Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements a set of enumeration routines to access version info in a Win32 binary.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 03-Dec-1997
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
#include "migutilp.h"
#define DBG_ACTION "Action"
// Globals
PCSTR g_DefaultTranslationsA[] = { "04090000", "040904E4", "040904B0", NULL };
PCWSTR g_DefaultTranslationsW[] = { L"04090000", L"040904E4", L"040904B0", NULL };
// Prototypes
PCSTR pEnumVersionValueCommonA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct );
PCWSTR pEnumVersionValueCommonW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct );
// Implementation
BOOL CreateVersionStructA ( OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct, IN PCSTR FileSpec )
Routine Description:
CreateVersionStruct is called to load a version structure from a file and to obtain the fixed version stamp info that is language-independent.
The caller must call DestroyVersionStruct after the VersionStruct is no longer needed.
VersionStruct - Receives the version stamp info to be used by other functions in this module
FileSpec - Specifies the file to obtain version info from
Return Value:
TRUE if the routine was able to get version info, or FALSE if an error occurred.
{ //
// Init the struct
ZeroMemory (VersionStruct, sizeof (VERSION_STRUCTA)); VersionStruct->FileSpec = FileSpec;
// Allocate enough memory for the version stamp
VersionStruct->Size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA ( (PSTR) FileSpec, &VersionStruct->Handle ); if (!VersionStruct->Size) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "File %s does not have version info", FileSpec)); return FALSE; }
// fix for version info bug:
// allocate both buffers at once; this way the first buffer will not point to invalid
// memory when a reallocation occurs because of the second grow
VersionStruct->VersionBuffer = GrowBuffer (&VersionStruct->GrowBuf, VersionStruct->Size * 2);
if (!VersionStruct->VersionBuffer) { return FALSE; }
VersionStruct->StringBuffer = VersionStruct->GrowBuf.Buf + VersionStruct->Size;
// Now get the version info from the file
if (!GetFileVersionInfoA ( (PSTR) FileSpec, VersionStruct->Handle, VersionStruct->Size, VersionStruct->VersionBuffer )) { DestroyVersionStructA (VersionStruct); return FALSE; }
// Extract the fixed info
VerQueryValueA ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, "\\", &VersionStruct->FixedInfo, &VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize );
return TRUE; }
ULONGLONG VerGetFileVer ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { ULONGLONG result = 0; if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { *((PDWORD) (&result)) = VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileVersionLS; *(((PDWORD) (&result)) + 1) = VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileVersionMS; } return result; }
ULONGLONG VerGetProductVer ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { ULONGLONG result = 0; if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { *((PDWORD) (&result)) = VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwProductVersionLS; *(((PDWORD) (&result)) + 1) = VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwProductVersionMS; } return result; }
DWORD VerGetFileDateLo ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { return VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileDateLS; } return 0; }
DWORD VerGetFileDateHi ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { return VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileDateMS; } return 0; }
DWORD VerGetFileVerOs ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { return VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileOS; } return 0; }
DWORD VerGetFileVerType ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct ) { if (VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize >= sizeof (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)) { return VersionStruct->FixedInfo->dwFileType; } return 0; }
VOID DestroyVersionStructA ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
DestroyVersionStruct cleans up all memory allocated by the routines in this module.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure to clean up
Return Value:
{ //
// Clean up all allocations made by any routine using
// the VersionStruct
if (VersionStruct->GrowBuf.Buf) { FreeGrowBuffer (&VersionStruct->GrowBuf); }
ZeroMemory (VersionStruct, sizeof (VERSION_STRUCTA)); }
PCSTR EnumFirstVersionTranslationA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstVersionTranslation returins the translation string needed to access the string table of a version stamp.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure that has been initialized by InitializeVersionStruct.
Return Value:
A pointer to a string specifying the first translation, or NULL if no translations exist.
