// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// namelist.c
// Description:
// This file contains the implementation for a NAMELIST. It is
// useful for keeping a copy of what the user puts into a list-box.
// Storage is obtained from the heap and there is not a fixed limit
// on the size of the table.
// IMPORTANT: When a NAMELIST is declared, init it to 0. e.g.
// NAMELIST Names = {0}. Use ResetNameList() to reset
// it because we use the heap to store this list.
#include "pch.h"
// The NAMELIST type is used on dialogs such as ComputerName and Printers
// where the user can ADD or REMOVE a list of entries which are displayed
// in a list box. Callers should declare a NAMELIST and use these routines
// to get/set values. These routines take care of the reallocation
// needed to support an arbitrary length list.
// Entries in the namelist can be added to the end or any specific index.
// Entries can be removed by name or by index. This allows the programmer to
// not worry about maintaining the order in this list and keeping it
// synchronized with however the listbox displays (e.g. the listbox might
// display in alphabetical order).
// Obviously, a search for the entry must be done at removal time, and this
// is an insignificant (and unnoticeable) time hit in this context.
#define SIZE_TO_GROW 16
// Function: ResetNameList
// Purpose: Empties the names in the namelist. A namelist looks like:
// int AllocedSize
// int NumEntries
// char **Vector
// We free each of the names in the vector and set NumEntries
// to 0. The NAMELIST block is not freed or shrunk.
// Arguments: NAMELIST * - pointer to namelist to reset
// Returns: void
VOID ResetNameList(NAMELIST *pNameList) { UINT i;
for ( i=0; i<pNameList->nEntries; i++ ) free(pNameList->Names[i]);
pNameList->nEntries = 0; }
// Function: GetNameListSize
// Purpose: retrieves number entries in namelist
// Arguments: NAMELIST * - pointer to namelist
// Returns: UINT - number of entries
UINT GetNameListSize(NAMELIST *pNameList) { return pNameList->nEntries; }
// Function: GetNameListName
// Purpose: Gets a name out of the namelist by index.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - pointer to namelist
// UINT idx - index of name to retrieve
TCHAR *GetNameListName(NAMELIST *pNameList, UINT idx) { if( idx >= pNameList->nEntries ) return( _T("") );
return pNameList->Names[idx]; }
// Function: RemoveNameFromNameListIdx
// Purpose: Removes a name at a specific position in the namelist.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - namelist to remove from
// UINT - 0-based index on where to do the deletion
// Returns: VOID
VOID RemoveNameFromNameListIdx( IN NAMELIST *pNameList, IN UINT idx) { UINT i;
Assert(idx < pNameList->nEntries);
for ( i=idx+1; i<pNameList->nEntries; i++ ) pNameList->Names[i-1] = pNameList->Names[i];
pNameList->nEntries--; }
// Function: RemoveNameFromNameList
// Purpose: Removes a name from the name list (by name).
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - pointer to namelist
// TCHAR* - name to remove
// Returns: TRUE if found and removed, FALSE if not found
BOOL RemoveNameFromNameList(NAMELIST *pNameList, TCHAR *NameToRemove) { UINT idx;
if ( (idx=FindNameInNameList(pNameList, NameToRemove)) == -1 ) return FALSE;
Assert(idx < pNameList->nEntries);
RemoveNameFromNameListIdx(pNameList, idx);
return TRUE; }
// Function: AddNameToNameListIdx
// Purpose: Inserts a name at a specific position in the namelist. Handles
// the details of allocating more room if the table gets full.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - namelist to add to
// TCHAR* - string to add (input)
// UINT - 0-based index on where to do the insertion
// Returns: FALSE if out of memory.
BOOL AddNameToNameListIdx(NAMELIST *pNameList, TCHAR *String, UINT idx) {
UINT i; TCHAR *pStr; // temp var
// If we're out of room, realloc the namelist. It is a vector
// of TCHAR*
if ( pNameList->nEntries >= pNameList->AllocedSize ) { LPTSTR *lpTmpNames;
pNameList->AllocedSize += SIZE_TO_GROW;
// Use a temporary buffer in case the realloc fails
lpTmpNames = realloc(pNameList->Names, pNameList->AllocedSize * sizeof(TCHAR*));
// Make sure the realloc succeeded before stomping the original pointer
if ( lpTmpNames == NULL ) { free(pNameList->Names); pNameList->Names = NULL; pNameList->AllocedSize = 0; pNameList->nEntries = 0; return FALSE; } else { pNameList->Names = lpTmpNames; } }
if ( (pStr = lstrdup(String)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
// If they specifed an index beyond the end of the list,
// just add it to the end of the list
if ( idx > pNameList->nEntries ) {
idx = pNameList->nEntries;
// Shift the array to make room at the insertion point
for( i = pNameList->nEntries; i > idx ; i-- ) {
pNameList->Names[i] = pNameList->Names[i-1];
pNameList->Names[i] = pStr;
return TRUE;
// Function: AddNameToNameList
// Purpose: Adds a name to the end of the namelist. Handles the details
// of allocating more room if the table gets full.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - namelist to add to
// TCHAR* - string to add (input)
// Returns: FALSE if out of memory.
BOOL AddNameToNameList(NAMELIST *pNameList, TCHAR *String) {
return( AddNameToNameListIdx( pNameList, String, pNameList->nEntries ) );
// Function: AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates
// Purpose: Adds a name to the end of the namelist only if the string is not
// already in the list. Handles the details of allocating more room
// if the table gets full.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - namelist to add to
// TCHAR* - string to add (input)
// Returns: FALSE if out of memory.
BOOL AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( NAMELIST *pNameList, TCHAR *String ) {
if( FindNameInNameList( pNameList, String ) == -1 ) {
return( AddNameToNameListIdx( pNameList, String, pNameList->nEntries ) );
// the string is already in the list so just return
return( TRUE );
// Function: FindNameInNameList
// Purpose: Checks to see if a name already exists in the table.
// Arguments:
// NAMELIST* - namelist to add to
// TCHAR* - string to search for
// Returns: INT idx of entry, -1 if not found
INT FindNameInNameList(NAMELIST *pNameList, TCHAR *String) { UINT i;
for ( i=0; i<pNameList->nEntries; i++ ) if ( (pNameList->Names) && (lstrcmpi(pNameList->Names[i], String) == 0) ) return i;
return -1; }