Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines for watching changes to the current user's profile directory and the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl)
Revision History:
#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Debugging aids.
DWORD WatchDebugLevel = 0; #define dprintf(_lvl_,_x_) if ((_lvl_) <= WatchDebugLevel) DbgPrint _x_
#define DEBUG(_x_) _x_
PWCH StartDirectoryName = TEXT(""); PWCH StartKeyName = TEXT(""); PWCH StopDirectoryName = TEXT(""); PWCH StopKeyName = TEXT("");
static PSZ Types[] = {"ACK!", "DIR ", "FILE ", "KEY ", "VALUE"}; static PSZ States[] = {"NONE", "CHANGED", "DELETED", "NEW", "MATCHED"};
#undef MyMalloc
#undef MyFree
#define MyMalloc MyMallocEx
#define MyFree MyFreeEx
PVOID MyMallocEx ( IN DWORD Size ); VOID MyFreeEx ( IN PVOID p ); VOID DumpMallocStats ( PSZ Event );
#define dprintf(_lvl_,_x_)
#define DEBUG(_x_)
#define DumpMallocStats(_event)
// Additions to the change types in WatchEnum.
#define WATCH_NONE 0
// Common header for container entries (directories and keys).
typedef struct _CONTAINER_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY SiblingListEntry; LIST_ENTRY ContainerList; LIST_ENTRY ObjectList; struct _CONTAINER_ENTRY *Parent; DWORD State; #if WATCH_DEBUG
DWORD IsDirectory; #endif
// Common header for object entries (files and values).
typedef struct _OBJECT_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY SiblingListEntry; DWORD State; } OBJECT_ENTRY, *POBJECT_ENTRY;
// Macros for manipulating containers and objects.
#define SetIsDirectory(_container,_isdir) (_container)->IsDirectory = (_isdir)
#define SetIsDirectory(_container,_isdir)
#define InitializeContainer(_container,_state,_parent,_isdir) { \
InitializeListHead(&(_container)->ContainerList); \ InitializeListHead(&(_container)->ObjectList); \ (_container)->Parent = (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)(_parent); \ (_container)->State = (_state); \ SetIsDirectory((_container),(_isdir)); \ }
#define InitializeObject(_object,_state) (_object)->State = (_state);
#define InsertContainer(_container,_subcontainer) \
#define InsertObject(_container,_object) \
#define RemoveObject(_object) RemoveEntryList(&(_object)->SiblingListEntry)
#define RemoveContainer(_container) RemoveEntryList(&(_container)->SiblingListEntry)
#define GetFirstObject(_container) \
((_container)->ObjectList.Flink != &(_container)->ObjectList ? \ CONTAINING_RECORD( (_container)->ObjectList.Flink, \ OBJECT_ENTRY, \ SiblingListEntry ) : NULL)
#define GetNextObject(_container,_object) \
((_object)->SiblingListEntry.Flink != &(_container)->ObjectList ? \ CONTAINING_RECORD( (_object)->SiblingListEntry.Flink, \ OBJECT_ENTRY, \ SiblingListEntry ) : NULL)
#define GetFirstContainer(_container) \
((_container)->ContainerList.Flink != &(_container)->ContainerList ? \ CONTAINING_RECORD( (_container)->ContainerList.Flink, \ CONTAINER_ENTRY, \ SiblingListEntry ) : NULL)
#define GetNextContainer(_container) \
((_container)->SiblingListEntry.Flink != &(_container)->Parent->ContainerList ? \ CONTAINING_RECORD( (_container)->SiblingListEntry.Flink, \ CONTAINER_ENTRY, \ SiblingListEntry ) : NULL)
#define GetParent(_container) (_container)->Parent
#define GetEntryState(_entry) (_entry)->State
#define SetEntryState(_entry,_state) ((_entry)->State = (_state))
#define CONTAINER_NAME(_container) \
(_container)->IsDirectory ? ((PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)(_container))->Name : \ ((PKEY_ENTRY)(_container))->Name #define OBJECT_NAME(_container,_object) \
(_container)->IsDirectory ? ((PFILE_ENTRY)(_object))->Name : \ ((PVALUE_ENTRY)(_object))->Name #endif
// Structures for entries in the watch tree.
typedef struct _VALUE_ENTRY { OBJECT_ENTRY ; DWORD Type; DWORD NameLength; DWORD ValueDataLength; WCHAR Name[1]; } VALUE_ENTRY, *PVALUE_ENTRY;
// The root of the watch tree is allocated as a ROOT_ENTRY followed by
typedef struct _ROOT_ENTRY { PDIRECTORY_ENTRY RootDirectoryEntry; PKEY_ENTRY RootKeyEntry; } ROOT_ENTRY, *PROOT_ENTRY;
// Macro for comparing file times.
#define TIMES_EQUAL(_a,_b) \
(((_a).dwLowDateTime == (_b).dwLowDateTime) && \ ((_a).dwHighDateTime == (_b).dwHighDateTime))
// Forward declaration of local subroutines.
