Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Miscellaneous file operations.
Entry points:
Ted Miller (tedm) 5-Apr-1995
Revision History:
#include "setupp.h"
// This include is needed for ValidateAndChecksumFile()
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#pragma hdrstop
VOID pSetInstallAttributes( VOID )
Routine Description:
Set default attributes on a huge list of files. The shell had been doing this, but it's probably better to do it here so that the the user doesn't have his attributes reset everytime he logs in.
Return Value:
#define _SH (_S | _H)
#define _SHR (_S | _H | _R)
struct { WCHAR FileName[20]; BOOL DeleteIfEmpty; DWORD Attributes; } FilesToFix[] = { // { L"X:\\autoexec.bat", TRUE, _H }, 16bit apps break if hidden: jarbats bug148787
{ L"X:\\autoexec.000", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\autoexec.old", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\autoexec.bak", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\autoexec.dos", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\autoexec.win", TRUE, _SH }, // { L"X:\\config.sys", TRUE, _H }, 16bit apps break if hidden: jarbats bug 148787
{ L"X:\\config.dos", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\config.win", TRUE, _SH }, { L"X:\\command.com", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\command.dos", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\logo.sys", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\msdos.---", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x backup of msdos.*
{ L"X:\\boot.ini", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\boot.bak", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\boot.---", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\bootsect.dos", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\bootlog.txt", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x first boot log
{ L"X:\\bootlog.prv", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\ffastun.ffa", FALSE, _SH }, // Office 97 only used hidden, O2K uses SH
{ L"X:\\ffastun.ffl", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\ffastun.ffx", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\ffastun0.ffx", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\ffstunt.ffl", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\sms.ini", FALSE, _SH }, // SMS
{ L"X:\\sms.new", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\sms_time.dat", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\smsdel.dat", FALSE, _SH }, { L"X:\\mpcsetup.log", FALSE, _H }, // Microsoft Proxy Server
{ L"X:\\detlog.txt", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x PNP detection log
{ L"X:\\detlog.old", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x PNP detection log
{ L"X:\\setuplog.txt", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x setup log
{ L"X:\\setuplog.old", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x setup log
{ L"X:\\suhdlog.dat", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x setup log
{ L"X:\\suhdlog.---", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x setup log
{ L"X:\\suhdlog.bak", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x setup log
{ L"X:\\system.1st", FALSE, _SH }, // Win95 system.dat backup
{ L"X:\\netlog.txt", FALSE, _SH }, // Win9x network setup log file
{ L"X:\\setup.aif", FALSE, _SH }, // NT4 unattended setup script
{ L"X:\\catlog.wci", FALSE, _H }, // index server folder
{ L"X:\\cmsstorage.lst", FALSE, _SH }, // Microsoft Media Manager
WCHAR szWinDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i, j; DWORD Result;
// Get the drive letter that we installed on.
Result = GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, MAX_PATH); if( Result == 0) { MYASSERT(FALSE); return; }
for( i = 0; i < (sizeof(FilesToFix)/sizeof(FilesToFix[0])); i++ ) { //
// First we need to fixup the path. This is really gross, but lots
// of these files will be on the system partition and lots will be
// on the partition where we installed, which may not be the same.
// Rather than figuring out which of these live on which partition
// and ensuring that this is true for all flavors of NT, just
// process both locations.
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { if( j & 1 ) { FilesToFix[i].FileName[0] = szWinDir[0]; } else { #if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
FilesToFix[i].FileName[0] = x86SystemPartitionDrive; #else
FilesToFix[i].FileName[0] = L'C'; #endif
// Now set the attributes.
SetFileAttributes( FilesToFix[i].FileName, FilesToFix[i].Attributes ); }
DWORD TreeCopy( IN PCWSTR SourceDir, IN PCWSTR TargetDir ) { DWORD d; WCHAR Pattern[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR NewTarget[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE FindHandle;
// First create the target directory if it doesn't already exist.
if(!CreateDirectory(TargetDir,NULL)) { d = GetLastError(); if(d != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return(d); } }
// Copy each file in the source directory to the target directory.
// If any directories are encountered along the way recurse to copy them
// as they are encountered.
