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  1. /*++
  2. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  3. Module Name:
  4. clasinst.c
  5. Abstract:
  6. Routines for the following 'built-in' class installers:
  7. TapeDrive
  8. SCSIAdapter
  9. CdromDrive
  10. Author:
  11. Lonny McMichael 26-February-1996
  12. --*/
  13. #include "setupp.h"
  14. #pragma hdrstop
  15. //
  16. // include common INF strings headerfile.
  17. //
  18. #include <infstr.h>
  19. //
  20. // instantiate device class GUIDs.
  21. //
  22. #include <initguid.h>
  23. #include <devguid.h>
  24. #include <ntddvol.h>
  25. #include <ntddscsi.h> // for StorageCdromQueryCdda()
  26. #include <ntddcdrm.h> // for StorageCdromQueryCdda()
  27. #define _NTSCSI_USER_MODE_ // prevents all the kernel-mode stuff
  28. #include <scsi.h> // for StorageCdromQueryCdda()
  29. ULONG BreakWhenGettingModePage2A = FALSE;
  30. #ifdef UNICODE
  31. #define _UNICODE
  32. #endif
  33. #include <tchar.h>
  34. #define TCHAR_NULL TEXT('\0')
  35. //
  36. // Just to make sure no one is trying to use this obsolete string definition.
  37. //
  40. #endif
  41. #define DISABLE_IMAPI 0
  42. //
  43. // Define the location of the device settings tree.
  44. //
  45. #define STORAGE_DEVICE_SETTINGS_DATABASE TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Storage\\DeviceSettings\\")
  46. #define REDBOOK_SETTINGS_KEY TEXT("DigitalAudio")
  47. #define REDBOOK_SERVICE_NAME TEXT("redbook")
  48. #define IMAPI_SETTINGS_KEY TEXT("Imapi")
  49. #define IMAPI_ENABLE_VALUE TEXT("EnableImapi")
  50. #define IMAPI_SERVICE_NAME TEXT("imapi")
  51. typedef struct STORAGE_COINSTALLER_CONTEXT {
  52. PWSTR DeviceDescBuffer;
  53. HANDLE DeviceEnumKey;
  54. union {
  55. struct {
  56. BOOLEAN RedbookInstalled;
  57. BOOLEAN ImapiInstalled;
  58. } CdRom;
  59. };
  61. typedef struct _PASS_THROUGH_REQUEST {
  63. SENSE_DATA SenseInfoBuffer;
  64. UCHAR DataBuffer[0];
  67. //
  68. // Some debugging aids for us kernel types
  69. //
  70. #define CHKPRINT 0
  71. #if CHKPRINT
  72. #define ChkPrintEx(_x_) DbgPrint _x_ // use: ChkPrintEx(( "%x", var, ... ));
  73. #define ChkBreak() DbgBreakPoint()
  74. #else
  75. #define ChkPrintEx(_x_)
  76. #define ChkBreak()
  77. #endif
  78. DWORD StorageForceRedbookOnInaccurateDrives = FALSE;
  80. OverrideFriendlyNameForTape(
  81. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  83. );
  84. DWORD
  85. RegCopyKey(
  86. HKEY SourceKey,
  87. HKEY DestinationKey
  88. );
  90. StorageCopyDeviceSettings(
  91. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  92. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  93. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey
  94. );
  95. VOID
  96. StorageInstallCdrom(
  97. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  98. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  99. IN HANDLE DeviceEnumKey,
  100. IN BOOLEAN PreInstall
  101. );
  102. BOOLEAN
  103. StorageUpdateRedbookSettings(
  104. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  105. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  106. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey,
  108. );
  109. BOOLEAN
  110. StorageUpdateImapiSettings(
  111. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  112. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  113. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey,
  115. );
  116. DWORD
  117. StorageInstallFilter(
  118. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  119. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  120. IN LPTSTR FilterName,
  121. IN DWORD FilterType
  122. );
  123. DWORD
  124. SetServiceStart(
  125. IN LPCTSTR ServiceName,
  126. IN DWORD StartType,
  127. OUT DWORD *OldStartType
  128. );
  129. DWORD
  130. AddFilterDriver(
  131. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  132. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  133. IN LPTSTR ServiceName,
  134. IN DWORD FilterType
  135. );
  136. VOID
  137. StorageInterpretSenseInfo(
  138. IN PSENSE_DATA SenseData,
  139. IN UCHAR SenseDataSize,
  140. OUT PDWORD ErrorValue, // from WinError.h
  141. OUT PBOOLEAN SuggestRetry OPTIONAL,
  142. OUT PDWORD SuggestRetryDelay OPTIONAL
  143. );
  144. typedef struct _STORAGE_REDBOOK_SETTINGS {
  145. ULONG CDDASupported;
  146. ULONG CDDAAccurate;
  147. ULONG ReadSizesSupported;
  149. #if 0
  150. #define BREAK ASSERT(!"Break")
  151. #else
  152. #define BREAK
  153. #endif
  154. DWORD
  155. TapeClassInstaller(
  156. IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
  157. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  159. )
  160. /*++
  161. Routine Description:
  162. This routine acts as the class installer for TapeDrive devices. Now that
  163. we've stopped supporting legacy INFs, it presently does nothing! :-)
  164. Arguments:
  165. InstallFunction - Specifies the device installer function code indicating
  166. the action being performed.
  167. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set being
  168. acted upon by this install action.
  169. DeviceInfoData - Optionally, supplies the address of a device information
  170. element being acted upon by this install action.
  171. Return Value:
  172. If this function successfully completed the requested action, the return
  173. value is NO_ERROR.
  174. If the default behavior is to be performed for the requested action, the
  175. return value is ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
  176. If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action, a
  177. Win32 error code is returned.
  178. --*/
  179. {
  180. switch(InstallFunction) {
  181. default :
  182. //
  183. // Just do the default action.
  184. //
  185. return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT;
  186. }
  187. }
  188. DWORD
  189. ScsiClassInstaller(
  190. IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
  191. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  193. )
  194. /*++
  195. Routine Description:
  196. This routine acts as the class installer for SCSIAdapter devices. It
  197. provides special handling for the following DeviceInstaller function codes:
  198. DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - Check to see if the selected driver node supports NT
  199. Arguments:
  200. InstallFunction - Specifies the device installer function code indicating
  201. the action being performed.
  202. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set being
  203. acted upon by this install action.
  204. DeviceInfoData - Optionally, supplies the address of a device information
  205. element being acted upon by this install action.
  206. Return Value:
  207. If this function successfully completed the requested action, the return
  208. value is NO_ERROR.
  209. If the default behavior is to be performed for the requested action, the
  210. return value is ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
  211. If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action, a
  212. Win32 error code is returned.
  213. --*/
  214. {
  215. switch(InstallFunction) {
  216. case DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL :
  217. //
  218. // Check to make sure the selected driver node supports NT.
  219. //
  220. if (DriverNodeSupportsNT(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData)) {
  221. return NO_ERROR;
  222. } else {
  223. SetupDebugPrint(L"A SCSI driver is not a Win NTdriver.\n");
  225. }
  226. default :
  227. //
  228. // Just do the default action.
  229. //
  230. return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT;
  231. }
  232. }
  233. DWORD
  234. HdcClassInstaller(
  235. IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
  236. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  238. )
  239. /*++
  240. Routine Description:
  241. This routine acts as the class installer for hard disk controllers
  242. (IDE controllers/channels). It provides special handling for the
  243. following DeviceInstaller function codes:
  244. DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP - Search through all root-enumerated devnodes, looking
  245. for ones being controlled by hdc-class drivers. Add
  246. any such devices found into the supplied device
  247. information set.
  248. Arguments:
  249. InstallFunction - Specifies the device installer function code indicating
  250. the action being performed.
  251. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set being
  252. acted upon by this install action.
  253. DeviceInfoData - Optionally, supplies the address of a device information
  254. element being acted upon by this install action.
  255. Return Value:
  256. If this function successfully completed the requested action, the return
  257. value is NO_ERROR.
  258. If the default behavior is to be performed for the requested action, the
  259. return value is ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
  260. If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action, a
  261. Win32 error code is returned.
  262. --*/
  263. {
  264. switch(InstallFunction) {
  266. //
  267. // BUGBUG (lonnym): handle this!
  268. //
  269. default :
  270. //
  271. // Just do the default action.
