Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines for displaying Windows that are static in nature.
Ted Miller (tedm) 8-Jun-1995
Revision History:
#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Define structure we pass around to describe a billboard.
typedef struct _BILLBOARD_PARAMS { UINT MessageId; va_list *arglist; HWND Owner; DWORD NotifyThreadId; } BILLBOARD_PARAMS, *PBILLBOARD_PARAMS;
// Custom window messages
#define ID_REBOOT_TIMER 10
// Import the entry point used to check whether setup is executing within an
// ASR context.
extern BOOL AsrIsEnabled( VOID );
INT_PTR BillboardDlgProc( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { static BOOL Initializing; HWND Animation = GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDA_SETUPINIT); static HANDLE hBitmap; static HCURSOR hCursor;
switch(msg) {
BillParams = (PBILLBOARD_PARAMS)lParam;
if(BillParams->MessageId == MSG_INITIALIZING) { Initializing = TRUE; b = TRUE; hCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_WAIT ) ); ShowCursor( TRUE ); Animate_Open(Animation,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_SETUPINIT)); if (ProductType == PRODUCT_WORKSTATION) { hBitmap = LoadBitmap (MyModuleHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_INIT_WORKSTATION)); } else { hBitmap = LoadBitmap (MyModuleHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_INIT_SERVER)); } SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDC_BITMAP,STM_SETIMAGE,IMAGE_BITMAP,(LPARAM)hBitmap); } else { Initializing = FALSE; if(p = RetrieveAndFormatMessageV(SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, BillParams->MessageId,BillParams->arglist)) {
b = SetDlgItemText(hdlg,IDT_STATIC_1,p); MyFree(p); } else { b = FALSE; } }
if(b) { //
// Center the billboard relative to the window that owns it.
// if we have the BB window, do the positioning on that.
// MainWindowHandle point to that window
if (GetBBhwnd()) CenterWindowRelativeToWindow(hdlg, MainWindowHandle, FALSE); else pSetupCenterWindowRelativeToParent(hdlg); //
// Post ourselves a message that we won't get until we've been
// actually displayed on the screen. Then when we process that message,
// we inform the thread that created us that we're up. Note that
// once that notification has been made, the BillParams we're using
// now will go away since they are stored in local vars (see
// DisplayBillboard()).
PostMessage(hdlg,WMX_BILLBOARD_DISPLAYED,0,(LPARAM)BillParams->NotifyThreadId); //
// Tell Windows not to process this message.
return(FALSE); } else { //
// We won't post the message, but returning -1 will get the
// caller of DialogBox to post it for us.
EndDialog(hdlg,-1); } } break;
if(Initializing) { Animate_Play(Animation,0,-1,-1); }
PostThreadMessage( (DWORD)lParam, WMX_BILLBOARD_DISPLAYED, TRUE, (LPARAM)hdlg );
if(Initializing) { SetCursor( hCursor ); ShowCursor( FALSE ); Animate_Stop(Animation); Animate_Close(Animation); DeleteObject(hBitmap); } EndDialog(hdlg,0); break;
default: return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
DWORD BillboardThread( IN PVOID ThreadParam ) { PBILLBOARD_PARAMS BillboardParams; INT_PTR i;
BillboardParams = ThreadParam;
// For the "initializing" case, we use a different dialog.
if( AsrIsEnabled() ) { i = DialogBoxParam( MyModuleHandle, (BillboardParams->MessageId == MSG_INITIALIZING) ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUPINIT_ASR) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_BILLBOARD1), BillboardParams->Owner, BillboardDlgProc, (LPARAM)BillboardParams ); } else { i = DialogBoxParam( MyModuleHandle, (BillboardParams->MessageId == MSG_INITIALIZING) ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUPINIT) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_BILLBOARD1), BillboardParams->Owner, BillboardDlgProc, (LPARAM)BillboardParams ); }
// If the dialog box call failed, we have to tell the
// main thread about it here. Otherwise the dialog proc
// tells the main thread.
if(i == -1) { PostThreadMessage( BillboardParams->NotifyThreadId, WMX_BILLBOARD_DISPLAYED, FALSE, (LPARAM)NULL ); }
return(0); }
HWND DisplayBillboard( IN HWND Owner, IN UINT MessageId, ... ) { HANDLE ThreadHandle; DWORD ThreadId; BILLBOARD_PARAMS ThreadParams; va_list arglist; HWND hwnd; MSG msg;
hwnd = NULL; // If we have a billboard, we should not need this. dialog.
if (GetBBhwnd() == NULL) { va_start(arglist,MessageId);
// The billboard will exist in a separate thread so it will
// always be responsive.
