Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Prototype of routines to handle dynamic update support during GUI setup phase
Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) 15-Aug-2000
Revision History:
BOOL DuDoesUpdatedFileExistEx ( IN PCTSTR Filename, OUT PTSTR PathBuffer, OPTIONAL IN DWORD PathBufferSize );
#define DuDoesUpdatedFileExist(f) DuDoesUpdatedFileExistEx(f,NULL,0)
PCTSTR DuGetUpdatesPath ( VOID );
BOOL BuildPathToInstallationFileEx ( IN PCTSTR Filename, OUT PTSTR PathBuffer, IN DWORD PathBufferSize, IN BOOL UseDuShare );
#define BuildPathToInstallationFile(f,p,s) BuildPathToInstallationFileEx(f,p,s,TRUE)
BOOL DuInitialize ( VOID );
DWORD DuInstallCatalogs ( OUT SetupapiVerifyProblem* Problem, OUT PTSTR ProblemFile, IN PCTSTR DescriptionForError OPTIONAL );
DWORD DuInstallUpdates ( VOID );
VOID DuInstallUpdatesInfFinal ( VOID );
BOOL DuInstallEndGuiSetupDrivers ( VOID );
BOOL DuInstallDuAsms ( VOID );
VOID DuCleanup ( VOID );
UINT DuSetupPromptForDisk ( HWND hwndParent, // parent window of the dialog box
PCTSTR DialogTitle, // optional, title of the dialog box
PCTSTR DiskName, // optional, name of disk to insert
PCTSTR PathToSource, // optional, expected source path
PCTSTR FileSought, // name of file needed
PCTSTR TagFile, // optional, source media tag file
DWORD DiskPromptStyle, // specifies dialog box behavior
PTSTR PathBuffer, // receives the source location
DWORD PathBufferSize, // size of the supplied buffer
PDWORD PathRequiredSize // optional, buffer size needed