#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ntddsac.h>
#include <emsapi.h>
#include <ASSERT.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <spidgen.h>
#include <compliance.h>
#include <winnt32.h>
#include <syssetup.h>
#include <setupbat.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "ems.h"
// winnt32.h wants to define this to MyWritePrivateProfileString.
// Undo that.
#ifdef WritePrivateProfileStringW
#undef WritePrivateProfileStringW
// status globals for keeping track of what the user wanted and entered
BOOL gMiniSetup = FALSE; BOOL gRejectedEula = FALSE;
// EMS channel globals
SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES GlobalChannelAttributes; EMSVTUTF8Channel *gEMSChannel = NULL;
BOOL IsHeadlessPresent( OUT EMSVTUTF8Channel **Channel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if EMS is present by attempting to create the Unattend channel
note: this must be called after InitializeGlobalChannelAttributes Arguments:
Channel - on success, contains a pointer to a channel object Return Value:
TRUE - headless is active and we have a channel FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL RetVal;
*Channel = EMSVTUTF8Channel::Construct(GlobalChannelAttributes);
RetVal = (*Channel != NULL); return(RetVal); } BOOL InitializeGlobalChannelAttributes( PSAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES ChannelAttributes ) /*++
Routine Description:
populate the EMS channel attributes note: this must be called before IsHeadlessPresent Arguments:
ChannelAttributes - on success, contains a pointer to initialized channel attrs. Return Value:
TRUE - headless is active and we have a channel FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING Name,Description; BOOL RetVal = FALSE;
if (!LoadStringResource( &Name, IDS_CHANNEL_NAME )) { goto e0; }
if (!LoadStringResource( &Description, IDS_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION)) { goto e1; }
ChannelAttributes->Type = ChannelTypeVTUTF8; wcsncpy(ChannelAttributes->Name, Name.Buffer, SAC_MAX_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH); wcsncpy(ChannelAttributes->Description, Description.Buffer, SAC_MAX_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); ChannelAttributes->Flags = SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_HAS_NEW_DATA_EVENT; ChannelAttributes->HasNewDataEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); ChannelAttributes->ApplicationType = SAC_CHANNEL_GUI_SETUP_PROMPT;
RetVal = ((ChannelAttributes->HasNewDataEvent != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE);
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Description); e1: RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Name); e0: return(RetVal); }
inline BOOL IsAsyncCancelSignalled( HANDLE hEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
Test the given event to see if it is signaled Arguments:
hEvent - event to be tested Return Value:
TRUE - signaled FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { //
// check if the async cacnel signal fired.
if( (hEvent) && (hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { return (WaitForSingleObject(hEvent,0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); } else { return (FALSE); } }
// ====================================
// EMS-specific communication functions
// ====================================
BOOL WaitForUserInputFromEMS( IN DWORD TimeOut, OUT BOOL *TimedOut OPTIONAL, IN HANDLE hCancelEvent OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Wait for input from the EMS port Note: this routine does not read any data from the port Arguments:
TimeOut - timeout parameter for user input TimedOut- OPTIONAL parameter denoting if we timed out or not hCancelEvent - if supplied, then we wait on this event too this lets us not block if timeout is infinite, etc. Return Value:
returns TRUE for user input or timeout (non-error)
--*/ { DWORD dwRetVal; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; HANDLE handles[2]; ULONG handleCount = 0;
if (TimedOut) { *TimedOut = FALSE; }
handles[0] = GlobalChannelAttributes.HasNewDataEvent; handleCount++;
if ((hCancelEvent != NULL) && (hCancelEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { handles[1] = hCancelEvent; handleCount++; }
// Wait for our event
dwRetVal = WaitForMultipleObjects( handleCount, handles, FALSE, TimeOut );
switch ( dwRetVal ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { //
// EMS port got data
bSuccess = TRUE; break; } case (WAIT_OBJECT_0+1): { //
// if the hCancelEvent occured then we
// need to report an error status, hence
// we return FALSE status if we get here
bSuccess = FALSE; break; } case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { if (TimedOut) { *TimedOut = TRUE; } bSuccess = TRUE; break; } default:
// we return FALSE status if we get here
break; }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL ReadCharFromEMS( OUT PWCHAR awc, IN HANDLE hCancelEvent OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will read a single char from the EMS Channel Arguments:
awc - pointer to a wchar hCancelEvent - if supplied, then we wait on this event too this lets us not block if timeout is infinite, etc. Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; ULONG BytesRead = 0; //
// wait for input
bSuccess = WaitForUserInputFromEMS( INFINITE, NULL, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (bSuccess) { //
// consume character
bSuccess = gEMSChannel->Read( (PWSTR)awc, sizeof(WCHAR), &BytesRead ); }
exit: return bSuccess; }
BOOL GetStringFromEMS( OUT PWSTR String, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN BOOL GetAllChars, IN BOOL EchoClearText, IN HANDLE hCancelEvent OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will read in a string from the EMS port. Arguments:
String - on success, contains the credential BufferSize - the # of BYTES in the String buffer this should include space for null-termination GetAllChars - the user must enter StringLength Chars EchoClearText - TRUE: echo user input in clear text FALSE: echo user input as '*' hCancelEvent - if supplied, then we wait on this event too this lets us not block if timeout is infinite, etc. Return Value:
TRUE - we got a valid string FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL Done = FALSE; WCHAR InputBuffer[MY_MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1]; BOOL GotAString = FALSE; ULONG BytesRead = 0; BOOL bSuccess; ULONG CurrentCharacterIndex = 0; ULONG InputBufferIndex = 0; ULONG StringLength = (BufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
if( (String == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
bSuccess = TRUE;
// Keep asking the user until we get what we want.
Done = FALSE; memset( String, 0, BufferSize );
// Start reading input until we get something good.
GotAString = FALSE; CurrentCharacterIndex = 0; while( !GotAString && bSuccess ) { //
// wait for input
bSuccess = WaitForUserInputFromEMS( INFINITE, NULL, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (bSuccess) {
// consume character
bSuccess = gEMSChannel->Read( (PWSTR)InputBuffer, MY_MAX_STRING_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), &BytesRead );
if( (bSuccess) && (BytesRead > 0) ) {
ULONG WCharsRead = BytesRead / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Append these characters onto the end of our string.