  272. //
  273. return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT;
  274. }
  275. }
  276. BOOLEAN
  277. StorageGetCDVDCapabilities(
  278. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  281. )
  282. {
  283. PPASS_THROUGH_REQUEST passThrough;
  285. DWORD allocLength;
  286. DWORD dataLength;
  287. ULONG attempt;
  288. BOOLEAN status = FALSE;
  289. HANDLE deviceHandle;
  290. deviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  291. passThrough = NULL;
  292. modePage = NULL;
  293. ASSERT(CapabilitiesPage != NULL);
  294. if (BreakWhenGettingModePage2A) {
  295. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => entering\n"));
  296. DbgBreakPoint();
  297. }
  298. //
  299. // open a handle to the device, needed to send the ioctls
  300. //
  301. deviceHandle = UtilpGetDeviceHandle(DeviceInfo,
  302. DeviceInfoData,
  303. (LPGUID)&CdRomClassGuid,
  305. );
  306. if (deviceHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  307. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => cannot get device handle\n"));
  308. goto cleanup;
  309. }
  310. //
  311. // determine size of allocation needed
  312. //
  313. dataLength =
  314. sizeof(MODE_PARAMETER_HEADER10) + // larger of 6/10 byte
  315. sizeof(CDVD_CAPABILITIES_PAGE) + // the actual mode page
  316. 8; // extra spooge for drives that ignore DBD
  317. allocLength = sizeof(PASS_THROUGH_REQUEST) + dataLength;
  318. //
  319. // allocate this buffer for the ioctls
  320. //
  321. passThrough = (PPASS_THROUGH_REQUEST)MyMalloc(allocLength);
  322. if (passThrough == NULL) {
  323. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => could not allocate for passThrough\n"));
  324. goto cleanup;
  325. }
  326. ASSERT(dataLength <= 0xff); // one char
  327. //
  328. // send 6-byte, then 10-byte if 6-byte failed.
  329. // then, just parse the information
  330. //
  331. for (attempt = 1; attempt <= 2; attempt++) {
  332. ULONG j;
  333. BOOLEAN retry = TRUE;
  334. DWORD error;
  335. for (j=0; (j < 5) && (retry); j++) {
  336. PSCSI_PASS_THROUGH srb = &passThrough->Srb;
  337. PCDB cdb = (PCDB)(&srb->Cdb[0]);
  338. DWORD bytes;
  339. BOOL b;
  340. retry = FALSE;
  341. ZeroMemory(passThrough, allocLength);
  342. srb->TimeOutValue = 20;
  343. srb->Length = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THROUGH);
  344. srb->SenseInfoLength = sizeof(SENSE_DATA);
  345. srb->SenseInfoOffset =
  347. srb->DataBufferOffset =
  349. srb->DataIn = SCSI_IOCTL_DATA_IN;
  350. srb->DataTransferLength = dataLength;
  351. if ((attempt % 2) == 1) { // settings based on 6-byte request
  352. srb->CdbLength = 6;
  353. cdb->MODE_SENSE.OperationCode = SCSIOP_MODE_SENSE;
  355. cdb->MODE_SENSE.AllocationLength = (UCHAR)dataLength;
  356. cdb->MODE_SENSE.Dbd = 1;
  357. } else { // settings based on 10 bytes request
  358. srb->CdbLength = 10;
  359. cdb->MODE_SENSE10.OperationCode = SCSIOP_MODE_SENSE10;
  361. cdb->MODE_SENSE10.AllocationLength[0] = 0;
  362. cdb->MODE_SENSE10.AllocationLength[1] = (UCHAR)(dataLength & 0xff);
  363. cdb->MODE_SENSE10.Dbd = 1;
  364. }
  365. //
  366. // buffers are all set, send the ioctl
  367. //
  368. b = DeviceIoControl(deviceHandle,
  370. passThrough,
  371. allocLength,
  372. passThrough,
  373. allocLength,
  374. &bytes,
  375. NULL);
  376. if (!b) {
  377. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => %s byte command failed to be sent to device\n",
  378. ((attempt%2) ? "6" : "10")
  379. ));
  380. retry = FALSE;
  381. continue; // try the next 'j' loop.
  382. }
  383. //
  384. // now see if we should retry
  385. //
  386. StorageInterpretSenseInfo(&passThrough->SenseInfoBuffer,
  388. &error,
  389. &retry,
  390. NULL);
  391. if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  392. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => %s byte command failed (%x/%x/%x),"
  393. "%s retrying\n",
  394. ((attempt%2) ? "6" : "10"),
  395. passThrough->SenseInfoBuffer.SenseKey,
  396. passThrough->SenseInfoBuffer.AdditionalSenseCode,
  397. passThrough->SenseInfoBuffer.AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier,
  398. (retry ? "" : "not")
  399. ));
  400. //
  401. // retry will be set to either true or false to
  402. // have this loop (j) re-run or not....
  403. //
  404. continue;
  405. }
  406. //
  407. // else it worked!
  408. //
  409. ASSERT(retry == FALSE);
  410. retry = FALSE;
  411. ASSERT(status == FALSE);
  412. status = TRUE;
  413. }
  414. //
  415. // if unable to retrieve the page, just start the next loop.
  416. //
  417. if (!status) {
  418. continue; // try the next 'attempt' loop.
  419. }
  420. //
  421. // find the mode page data
  422. //
  423. // NOTE: if the drive fails to ignore the DBD bit,
  424. // we still need to install? HCT will catch this,
  425. // but legacy drives need it.
  426. //
  427. (ULONG_PTR)modePage = (ULONG_PTR)passThrough->DataBuffer;
  428. if (attempt == 1) {
  430. h = (PMODE_PARAMETER_HEADER)passThrough->DataBuffer;
  431. //
  432. // add the size of the header
  433. //
  434. (ULONG_PTR)modePage += sizeof(MODE_PARAMETER_HEADER);
  435. dataLength -= sizeof(MODE_PARAMETER_HEADER);
  436. //
  437. // add the size of the block descriptor, which should
  438. // always be zero, but isn't on some poorly behaved drives
  439. //
  440. if (h->BlockDescriptorLength) {
  441. ASSERT(h->BlockDescriptorLength == 8);
  442. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => %s byte command ignored DBD bit (%x)\n",
  443. ((attempt%2) ? "6" : "10"),
  444. h->BlockDescriptorLength
  445. ));
  446. (ULONG_PTR)modePage += h->BlockDescriptorLength;
  447. dataLength -= h->BlockDescriptorLength;
  448. }
  449. } else {
  451. h = (PMODE_PARAMETER_HEADER10)passThrough->DataBuffer;
  452. //
  453. // add the size of the header
  454. //
  455. (ULONG_PTR)modePage += sizeof(MODE_PARAMETER_HEADER10);
  456. dataLength -= sizeof(MODE_PARAMETER_HEADER10);
  457. //
  458. // add the size of the block descriptor, which should
  459. // always be zero, but isn't on some poorly behaved drives
  460. //
  461. if ((h->BlockDescriptorLength[0] != 0) ||
  462. (h->BlockDescriptorLength[1] != 0)
  463. ) {
  464. ULONG_PTR bdLength = 0;
  465. bdLength += ((h->BlockDescriptorLength[0]) << 8);
  466. bdLength += ((h->BlockDescriptorLength[1]) & 0xff);
  467. ASSERT(bdLength == 8);
  468. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => %s byte command ignored DBD bit (%x)\n",
  469. ((attempt%2) ? "6" : "10"),
  470. bdLength
  471. ));
  472. (ULONG_PTR)modePage += bdLength;
  473. dataLength -= (DWORD)bdLength;
  474. }
  475. }
  476. //
  477. // now have the pointer to the mode page data and length of usable data
  478. // copy it back to requestor's buffer
  479. //
  480. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => %s byte command succeeded\n",
  481. (attempt%2) ? "6" : "10"));
  482. RtlZeroMemory(CapabilitiesPage, sizeof(CDVD_CAPABILITIES_PAGE));
  483. RtlCopyMemory(CapabilitiesPage,
  484. modePage,
  485. min(dataLength, sizeof(CDVD_CAPABILITIES_PAGE))
  486. );
  487. if (BreakWhenGettingModePage2A) {
  488. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => Capabilities @ %#p\n", CapabilitiesPage));
  489. DbgBreakPoint();
  490. }
  491. goto cleanup; // no need to send another command
  492. }
  493. ChkPrintEx(("CDGetCap => Unable to get drive capabilities via modepage\n"));
  494. cleanup:
  495. if (passThrough) {
  496. MyFree(passThrough);
  497. }
  498. if (deviceHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  499. CloseHandle(deviceHandle);
  500. }
  501. return status;
  502. }
  503. BOOLEAN
  504. ScReadRegDword(
  505. IN HANDLE Key,
  506. IN LPTSTR ValueName,
  507. OUT PDWORD Value
  508. )
  509. {
  510. DWORD type;
  511. DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD);
  512. DWORD value;
  513. DWORD result;
  514. result = RegQueryValueEx(Key,
  515. ValueName,
  516. NULL,
  517. &type,
  518. (LPBYTE) &value,
  519. &size);
  520. if(result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  521. *Value = value;
  522. return TRUE;
  523. }
  524. return FALSE;
  525. }
  526. VOID
  527. StorageReadRedbookSettings(
  528. IN HANDLE Key,
  530. )
  531. {
  533. //
  534. // since this key exists, query for the values
  535. //
  536. DWORD dataType;
  537. DWORD dataSize;
  538. DWORD value;
  539. LONG results;
  540. settings.CDDASupported = FALSE;
  541. settings.CDDAAccurate = FALSE;
  542. settings.ReadSizesSupported = 0;
  543. if(ScReadRegDword(Key, TEXT("CDDASupported"), &value)) {
  544. settings.CDDASupported = value ? 1 : 0;
  545. }
  546. if(ScReadRegDword(Key, TEXT("CDDAAccurate"), &value)) {
  547. settings.CDDAAccurate = value ? 1 : 0;
  548. }
  549. if(ScReadRegDword(Key, TEXT("ReadSizesSupported"), &value)) {
  550. settings.ReadSizesSupported = value;
  551. }
  552. //
  553. // one of the three worked
  554. //
  555. ChkPrintEx(("StorageReadSettings: Query Succeeded:\n"));
  556. ChkPrintEx(("StorageReadSettings: ReadSizeMask (pre): %x\n",
  557. settings.ReadSizesSupported));
  558. ChkPrintEx(("StorageReadSettings: CDDAAccurate (pre): %x\n",
  559. settings.CDDAAccurate));
  560. ChkPrintEx(("StorageReadSettings: CDDASupported (pre): %x\n",
  561. settings.CDDASupported));
  562. //
  563. // interpret the redbook device settings.
