Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains ASR routines specifically implemented for clusters.
Naming conventions: _AsrpXXX private ASR Macros AsrpXXX private ASR routines AsrXXX Publically defined and documented routines
Guhan Suriyanarayanan (guhans) 27-May-2000
User-mode only.
Revision History:
27-May-2000 guhans Moved cluster-related routines from asr.c to asrclus.c
01-Mar-2000 guhans Initial implementation for cluster-specific routines in asr.c
--*/ #include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mountmgr.h> // mountmgr ioctls
#include <clusstor.h> // Cluster API's
#include <resapi.h> // Cluster ResUtilEnumResources
#include <clusdisk.h>
#define THIS_MODULE 'C'
#include "asrpriv.h" // Private ASR definitions and routines
// --------
// typedef's local to this module
// --------
// The cluster resource related typdefs
typedef DWORD (* PFN_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONTROL) ( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD cbInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD cbOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpcbBytesReturned );
// ---------
// global variables used within this module.
// --------
// ---------
// constants used within this module.
// --------
const WCHAR ASR_CLUSTER_PHYSICAL_DISK[] = L"Physical Disk"; const WCHAR ASR_CLUSTER_CLUSAPI_DLL_NAME[] = L"clusapi.dll"; const WCHAR ASR_CLUSTER_RESUTILS_DLL_NAME[] = L"resutils.dll";
// The following must be single-byte ansi chars
const CHAR ASR_CLUSTER_DLL_MODULE_NAME[] = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\syssetup.dll"; const CHAR ASR_CLUSTER_DLL_PROC_NAME[] = "AsrpGetLocalDiskInfo"; const CHAR ASR_CLUSTER_CLUSAPI_PROC_NAME[] = "ClusterResourceControl"; const CHAR ASR_CLUSTER_RESUTILS_PROC_NAME[] = "ResUtilEnumResources";
// --------
// function implementations
// --------
// --- AsrpGetLocalVolumeInfo and related helper functions
// The disk info struct we get back from the remote nodes on the cluster will have
// offsets instead of pointers--we can convert this back to pointers by just adding
// back the base address. We also mark that this struct is packed--so we should just
// free the entire struct instead of freeing each pointer in the struct.
BOOL AsrpUnPackDiskInfo( IN PVOID InBuffer, IN CONST DWORD dwSizeBuffer ) {
PASR_DISK_INFO pBuffer = (PASR_DISK_INFO) InBuffer; DWORD dwNextOffset = 0;
/* if (!((pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx) && (pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) && (pBuffer->pPartition0Ex))) {
return FALSE; } */
// Do some sanity checks to ensure that the offsets in the structure make sense
if (pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx) { //
// Make sure the buffer is big enough to hold this struct, and
// that the entire struct fits within the buffer
if ((dwSizeBuffer < sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX)) || (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx) > (dwSizeBuffer - sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX)))) { return FALSE; }
// Set the minimum value for the next struct
dwNextOffset = PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx) + sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX); }
if (pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) { //
// Make sure this struct doesn't overlap with the previous struct
if (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) < dwNextOffset) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we haven't run off the end
if (dwNextOffset > dwSizeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure the rest of buffer is big enough to hold this struct, and
// that the entire struct fits within the buffer
if (((dwSizeBuffer - dwNextOffset) < sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY)) || (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) > (dwSizeBuffer - sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY)))) { return FALSE; } //
// Set the minimum value for the next struct
dwNextOffset = PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) + sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY); }
if (pBuffer->pPartition0Ex) { //
// Make sure this struct doesn't overlap with the previous struct
if (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pPartition0Ex) < dwNextOffset) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we haven't run off the end
if (dwNextOffset > dwSizeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure the rest of buffer is big enough to hold this struct, and
// that the entire struct fits within the buffer