InputBufferIndex = 0;
while( (InputBufferIndex < WCharsRead) && (CurrentCharacterIndex < StringLength) && (!GotAString) && bSuccess ) {
if( (InputBuffer[InputBufferIndex] == 0x0D) || (InputBuffer[InputBufferIndex] == 0x0A) ) {
// ignore cr/lf until we get all the chars
if (!GetAllChars) { GotAString = TRUE; }
} else {
if( InputBuffer[InputBufferIndex] == '\b' ) { //
// If the user gave us a backspace, we need to:
// 1. cover up the last character on the screen.
// 2. ignore the previous character he gave us.
if( CurrentCharacterIndex > 0 ) { CurrentCharacterIndex--; String[CurrentCharacterIndex] = '\0'; gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)L"\b \b", (ULONG)(wcslen(L"\b \b") * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); } } else {
// Record this character.
String[CurrentCharacterIndex] = InputBuffer[InputBufferIndex]; CurrentCharacterIndex++;
// Echo 1 character
gEMSChannel->Write( (EchoClearText ? (PWSTR)&InputBuffer[InputBufferIndex] : (PWSTR)L"*"), sizeof(WCHAR) );
} }
// Go to the next letter of input.
} } }
if( CurrentCharacterIndex == StringLength ) { GotAString = TRUE; }
} exit: return bSuccess; }
VOID ClearEMSScreen() /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will clear the EMS channel screen Arguments:
none Return Value:
none --*/ { gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)VTUTF8_CLEAR_SCREEN, (ULONG)(wcslen( VTUTF8_CLEAR_SCREEN ) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); }
#define ESC_CTRL_SEQUENCE_TIMEOUT (2 * 1000)
BOOL GetDecodedKeyPressFromEMS( OUT PULONG KeyPress, IN HANDLE hCancelEvent OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Read in a (possible) sequence of keystrokes and return a Key value.
KeyPress - on success contains a decoded input value: lower 16bits contains unicode value upper 16bits contains <esc> key sequence ids hCancelEvent - if supplied, then we wait on this event too this lets us not block if timeout is infinite, etc.
Return Value:
TRUE - we got a valid key press FALSE - otherwise
{ BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; WCHAR wc = 0; BOOL bTimedOut;
if (!KeyPress) { return FALSE; }
*KeyPress = 0;
do { //
// Read first character
bSuccess = ReadCharFromEMS( &wc, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { break; }
// Handle all the special escape codes.
if (wc == 0x8) { // backspace (^h)
*KeyPress = ASCI_BS; } if (wc == 0x7F) { // delete
*KeyPress = KEY_DELETE; } if ((wc == '\r') || (wc == '\n')) { // return
*KeyPress = ASCI_CR; }
if (wc == 0x1b) { // Escape key
bSuccess = WaitForUserInputFromEMS( ESC_CTRL_SEQUENCE_TIMEOUT, &bTimedOut, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; } if (bSuccess) { if (bTimedOut) { *KeyPress = ASCI_ESC; } else {
// the user entered something within in the timeout window
// so lets try to figure out if they are sending some
// esc sequence
do {
ULONG BytesRead;
// consume character
bSuccess = gEMSChannel->Read( &wc, sizeof(WCHAR), &BytesRead );
if (!bSuccess) { wc = ASCI_ESC; break; }
// Some terminals send ESC, or ESC-[ to mean
// they're about to send a control sequence. We've already
// gotten an ESC key, so ignore an '[' if it comes in.
} while ( wc == L'[' );
switch (wc) { case '@': *KeyPress = KEY_F12; break; case '!': *KeyPress = KEY_F11; break; case '0': *KeyPress = KEY_F10; break; case '9': *KeyPress = KEY_F9; break; case '8': *KeyPress = KEY_F8; break; case '7': *KeyPress = KEY_F7; break; case '6': *KeyPress = KEY_F6; break; case '5': *KeyPress = KEY_F5; break; case '4': *KeyPress = KEY_F4; break; case '3': *KeyPress = KEY_F3; break; case '2': *KeyPress = KEY_F2; break; case '1': *KeyPress = KEY_F1; break; case '+': *KeyPress = KEY_INSERT; break; case '-': *KeyPress = KEY_DELETE; break; case 'H': *KeyPress = KEY_HOME; break; case 'K': *KeyPress = KEY_END; break; case '?': *KeyPress = KEY_PAGEUP; break; case '/': *KeyPress = KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case 'A': *KeyPress = KEY_UP; break; case 'B': *KeyPress = KEY_DOWN; break; case 'C': *KeyPress = KEY_RIGHT; break; case 'D': *KeyPress = KEY_LEFT; break; default: //
// We didn't get anything we recognized after the
// ESC key. Just return the ESC key.