// Start by forming the search pattern, which is <sourcedir>\*.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,SourceDir,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,L"*",MAX_PATH,NULL);
// Start the search.
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(Pattern,&FindData); if(FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
} else {
do {
// Form the full name of the file or directory we just found
// as well as its name in the target.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,SourceDir,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,FindData.cFileName,MAX_PATH,NULL);
lstrcpyn(NewTarget,TargetDir,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(NewTarget,FindData.cFileName,MAX_PATH,NULL);
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// The current match is a directory. Recurse into it unless
// it's . or ...
if(lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT("." )) && lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT(".."))) { d = TreeCopy(Pattern,NewTarget); } else { d = NO_ERROR; }
} else {
// The current match is not a directory -- so copy it.
SetFileAttributes(NewTarget,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); d = CopyFile(Pattern,NewTarget,FALSE) ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError(); } } while((d==NO_ERROR) && FindNextFile(FindHandle,&FindData));
FindClose(FindHandle); }
return(d); }
VOID DelSubNodes( IN PCWSTR Directory ) { WCHAR Pattern[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE FindHandle;
// Delete each file in the given directory, but DO NOT remove the directory itself.
// If any directories are encountered along the way recurse to delete them
// as they are encountered.
// Start by forming the search pattern, which is <currentdir>\*.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,Directory,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,L"*",MAX_PATH,NULL);
// Start the search.
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(Pattern,&FindData); if(FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
do {
// Form the full name of the file or directory we just found.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,Directory,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,FindData.cFileName,MAX_PATH,NULL);
// Remove read-only atttribute if it's there.
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { SetFileAttributes(Pattern,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
// The current match is a directory. Recurse into it unless
// it's . or ...
if(lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT("." )) && lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT(".."))) { Delnode(Pattern); }
} else {
// The current match is not a directory -- so delete it.
if(!DeleteFile(Pattern)) { SetuplogError( LogSevWarning, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_DELNODE_FAIL, Pattern, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_X_PARAM_RETURNED_WINERR, szDeleteFile, GetLastError(), Pattern, NULL,NULL); } } } while(FindNextFile(FindHandle,&FindData));
FindClose(FindHandle); }
VOID Delnode( IN PCWSTR Directory ) { WCHAR Pattern[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE FindHandle;
// Delete each file in the given directory, then remove the directory itself.
// If any directories are encountered along the way recurse to delete them
// as they are encountered.
// Start by forming the search pattern, which is <currentdir>\*.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,Directory,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,L"*",MAX_PATH,NULL);
// Start the search.
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(Pattern,&FindData); if(FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
do {
// Form the full name of the file or directory we just found.
lstrcpyn(Pattern,Directory,MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Pattern,FindData.cFileName,MAX_PATH,NULL);
// Remove read-only atttribute if it's there.
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { SetFileAttributes(Pattern,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if( (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) { if( !RemoveDirectory(Pattern)) { SetuplogError( LogSevWarning, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_DELNODE_FAIL, Pattern, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_X_PARAM_RETURNED_WINERR, szRemoveDirectory, GetLastError(), Pattern, NULL,NULL); } } else { //
// The current match is a directory. Recurse into it unless
// it's . or ...
if(lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT("." )) && lstrcmp(FindData.cFileName,TEXT(".."))) { Delnode(Pattern); } } } else {
// The current match is not a directory -- so delete it.
if(!DeleteFile(Pattern)) { SetuplogError( LogSevWarning, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_DELNODE_FAIL, Pattern, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_X_PARAM_RETURNED_WINERR, szDeleteFile, GetLastError(), Pattern, NULL,NULL); } } } while(FindNextFile(FindHandle,&FindData));
FindClose(FindHandle); }
// Remove the directory we just emptied out. Ignore errors.
SetFileAttributes(Directory,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); RemoveDirectory(Directory); }
VOID RemoveServicePackEntries( HKEY hKey ) /*
This routine takes in the Handle to the Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\ServicePackUninstall key and then enumerates each value entry under it.
It then takes the value data and appends that to the
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" and delnodes that key. This way we have an extensible mechanism to always cleanup the Uninstall keys for ServicePacks.