VOID WatchFreeChildren ( IN PCONTAINER_ENTRY Container );
DWORD WatchDirStart ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root );
DWORD WatchDirStop ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root );
DWORD WatchKeyStart ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root );
DWORD WatchKeyStop ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root );
DWORD AddValueAtStart ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD ValueNameLength, IN PWCH ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN DWORD ValueDataLength );
DWORD AddKeyAtStart ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD KeyNameLength, IN PWCH KeyName );
DWORD CheckValueAtStop ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD ValueNameLength, IN PWCH ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN DWORD ValueDataLength );
DWORD CheckKeyAtStop ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD KeyNameLength, IN PWCH KeyName );
DWORD WatchStart ( OUT PVOID *WatchHandle )
Routine Description:
Starts watching. Captures the initial state of the Start Menu directory and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
WatchHandle - returns a handle for calls to the other Watch routines.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PROOT_ENTRY root; PDIRECTORY_ENTRY rootDirectory; PKEY_ENTRY rootKey; DWORD dirSize; DWORD keySize; DWORD size; DWORD error;
// Calculate the size of the root entry, which includes entries for the
// root directory and the root key. The root directory and the root key
// do not have names, so we don't have to allocate additional space.
// Allocate and initialize the root entry.
dirSize = (sizeof(DIRECTORY_ENTRY) + 7) & ~7; keySize = (sizeof(KEY_ENTRY) + 7) & ~7; #else
dirSize = (sizeof(DIRECTORY_ENTRY) + (wcslen(StartDirectoryName)*sizeof(WCHAR)) + 7) & ~7; keySize = (sizeof(KEY_ENTRY) + (wcslen(StartKeyName)*sizeof(WCHAR)) + 7) & ~7; #endif
root = MyMalloc( ((sizeof(ROOT_ENTRY) + 7) & ~7) + dirSize + keySize ); if ( root == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
rootDirectory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)(root + 1); rootKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)((PCHAR)rootDirectory + dirSize);
root->RootDirectoryEntry = rootDirectory; root->RootKeyEntry = rootKey;
// Initialize the root directory and the root key.
InitializeContainer( rootDirectory, 0, NULL, TRUE ); InitializeContainer( rootKey, 0, NULL, FALSE ); rootKey->Handle = NULL; #if !WATCH_DEBUG
rootDirectory->Name[0] = 0; rootKey->Name[0] = 0; #else
wcscpy( rootDirectory->Name, StartDirectoryName ); wcscpy( rootKey->Name, StartKeyName ); #endif
// Start watching the Start Menu directory and the current user key.
error = WatchDirStart( root ); DumpMallocStats( "After WatchDirStart" ); if ( error == NO_ERROR ) { error = WatchKeyStart( root ); DumpMallocStats( "After WatchKeyStart" ); }
// If an error occurred, free the root entry. Otherwise, return the
// address of the root entry as the watch handle.
if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { WatchFree( root ); DumpMallocStats( "After WatchFree" ); } else { *WatchHandle = root; }
return error;
} // WatchStart
DWORD WatchStop ( IN PVOID WatchHandle )
Routine Description:
Stops watching. Compares the current state of the directory and key to the initial state.
WatchHandle - supplies the handle returned by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PROOT_ENTRY root; DWORD error;
root = WatchHandle;
// Stop watching the Start Menu directory and the current user key.
// Capture the differences from the initial state.
if ( (wcslen(StopDirectoryName) > wcslen(root->RootDirectoryEntry->Name)) || (wcslen(StopKeyName) > wcslen(root->RootKeyEntry->Name)) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } wcscpy( root->RootDirectoryEntry->Name, StopDirectoryName ); wcscpy( root->RootKeyEntry->Name, StopKeyName ); #endif
error = WatchDirStop( root ); DumpMallocStats( "After WatchDirStop" ); if ( error == NO_ERROR ) { error = WatchKeyStop( root ); DumpMallocStats( "After WatchKeyStop" ); }
return error;
} // WatchStop
DWORD WatchEnum ( IN PVOID WatchHandle, IN PVOID Context, IN PWATCH_ENUM_ROUTINE EnumRoutine )
Routine Description:
Enumerates the new, changed, and deleted elements of the watched directory and key. Call the EnumRoutine for each such entry.
WatchHandle - handle returned by WatchStart.
Context - context value to be passed to EnumRoutine.
EnumRoutine - routine to call for each entry.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PROOT_ENTRY root; PWCH name; PCONTAINER_ENTRY rootContainer; PCONTAINER_ENTRY currentContainer; PCONTAINER_ENTRY container; POBJECT_ENTRY object; WATCH_ENTRY enumEntry; DWORD i; DWORD containerNameOffset; DWORD objectNameOffset; DWORD containerType; DWORD objectType; DWORD error; BOOL bTooLong; WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
root = WatchHandle;
// Loop twice -- once for the watched directory and once for
// the watched key.
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
// Set up for walking the appropriate tree.
if ( i == 0 ) { rootContainer = (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)root->RootDirectoryEntry; containerType = WATCH_DIRECTORY; objectType = WATCH_FILE; containerNameOffset = FIELD_OFFSET( DIRECTORY_ENTRY, Name ); objectNameOffset = FIELD_OFFSET( FILE_ENTRY, Name ); } else { rootContainer = (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)root->RootKeyEntry; containerType = WATCH_KEY; objectType = WATCH_VALUE; containerNameOffset = FIELD_OFFSET( KEY_ENTRY, Name ); objectNameOffset = FIELD_OFFSET( VALUE_ENTRY, Name ); }
currentContainer = rootContainer; if( rootContainer && wcslen( (PWCH)((PCHAR)rootContainer + containerNameOffset)) > (MAX_PATH-1)) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: : WatchEnum. Rootcontainer too long %s.", (PWCH)((PCHAR)rootContainer + containerNameOffset)); continue; } wcscpy( currentPath, (PWCH)((PCHAR)rootContainer + containerNameOffset) ); enumEntry.Name = currentPath; if ( wcslen(currentPath) == 0 ) { enumEntry.Name += 1; // skip leading backslash
do {
// Call the EnumRoutine for each object (file/value) in the
// container (directory/key). All objects remaining in the
// tree are either changed, new, or deleted.