*KeyPress = ASCI_ESC; break; } } } } // Escape key
} while ( FALSE );
exit: return bSuccess; }
// ====================================
// PID helper functions
// ====================================
typedef enum { CDRetail, CDOem, CDSelect } CDTYPE;
PCWSTR szPidKeyName = L"SYSTEM\\Setup\\Pid"; PCWSTR szPidValueName = L"Pid"; PCWSTR szFinalPidKeyName = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; PCWSTR szFinalPidValueName = L"ProductId"; TCHAR Pid30Rpc[8] = TEXT("00000"); TCHAR Pid30Site[4] = {0}; DWORD g_dwGroupID = 0; CDTYPE CDType = CDRetail; DWORD InstallVar = 0;
// Syssetup apparently needs the sku info
// so turn this define if necessary
const WCHAR pwLanmanNt[] = WINNT_A_LANMANNT; const WCHAR pwServerNt[] = WINNT_A_SERVERNT; const WCHAR pwWinNt[] = WINNT_A_WINNT; PCWSTR szPidSelectId = L"270"; PCWSTR szPidOemId = L"OEM";
#define MAX_PARAM_LEN (256)
#define PID_30_LENGTH (29)
#define PID_30_SIZE (30)
// sku info
PCWSTR szSkuProfessionalFPP = L"B23-00079"; PCWSTR szSkuProfessionalCCP = L"B23-00082"; PCWSTR szSkuProfessionalSelect = L"B23-00305"; PCWSTR szSkuProfessionalEval = L"B23-00084"; PCWSTR szSkuServerFPP = L"C11-00016"; PCWSTR szSkuServerCCP = L"C11-00027"; PCWSTR szSkuServerSelect = L"C11-00222"; PCWSTR szSkuServerEval = L"C11-00026"; PCWSTR szSkuServerNFR = L"C11-00025"; PCWSTR szSkuAdvServerFPP = L"C10-00010"; PCWSTR szSkuAdvServerCCP = L"C10-00015"; PCWSTR szSkuAdvServerSelect = L"C10-00098"; PCWSTR szSkuAdvServerEval = L"C10-00014"; PCWSTR szSkuAdvServerNFR = L"C10-00013"; PCWSTR szSkuDTCFPP = L"C49-00001"; PCWSTR szSkuDTCSelect = L"C49-00023"; PCWSTR szSkuUnknown = L"A22-00001"; PCWSTR szSkuOEM = L"OEM-93523";
PCWSTR GetStockKeepingUnit( PWCHAR pMPC, UINT ProductType, CDTYPE MediaType ) /*++
Routine Description:
This returns the Stock Keeping Unit based off the MPC.
pMPC - pointer to 5 digit MPC code, null terminated. ProductType - Product type flag, tells us if this is a workataion or server sku. CdType - one of InstallType enum
Return Value:
Returns pointer to sku. If no match found returns szSkuUnknown.
--*/ { // check for eval
if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,EVAL_MPC) || !_wcsicmp(pMPC,DOTNET_EVAL_MPC)){ // this is eval media ...
if (ProductType == PRODUCT_WORKSTATION){ return (szSkuProfessionalEval); } // else
// else it is server or advanced server. I don't think that at this point
// we can easily tell the difference. Since it's been said that having the
// correct sku is not critically important, I shall give them both the sku
// code of server
return (szSkuServerEval); }
// check for NFR
if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,SRV_NFR_MPC)){ return (szSkuServerNFR); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,ASRV_NFR_MPC)){ return (szSkuAdvServerNFR); }
if (MediaType == CDRetail) { if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51873")){ return (szSkuProfessionalFPP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51874")){ return (szSkuProfessionalCCP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51876")){ return (szSkuServerFPP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51877")){ return (szSkuServerCCP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51879")){ return (szSkuAdvServerFPP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51880")){ return (szSkuAdvServerCCP); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51891")){ return (szSkuDTCFPP); } } else if (MediaType == CDSelect) { if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51873")){ return (szSkuProfessionalSelect); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51876")){ return (szSkuServerSelect); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51879")){ return (szSkuAdvServerSelect); } if (!_wcsicmp(pMPC,L"51891")){ return (szSkuDTCSelect); } }
return (szSkuUnknown); }
BOOL GetProductTypeFromRegistry( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads the Product Type from the parameters files and sets up the ProductType global variable.
Bool value indicating outcome.
--*/ { WCHAR p[MAX_PARAM_LEN] = {0}; DWORD rc = 0; DWORD d = 0; DWORD Type = 0; HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; rc = 0; if( !gMiniSetup ) {
WCHAR AnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; //
// Go try and get the product type out of the [data] section
// of $winnt$.sif
rc = GetWindowsDirectory( AnswerFilePath, MAX_PATH ); wcsncat( AnswerFilePath, TEXT("\\system32\\$winnt$.inf"), MAX_PATH ); AnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH-1] = TEXT('\0');
rc = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_PRODUCT, L"", p, MAX_PARAM_LEN, AnswerFilePath );
// Either this is a MiniSetup, or we failed to get the key out of
// the unattend file. Go look in the registry.
if( rc == 0 ) { //
// Open the key.
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( rc != NO_ERROR ) { return( FALSE ); } //
// Get the size of the ProductType entry.
rc = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"ProductType", NULL, &Type, NULL, &d ); if( rc != NO_ERROR ) { return( FALSE ); } //
// Get the ProductType entry.
rc = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"ProductType", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)p, &d ); if( rc != NO_ERROR ) { return( FALSE ); }
// We managed to find an entry in the parameters file
// so we *should* be able to decode it
if(!lstrcmpi(p,pwWinNt)) { //
// We have a WINNT product
} else if(!lstrcmpi(p,pwLanmanNt)) { //
// We have a PRIMARY SERVER product
} else if(!lstrcmpi(p,pwServerNt)) { //
// We have a STANDALONE SERVER product
// NOTE: this case can currently never occur, since text mode
// always sets WINNT_D_PRODUCT to lanmannt or winnt.
} else { //
// We can't determine what we are, so fail
return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL ValidatePidEx( LPTSTR PID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine validates the given PID string using the PID Gen DLL. Note: this routine loads the pidgen.dll and therefore makes setup.exe dependent upon pidgen.dll
PID - the PID to be validated [should be in PID 30 format] Returns:
TRUE - valid FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bRet = FALSE; TCHAR Pid20Id[MAX_PATH]; BYTE Pid30[1024]={0}; TCHAR pszSkuCode[10]; HINSTANCE hPidgenDll; SETUPPIDGENW pfnSetupPIDGen; DWORD Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbData = 0; PWSTR p; HKEY Key; DWORD Type;
// Load library pidgen.dll
hPidgenDll = LoadLibrary ( L"pidgen.dll" );
if ( hPidgenDll ) { // Get the function pointer
pfnSetupPIDGen = (SETUPPIDGENW)GetProcAddress(hPidgenDll, "SetupPIDGenW");
if ( pfnSetupPIDGen ) { GetProductTypeFromRegistry();
// Derive the release type and media type we're installing from.
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (gMiniSetup) ? L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" : L"SYSTEM\\Setup\\Pid", 0, KEY_READ, &Key );
if( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { cbData = sizeof(TmpData); Error = RegQueryValueEx( Key, (gMiniSetup) ? L"ProductId" : L"Pid", 0, &Type, ( LPBYTE )TmpData, &cbData ); RegCloseKey( Key );
// If we're in MiniSetup, then the value in TmpData
// looks like: 12345-xxx-67890...
