;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ ; SCCSID = @(#)forproc.asm 1.2 85/07/25
.xlist .xcref BREAK MACRO subtitle SUBTTL subtitle PAGE ENDM
code segment public para 'CODE' assume cs:code,ds:data
PUBLIC FormatAnother?,Yes?,REPORT,USER_STRING public fdsksiz,fdsksizM100s,badsiz,badsizM100s public syssiz,datasiz,datasizM100s,biosiz public AllocSize,AllocNum,MegSizes public Get_Free_Space
extrn std_printf:near,crlf:near,PrintString:near extrn Multiply_32_Bits:near extrn AddToSystemSize:near
;No more SAFE module ; EXTRN UpdateSystemSize:NEAR
data segment public para 'DATA' extrn driveLetter:byte extrn msgInsertDisk:byte extrn msgFormatAnother?:byte extrn msgQuickFormatAnother?:byte extrn msgTotalDiskSpace:byte extrn msgTotalDiskSpaceMeg:byte extrn msgSystemSpace:byte extrn msgBadSpace:byte extrn msgBadSpaceMeg:byte extrn msgDataSpace:byte extrn msgDataSpaceMeg:byte extrn Read_Write_Relative:byte extrn msgAllocSize:byte extrn MsgAllocNum:Byte extrn deviceParameters:byte EXTRN fBig32Fat:BYTE extrn bios:byte extrn dos:byte extrn command:byte IFDEF DBLSPACE_HOOKS extrn DblSpaceBin:byte ENDIF extrn Serial_Num_Low:Word extrn Serial_Num_High:Word extrn msgSerialNumber:Byte extrn SwitchMap:Word extrn SwitchCopy:Word extrn inbuff:byte
MegSizes db 0
fdsksiz dd 0 fdsksizM100s dw 0
syssiz dd 0 biosiz dd 0
badsiz dd 0 badsizM100s dw 0
datasiz dd 0 datasizM100s dw 0
AllocSize dd 0 AllocNum dd 0 dw offset driveLetter
ExtFreePacket ExtGetDskFreSpcStruc <>
data ends
;*************************************************************************** ; Wait for key. If yes return carry clear, else no. Insures ; explicit Y or N answer. ;***************************************************************************
FormatAnother? proc near
test SwitchCopy,SWITCH_Q ;use different message with /Q jz @F Message msgQuickFormatAnother? jmp SHORT CheckResponse
@@: Message msgFormatAnother?
CheckResponse: CALL Yes? pushf ; save result call CrLf ; send a new line popf ; retrieve the result jnc WAIT20 jz Wait20 JMP SHORT FormatAnother? WAIT20: RET
FormatAnother? endp
;*************************************************************************** ;Routine name:Yes? ;*************************************************************************** ; ;Description: Validate that input is valid Y/N for the country dependent info ; Wait for key. If YES return carry clear,else carry set. ; If carry is set, Z is set if explicit NO, else key was not Yes or No. ; ;Called Procedures: Message (macro) ; User_String ; ;Change History: Created 4/32/87 MT ; ;Input: None ; ;Output: CY = 0 Yes is entered ; CY = 1, Z = No ; CY = 1, NZ = other ; ;Psuedocode ;---------- ; ; Get input (CALL USER STRING) ; IF got character ; Check for country dependent Y/N (INT 21h, AX=6523h Get Ext Country) ; IF Yes ; clc ; ELSE (No) ; IF No ; stc ; Set Zero flag ; ELSE (Other) ; stc ; Set NZ ; ENDIF ; ENDIF ; ELSE (nothing entered) ; stc ; Set NZ flag ; ENDIF ; ret ;***************************************************************************
Procedure YES?
call User_String ;Get character
jz $$IF1 ;Got one if returned NZ mov AL,23h ;See if it is Y/N mov dl,[InBuff+2] ;Get character DOS_Call GetExtCntry ;Get country info call cmp AX,Found_Yes ;Which one?
jne $$IF2 ;Got a Yes clc ;Clear CY for return
jmp SHORT $$EN2 ;Not a Yes $$IF2: cmp AX,Found_No ;Is it No?