  564. //
  565. if (settings.ReadSizesSupported) {
  566. ChkPrintEx(("StorageSeed: Drive supported only some sizes "
  567. " (%#08x)\n", settings.ReadSizesSupported));
  568. settings.CDDASupported = TRUE;
  569. settings.CDDAAccurate = FALSE;
  570. } else if (settings.CDDAAccurate) {
  571. ChkPrintEx(("StorageSeed: Drive is fully accurate\n"));
  572. settings.CDDASupported = TRUE;
  573. settings.ReadSizesSupported = -1;
  574. } else if (settings.CDDASupported) {
  575. ChkPrintEx(("StorageSeed: Drive lies about being accurate\n"));
  576. settings.CDDAAccurate = FALSE;
  577. settings.ReadSizesSupported = -1;
  578. } // values are now interpreted
  579. *Settings = settings;
  580. return;
  581. } // end of successful open of key
  582. DWORD
  583. StorageCoInstaller(
  584. IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
  585. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  588. )
  589. /*++
  590. Routine Description:
  591. This routine acts as a co-installer for storage devices. It is presently
  592. registered (via hivesys.inf) for CDROM, DiskDrive, and TapeDrive classes.
  593. The purpose of this co-installer is to save away the bus-supplied default
  594. DeviceDesc into the device's FriendlyName property. The reason for this
  595. is that the bus can retrieve a very specific description from the device
  596. (e.g., via SCSI inquiry data), yet the driver node we install will often
  597. be something very generic (e.g., "Disk drive").
  598. We want to keep the descriptive name, so that it can be displayed in the
  599. UI (DevMgr, etc.) to allow the user to distinguish between multiple storage
  600. devices of the same class.
  601. A secondary purpose for this co-installer is to seed the ability to play
  602. digital audio for a given device. The reason for this is that many cdroms
  603. that support digital audio do not report this ability, there are some that
  604. claim this ability but cannot actually do it reliably, and some that only
  605. work when reading N sectors at a time. This information is seeded in the
  606. registry, and copied to the enum key. If this information does not exist,
  607. no keys are created, and defaults are used.
  608. Arguments:
  609. InstallFunction - Specifies the device installer function code indicating
  610. the action being performed.
  611. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies a handle to the device information set being
  612. acted upon by this install action.
  613. DeviceInfoData - Optionally, supplies the address of a device information
  614. element being acted upon by this install action.
  615. Context - Supplies the installation context that is per-install
  616. request/per-coinstaller.
  617. Return Value:
  618. If this function successfully completed the requested action (or did
  619. nothing) and wishes for the installation to continue, the return
  620. value is NO_ERROR.
  621. If this function successfully completed the requested action (or did
  622. nothing) and would like to be called back once installation has
  623. completed, the return value is ERROR_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED.
  624. If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action,
  625. a Win32 error code is returned. Installation will be aborted.
  626. --*/
  627. {
  629. PWSTR DeviceDescBuffer = NULL;
  630. DWORD DeviceDescBufferLen, Err;
  631. ULONG ulStatus, ulProblem;
  632. switch(InstallFunction) {
  633. case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE : {
  634. if(Context->PostProcessing) {
  635. //
  636. // We're 'on the way out' of an installation. The context
  637. // PrivateData had better contain the string we stored on
  638. // the way in.
  639. //
  640. InstallContext = Context->PrivateData;
  641. MYASSERT(InstallContext);
  642. //
  643. // We only want to store the FriendlyName property if the
  644. // installation succeeded. We only want to seed redbook values
  645. // if the install succeeded.
  646. //
  647. if(Context->InstallResult == NO_ERROR) {
  648. BOOLEAN OverrideFriendlyName = FALSE;
  649. if (IsEqualGUID(&(DeviceInfoData->ClassGuid),
  651. //
  652. // This function checks if we need to use
  653. // the device description, given in INF file,
  654. // in UI such as Device Manager. Returns TRUE
  655. // if INF description is to used. FALSE, otherwise.
  656. //
  657. OverrideFriendlyName = OverrideFriendlyNameForTape(
  658. DeviceInfoSet,
  659. DeviceInfoData);
  660. } else if (IsEqualGUID(&(DeviceInfoData->ClassGuid),
  662. //
  663. // See if we need to install any of the filter drivers
  664. // to enable additional CD-ROM (CD-R, DVD-RAM, etc...)
  665. // features.
  666. //
  667. StorageInstallCdrom(DeviceInfoSet,
  668. DeviceInfoData,
  669. InstallContext,
  670. FALSE);
  671. }
  672. if ((OverrideFriendlyName == FALSE) &&
  673. (InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer != NULL)) {
  674. //
  675. // If we need not use the INF device description
  676. // write the name, generated from SCSI Inquiry data,
  677. // onto FriendlyName
  678. //
  679. SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
  680. DeviceInfoData,
  682. (PBYTE) InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer,
  683. (lstrlen(InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
  684. }
  685. }
  686. //
  687. // Now free our installation context.
  688. //
  689. if ((InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  690. RegCloseKey(InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey);
  691. }
  692. if(InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer) {
  693. MyFree(InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer);
  694. }
  695. MyFree(InstallContext);
  696. //
  697. // Propagate the result of the previous installer.
  698. //
  699. return Context->InstallResult;
  700. } else {
  701. //
  702. // We're 'on the way in' for device installation.
  703. // Make sure that whoever called SetupDiCallClassInstaller
  704. // passed in a device information element. (Don't fail the
  705. // call if they didn't--that's the job of the class
  706. // installer/SetupDiInstallDevice.)
  707. //
  708. if(!DeviceInfoData) {
  709. return NO_ERROR;
  710. }
  711. //
  712. // Make sure this isn't a root-enumerated device. The root
  713. // enumerator clearly has nothing interesting to say about
  714. // the device's description beyond what the INF says.
  715. //
  716. if((CM_Get_DevNode_Status(&ulStatus, &ulProblem, DeviceInfoData->DevInst, 0) != CR_SUCCESS) ||
  717. (ulStatus & DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED)) {
  718. return NO_ERROR;
  719. }
  720. //
  721. // Allocate our context.
  722. //
  723. InstallContext = MyMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE_COINSTALLER_CONTEXT));
  724. if(InstallContext == NULL) {
  725. return NO_ERROR;
  726. }
  727. memset(InstallContext, 0, sizeof(STORAGE_COINSTALLER_CONTEXT));
  728. InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  729. //
  730. // open the device's instance under the enum key
  731. //
  732. InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey = SetupDiCreateDevRegKey(
  733. DeviceInfoSet,
  734. DeviceInfoData,
  736. 0,
  737. DIREG_DEV,
  738. NULL,
  739. NULL);
  740. if (InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  741. ChkPrintEx(("StorageInstallCdrom: Failed to open device "
  742. "registry key\n"));
  743. }
  744. //
  745. // Search the device settings database to see if there are
  746. // any settings provided for this particular device.