// We want the 12345 to go into Pid30Rpc
// and xxx to go into Pid30Site.
// If we're not in MiniSetup, then the value in
// Tmpdata looks like: 12345XXX67890...
wcsncpy( Pid30Rpc, TmpData, MAX_PID30_RPC ); Pid30Rpc[MAX_PID30_RPC] = (WCHAR)'\0'; if( gMiniSetup ) { p = TmpData + (MAX_PID30_RPC + 1); } else { p = TmpData + (MAX_PID30_RPC); } wcsncpy(Pid30Site,p,MAX_PID30_SITE+1); Pid30Site[MAX_PID30_SITE] = (WCHAR)'\0';
// Derive the media type.
if( _wcsicmp(Pid30Site, szPidSelectId) == 0) { CDType = CDSelect; } else if( _wcsicmp(Pid30Site, szPidOemId) == 0) { CDType = CDOem; } else { // no idea... Assume retail.
CDType = CDRetail; } }
PCWSTR tmpP = GetStockKeepingUnit( Pid30Rpc, ProductType, CDType ); lstrcpy(pszSkuCode, tmpP);
*(LPDWORD)Pid30 = sizeof(Pid30);
// attempt to validate the PID
if ( pfnSetupPIDGen( PID, // [IN] 25-character Secure CD-Key (gets U-Cased)
Pid30Rpc, // [IN] 5-character Release Product Code
pszSkuCode, // [IN] Stock Keeping Unit (formatted like 123-12345)
(CDType == CDOem), // [IN] is this an OEM install?
Pid20Id, // [OUT] PID 2.0, pass in ptr to 24 character array
Pid30, // [OUT] pointer to binary PID3 buffer. First DWORD is the length
NULL // [OUT] optional ptr to Compliance Checking flag (can be NULL)
) ) { // The Group ID is the dword starting at offset 0x20
g_dwGroupID = (DWORD) ( Pid30[ 0x20 ] );
// Set the return Value to true
bRet = TRUE; } } FreeLibrary ( hPidgenDll ) ; } // if the caller wants, return if this is a Volume License PID
return bRet; }
BOOL GetPid( PWSTR PidString, ULONG BufferSize, HANDLE hCancelEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prompts the user for a valid PID. Arguments:
PidString - Buffer that will recieve the PID. The resulting string has the form: VVVVV-WWWWW-XXXXX-YYYYY-ZZZZZ. BufferSize - specifies the # of bytes in the PidString buffer (including null termination) hCancelEvent - an event, which if signalled indicates that this routine should exit and return failure. Return Value:
Win32 Error code. Should be ERROR_SUCCESS if everything goes well.
--*/ { BOOL Done = FALSE; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; ULONG i = 0; ULONG PidStringLength = (BufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
if( (PidString == NULL) || PidStringLength < PID_30_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
// Keep asking the user until we get what we want.
Done = FALSE; memset( PidString, 0, BufferSize );
do {
// Clear the screen.
// Write some instructions/information.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_PID_BANNER_1 ); WriteResourceMessage( IDS_PID_BANNER_2 );
// get the PID entry
bSuccess = GetStringFromEMS( PidString, BufferSize, FALSE, TRUE, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { goto exit; } //
// Make sure the PID is in the form we're expecting. Actually
// make sure it's in the form that guimode setup is expecting.
// Then go validate it.
if( (wcslen(PidString) == PID_30_LENGTH) && ValidatePidEx(PidString) ) { Done = TRUE; } else { WCHAR wc;
Done = FALSE;
// invalid pid. inform the user and try again.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_PID_INVALID ); bSuccess = ReadCharFromEMS(&wc, hCancelEvent);
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { goto exit; }
} } while ( !Done ); exit: return(bSuccess); }
BOOL PresentEula( HANDLE hCancelEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function will present the user with an end-user-license-agreement (EULA). If the user rejects the EULA, then the function will return FALSE, otherwise TRUE. Arguments:
hCancelEvent - an event, which if signalled indicates that this routine should exit, returning error immediately. Return Value:
TRUE - the EULA was accepted. FALSE - the EULA was rejected.
--*/ { WCHAR EulaPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hFileMapping = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD FileSize; BYTE *pbFile = NULL; PWSTR EulaText = NULL; ULONG i; ULONG j; BOOL bSuccess; BOOL Done; BOOL bValidUserInput; BOOL bAtEULAEnd; BOOL ConvertResult; //
// default: EULA was not accepted
bSuccess = FALSE;
// Load the EULA
// Map the file containing the licensing agreement.
if(!GetSystemDirectory(EulaPath, MAX_PATH)){ goto exit; } wcsncat( EulaPath, TEXT("\\eula.txt"), MAX_PATH ); EulaPath[MAX_PATH-1] = TEXT('\0');
hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping ( hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); if(hFileMapping == NULL) { goto exit; }
pbFile = (BYTE*)MapViewOfFile ( hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); if(pbFile == NULL) { goto exit; }
// Translate the text from ANSI to Unicode.
FileSize = GetFileSize (hFile, NULL); if(FileSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) { goto exit; }
EulaText = (PWSTR)malloc ((FileSize+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(EulaText == NULL) { goto exit; }
ConvertResult = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)pbFile, FileSize, EulaText, FileSize+1 );
if (!ConvertResult) { goto exit; }
// make sure there is a null terminator.
