: // Exit.
if (pszLocation) delete [] pszLocation; CoUninitialize(); _Module.Term(); return iRetVal; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parseCmdLine()
// Goes through the command line and checks if the "/setup" option is
// present. Since this program isn't really meant to be interactively
// launched by the user, we will be a little sloppy with the way we look
// at the commandline arguments. That is, instead of making sure that there
// is only one commandline argument, and that it "/setup"... we will instead
// just try to find "/setup" somewhere in the commandline.
// Return:
// 0 if the setup switch string was NOT found in the cmd line.
// 1 if the setup switch string WAS found in the cmd line.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT ParseCmdLine( LPTSTR lpCmdLine ) { TCHAR szSetup[MAX_PATH];
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SetupSwitch, szSetup, sizeof(szSetup)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
// If we find the setup switch string (/setup) in the cmd line, then we are setting
// up to run BackOffice setup, so we'll return 1.
if ( _tcsstr( lpCmdLine, szSetup ) ) return(1);
return(0); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// promptForPath()
// Displays UI to the user asking for the location of the BackOffice 5 CD1
// so that we can launch setup.
// Return:
// 0 if the user pressed cancel when prompted for the path.
// 1 if we're ready to launch setup!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT PromptForPath( BSTR* pbszPath ) { USES_CONVERSION; INT_PTR iRet = 0; CPromptForPathDlg* pPromptDlg = NULL; TCHAR szTmpMsg[MAX_PATH];
if( !pbszPath ) return (0);
CComBSTR bszDefault = *pbszPath; if (!bszDefault) return 0; SysFreeString( *pbszPath ); HWND hWndParent = GetActiveWindow();
pPromptDlg = new CPromptForPathDlg( bszDefault, _Module.m_hInst, g_bWinSB ); if ( !pPromptDlg ) return(0);
bool bNotDone = true; while (bNotDone == true) { iRet = pPromptDlg->DoModal( hWndParent ); pPromptDlg->m_hWnd = NULL; if( iRet == IDOK ) { // leave this as a SysAllocString
*pbszPath = SysAllocString( pPromptDlg->m_bszDef ); if (*pbszPath == NULL) goto CLEAN_UP;
CComBSTR bszTmp = *pbszPath; bszTmp += _T("\\setup.exe"); // Check if the path they chose was correct.
if ( VerifyPath((TCHAR*)OLE2T(bszTmp)) ) { bNotDone = false; // If so, let's just move on.
} else { bNotDone = true; // If not, ask again.
SysFreeString( *pbszPath ); LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_CantFindMsg, szTmpMsg, sizeof(szTmpMsg)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); TCHAR szTmpTitle[128]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, g_bWinSB ? IDS_WinSBTitle : IDS_SBSTitle, szTmpTitle, sizeof(szTmpTitle)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); ::MessageBox( hWndParent, szTmpMsg, szTmpTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } } else if ( iRet == IDCANCEL ) { INT iDoCancel = 0; // note we do NOT use iRet here
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, g_bWinSB ? IDS_WinSBCancelCDPrompt : IDS_SBSCancelCDPrompt, szTmpMsg, sizeof(szTmpMsg)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); TCHAR szTmpTitle[MAX_PATH]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, g_bWinSB ? IDS_WinSBTitle : IDS_SBSTitle, szTmpTitle, sizeof(szTmpTitle)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); iDoCancel = ::MessageBox( hWndParent, szTmpMsg, szTmpTitle, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 );
if ( iDoCancel == IDYES ) { bNotDone = false; } // else we will reprompt them for the CD
} else { // we don't know how to handle any other return values
//::MessageBox(::GetForegroundWindow(), _T("AHhhhhhhhhhh"), _T("DEBUG"), MB_OK);
} }
CLEAN_UP: if (pPromptDlg) { delete pPromptDlg; pPromptDlg = NULL; }
return( iRet==IDOK ? 1 : 0 ); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeFromUserinit()
// Opens the Userinit registry key and searches for the 'szToRemove' string.
// If it finds the string, it removes that entry from the string.
// (i.e. it removes the string and also the following comma and spaces).
// NOTE: This function only removes the first occurance of the szToRemove.
// If you want to remove all occurances, simply loop around this
// function until the returned value is 0.
// Return:
// 0 if an error of any kind occured.
// 1 if everything went as planned.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT RemoveFromUserinit(const TCHAR * szToRemove) { TCHAR szToRemCpy[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * szBuffer = NULL; TCHAR * szTmpBuf = NULL; TCHAR * ptc = NULL; TCHAR * p = NULL; TCHAR * q = NULL; DWORD dwOffset = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0; BOOL bAlreadyFixed = FALSE; CRegKey cKey;
// Check to make sure a valid string was passed in.