object = GetFirstObject( currentContainer ); while ( object != NULL ) { enumEntry.EntryType = objectType; enumEntry.ChangeType = GetEntryState( object );
if( (wcslen( currentPath) + wcslen( L"\\") + wcslen((PWCH)((PCHAR)object + objectNameOffset))) < MAX_PATH) { wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, (PWCH)((PCHAR)object + objectNameOffset) ); error = EnumRoutine( Context, &enumEntry ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { dprintf( 0, ("EnumRoutine returned %d\n", error) ); return error; } *wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0; } else { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: : WatchEnum. Object too long %s.", (PWCH)((PCHAR)object + objectNameOffset)); } object = GetNextObject( currentContainer, object ); }
// If the current container has subcontainers, recurse
// into the first one.
container = GetFirstContainer( currentContainer ); bTooLong = container && (wcslen( currentPath) + wcslen( L"\\") + wcslen((PWCH)((PCHAR)container + containerNameOffset))) >= MAX_PATH; if( bTooLong) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: : WatchEnum. Container too long %s.", (PWCH)((PCHAR)container + containerNameOffset)); }
if ( container != NULL && !bTooLong) { currentContainer = container; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, (PWCH)((PCHAR)currentContainer + containerNameOffset) ); } else {
// The container has no subcontainers. Walk back up the
// tree looking for a sibling container to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// If the current container is the root container, we're done.
if ( currentContainer == rootContainer ) { currentContainer = NULL; break; }
// If the current container is new or deleted, call
// the EnumRoutine.
if ( GetEntryState(currentContainer) != WATCH_MATCHED ) { enumEntry.EntryType = containerType; enumEntry.ChangeType = GetEntryState( currentContainer ); error = EnumRoutine( Context, &enumEntry ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { dprintf( 0, ("EnumRoutine returned %d\n", error) ); return error; } }
// Strip the name of the current container off of the path.
*wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0;
// If the parent container has more subcontainers, recurse
// into the next one. Otherwise, move up to the parent
// container and try again.
container = GetNextContainer( currentContainer ); bTooLong = container && (wcslen( currentPath) + wcslen(L"\\") + wcslen( (PWCH)((PCHAR)container + containerNameOffset))) >= MAX_PATH; if( bTooLong) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: : WatchEnum. Container too long %s.", (PWCH)((PCHAR)container + containerNameOffset)); } if ( container != NULL && !bTooLong) { currentContainer = container; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, (PWCH)((PCHAR)currentContainer + containerNameOffset) ); break; } else { currentContainer = GetParent( currentContainer ); } } }
} while ( currentContainer != NULL );
} // for
return NO_ERROR;
} // WatchEnum
VOID WatchFree ( IN PVOID WatchHandle )
Routine Description:
Frees the watch data structures.
WatchHandle - supplies the handle returned by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
root = WatchHandle;
// Free the directory tree, and key tree, and the root entry.
WatchFreeChildren( (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)root->RootDirectoryEntry ); WatchFreeChildren( (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)root->RootKeyEntry );
MyFree( root );
DumpMallocStats( "After WatchFree" );
} // WatchFree
VOID WatchFreeChildren ( IN PCONTAINER_ENTRY RootContainer )
Routine Description:
Frees the children of a container (directory or key). Note that the container itself is not freed.
RootContainer - the container whose children are to be freed.
Return Value:
WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; #endif
DEBUG( wcscpy( currentPath, CONTAINER_NAME(RootContainer) ) );
// Delete children starting at the root container.
currentContainer = RootContainer;
do {
// Delete all objects (files or values) within the container.
object = GetFirstObject( currentContainer ); while ( object != NULL ) { dprintf( 2, ("Deleting entry for object %ws\\%ws: %s\n", currentPath, OBJECT_NAME(currentContainer,object), States[GetEntryState(object)]) ); RemoveObject( object ); MyFree( object ); object = GetFirstObject( currentContainer ); }
// If the container has subcontainers, recurse into the first one.
container = GetFirstContainer( currentContainer ); if ( container != NULL ) {
currentContainer = container; DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, CONTAINER_NAME(currentContainer) ) );
} else {
// The container has no subcontainers. Walk back up the
// tree looking for a sibling container to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// If the current container is the root container, we're done.
if ( currentContainer == RootContainer ) { currentContainer = NULL; break; }
DEBUG( dprintf( 2, ("Deleting entry for container %ws: %s\n", currentPath, States[GetEntryState(currentContainer)]) ) ); DEBUG( *wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0 );
// Free the current container.
parent = GetParent( currentContainer ); RemoveContainer( currentContainer ); MyFree( currentContainer );
// If the parent container has more subcontainers,
// recurse into the first one. Otherwise, move up
// to the parent container and loop back to free it.
currentContainer = GetFirstContainer( parent ); if ( currentContainer != NULL ) { DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, CONTAINER_NAME(currentContainer) ) ); break; } else { currentContainer = parent; } } }
} while ( currentContainer != NULL );
} // WatchFreeChildren
DWORD WatchDirStart ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root )
Routine Description:
Starts watching the current user's profile directory. Captures the initial state of the directory tree.