EulaText[FileSize] = 0;
// present the EULA to the EMS user
j=0; Done = FALSE; bAtEULAEnd = FALSE;
do {
// Clear the screen.
do {
gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)(&(EulaText[j])), sizeof(WCHAR) );
// look for 0x0D0x0A pairs to denote EOL
if (EulaText[j] == 0x0D) { if (j+1 < FileSize) { if (EulaText[j+1] == 0x0A) { i++; if (i == EULA_LINES_PER_SCREEN) { j++; // skip 0x0A if this is the last line on the screen
// so that the next screen doesnt start with a lf
gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)(&(EulaText[j])), sizeof(WCHAR) ); } } } }
} while ( (i < EULA_LINES_PER_SCREEN) && (j < FileSize)); //
// Write some instructions/information.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_EULA_ACCEPT_DECLINE ); if (j < FileSize) { WriteResourceMessage( IDS_EULA_MORE ); } else { // there are no more pages to display
bAtEULAEnd = TRUE; gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)(L"\r\n"), sizeof(WCHAR)*2 ); }
// attempt to get a valid response from the user
// F8 == accept EULA
// ESC == decline EULA
// PAGE DOWN == go to next page if there is one
// else just loop
do {
ULONG UserInputChar; BOOL bHaveChar;
bValidUserInput = FALSE; //
// see what the user wants to do
bHaveChar = GetDecodedKeyPressFromEMS( &UserInputChar, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bHaveChar) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
switch(UserInputChar) { case KEY_F8: bSuccess = TRUE; Done = TRUE; bValidUserInput = TRUE; break; case ASCI_ESC: bSuccess = FALSE; Done = TRUE; bValidUserInput = TRUE; break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: if (!bAtEULAEnd) { // go to the next page if there is one
bValidUserInput = TRUE; break; } // else consider this extraneous input and
// fall through to default
default: //
// do nothing unless they give us what we want
break; } } while ( !bValidUserInput); } while ( !Done );
// cleanup
if (pbFile != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(pbFile); } if (hFileMapping != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFileMapping); } if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } if (EulaText != NULL) { free(EulaText); }
return(bSuccess); }
// ====================================
// Core functionality
// ====================================
INT_PTR CALLBACK UserInputAbortProc( HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
) { BOOL retval = FALSE; static UINT_PTR TimerId; static HANDLE hRemoveUI; switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hRemoveUI = (HANDLE)lParam; //
// create a timer that fires every second. we will use this timer to
// determine if the dialog should go away.
if (!(TimerId = SetTimer(hwndDlg,0,1000,NULL))) { EndDialog(hwndDlg,0); } break;
case WM_TIMER: //
// check if the thread that created this dialog should go away.
if (WaitForSingleObject(hRemoveUI,0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { //
// yes, the event signaled. cleanup and exit.
KillTimer(hwndDlg,TimerId); EndDialog(hwndDlg,1); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (HIWORD( wParam )) { case BN_CLICKED: switch (LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: //
// the user doesn't want prompted over the headless port.
// kill the timer and exit.
KillTimer(hwndDlg,TimerId); EndDialog(hwndDlg,2); } }; }
DWORD PromptForUserInputThreadOverHeadlessConnection( PVOID params ) { PUserInputParams Params = (PUserInputParams)params; //
// Go examine the unattend file. If we find keys that either
// aren't present, or will prevent us from going fully unattended,
// then we'll fix them.
// We'll also prompt for a PID and/or EULA if necessary (i.e. if
// the unattend file says we need to.
ProcessUnattendFile( TRUE, NULL, &Params->hRemoveUI );
return 0; }
DWORD PromptForUserInputThreadViaLocalDialog( PVOID params ) { PUserInputParams Params = (PUserInputParams)params; DialogBoxParam( GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABORTDIALOG), NULL, UserInputAbortProc, (LPARAM)Params->hRemoveUI); SetEvent(Params->hInputCompleteEvent); return 0; }
BOOL LoadStringResource( PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString, INT MsgId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a simple implementation of LoadString().
usString - Returns the resource string. MsgId - Supplies the message id of the resource string. Return Value:
FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success.
--*/ { PWSTR MyString; DWORD StringLength,RetVal; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// the compiler clips string table entries at 256,
// so this should be large enough for all calls
StringLength = 512; RetVal = 0; MyString = (PWSTR)malloc(StringLength*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (MyString) { RetVal = LoadString( GetModuleHandle(NULL), MsgId, MyString, StringLength ); if (RetVal != 0) { RtlCreateUnicodeString(pUnicodeString, (PWSTR)MyString); bSuccess = TRUE; }
free(MyString); }
return(bSuccess); }
BOOL WriteResourceMessage( ULONG MessageID )
Routine Description:
This routine writes a resource string message to the global headless channel gEMSChannel.
MessageID - the id of the message to write Return Value:
TRUE - the message was loaded and written FALSE - failed
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString = {0}; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
bSuccess = LoadStringResource( &UnicodeString, MessageID ); if ( bSuccess ) {
// Write the message
gEMSChannel->Write( (PWSTR)UnicodeString.Buffer, (ULONG)(wcslen( UnicodeString.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
return bSuccess; }
BOOL PromptForPassword( PWSTR Password, ULONG BufferSize, HANDLE hCancelEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine asks the user for an administrator password. The contents of the response are checked to ensure the password is reasonable. If the response is not deemed reasonable, then the user is informed and requeried.
AdministratorPassword - Pointer to a string which holds the password.
BufferSize - the # of bytes in the Password buffer (including the null termination) hCancelEvent - an event that signals that the routine should exit without completing.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the password is successfully retrieved. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { //
// this is an arbitrary length, but needed so that the password UI doesn't wrap on a console screen.
// if the user really wants a long password, they can change it post setup.
BOOL Done = FALSE; WCHAR InputBuffer[MY_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; WCHAR ConfirmAdministratorPassword[MY_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; BOOL GotAPassword; ULONG MaxPasswordLength = 0; ULONG BytesRead = 0; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString = {0}; BOOL bSuccess; ULONG CurrentPasswordCharacterIndex = 0; ULONG PasswordLength = (BufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
MaxPasswordLength = min( PasswordLength, MY_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH );
if( (Password == NULL) || (MaxPasswordLength == 0) ) { return FALSE; }
// Keep asking the user until we get what we want.
Done = FALSE; memset( Password, 0, BufferSize ); do {
// Clear the screen.
// Write some instructions/information.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_PASSWORD_BANNER );
// get the first password entry
bSuccess = GetStringFromEMS( Password, MaxPasswordLength * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE, FALSE, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { goto exit; } //
// Now prompt for it a second time to confirm.
// Write some instructions/information.
// get the second password entry
bSuccess = GetStringFromEMS( ConfirmAdministratorPassword, MaxPasswordLength * sizeof(WCHAR), FALSE, FALSE, hCancelEvent );
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { goto exit; }
// Now compare the two.