  747. //
  748. if (InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  749. StorageCopyDeviceSettings(DeviceInfoSet,
  750. DeviceInfoData,
  751. InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey);
  752. }
  753. //
  754. // See if we need to install any of the filter drivers to enable
  755. // additional CD-ROM (CD-R, DVD-RAM, etc...) features.
  756. //
  757. if (IsEqualGUID(&(DeviceInfoData->ClassGuid),
  759. StorageInstallCdrom(DeviceInfoSet,
  760. DeviceInfoData,
  761. InstallContext,
  762. TRUE);
  763. }
  764. //
  765. // See if there is currently a 'FriendlyName' property.
  766. //
  767. if(SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
  768. DeviceInfoData,
  770. NULL,
  771. NULL,
  772. 0,
  773. NULL) ||
  774. (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) {
  775. //
  776. // Either we succeeded (which should never happen), or we
  777. // failed with a return value of buffer-too-small,
  778. // indicating that the property already exists. In this
  779. // case, there's nothing for us to do.
  780. //
  781. goto CoPreInstallDone;
  782. }
  783. //
  784. // Attempt to retrieve the DeviceDesc property.
  785. // start out with a buffer size that should always be big enough
  786. //
  787. DeviceDescBufferLen = LINE_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR);
  788. while(TRUE) {
  789. if(!(DeviceDescBuffer = MyMalloc(DeviceDescBufferLen))) {
  790. //
  791. // We failed, but what we're doing is not at all
  792. // critical. Thus, we'll go ahead and let the
  793. // installation proceed. If we're out of memory, it's
  794. // going to fail for a much more important reason
  795. // later anyway.
  796. //
  797. goto CoPreInstallDone;
  798. }
  799. if(SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
  800. DeviceInfoData,
  802. NULL,
  803. (PBYTE)DeviceDescBuffer,
  804. DeviceDescBufferLen,
  805. &DeviceDescBufferLen)) {
  806. break;
  807. }
  808. Err = GetLastError();
  809. //
  810. // Free our current buffer before examining the
  811. // cause of failure.
  812. //
  813. MyFree(DeviceDescBuffer);
  814. DeviceDescBuffer = NULL;
  816. //
  817. // The failure was for some other reason than
  818. // buffer-too-small. This means we're not going to
  819. // be able to get the DeviceDesc (most likely because
  820. // the bus driver didn't supply us one. There's
  821. // nothing more we can do.
  822. //
  823. goto CoPreInstallDone;
  824. }
  825. }
  826. CoPreInstallDone:
  827. //
  828. // Save the device description buffer away.
  829. //
  830. InstallContext->DeviceDescBuffer = DeviceDescBuffer;
  831. //
  832. // Store the installer context in the context structure and
  833. // request a post-processing callback.
  834. //
  835. Context->PrivateData = InstallContext;
  837. }
  838. }
  839. default :
  840. //
  841. // We should always be 'on the way in', since we never request
  842. // postprocessing except for DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
  843. //
  844. MYASSERT(!Context->PostProcessing);
  845. return NO_ERROR;
  846. }
  847. }
  848. DWORD
  849. VolumeClassInstaller(
  850. IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
  851. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  853. )
  854. /*++
  855. Routine Description:
  856. This routine is the class installer function for storage volumes.
  857. Arguments:
  858. InstallFunction - Supplies the install function.
  859. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies the device info set.
  860. DeviceInfoData - Supplies the device info data.
  861. Return Value:
  862. If this function successfully completed the requested action, the return
  863. value is NO_ERROR.
  864. If the default behavior is to be performed for the requested action, the
  865. return value is ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.
  866. If an error occurred while attempting to perform the requested action, a
  867. Win32 error code is returned.
  868. --*/
  869. {
  870. return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT;
  871. }
  872. BOOLEAN
  873. OverrideFriendlyNameForTape(
  874. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  876. )
  877. /*++
  878. Routine Description:
  879. This routine checks the device description, given in the INF, for
  880. the tape being installed. If the device description is a generic
  881. name (Tape drive), then we use the name generated from Inquiry
  882. data in UI such as Device Manager. If the INF provides a specific
  883. name, then we use that instead.
  884. Arguments:
  885. DeviceInfoSet - Supplies the device info set.
  886. DeviceInfoData - Supplies the device info data.
  887. Return Value:
  888. TRUE : If the device description given in the INF should be
  889. used as FriendlyName
  890. FALSE : If the name generated from Inquiry data should be
  891. used as FriendlyName instead of the name given in INF
  892. */
  893. {
  895. SP_DRVINFO_DATA drvData;
  896. DWORD dwSize;
  897. TCHAR szSection[LINE_LEN];
  898. HINF hInf;
  899. INFCONTEXT infContext;
  900. BOOLEAN OverrideFriendlyName = FALSE;
  901. TCHAR szSectionName[LINE_LEN];
  902. ZeroMemory(&drvData, sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA));
  903. drvData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA);
  904. if (!SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, &drvData)) {
  905. return FALSE;
  906. }
  907. ZeroMemory(&drvDetData, sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA));
  908. drvDetData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA);
  909. if (!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(DeviceInfoSet,
  910. DeviceInfoData,
  911. &drvData,
  912. &drvDetData,
  913. drvDetData.cbSize,
  914. &dwSize) &&
  915. GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
  916. return FALSE;
  917. }
  918. hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(drvDetData.InfFileName,
  919. NULL,
  920. INF_STYLE_WIN4,
  921. NULL);
  922. if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  923. return FALSE;
  924. }
  925. //
  926. // Get the actual device install section name
  927. //
  928. ZeroMemory(szSectionName, sizeof(szSectionName));
  929. SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall(hInf,
  930. drvDetData.SectionName,
  931. szSectionName,
  932. sizeof(szSectionName) / sizeof(TCHAR),
  933. NULL,
  934. NULL
  935. );
  936. if (SetupFindFirstLine(hInf, szSectionName,
  937. TEXT("UseInfDeviceDesc"),
  938. &infContext)) {
  939. DWORD UseDeviceDesc = 0;
  940. if ((SetupGetIntField(&infContext, 1, (PINT)&UseDeviceDesc)) &&
  941. (UseDeviceDesc)) {
  942. //
  943. // Delete friendly name if it exists.
  944. // Device Description will be used here on.
  945. //
  946. SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
  947. DeviceInfoData,
  949. NULL,
  950. 0);
  951. OverrideFriendlyName = TRUE;
  952. }
  953. }
  954. if (OverrideFriendlyName) {
  955. ChkPrintEx(("Will override friendly name\n"));
  956. } else {
  957. ChkPrintEx(("Will NOT override friendly name\n"));
  958. }
  959. SetupCloseInfFile(hInf);
  960. return OverrideFriendlyName;
  961. }
  962. BOOLEAN
  963. CopyKey(
  964. HKEY SourceKey,
  965. HKEY DestinationKey
  966. )
  967. {
  968. DWORD index = 0;
  969. DWORD numberOfKeys;
  970. DWORD numberOfValues;
  971. DWORD keyNameLength;
  972. DWORD valueNameLength;
  973. DWORD valueLength;
  974. DWORD nameLength;
  975. PTCHAR name = NULL;
  976. PVOID data = NULL;
  977. LONG status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  978. //
  979. // Determine the largest name and data length of the values in this key.
  980. //
  981. status = RegQueryInfoKey(SourceKey,
  982. NULL,
  983. NULL,
  984. NULL,
  985. &numberOfKeys,
  986. &keyNameLength,
  987. NULL,
  988. &numberOfValues,
  989. &valueNameLength,
  990. &valueLength,
  991. NULL,
  992. NULL);
  993. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  994. ChkPrintEx(("Error %d getting info for key %#0x\n", status, SourceKey));
  995. return FALSE;
  996. }
  997. //
  998. // Determine the longer of the two name lengths, then account for the
  999. // short lengths returned by the registry code (it leaves out the
  1000. // terminating NUL).
  1001. //
  1002. nameLength = max(valueNameLength, keyNameLength);
  1003. nameLength += 1;
  1004. //
  1005. // Allocate name and data buffers
  1006. //
  1007. name = MyMalloc(nameLength * sizeof(TCHAR));
  1008. if(name == NULL) {
  1009. return FALSE;
  1010. }
  1011. //
  1012. // there may not be any data to buffer.
  1013. //
  1014. if(valueLength != 0) {
  1015. data = MyMalloc(valueLength);
  1016. if(data == NULL) {
  1017. MyFree(name);
  1018. return FALSE;
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. //
  1022. // Enumerate each value in the SourceKey and copy it to the DestinationKey.
