Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
<TODO: fill in abstract>
TODO: <full name> (<alias>) <date>
Revision History:
<full name> (<alias>) <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
#include "wininet.h"
#include <lm.h>
HANDLE g_hHeap; HINSTANCE g_hInst;
BOOL pCallEntryPoints ( DWORD Reason ) { switch (Reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: UtInitialize (NULL); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: UtTerminate (); break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL Init ( VOID ) { g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); g_hInst = GetModuleHandle (NULL);
return pCallEntryPoints (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); }
VOID Terminate ( VOID ) { pCallEntryPoints (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH); }
VOID HelpAndExit ( VOID ) { //
// This routine is called whenever command line args are wrong
fprintf ( stderr, "Command Line Syntax:\n\n"
// TODO: Describe command line syntax(es), indent 2 spaces
" utiltool [/F:file]\n"
// TODO: Describe tool, indent 2 spaces
" <Not Specified>\n"
// TODO: Describe args, indent 2 spaces, say optional if necessary
" /F Specifies optional file name\n"
exit (1); }
HANDLE pOpenAndSetPort ( IN PCTSTR ComPort ) { HANDLE result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; COMMTIMEOUTS commTimeouts; DCB dcb;
// let's open the port. If we can't we just exit with error;
result = CreateFile (ComPort, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return result; }
// we want 10 sec timeout for both read and write
commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0; commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 10000; commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 10000; SetCommTimeouts (result, &commTimeouts);
// let's set some comm state data
if (GetCommState (result, &dcb)) { dcb.fBinary = 1; dcb.fParity = 1; dcb.ByteSize = 8; if (g_Source) { dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200; } else { dcb.BaudRate = CBR_57600; } if (!SetCommState (result, &dcb)) { CloseHandle (result); result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return result; } } else { CloseHandle (result); result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return result; }
return result; }
#define ACK 0x16
#define NAK 0x15
#define SOH 0x01
#define EOT 0x04
BOOL pSendFileToHandle ( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE fileHandle = NULL; BOOL result = TRUE; BYTE buffer [132]; BYTE signal; BYTE currBlock = 0; DWORD numRead; DWORD numWritten; BOOL repeat = FALSE; UINT index;
fileHandle = BfOpenReadFile (FileName); if (!fileHandle) { return FALSE; }
// finally let's start the protocol
// We are going to listen for the NAK(15h) signal.
// As soon as we get it we are going to send a 132 bytes block having:
// 1 byte - SOH (01H)
// 1 byte - block number
// 1 byte - FF - block number
// 128 bytes of data
// 1 byte - checksum - sum of all 128 bytes of data
// After the block is sent, we are going to wait for ACK(16h). If we don't get
// it after timeout or if we get something else we are going to send the block again.
// wait for NAK
while (!ReadFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numRead, NULL) || (numRead != 1) || (signal != NAK) );
repeat = FALSE; while (TRUE) { if (!repeat) { // prepare the next block
currBlock ++; if (currBlock == 0) { result = TRUE; } buffer [0] = SOH; buffer [1] = currBlock; buffer [2] = 0xFF - currBlock; if (!ReadFile (fileHandle, buffer + 3, 128, &numRead, NULL) || (numRead == 0) ) { // we are done with data, send the EOT signal
signal = EOT; WriteFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numWritten, NULL); break; }
// compute the checksum
buffer [sizeof (buffer) - 1] = 0; signal = 0; for (index = 0; index < sizeof (buffer) - 1; index ++) { signal += buffer [index]; } buffer [sizeof (buffer) - 1] = signal; }
// now send the block to the other side
if (!WriteFile (DeviceHandle, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &numWritten, NULL) || (numWritten != sizeof (buffer)) ) { repeat = TRUE; } else { repeat = FALSE; }
if (repeat) { // we could not send the data last time
// let's just wait for a NAK for 10 sec and then send it again
ReadFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numRead, NULL); } else { // we sent it OK. We need to wait for an ACK to come. If we timeout
// or we get something else, we will repeat the block.