{ UINT ArraySize;
// Query version block for array of code pages/languages
if (!VerQueryValueA ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &VersionStruct->Translations, &ArraySize )) { //
// No translations are available
ArraySize = 0; }
// Return a pointer to the first translation
VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation = 0; VersionStruct->MaxTranslations = ArraySize / sizeof (TRANSLATION); VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation = 0;
DEBUGMSG_IF (( VersionStruct->MaxTranslations == 0, DBG_WARNING, "File %s has no translations", VersionStruct->FileSpec ));
return EnumNextVersionTranslationA (VersionStruct); }
BOOL pIsDefaultTranslationA ( IN PCSTR TranslationStr )
Routine Description:
pIsDefaultTranslationA returns TRUE if the specified translation string is enumerated by default. This routine stops multiple enumeration of the same translation string.
TranslationStr - Specifies the translation string to test
Return Value:
TRUE if the translation string is the same as a default translation string, or FALSE if it is not.
{ INT i;
for (i = 0 ; g_DefaultTranslationsA[i] ; i++) { if (StringIMatchA (TranslationStr, g_DefaultTranslationsA[i])) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
PCSTR EnumNextVersionTranslationA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumNextVersionTranslation continues the enumeration of translation strings, needed to access the string table in a version stamp.
VersionStruct - Specifies the same structure passed to EnumFirstVersionTranslation.
Return Value:
A pointer to a string specifying the next translation, or NULL if no additional translations exist.
{ PTRANSLATION Translation;
if (g_DefaultTranslationsA[VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation]) { //
// Return default translations first
StringCbCopyA ( VersionStruct->TranslationStr, sizeof(VersionStruct->TranslationStr), g_DefaultTranslationsA[VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation] );
} else {
do { //
// Return NULL if all translations have been enumerated
if (VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation == VersionStruct->MaxTranslations) { return NULL; }
// Otherwise build translation string and return pointer to it
Translation = &VersionStruct->Translations[VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation];
StringCbPrintfA( VersionStruct->TranslationStr, sizeof(VersionStruct->TranslationStr), "%04x%04x", Translation->CodePage, Translation->Language );
} while (pIsDefaultTranslationA (VersionStruct->TranslationStr)); }
return VersionStruct->TranslationStr; }
PCSTR EnumFirstVersionValueA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct, IN PCSTR VersionField )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstVersionValue returns the first value stored in a version stamp for a specific field. If the field does not exist, the function returns NULL.
An enumeration of EnumFirstVersionValue/EnumNextVersionValue is used to list all localized strings for a field.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure that was initialized by InitializeVersionStruct.
VersionField - Specifies the name of the version field to enumerate
Return Value:
A pointer to the first value of the field, or NULL if the field does not exist.
{ PCSTR rc;
if (!EnumFirstVersionTranslationA (VersionStruct)) { return NULL; }
VersionStruct->VersionField = VersionField;
rc = pEnumVersionValueCommonA (VersionStruct);
if (!rc) { rc = EnumNextVersionValueA (VersionStruct); }
return rc; }
PCSTR EnumNextVersionValueA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumNextVersionValue returns the next value stored in a version stamp for a specific field.
VersionStruct - Specifies the same structure passed to EnumFirstVersionField
Return Value:
A pointer to the next value of the field, or NULL if another field does not exist.
{ PCSTR rc = NULL;
do { if (!EnumNextVersionTranslationA (VersionStruct)) { break; }
rc = pEnumVersionValueCommonA (VersionStruct);
} while (!rc);
return rc; }
PCSTR pEnumVersionValueCommonA ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTA VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
pEnumVersionValueCommon is a routine that obtains the value of a version field. It is used for both EnumFirstVersionValue and EnumNextVersionValue.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure being processed
Return Value:
A pointer to the version value for the current translation, or NULL if the value does not exist for the current translation.