  1023. //
  1024. for(index = 0;
  1025. (index < numberOfValues) && (status != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
  1026. index++) {
  1027. DWORD valueDataLength;
  1028. DWORD type;
  1029. valueNameLength = nameLength;
  1030. valueDataLength = valueLength;
  1031. //
  1032. // Read the value into the pre-allocated buffers.
  1033. //
  1034. status = RegEnumValue(SourceKey,
  1035. index,
  1036. name,
  1037. &valueNameLength,
  1038. NULL,
  1039. &type,
  1040. data,
  1041. &valueDataLength);
  1042. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1043. ChkPrintEx(("Error %d reading value %x\n", status, index));
  1044. continue;
  1045. }
  1046. //
  1047. // Now set this value in the destination key.
  1048. // If this fails there's not much we can do but continue on to the
  1049. // next value.
  1050. //
  1051. status = RegSetValueEx(DestinationKey,
  1052. name,
  1053. 0,
  1054. type,
  1055. data,
  1056. valueDataLength);
  1057. }
  1058. //
  1059. // Free the data buffer.
  1060. //
  1061. MyFree(data);
  1062. data = NULL;
  1063. status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1064. //
  1065. // Now enumerate each key in the SourceKey, create the same key in the
  1066. // desination key, open a handle to each one and recurse.
  1067. //
  1068. for(index = 0;
  1069. (index < numberOfKeys) && (status != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
  1070. index++) {
  1071. FILETIME lastWriteTime;
  1072. HKEY newSourceKey;
  1073. HKEY newDestinationKey;
  1074. keyNameLength = nameLength;
  1075. status = RegEnumKeyEx(SourceKey,
  1076. index,
  1077. name,
  1078. &keyNameLength,
  1079. NULL,
  1080. NULL,
  1081. NULL,
  1082. &lastWriteTime);
  1083. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1084. ChkPrintEx(("Error %d enumerating source key %x\n", status, index));
  1085. continue;
  1086. }
  1087. //
  1088. // Open the source subkey.
  1089. //
  1090. status = RegOpenKeyEx(SourceKey,
  1091. name,
  1092. 0L,
  1093. KEY_READ,
  1094. &newSourceKey);
  1095. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1096. ChkPrintEx(("Error %d opening source key %x\n", status, index));
  1097. continue;
  1098. }
  1099. //
  1100. // Create the destination subkey.
  1101. //
  1102. status = RegCreateKeyEx(DestinationKey,
  1103. name,
  1104. 0L,
  1105. NULL,
  1107. KEY_WRITE,
  1108. NULL,
  1109. &newDestinationKey,
  1110. NULL);
  1111. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1112. ChkPrintEx(("Error %d creating dest key %x\n", status, index));
  1113. RegCloseKey(newSourceKey);
  1114. continue;
  1115. }
  1116. //
  1117. // Recursively copy this key.
  1118. //
  1119. CopyKey(newSourceKey, newDestinationKey);
  1120. RegCloseKey(newSourceKey);
  1121. RegCloseKey(newDestinationKey);
  1122. }
  1123. //
  1124. // Now free the name buffer.
  1125. //
  1126. MyFree(name);
  1127. return TRUE;
  1128. }
  1129. BOOLEAN
  1130. StorageCopyDeviceSettings(
  1131. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1132. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1133. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey
  1134. )
  1135. {
  1136. PTCHAR hardwareIdList = NULL;
  1137. PTCHAR hardwareId = NULL;
  1138. DWORD requiredSize = 0;
  1139. HKEY settingsDatabaseKey = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
  1140. BOOLEAN settingsCopied = FALSE;
  1141. DWORD status;
  1142. ASSERT(DeviceInfo != NULL);
  1143. ASSERT(DeviceInfoData != NULL);
  1144. //
  1145. // Open the device settings key.
  1146. //
  1147. status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
  1149. 0L,
  1150. KEY_READ,
  1151. &settingsDatabaseKey);
  1152. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1153. ChkPrintEx(("StorageCopyDeviceSettings: Error %d opening "
  1154. "settings database\n",
  1155. status));
  1156. return FALSE;
  1157. }
  1158. //
  1159. // get the hardware id's
  1160. //
  1161. if(SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfo,
  1162. DeviceInfoData,
  1164. NULL,
  1165. NULL,
  1166. 0,
  1167. &requiredSize) ||
  1168. (requiredSize == 0)) {
  1169. //
  1170. // That's odd.
  1171. //
  1172. ChkPrintEx(("StorageCopyDeviceSettings: no hardware ids available?\n"));
  1173. goto cleanup;
  1174. }
  1175. //
  1176. // requiredSize is bytes, not characters
  1177. //
  1178. hardwareIdList = MyMalloc(requiredSize);
  1179. if (hardwareIdList == NULL) {
  1180. ChkPrintEx(("StorageCopyDeviceSettings: Couldn't allocate %d bytes "
  1181. "for HWIDs\n", requiredSize));
  1182. goto cleanup;
  1183. }
  1184. if(!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfo,
  1185. DeviceInfoData,
  1187. NULL,
  1188. (PBYTE)hardwareIdList,
  1189. requiredSize,
  1190. NULL)) {
  1191. ChkPrintEx(("StorageCopyDeviceSettings: failed to get "
  1192. "device's hardware ids %x\n",
  1193. GetLastError()));
  1194. goto cleanup;
  1195. }
  1196. //
  1197. // Look in the device settings database for a matching hardware ID. When
  1198. // we find a match copy the contents of that key under the device's
  1199. // devnode key.
  1200. //
  1201. // The hardware IDs we get back from SetupDi are sorted from most exact
  1202. // to least exact so we're guaranteed to find the closest match first.
  1203. //
  1204. hardwareId = hardwareIdList;
  1205. while(hardwareId[0] != TCHAR_NULL) {
  1206. HKEY deviceSettingsKey;
  1207. LONG openStatus;
  1208. //
  1209. // Replace slashes with #'s so that it's compatible as a registry
  1210. // key name.
  1211. //
  1212. ReplaceSlashWithHash(hardwareId);
  1213. openStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(settingsDatabaseKey,
  1214. hardwareId,
  1215. 0,
  1216. KEY_READ,
  1217. &deviceSettingsKey);
  1218. if (openStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1219. //StorageReadSettings(specialTargetHandle, &settings);
  1220. CopyKey(deviceSettingsKey, DeviceEnumKey);
  1221. settingsCopied = TRUE;
  1222. RegCloseKey(deviceSettingsKey);
  1223. break;
  1224. }
  1225. // get to next null, for statement will advance past it
  1226. while (*hardwareId) {
  1227. hardwareId += 1;
  1228. }
  1229. //
  1230. // Skip the nul and go to the next tchar.
  1231. //
  1232. hardwareId += 1;
  1233. RegCloseKey(deviceSettingsKey);
  1234. } // end of loop for query'ing each id
  1235. cleanup:
  1236. ChkPrintEx(("StorageCopyDeviceSettings: Cleaning up...\n"));
  1237. if (settingsDatabaseKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  1238. RegCloseKey(settingsDatabaseKey);
  1239. }
  1240. if (hardwareIdList != NULL) {
  1241. MyFree(hardwareIdList);
  1242. }
  1243. return settingsCopied;
  1244. }
  1245. VOID
  1246. StorageInstallCdrom(
  1247. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1248. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1250. IN BOOLEAN PreInstall
  1251. )
  1252. {
  1255. BOOLEAN installRedbook = FALSE;
  1256. BOOLEAN installImapi = FALSE;
  1257. BOOLEAN needRestart = FALSE;
  1258. //
  1259. // If this is post-installation then get the device capabilities page and
  1260. // provide it to the update routines.
  1261. //
  1262. if(PreInstall == FALSE) {
  1263. if(StorageGetCDVDCapabilities(DeviceInfo, DeviceInfoData, &buffer)) {
  1264. page = &buffer;
  1265. }
  1266. }
  1267. //
  1268. // Check in the registry (or query the device) and determine if we should
  1269. // enable the redbook (digital audio playback) driver on this device.
  1270. //
  1271. // If redbook was already installed the first time through then there's no
  1272. // need to do this step
  1273. //
  1274. if((PreInstall == TRUE) ||
  1275. ((InstallContext->CdRom.RedbookInstalled == FALSE) && (page != NULL))) {
  1276. if ((InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  1277. installRedbook = StorageUpdateRedbookSettings(
  1278. DeviceInfo,
  1279. DeviceInfoData,
  1280. InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey,
  1281. page);
  1282. }
  1283. }
  1284. //
  1285. // Check in the registry (or query the device) and determine if we should
  1286. // enable the IMAPI driver on this device.