if (((dwSizeBuffer - dwNextOffset) < sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX)) || (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pPartition0Ex) > (dwSizeBuffer - sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX)))) { return FALSE; }
// Set the minimum value for the next struct
dwNextOffset = PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pPartition0Ex) + sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX); } if (pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable) { //
// Make sure this struct doesn't overlap with the previous struct
if (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable) < dwNextOffset) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we haven't run off the end
if (dwNextOffset > dwSizeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure the rest of buffer is big enough to hold this struct, and
// that the entire struct fits within the buffer
if (((dwSizeBuffer - dwNextOffset) < sizeof(ASR_PTN_INFO)) || (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable) > (dwSizeBuffer - sizeof(ASR_PTN_INFO)))) { return FALSE; }
// Set the minimum value for the next struct
dwNextOffset = PtrToUlong(pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable) + sizeof(ASR_PTN_INFO); }
if (pBuffer->pScsiAddress) { //
// Make sure this struct doesn't overlap with the previous struct
if (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pScsiAddress) < dwNextOffset) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we haven't run off the end
if (dwNextOffset > dwSizeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure the rest of buffer is big enough to hold this struct, and
// that the entire struct fits within the buffer
if (((dwSizeBuffer - dwNextOffset) < sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS)) || (PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pScsiAddress) > (dwSizeBuffer - sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS)))) { return FALSE; }
// Set the minimum value for the next struct
dwNextOffset = PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pScsiAddress) + sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS); }
// Make sure we haven't run off the end
if (dwNextOffset > dwSizeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
pBuffer->IsPacked = TRUE;
// Convert the offsets to pointers
if (pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx) { pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx = (PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX) ((LPBYTE)pBuffer + PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx)); }
if (pBuffer->pDiskGeometry) { pBuffer->pDiskGeometry = (PDISK_GEOMETRY) ((LPBYTE)pBuffer + PtrToUlong((LPBYTE)pBuffer->pDiskGeometry)); }
if (pBuffer->pPartition0Ex) { pBuffer->pPartition0Ex = (PPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX) ((LPBYTE)pBuffer + PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pPartition0Ex)); }
if (pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable) { pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable = (PASR_PTN_INFO) ((LPBYTE)pBuffer + PtrToUlong(pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable)); }
if (pBuffer->pScsiAddress) { pBuffer->pScsiAddress = (PSCSI_ADDRESS) ((LPBYTE)pBuffer + PtrToUlong(pBuffer->pScsiAddress)); }
return TRUE; }
// Copies the info in pLocalDisk to a flat buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
// The pointers are changed to offsets from the start of the buffer.
DWORD AsrpPackDiskInfo( IN PASR_DISK_INFO pLocalDisk, OUT PVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) {
DWORD reqdSize = 0; PASR_DISK_INFO pBuffer = NULL; DWORD offset = 0;
// Calculate required size
reqdSize = sizeof (ASR_DISK_INFO) + pLocalDisk->sizeDriveLayoutEx + pLocalDisk->sizeDiskGeometry + pLocalDisk->sizePartition0Ex + pLocalDisk->sizePartitionInfoTable;
if (pLocalDisk->pScsiAddress) { reqdSize += sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS); }
if (lpBytesReturned) { *lpBytesReturned = reqdSize; }
if (reqdSize > nOutBufferSize) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
// Copy the ASR_DISK_INFO struct over to outBuffer
memcpy(lpOutBuffer, pLocalDisk, sizeof(ASR_DISK_INFO)); pBuffer = (PASR_DISK_INFO) lpOutBuffer; offset = sizeof(ASR_DISK_INFO); // offset where the next struct will be copied
// Now, we go through the buffer and convert all pointers to offsets,
// and copy over the structs they were pointing to.
// First pointer: PWSTR DevicePath;
// Since the DevicePath makes sense only in the context of the local node,
// we return NULL to the remote node.