// ASSERT(szToRemove);
if (!szToRemove) return(0); // If error, return 0.
// Copy the passed in string to our "szToRemCpy"
_tcsncpy(szToRemCpy, szToRemove, MAX_PATH); szToRemCpy[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;
// Try to open the regkey.
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_UserInitKeyLoc, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return(0); // If error, return 0.
if ( !(szBuffer = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]) ) // Malloc and check...
cKey.Close(); // Close the regkey.
return(0); // If error, return 0.
// Try to get the value of "userinit"
dwLen = MAX_PATH; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_UserInitKeyName, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.QueryValue(szBuffer, szKeyName, &dwLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { delete[] szBuffer; // Free up that memory.
cKey.Close(); // Close the regkey.
return(0); // If error, return 0.
_tcslwr(szBuffer); // Convert to lowercase.
_tcslwr(szToRemCpy); // Convert to lowercase.
// See if the 'szToRemCpy' string is in the userinit string.
if ( (ptc = _tcsstr(szBuffer, szToRemCpy)) == NULL ) { delete[] szBuffer; cKey.Close(); // Close the regkey.
return(0); }
dwOffset = _tcslen(szToRemCpy); for ( ; (ptc != szBuffer) && (*ptc != _T(',')); ptc--, dwOffset++ ); // Find the comma before this if it exists.
// AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. fix that char (',').
if ( ptc != szBuffer ) // If we found a comma,
bAlreadyFixed = true; // then signal that we already removed a comma.
// Now that we know that the string to remove is indeed in the userinit regkey (and 'ptc' points to
// the beginning of that sub string), we can copy all of the old buffer into the new buffer and
// just omit the szToRemove part.
if ( !(szTmpBuf = new TCHAR[dwLen]) ) { // ASSERT(FALSE);
delete[] szBuffer; cKey.Close(); return(0); }
// p = Source string
// q = Target string
for ( p = szBuffer, q = szTmpBuf; (*p != 0) && (p != ptc); *q++ = *p++ ); // Copy until we hit the beginning of what we want to remove.
if ( *p != 0 ) p += dwOffset; // Move our source pointer forward.
for ( ; (*p != 0) && (*p != _T(',')); p++ ); // AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. fix that char (',').
if ( !bAlreadyFixed ) { // If we haven't already removed a comma,
if (*p != 0) p++; // then let's remove this one.
} for ( ; (*p != 0) && (_istspace(*p)); p++ ); // Find the beginning of the next program.
for ( ; *p != 0; *q++ = *p++ ); // Now copy until the end.
*q = 0;
// Now right the new and improved string to the registry.
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_UserInitKeyName, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); cKey.SetValue( szTmpBuf, szKeyName );
delete[] szTmpBuf; // Free up that memory.
delete[] szBuffer; // Free up that memory.
cKey.Close(); // Close the regkey.
return(1); // Return success.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// suppressCfgSrvPage()
// Opens the "show" registry key and changes it's value to 0 to turn off the
// "Configure Your Server" screen.
// Return:
// 0 if an error of any kind occured.
// 1 if everything went as planned.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT SuppressCfgSrvPage(void) { TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwTmp=0; CRegKey cKey;
// Try to open the regkey.
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_CfgSrvKeyLoc, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKeyName) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return(0); // If error, return 0.
// Try to set the value.
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_CfgSrvKeyName, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.SetValue(dwTmp, szKeyName) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { cKey.Close(); // Close the regkey.
return(0); // If error, return 0.
cKey.Close(); return(1); }
INT GetSourcePath( TCHAR * szPath, DWORD dwCount ) { TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; CRegKey cKey; DWORD dw = dwCount;
// Try to open the regkey.
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SourcePathLoc, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return(0);
// Try to get the value
LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_SourcePathName, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( cKey.QueryValue( szPath, szKeyName, &dw ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { cKey.Close(); return(0); }
cKey.Close(); return(1); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// verifyPath()
// Checks to make sure that the BOS/SBS setup.exe exists at the given location.
// Returns:
// 0 if BOS/SBS setup was not found at that location
// 1 if setup WAS found at the location.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT VerifyPath( const TCHAR *szPath ) { if( !szPath ) return (0);
return (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES != GetFileAttributes(szPath)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// makeLink()
// This function creates a shortcut, "sourcePath," that points to "linkPath"
// with the commandline arguments of "args."