  1287. //
  1288. // If imapi was already installed the first time through then there's no
  1289. // need to do this step
  1290. //
  1291. if((PreInstall == TRUE) ||
  1292. ((InstallContext->CdRom.ImapiInstalled == FALSE) && (page != NULL))) {
  1293. if ((InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
  1294. installImapi = StorageUpdateImapiSettings(DeviceInfo,
  1295. DeviceInfoData,
  1296. InstallContext->DeviceEnumKey,
  1297. page);
  1298. }
  1299. }
  1300. //
  1301. // If this is a pre-install pass then we can just add the services. If it's
  1302. // not then first check to see that we don't do anything here that we
  1303. // already did in the pre-install pass.
  1304. //
  1305. if(PreInstall) {
  1306. //
  1307. // Save away what we've done during the pre-install pass.
  1308. //
  1309. InstallContext->CdRom.RedbookInstalled = installRedbook;
  1310. InstallContext->CdRom.ImapiInstalled = installImapi;
  1311. }
  1312. //
  1313. // If we're supposed to enable IMAPI then do so by enabling the IMAPI
  1314. // service and including it in the list of lower filters for this device.
  1315. //
  1316. if(installRedbook) {
  1317. ChkPrintEx(("StorageInstallCdrom: Installing Upperfilter: REDBOOK\n"));
  1318. StorageInstallFilter(DeviceInfo,
  1319. DeviceInfoData,
  1322. needRestart = TRUE;
  1323. }
  1324. if(installImapi) {
  1325. ChkPrintEx(("StorageInstallCdrom: Installing Lowerfilter: IMAPI\n"));
  1326. StorageInstallFilter(DeviceInfo,
  1327. DeviceInfoData,
  1330. needRestart = TRUE;
  1331. }
  1332. if((PreInstall == FALSE) && (needRestart == TRUE)) {
  1333. SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS propChange;
  1334. //
  1335. // The device is all set but we to indicate that a property change
  1336. // has occurred. Set the propchange_pending flag which should cause
  1337. // a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE command to get sent through, which we'll use
  1338. // to restart the device.
  1339. //
  1340. ChkPrintEx(("StorageInstallCdrom: Calling class installer with DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE\n"));
  1341. propChange.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER);
  1342. propChange.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
  1343. propChange.StateChange = DICS_PROPCHANGE;
  1344. propChange.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL;
  1345. propChange.HwProfile = 0;
  1346. SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(DeviceInfo,
  1347. DeviceInfoData,
  1348. &propChange.ClassInstallHeader,
  1349. sizeof(SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS));
  1350. SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE,
  1351. DeviceInfo,
  1352. DeviceInfoData);
  1353. }
  1354. return;
  1355. }
  1356. BOOLEAN
  1357. StorageUpdateRedbookSettings(
  1358. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1359. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1360. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey,
  1362. )
  1363. {
  1365. HKEY redbookKey;
  1366. DWORD setFromDevice = FALSE;
  1367. DWORD disposition;
  1368. DWORD status;
  1369. settings.CDDASupported = FALSE;
  1370. settings.CDDAAccurate = FALSE;
  1371. settings.ReadSizesSupported = 0;
  1372. //
  1373. // Open the digital audio subkey of the device's enum key. If the device
  1374. // hasn't been started yet then we won't create the key. Otherwise we
  1375. // will create it and populate it.
  1376. //
  1377. if(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapabilitiesPage)) {
  1378. status = RegCreateKeyEx(DeviceEnumKey,
  1380. 0L,
  1381. NULL,
  1384. NULL,
  1385. &redbookKey,
  1386. &disposition
  1387. );
  1388. } else {
  1389. status = RegOpenKeyEx(DeviceEnumKey,
  1391. 0L,
  1393. &redbookKey);
  1394. disposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY;
  1395. }
  1396. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1397. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: couldn't open redbook key "
  1398. "- %d\n", status));
  1399. return FALSE;
  1400. }
  1401. if(disposition == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) {
  1402. //
  1403. // Read the redbook settings out of the registry (if there are any) and
  1404. // see if they make any sense.
  1405. //
  1406. StorageReadRedbookSettings(redbookKey, &settings);
  1407. } else {
  1408. //
  1409. // Since the DigitalAudio key didn't exist nothing could be set. Check
  1410. // with the device to see what it supports.
  1411. //
  1412. MYASSERT(CapabilitiesPage != NULL);
  1413. settings.CDDASupported = CapabilitiesPage->CDDA;
  1414. settings.CDDAAccurate = CapabilitiesPage->CDDAAccurate;
  1415. //
  1416. // If the device isn't accurate then we can't be quite sure what the valid
  1417. // read sizes are (unless they were listed in the registry, but in that case
  1418. // we'd never have been here). Use zero, which is a special value for
  1419. // ReadSizesSupported which means "i don't know".
  1420. //
  1421. if((settings.CDDASupported == TRUE) &&
  1422. (settings.CDDAAccurate == TRUE)) {
  1423. settings.ReadSizesSupported = -1;
  1424. }
  1425. setFromDevice = TRUE;
  1426. }
  1427. //
  1428. // Write the updated (or derived) settings to the registry.
  1429. //
  1430. if (settings.CDDAAccurate) {
  1431. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1432. "Cdrom fully supports CDDA.\n"));
  1433. } else if (settings.ReadSizesSupported) {
  1434. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1435. "Cdrom only supports some sizes CDDA read.\n"));
  1436. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1437. "These are in the bitmask: %x.\n",
  1438. settings.ReadSizesSupported));
  1439. } else if (settings.CDDASupported) {
  1440. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1441. "Cdrom only supports some sizes CDDA read.\n"));
  1442. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1443. "There is no data on which sizes (if any) "
  1444. "are accurate\n"));
  1445. } else {
  1446. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateRedbookSettings: "
  1447. "Cdrom does not support CDDA at all.\n"));
  1448. }
  1449. RegSetValueEx(redbookKey,
  1450. L"ReadSizesSupported",
  1451. 0,
  1452. REG_DWORD,
  1453. (BYTE*)&settings.ReadSizesSupported,
  1454. sizeof(DWORD)
  1455. );
  1456. RegSetValueEx(redbookKey,
  1457. L"CDDASupported",
  1458. 0,
  1459. REG_DWORD,
  1460. (BYTE*)&settings.CDDASupported,
  1461. sizeof(DWORD)
  1462. );
  1463. RegSetValueEx(redbookKey,
  1464. L"CDDAAccurate",
  1465. 0,
  1466. REG_DWORD,
  1467. (BYTE*)&settings.CDDAAccurate,
  1468. sizeof(DWORD)
  1469. );
  1470. RegSetValueEx(redbookKey,
  1471. L"SettingsFromDevice",
  1472. 0,
  1473. REG_DWORD,
  1474. (LPBYTE) &(setFromDevice),
  1475. sizeof(DWORD)
  1476. );
  1477. RegCloseKey(redbookKey);
  1478. //
  1479. // if CDDA is supported, and one of:
  1480. // CDDA is accurate
  1481. // We have a mask of accurate settings
  1482. // We want to force install of redbook
  1483. // is true, then return TRUE.
  1484. // else, return FALSE.
  1485. //
  1486. if((settings.CDDASupported) &&
  1487. ((settings.CDDAAccurate) ||
  1488. (settings.ReadSizesSupported != 0) ||
  1489. (StorageForceRedbookOnInaccurateDrives))) {
  1490. return TRUE;
  1491. } else {
  1492. return FALSE;
  1493. }
  1494. }
  1495. BOOLEAN
  1496. StorageUpdateImapiSettings(
  1497. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1498. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1499. IN HKEY DeviceEnumKey,
  1501. )
  1502. {
  1503. HKEY imapiKey;
  1504. DWORD disposition;
  1505. DWORD status;
  1506. //
  1507. // must be a DWORD so we can read into it from the registry.
  1508. //
  1509. DWORD enableImapi = FALSE;
  1510. //
  1511. // Open the imapi subkey of the device's enum key. If the device has been
  1512. // started then we'll create the key if it didn't already exist.
  1513. //
  1514. if(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapabilitiesPage)) {
  1515. status = RegCreateKeyEx(DeviceEnumKey,
  1517. 0L,
  1518. NULL,
  1521. NULL,
  1522. &imapiKey,
  1523. &disposition
  1524. );
  1525. } else {
  1526. status = RegOpenKeyEx(DeviceEnumKey,
  1528. 0L,
  1530. &imapiKey
  1531. );
  1532. disposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY;
  1533. }
  1534. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1535. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateImapiSettings: couldn't open imapi key "
  1536. "- %d\n", status));
  1537. return FALSE;
  1538. }
  1539. if(disposition == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) {
  1540. DWORD type = REG_DWORD;
  1541. DWORD dataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
  1542. //
  1543. // Check to see if the EnableImapi value is set in this key. If it is
  1544. // then we'll be wanting to enable the filter driver.
