Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to manage installation of devices via the answer file.
The main entry points are:
CreateAfDriverTable DestroyAfDriverTable SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver CountAfDrivers
The rest of the functions are utilities or routines used by outside callers only in a special case of some sort.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 20-Mar-1998
Revision History:
#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Contants
#if DBG
#define PNP_DEBUG 1
#define PNP_DEBUG 0
#define PNP_DBGPRINT(x) DebugPrintWrapper x
#define PNP_DBGPRINT(x)
// Local prototypes
BOOL pBuildAfDriverAttribs ( IN OUT PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS Attribs );
PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS pGetSelectedSourceDriver ( IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
// Implementation
#if DBG
VOID DebugPrintWrapper ( PCSTR FormatStr, ... ) { va_list list; WCHAR OutStr[2048]; WCHAR UnicodeFormatStr[256];
// Args are wchar by default!!
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, FormatStr, -1, UnicodeFormatStr, 256);
va_start (list, FormatStr); vswprintf (OutStr, UnicodeFormatStr, list); va_end (list);
SetupDebugPrint (OutStr); }
HINF pOpenAnswerFile ( VOID ) { HINF AnswerInf; WCHAR AnswerFile[MAX_PATH];
GetSystemDirectory(AnswerFile,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(AnswerFile,WINNT_GUI_FILE,MAX_PATH,NULL);
AnswerInf = SetupOpenInfFile(AnswerFile,NULL,INF_STYLE_OLDNT,NULL); return AnswerInf; }
#define S_DEVICE_DRIVERSW L"DeviceDrivers"
VOID MySmartFree ( PCVOID p ) { if (p) { MyFree (p); } }
PVOID MySmartAlloc ( PCVOID Old, OPTIONAL UINT Size ) { if (Old) { return MyRealloc ((PVOID) Old, Size); }
return MyMalloc (Size); }
PVOID ReusableAlloc ( IN OUT PBUFFER Buf, IN UINT SizeNeeded ) { if (!Buf->Buffer || Buf->Size < SizeNeeded) { Buf->Size = SizeNeeded - (SizeNeeded & 1023) + 1024;
if (Buf->Buffer) { MyFree (Buf->Buffer); }
Buf->Buffer = (PWSTR) MyMalloc (Buf->Size); if (!Buf->Buffer) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Mem alloc failed for %u bytes. \n", Buf->Size )); Buf->Size = 0; return NULL; } }
return Buf->Buffer; }
VOID ReusableFree ( IN OUT PBUFFER Buf ) { MySmartFree (Buf->Buffer); ZeroMemory (Buf, sizeof (BUFFER)); }
PWSTR MultiSzAppendString ( IN OUT PMULTISZ MultiSz, IN PCWSTR String ) { UINT BytesNeeded; UINT NewSize; PWSTR p;
BytesNeeded = (UINT)((PBYTE) MultiSz->End - (PBYTE) MultiSz->Start); BytesNeeded += (UINT)(((PBYTE) wcschr (String, 0)) - (PBYTE) String) + sizeof (WCHAR); BytesNeeded += sizeof (WCHAR);
if (!MultiSz->Start || MultiSz->Size < BytesNeeded) { NewSize = BytesNeeded - (BytesNeeded & 0xfff) + 0x1000;
p = (PWSTR) MySmartAlloc (MultiSz->Start, NewSize); if (!p) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Mem alloc failed for %u bytes", NewSize )); return NULL; }
MultiSz->End = p + (MultiSz->End - MultiSz->Start); MultiSz->Start = p; MultiSz->Size = BytesNeeded; }
p = MultiSz->End; lstrcpyW (p, String); MultiSz->End = wcschr (p, 0) + 1;
MYASSERT (((PBYTE) MultiSz->Start + BytesNeeded) >= ((PBYTE) MultiSz->End + sizeof (WCHAR))); *MultiSz->End = 0;
return p; }
VOID MultiSzFree ( IN OUT PMULTISZ MultiSz ) { MySmartFree (MultiSz->Start); ZeroMemory (MultiSz, sizeof (MULTISZ)); }
BOOL EnumFirstMultiSz ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUM EnumPtr, IN PCWSTR MultiSz ) { EnumPtr->Start = MultiSz; EnumPtr->Current = MultiSz;
return MultiSz && *MultiSz; }
BOOL EnumNextMultiSz ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUM EnumPtr ) { if (!EnumPtr->Current || *EnumPtr->Current == 0) { return FALSE; }
EnumPtr->Current = wcschr (EnumPtr->Current, 0) + 1; return *EnumPtr->Current; }
BOOL pBuildAfDriverAttribs ( IN OUT PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS Attribs )
Routine Description:
pBuildAfDriverAttribs updates the driver attribute structure by setting all the members of the structure. If the members were previously set, this function is a NOP.