{ PSTR Text; UINT StringLen; PBYTE String; PCSTR Result = NULL;
// Prepare sub block for VerQueryValue API
Text = AllocTextA ( 16 + SizeOfStringA (VersionStruct->TranslationStr) + SizeOfStringA (VersionStruct->VersionField) );
if (!Text) { return NULL; }
wsprintfA ( Text, "\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\%s", VersionStruct->TranslationStr, VersionStruct->VersionField );
__try { //
// Get the value from the version stamp
if (!VerQueryValueA ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, Text, &String, &StringLen )) { //
// No value is available
__leave; }
// Copy value into buffer
_mbsnzcpy (VersionStruct->StringBuffer, (PCSTR) String, StringLen);
Result = VersionStruct->StringBuffer;
} __finally { FreeTextA (Text); }
return Result; }
BOOL CreateVersionStructW ( OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct, IN PCWSTR FileSpec )
Routine Description:
CreateVersionStruct is called to load a version structure from a file and to obtain the fixed version stamp info that is language-independent.
The caller must call DestroyVersionStruct after the VersionStruct is no longer needed.
VersionStruct - Receives the version stamp info to be used by other functions in this module
FileSpec - Specifies the file to obtain version info from
Return Value:
TRUE if the routine was able to get version info, or FALSE if an error occurred.
{ ZeroMemory (VersionStruct, sizeof (VERSION_STRUCTW)); VersionStruct->FileSpec = FileSpec;
// Allocate enough memory for the version stamp
VersionStruct->Size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW ( (PWSTR) FileSpec, &VersionStruct->Handle ); if (!VersionStruct->Size) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "File %S does not have version info", FileSpec)); return FALSE; }
// fix for version info bug:
// allocate both buffers at once; this way the first buffer will not point to invalid
// memory when a reallocation occurs because of the second grow
VersionStruct->VersionBuffer = GrowBuffer (&VersionStruct->GrowBuf, VersionStruct->Size * 2);
if (!VersionStruct->VersionBuffer) { return FALSE; }
VersionStruct->StringBuffer = VersionStruct->GrowBuf.Buf + VersionStruct->Size;
// Now get the version info from the file
if (!GetFileVersionInfoW ( (PWSTR) FileSpec, VersionStruct->Handle, VersionStruct->Size, VersionStruct->VersionBuffer )) { DestroyVersionStructW (VersionStruct); return FALSE; }
// Extract the fixed info
VerQueryValueW ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, L"\\", &VersionStruct->FixedInfo, &VersionStruct->FixedInfoSize );
return TRUE; }
VOID DestroyVersionStructW ( IN PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
DestroyVersionStruct cleans up all memory allocated by the routines in this module.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure to clean up
Return Value:
{ if (VersionStruct->GrowBuf.Buf) { FreeGrowBuffer (&VersionStruct->GrowBuf); }
ZeroMemory (VersionStruct, sizeof (VERSION_STRUCTW)); }
PCWSTR EnumFirstVersionTranslationW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstVersionTranslation returins the translation string needed to access the string table of a version stamp.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure that has been initialized by InitializeVersionStruct.
Return Value:
A pointer to a string specifying the first translation, or NULL if no translations exist.
{ UINT ArraySize;
if (!VerQueryValueW ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &VersionStruct->Translations, &ArraySize )) { //
// No translations are available
ArraySize = 0; }
// Return a pointer to the first translation
VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation = 0; VersionStruct->MaxTranslations = ArraySize / sizeof (TRANSLATION); VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation = 0;
DEBUGMSG_IF (( VersionStruct->MaxTranslations == 0, DBG_WARNING, "File %S has no translations", VersionStruct->FileSpec ));
return EnumNextVersionTranslationW (VersionStruct); }
BOOL pIsDefaultTranslationW ( IN PCWSTR TranslationStr ) { INT i;
for (i = 0 ; g_DefaultTranslationsW[i] ; i++) { if (StringIMatchW (TranslationStr, g_DefaultTranslationsW[i])) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
PCWSTR EnumNextVersionTranslationW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumNextVersionTranslation continues the enumeration of translation strings, needed to access the string table in a version stamp.
VersionStruct - Specifies the same structure passed to EnumFirstVersionTranslation.
Return Value:
A pointer to a string specifying the next translation, or NULL if no additional translations exist.