pBuffer->DevicePath = NULL;
// Next pointer: PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX pDriveLayoutEx;
if (pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx) { memcpy(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx, pLocalDisk->sizeDriveLayoutEx );
pBuffer->pDriveLayoutEx = (PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX) UlongToPtr(offset); offset += pLocalDisk->sizeDriveLayoutEx; }
// Next pointer: PDISK_GEOMETRY pDiskGeometry;
if (pLocalDisk->pDiskGeometry) { memcpy(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), pLocalDisk->pDiskGeometry, pLocalDisk->sizeDiskGeometry );
pBuffer->pDiskGeometry = (PDISK_GEOMETRY) UlongToPtr(offset); offset += pLocalDisk->sizeDiskGeometry; }
// Next pointer: PPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX pPartition0Ex;
if (pLocalDisk->pPartition0Ex) { memcpy(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), pLocalDisk->pPartition0Ex, pLocalDisk->sizePartition0Ex );
pBuffer->pPartition0Ex= (PPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX) UlongToPtr(offset); offset += pLocalDisk->sizePartition0Ex; }
// Next pointer: PASR_PTN_INFO PartitionInfoTable;
if (pLocalDisk->PartitionInfoTable) { memcpy(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), pLocalDisk->PartitionInfoTable, pLocalDisk->sizePartitionInfoTable );
pBuffer->PartitionInfoTable = (PASR_PTN_INFO) UlongToPtr(offset); offset += pLocalDisk->sizePartitionInfoTable; }
// Last pointer: PSCSI_ADDRESS pScsiAddress;
if (pLocalDisk->pScsiAddress) { memcpy(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), pLocalDisk->pScsiAddress, sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS) );
pBuffer->pScsiAddress = (PSCSI_ADDRESS) UlongToPtr(offset); offset += sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS); }
MYASSERT(offset <= nOutBufferSize);
DWORD WINAPI AsrpGetLocalDiskInfo( IN LPSTR lpszDeviceName, IN LPSTR lpszContextString, // not used
OUT PVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) { PASR_DISK_INFO pLocalDisk = NULL; HANDLE heapHandle = NULL; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL result = FALSE; ULONG MaxDeviceNumber = 0; DWORD cchReqdSize = 0;
heapHandle = GetProcessHeap();
// Either the BytesReturned must be non-null (he's getting the required size),
// or the lpOutBuffer must be non-null (he's getting the data).
_AsrpErrExitCode(!(lpOutBuffer || lpBytesReturned), status, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (lpBytesReturned) { *lpBytesReturned = 0; }
pLocalDisk = (PASR_DISK_INFO) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (ASR_DISK_INFO) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!pLocalDisk, status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
cchReqdSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszDeviceName, -1, NULL, 0 );
pLocalDisk->DevicePath = (PWSTR) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (cchReqdSize + 1) * (sizeof(WCHAR)) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!(pLocalDisk->DevicePath), status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszDeviceName, -1, pLocalDisk->DevicePath, (cchReqdSize + 1) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!result, status, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// Get the disk layout information
result = AsrpInitLayoutInformation(NULL, pLocalDisk, &MaxDeviceNumber, TRUE, TRUE); _AsrpErrExitCode(!result, status, GetLastError()); // _AsrpErrExitCode(result && GetLastErr what if createfile fails?
result = AsrpFreeNonFixedMedia(&pLocalDisk); _AsrpErrExitCode(!result, status, GetLastError()); _AsrpErrExitCode(!pLocalDisk, status, ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Copy it to the out buffer without any pointers
status = AsrpPackDiskInfo(pLocalDisk, lpOutBuffer, nOutBufferSize, lpBytesReturned);
EXIT: AsrpFreeStateInformation(&pLocalDisk, NULL);
return status; }
BOOL AsrpIsOfflineClusteredDisk( IN CONST HANDLE hDisk ) /*++
Routine Description: Utility to check if the current disk is a shared cluster disk that's owned by a different node (and is hence inaccessible).
Based on code-snippet graciously donated by SteveDz. Arguments:
hDisk - Supplies a handle (no access required) to the disk of interest.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds and the disk is a shared cluster disk that is offline on the current node, the return value is a nonzero value.
If the function fails, or if the disk is not a shared cluster disk that is offline on the current node (ie, is a local unshared disk, or a shared disk that online to the current node) the return value is zero.
--*/ { BOOL result = FALSE; DWORD bytesReturned = 0; DiskState diskState = DiskOffline;
if ((!hDisk) || (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDisk)) { //
// We couldn't open the disk--let's assume that it's not an offline
// clustered disk.
return FALSE; }
// To get current disk state, don't specify input buffer.