Done = TRUE; if( (wcslen(Password) != wcslen(ConfirmAdministratorPassword)) || wcsncmp(Password, ConfirmAdministratorPassword, wcslen(Password)) ) { //
// They entered 2 different passwords.
Done = FALSE;
} else { ULONG i = 0; //
// Make sure they entered something decent.
for( i = 0; i < wcslen(Password); i++ ) { if( (Password[i] <= 0x20) || (Password[i] >= 0x7F) ) { Done = FALSE; break; } }
// Also make sure they didn't give me a blank
if( Password[0] == L'\0' ) { Done = FALSE; }
if (!Done) { //
// It's a bad password.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_BAD_PASSWORD_CONTENTS ); } }
if (!Done) { WCHAR wc;
// we posted a message, so
// wait for them to hit a key and we'll keep going.
bSuccess = ReadCharFromEMS(&wc, hCancelEvent);
if (IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent)) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!bSuccess) { goto exit; }
} while ( !Done ); exit: return(bSuccess); }
DWORD ProcessUnattendFile( BOOL FixUnattendFile, PBOOL NeedsProcessing, OPTIONAL PHANDLE hEvent OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function will the unattend file and determine if guimode setup will be able to proceed all the way through without any user input. If user input is required, we will either call someone to provide the ask for input, or we'll fill in a default value to allow setup to proceed. NOTE: The interesting bit here is that we need to go search for the unattend file. That's because we might be running as a result of sysprep, or we might be running as a result of just booting into guimode setup. If we came through sysprep, then we need to go modify \sysprep\sysprep.inf. That's because Setup will take sysprep.inf and overwrite %windir%\system32\$winnt$.inf before proceeding. We'll intercept, fix sysprep.inf, then let it get copied on top of $winnt$.inf.
FixUnattendFile - Indicates if we should only examine, or actually fix the file by writing new values into it. If this comes in as false, no updates are made and no prompts are sent to the user. NeedsProcessing - if FixUnattendFile is FALSE, this gets filled in with whether we need to update the unattend file. hEvent - a handle, which if supplied and signalled, indicates that the routine should exit with status ERROR_CANCELLED.
Return Value:
Win32 Error code indicating outcome.
--*/ { DWORD Result = 0; WCHAR AnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; WCHAR Answer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; BOOL b = TRUE; DWORD ReturnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL NeedEula = TRUE; BOOL OEMPreinstall = FALSE; HANDLE hCancelEvent;
if (hEvent) { hCancelEvent = *hEvent; } else { hEvent = NULL; }
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = FALSE; }
// Build the path to the unattend file.
Result = GetWindowsDirectory( AnswerFilePath, MAX_PATH ); if( Result == 0) { // Odd...
return GetLastError(); }
if( gMiniSetup ) { //
// This is a boot into minisetup. Go load \sysprep\sysprep.inf
AnswerFilePath[3] = 0; wcsncat( AnswerFilePath, TEXT("sysprep\\sysprep.inf"), MAX_PATH ); AnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH-1] = TEXT('\0'); } else { //
// This is a boot into guimode setup. Go load %windir%\system32\$winnt$.inf
wcsncat( AnswerFilePath, TEXT("\\system32\\$winnt$.inf"), MAX_PATH ); AnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH-1] = TEXT('\0'); }
// ===================
// Go check the keys that are required to make the install
// happen completely unattendedly.
// ===================
// First check if it's an upgrade. If so, then there will
// be no prompts during guimode setup, so we can be done.
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_NTUPGRADE, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result != 0) && !_wcsicmp(Answer, L"Yes") ) { //
// It's an upgrade so We have zero work
// to do. Tell our caller that nothing's
// needed.
// Check if key present to skip this processing of Unattend file
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, L"EMSSkipUnattendProcessing", L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if(Result != 0) { //
// if the flag was set,
// then we dont need to process anything
// and we are done
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = FALSE; }
// Now see if it's an OEM preinstall. We need this because some
// unattend keys are ignored if it's a preinstall, so we
// have to resort to the secret keys to make some wizard
// pages really go away.
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_OEMPREINSTALL, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"yes")) || (gMiniSetup) ) { OEMPreinstall = TRUE; }
// MiniSetup specific fixups/checks.
if( (gMiniSetup) && (FixUnattendFile) ) {
WCHAR SysprepDirPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKeySetup;
// We need to be careful here. If they're doing a minisetup,
// and the machine gets restarted before we actually launch into
// guimode setup, the machine will be wedged.
// We need to hack the registry to make it so minisetup will
// restart correctly.
// Reset the SetupType entry to 1. We'll clear
// it at the end of gui-mode.
Result = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\Setup", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeySetup );
if(Result == NO_ERROR) { //
// Set HKLM\System\Setup\SetupType Key to SETUPTYPE_NOREBOOT
Result = 1; RegSetValueEx( hKeySetup, TEXT( "SetupType" ), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)&Result, sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey(hKeySetup); }
// If FixUnattendFile is set, then we're about to actually
// start fiddling with their unattend file. It happens that
// they could have run sysprep in a way that there's no c:\sysprep
// directory. Before we start fixing the unattend file in
// there, we should make sure the directory exists. That
// way our calls to WritePrivateProfileString will work
// correctly and all will fly through unattendedly.
Result = GetWindowsDirectory( SysprepDirPath, MAX_PATH ); if( Result == 0) { // Odd...
return GetLastError(); }
SysprepDirPath[3] = 0; wcsncat( SysprepDirPath, TEXT("sysprep"), MAX_PATH ); SysprepDirPath[MAX_PATH-1] = TEXT('\0');
// If the directory exists, this is a no-op. If it
// doesn't, we'll create it. Note that permissions don't
// really matter here because:
// 1. this is how sysprep itself creates this directory.
// 2. minisetup will delete this directory very shortly.
CreateDirectory( SysprepDirPath, NULL );
// If FixUnattendFile is set, then we're about to actually
// start fiddling with their unattend file. It happens that
// they could have run sysprep in a way that there's no c:\sysprep
// directory. Before we start fixing the unattend file in
// there, we should make sure the directory exists. That
// way our calls to WritePrivateProfileString will work
// correctly and all will fly through unattendedly.