{ PTRANSLATION Translation;
if (g_DefaultTranslationsW[VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation]) {
StringCbCopyW ( VersionStruct->TranslationStr, sizeof(VersionStruct->TranslationStr), g_DefaultTranslationsW[VersionStruct->CurrentDefaultTranslation] );
} else {
do { if (VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation == VersionStruct->MaxTranslations) { return NULL; }
Translation = &VersionStruct->Translations[VersionStruct->CurrentTranslation];
StringCbPrintfW( VersionStruct->TranslationStr, sizeof(VersionStruct->TranslationStr), L"%04x%04x", Translation->CodePage, Translation->Language );
} while (pIsDefaultTranslationW (VersionStruct->TranslationStr)); }
return VersionStruct->TranslationStr; }
PCWSTR EnumFirstVersionValueW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct, IN PCWSTR VersionField )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstVersionValue returns the first value stored in a version stamp for a specific field. If the field does not exist, the function returns NULL.
An enumeration of EnumFirstVersionValue/EnumNextVersionValue is used to list all localized strings for a field.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure that was initialized by InitializeVersionStruct.
VersionField - Specifies the name of the version field to enumerate
Return Value:
A pointer to the first value of the field, or NULL if the field does not exist.
{ PCWSTR rc;
if (!EnumFirstVersionTranslationW (VersionStruct)) { return NULL; }
VersionStruct->VersionField = VersionField;
rc = pEnumVersionValueCommonW (VersionStruct);
if (!rc) { rc = EnumNextVersionValueW (VersionStruct); }
return rc; }
PCWSTR EnumNextVersionValueW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
EnumNextVersionValue returns the next value stored in a version stamp for a specific field.
VersionStruct - Specifies the same structure passed to EnumFirstVersionField
Return Value:
A pointer to the next value of the field, or NULL if another field does not exist.
do { if (!EnumNextVersionTranslationW (VersionStruct)) { break; }
rc = pEnumVersionValueCommonW (VersionStruct);
} while (!rc);
return rc; }
PCWSTR pEnumVersionValueCommonW ( IN OUT PVERSION_STRUCTW VersionStruct )
Routine Description:
pEnumVersionValueCommon is a routine that obtains the value of a version field. It is used for both EnumFirstVersionValue and EnumNextVersionValue.
VersionStruct - Specifies the structure being processed
Return Value:
A pointer to the version value for the current translation, or NULL if the value does not exist for the current translation.
{ PWSTR Text; UINT StringLen; PBYTE String; PCWSTR Result = NULL;
// Prepare sub block for VerQueryValue API
Text = AllocTextW ( 18 + LcharCountW (VersionStruct->TranslationStr) + LcharCountW (VersionStruct->VersionField) );
if (!Text) { return NULL; }
wsprintfW ( Text, L"\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\%s", VersionStruct->TranslationStr, VersionStruct->VersionField );
__try { //
// Get the value from the version stamp
if (!VerQueryValueW ( VersionStruct->VersionBuffer, Text, &String, &StringLen )) { //
// No value is available
__leave; }
CopyMemory (VersionStruct->StringBuffer, String, StringLen * sizeof (WCHAR)); VersionStruct->StringBuffer [StringLen * sizeof (WCHAR)] = 0; Result = (PWSTR) VersionStruct->StringBuffer;
} __finally { FreeTextW (Text); }
return Result; }
PSTR UnicodeToCcs ( PCWSTR Source )
Routine Description:
UnicodeToCcs will walk the unicode string and convert it to ANSII by encoding all DBCS characters to hex values.
Source - the Unicode string
Return Value:
An encoded ANSII string.
{ CHAR result [MEMDB_MAX]; UINT srcIndex = 0; UINT destIndex = 0;
while (Source [srcIndex] && (destIndex < MEMDB_MAX)) { if ((Source [srcIndex] >=32) && (Source [srcIndex] <=126) ) { result [destIndex] = (BYTE) Source [srcIndex]; destIndex ++; } else { if ((destIndex == 0) || (result [destIndex-1] != '*') ) { result [destIndex] = '*'; destIndex ++; } } srcIndex ++; }
result [destIndex] = 0; return DuplicatePathString (result, 0); }