  1545. //
  1546. status = RegQueryValueEx(imapiKey,
  1548. NULL,
  1549. &type,
  1550. (LPBYTE) &enableImapi,
  1551. &dataSize);
  1552. if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1553. if(type != REG_DWORD) {
  1554. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateImapiSettings: EnableImapi value is of "
  1555. "type %d\n", type));
  1556. enableImapi = FALSE;
  1557. }
  1558. RegCloseKey(imapiKey);
  1559. return (BOOLEAN) enableImapi ? TRUE : FALSE;
  1560. }
  1561. //
  1562. // else the key wasn't accessible. fall through to query the drive
  1563. //
  1564. }
  1565. if(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(CapabilitiesPage)) {
  1566. //
  1567. // query the drive to see if it supports mastering...
  1568. //
  1569. if((CapabilitiesPage->CDRWrite) || (CapabilitiesPage->CDEWrite)) {
  1570. enableImapi = TRUE;
  1571. }
  1572. }
  1573. if (enableImapi && DISABLE_IMAPI) {
  1574. ChkPrintEx(("StorageUpdateImapiSettings: Imapi would have "
  1575. "been enabled"));
  1576. enableImapi = FALSE;
  1577. }
  1578. if (enableImapi) {
  1579. //
  1580. // must add registry key listed above that suggests that
  1581. // imapi must be enabled by default.
  1582. //
  1583. status = RegSetValueEx(imapiKey,
  1585. 0,
  1586. REG_DWORD,
  1587. (BYTE*)&enableImapi,
  1588. sizeof(DWORD)
  1589. );
  1590. //
  1591. // if this failed, then the device driver won't attach itself
  1592. // to the stack. in this case, we don't want to enable IMAPI
  1593. // after all...
  1594. //
  1595. if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1596. enableImapi = FALSE;
  1597. }
  1598. }
  1599. RegCloseKey(imapiKey);
  1600. return (BOOLEAN) enableImapi ? TRUE : FALSE;
  1601. }
  1602. DWORD
  1603. StorageInstallFilter(
  1604. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1605. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1606. IN LPTSTR FilterName,
  1607. IN DWORD FilterType
  1608. )
  1609. {
  1610. DWORD status;
  1611. DWORD oldStartType;
  1612. //
  1613. // Check with the service controller and make sure that the IMAPI service
  1614. // is set to start at system time.
  1615. //
  1616. status = SetServiceStart(FilterName, SERVICE_SYSTEM_START, &oldStartType);
  1617. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1618. return status;
  1619. }
  1620. //
  1621. // Add the IMAPI filter to the list of lower device filters.
  1622. //
  1623. status = AddFilterDriver(DeviceInfo,
  1624. DeviceInfoData,
  1625. FilterName,
  1626. FilterType
  1627. );
  1628. if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
  1629. //
  1630. // if it failed, and the service was previously disabled,
  1631. // re-disable the service.
  1632. //
  1633. if(oldStartType == SERVICE_DISABLED) {
  1634. SetServiceStart(FilterName, SERVICE_DISABLED, &oldStartType);
  1635. }
  1636. }
  1637. return status;
  1638. }
  1639. DWORD
  1640. SetServiceStart(
  1641. IN LPCTSTR ServiceName,
  1642. IN DWORD StartType,
  1643. OUT DWORD *OldStartType
  1644. )
  1645. {
  1646. SC_HANDLE serviceManager;
  1647. SC_HANDLE service;
  1648. DWORD status;
  1649. serviceManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE);
  1650. if(serviceManager == NULL) {
  1651. return GetLastError();
  1652. }
  1653. service = OpenService(serviceManager,
  1654. ServiceName,
  1656. if(service == NULL) {
  1657. status = GetLastError();
  1658. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1659. return status;
  1660. }
  1661. {
  1662. QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG configBuffer;
  1663. LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG config = &(configBuffer);
  1664. DWORD configSize;
  1665. BOOLEAN wasStarted;
  1666. //
  1667. // Retrieve the configuration so we can get the current service
  1668. // start value. We unfortuantely need to allocate memory for the
  1669. // entire service configuration - the fine QueryServiceConfig API
  1670. // doesn't give back partial data.
  1671. //
  1672. memset(config, 0, sizeof(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG));
  1673. configSize = sizeof(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG);
  1674. //
  1675. // Determine the number of bytes needed for the configuration.
  1676. //
  1677. QueryServiceConfig(service, config, 0, &configSize);
  1678. status = GetLastError();
  1679. if(status != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
  1680. CloseServiceHandle(service);
  1681. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1682. return status;
  1683. }
  1684. //
  1685. // Allocate the appropriately sized config buffer.
  1686. //
  1687. config = MyMalloc(configSize);
  1688. if(config == NULL) {
  1689. CloseServiceHandle(service);
  1690. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1692. }
  1693. if(!QueryServiceConfig(service, config, configSize, &configSize)) {
  1694. status = GetLastError();
  1695. CloseServiceHandle(service);
  1696. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1697. MyFree(config);
  1698. return status;
  1699. }
  1700. //
  1701. // Record what the old start type was so that the caller can disable
  1702. // the service again if filter-installation fails.
  1703. //
  1704. *OldStartType = config->dwStartType;
  1705. //
  1706. // If the start type doesn't need to be changed then bail out now.
  1707. //
  1708. if(config->dwStartType == StartType) {
  1709. CloseServiceHandle(service);
  1710. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1711. MyFree(config);
  1712. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1713. }
  1714. //
  1715. // Now write the configuration back to the service.
  1716. //
  1717. if(ChangeServiceConfig(service,
  1719. StartType,
  1721. NULL,
  1722. NULL,
  1723. NULL,
  1724. NULL,
  1725. NULL,
  1726. NULL,
  1727. NULL) == FALSE) {
  1728. status = GetLastError();
  1729. } else {
  1730. status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1731. }
  1732. CloseServiceHandle(service);
  1733. CloseServiceHandle(serviceManager);
  1734. MyFree(config);
  1735. }
  1736. return status;
  1737. }
  1738. DWORD
  1739. AddFilterDriver(
  1740. IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfo,
  1741. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
  1742. IN LPTSTR ServiceName,
  1743. IN DWORD FilterType
  1744. )
  1745. {
  1746. DWORD serviceNameLength = (_tcslen(ServiceName) + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR);
  1747. LPTSTR filterList = NULL;
  1748. DWORD filterListSize = 0;
  1749. DWORD type;
  1750. DWORD status;
  1751. ASSERT((FilterType == SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS) ||
  1752. (FilterType == SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS));
  1753. //
  1754. // Query to find out the property size. If it comes back zero then
  1755. // we'll just try to write the property in there.
  1756. //
  1757. SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfo,
  1758. DeviceInfoData,
  1759. FilterType,
  1760. &type,
  1761. NULL,
  1762. 0L,
  1763. &filterListSize);
  1764. status = GetLastError();
  1765. if((status != ERROR_INVALID_DATA) &&
  1766. (status != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) {
  1767. //
  1768. // If this succeeded with no buffer provided then there's something
  1769. // very odd going on.
  1770. //
  1771. ChkPrintEx(("Unable to get filter list: %x\n", status));
  1772. ASSERT(status != ERROR_SUCCESS);
  1773. return status;
  1774. }
  1775. //
  1776. // This error code appears to be returned if the property isn't set in the
  1777. // devnode. In that event make sure propertySize is cleared.
  1778. //
  1779. if(status == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) {
  1780. filterListSize = 0;
  1781. } else if(type != REG_MULTI_SZ) {
  1782. return ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
  1783. }
  1784. //
  1785. // If the property size is zero then there's nothing to query. Likewise,
  1786. // if it's equal to the size of two nul characters.
  1787. //
  1788. if(filterListSize >= (sizeof(TCHAR_NULL) * 2)) {
  1789. DWORD tmp;
  1790. LPTSTR listEnd;
  1791. //
  1792. // increase the filter list buffer size so that it can hold our
  1793. // addition. Make sure to take into account the extra nul character
  1794. // already in the existing list.
  1795. //
  1796. filterListSize += serviceNameLength - sizeof(TCHAR);
  1797. filterList = MyMalloc(filterListSize);
  1798. if(filterList == NULL) {
  1800. }
  1801. memset(filterList, 0, filterListSize);
  1802. //
  1803. // Query the registry information again.
