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<span class="title"> <ID id="txtPassport">A Single ID!</ID> </span>
<span class="text-primary"> <ID id="txtPassport1">The following ID is your Microsoft Passport. You can use it for secure and easy access to all the Web has to offer. Registering future Microsoft products will now be a one click process, freeing your time to loot, pillage, and burn. What more could you ask for?!</ID> <br><br> <ID id="txtPassport2">Here is your Passport ID: </ID><span class="emphasis-lesser"><ID id="txtPassport3">URSpecial</ID></span> <br><br> <ID id="txtPassport4">Enter a password to secure this ID:</ID> <input type="text" name="passportpassword" size="10" maxlength="8" value=""><br><br> <ID id="txtPassport5">Re-enter your password to verify:</ID> <input type="text" name="repassportpassword" size="10" maxlength="8" value="">
<br> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="" checked> <span class="emphasis-lesser"><ID id="txtPassport6">Remember me</ID></span> <br> <ID id="txtPassport7">Checking this box allows you to login to Passport sites without the need to remember your password.</ID>
<table border=0 class="buttonposition4"> <tr> <td width=99%> </td> <td> <BUTTON ID="btnSkip" class="buttons" TABINDEX=2 ACCESSKEY="S"><label for=btnSkip><id id="LocalBtnSkip_Text"><u>S</u>kip</id></label></BUTTON> </td> <td> <BUTTON ID="btnBack" class="buttons" TABINDEX=3 ACCESSKEY="B"><label for=btnBack><id id="LocalBtnBack_Text"><u>B</u>ack</id></label></span></BUTTON> </td> <td> <BUTTON ID="btnNext" class="buttons" TABINDEX=4 ACCESSKEY="N"><label for=btnNext><id id="LocalBtnNext_Text"><u>N</u>ext</id></label></BUTTON> </td> <td> <BUTTON ID="btnHelp" class="buttons" TABINDEX=5 ACCESSKEY="H"><label for=btnHelp><id id="LocalBtnHelp_Text"><u>H</u>elp</id></label></BUTTON> </td> </tr> </table>
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