// Return:
// S_OK if the shortcut was successfully created.
// Some sort of error (FAILED(hr)) if any error occured.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT MakeLink(const TCHAR* const sourcePath, const TCHAR* const linkPath, const TCHAR* const args) { if ( !sourcePath || !linkPath || !args ) return(E_FAIL);
IShellLink* pShellLink = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pShellLink)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto CLEAN_UP;
hr = pShellLink->SetPath(sourcePath); if (FAILED(hr)) goto CLEAN_UP;
hr = pShellLink->SetArguments(args); if (FAILED(hr)) goto CLEAN_UP;
IPersistFile* pPersistFile = NULL; hr = pShellLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPersistFile)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto CLEAN_UP;
USES_CONVERSION; hr = pPersistFile->Save(T2OLE(linkPath), TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CLEAN_UP: if (pPersistFile) pPersistFile->Release(); if (pShellLink) pShellLink->Release();
return hr; }
HRESULT CheckDCPromoSwitch( TCHAR* pszCmdLine ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComBSTR bstrRun; CComBSTR bstrEXE;
TCHAR* pszDCPromo = NULL; TCHAR* pszBOSUnattend = NULL; TCHAR* pszBOSSetup = NULL; TCHAR* pszNewCmd = NULL;
if (!pszCmdLine) return E_INVALIDARG;
pszDCPromo = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!pszDCPromo) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
GetParameter( pszCmdLine, _T("/dcpromo"), pszDCPromo ); if( !_tcslen(pszDCPromo) ) { hr = E_FAIL; goto CLEAN_UP; }
// make sure that /bosunattend and /bossetup are on the cmd line as well
pszBOSUnattend = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!pszBOSUnattend) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } GetParameter( pszCmdLine, _T("/bosunattend"), pszBOSUnattend );
pszBOSSetup = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!pszBOSSetup) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } GetParameter( pszCmdLine, _T("/bossetup"), pszBOSSetup );
if( !_tcslen(pszBOSSetup) || !_tcslen(pszBOSUnattend) ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto CLEAN_UP; }
// build the new command line (basically remove the dcpromo switch)
pszNewCmd = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszBOSSetup) + _tcslen(pszBOSUnattend) + MAX_PATH]; if (!pszNewCmd) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } _tcscpy( pszNewCmd, _T("/bosunattend ") ); _tcscat( pszNewCmd, pszBOSUnattend ); _tcscat( pszNewCmd, _T(" /bossetup ") ); _tcscat( pszNewCmd, pszBOSSetup );
// get the path to our exe
TCHAR szOurPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; if (!GetModuleFileName( NULL, szOurPath, MAX_PATH * 2 )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEAN_UP; }
// make the path to the .lnk
TCHAR szTmp[64]; // Used for IDS_BOlnk ("\\boinst.lnk")
if (0 == LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_BOlnk, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)/sizeof(TCHAR) )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEAN_UP; }
TCHAR szLinkPath[MAX_PATH + 64]; if (!SHGetSpecialFolderPath( NULL, szLinkPath, CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP, FALSE )) { // MSDN doesn't indicate that SHGetSpecialFolderPath sets GetLastError
hr = E_FAIL; goto CLEAN_UP; }
_tcscat( szLinkPath, szTmp );
// create the startup link
if (FAILED(hr = MakeLink( szOurPath, szLinkPath, pszNewCmd ))) goto CLEAN_UP;
// run dcpromo.exe with the command line
// Ensure path is enclosed in quotes
bstrEXE = _T("\""); TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szPath, sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto CLEAN_UP; } bstrEXE += szPath; bstrEXE += _T("dcpromo.exe\""); bstrRun = _T("dcpromo.exe /answer:"); bstrRun += pszDCPromo;
if( CreateProcess( (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrEXE), (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrRun), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) ) { do { dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &pi.hProcess, FALSE, 100, QS_ALLINPUT); if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } while (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwRet != WAIT_FAILED); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); }
CLEAN_UP: if (pszDCPromo) delete [] pszDCPromo; if (pszBOSUnattend) delete [] pszBOSUnattend; if (pszBOSSetup) delete [] pszBOSSetup; if (pszNewCmd) delete [] pszNewCmd; return hr; }
HRESULT CheckBOSSwitch( TCHAR* pszCmdLine ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComBSTR bstrEXE; CComBSTR bstrRun;
TCHAR* pszBOSUnattend = NULL; TCHAR* pszBOSSetup = NULL;
// remove the old .lnk file