jne $$IF4 ;Yep stc ;Set CY for return
jmp SHORT $$EN4 ;Something else we don't want $$IF4: xor AL,AL ;Set NZ flag for ret cmp AL,1 ; " " " " stc ;And CY flag for good measure
$$EN4: $$EN2:
jmp SHORT $$EN1 ;No char found at all $$IF1: xor AL,AL ;Set NZ flag for ret cmp AL,1 stc ;And CY flag for good measure
$$EN1: ret
Yes? endp
;*************************************************************************** ; Get a string from user. Z is set if user typed no chars (imm CR) ; We need to flush a second time to get rid of incoming Kanji characters also. ;*************************************************************************** Procedure USER_STRING
mov AX,(STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 ; Clean out input int 21h mov DX,OFFSET InBuff mov AH,STD_CON_STRING_INPUT int 21h mov AX,(STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 ; Clean out input int 21h cmp byte ptr [InBuff+1],0 ret
;********************************************* ; Make a status report including the following information: ; Total disk capacity ; Total system area used ; Total bad space allocated ; Total data space available ; Number of allocation units ; Size of allocation units
Procedure Report
call crlf call Calc_System_Space ;calc system space call Calc_Total_Addressible_Space ;calc total space cmp MegSizes,0 jne IsHuge3 jmp NotHuge3
IsHuge3: Message msgTotalDiskSpaceMeg ;call std_printf cmp word ptr SysSiz,0 jnz SHOWSYSh cmp word ptr SysSiz+2,0 jz CHKBADh ShowSysh: Message msgSystemSpace ;CALL std_printf ;Report space used by system ChkBadh: cmp word ptr BadSiz,0 jnz ShowBadh cmp word ptr BadSiz+2,0 jnz ShowBadh cmp BadSizM100s,0 jz ShowDatah ShowBadh: Message msgBadSpaceMeg ;call std_printf ShowDatah: .386 mov eax,SysSiz xor edx,edx mov ebx,1024*1024 div ebx ;EAX is MEG, EDX remainder ;; push eax db 066h,050h ;; mov eax,edx xor edx,edx mov ebx,(1024 * 1024) / 100 div ebx shr ebx,1 cmp edx,ebx jb short NoRnd3 inc eax NoRnd3: ;; pop ecx db 066h,059h ;; movzx ebx,BadSizM100s add eax,ebx add ecx,BadSiz ;ECX.EAX is bad+sys size in MEG mov ebx,Fdsksiz movzx edx,FdsksizM100s ChkBorrow: cmp edx,eax jae short NoSubAdj dec ebx add edx,100 jmp short ChkBorrow
NoSubAdj: sub edx,eax mov eax,edx sub ebx,ecx mov datasiz,ebx .8086 mov datasizM100s,AX Message msgDataSpaceMeg ;call std_printf jmp short Huge3
NotHuge3: Message msgTotalDiskSpace ;call std_printf cmp word ptr SysSiz,0 jnz SHOWSYS cmp word ptr SysSiz+2,0 jz CHKBAD ShowSys: Message msgSystemSpace ;CALL std_printf ;Report space used by system ChkBad: cmp word ptr BadSiz,0 jnz ShowBad cmp word ptr BadSiz+2,0 jz ShowData ShowBad: Message msgBadSpace ;call std_printf ShowData: mov CX,word ptr Fdsksiz mov BX,word ptr Fdsksiz+2 sub CX,word ptr BadSiz sbb BX,word ptr BadSiz+2 sub CX,word ptr SysSiz sbb BX,word ptr SysSiz+2 mov word ptr datasiz,CX mov word ptr datasiz+2,BX Message msgDataSpace ;call std_printf Huge3: call crlf mov AX,deviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector ; mov CL,deviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster ; .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB xor CH,CH mul CX ;Get bytes per alloc
mov word ptr AllocSize,AX ;Save allocation size mov word ptr AllocSize+2,DX ; for message Message msgAllocSize ;Print size of cluster call Get_Free_Space ;get disk space .386 mov AllocNum,EBX ;Put result in msg .8086 Message msgAllocNum ; = cluster/disk call crlf test switchmap, SWITCH_8 ;If 8 tracks, don't display jnz NoSerialNumber ;serial number Message msgSerialNumber ;Spit out serial number call crlf
NoSerialNumber: ret
Report endp
