Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Display utility routines for text setup.
Ted Miller (tedm) 12-Aug-1993
Revision History:
#include "spprecmp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
extern BOOLEAN ForceConsole; BOOLEAN DisableCmdConsStatusText = TRUE;
// This value will hold the localized mnemonic keys,
// in order indicated by the MNEMONIC_KEYS enum.
PWCHAR MnemonicValues;
// As messages are built on on-screen, this value remembers where
// the next message in the screen should be placed.
ULONG NextMessageTopLine = 0;
ULONG SpDisplayText( IN PWCHAR Message, IN ULONG MsgLen, IN BOOLEAN CenterHorizontally, IN BOOLEAN CenterVertically, IN UCHAR Attribute, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y )
Routine Description:
Worker routine for vSpDisplayFormattedMessage().
Message - supplies message text.
MsgLen - supplies the number of unicode characters in the message, including the terminating nul.
CenterHorizontally - if TRUE, each line will be centered horizontally on the screen.
Attribute - supplies attributes for text.
X - supplies the x coordinate (0-based) for the left margin of the text. If the text spans multiple line, all will start at this coordinate.
Y - supplies the y coordinate (0-based) for the first line of the text.
arglist - supply arguments gfor insertion into the given message.
Return Value:
Number of lines the text took up on the screen, unless CenterVertically is TRUE, in which case n is the line number of the first line below where the text was displayed.
{ PWCHAR p,q; WCHAR c; ULONG y; int i;
// Must have at least one char + terminating nul in there.
if(MsgLen <= 1) { return(CenterVertically ? (VideoVars.ScreenHeight/2) : 0); }
// MsgLen includes terminating nul.
p = Message + MsgLen - 1;
// Find last non-space char in message.
while((p > Message) && SpIsSpace(*(p-1))) { p--; }
// Find end of the last significant line and terminate the message
// after it.
if(q = wcschr(p,L'\n')) { *(++q) = 0; }
for(i = (CenterVertically ? 0 : 1); i<2; i++) {
for(y=Y, p=Message; q = SpFindCharFromListInString(p,L"\n\r"); y++) {
c = *q; *q = 0;
if(i) {
BOOLEAN Intense = (BOOLEAN)((p[0] == L'%') && (p[1] == L'I'));
SpvidDisplayString( Intense ? p+2 : p, (UCHAR)(Attribute | (Intense ? ATT_FG_INTENSE : 0)), CenterHorizontally ? (VideoVars.ScreenWidth-(SplangGetColumnCount(p)-(Intense ? 2 : 0)))/2 : X, y ); }
*q = c;
// If cr/lf terminated the line, make sure we skip both chars.
if((c == L'\r') && (*(q+1) == L'\n')) { q++; }
p = ++q; }
// Write the final line (if there is one).
if(i) { if(wcslen(p)) { SpvidDisplayString( p, Attribute, CenterHorizontally ? (VideoVars.ScreenWidth-SplangGetColumnCount(p))/2 : X, y++ ); } }
if(i == 0) { //
// Center the text on the screen (not within the client area).
Y = (VideoVars.ScreenHeight - (y-Y)) / 2; } }
return(CenterVertically ? y : (y-Y)); }
ULONG vSpDisplayFormattedMessage( IN ULONG MessageId, IN BOOLEAN CenterHorizontally, IN BOOLEAN CenterVertically, IN UCHAR Attribute, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y, IN va_list arglist )
Routine Description:
A formatted multiline message may be displayed with this routine. The format string is fetched from setup's text resources; arguments are substituted into the format string according to FormatMessage semantics.
The screen is NOT cleared by this routine.
If a line starts with %I (ie, the first 2 characters at the start of the message, or after a newline), it will be displayed with the intensity attribute on.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text, which is treated as a format string for FormatMessage.
CenterHorizontally - if TRUE, each line will be centered horizontally on the screen.
Attribute - supplies attributes for text.
X - supplies the x coordinate (0-based) for the left margin of the text. If the text spans multiple line, all will start at this coordinate.
Y - supplies the y coordinate (0-based) for the first line of the text.
arglist - supply arguments gfor insertion into the given message.
Return Value:
Number of lines the text took up on the screen, unless CenterVertically is TRUE, in which case n is the line number of the first line below where the text was displayed.