Root - pointer to the ROOT_ENTRY allocated by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PDIRECTORY_ENTRY rootDirectory; PDIRECTORY_ENTRY currentDirectory; PDIRECTORY_ENTRY newDirectory; PFILE_ENTRY newFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; HANDLE findHandle; DWORD error; BOOL ok; WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Get the address of the root directory entry.
rootDirectory = Root->RootDirectoryEntry; currentDirectory = rootDirectory;
// Get the full path to the current user's profile directory.
ok = GetSpecialFolderPath ( CSIDL_PROGRAMS, currentPath ); if ( !ok ) { return GetLastError(); } DEBUG( if ( wcslen( rootDirectory->Name ) != 0 ) { wcscat( currentPath, TEXT("\\") ); wcscat( currentPath, rootDirectory->Name ); } )
do {
// Look for files/directories in the current directory.
wcscat( currentPath, L"\\*" ); dprintf( 2, ("FindFirst for %ws\n", currentPath) ); findHandle = FindFirstFile( currentPath, &fileData ); currentPath[wcslen(currentPath) - 2] = 0;
if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
do {
if ( FlagOff(fileData.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
// The entry returned is for a file. Add it to the tree,
// capturing the file's LastWriteTime.
dprintf( 2, (" found file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, fileData.cFileName) ); newFile = MyMalloc( (DWORD)(sizeof(FILE_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((wcslen(fileData.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ); if ( newFile == NULL ) { FindClose( findHandle ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeObject( newFile, 0 ); wcscpy( newFile->Name, fileData.cFileName ); newFile->LastWriteTime = fileData.ftLastWriteTime; InsertObject( currentDirectory, newFile );
} else if ((wcscmp(fileData.cFileName,L".") != 0) && (wcscmp(fileData.cFileName,L"..") != 0)) {
// The entry returned is for a directory. Add it to the tree.
dprintf( 2, (" found directory %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, fileData.cFileName) ); newDirectory = MyMalloc( (DWORD)(sizeof(DIRECTORY_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((wcslen(fileData.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ); if ( newDirectory == NULL ) { FindClose( findHandle ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeContainer( newDirectory, 0, currentDirectory, TRUE ); wcscpy( newDirectory->Name, fileData.cFileName ); InsertContainer( currentDirectory, newDirectory );
// Find another entry in the directory.
ok = FindNextFile( findHandle, &fileData );
} while ( ok );
// All entries found. Close the find handle.
FindClose( findHandle );
} // findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
// If the current directory has subdirectories, recurse into the
// first one.
newDirectory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentDirectory ); if ( newDirectory != NULL ) {
currentDirectory = newDirectory; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, currentDirectory->Name );
} else {
// The directory has no subdirectories. Walk back up the
// tree looking for a sibling directory to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// If the current directory is the root directory, we're done.
if ( currentDirectory == rootDirectory ) { currentDirectory = NULL; break; }
// Strip the name of the current directory off of the path.
*wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0;
// If the parent directory has more subdirectories,
// recurse into the next one. Otherwise, move up
// to the parent directory and try again.
newDirectory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( currentDirectory ); if ( newDirectory != NULL ) { currentDirectory = newDirectory; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, currentDirectory->Name ); break; } else { currentDirectory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentDirectory ); } } }
} while ( currentDirectory != NULL );
return NO_ERROR;
} // WatchDirStart
DWORD WatchDirStop ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root )
Routine Description:
Stops watching the current user's profile directory. Captures the differences between the initial state and the current state.
Root - pointer to the ROOT_ENTRY allocated by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PDIRECTORY_ENTRY rootDirectory; PDIRECTORY_ENTRY currentDirectory; PDIRECTORY_ENTRY directory; PFILE_ENTRY file; WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData; HANDLE findHandle; DWORD error; BOOL ok; WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Get the address of the root directory entry.
rootDirectory = Root->RootDirectoryEntry; currentDirectory = rootDirectory;
// Get the full path to the current user's directory.
ok = GetSpecialFolderPath ( CSIDL_PROGRAMS, currentPath ); if ( !ok ) { return GetLastError(); } DEBUG( if ( wcslen( rootDirectory->Name ) != 0 ) { wcscat( currentPath, TEXT("\\") ); wcscat( currentPath, rootDirectory->Name ); } )
do {
// Look for files/directories in the current directory.
wcscat( currentPath, L"\\*" ); dprintf( 2, ("FindFirst for %ws\n", currentPath) ); findHandle = FindFirstFile( currentPath, &fileData ); currentPath[wcslen(currentPath) - 2] = 0;
if ( findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
do {
if ( FlagOff(fileData.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
// The entry returned is for a file. Check to see if
// this file existed at the start.
dprintf( 2, (" found file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, fileData.cFileName) ); ok = FALSE; file = (PFILE_ENTRY)GetFirstObject( currentDirectory ); while ( file != NULL ) { if ( _wcsicmp( file->Name, fileData.cFileName ) == 0 ) { ok = TRUE; break; } file = (PFILE_ENTRY)GetNextObject( currentDirectory, file ); }
if ( ok ) {
// The file existed at the start. If its LastWriteTime
// hasn't changed, remove it from the watch tree.