TCHAR szLinkPath[MAX_PATH + 64]; if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szLinkPath, CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP, FALSE) ) { TCHAR szTmp[64]; LoadString( _Module.m_hInst, IDS_BOlnk, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); _tcscat( szLinkPath, szTmp ); DeleteFile( szLinkPath ); }
// look for the switches
pszBOSUnattend = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!pszCmdLine) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } GetParameter( pszCmdLine, _T("/bosunattend"), pszBOSUnattend );
pszBOSSetup = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!pszBOSSetup) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } GetParameter( pszCmdLine, _T("/bossetup"), pszBOSSetup );
if( !_tcslen(pszBOSSetup) || !_tcslen(pszBOSUnattend) ) { hr = E_FAIL; goto CLEAN_UP; }
USES_CONVERSION; // build the path via the bossetup, the unattend switch, then the unattend file
bstrEXE = _T("\""); // Ensure path is in quotes
bstrEXE += T2OLE(pszBOSSetup); bstrEXE += _T("\""); bstrRun = _T("/unattendfile "); bstrRun += T2OLE(pszBOSUnattend);
STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; DWORD dwRet; memset( &si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ); si.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO );
if( CreateProcess( (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrEXE), (TCHAR*)OLE2T(bstrRun), NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) ) { do { dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &pi.hProcess, FALSE, 100, QS_ALLINPUT); if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } while (dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwRet != WAIT_FAILED); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } CLEAN_UP: if (pszBOSUnattend) delete [] pszBOSUnattend; if (pszBOSSetup) delete [] pszBOSSetup; return hr; }
VOID GetParameter( TCHAR* pszCmdLine, TCHAR* pszFindSwitch, TCHAR* pszOut ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( pszOut ) _tcscpy( pszOut, _T("") );
if (!pszCmdLine || !pszFindSwitch || !pszOut) return;
TCHAR* psz = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!psz) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CLEAN_UP; } _tcscpy( psz, pszCmdLine ); _tcslwr( psz );
// look for the switch
TCHAR* pszSwitch = NULL; if( !(pszSwitch = _tcsstr(psz, pszFindSwitch)) ) { goto CLEAN_UP; }
// find the space
for( ; *pszSwitch && !_istspace(*pszSwitch); ++pszSwitch ); if( !(*pszSwitch) || !(*(++pszSwitch)) ) { goto CLEAN_UP; }
// if we have a ", we'll look for the next ", else look for a space
bool bQuote = false; TCHAR* pszStart = pszSwitch; if( *pszSwitch == _T('"') ) { bQuote = true; ++pszSwitch; }
// inc the pointer until we get either a " or a space
for( ; *pszSwitch && (bQuote ? (*pszSwitch != _T('"')) : (!_istspace(*pszSwitch))); ++pszSwitch );
// if we're at the end and were looking for a quote, fail.
if( !(*pszSwitch) && bQuote ) { goto CLEAN_UP; } // if we have a ", inc past it
else if( bQuote ) { ++pszSwitch; } *pszSwitch = 0; _tcscpy( pszOut, pszStart );
CLEAN_UP: if (psz) delete [] psz; return;
HRESULT CheckSuppressCYS( TCHAR* pszCmdLine ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!pszCmdLine) return E_INVALIDARG;
TCHAR* psz = new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszCmdLine) + 1]; if (!psz) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_tcscpy( psz, pszCmdLine ); _tcslwr( psz );
if( _tcsstr(psz, "/suppresscys") ) { SuppressCfgSrvPage(); } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
if (psz) delete [] psz; return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DisableBalloons()
// This function uses the following regkey to disable all balloon messages:
// HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
// EnableBalloonTips = 0x0 or 0x1
// If bDisable = TRUE, then we disable the balloons (0x0)
// if bDisable = FALSE, then we enable the balloons (0x1)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID DisableBalloons( BOOL bDisable ) { HKEY hk = NULL; DWORD dwVal = bDisable ? 0x0 : 0x1;
RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced"), NULL, NULL, NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hk, NULL); if ( hk ) { if ( RegSetValueEx(hk, _T("EnableBalloonTips"), NULL, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwVal, sizeof(dwVal)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // ASSERT(FALSE);
RegCloseKey(hk); } }
VOID GetSystemDrive(TCHAR** ppszDrive) { if (!ppszDrive) return; *ppszDrive = NULL;
TCHAR szWindows[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; if (0 != GetWindowsDirectory(szWindows, sizeof(szWindows) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { *ppszDrive = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath(szWindows, *ppszDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL); } }