{ ULONG BytesInMsg; ULONG n;
// Must have at least one char + terminating nul in there.
if(BytesInMsg <= sizeof(WCHAR)) { return(CenterVertically ? (VideoVars.ScreenHeight/2) : 0); }
n = SpDisplayText( TemporaryBuffer, BytesInMsg / sizeof(WCHAR), CenterHorizontally, CenterVertically, Attribute, X, Y );
return(n); }
ULONG SpDisplayFormattedMessage( IN ULONG MessageId, IN BOOLEAN CenterHorizontally, IN BOOLEAN CenterVertically, IN UCHAR Attribute, IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y, ... )
Routine Description:
Display a message on the screen. Does not clear the screen first.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text, which is treated as a format string for FormatMessage.
CenterHorizontally - if TRUE, each line will be centered horizontally on the screen.
Attribute - supplies attributes for text.
X - supplies the x coordinate (0-based) for the left margin of the text. If the text spans multiple line, all will start at this coordinate.
Y - supplies the y coordinate (0-based) for the first line of the text.
... - supply arguments gfor insertion into the given message.
Return Value:
Number of lines the text took up on the screen.
{ va_list arglist; ULONG n;
n = vSpDisplayFormattedMessage( MessageId, CenterHorizontally, CenterVertically, Attribute, X, Y, arglist );
return(n); }
VOID SpDisplayHeaderText( IN ULONG MessageId, IN UCHAR Attribute )
Routine Description:
Display text in the header area of the screen. The header area will be cleared to the given attribute before displaying the text. We will draw a double-underline under the text also.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text.
Attribute - supplies attributes for text.
Return Value:
{ ULONG Length,i; WCHAR Underline; WCHAR *p;
SpvidClearScreenRegion(0,0,VideoVars.ScreenWidth,HEADER_HEIGHT,(UCHAR)(Attribute >> 4));
// Get message and display at (1,1)
vSpFormatMessage(TemporaryBuffer,sizeof(TemporaryBuffer),MessageId,NULL,NULL); p = (WCHAR *)TemporaryBuffer; SpvidDisplayString(p,Attribute,1,1);
// Build a row of underline characters.
Length = SplangGetColumnCount(p) + 2; Underline = SplangGetLineDrawChar(LineCharDoubleHorizontal);
for(i=0; i<Length; i++) { p[i] = Underline; } p[Length] = 0;
WCHAR StatusActionLabel[MAX_STATUS_ACTION_LABEL]; ULONG StatusActionLeftX; ULONG StatusActionObjectX; BOOLEAN StatusActionLabelDisplayed = FALSE;
VOID SpDisplayStatusActionLabel( IN ULONG ActionMessageId, OPTIONAL IN ULONG FieldWidth ) { ULONG l;
if(ActionMessageId) { //
// Prefix the text with a separating vertical bar.
StatusActionLabel[0] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(LineCharSingleVertical);
// Fetch the action verb (something like "Copying:")
SpFormatMessage( StatusActionLabel+1, sizeof(StatusActionLabel)-sizeof(WCHAR), ActionMessageId );
// Now calculate the position on the status line
// for the action label. We want to leave 1 space
// between the colon and the object, and a space between
// the object and the rightmost column on the screen.
l = SplangGetColumnCount(StatusActionLabel);
StatusActionObjectX = VideoVars.ScreenWidth - FieldWidth - 1; StatusActionLeftX = StatusActionObjectX - l - 1;
// Display the label and clear out the rest of the line.
SpvidDisplayString( StatusActionLabel, DEFAULT_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, StatusActionLeftX, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT );
SpvidClearScreenRegion( StatusActionObjectX-1, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth-StatusActionObjectX+1, STATUS_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_STATUS_BACKGROUND );
StatusActionLabelDisplayed = TRUE; } else { //
// Caller wants to clear out the previous area.
StatusActionLabel[0] = 0; SpvidClearScreenRegion( StatusActionLeftX, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth-StatusActionLeftX, STATUS_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_STATUS_BACKGROUND ); StatusActionLabelDisplayed = FALSE; } }
VOID SpDisplayStatusActionObject( IN PWSTR ObjectText ) { //
// clear the area and draw the text.
SpvidClearScreenRegion( StatusActionObjectX, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth-StatusActionObjectX, STATUS_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_STATUS_BACKGROUND );
SpvidDisplayString( ObjectText, DEFAULT_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, StatusActionObjectX, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT ); }
VOID SpCmdConsEnableStatusText( IN BOOLEAN EnableStatusText ) { DisableCmdConsStatusText = !EnableStatusText; }
VOID SpDisplayStatusText( IN ULONG MessageId, IN UCHAR Attribute, ... ) { va_list arglist;
if (ForceConsole && DisableCmdConsStatusText) { return; }
SpvidClearScreenRegion( 0, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth, STATUS_HEIGHT, (UCHAR)(Attribute >> 4) // background part of attribute
vSpDisplayFormattedMessage( MessageId, FALSE,FALSE, // no centering
Attribute, 2, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, arglist );
va_end(arglist); }
VOID SpDisplayStatusOptions( IN UCHAR Attribute, ... ) { WCHAR StatusText[79]; WCHAR Option[79]; va_list arglist; ULONG MessageId;
StatusText[0] = 0;
while(MessageId = va_arg(arglist,ULONG)) {
// Fetch the message text for this option.