// Otherwise, mark it as changed.
if ( TIMES_EQUAL( file->LastWriteTime, fileData.ftLastWriteTime ) ) { dprintf( 2, (" Deleting entry for unchanged file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, file->Name) ); RemoveObject( file ); MyFree( file ); } else { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for changed file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, file->Name) ); SetEntryState( file, WATCH_CHANGED ); }
} else {
// The file is new. Add it to the tree.
file = MyMalloc( (DWORD)(sizeof(FILE_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((wcslen(fileData.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ); if ( file == NULL ) { FindClose( findHandle ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeObject( file, WATCH_NEW ); wcscpy( file->Name, fileData.cFileName ); dprintf( 1, (" Adding entry for new file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, file->Name) ); InsertObject( currentDirectory, file ); }
} else if ((wcscmp(fileData.cFileName,L".") != 0) && (wcscmp(fileData.cFileName,L"..") != 0)) {
// The entry returned is for a directory. Check to see if
// this directory existed at the start.
dprintf( 2, (" found directory %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, fileData.cFileName) ); ok = FALSE; directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentDirectory ); while ( directory != NULL ) { if ( _wcsicmp( directory->Name, fileData.cFileName ) == 0 ) { ok = TRUE; break; } directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( directory ); }
if ( ok ) {
// The directory existed at the start. Mark it as
// matched. (We can't delete matched directories,
// as we do files, because they need to be in the
// tree for recursion.)
SetEntryState( directory, WATCH_MATCHED );
} else {
// The directory is new. Add it to the tree.
directory = MyMalloc( (DWORD)(sizeof(DIRECTORY_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((wcslen(fileData.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ); if ( directory == NULL ) { FindClose( findHandle ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeContainer( directory, WATCH_NEW, currentDirectory, TRUE ); wcscpy( directory->Name, fileData.cFileName ); dprintf( 1, (" Adding entry for new directory %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, directory->Name) ); InsertContainer( currentDirectory, directory ); }
// Find another entry in the directory.
ok = FindNextFile( findHandle, &fileData );
} while ( ok );
// All entries found. Close the find handle.
FindClose( findHandle );
} // findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
// Any file entries in the current directory that were not removed
// (because they were matched), marked as changed (because the
// file time had changed), or added (for new files) represent files
// that have been deleted. Mark them as such.
file = (PFILE_ENTRY)GetFirstObject( currentDirectory ); while ( file != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(file) == WATCH_NONE ) { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for deleted file %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, file->Name) ); SetEntryState( file, WATCH_DELETED ); } file = (PFILE_ENTRY)GetNextObject( currentDirectory, file ); }
// Any subdirectory entries in the current directory that were not
// marked as matched (directory still exists) or added (new directory)
// represent directories that have been deleted. Mark them as such
// and delete the entries for the their children -- we don't need
// these entries any more.
directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentDirectory ); while ( directory != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(directory) == WATCH_NONE ) { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for deleted directory %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, directory->Name) ); SetEntryState( directory, WATCH_DELETED ); WatchFreeChildren( (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)directory ); } directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( directory ); }
// Find a subdirectory of the current directory that is marked as
// matched. We don't need to walk the subtrees for new or deleted
// directories.
directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentDirectory ); while ( directory != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(directory) == WATCH_MATCHED ) { break; } directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( directory ); }
// If a matched subdirectory was found, recurse into it.
if ( directory != NULL ) {
currentDirectory = directory; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, currentDirectory->Name );
} else {
// The directory has no matched subdirectories. Walk back up the
// tree looking for a sibling directory to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// If the current directory is the root directory, we're done.
if ( currentDirectory == rootDirectory ) { currentDirectory = NULL; break; }
// Strip the name of the current directory off of the path.
*wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0;
// If the parent directories has more matched subdirectories,
// recurse into the next one. Otherwise, move up to the
// parent directory and try again.
directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( currentDirectory ); while ( directory != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(directory) == WATCH_MATCHED ) { break; } directory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( directory ); }
if ( directory != NULL ) {
currentDirectory = directory; wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ); wcscat( currentPath, currentDirectory->Name ); break;
} else {
currentDirectory = (PDIRECTORY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentDirectory ); } } }
} while ( currentDirectory != NULL );
return NO_ERROR;
} // WatchDirStop
DWORD WatchKeyStart ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root )
Routine Description:
Starts watching the current user key. Captures the initial state of the key tree.
Root - pointer to the ROOT_ENTRY allocated by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PKEY_ENTRY rootKey; PKEY_ENTRY currentKey; PKEY_ENTRY newKey; DWORD error; KEY_ENUM_CONTEXT context; #if WATCH_DEBUG
WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; #endif
// Get the address of the root key entry.
rootKey = Root->RootKeyEntry; currentKey = rootKey; DEBUG( wcscpy( currentPath, rootKey->Name ) );
do {
// Open the current key. If the current key is the root key, then
// just use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER predefined key. Otherwise, open
// the current key relative to the parent key.
if ( (currentKey == rootKey) #if WATCH_DEBUG
&& (wcslen(currentKey->Name) == 0) #endif
) { currentKey->Handle = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else { error = RegOpenKeyEx( #if WATCH_DEBUG
currentKey == rootKey ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : #endif
((PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent(currentKey))->Handle, currentKey->Name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, ¤tKey->Handle ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } }
// Enumerate the values and subkeys of the key, adding entries
// to the watch tree for each one.
context.ParentKey = currentKey; DEBUG( context.CurrentPath = currentPath ); error = EnumerateKey( currentKey->Handle, &context, AddValueAtStart, AddKeyAtStart ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; }
// If the current key has subkeys, recurse into the first one.
newKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentKey ); if ( newKey != NULL ) {
currentKey = newKey; DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, currentKey->Name ) );
} else {
// The key has no subkeys. Walk back up the tree looking
// for a sibling key to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// Close the handle to the key.
