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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML> <HEAD> <!-- PAGE TITLE: DO NOT MODIFY --> <TITLE>out of box experience</TITLE>
<!-- LINK TO EXTERNAL STYLE SHEET: DO NOT MODIFY --> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../setup/oobestyl.css"> <SCRIPT> function ScreenResolutionInit() { // TODO: Place code for spacing on 1024x768 resolution here // if(window.top.screen.width > 800) { spanScreenResolution.style.visibility='hidden'; } }
function ApplySettings() { Engine.ApplySettings("g:\\windows\\system32\\usmt\\migism.inf"); }
function CancelApply() { Engine.Cancel(); }
function CancelApplySetup() { document.all("btnSkip").onclick = CancelApply; }
function IntDiv(x, y) { return ((x - (x % y)) / y); }
<script for="Engine" event="OnProgress(total,done,msg)"> var ticks = IntDiv((done * 32), total); for (var j = 1; j <= ticks; j++) { document.all("progress"+j).style.background="blue"; } for (var j = ticks+1; j <= 32; j++) { document.all("progress"+j).style.background="lightblue"; } </script>
<script for="Engine" event="OnComplete(msg)"> if (msg == "Fail") { window.parent.migwizPage5_Fail(); } else if (msg == "Cancel") { window.parent.migwizPage5_Back(); } else if (msg == "No Disk") { window.parent.migwizPage5_NoDisk(); } else { window.parent.migwizPage5_Next(); } </script>
<BODY TABINDEX=-1 ONLOAD="ScreenResolutionInit(); window.parent.migwizInteriorPage5_LoadMe();CancelApplySetup();window.parent.Agent_Activate('MODULE');ApplySettings();" ONUNLOAD="window.parent.Agent_Deactivate();" STYLE="background-image: url(../../images/watermrk.gif); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:white;" > <OBJECT id="Engine" classid="clsid:67331D85-BE17-42f6-8D3F-47B8E8B26637" tabIndex=-1></object> <TABLE ALIGN=center BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"> <TR> <TD ID=leftmargincell WIDTH=7%> <!-- This cell is empty by design --> </TD> <TD ID=maincell CLASS="text-primary"> <BR><BR>
<!-- TITLE TEXT -->
<SPAN CLASS="title"> <ID ID=migwiz_TitleText> <!-- TODO: modify page title text --> Transfer in Progress </ID> </SPAN>
<DIV CLASS="text-primary"> <ID ID=migwiz_Text1> <!-- TODO: Modify explanatory text --> The Migration Wizard is now transferring files and settings to your new computer. </ID> </DIV> <SPAN ID=spanScreenResolution> <!--
This span is used to create the correct amount of vertical space in 800x600 screen resolution. --> <BR><BR> </SPAN> <DIV CLASS="text-primary"> <ID ID=migwiz_Text2> <!-- TODO: Modify explanatory text or remove if not required --> <table height=10 bgcolor=lightblue width=86%> <tr> <td ID=progress1></td> <td ID=progress2></td> <td ID=progress3></td> <td ID=progress4></td> <td ID=progress5></td> <td ID=progress6></td> <td ID=progress7></td> <td ID=progress8></td> <td ID=progress9></td> <td ID=progress10></td> <td ID=progress11></td> <td ID=progress12></td> <td ID=progress13></td> <td ID=progress14></td> <td ID=progress15></td> <td ID=progress16></td> <td ID=progress17></td> <td ID=progress18></td> <td ID=progress19></td> <td ID=progress20></td> <td ID=progress21></td> <td ID=progress22></td> <td ID=progress23></td> <td ID=progress24></td> <td ID=progress25></td> <td ID=progress26></td> <td ID=progress27></td> <td ID=progress28></td> <td ID=progress29></td> <td ID=progress30></td> <td ID=progress31></td> <td ID=progress32></td> </tr> </table> </ID> <ID ID=migwiz_ProgressBar> </ID> Time Elapsed: <ID ID=migwiz_Time>1:30</ID> </DIV>
TODO: * Modify TABINDEX as necessary * Modify ACCESSKEY as necessary * Modify button text as necessary -->
<TABLE BORDER=0 CLASS="buttonposition4"> <TR> <TD WIDTH=99%> </TD> <TD> <BUTTON ID="btnSkip" CLASS="buttons" onClick="CancelApply" TABINDEX=4 ACCESSKEY="C"> <U>C</U>ancel </BUTTON> </TD> <TD> <BUTTON ID="btnBack" CLASS="buttons" TABINDEX=-1 STYLE="visibility:hidden"> <U>B</U>ack </BUTTON> </TD> <TD> <BUTTON ID="btnNext" CLASS="buttons" TABINDEX=-1 STYLE="visibility:hidden"> <U>N</U>ext </BUTTON> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD ID=leftmargincell WIDTH=7%> <!-- This cell is empty by design --> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>