ThreadParams.MessageId = MessageId; ThreadParams.arglist = &arglist; ThreadParams.Owner = Owner; ThreadParams.NotifyThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, BillboardThread, &ThreadParams, 0, &ThreadId );
if(ThreadHandle) { //
// Wait for the billboard to tell us its window handle
// or that it failed to display the billboard dialog.
do { GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0); if(msg.message == WMX_BILLBOARD_DISPLAYED) { if(msg.wParam) { hwnd = (HWND)msg.lParam; Sleep(1500); // let the user see it even on fast machines
} } else { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } while(msg.message != WMX_BILLBOARD_DISPLAYED);
CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); }
va_end(arglist); } else { // Start BB text
StartStopBB(TRUE); } return(hwnd); }
VOID KillBillboard( IN HWND BillboardWindowHandle ) { if(BillboardWindowHandle && IsWindow(BillboardWindowHandle)) { PostMessage(BillboardWindowHandle,WMX_BILLBOARD_TERMINATE,0,0); } }
INT_PTR DoneDlgProc( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { PWSTR p; static UINT Countdown;
switch(msg) {
// if we have the BB window, do the positioning on that. MainWindowHandle point to that window
if (GetBBhwnd()) CenterWindowRelativeToWindow(hdlg, MainWindowHandle, FALSE); else pSetupCenterWindowRelativeToParent(hdlg);
SendDlgItemMessage( hdlg, IDOK, BM_SETIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM)LoadBitmap(MyModuleHandle,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_REBOOT)) );
if(p = RetrieveAndFormatMessage(NULL,(UINT)lParam)) { SetDlgItemText(hdlg,IDT_STATIC_1,p); MyFree(p); }
Countdown = 15 * 10; SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDC_PROGRESS1,PBM_SETRANGE,0,MAKELONG(0,Countdown)); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDC_PROGRESS1,PBM_SETSTEP,1,0); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDC_PROGRESS1,PBM_SETPOS,0,0); SetTimer(hdlg,ID_REBOOT_TIMER,100,NULL);
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDOK)); return(FALSE);
case WM_TIMER:
if(Countdown) { SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDC_PROGRESS1,PBM_STEPIT,0,0); } else { KillTimer(hdlg,ID_REBOOT_TIMER); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDOK,BM_GETIMAGE,0,0)); EndDialog(hdlg,0); }
if((HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) && (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK)) { KillTimer(hdlg,ID_REBOOT_TIMER); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg,IDOK,BM_GETIMAGE,0,0)); EndDialog(hdlg,0); } else { return(FALSE); } break;
default: return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BB_ShowProgressGaugeWnd(UINT nCmdShow) { static SHOWPROGRESSGAUGEWINDOW fpShowGauge = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (fpShowGauge == NULL) { if (hinstBB) { fpShowGauge = (SHOWPROGRESSGAUGEWINDOW )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "ShowProgressGaugeWindow"); } } if (fpShowGauge != NULL) { bRet = fpShowGauge(nCmdShow); } return bRet; } LRESULT BB_ProgressGaugeMsg(UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { static PROGRESSGAUGEMSG fpProgressGaugeMsg = NULL; LRESULT lresult = 0;
if (fpProgressGaugeMsg == NULL) { if (hinstBB) { fpProgressGaugeMsg = (PROGRESSGAUGEMSG )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "ProgressGaugeMsg"); } } if (fpProgressGaugeMsg != NULL) { lresult = fpProgressGaugeMsg(msg, wparam, lparam); } return lresult; } void BB_SetProgressText(LPCTSTR szText) { static SETPROGRESSTEXT fpSetProgressText = NULL; if (fpSetProgressText == NULL) { if (hinstBB) { fpSetProgressText = (SETPROGRESSTEXT )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "SetProgressText"); } } if (fpSetProgressText != NULL) { fpSetProgressText(szText); } } void BB_SetInfoText(LPTSTR szText) { static SETINFOTEXT fpSetInfoText = NULL; if (fpSetInfoText == NULL) { if (hinstBB) { fpSetInfoText = (SETINFOTEXT )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "SetInfoText"); } } if (fpSetInfoText != NULL) { fpSetInfoText(szText); } } void BB_SetTimeEstimateText(LPTSTR szText) { static SETTIMEESTIMATE fpSetTimeEstimate = NULL; if (fpSetTimeEstimate == NULL) { if (hinstBB) { fpSetTimeEstimate = (SETTIMEESTIMATE)GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "SetTimeEstimate"); } } if (fpSetTimeEstimate != NULL) { fpSetTimeEstimate(szText); } }
BOOL StartStopBB(BOOL bStart) { static STARTBILLBOARD fpStart = NULL; static STOPBILLBOARD fpStop = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ((fpStart == NULL) || (fpStop == NULL)) { if (hinstBB) { fpStop = (STARTBILLBOARD )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "StopBillBoard"); fpStart = (STOPBILLBOARD )GetProcAddress(hinstBB, "StartBillBoard"); } } if ((fpStart != NULL) && (fpStop != NULL)) { if (bStart) bRet = fpStart(); else bRet = fpStop();
} return bRet; }
LRESULT ProgressGaugeMsgWrapper(UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { static DWORD MsecPerProcessTick; static DWORD PreviousRemainingTime = 0; static DWORD RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = 0; static int iCurrentPos = 0; static int iMaxPosition = 0; static int iStepSize = 0;
static UINT PreviousPhase = Phase_Unknown; static BOOL IgnoreSetRange = FALSE; static BOOL IgnoreSetPos = FALSE;
DWORD dwDeltaTicks = 0; switch (msg) { case WMX_PROGRESSTICKS: // If we get a WMX_PROGRESSTICKS before a PBM_SETRANGE, ignore the set range
// This should be use if the progress bar only takes up x% of the whole bar.