*/ {
#define UNINSTALLKEY L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\"
#define UNINSTALLKEYLEN (sizeof(UNINSTALLKEY) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)
DWORD Status,MaxValueName=0,MaxValue=0,Values=0,i; DWORD TempMaxNameSize, TempMaxDataSize; PWSTR ValueName, ValueData;
Status = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Values, &MaxValueName, &MaxValue, NULL, NULL );
//Account forterminating null
if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
MaxValueName += 2; MaxValue = MaxValue + 2 + lstrlen(UNINSTALLKEY);
ValueName = MyMalloc( MaxValueName * sizeof(WCHAR) ); ValueData = MyMalloc( MaxValue * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( !ValueName || !ValueData ) return;
lstrcpy( ValueData, UNINSTALLKEY );
for (i=0; i < Values; i++){
TempMaxNameSize = MaxValueName; TempMaxDataSize = MaxValue;
Status = RegEnumValue( hKey, i, ValueName, &TempMaxNameSize, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(ValueData+lstrlen(UNINSTALLKEY)), &TempMaxDataSize );
// Don't do delnode if valuedata is null
if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && ValueData[lstrlen(UNINSTALLKEY)] ){
pSetupRegistryDelnode( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ValueData );
} MyFree( ValueName ); MyFree( ValueData ); return;
VOID RemoveHotfixData( VOID ) { WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR KBNumber[64]; WCHAR UninstallKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i = 0; DWORD prefixSize = 0; DWORD Status, SubKeys; HKEY hKey, SvcPckKey; REGVALITEM SoftwareKeyItems[1];
//For each hotfix, the registry info is stored under
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\<KB#>
// and the files are stored under
// %windir%\$NtUninstall<KB#>$
//Enumerate the hotfix key and remove the files and registry entries for each hotfix.
#define HOTFIXAPPKEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Hotfix"
Status = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HOTFIXAPPKEY, &hKey); if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return; }
Status = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SubKeys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = GetWindowsDirectory(Path, MAX_PATH); if(Status == 0) { MYASSERT(FALSE); return; } pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"$NtUninstall",MAX_PATH,&prefixSize); lstrcpy(UninstallKey, UNINSTALLKEY);
for( i = 0; i < SubKeys; i++ ) {
Status = RegEnumKey(hKey, i, KBNumber, sizeof(KBNumber) / sizeof(KBNumber[0]));
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if( !lstrcmpi( KBNumber, TEXT("ServicePackUninstall") ) ){ Status = RegOpenKey(hKey,KBNumber,&SvcPckKey); if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){ RemoveServicePackEntries(SvcPckKey); RegCloseKey(SvcPckKey); }
}else{ lstrcpyn(Path + prefixSize - 1, KBNumber, MAX_PATH - prefixSize); lstrcat(Path, L"$"); Delnode(Path); //
// Remove the entry from the Add/Remove Programs key.
// UNINSTALLKEY ends with '\\'
lstrcpy(UninstallKey + UNINSTALLKEYLEN, KBNumber); pSetupRegistryDelnode(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, UninstallKey); } } }
RegCloseKey(hKey); pSetupRegistryDelnode(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HOTFIXAPPKEY);
// delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows 2000 key since it contains entries for SPs/QFEs for win2k
pSetupRegistryDelnode(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Updates\\Windows 2000");
// We need to hack something for Exchange because they check for
// a hotfix (irregardless of the OS version...
i = 1; SoftwareKeyItems[0].Name = L"Installed"; SoftwareKeyItems[0].Data = &i; SoftwareKeyItems[0].Size = sizeof(DWORD); SoftwareKeyItems[0].Type = REG_DWORD; SetGroupOfValues(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Hotfix\\Q147222",SoftwareKeyItems,1);
VOID DeleteLocalSource( VOID ) { WCHAR str[4];
if(WinntBased && !AllowRollback) { if(SourcePath[0] && (SourcePath[1] == L':') && (SourcePath[2] == L'\\')) {
lstrcpyn(str,SourcePath,4); if(GetDriveType(str) != DRIVE_CDROM) { Delnode(SourcePath); #ifdef _X86_
if (IsNEC_98 && !lstrcmpi(&SourcePath[2], pwLocalSource)) { HKEY hkey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,L"System\\Setup",0,MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,&hkey) == NO_ERROR) { RegDeleteValue(hkey, L"ForcePlatform"); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } #endif
} }
// Remove %systemroot%\winsxs\setuppolicies before rebooting
{ WCHAR SetupPoliciesPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(SetupPoliciesPath, MAX_PATH); pSetupConcatenatePaths(SetupPoliciesPath, L"WinSxS\\SetupPolicies", MAX_PATH, NULL); Delnode(SetupPoliciesPath); }
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
// Get rid of floppyless boot stuff.