  1804. //
  1805. if(!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfo,
  1806. DeviceInfoData,
  1807. FilterType,
  1808. &type,
  1809. (PBYTE) filterList,
  1810. filterListSize,
  1811. &tmp)) {
  1812. status = GetLastError();
  1813. MyFree(filterList);
  1814. return status;
  1815. }
  1816. if(type != REG_MULTI_SZ) {
  1817. MyFree(filterList);
  1818. return ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
  1819. }
  1820. //
  1821. // Compute the end of the filter list and copy the imapi filters
  1822. // there.
  1823. //
  1824. listEnd = filterList;
  1825. listEnd += tmp / sizeof(TCHAR);
  1826. listEnd -= 1;
  1827. memset(listEnd, 0, serviceNameLength);
  1828. memcpy(listEnd, ServiceName, serviceNameLength - sizeof(TCHAR_NULL));
  1829. } else {
  1830. filterList = MyMalloc(serviceNameLength);
  1831. if(filterList == NULL) {
  1833. }
  1834. memset(filterList, 0, serviceNameLength);
  1835. memcpy(filterList, ServiceName, serviceNameLength - sizeof(TCHAR_NULL));
  1836. filterListSize = serviceNameLength;
  1837. }
  1838. if(!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfo,
  1839. DeviceInfoData,
  1840. FilterType,
  1841. (PBYTE) filterList,
  1842. filterListSize)) {
  1843. status = GetLastError();
  1844. } else {
  1845. status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1846. }
  1847. MyFree(filterList);
  1848. return status;
  1849. }
  1850. /*++
  1851. Routine Description:
  1852. NOTE: we default to RETRY==TRUE except for known error classes
  1853. This is based upon classpnp's InterpretSenseInfo().
  1854. Arguments:
  1855. Return Value:
  1856. --*/
  1857. VOID
  1858. StorageInterpretSenseInfo(
  1859. IN PSENSE_DATA SenseData,
  1860. IN UCHAR SenseDataSize,
  1861. OUT PDWORD ErrorValue, // from WinError.h
  1862. OUT PBOOLEAN SuggestRetry OPTIONAL,
  1863. OUT PDWORD SuggestRetryDelay OPTIONAL // in 1/10 second intervals
  1864. )
  1865. {
  1866. DWORD error;
  1867. DWORD retryDelay;
  1868. BOOLEAN retry;
  1869. UCHAR senseKey;
  1870. UCHAR asc;
  1871. UCHAR ascq;
  1872. if (SenseDataSize == 0) {
  1873. retry = FALSE;
  1874. retryDelay = 0;
  1875. error = ERROR_IO_DEVICE;
  1876. goto SetAndExit;
  1877. }
  1878. //
  1879. // default to suggesting a retry in 1/10 of a second,
  1880. // with a status of ERROR_IO_DEVICE.
  1881. //
  1882. retry = TRUE;
  1883. retryDelay = 1;
  1884. error = ERROR_IO_DEVICE;
  1885. //
  1886. // if we can't even see the sense key, just return.
  1887. // can't use bitfields in these macros, so use next field
  1888. // instead of RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD
  1889. //
  1890. if (SenseDataSize < FIELD_OFFSET(SENSE_DATA, Information)) {
  1891. goto SetAndExit;
  1892. }
  1893. senseKey = SenseData->SenseKey;
  1894. //
  1895. // if the device succeeded the request, return success.
  1896. //
  1897. if (senseKey == 0) {
  1898. retry = FALSE;
  1899. retryDelay = 0;
  1900. error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1901. goto SetAndExit;
  1902. }
  1903. { // set the size to what's actually useful.
  1904. UCHAR validLength;
  1905. // figure out what we could have gotten with a large sense buffer
  1906. if (SenseDataSize <
  1907. RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(SENSE_DATA, AdditionalSenseLength)) {
  1908. validLength = SenseDataSize;
  1909. } else {
  1910. validLength =
  1911. RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(SENSE_DATA, AdditionalSenseLength);
  1912. validLength += SenseData->AdditionalSenseLength;
  1913. }
  1914. // use the smaller of the two values.
  1915. SenseDataSize = min(SenseDataSize, validLength);
  1916. }
  1917. if (SenseDataSize <
  1918. RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(SENSE_DATA, AdditionalSenseCode)) {
  1919. asc = SCSI_ADSENSE_NO_SENSE;
  1920. } else {
  1921. asc = SenseData->AdditionalSenseCode;
  1922. }
  1923. if (SenseDataSize <
  1924. RTL_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD(SENSE_DATA, AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier)) {
  1925. ascq = SCSI_SENSEQ_CAUSE_NOT_REPORTABLE; // 0x00
  1926. } else {
  1927. ascq = SenseData->AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier;
  1928. }
  1929. //
  1930. // interpret :P
  1931. //
  1932. switch (senseKey & 0xf) {
  1933. case SCSI_SENSE_RECOVERED_ERROR: { // 0x01
  1934. if (SenseData->IncorrectLength) {
  1936. } else {
  1937. error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1938. }
  1939. retry = FALSE;
  1940. break;
  1942. case SCSI_SENSE_NOT_READY: { // 0x02
  1943. error = ERROR_NOT_READY;
  1944. switch (asc) {
  1946. switch (ascq) {
  1950. break;
  1951. }
  1955. retry = FALSE;
  1956. break;
  1957. }
  1959. retry = FALSE;
  1960. break;
  1961. }
  1962. } // end switch (senseBuffer->AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier)
  1963. break;
  1964. }
  1966. error = ERROR_NOT_READY;
  1967. retry = FALSE;
  1968. break;
  1969. }
  1970. } // end switch (senseBuffer->AdditionalSenseCode)
  1971. break;
  1972. } // end SCSI_SENSE_NOT_READY
  1973. case SCSI_SENSE_MEDIUM_ERROR: { // 0x03
  1974. error = ERROR_CRC;
  1975. retry = FALSE;
  1976. //
  1977. // Check if this error is due to unknown format
  1978. //
  1979. if (asc == SCSI_ADSENSE_INVALID_MEDIA) {
  1980. switch (ascq) {
  1983. break;
  1984. }
  1988. break;
  1989. }
  1990. } // end switch AdditionalSenseCodeQualifier
  1992. break;
  1993. } // end SCSI_SENSE_MEDIUM_ERROR
  1994. case SCSI_SENSE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST: { // 0x05
  1996. retry = FALSE;
  1997. switch (asc) {
  1999. error = ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND;
  2000. break;
  2001. }
  2003. error = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
  2004. break;
  2005. }
  2007. error = ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTED;
  2009. switch (ascq) {
  2012. break;
  2014. //error = ERROR_SPT_LIB_KEY_NOT_PRESENT;
  2015. break;
  2018. break;
  2021. break;
  2024. break;
  2027. break;
  2028. } // end switch of ASCQ for COPY_PROTECTION_FAILURE
  2029. break;
  2030. }
  2031. } // end switch (senseBuffer->AdditionalSenseCode)
  2032. break;
  2034. case SCSI_SENSE_DATA_PROTECT: { // 0x07
  2035. error = ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT;
  2036. retry = FALSE;
  2037. break;
  2038. } // end SCSI_SENSE_DATA_PROTECT
  2039. case SCSI_SENSE_BLANK_CHECK: { // 0x08
  2040. error = ERROR_NO_DATA_DETECTED;
  2041. break;
  2042. } // end SCSI_SENSE_BLANK_CHECK
  2043. case SCSI_SENSE_NO_SENSE: { // 0x00
  2044. if (SenseData->IncorrectLength) {
  2046. retry = FALSE;
  2047. } else {
  2048. error = ERROR_IO_DEVICE;
  2049. }
  2050. break;
  2051. } // end SCSI_SENSE_NO_SENSE
  2052. case SCSI_SENSE_HARDWARE_ERROR: // 0x04
  2053. case SCSI_SENSE_UNIT_ATTENTION: // 0x06
  2054. case SCSI_SENSE_UNIQUE: // 0x09
  2055. case SCSI_SENSE_COPY_ABORTED: // 0x0A
  2056. case SCSI_SENSE_ABORTED_COMMAND: // 0x0B
  2057. case SCSI_SENSE_EQUAL: // 0x0C
  2058. case SCSI_SENSE_VOL_OVERFLOW: // 0x0D
  2059. case SCSI_SENSE_MISCOMPARE: // 0x0E
  2060. case SCSI_SENSE_RESERVED: // 0x0F
  2061. default: {
  2062. error = ERROR_IO_DEVICE;
  2063. break;
  2064. }
  2065. } // end switch(SenseKey)
  2066. SetAndExit:
  2067. if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SuggestRetry)) {
  2068. *SuggestRetry = retry;
  2069. }
  2070. if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SuggestRetryDelay)) {
  2071. *SuggestRetryDelay = retryDelay;
  2072. }
  2073. *ErrorValue = error;
  2074. return;
  2075. }