// Current disk state returned in output buffer.
result = DeviceIoControl(hDisk, IOCTL_DISK_CLUSTER_GET_STATE, NULL, 0, &diskState, sizeof(DiskState), &bytesReturned, FALSE );
if ((result) && (DiskOffline == diskState)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// ---- AsrpInitClusterSharedDisks and related helper functions
BOOL AsrpIsClusteredDiskSame( IN PASR_DISK_INFO currentDisk, IN PASR_DISK_INFO clusterDisk ) {
if (!clusterDisk || !currentDisk) { MYASSERT(0 && L"Invalid parameter, Disk is NULL"); return FALSE; }
if (currentDisk->Style != clusterDisk->Style) { return FALSE; }
if (PARTITION_STYLE_MBR == clusterDisk->Style) { // currently always true
if (clusterDisk->pDriveLayoutEx) { if (currentDisk->pDriveLayoutEx) { return (currentDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Mbr.Signature == clusterDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Mbr.Signature); } else { return (currentDisk->TempSignature == clusterDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Mbr.Signature); } } else { MYASSERT(0 && L"Cluster disk drive layout is NULL"); return FALSE; }
} else { if (clusterDisk->pDriveLayoutEx && currentDisk->pDriveLayoutEx) { return (IsEqualGUID(&(currentDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Gpt.DiskId), &(clusterDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Gpt.DiskId))); } else { return FALSE; } }
return FALSE; }
DWORD AsrpResourceCallBack( RESOURCE_HANDLE hOriginal, RESOURCE_HANDLE hResource, PVOID lpParams ) { DISK_DLL_EXTENSION_INFO inBuffer;
PBYTE outBuffer = NULL;
DWORD sizeOutBuffer = 0, bytesReturned = 0;
PASR_DISK_INFO currentDisk = (PASR_DISK_INFO) lpParams, clusterDisk = NULL, prevDisk = NULL;
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HANDLE heapHandle = NULL; BOOL done = FALSE;
if (!lpParams) { //
// The system must have at least one disk that has been enumerated
// already (the system disk, at least!), so our disk list shouldn't be NULL.
heapHandle = GetProcessHeap(); MYASSERT(heapHandle);
// Allocate a reasonably-sized memory for the out buffer. If this isn't
// big enough, we'll re-allocate.
sizeOutBuffer = ASR_BUFFER_SIZE; outBuffer = (PBYTE) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeOutBuffer ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!outBuffer, status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
// Call AsrpGetLocalDiskInfo on the node owning this disk resource
ZeroMemory(&inBuffer, sizeof(inBuffer)); inBuffer.MajorVersion = NT5_MAJOR_VERSION; strcpy(inBuffer.DllModuleName, ASR_CLUSTER_DLL_MODULE_NAME); strcpy(inBuffer.DllProcName, ASR_CLUSTER_DLL_PROC_NAME);
status = (pfnClusterResourceControl) (hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL_EXTENSION, &inBuffer, sizeof(DISK_DLL_EXTENSION_INFO), (PVOID) outBuffer, sizeOutBuffer, &bytesReturned );
// The buffer wasn't big enough, re-allocate as needed
sizeOutBuffer = bytesReturned; outBuffer = (PBYTE) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeOutBuffer ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!outBuffer, status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
status = (pfnClusterResourceControl) ( hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL_EXTENSION, &inBuffer, sizeof(DISK_DLL_EXTENSION_INFO), (PVOID) outBuffer, sizeOutBuffer, &bytesReturned ); } _AsrpErrExitCode((ERROR_SUCCESS != status), status, status);
// outBuffer has a packed disk info struct (ie the pointers are offsets).
bResult = AsrpUnPackDiskInfo(outBuffer, sizeOutBuffer); _AsrpErrExitCode(!bResult, status, ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
clusterDisk = (PASR_DISK_INFO) outBuffer; clusterDisk->IsClusterShared = TRUE; clusterDisk->IsPacked = TRUE; // so that we free this properly
// Check if clusterDisk already has info in our list (ie is owned
// locally)
// Note that for now, clusterDisk is always MBR (since clusters don't
// support shared GPT disks). We don't care here, we handle GPT as well.
done = FALSE; prevDisk = NULL; while (currentDisk && !done) {
if (AsrpIsClusteredDiskSame(currentDisk, clusterDisk)) {
if (currentDisk->pDriveLayoutEx) { //
// This disk is owned by the local node (correct?), since
// we would not have gotten the pDriveLayout otherwise
currentDisk->IsClusterShared = TRUE; currentDisk->IsPacked = FALSE;
// We don't need the info returned by clusterDisk, we have
// it in currentDisk already.
