Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Migrate usage date for apps to be pre-populated in startpanel MFU list using data from WINBOM.INI file.
Also sets default middleware applications for ARP's "Restore computer manufacturer configuration" button.
Sankar Ramasubramanian 11/21/2000
Revision History:
--*/ #include "factoryp.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
//The following are defined in OPKWIZ also!
#define INI_KEY_MFULINK _T("Link%d")
#define INI_SEC_MFULIST _T("StartMenuMFUlist")
// The following are defined in explorer also!
#define REGSTR_PATH_DEFAULTMFU _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SMDEn")
//The possible values under REGSTR_PATH_MFU
#define VAL_LINKMSFT _T("Link%d")
#define VAL_LINKOEM _T("OEM%d")
//Value under REGSTR_PATH_EXPLORER\Advanced
#define VAL_STARTMENUINIT _T("StartMenuInit")
// This function processes the OEM MFU section of the WinBOM.INI file and adds those entries into
// the REGSTR_PATH_DEFAULTMFU database in HKLM. Explorer's per-user install will consult
// this list to determine the correct MFU to show each user the first time they log on.
// Furthermore, for some reason, per-user install does NOT run if you preset
// the profiles with factory.exe, so we need to set a flag for Explorer so
// it can "undo" all the gunk the factory left behind so each user gets a
// fresh start.
BOOL StartMenuMFU(LPSTATEDATA lpStateData) { LPTSTR lpszWinBOMPath = lpStateData->lpszWinBOMPath; int iIndex; TCHAR szIniKeyName[20]; TCHAR szRegKeyName[20]; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szExpanded[MAX_PATH];
// For each OEM entry, copy it to HKLM
for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < MAX_OEM_LINKS_ALLOWED; iIndex++) { if ( FAILED ( StringCchPrintf ( szIniKeyName, AS ( szIniKeyName ), INI_KEY_MFULINK, iIndex) ) ) { FacLogFileStr(3, _T("StringCchPrintf failed %s %d" ), szIniKeyName, iIndex ); } if ( FAILED ( StringCchPrintf ( szRegKeyName, AS ( szRegKeyName ), VAL_LINKOEM, iIndex) ) ) { FacLogFileStr(3, _T("StringCchPrintf failed %s %d"), szRegKeyName, iIndex ) ; } if (GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_MFULIST, szIniKeyName, NULLSTR, szExpanded, ARRAYSIZE(szExpanded), lpszWinBOMPath)) { if (!PathUnExpandEnvStrings(szExpanded, szPath, STRSIZE(szPath))) { lstrcpyn(szPath, szExpanded, STRSIZE(szPath)); }
SHSetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_DEFAULTMFU, szRegKeyName, REG_EXPAND_SZ, szPath, (lstrlen(szPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
// Now clear the "I have built the initial MFU" flag since we want it to
// rebuild the next time each user logs on.
// And tell the Start Menu to show off the new MFU
return TRUE; }
BOOL DisplayStartMenuMFU(LPSTATEDATA lpStateData) { return IniSettingExists(lpStateData->lpszWinBOMPath, INI_SEC_MFULIST, NULL, NULL); }
* * Setting default middleware applications * * We do it here here merely to give the OEM a warm fuzzy feeling. * The "official" setting of default middleware applications happens * in sysprep during reseal. * ***************************************************************************/
void ReportSetDefaultOEMAppsError(LPCTSTR pszAppName, LPCTSTR pszIniVar) { FacLogFile(0 | LOG_ERR, IDS_ERR_SETDEFAULTS_NOTFOUND, pszAppName, pszIniVar); }
BOOL SetDefaultApps(LPSTATEDATA lpStateData) { return SetDefaultOEMApps(lpStateData->lpszWinBOMPath); }