;*************************************************************************** ;Routine name: Read_Disk ;*************************************************************************** ; ;description: Read in data using Generic IOCtl ; ;Called Procedures: None ; ; ;Change History: Created 5/13/87 MT ; ;Input: AL = Drive number (0=A) ; DS:BX = Transfer address ; CX = Number of sectors ; Read_Write_Relative.Start_Sector_High = Logical start sector high ; DX = logical start sector number low ; ;Output: CY if error ; AH = INT 25h error code ; ;Psuedocode ;---------- ; Save registers ; Setup structure for function call ; Read the disk (AX=440Dh, CL = 6Fh) ; Restore registers ; ret ;***************************************************************************
Procedure Read_Disk
push BX ;Save registers push CX push DX push SI push DI push BP push ES push DS mov SI,data mov ES,SI
assume ES:data,DS:nothing ;Get transfer buffer add mov ES:Read_Write_Relative.Buffer_Offset,BX mov BX,DS mov ES:Read_Write_Relative.Buffer_Segment,BX ;Get segment mov BX,data ;Point DS at parameter list mov DS,BX
assume DS:data,ES:data
mov Read_Write_Relative.Number_Sectors,CX ;Number of sec to read mov Read_Write_Relative.Start_Sector_Low,DX ;Start sector mov BX,offset Read_Write_Relative mov CX,0ffffh ;Read relative sector mov dl,al ;Drive # to DL inc dl ;1 based mov ax,(Get_Set_DriveInfo SHL 8) OR Ext_ABSDiskReadWrite mov si,0 ;READ int 21h ;Do the read pop DS pop ES pop BP pop DI pop SI pop DX ;Restore registers pop CX pop BX ret
Read_Disk endp
;*************************************************************************** ;Routine name: Write_Disk ;*************************************************************************** ; ;description: Write Data using Generic IOCtl ; ;Called Procedures: None ; ; ;Change History: Created 5/13/87 MT ; ;Input: AL = Drive number (0=A) ; DS:BX = Transfer address ; CX = Number of sectors ; Read_Write_Relative.Start_Sector_High = Logical start sector high ; DX = logical start sector number low ; ;Output: CY if error ; AH = INT 26h error code ; ;Psuedocode ;---------- ; Save registers ; Setup structure for function call ; Write to disk (AX=440Dh, CL = 4Fh) ; Restore registers ; ret ;***************************************************************************
Procedure Write_Disk
push BX ;Save registers push CX push DX push SI push DI push BP push ES push DS mov SI,data mov ES,SI
assume ES:data, DS:nothing ;Get transfer buffer add mov ES:Read_Write_Relative.Buffer_Offset,BX mov BX,DS mov ES:Read_Write_Relative.Buffer_Segment,BX ;Get segment mov BX,data ;Point DS at parameter list mov DS,BX
assume DS:data, ES:data
mov Read_Write_Relative.Number_Sectors,CX ;Number of sec to write mov Read_Write_Relative.Start_Sector_Low,DX ;Start sector mov BX,offset Read_Write_Relative mov CX,0ffffh ;Write relative sector mov dl,al ;Drive # to DL inc dl ;1 based mov ax,(Get_Set_DriveInfo SHL 8) OR Ext_ABSDiskReadWrite mov si,1 ;WRITE int 21h ;Do the write pop DS pop ES pop BP pop DI pop SI pop DX ;Restore registers pop CX pop BX ret
Write_Disk endp
;========================================================================= ; Calc_Total_Addressible_Space : Calculate the total space that is ; addressible on the the disk by DOS. ; ; Inputs : none ; ; Outputs : Fdsksiz - Size in bytes of the disk ;=========================================================================
Procedure Calc_Total_Addressible_Space
push AX ;save affected regs push DX push BX
call Get_Free_Space ;get free disk space