if ( currentKey->Handle != HKEY_CURRENT_USER ) { RegCloseKey( currentKey->Handle ); } currentKey->Handle = NULL;
// If the current key is the root key, we're done.
if ( currentKey == rootKey ) { currentKey = NULL; break; }
DEBUG( *wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0 );
// If the parent key has more subkeys, recurse into the next
// one. Otherwise, move up to the parent key and try again.
newKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( currentKey ); if ( newKey != NULL ) { currentKey = newKey; DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, currentKey->Name ) ); break; } else { currentKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentKey ); } } }
} while ( currentKey != NULL );
return NO_ERROR;
// Error cleanup. Walk back up the tree closing handles.
do { if ( (currentKey->Handle != NULL) && (currentKey->Handle != HKEY_CURRENT_USER) ) { RegCloseKey( currentKey->Handle ); } currentKey->Handle = NULL; currentKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentKey ); } while ( currentKey != NULL );
return error;
} // WatchKeyStart
DWORD WatchKeyStop ( IN PROOT_ENTRY Root )
Routine Description:
Stops watching the current user key. Captures the differences between the initial state and the current state.
Root - pointer to the ROOT_ENTRY allocated by WatchStart.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
WCHAR currentPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; #endif
// Get the address of the root key entry.
rootKey = Root->RootKeyEntry; currentKey = rootKey; DEBUG( wcscpy( currentPath, rootKey->Name ) );
do {
// Open the current key. If the current key is the root key, then
// just use the HKEY_CURRENT_USER predefined key. Otherwise, open
// the current key relative to the parent key.
if ( (currentKey == rootKey) #if WATCH_DEBUG
&& (wcslen(currentKey->Name) == 0) #endif
) { currentKey->Handle = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else { error = RegOpenKeyEx( #if WATCH_DEBUG
currentKey == rootKey ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : #endif
((PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent(currentKey))->Handle, currentKey->Name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, ¤tKey->Handle ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; } }
// Enumerate the values and subkeys of the key, checking entries
// in the watch tree for each one.
context.ParentKey = currentKey; DEBUG( context.CurrentPath = currentPath ); error = EnumerateKey( currentKey->Handle, &context, CheckValueAtStop, CheckKeyAtStop ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { goto cleanup; }
// Any value entries in the current key that were not removed
// (because they were matched), marked as changed (because the
// value data had changed), or added (for new values) represent
// values that have been deleted. Mark them as such.
value = (PVALUE_ENTRY)GetFirstObject( currentKey ); while ( value != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(value) == WATCH_NONE ) { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for deleted value %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, value->Name) ); SetEntryState( value, WATCH_DELETED ); } value = (PVALUE_ENTRY)GetNextObject( currentKey, value ); }
// Any subkey entries in the current key that were not marked as
// matched (subkey still exists) or added (new subkey) represent
// subkeys that have been deleted. Mark them as such and delete
// the entries for the their children -- we don't need these
// entries any more.
key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentKey ); while ( key != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(key) == WATCH_NONE ) { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for deleted key %ws\\%ws\n", currentPath, key->Name) ); SetEntryState( key, WATCH_DELETED ); WatchFreeChildren( (PCONTAINER_ENTRY)key ); } key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( key ); }
// Find a subkey of the current directory that is marked as matched.
// We don't need to walk the subtrees for new or deleted keys.
key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( currentKey ); while ( key != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(key) == WATCH_MATCHED ) { break; } key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( key ); }
// If a matched subkey was found, recurse into it.
if ( key != NULL ) {
currentKey = key; DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, currentKey->Name ) );
} else {
// The key has no matched subkeys. Walk back up the
// tree looking for a sibling key to process.
while ( TRUE ) {
// Close the handle to the key.
if ( currentKey->Handle != HKEY_CURRENT_USER ) { RegCloseKey( currentKey->Handle ); } currentKey->Handle = NULL;
// If the current key is the root key, we're done.
if ( currentKey == rootKey ) { currentKey = NULL; break; }
DEBUG( *wcsrchr(currentPath, L'\\') = 0 );
// If the parent key has more matched subkeys, recurse
// into the next one. Otherwise, move up to the parent
// key and try again.
key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( currentKey ); while ( key != NULL ) { if ( GetEntryState(key) == WATCH_MATCHED ) { break; } key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( key ); }
if ( key != NULL ) { currentKey = key; DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, L"\\" ) ); DEBUG( wcscat( currentPath, currentKey->Name ) ); break; } else { currentKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentKey ); } } }
} while ( currentKey != NULL );
return NO_ERROR;
// Error cleanup. Walk back up the tree closing handles.
do { if ( (currentKey->Handle != NULL) && (currentKey->Handle != HKEY_CURRENT_USER) ) { RegCloseKey( currentKey->Handle ); } currentKey->Handle = NULL; currentKey = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetParent( currentKey ); } while ( currentKey != NULL );
return error;
} // WatchKeyStop
Routine Description:
Enumerates the values and subkeys in a key. Calls an EnumRoutine for each value and subkey.
KeyHandle - handle to the key to be enumerated.
Context - context value to be passed to EnumRoutine.
ValueEnumRoutine - routine to call for each value. If omitted, values are not enumerated.