Attribs - Specifies the answer file driver attribute structure, which does not need to be empty. Receives the attributes.
Return Value:
TRUE if the driver is valid, or FALSE if something went wrong during attribute gathering.
if (Attribs->Initialized) { return TRUE; }
Attribs->Initialized = TRUE;
// Compute paths
Attribs->FilePath = pSetupDuplicateString (Attribs->InfPath);
p = wcsrchr (Attribs->FilePath, L'\\'); if (p) { *p = 0; }
Attribs->Broken = (Attribs->InfPath == NULL) || (Attribs->FilePath == NULL);
// Open the INF and look for ClassInstall32
if (!Attribs->Broken) { Attribs->InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFile (Attribs->InfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); Attribs->Broken = (Attribs->InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
if (!Attribs->Broken) {
#if defined _X86_
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = L"ClassInstall32.NTx86"; #elif defined _AMD64_
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = L"ClassInstall32.NTAMD64"; #elif defined _IA64_
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = L"ClassInstall32.NTIA64"; #else
#error "No Target Architecture"
if (!SetupFindFirstLine ( Attribs->InfHandle, Attribs->ClassInstall32Section, NULL, &ic )) {
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = L"ClassInstall32.NT";
if (!SetupFindFirstLine ( Attribs->InfHandle, Attribs->ClassInstall32Section, NULL, &ic )) {
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = L"ClassInstall32";
if (!SetupFindFirstLine ( Attribs->InfHandle, Attribs->ClassInstall32Section, NULL, &ic )) {
Attribs->ClassInstall32Section = NULL;
} } } }
if (!Attribs->Broken && Attribs->ClassInstall32Section) { //
// ClassInstall32 was found, so there's got to be a GUID
if (SetupFindFirstLine ( Attribs->InfHandle, L"Version", L"ClassGUID", &ic )) {
p = (PWSTR) SyssetupGetStringField (&ic, 1, &Buf); if (!p) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Invalid GUID line. \n" )); } else { if (!pSetupGuidFromString (p, &Attribs->Guid)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Invalid GUID. \n" )); } } } else { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: ClassInstall32 found but GUID not found. \n" )); } }
ReusableFree (&Buf);
return !Attribs->Broken; }
PCWSTR SyssetupGetStringField ( IN PINFCONTEXT InfContext, IN DWORD Field, IN OUT PBUFFER Buf )
Routine Description:
SyssetupGetStringField is a wrapper for SetupGetStringField. It uses the BUFFER structure to minimize allocation requests.
InfContext - Specifies the INF context as provided by other Setup API functions. Field - Specifies the field to query. Buf - Specifies the buffer to reuse. Any previously allocated pointers to this buffer's data are invalid. The caller must free the buffer.
Return Value:
A pointer to the string, allocated in Buf, or NULL if the field does not exist or an error occurred.
{ DWORD SizeNeeded; DWORD BytesNeeded; PWSTR p;
if (!SetupGetStringField (InfContext, Field, NULL, 0, &SizeNeeded)) { return NULL; }
BytesNeeded = (SizeNeeded + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); p = ReusableAlloc (Buf, BytesNeeded);
if (p) { if (!SetupGetStringField (InfContext, Field, p, SizeNeeded, NULL)) { return NULL; } }
return p; }
INT CountAfDrivers ( IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers, OUT INT *ClassInstallers OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
CountAfDrivers enumerates the drivers in the table specified and returns the count. The caller can also receive the number of class installers (a subset of the driver list). Querying the number of class installers may take a little time if there are a lot of drivers listed in the answer file and the driver INFs have not been opened yet. (Otherwise this routine is very fast.)
Drivers - Specifies the driver table to process. ClassInstallers - Receives a count of the number of class installers specified in the answer file.
Return Value:
The number of drivers specified in the answer file.