.386 ;; Manual assemble to prevent compile warning ;; push EBX ;save avail. cluster ;; push EDX ;save total. cluster db 066h,053h db 066h,052h ;; movzx ecx,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster movzx eax,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.oldBPB.BPB_BytesPerSector .errnz EDP_BPB NE DP_BPB mul ecx mov ecx,eax ;ECX = bytes/clus
;; Manual assemble to prevent compile warning ;; pop eax ;Recover Total Clus ;; push eax db 066h,058h db 066h,050h ;; mul ecx ;EDX:EAX = Total Bytes mov FdskSiz,eax or edx,edx ;Disk >= 4Gig? jz short NotHuge1 ;No mov MegSizes,1 mov ebx,1024*1024 div ebx ; EAX is MEG, EDX remainder mov FdskSiz,EAX mov eax,edx xor edx,edx mov ebx,(1024 * 1024) / 100 div ebx shr ebx,1 cmp edx,ebx jb short NoRnd1 inc eax NoRnd1: mov fdsksizM100s,ax cmp eax,100 jb short NotHuge1 inc FdskSiz mov fdsksizM100s,0 NotHuge1:
;; Manual assemble to prevent compile warning ;; pop EDX ;get total clusters ;; pop EBX ;get avail clusters db 066h,05Ah db 066h,05Bh ;; mov EAX,EDX ;get total clusters sub EAX,EBX ;get bad+sys clusters test fBig32FAT,0ffh jz short NotFAT32 dec eax ;FAT32 volumes have one ; cluster allocated to the ; root dir NotFAT32: mul ecx ;EDX:EAX bad+sys bytes sub EAX,SysSiz ;Remove sys bytes sbb EDX,0 mov ecx,edx or ecx,eax ;ECX != 0 if any bad clusters mov badsiz,EAX cmp MegSizes,0 ;Disk >= 4Gig? je short NotHuge2 ;No mov ebx,1024*1024 div ebx ;EAX is MEG, EDX remainder mov badsiz,EAX mov eax,edx xor edx,edx mov ebx,(1024 * 1024) / 100 div ebx shr ebx,1 cmp edx,ebx jb short NoRnd2 inc eax NoRnd2: mov badsizM100s,ax cmp eax,100 jb short ChkZr inc badsiz mov badsizM100s,0 ChkZr: cmp badsiz,0 jnz short NotHuge2 cmp badsizM100s,0 jnz short NotHuge2 or ecx,ecx ;Were there any bad clusters? jz short NotHuge2 ;No ; ; There WERE bad clusters, but there were less than .01 MEG worth of them. ; Need to cheat so that the displayed count is != 0 ; inc badsizM100s NotHuge2: .8086 pop BX pop DX ;restore regs pop AX
Calc_Total_Addressible_Space endp
;========================================================================= ; Get_Free_Space : Get the free space on the disk. ; ; Inputs : none ; ; Outputs : EBX - Available space in clusters ; EDX - Total space in clusters ;=========================================================================
Procedure Get_Free_Space
.386 push di xor ebx,ebx mov ax,(Get_Set_DriveInfo SHL 8) OR Get_ExtFreeSpace mov cx,SIZE ExtGetDskFreSpcStruc push ds pop es mov di,offset ExtFreePacket mov DX,offset DriveLetter int 21h mov edx,ebx jc short IsDone mov ebx,[di.ExtFree_AvailableClusters] mov edx,[di.ExtFree_TotalClusters] .8086 IsDone: pop di ret
Get_Free_Space endp
;========================================================================= ; Calc_System_Space : This routine calculates the space occupied by ; the system on the disk. ; ; Inputs : BIOS.FileSizeInBytes ; Command.FileSizeInBytes ; ; Outputs : SysSiz - Size of the system ;=========================================================================
Procedure Calc_System_Space
push AX ;save regs push DX
mov word ptr SysSiz+0,00h ;clear variable mov word ptr SysSiz+2,00h
mov AX,word ptr [Dos.FileSizeInBytes+0] ;get dos size mov DX,word ptr [Dos.FileSizeInBytes+2] call AddToSystemSize ;add in values
mov AX,word ptr [Bios.FileSizeInBytes+0] ;get bios size mov DX,word ptr [Bios.FileSizeInBytes+2] call AddToSystemSize ;add in values
mov AX,word ptr [Command.FileSizeInBytes+0] ;get command size mov DX,word ptr [Command.FileSizeInBytes+2] call AddToSystemSize ;add in values
IFDEF DBLSPACE_HOOKS mov ax, word ptr [DblSpaceBin.FileSizeInBytes] ;get dblspace mov dx, word ptr [DblSpaceBin.FileSizeInBytes+2] ; size--may be call AddToSystemSize ; zero ENDIF pop DX ;restore regs pop AX ret
Calc_System_Space endp
code ends end