if(FloppylessBootPath[0]) {
// NEC98 should back boot related files in \$WIN_NT$.~BU,
// to restore boot files for keep original OS in each partition.
if (IsNEC_98) { //NEC98
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"$WIN_NT$.~BU",MAX_PATH,NULL); Delnode(Path); } //NEC98
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"$WIN_NT$.~BT",MAX_PATH,NULL); Delnode(Path);
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"$LDR$",MAX_PATH,NULL); SetFileAttributes(Path,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(Path);
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"TXTSETUP.SIF",MAX_PATH,NULL); SetFileAttributes(Path,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(Path);
// Get rid of arc loader files.
if( !IsArc() ) {
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"ARCLDR.EXE",MAX_PATH,NULL); SetFileAttributes(Path,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(Path);
lstrcpy(Path,FloppylessBootPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,L"ARCSETUP.EXE",MAX_PATH,NULL); SetFileAttributes(Path,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(Path);
} }
// get rid of the boot.bak file
{ WCHAR szBootBak[] = L"?:\\BOOT.BAK";
szBootBak[0] = x86SystemPartitionDrive; SetFileAttributes(szBootBak,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szBootBak); } #endif // defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
#if defined(_IA64_)
// Get rid of SETUPLDR
Buffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL;
// Make sure we have privilege to get/set nvram vars.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,L"SYSTEMPARTITION"); NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue( &UnicodeString, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), NULL );
// Restore previous privilege.
RtlAdjustPrivilege( SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PRIVILEGE, OldPriv, FALSE, &DontCare );
// Strip everything from ';' to end of string since previous strings
// are appended to the current string and are separated by ';'.
pwChar = Buffer; while ((*pwChar != L'\0') && (*pwChar != L';')) { pwChar++; } *pwChar = L'\0';
NtPath = ArcDevicePathToNtPath(Buffer); if (NtPath) {
lstrcpy(Path,NtPath); pSetupConcatenatePaths(Path,SETUPLDR,MAX_PATH,NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString,Path); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjAttrib, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); NtDeleteFile(&ObjAttrib);
MyFree( NtPath );
} } #endif // defined(_IA64_)
} }
BOOL ValidateAndChecksumFile( IN PCTSTR Filename, OUT PBOOLEAN IsNtImage, OUT PULONG Checksum, OUT PBOOLEAN Valid )
Routine Description:
Calculate a checksum value for a file using the standard nt image checksum method. If the file is an nt image, validate the image using the partial checksum in the image header. If the file is not an nt image, it is simply defined as valid.
If we encounter an i/o error while checksumming, then the file is declared invalid.
Filename - supplies full NT path of file to check.
IsNtImage - Receives flag indicating whether the file is an NT image file.
Checksum - receives 32-bit checksum value.
Valid - receives flag indicating whether the file is a valid image (for nt images) and that we can read the image.
Return Value:
BOOL - Returns TRUE if the flie was validated, and in this case, IsNtImage, Checksum, and Valid will contain the result of the validation. This function will return FALSE, if the file could not be validated, and in this case, the caller should call GetLastError() to find out why this function failed.
{ DWORD Error; PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG FileSize; HANDLE hFile,hSection; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; ULONG HeaderSum;
// Assume not an image and failure.
*IsNtImage = FALSE; *Checksum = 0; *Valid = FALSE;
// Open and map the file for read access.