// Start fixing the individual sections.
// [Unattended] section.
// ---------------------
// ====================================
// Make sure to put all the code that actually prompts the user
// right up here at the top of the function. It's possible that
// some of these keys might already exist, so we'll proceed through
// some before stopping for a user prompt. We want to make
// sure to get ALL the user input before partying on their
// unattend file. That way, we never half-way process the unattend
// file, then wait and give the user a chance to dismiss the dialog
// on the local console. Thus, leaving a 1/2-baked unattend file.
// Don't put any code that actually sets any of the unattend
// settings before going and prompting for the EULA, PID
// and Administrator password!!
// ====================================
// OemSkipEula
NeedEula = TRUE; if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, L"OemSkipEula", L"No", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( !_wcsicmp(Answer, L"Yes") ) { //
// They won't get prompted for a EULA. Make
// sure we don't present here.
NeedEula = FALSE; } }
// EulaComplete
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_EULADONE, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result != 0) && (!gMiniSetup) ) { //
// EulaDone is there, and this isn't minisetup.
// That means they've already accepted the EULA
// and it won't be presented during guimode setup.
// That also means we don't need to present it here.
NeedEula = FALSE; } }
// If we need to present the EULA, now would be a good
// time.
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( NeedEula ) { if( FixUnattendFile ) { if( PresentEula(hCancelEvent) ) { //
// They read and accepted the EULA. Set a key
// so they won't get prompted during guimode setup.
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_EULADONE, L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( OEMPreinstall || gMiniSetup ) { //
// This is the only way to make the EULA go away
// if it's a preinstall.
b = b & WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, L"OemSkipEula", L"yes", AnswerFilePath ); }
if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// See if they rejected the EULA, or if our UI got
// cancelled via the local console.
if( IsAsyncCancelSignalled(hCancelEvent) ) { ReturnCode = ERROR_CANCELLED; } else { ReturnCode = ERROR_CANCELLED; gRejectedEula = TRUE; } } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// ProductKey
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_PRODUCTKEY, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); //
// If they gave us something (anything), then assume
// it's okay. We're not in the business of trying to
// fix their PID in the answer file.
if( !_wcsicmp(Answer, L"") ) { //
// Either they don't have a PID, or it's
// a bad PID. Go get a new one.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); b = GetPid( Answer, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), hCancelEvent ); //
// GetPid will only come back when he's got
// a PID. Write it into the unattend file.
if( b ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_PRODUCTKEY, Answer, AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// GetPid shouldn't have come back unless we got
// a valid PID or if we got cancelled via the local
// console. Either way, just set a cancelled
// code.
} else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// AdminPassword
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, WINNT_US_ADMINPASS, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a AdminPassword.
// Maybe need to go prompt for a password!
if( FixUnattendFile ) {
b = PromptForPassword( Answer, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), hCancelEvent ); if( b ) {
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, WINNT_US_ADMINPASS, Answer, AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// We should never come back from PromptForPassword
// unless we got cancelled from the UI on the local
// console. Set a cancelled status.
ReturnCode = ERROR_CANCELLED; } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// ====================================
// If we get here, then it's okay to start actually modifying their
// unattend file. From here on out, there should be NO need to
// ask the user anything.
// ====================================
// If we've made it here, and if FixUnattendFile is set,
// then they've accepted the EULA through the headless port
// and we're about to start partying on their unattend file.
// We need to set an entry in their unattend file that tells
// support folks that they we stepped on their unattend file.
if( (ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (FixUnattendFile) ) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, L"EMSGeneratedAnswers", L"1", AnswerFilePath ); }
// Unattendmode
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_UNATTENDMODE, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( _wcsicmp(Answer, WINNT_A_FULLUNATTENDED) ) { //
// They're not running fully unattended.
// Set it.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_UNATTENDMODE, WINNT_A_FULLUNATTENDED, AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// [Data] section
// --------------
// unattendedinstall
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_INSTALL, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"yes")) ) { //
// They don't have the super-double-secret key
// that tells guimode to go fully unattended.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_INSTALL, L"yes", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// msdosinitiated
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_MSDOS, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"1")) ) { if( FixUnattendFile ) { //
// They'll get the welcome screen without this.
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_MSDOS, L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// floppyless
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_FLOPPY, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"1")) ) { if( FixUnattendFile ) { //
// They'll get the welcome screen without this.
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DATA, WINNT_D_FLOPPY, L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// skipmissingfiles
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_S_SKIPMISSING, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"1")) ) { //
// They might get prompted for missing files w/o this setting.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_S_SKIPMISSING, L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// [UserData] section
// ------------------
// FullName
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_FULLNAME, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a name.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_FULLNAME, L"UserName", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// OrgName
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_ORGNAME, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a name.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_ORGNAME, L"OrganizationName", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// ComputerName
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_COMPNAME, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a ComputerName.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_COMPNAME, L"*", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// [GuiUnattended] section
// -----------------------
// TimeZone
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, WINNT_G_TIMEZONE, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, WINNT_G_TIMEZONE, L"004", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); }
} else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// OEMSkipWelcome
// If this is a preinstall, or a sysprep/MiniSetup, then
// they're going to get hit with the welcome screen no
// matter the unattend mode. If either of those are
// true, then we need to set this key.
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( OEMPreinstall || gMiniSetup ) { //
// It's a preinstall, or it's a sysprep, which means
// it will be interpreted as a preinstall. Make sure
// they've got the skip welcome set or guimode will
// halt on the welcome page.
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, L"OEMSkipWelcome", L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"1")) ) { //
// He's going to hit the welcome screen.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, L"OEMSkipWelcome", L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } } }
// OemSkipRegional
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( OEMPreinstall || gMiniSetup ) { //
// It's a preinstall, or it's a sysprep, which means
// it will be interpreted as a preinstall. Make sure
// they've got the skip regional set or guimode will
// halt on the regional settings page.