KeyEnumRoutine - routine to call for each key. If omitted, keys are not enumerated.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ DWORD error; DWORD keyCount; DWORD valueCount; DWORD i; DWORD type; DWORD nameLength; DWORD maxKeyNameLength; DWORD maxValueNameLength; DWORD dataLength; DWORD maxValueDataLength; PWCH nameBuffer; PVOID dataBuffer; FILETIME time;
// Query information about the key that is needed to query
// its values and subkeys.
error = RegQueryInfoKey( KeyHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &keyCount, &maxKeyNameLength, NULL, &valueCount, &maxValueNameLength, &maxValueDataLength, NULL, NULL ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { return error; }
if ( ValueEnumRoutine != NULL ) {
// Allocate a buffer large enough for the longest value name and
// another buffer large enough for the longest value data.
nameBuffer = MyMalloc( (maxValueNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( nameBuffer == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
dataBuffer = MyMalloc( maxValueDataLength ); if ( dataBuffer == NULL ) { MyFree( nameBuffer ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Query the key's values.
for ( i = 0; i < valueCount; i++ ) {
nameLength = maxValueNameLength + 1; dataLength = maxValueDataLength;
error = RegEnumValue( KeyHandle, i, nameBuffer, &nameLength, NULL, &type, dataBuffer, &dataLength ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { MyFree( dataBuffer ); MyFree( nameBuffer ); return error; }
// Call the EnumRoutine.
error = ValueEnumRoutine( Context, nameLength, nameBuffer, type, dataBuffer, dataLength ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { MyFree( dataBuffer ); MyFree( nameBuffer ); return error; } }
// Free the value data and value name buffers.
MyFree( dataBuffer ); dataBuffer = NULL; MyFree( nameBuffer ); }
if ( KeyEnumRoutine != NULL) {
// Allocate a buffer large enough for the longest subkey name.
nameBuffer = MyMalloc( (maxKeyNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( nameBuffer == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Query the key's subkeys.
for ( i = 0; i < keyCount; i++ ) {
nameLength = maxKeyNameLength + 1;
error = RegEnumKeyEx( KeyHandle, i, nameBuffer, &nameLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, &time ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { MyFree( nameBuffer ); return error; }
// Call the EnumRoutine.
error = KeyEnumRoutine( Context, nameLength, nameBuffer ); if ( error != NO_ERROR ) { MyFree( nameBuffer ); return error; } }
// Free the key name buffer.
MyFree( nameBuffer ); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // EnumerateKey
DWORD AddValueAtStart ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD ValueNameLength, IN PWCH ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN DWORD ValueDataLength )
Routine Description:
Adds a value entry to the watch tree during WatchKeyStart.
Context - context value passed to EnumerateKey.
ValueNameLength - length in characters of ValueName.
ValueName - pointer to name of the value.
ValueType - type of the value data.
ValueData - pointer to value data.
ValueDataLength - length in bytes of ValueData.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PKEY_ENUM_CONTEXT context = Context; PVALUE_ENTRY newValue;
// Add the value to the tree, capturing the value data.
dprintf( 2, (" found value %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, ValueName) );
newValue = MyMalloc( sizeof(VALUE_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((ValueNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + ValueDataLength ); if ( newValue == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeObject( newValue, 0 ); wcscpy( newValue->Name, ValueName ); newValue->Type = ValueType; newValue->NameLength = ValueNameLength; newValue->ValueDataLength = ValueDataLength; memcpy( &newValue->Name + ValueNameLength + 1, ValueData, ValueDataLength );
InsertObject( context->ParentKey, newValue );
return NO_ERROR;
} // AddValueAtStart
DWORD AddKeyAtStart ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD KeyNameLength, IN PWCH KeyName )
Routine Description:
Adds a key entry to the watch tree during WatchKeyStart.
Context - context value passed to EnumerateKey.
KeyNameLength - length in characters of KeyName.
KeyName - pointer to name of the key.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PKEY_ENUM_CONTEXT context = Context; PKEY_ENTRY newKey;
// Add the key to the tree.
dprintf( 2, (" found key %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, KeyName) );
newKey = MyMalloc( sizeof(KEY_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((KeyNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if ( newKey == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeContainer( newKey, 0, context->ParentKey, FALSE ); wcscpy( newKey->Name, KeyName ); newKey->Handle = NULL;
InsertContainer( context->ParentKey, newKey );
return NO_ERROR;
} // AddKeyAtStart
DWORD CheckValueAtStop ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD ValueNameLength, IN PWCH ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN DWORD ValueDataLength )
Routine Description:
Checks the watch tree for an enumerated value during WatchKeyStop.
Context - context value passed to EnumerateKey.
ValueNameLength - length in characters of ValueName.
ValueName - pointer to name of the value.
ValueType - type of the value data.
ValueData - pointer to value data.
ValueDataLength - length in bytes of ValueData.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PKEY_ENUM_CONTEXT context = Context; PVALUE_ENTRY value; BOOL ok;
// Check to see if the value existed at the start.
dprintf( 2, (" found value %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, ValueName) );
ok = FALSE; value = (PVALUE_ENTRY)GetFirstObject( context->ParentKey ); while ( value != NULL ) { if ( _wcsicmp( value->Name, ValueName ) == 0 ) { ok = TRUE; break; } value = (PVALUE_ENTRY)GetNextObject( context->ParentKey, value ); }
if ( ok ) {
// The value existed at the start. If its data hasn't changed,
// remove it from the tree. Otherwise, mark it as changed.
if ( (value->Type == ValueType) && (value->ValueDataLength == ValueDataLength) && (memcmp( &value->Name + value->NameLength + 1, ValueData, ValueDataLength ) == 0) ) { dprintf( 2, ("Deleting entry for unchanged value %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, ValueName) ); RemoveObject( value ); MyFree( value ); } else { dprintf( 1, (" Marking entry for changed value %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, ValueName) ); SetEntryState( value, WATCH_CHANGED ); }
} else {
// The value is new. Add it to the tree.