Error = pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead( Filename, &FileSize, &hFile, &hSection, &BaseAddress );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( Error ); return(FALSE); }
if( FileSize == 0 ) { *IsNtImage = FALSE; *Checksum = 0; *Valid = TRUE; CloseHandle( hFile ); return(TRUE); }
try { NtHeaders = CheckSumMappedFile(BaseAddress,FileSize,&HeaderSum,Checksum); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { *Checksum = 0; NtHeaders = NULL; }
// If the file is not an image and we got this far (as opposed to encountering
// an i/o error) then the checksum is declared valid. If the file is an image,
// then its checksum may or may not be valid.
if(NtHeaders) { *IsNtImage = TRUE; *Valid = HeaderSum ? (*Checksum == HeaderSum) : TRUE; } else { *Valid = TRUE; }
pSetupUnmapAndCloseFile( hFile, hSection, BaseAddress ); return( TRUE ); }
DWORD QueryHardDiskNumber( IN UCHAR DriveLetter )
{ WCHAR driveName[10]; HANDLE h; BOOL b; STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER number; DWORD bytes;
driveName[0] = '\\'; driveName[1] = '\\'; driveName[2] = '.'; driveName[3] = '\\'; driveName[4] = DriveLetter; driveName[5] = ':'; driveName[6] = 0;
b = DeviceIoControl(h, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, NULL, 0, &number, sizeof(number), &bytes, NULL); CloseHandle(h);
if (!b) { return (DWORD) -1; }
return number.DeviceNumber; }
BOOL ExtendPartition( IN WCHAR DriveLetter, IN ULONG SizeMB OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This function will extend a partition.
We'll do this in the following way: 1. Figure out if the partition is NTFS. 2. Figure out if there's any unpartitioned space behind the partition the user is asking us to extend. 3. How much space is available? 4. Extend the partition 5. Extend the filesystem (inform him the partition is bigger).
DriveLetter - Supplies the driveletter for the partition that we'll be extending.
SizeMB - if specified, indicates the size in MB by which the partition will grow. If not specified, the partition grows to encompass all the free space in the adjacent free space.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether anything actually changed.
{ #define LEAVE_FREE_BUFFER (5 * (1024*1024))
// =====================================
// 1. Figure out if the partition is NTFS.
// =====================================
DosName[0] = DriveLetter; DosName[1] = TEXT(':'); DosName[2] = TEXT('\\'); DosName[3] = TEXT('\0'); b = GetVolumeInformation( DosName, NULL,0, // don't care about volume name
NULL, // ...or serial #
&i, // ...or max component length
&i, // ... or flags
PhysicalName, sizeof(PhysicalName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if( !b ) { return FALSE; }
if(lstrcmpi(PhysicalName,TEXT("NTFS"))) { //
// Our partition isn't NTFS. Bail.
DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %ws is not NTFS volume\n", DosName); return FALSE; }
// Now initialize the name for this partition and
// the name for this drive.
wsprintf( DosName, TEXT("\\\\.\\%c:"), DriveLetter ); wsprintf( PhysicalName, TEXT("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%u"), QueryHardDiskNumber( (UCHAR)DriveLetter) );
// =====================================
// 2. Figure out if there's any unpartitioned space behind
// the partition the user is asking us to extend.
// =====================================
// Get a handle to the disk so we can start examination.
if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while opening %ws\n", GetLastError(), PhysicalName); return FALSE; }
// Get the disk's layout information. We aren't
// sure how big of a buffer we need, so brute-force it.
{ DWORD DriveLayoutSize = 1024; PVOID p;
DriveLayout = MyMalloc(DriveLayoutSize); if( !DriveLayout ) { CloseHandle( h ); return FALSE; }
b = DeviceIoControl( h, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, NULL, 0, (PVOID)DriveLayout, DriveLayoutSize, &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); if (LastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { DriveLayoutSize += 1024; if(p = MyRealloc((PVOID)DriveLayout,DriveLayoutSize)) { (PVOID)DriveLayout = p; } else { goto cleanexit0; } goto retry; } else { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while getting drive layout for %ws\n", LastError, PhysicalName); goto cleanexit0; } } }
CloseHandle( h ); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// DriveLayout now is full of most of the information we
// need, including an array of partition information. But
// we aren't sure which partition is ours. We need to
// get info on our specific partition, then match it
// against the entry inside DriveLayout.
// Open a handle to the partition.
if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while opening %ws\n", GetLastError(), DosName); return FALSE; }
// Load info about our partition.
b = DeviceIoControl( h, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof(PartitionInfo), &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while getting %ws's partition information\n", GetLastError(), DosName); goto cleanexit0; }
// Might as well get the geometry info on the disk too.
b = DeviceIoControl( h, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, &Geometry, sizeof(Geometry), &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while getting %ws's drive geometry\n", GetLastError(), DosName); goto cleanexit0; }
CloseHandle( h ); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// =====================================
// 3. How much space is available?