{ AF_DRIVER_ENUM e; INT UniqueDriverDirs;
MYASSERT (Drivers && Drivers->DriverTable);
// Count entries in the DriverTable string table, and open each one to look for
// a ClassInstall32 section
UniqueDriverDirs = 0; *ClassInstallers = 0;
if (EnumFirstAfDriver (&e, Drivers)) { do { if (ClassInstallers) { if (e.Driver->ClassInstall32Section) { *ClassInstallers += 1; } }
} while (EnumNextAfDriver (&e)); }
return UniqueDriverDirs; }
PAF_DRIVERS CreateAfDriverTable ( VOID )
Routine Description:
CreateAfDriverTable generates a string table populated with the paths to device driver INFs specified in the answer file. This is the first step in processing the [DeviceDrivers] section of unattend.txt.
The caller must destroy a non-NULL driver table via DestroyAfDriverTable to free memory used by the table and each entry in the table.
Return Value:
A pointer to the populated string table, or NULL if no entries exist.
{ PAF_DRIVERS Drivers; HINF AnswerInf; PVOID NewDriverTable; INFCONTEXT ic; PWSTR InfPath; PCWSTR OriginalInstallMedia; PWSTR PnpId; PWSTR p; BOOL FoundOne = FALSE; PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS Attribs; PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS FirstAttribs = NULL; BUFFER b1, b2, b3; LONG Index;
// Init
AnswerInf = pOpenAnswerFile(); if (AnswerInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return NULL; }
NewDriverTable = pSetupStringTableInitializeEx (sizeof (PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS), 0); if (!NewDriverTable) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: String table alloc failed. \n" )); SetupCloseInfFile (AnswerInf); return NULL; }
ZeroMemory (&b1, sizeof (b1)); ZeroMemory (&b2, sizeof (b2)); ZeroMemory (&b3, sizeof (b3));
// Build a list of unique INF paths that are in the [DeviceDrivers]
// section of the answer file, if any.
if (SetupFindFirstLine (AnswerInf, S_DEVICE_DRIVERSW, NULL, &ic)) { do { //
// Get the data from the answer file
p = (PWSTR) SyssetupGetStringField (&ic, 0, &b1); if (!p) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Invalid answer file line ignored. \n" )); continue; }
PnpId = p;
p = (PWSTR) SyssetupGetStringField (&ic, 1, &b2); if (!p) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Invalid answer file line ignored. \n" )); continue; }
InfPath = p;
p = (PWSTR) SyssetupGetStringField (&ic, 2, &b3); if (!p) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: No original media path; assuming floppy \n" )); OriginalInstallMedia = IsNEC_98 ? L"C:\\" : L"A:\\"; } else { OriginalInstallMedia = p; }
// Check to see if INF path has already been added. If so, add PNP
// ID to list of IDs, and continue to next PNP ID.
Index = pSetupStringTableLookUpString ( NewDriverTable, InfPath, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE );
if (Index != -1) { //
// Get the Attribs struct
if (!pSetupStringTableGetExtraData ( NewDriverTable, Index, &Attribs, sizeof (Attribs) )) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: String table extra data failure. \n" )); continue; }
MultiSzAppendString (&Attribs->PnpIdList, PnpId); continue; }
// New INF path: Allocate an attribute structure and put the path in a
// string table.
Attribs = (PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS) MyMalloc (sizeof (AF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS)); if (!Attribs) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Mem alloc failed for %u bytes. \n", sizeof (AF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS) ));
break; }
ZeroMemory (Attribs, sizeof (AF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS)); Attribs->InfHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Attribs->InfPath = pSetupDuplicateString (InfPath); Attribs->OriginalInstallMedia = pSetupDuplicateString (OriginalInstallMedia); MultiSzAppendString (&Attribs->PnpIdList, PnpId);
Attribs->Next = FirstAttribs; FirstAttribs = Attribs;
pSetupStringTableAddStringEx ( NewDriverTable, InfPath, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE, &Attribs, sizeof (Attribs) );
FoundOne = TRUE;
} while (SetupFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); }
// Clean up and exit
SetupCloseInfFile (AnswerInf);
ReusableFree (&b1); ReusableFree (&b2); ReusableFree (&b3);
if (FoundOne) { Drivers = (PAF_DRIVERS) MyMalloc (sizeof (AF_DRIVERS)); if (Drivers) { Drivers->DriverTable = NewDriverTable; Drivers->FirstDriver = FirstAttribs;
// Exit with success
return Drivers; } else { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: CreateAfDriverTable: Can't allocate %u bytes. \n", sizeof (AF_DRIVERS) )); } }
// Failure or empty
pSetupStringTableDestroy (NewDriverTable); return NULL; }
VOID DestroyAfDriverTable ( IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers )
Routine Description:
DestroyAfDriverTable enumerates the specified driver table and cleans up all memory used by the table.