_AsrpHeapFree(clusterDisk); // it's packed.
} else { //
// This disk is owned by a remote node. So we add clusterDisk
// in to our list now. We'll remove currentDisk from our
// list later (in RemoveNonFixedDevices).
// First though, we copy over DevicePath and DeviceNumber
// from currentDisk, since these are relative to the local
// machine
if (currentDisk->DevicePath) {
clusterDisk->DevicePath = (PWSTR) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(currentDisk->DevicePath) + 1) );
wcscpy(clusterDisk->DevicePath, currentDisk->DevicePath); }
clusterDisk->DeviceNumber = currentDisk->DeviceNumber; //
// Don't bother freeing currentDisk, it'll get taken care
// of in RemoveNonFixedDevices.
clusterDisk->pNext = currentDisk->pNext; currentDisk->pNext = clusterDisk;
currentDisk = clusterDisk; // move forward by one (don't really need to since done will be set to TRUE and we'll get out of the loop)
done = TRUE; }
prevDisk = currentDisk; currentDisk = currentDisk->pNext; }
if (!done) { //
// This disk was not found in our list (strange), let's add
// it in at the end
// MYASSERT(0 && L"Clustered disk not found in OriginalDiskList, adding it to the end");
clusterDisk->pNext = NULL; prevDisk->pNext = clusterDisk; }
EXIT: //
// Free up outBuffer on failure. On success, outBuffer shouldn't
// be freed, it will either be part of OriginalDiskList or already
// be freed.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != status) { _AsrpHeapFree(outBuffer); }
return status; }
BOOL AsrpInitClusterSharedDisks( IN PASR_DISK_INFO OriginalDiskList ) { DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS, dwOldError;
HMODULE hClusApi = NULL, hResUtils = NULL;
dwOldError = GetLastError();
if (!OriginalDiskList) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
hClusApi = LoadLibraryW(ASR_CLUSTER_CLUSAPI_DLL_NAME); _AsrpErrExitCode(!hClusApi, status, GetLastError());
pfnClusterResourceControl = (PFN_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONTROL) GetProcAddress( hClusApi, ASR_CLUSTER_CLUSAPI_PROC_NAME ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!pfnClusterResourceControl, status, GetLastError());
hResUtils = LoadLibraryW(ASR_CLUSTER_RESUTILS_DLL_NAME); _AsrpErrExitCode(!hResUtils, status, GetLastError());
pfnResUtilEnumResources = (PFN_RES_UTIL_ENUM_RESOURCES) GetProcAddress( hResUtils, ASR_CLUSTER_RESUTILS_PROC_NAME ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!pfnResUtilEnumResources, status, GetLastError());
status = (pfnResUtilEnumResources) (NULL, ASR_CLUSTER_PHYSICAL_DISK, AsrpResourceCallBack, OriginalDiskList );
EXIT: if (hClusApi) { FreeLibrary(hClusApi); }
if (hResUtils) { FreeLibrary(hResUtils); }
// ResUtil will fail if we aren't on a cluster, but that's fine.
SetLastError(dwOldError); return TRUE; }
// --- AsrpGetLocalVolumeInfo and related helper functions
// The following two definitions are from asr_fmt:dr_state.cpp. This MUST be
// kept in sync.