// =====================================
// We're ready to actually verify that there's rooom for us to grow.
// If we're the last partition on the disk, we need to see if there's
// any room behind us (i.e. any unpartitioned space). If we're not
// the last partition, we need to see if there's any space between where
// our partition ends and the next partition begins.
// This is really gross, but DriveLayout->PartitionCount will likely be 4
// even if there's really only 1 formatted partition on the disk. We also
// don't want to take the chance that the partitions aren't ordered by their
// location on the disk. So we need to go cycle through the partitions
// again and manually find the one that starts right after ours.
OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart = PartitionInfo.StartingOffset.QuadPart + PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart;
// Initialize BytesAvailable based on the space from where our partition ends to where
// the disk ends. This is the best case and we can only get smaller sizes, so this
// is safe.
BytesAvailable.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64( Geometry.BytesPerSector, Geometry.SectorsPerTrack ); BytesAvailable.QuadPart = BytesAvailable.QuadPart * (ULONGLONG)(Geometry.TracksPerCylinder); BytesAvailable.QuadPart = BytesAvailable.QuadPart * Geometry.Cylinders.QuadPart;
// Check if the value of End of Partition is beyond the Disk size.
// If we do not have this check we find that the partition gets corrupted as
// IOCTL_DISK_GROW_PARTITION does not check the validity of the value
// passed to it. This condition (of a negative grow) would arise because of a
// rounding off(to the lower value) up to a cylinder by
if (BytesAvailable.QuadPart <= OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart) { b = FALSE; goto cleanexit0; }
BytesAvailable.QuadPart = BytesAvailable.QuadPart - OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart;
for( i = 0; i < DriveLayout->PartitionCount; i++ ) { if( (DriveLayout->PartitionEntry[i].StartingOffset.QuadPart > OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart) && ((DriveLayout->PartitionEntry[i].StartingOffset.QuadPart - OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart) < BytesAvailable.QuadPart) ) {
// This partition is starting after ours and it's also the closest one we've found
// to our ending location.
BytesAvailable.QuadPart = DriveLayout->PartitionEntry[i].StartingOffset.QuadPart - OurPartitionEndingLocation.QuadPart; } }
// Reserve the space at the disk end only for MBR disks
if (DriveLayout->PartitionStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_MBR) { //
// If we don't have at least 5MB available, don't even bother. If we do, leave the last
// 5MB free for later use as a dynamic volume.
if( BytesAvailable.QuadPart < (ULONGLONG)(LEAVE_FREE_BUFFER) ) { goto cleanexit0; } else { BytesAvailable.QuadPart = BytesAvailable.QuadPart - (ULONGLONG)(LEAVE_FREE_BUFFER); } }
// See if the user has asked us to extend by some known value...
if( SizeMB ) { //
// Yes. Make sure we have atleast this much space to extend.
if( (LONGLONG)(SizeMB * (1024*1024)) < BytesAvailable.QuadPart ) { BytesAvailable.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64( SizeMB, (1024*1024) ); } }
// =====================================
// 4. Extend the partition
// =====================================
// Get a handle to the disk.
if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while opening %ws\n", GetLastError(), PhysicalName); return FALSE; }
// Fill in the datastructure we'll be sending to the IOCTL.
GrowInfo.PartitionNumber = PartitionInfo.PartitionNumber; GrowInfo.BytesToGrow = BytesAvailable;
// Do it.
b = DeviceIoControl( h, IOCTL_DISK_GROW_PARTITION, &GrowInfo, sizeof(GrowInfo), NULL, 0, &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while growing %ws partition\n", GetLastError(), PhysicalName); goto cleanexit0; }
CloseHandle( h ); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// =====================================
// 5. Extend the filesystem (inform him the partition is bigger).
// =====================================
// Get a handle to the partition.
if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while opening %ws\n", GetLastError(), DosName);
goto cleanexit0; }
// Gather some info on the partition.
b = DeviceIoControl( h, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, NULL, 0, &PartitionInfo, sizeof(PartitionInfo), &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while getting %ws's partition information\n", GetLastError(), DosName); goto cleanexit0; }
// Grow the volume.