Drivers - Specifies the table to clean up. Caller should not use table handle after this routine completes.
Return Value:
if (!Drivers) { return; }
MYASSERT (Drivers->DriverTable);
if (EnumFirstAfDriverEx (&e, Drivers, TRUE)) { do { MySmartFree (e.Driver->InfPath); MySmartFree (e.Driver->FilePath); MultiSzFree (&e.Driver->PnpIdList);
if (e.Driver->InfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupCloseInfFile (e.Driver->InfHandle); } } while (EnumNextAfDriver (&e)); }
pSetupStringTableDestroy (Drivers->DriverTable); }
BOOL EnumFirstAfDriver ( OUT PAF_DRIVER_ENUM EnumPtr, IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstAfDriver returns attributes for the first answer file-supplied driver. The driver is returned in the enum structure.
EnumPtr - Receives a pointer to the first valid driver (supplied in the answer file). Drivers - Specifies the driver table to enumerate.
Return Value:
TRUE if a driver was enumerated, or FALSE if none exist.
{ return EnumFirstAfDriverEx (EnumPtr, Drivers, FALSE); }
BOOL EnumFirstAfDriverEx ( OUT PAF_DRIVER_ENUM EnumPtr, IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers, IN BOOL WantAll )
Routine Description:
EnumFirstAfDriverEx works the same as EnumFirstAfDriver, except it optionally enumerates all drivers (i.e., those considered "broken").
EnumPtr - Receives the first driver supplied in the answer file. Drivers - Specifies the driver table to enumerate. WantAll - Specifies TRUE if broken drivers should be enumerated, or FALSE if they should be skipped.
Return Value:
TRUE if a driver was enumerated, or FALSE if none exist.
{ if (!Drivers) { return FALSE; }
MYASSERT (Drivers->DriverTable);
EnumPtr->Driver = Drivers->FirstDriver; EnumPtr->WantAll = WantAll;
if (!WantAll && EnumPtr->Driver) { //
// Make sure attribs are accurate
pBuildAfDriverAttribs (EnumPtr->Driver); }
if (!WantAll && EnumPtr->Driver && EnumPtr->Driver->Broken) { return EnumNextAfDriver (EnumPtr); }
return EnumPtr->Driver != NULL; }
BOOL EnumNextAfDriver ( IN OUT PAF_DRIVER_ENUM EnumPtr )
Routine Description:
EnumNextAfDriver continues an enumeration started by EnumFirstAfDriver(Ex).
EnumPtr - Specifies the enumeration to continue. Receives the next driver pointer.
Return Value:
TRUE if another driver was enumerated, or FALSE if no more drivers exist.
{ if (!EnumPtr->Driver) { return FALSE; }
do {
EnumPtr->Driver = EnumPtr->Driver->Next;
if (!EnumPtr->WantAll && EnumPtr->Driver) { //
// Make sure attribs are accurate
pBuildAfDriverAttribs (EnumPtr->Driver); }
} while (EnumPtr->Driver && EnumPtr->Driver->Broken && !EnumPtr->WantAll);
return EnumPtr->Driver != NULL; }
PWSTR pMyGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN DWORD Property, IN OUT PBUFFER Buf ) { DWORD SizeNeeded; DWORD Type; PBYTE p;
SizeNeeded = 0;
SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, Property, &Type, NULL, 0, &SizeNeeded );
if (!SizeNeeded) { return NULL; }
if (Type != REG_MULTI_SZ) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Device ID not REG_MULTI_SZ. \n" )); return NULL; }
p = ReusableAlloc (Buf, SizeNeeded); if (!p) { return NULL; }
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, Property, NULL, p, SizeNeeded, NULL )) { return NULL; }
return (PWSTR) p; }
VOID pAddIdsToStringTable ( IN OUT PVOID StringTable, IN PWSTR IdString ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e;
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, IdString)) { do { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Device has PNP ID %s \n", e.Current)); pSetupStringTableAddString (StringTable, (PWSTR) e.Current, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } }
SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, DriverInfoData, NULL, 0, &SizeNeeded );
if (!SizeNeeded) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail failed to get size for answer file driver, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); return NULL; }
Ptr = (PSP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA) ReusableAlloc (Buf, SizeNeeded);
if (!Ptr) { return NULL; }
Ptr->cbSize = sizeof (SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA); if (!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, DriverInfoData, Ptr, SizeNeeded, NULL )) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail failed for answer file driver, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); return NULL; }
return Ptr; }
BOOL SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver ( IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, OUT PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS *AfDriver )
Routine Description:
SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver builds a device list from each answer file-specified driver and tests it against the current device. If support is found, the device is installed.