// In this case the phase sends PBM_SETRANGE and a PBM_SETPOS to setup the
// progress values for it's part of the gauge.
IgnoreSetRange = TRUE; if (PreviousPhase != CurrentPhase) { PreviousPhase = CurrentPhase; iCurrentPos = 0; iMaxPosition = (int)wparam; iStepSize = 10;
MsecPerProcessTick = ((SetupPhase[CurrentPhase].Time*1000)/(iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos) )+ 1; RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = (SetupPhase[CurrentPhase].Time * 1000); PreviousRemainingTime = RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase; } else { // what to do if the same phase send more then one set range.
// don't change the remaining time, only recal the msecperprogresstick
iCurrentPos = 0; iMaxPosition = (int)wparam; iStepSize = 10; MsecPerProcessTick = (RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase /(iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos) )+ 1; } break;
case PBM_SETPOS: { UINT uiCurrentPos; if (!IgnoreSetPos) { int iDeltaPos = 0; // Find out where the current position of the gasgauge is.
// The difference is the #ticks we use to reduce the time estimate
uiCurrentPos = (UINT)BB_ProgressGaugeMsg(PBM_GETPOS, 0, 0); // See if there is a difference in the current position and the one
// we think we are in.
// Only if the new position is greater then the current one
// calc the difference and substract from remaining time.
if ((UINT)wparam > uiCurrentPos) { iDeltaPos = (UINT)wparam - uiCurrentPos; iCurrentPos += iDeltaPos; // Only substract if more time left
if ((iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick) < RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase) { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase -= (iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick); } else { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = 0; } UpdateTimeString(RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase, &PreviousRemainingTime); } } IgnoreSetPos = FALSE; } break;
case PBM_SETRANGE: case PBM_SETRANGE32: // did the phase not send the private message above
if (!IgnoreSetRange) { // Are we not in the same phase?
if (PreviousPhase != CurrentPhase) { PreviousPhase = CurrentPhase; // Get the new start and max position
if (msg == PBM_SETRANGE32) { iCurrentPos = (int)wparam; iMaxPosition = (int)lparam; } else { iCurrentPos = LOWORD(lparam); iMaxPosition = HIWORD(lparam); } iStepSize = 10;
// Calc the msec per tick and msec in this phase
MsecPerProcessTick = ((SetupPhase[CurrentPhase].Time*1000)/(iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos) )+ 1; RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = (SetupPhase[CurrentPhase].Time * 1000); PreviousRemainingTime = RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase; } else { // the same phase send more then one set range.
// 1. don't change the remaining time, only recal the msecperprogresstick
// 2. Ignore the next PBM_SETPOS message.
// Get the new start and max position
if (msg == PBM_SETRANGE32) { iCurrentPos = (int)wparam; iMaxPosition = (int)lparam; } else { iCurrentPos = LOWORD(lparam); iMaxPosition = HIWORD(lparam); } iStepSize = 10; MsecPerProcessTick = (RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase /(iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos) )+ 1; IgnoreSetPos = TRUE; } } else { // If we ignored the setrange, also ignore the first set pos.
IgnoreSetPos = TRUE; } IgnoreSetRange = FALSE; break;
case PBM_DELTAPOS: { int iDeltaPos = 0; // wparam has the # of ticks to move the gas gauge
// make sure we don't over shoot the max posistion
if ((iCurrentPos + (int)wparam) > iMaxPosition) { iDeltaPos = (iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos); } else { iDeltaPos = (int)wparam; }
iCurrentPos += iDeltaPos; if ((iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick) < RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase) { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase -= (iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick); } else { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = 0; } UpdateTimeString(RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase, &PreviousRemainingTime); } break;
case PBM_STEPIT: { int iDeltaPos = 0; // make sure we don't over shoot the max posistion
if ((iCurrentPos + iStepSize) > iMaxPosition) { iDeltaPos = (iMaxPosition - iCurrentPos); } else { iDeltaPos = iStepSize; } iCurrentPos += iDeltaPos; if ((iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick) < RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase) { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase -= (iDeltaPos * MsecPerProcessTick); } else { RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase = 0; } UpdateTimeString(RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase, &PreviousRemainingTime); } break;
case PBM_SETSTEP: iStepSize = (int)wparam; break; } return BB_ProgressGaugeMsg(msg, wparam, lparam); }
void UpdateTimeString(DWORD RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase, DWORD *PreviousRemainingTime) { // If the previous displayed time is 1 minute old, update the time remaining.
if ((*PreviousRemainingTime >= 60000) && ((*PreviousRemainingTime - 60000) > RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase)) { // Substract one minute.
RemainingTime -= 60; *PreviousRemainingTime = RemainungTimeMsecInThisPhase; SetRemainingTime(RemainingTime); } }