if (!ReadFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numRead, NULL) || (numRead != sizeof (signal)) || (signal != ACK) ) { repeat = TRUE; } } }
// we are done here. However, let's listen one more timeout for a
// potential NAK. If we get it, we'll repeat the EOT signal
while (ReadFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numRead, NULL) && (numRead == 1) ) { if (signal == NAK) { signal = EOT; WriteFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numWritten, NULL); } }
CloseHandle (fileHandle);
return result; }
BOOL pSendFile ( IN PCTSTR ComPort, IN PCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE deviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL result = FALSE;
deviceHandle = pOpenAndSetPort (ComPort); if ((!deviceHandle) || (deviceHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { return result; }
result = pSendFileToHandle (deviceHandle, FileName);
CloseHandle (deviceHandle);
return result; }
BOOL pReceiveFileFromHandle ( IN HANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE fileHandle = NULL; BOOL result = TRUE; BYTE buffer [132]; BYTE signal; BYTE currBlock = 1; DWORD numRead; DWORD numWritten; BOOL repeat = TRUE; UINT index;
fileHandle = BfCreateFile (FileName); if (!fileHandle) { return FALSE; }
// finally let's start the protocol
// We are going to send an NAK(15h) signal.
// After that we are going to listen for a block.
// If we don't get the block in time, or the block is wrong size
// or it has a wrong checksum we are going to send a NAK signal,
// otherwise we are going to send an ACK signal
// One exception. If the block size is 1 and the block is actually the
// EOT signal it means we are done.
while (TRUE) { if (repeat) { // send the NAK
signal = NAK; WriteFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numWritten, NULL); } else { // send the ACK
signal = ACK; WriteFile (DeviceHandle, &signal, sizeof (signal), &numWritten, NULL); } repeat = TRUE; // let's read the data block
if (ReadFile (DeviceHandle, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &numRead, NULL)) { if ((numRead == 1) && (buffer [0] == EOT) ) { break; } if (numRead == sizeof (buffer)) { // compute the checksum
signal = 0; for (index = 0; index < sizeof (buffer) - 1; index ++) { signal += buffer [index]; } if (buffer [sizeof (buffer) - 1] == signal) { repeat = FALSE; // checksum is correct, let's see if this is the right block
if (currBlock < buffer [1]) { // this is a major error, the sender is ahead of us,
// we have to fail
result = FALSE; break; } if (currBlock == buffer [1]) { WriteFile (fileHandle, buffer + 3, 128, &numWritten, NULL); currBlock ++; } } } } }
CloseHandle (fileHandle);
return result; }
BOOL pReceiveFile ( IN PCTSTR ComPort, IN PCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE deviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL result = FALSE;
deviceHandle = pOpenAndSetPort (ComPort); if ((!deviceHandle) || (deviceHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { return result; }
result = pReceiveFileFromHandle (deviceHandle, FileName);
CloseHandle (deviceHandle);
return result; }
BOOL pPrintStuff ( PCTSTR ComPort ) { HANDLE comPortHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; COMMTIMEOUTS commTimeouts; DCB dcb; COMMPROP commProp;
printf ("Processing %s...\n\n", ComPort);
comPortHandle = CreateFile (ComPort, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (comPortHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf ("Cannot open comport. Error: %d\n", GetLastError ()); return FALSE; }
if (GetCommTimeouts (comPortHandle, &commTimeouts)) { printf ("Timeouts:\n"); printf ("ReadIntervalTimeout %d\n", commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout); printf ("ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier %d\n", commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier); printf ("ReadTotalTimeoutConstant %d\n", commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant); printf ("WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier %d\n", commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier); printf ("WriteTotalTimeoutConstant %d\n", commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant); printf ("\n"); } else { printf ("Cannot get CommTimeouts. Error: %d\n\n", GetLastError ()); }