Drivers - Specifies the structure that maintains answer file-supplied driver attributes. If Drivers is NULL, no processing is performed.
hDevInfo - Specifies the device info handle for the device being processed
DeviceInfoData - Specifies device state.
AfDriver - Receives a pointer to the selected answer file driver details, or NULL if no answer file driver was selected.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if a driver was successfully installed.
*AfDriver = NULL;
PnpIdTable = pSetupStringTableInitialize(); if (!PnpIdTable) { return FALSE; }
__try { //
// Enumeration will fail if there are no drivers specified in the answer file
if (!EnumFirstAfDriver (&e, Drivers)) { __leave; }
// Determine IDs of the device
IdString = pMyGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, &Buf );
if (IdString) { pAddIdsToStringTable (PnpIdTable, IdString); }
IdString = pMyGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS, &Buf );
if (IdString) { pAddIdsToStringTable (PnpIdTable, IdString); }
// For each af-supplied driver, compare driver IDs against device IDs
do { //
// Look for PNP match
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&AfId, e.Driver->PnpIdList.Start)) { do { if (-1 != pSetupStringTableLookUpString ( PnpIdTable, (PWSTR) AfId.Current, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE )) {
// Found match, add INF to the list of choices
if (!pAddAfDriver (e.Driver, hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, First)) { __leave; }
First = FALSE;
} } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&AfId)); }
} while (EnumNextAfDriver (&e));
// If First is still TRUE, then we have no match
if (First) { __leave; }
// Prepare for driver install by choosing the driver
b = SetupDiCallClassInstaller ( DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV, hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData );
if (!b) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SetupDiCallClassInstaller failed for answer file driver, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() ));
// reset the struct
deviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); if (SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &deviceInstallParams)) { ZeroMemory (deviceInstallParams.DriverPath, sizeof (deviceInstallParams.DriverPath)); deviceInstallParams.Flags &= ~DI_ENUMSINGLEINF; deviceInstallParams.FlagsEx &= ~DI_FLAGSEX_APPENDDRIVERLIST;
if (SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &deviceInstallParams)) { if (!SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver: SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); } } else { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver: SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); } } else { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SyssetupInstallAnswerFileDriver: SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); } } else {
// Identify which driver of ours, if any, was chosen
*AfDriver = pGetSelectedSourceDriver (Drivers, hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData);
if (*AfDriver == NULL) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: WARNING: Answer File Driver was not chosen for its device. \n" )); } }
} __finally {
pSetupStringTableDestroy (PnpIdTable); ReusableFree (&Buf);
return b;
Routine Description:
pAddAfDriver adds the INF specified in the answer file to the list of INFs. This causes the PNP setup code to include it when finding the best device driver.
Driver - Specifies the attributes of the answer file-supplied driver
hDevInfo - Specifies the current device
DeviceInfoData - Specifies current device info
First - TRUE if this is the first answer file-supplied INF for the device, otherwise FALSE
Return Value:
TRUE if the INF was added to the device install parameters, FALSE otherwise
{ SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS DeviceInstallParams; HKEY Key;
// Fill in DeviceInstallParams struct
DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &DeviceInstallParams)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: pAddAfDriver: SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
// Modify the struct
MYASSERT (!DeviceInstallParams.DriverPath[0]); lstrcpynW (DeviceInstallParams.DriverPath, Driver->InfPath, MAX_PATH); DeviceInstallParams.Flags |= DI_ENUMSINGLEINF; DeviceInstallParams.FlagsEx |= DI_FLAGSEX_APPENDDRIVERLIST;
// Tell setup api where to find the driver
if (!SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &DeviceInstallParams)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: pAddAfDriver: SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
if( !SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER ) ) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: pAddAfDriver: SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
// Install ClassInstall32 if necessary
if (Driver->ClassInstall32Section) { //
// Is class already installed?