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, L"OEMSkipRegional", L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (_wcsicmp(Answer, L"1")) ) { //
// He's going to hit the welcome screen.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_GUIUNATTENDED, L"OEMSkipRegional", L"1", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } } }
// [LicenseFilePrintData] section
// ------------------------------
// AutoMode
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_LICENSEDATA, WINNT_L_AUTOMODE, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_LICENSEDATA, WINNT_L_AUTOMODE, L"PerServer", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// AutoUsers
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_LICENSEDATA, WINNT_L_AUTOUSERS, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_LICENSEDATA, WINNT_L_AUTOUSERS, L"5", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// [Display] section
// -----------------
// BitsPerPel
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_BITSPERPEL, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_BITSPERPEL, L"16", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// XResolution
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_XRESOLUTION, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_XRESOLUTION, L"800", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// YResolution
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_YRESOLUTION, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_YRESOLUTION, L"600", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// VRefresh
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_VREFRESH, L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a TimeZone.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_DISPLAY, WINNT_DISP_VREFRESH, L"70", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// [Identification] section
// ------------------------
// JoinWorkgroup
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( L"Identification", L"JoinWorkgroup", L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// They don't have a JoinWorkgroup. See if they've
// got JoinDomain?
Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileString( L"Identification", L"JoinDomain", L"", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( (Result == 0) || (!_wcsicmp(Answer, L"")) ) { //
// Nope. Go plug in a JoinWorkgroup entry. That
// way we don't need to prompt/specify which domain to join.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( L"Identification", L"JoinWorkgroup", L"Workgroup", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } } }
// [Networking]
// This section must at least exist. If it doesn't, we'll
// get prompted during network configuration. Make sure it's
// at least there.
if( ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Answer[0] = TEXT('\0'); Result = GetPrivateProfileSection( L"Networking", Answer, MAX_PATH, AnswerFilePath ); if( Result == 0 ) { //
// They don't have a [Networking] section.
if( FixUnattendFile ) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( L"Networking", L"unused", L"0", AnswerFilePath ); if( !b ) { //
// Remember the error and keep going.
ReturnCode = GetLastError(); } } else { //
// Tell someone there's work to do here.
if (NeedsProcessing) { *NeedsProcessing = TRUE; } } } }
// We're done.
// If we've just successfully fixed up their unattend file, give them
// a little notification here.
if( (FixUnattendFile) && (ReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) ) {
// Clear the screen.
// Write some instructions/information, then pause
// before proceeding.
WriteResourceMessage( IDS_UNATTEND_FIXUP_DONE );
// wait...
Sleep( 5 * 1000); }
return( ReturnCode ); }
extern "C" BOOL CheckEMS( IN int argc, WCHAR *argvW[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
main entrypoint to code. Arguments:
argc - number of args argvW - array of args. Return Value:
Win32 Error code indicating outcome. FALSE means we had a problem.
--*/ { UserInputParams Params,ParamsDialog; DWORD ThreadId; HANDLE Handles[2]; HANDLE hThreadHeadless = NULL,hThreadUI = NULL; ULONG i = 0; BOOL RetVal; BOOL NeedsProcessing;
RtlZeroMemory(&Params,sizeof(Params)); RtlZeroMemory(&ParamsDialog,sizeof(ParamsDialog));
// Check if headless feature is present on this machine. If not, just
// run setup like normal.
// initialize our headless channel data which we'll soon need.
if (!InitializeGlobalChannelAttributes(&GlobalChannelAttributes)) { RetVal = FALSE; goto exit; } //
// Go see if headless is present and if so, create
// a channel.
if(!IsHeadlessPresent(&gEMSChannel)) { //
// There's no work to do. Go run Setup.
RetVal = TRUE; goto exit; }
// See if we're running MiniSetup or base Guimode Setup.
for( i = 0; i < (ULONG)argc; i++ ) { if( !_wcsnicmp(argvW[i], L"-mini", wcslen(L"-mini")) ) { gMiniSetup = TRUE; } }
// Check if there is any work for us to do. If not, just run setup like
// normal.
if( ProcessUnattendFile(FALSE,&NeedsProcessing, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// something catastrophic happened. exit.
RetVal = FALSE; goto exit; }
if( !NeedsProcessing) { //
// There's no work to do. Go run Setup.
RetVal = TRUE; goto exit; }
// Create a pait of threads for getting data from the user via
// the headless port or the local UI
Params.Channel = gEMSChannel; Params.hInputCompleteEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); ParamsDialog.hInputCompleteEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); Params.hRemoveUI = ParamsDialog.hRemoveUI = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); if (!Params.hInputCompleteEvent || !ParamsDialog.hInputCompleteEvent || !Params.hRemoveUI) { RetVal = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!(hThreadHeadless = CreateThread( NULL, 0, &PromptForUserInputThreadOverHeadlessConnection, &Params, 0, &ThreadId))) { RetVal = FALSE; goto exit; }
if (!(hThreadUI = CreateThread( NULL, 0, &PromptForUserInputThreadViaLocalDialog, &ParamsDialog, 0, &ThreadId))) { RetVal = FALSE; goto exit; }
// wait for either of our named events to fire off which signals that one of the threads is done.
Handles[0] = Params.hInputCompleteEvent; Handles[1] = ParamsDialog.hInputCompleteEvent;
WaitForMultipleObjects(2,Handles,FALSE,INFINITE); //
// set an event that signals that the other thread should terminate.
// now wait for both of the threads to terminate before proceeding.
Handles[0] = hThreadHeadless; Handles[1] = hThreadUI; WaitForMultipleObjects(2,Handles,TRUE,INFINITE);
RetVal = TRUE;
exit: if (hThreadHeadless) { CloseHandle(hThreadHeadless); }
if (hThreadUI) { CloseHandle(hThreadUI); }
if (Params.hInputCompleteEvent) { CloseHandle(Params.hInputCompleteEvent); }
if (ParamsDialog.hInputCompleteEvent) { CloseHandle(ParamsDialog.hInputCompleteEvent); }
if (Params.hRemoveUI) { CloseHandle(Params.hRemoveUI); } if (gEMSChannel) { delete (gEMSChannel); }
// Careful here. If they actually rejected the
// EULA through the headless port, then we want
// to terminate instead of firing off setup.
// We'll tell our caller about that by returning
// zero.
if( gRejectedEula || RetVal == FALSE ) { return FALSE ; } else { return TRUE; }