if (GetCommState (comPortHandle, &dcb)) { printf ("CommState:\n"); printf ("DCBlength %d\n", dcb.DCBlength); printf ("BaudRate %d\n", dcb.BaudRate); printf ("fBinary %d\n", dcb.fBinary); printf ("fParity %d\n", dcb.fParity); printf ("fOutxCtsFlow %d\n", dcb.fOutxCtsFlow); printf ("fOutxDsrFlow %d\n", dcb.fOutxDsrFlow); printf ("fDtrControl %d\n", dcb.fDtrControl); printf ("fDsrSensitivity %d\n", dcb.fDsrSensitivity); printf ("fTXContinueOnXoff %d\n", dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff); printf ("fOutX %d\n", dcb.fOutX); printf ("fInX %d\n", dcb.fInX); printf ("fErrorChar %d\n", dcb.fErrorChar); printf ("fNull %d\n", dcb.fNull); printf ("fRtsControl %d\n", dcb.fRtsControl); printf ("fAbortOnError %d\n", dcb.fAbortOnError); printf ("fDummy2 %d\n", dcb.fDummy2); printf ("wReserved %d\n", dcb.wReserved); printf ("XonLim %d\n", dcb.XonLim); printf ("XoffLim %d\n", dcb.XoffLim); printf ("ByteSize %d\n", dcb.ByteSize); printf ("Parity %d\n", dcb.Parity); printf ("StopBits %d\n", dcb.StopBits); printf ("XonChar %d\n", dcb.XonChar); printf ("XoffChar %d\n", dcb.XoffChar); printf ("ErrorChar %d\n", dcb.ErrorChar); printf ("EofChar %d\n", dcb.EofChar); printf ("EvtChar %d\n", dcb.EvtChar); printf ("wReserved1 %d\n", dcb.wReserved1); printf ("\n"); } else { printf ("Cannot get CommState. Error: %d\n\n", GetLastError ()); }
if (GetCommProperties (comPortHandle, &commProp)) { printf ("CommProperties:\n"); printf ("wPacketLength %d\n", commProp.wPacketLength); printf ("wPacketVersion %d\n", commProp.wPacketVersion); printf ("dwServiceMask %d\n", commProp.dwServiceMask); printf ("dwReserved1 %d\n", commProp.dwReserved1); printf ("dwMaxTxQueue %d\n", commProp.dwMaxTxQueue); printf ("dwMaxRxQueue %d\n", commProp.dwMaxRxQueue); printf ("dwMaxBaud %d\n", commProp.dwMaxBaud); printf ("dwProvSubType %d\n", commProp.dwProvSubType); printf ("dwProvCapabilities %d\n", commProp.dwProvCapabilities); printf ("dwSettableParams %d\n", commProp.dwSettableParams); printf ("dwSettableBaud %d\n", commProp.dwSettableBaud); printf ("wSettableData %d\n", commProp.wSettableData); printf ("wSettableStopParity %d\n", commProp.wSettableStopParity); printf ("dwCurrentTxQueue %d\n", commProp.dwCurrentTxQueue); printf ("dwCurrentRxQueue %d\n", commProp.dwCurrentRxQueue); printf ("dwProvSpec1 %d\n", commProp.dwProvSpec1); printf ("dwProvSpec2 %d\n", commProp.dwProvSpec2); printf ("wcProvChar %S\n", commProp.wcProvChar); printf ("\n"); } else { printf ("Cannot get CommProperties. Error: %d\n\n", GetLastError ()); } return TRUE; }
INT __cdecl _tmain ( INT argc, PCTSTR argv[] ) { INT i; PCTSTR FileArg = NULL; PCTSTR comPort = NULL; BOOL sender = FALSE;
// TODO: Parse command line here
for (i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == TEXT('/') || argv[i][0] == TEXT('-')) { switch (_totlower (_tcsnextc (&argv[i][1]))) {
case TEXT('f'): //
// Sample option - /f:file
if (argv[i][2] == TEXT(':')) { FileArg = &argv[i][3]; } else if (i + 1 < argc) { FileArg = argv[++i]; } else { HelpAndExit(); }
case TEXT('s'): sender = TRUE; g_Source = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('c'): //
// Sample option - /f:file
if (argv[i][2] == TEXT(':')) { comPort = &argv[i][3]; } else if (i + 1 < argc) { comPort = argv[++i]; } else { HelpAndExit(); }
default: HelpAndExit(); } } else { //
// Parse other args that don't require / or -
// None
HelpAndExit(); } }
// Begin processing
if (!Init()) { return 0; }
// TODO: Do work here
pPrintStuff (comPort);
if (sender) { pSendFile (comPort, FileArg); } else { pReceiveFile (comPort, FileArg); } */ }
// End of processing
return 0; }