UINT driveType;
DWORD PartitionNumber;
ULONG FsNameOffset; USHORT FsNameLength;
ULONG LabelOffset; USHORT LabelLength;
ULONG SymbolicNamesOffset; USHORT SymbolicNamesLength;
DWORD dwClusterSize;
DWORD DiskSignature;
DWORD NumberOfEntries;
BOOL AsrpFmtGetVolumeDetails( IN PWSTR lpVolumeGuid, OUT PWSTR lpFsName, IN DWORD cchFsName, OUT PWSTR lpVolumeLabel, IN DWORD cchVolumeLabel, OUT LPDWORD lpClusterSize ) { DWORD dwFSFlags = 0, dwSectorsPerCluster = 0, dwBytesPerSector = 0, dwNumFreeClusters = 0, dwTotalNumClusters = 0;
BOOL result1 = TRUE, result2 = TRUE;
*lpFsName = 0; *lpVolumeLabel = 0; *lpClusterSize = 0;
result1 = GetVolumeInformationW(lpVolumeGuid, lpVolumeLabel, cchVolumeLabel, NULL, // no need for serial number
NULL, // max file name length
&dwFSFlags, // !! we might need to store some of this ...
lpFsName, cchFsName );
result2 = GetDiskFreeSpaceW(lpVolumeGuid, &dwSectorsPerCluster, &dwBytesPerSector, &dwNumFreeClusters, &dwTotalNumClusters );
*lpClusterSize = dwSectorsPerCluster * dwBytesPerSector;
return (result1 && result2); }
DWORD WINAPI AsrpGetLocalVolumeInfo( IN LPSTR lpszDeviceName, IN LPSTR lpszContextString, // not used
OUT PVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) { PASR_DISK_INFO pLocalDisk = NULL; HANDLE heapHandle = NULL; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL result = FALSE; ULONG MaxDeviceNumber = 0; DWORD cchReqdSize = 0, cchGuid = 0, offset = 0, index = 0, i = 0;
USHORT cbFsName = 0, cbLabel = 0, cbLinks = 0;
WCHAR devicePath[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR volumeGuid[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR fileSystemName[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR volumeLabel[MAX_PATH + 1]; UINT driveType = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; DWORD clusterSize = 0;
BOOL bufferFull = FALSE, foundGuid = FALSE;
heapHandle = GetProcessHeap();
// Either the BytesReturned must be non-null (he's getting the required size),
// or the lpOutBuffer must be non-null (he's getting the data).
_AsrpErrExitCode(!(lpOutBuffer || lpBytesReturned), status, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (lpBytesReturned) { *lpBytesReturned = 0; }
// Zero the out buffer
if ((lpOutBuffer) && (nOutBufferSize > 0)) { ZeroMemory(lpOutBuffer, nOutBufferSize); }
pLocalDisk = (PASR_DISK_INFO) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (ASR_DISK_INFO) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!pLocalDisk, status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
cchReqdSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszDeviceName, -1, NULL, 0 );
pLocalDisk->DevicePath = (PWSTR) HeapAlloc( heapHandle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (cchReqdSize + 1) * (sizeof(WCHAR)) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!(pLocalDisk->DevicePath), status, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszDeviceName, -1, pLocalDisk->DevicePath, (cchReqdSize + 1) ); _AsrpErrExitCode(!result, status, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// Get the disk layout information
result = AsrpInitLayoutInformation(NULL, pLocalDisk, &MaxDeviceNumber, FALSE, FALSE); // basic info will suffice
_AsrpErrExitCode(!result, status, GetLastError()); _AsrpErrExitCode(!(pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx), status, ERROR_SUCCESS);
offset = sizeof(ASRFMT_CLUSTER_VOLUMES_TABLE) + (sizeof(ASRFMT_CLUSTER_VOLUME_INFO) * (pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->PartitionCount - 1)); pTable = (PASRFMT_CLUSTER_VOLUMES_TABLE) lpOutBuffer;
if ((!lpOutBuffer) || (offset > nOutBufferSize)) { bufferFull = TRUE; }
if (!bufferFull) {
if (PARTITION_STYLE_MBR == pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->PartitionStyle) { pTable->DiskSignature = pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->Mbr.Signature; } else { //
// At the moment, only MBR disks are cluster shared disks, and so
// we don't handle GPT disks here. If GPT disks are allowed to
// be on a shared bus in a cluster, change this.