// Note that we do not bother to save the value's data here,
// even though we have it in hand. The routines that
// populate userdifr already have to deal with querying
// value data, so the code is simpler this way.
value = MyMalloc( sizeof(VALUE_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((ValueNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if ( value == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeObject( value, WATCH_NEW ); wcscpy( value->Name, ValueName ); dprintf( 1, (" Adding entry for new value %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, ValueName) );
InsertObject( context->ParentKey, value ); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // CheckValueAtStop
DWORD CheckKeyAtStop ( IN PVOID Context, IN DWORD KeyNameLength, IN PWCH KeyName )
Routine Description:
Checks the watch tree for an enumerated key during WatchKeyStop.
Context - context value passed to EnumerateKey.
KeyNameLength - length in characters of KeyName.
KeyName - pointer to name of the key.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 status of the operation.
{ PKEY_ENUM_CONTEXT context = Context; PKEY_ENTRY key; BOOL ok;
// Check to see if the subkey existed at the start.
dprintf( 2, (" found key %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, KeyName) );
ok = FALSE; key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetFirstContainer( context->ParentKey ); while ( key != NULL ) { if ( _wcsicmp( key->Name, KeyName ) == 0 ) { ok = TRUE; break; } key = (PKEY_ENTRY)GetNextContainer( key ); }
if ( ok ) {
// The key existed at the start. Mark it as matched.
// (We can't delete matched keys, as we do values,
// because they need to be in the tree for recursion.)
SetEntryState( key, WATCH_MATCHED );
} else {
// The key is new. Add it to the tree.
key = MyMalloc( sizeof(KEY_ENTRY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + ((KeyNameLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); if ( key == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
InitializeContainer( key, WATCH_NEW, context->ParentKey, FALSE ); wcscpy( key->Name, KeyName ); dprintf( 1, (" Adding entry for new key %ws\\%ws\n", context->CurrentPath, KeyName) ); InsertContainer( context->ParentKey, key ); }
return NO_ERROR;
} // CheckKeyAtStop
// Debug code for tracking allocates and frees.
#undef MyMalloc
#undef MyFree
DWORD TotalAllocs = 0; DWORD TotalFrees = 0; DWORD PeakAllocs = 0;
DWORD TotalAllocated = 0; DWORD TotalFreed = 0; DWORD PeakAllocated = 0;
PVOID MyMallocEx ( DWORD Size ) { PVOID p = MyMalloc( Size + 8 );
if ( p == NULL ) { dprintf( 0, ("MyMallocEx: failure allocating %d bytes\n", Size) ); DumpMallocStats(""); DbgBreakPoint(); return NULL; }
TotalAllocs++; if ( (TotalAllocs - TotalFrees) > PeakAllocs ) { PeakAllocs = TotalAllocs - TotalFrees; } TotalAllocated += Size; if ( (TotalAllocated - TotalFreed) > PeakAllocated ) { PeakAllocated = TotalAllocated - TotalFreed; }
*(PDWORD)p = Size; return (PVOID)((PCHAR)p + 8); }
VOID MyFreeEx ( PVOID p ) { PVOID pp = (PVOID)((PCHAR)p - 8);
TotalFrees++; TotalFreed += *(PDWORD)pp;
MyFree( pp ); }
VOID DumpMallocStats ( PSZ Event ) { if ( *Event != 0 ) { dprintf( 0, ("%s\n", Event) ); } dprintf( 0, ("Allocations %d, frees %d, active allocs %d\n", TotalAllocs, TotalFrees, TotalAllocs - TotalFrees) ); dprintf( 0, ("Bytes allocated %d, bytes freed %d, active bytes %d\n", TotalAllocated, TotalFreed, TotalAllocated - TotalFreed) ); dprintf( 0, ("Peak allocs %d, peak bytes %d\n", PeakAllocs, PeakAllocated) );
return; }
typedef HRESULT (*PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH)(HWND hwnd, int csidl, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwType, LPTSTR pszPath);
BOOL GetSpecialFolderPath ( IN INT csidl, IN LPWSTR lpPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the path to the requested special folder. (This function was copied from userenv.dll)
csid - CSIDL of the special folder lpPath - Path to place result in assumed to be MAX_PATH in size
Return Value:
TRUE if successful FALSE if an error occurs
--*/ { HRESULT hResult; HINSTANCE hInstShell32; PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH pfnSHGetFolderPath;
// Load the function we need
hInstShell32 = LoadLibrary(L"shell32.dll");
if (!hInstShell32) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: GetSpecialFolderPath() failed to load shell32. Error = %d.", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; }
pfnSHGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH)GetProcAddress (hInstShell32, "SHGetFolderPathW");
if (!pfnSHGetFolderPath) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: GetSpecialFolderPath() failed to find SHGetFolderPath(). Error = %d.", GetLastError() ); FreeLibrary (hInstShell32); return FALSE; }
// Ask the shell for the folder location
hResult = pfnSHGetFolderPath ( NULL, csidl | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, (HANDLE) -1, // this specifies .Default
0, lpPath); if (S_OK != hResult) { SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: GetSpecialFolderPath: SHGetFolderPath() returned %d.", hResult ); }
// Clean up
FreeLibrary (hInstShell32); return (S_OK == hResult); }