BytesAvailable.QuadPart = PartitionInfo.PartitionLength.QuadPart / Geometry.BytesPerSector;
b = DeviceIoControl( h, FSCTL_EXTEND_VOLUME, &BytesAvailable, sizeof(BytesAvailable), NULL, 0, &Bytes, NULL );
if( !b ) { DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "ExtendPartition: %X Error while extending volume %ws\n", GetLastError(), DosName); goto cleanexit0; }
cleanexit0: if( h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( h ); }
// If we successfully extended the partition
// then mark the global flag to remove any
// stale volume information, at the end of setup.
if (b) { PartitionExtended = TRUE; }
return b; }
BOOL SetupExtendPartition( IN WCHAR DriveLetter, IN ULONG SizeMB OPTIONAL ) { BOOL b;
if ( b = ExtendPartition(DriveLetter, SizeMB) ) { RemoveStaleVolumes(); PartitionExtended = FALSE; }
return b; }
BOOL DoFilesMatch( IN PCWSTR File1, IN PCWSTR File2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Compares two files to each other to see if they are identical.
File1 - First file to compare File2 - Second file to compare
Return Value:
BOOL - Returns TRUE if the files match. If the both of the files are zero length, then we still return TRUE.
--*/ { DWORD FirstFileSize, SecondFileSize; HANDLE FirstFileHandle, FirstMappingHandle; HANDLE SecondFileHandle, SecondMappingHandle; PVOID FirstBaseAddress, SecondBaseAddress;
if( (pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead( File1, &FirstFileSize, &FirstFileHandle, &FirstMappingHandle, &FirstBaseAddress) == NO_ERROR) && (pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead( File1, &SecondFileSize, &SecondFileHandle, &SecondMappingHandle, &SecondBaseAddress) == NO_ERROR) ) {
if (FirstFileSize == SecondFileSize ) { if (FirstFileSize != 0) { //
// protect against inpage IO error
try { RetVal = !memcmp( FirstBaseAddress, SecondBaseAddress, FirstFileSize ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { RetVal = FALSE; } } }
pSetupUnmapAndCloseFile( FirstFileHandle, FirstMappingHandle, FirstBaseAddress );
pSetupUnmapAndCloseFile( SecondFileHandle, SecondMappingHandle, SecondBaseAddress );
return (RetVal); }
DWORD RemoveStaleVolumes( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine walks through all the volumes and deletes the one which are marked for reinstall.
NOTE : Use the function carefully because it will nuke all the entries related to the volume from the registry, iff the volume says it needs to be reinstalled.
None. Return Value:
Appropriate Win32 error code.
--*/ { const TCHAR *VolumeKeyName = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\Storage\\Volume"); const TCHAR *ClassKeyName = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class");
DWORD ErrorCode; HKEY VolumeKey = NULL; HKEY ClassKey = NULL; ULONG Index = 0; ULONG VolumesFixedCount = 0; TCHAR SubKeyName[MAX_PATH*2]; DWORD SubKeyLength; FILETIME SubKeyTime;
// Open the Volume key
ErrorCode = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VolumeKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &VolumeKey);
if (VolumeKey == NULL) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ErrorCode; }
// Open the Class key
ErrorCode = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ClassKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &ClassKey);
if (ClassKey == NULL) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(VolumeKey); return ErrorCode; }
// Enumerate each subkey of the opened key
while (TRUE) { SubKeyName[0] = 0; SubKeyLength = sizeof(SubKeyName) / sizeof(SubKeyName[0]); ErrorCode = RegEnumKeyEx(VolumeKey, Index, SubKeyName, &SubKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SubKeyTime);
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR FullSubKeyName[MAX_PATH*4]; DWORD SubErrorCode; HKEY CurrentSubKey = NULL; GUID VolumeGuid = {0}; TCHAR VolumeGuidStr[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD DrvInstance = -1; BOOL DeleteKey = FALSE; BOOL DeleteClassInstance = FALSE; BOOL IncrementKeyIndex = TRUE; _tcscpy(FullSubKeyName, VolumeKeyName); _tcscat(FullSubKeyName, TEXT("\\")); _tcscat(FullSubKeyName, SubKeyName);