_AsrpErrExitCode(FALSE, status, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
pTable->NumberOfEntries = pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->PartitionCount; }
for (index = 0; index < pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->PartitionCount; index++) {
currentPartitionEx = &(pLocalDisk->pDriveLayoutEx->PartitionEntry[index]); mountPointsOut = NULL; foundGuid = FALSE;
// For each partition, AsrpGetMountPoints gives a list of all mount points,
// then use that to AsrpFmtGetVolumeDetails
// get the volumeGuid
if (!(currentPartitionEx->PartitionNumber)) { //
// Container partitions have partitionNumber = 0, and have no volume Guids.
continue; }
memset(volumeGuid, 0, (MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); swprintf(devicePath, ASR_WSZ_DEVICE_PATH_FORMAT, pLocalDisk->DeviceNumber, currentPartitionEx->PartitionNumber );
result = AsrpGetMountPoints( devicePath, (wcslen(devicePath) + 1)* sizeof(WCHAR), // including \0, in bytes
&mountPointsOut ); if (!result || !(mountPointsOut)) { continue; }
// Go through the list of mount points, and pick out one that
// looks like a volume Guid (starts with \??\Volume)
cbLinks = sizeof(WCHAR); // \0 at the end
for (i = 0; i < mountPointsOut->NumberOfMountPoints; i++) {
PWSTR linkName = (PWSTR) ( ((LPBYTE) mountPointsOut) + mountPointsOut->MountPoints[i].SymbolicLinkNameOffset );
USHORT sizeLinkName = (UINT) (mountPointsOut->MountPoints[i].SymbolicLinkNameLength);
if (!wcsncmp(ASR_WSZ_VOLUME_PREFIX, linkName, wcslen(ASR_WSZ_VOLUME_PREFIX)) && !foundGuid) { wcsncpy(volumeGuid, linkName, sizeLinkName / sizeof(WCHAR)); foundGuid = TRUE; }
cbLinks += sizeLinkName + (USHORT) sizeof(WCHAR); }
// GetDriveType needs the volume guid in the dos-name-space, while the
// mount manager gives the volume guid in the nt-name-space. Convert
// the name by changing the \??\ at the beginning to \\?\, and adding
// a back-slash at the end.
cchGuid = wcslen(volumeGuid); volumeGuid[1] = L'\\'; volumeGuid[cchGuid] = L'\\'; // Trailing back-slash
volumeGuid[cchGuid+1] = L'\0';
driveType = GetDriveTypeW(volumeGuid); //
// Get the FS Label, cluster size, and so on.
result = AsrpFmtGetVolumeDetails(volumeGuid, fileSystemName, MAX_PATH + 1, volumeLabel, MAX_PATH + 1, &clusterSize ); if (!result) { continue; }
cbFsName = wcslen(fileSystemName) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbLabel = wcslen(volumeLabel) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (bufferFull) { offset += (cbFsName + cbLabel + cbLinks); } else { if (offset + cbFsName + cbLabel + cbLinks > nOutBufferSize) { bufferFull = TRUE; } else {
if (cbFsName) { CopyMemory(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), fileSystemName, cbFsName ); pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].FsNameOffset = offset; pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].FsNameLength = cbFsName; offset += cbFsName; }
if (cbLabel) { CopyMemory(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), volumeLabel, cbLabel ); pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].LabelOffset = offset; pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].LabelLength = cbLabel; offset += cbLabel; }
// Copy the symbolic links, separated by zeroes
if (mountPointsOut->NumberOfMountPoints > 0) { pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].SymbolicNamesOffset = offset; }
for (i = 0; i < mountPointsOut->NumberOfMountPoints; i++) {
PWSTR linkName = (PWSTR) ( ((LPBYTE) mountPointsOut) + mountPointsOut->MountPoints[i].SymbolicLinkNameOffset );
UINT sizeLinkName = (UINT) (mountPointsOut->MountPoints[i].SymbolicLinkNameLength);
CopyMemory(((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + offset), linkName, sizeLinkName ); offset += (sizeLinkName + sizeof(WCHAR)); }
offset += sizeof(WCHAR); // second \0 at the end
pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].SymbolicNamesLength = cbLinks;
pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].driveType = driveType; pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].PartitionNumber = currentPartitionEx->PartitionNumber; pTable->VolumeInfoEntry[index].dwClusterSize = clusterSize; } }
if (lpBytesReturned) { *lpBytesReturned = offset; }
EXIT: AsrpFreeStateInformation(&pLocalDisk, NULL);
return status; }