Key = SetupDiOpenClassRegKey (&Driver->Guid, KEY_READ); if (Key == (HKEY) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !Key) { //
// No, install class.
if (!SetupDiInstallClass (NULL, Driver->InfPath, DI_FORCECOPY, NULL)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: pAddAfDriver: SetupDiInstallClass() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); } } else { RegCloseKey (Key); } }
return TRUE; }
PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS pGetSelectedSourceDriver ( IN PAF_DRIVERS Drivers, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData )
Routine Description:
pGetSelectedSourceDriver finds which answer file driver was selected, if any.
Drivers - Specifies the answer file driver table, as created by CreateAfDriverTable
hDevInfo - Specifies the current device. The driver for this device must be selected, but not yet installed.
DeviceInfoData - Specifies the device data
Return Value:
A pointer to the answer file driver attributes, or NULL if no answer file driver was selected for the device.
__try { //
// After the PNP subsystem installs a driver for the device, we get the
// actual installed device INF path, and see if it was one of our
// answer file-supplied drivers.
DriverData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);
if (!SetupDiGetSelectedDriver (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &DriverData)) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: SetupDiGetSelectedDriver failed for answer file driver, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); } else { DetailData = pMyGetDriverInfoDetail (hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, &DriverData, &Buf);
if (DetailData) {
// Check our driver list
if (EnumFirstAfDriver (&e, Drivers)) { do {
if (!lstrcmpi (e.Driver->InfPath, DetailData->InfFileName)) { //
// Match found
OurDriver = e.Driver; break; } } while (EnumNextAfDriver (&e)); }
} else { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: No driver details available, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); } }
} __finally { ReusableFree (&Buf); }
return OurDriver; }
BOOL SyssetupFixAnswerFileDriverPath ( IN PAF_DRIVER_ATTRIBS Driver, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData )
Routine Description:
SyssetupFixAnswerFileDriverPath calls SetupCopyOEMFile to copy the device INF over itself. The source is the same as the destination, which causes the PNF to be rebuilt, and doesn't cause any copy activity.
Driver - Specifies the attributes of the answer file-supplied driver hDevInfo - Specifies the device. The driver for this device must already be installed. DeviceInfoData - Specifies the device info
Return Value:
TRUE if the PNF was updated, FALSE otherwise.
{ HKEY Key = NULL; LONG rc; DWORD Type; DWORD DataSize; WCHAR Data[MAX_PATH - 48]; WCHAR WinDir[48]; WCHAR FullNtInfPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b = FALSE;
__try { //
// Now the driver in the temp dir has been installed. We must
// get the PNF to point to the original media. We do this by
// recopying the INF over itself.
Key = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey ( hDevInfo, DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_READ );
if (!Key) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Can't open key for device, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); __leave; }
DataSize = sizeof (Data);
rc = RegQueryValueEx ( Key, REGSTR_VAL_INFPATH, NULL, &Type, (PBYTE) Data, &DataSize );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Can't query value for device, error 0%Xh. \n", rc )); __leave; }
if (!GetSystemWindowsDirectory (WinDir, sizeof (WinDir) / sizeof (WinDir[0]))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: Can't get %%windir%%, error 0%Xh. \n", GetLastError() )); __leave; }
wsprintfW (FullNtInfPath, L"%s\\INF\\%s", WinDir, Data);
MYASSERT (GetFileAttributes (FullNtInfPath) != 0xFFFFFFFF);
// We now have the installed INF path. Recopy the INF so we can
// change the original media path.
if (!b) { PNP_DBGPRINT (( "SETUP: pFixSourceInfPath: SetupCopyOEMInf() failed. Error = 0%Xh \n", GetLastError() )); b = TRUE; }
} __finally { if (Key) { RegCloseKey (Key); } }
return b; }