SubErrorCode = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FullSubKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &CurrentSubKey);
if (SubErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Read the ConfigFlags value
DWORD ConfigFlags = 0; DWORD Type = REG_DWORD; DWORD BufferSize = sizeof(DWORD);
SubErrorCode = RegQueryValueEx(CurrentSubKey, TEXT("ConfigFlags"), NULL, &Type, (PBYTE)&ConfigFlags, &BufferSize);
if (SubErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (DeleteKey) { Type = REG_BINARY; BufferSize = sizeof(VolumeGuid);
// Read the GUID & DrvInst values
SubErrorCode = RegQueryValueEx(CurrentSubKey, TEXT("GUID"), NULL, &Type, (PBYTE)&VolumeGuid, &BufferSize);
if (SubErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Type = REG_DWORD; BufferSize = sizeof(DWORD); SubErrorCode = RegQueryValueEx(CurrentSubKey, TEXT("DrvInst"), NULL, &Type, (PBYTE)&DrvInstance, &BufferSize);
DeleteClassInstance = (SubErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (DrvInstance != -1); } } }
// Close the current subkey since we don't need it anymore
// Delete after we close the current key
if (DeleteKey) { SubErrorCode = SHDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FullSubKeyName);
if (SubErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { VolumesFixedCount++; IncrementKeyIndex = FALSE; } }
// Delete the instance key under class also if needed
if (DeleteClassInstance && (pSetupStringFromGuid(&VolumeGuid, VolumeGuidStr, sizeof(VolumeGuidStr)/sizeof(VolumeGuidStr[0])) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { _stprintf(FullSubKeyName, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\%ws\\%04d"), VolumeGuidStr, DrvInstance);
SubErrorCode = SHDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FullSubKeyName); } } if (IncrementKeyIndex) { Index++; } } else { break; // we couldn't enumerate further sub keys
} }
RegCloseKey(ClassKey); RegCloseKey(VolumeKey);
// If we fixed at least a single volume then assume things
// went fine
if (VolumesFixedCount > 0) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return ErrorCode; }
#define MAX_NT_PATH (MAX_PATH + 4)//"\\??\\"
VOID RemoveAllPendingOperationsOnRestartOfGUIMode( VOID ) { WCHAR undoFilePath[MAX_PATH];
if(!GetWindowsDirectoryW(undoFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(undoFilePath))){ ASSERT(FALSE); return; } wcscat(undoFilePath, L"\\system32\\"); wcscat(undoFilePath, UNDO_FILE_NAME);
SetFileAttributes(undoFilePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(undoFilePath); }
BOOL RenameOnRestartOfGUIMode( IN PCWSTR pPathName, IN PCWSTR pPathNameNew ) { DWORD Size; BOOL result; WCHAR undoFilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR RenameOperationBuffer[2 * (MAX_NT_PATH + 2/*'\r\n'*/)]; HANDLE fileUndo; BYTE signUnicode[] = {0xff, 0xfe};
if(!pPathName){ return FALSE; }
if(!GetWindowsDirectoryW(undoFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(undoFilePath))){ return FALSE; } wcscat(undoFilePath, L"\\system32\\" UNDO_FILE_NAME);
wsprintfW(RenameOperationBuffer, L"\\??\\%s\r\n", pPathName); if(pPathNameNew){ wsprintfW(RenameOperationBuffer + wcslen(RenameOperationBuffer), L"\\??\\%s", pPathNameNew); } wcscat(RenameOperationBuffer, L"\r\n");
if(!SetFilePointer(fileUndo, 0, NULL, FILE_END)){ result = WriteFile(fileUndo, signUnicode, sizeof(signUnicode), &Size, NULL); } else { result = TRUE; } if(result){ result = WriteFile(fileUndo, RenameOperationBuffer, wcslen(RenameOperationBuffer) * sizeof(WCHAR), &Size, NULL); } CloseHandle(fileUndo); return result; }
BOOL DeleteOnRestartOfGUIMode( IN PCWSTR pPathName ) { return RenameOnRestartOfGUIMode(pPathName, NULL); }