Option[0] = 0; SpFormatMessage(Option,sizeof(Option),MessageId);
// If the option fits, place it in the status text line we're
// building up.
if((SplangGetColumnCount(StatusText) + SplangGetColumnCount(Option) + 2) < (sizeof(StatusText)/sizeof(StatusText[0]))) { wcscat(StatusText,L" "); wcscat(StatusText,Option); } }
// Display the text.
SpvidClearScreenRegion( 0, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth, STATUS_HEIGHT, (UCHAR)(Attribute >> (UCHAR)4) // background part of attribute
SpvidDisplayString(StatusText,Attribute,0,VideoVars.ScreenHeight-STATUS_HEIGHT); }
VOID SpStartScreen( IN ULONG MessageId, IN ULONG LeftMargin, IN ULONG TopLine, IN BOOLEAN CenterHorizontally, IN BOOLEAN CenterVertically, IN UCHAR Attribute, ... )
Routine Description:
Display a formatted message on the screen, treating it as the first message in what might be a multi-message screen.
The client area of the screen will be cleared before displaying the message.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text.
LeftMargin - supplies the 0-based x-coordinate for the each line of the text.
TopLine - supplies the 0-based y-coordinate for the topmost line of the text.
CenterHorizontally - if TRUE, each line in the message will be printed centered horizontally. In this case, LeftMargin is ignored.
CenterVertically - if TRUE, the message will approximately centered vertically within the client area of the screen. In this case, TopLine is ignored.
Attribute - supplies attribute for text.
... - supply arguments for insertion/substitution into the message text.
Return Value:
{ va_list arglist; ULONG n;
n = vSpDisplayFormattedMessage( MessageId, CenterHorizontally, CenterVertically, Attribute, LeftMargin, TopLine, arglist );
// Remember where the message ended.
NextMessageTopLine = CenterVertically ? n : TopLine+n; }
VOID SpContinueScreen( IN ULONG MessageId, IN ULONG LeftMargin, IN ULONG SpacingLines, IN BOOLEAN CenterHorizontally, IN UCHAR Attribute, ... )
Routine Description:
Display a formatted message on the screen, treating it as the continuation of a multi-message screen previously begun by calling SpStartScreen(). The message will be placed under the previously displayed message.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text.
LeftMargin - supplies the 0-based x-coordinate for the each line of the text.
SpacingLines - supplies the number of lines to leave between the end of the previous message and the start of this message.
CenterHorizontally - if TRUE, each line in the message will be printed centered horizontally. In this case, LeftMargin is ignored.
Attribute - supplies attribute for text.
... - supply arguments for insertion/substitution into the message text.
Return Value:
{ va_list arglist; ULONG n;
n = vSpDisplayFormattedMessage( MessageId, CenterHorizontally, FALSE, Attribute, LeftMargin, NextMessageTopLine + SpacingLines, arglist );
// Remember where the message ended.
NextMessageTopLine += n + SpacingLines; }
VOID vSpDisplayRawMessage( IN ULONG MessageId, IN ULONG SpacingLines, IN va_list arglist )
Routine Description:
This routine outputs a multiline message to the screen, dumping it terminal style, to the console.
The format string is fetched from setup's text resources; arguments are substituted into the format string according to FormatMessage semantics; and then the resulting unicode string is translated into an ANSI string suitable for the HAL printing routine.
The screen is NOT cleared by this routine.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text, which is treated as a format string for FormatMessage.
SpacingLines - supplies the number of lines to skip down before starting this message.
arglist - supply arguments for insertion into the given message.
Return Value:
{ ULONG BytesInMsg, BufferLeft, i; PWCHAR p, q; WCHAR c; PUCHAR HalPrintString;
vSpFormatMessage( TemporaryBuffer, sizeof(TemporaryBuffer), MessageId, &BytesInMsg, &arglist );
// Must have at least one char + terminating nul in there.
if(BytesInMsg <= sizeof(WCHAR)) { return; } else { for(i=0; i<SpacingLines; i++) { InbvDisplayString("\r\n"); } }
// BytesInMsg includes terminating nul.
p = TemporaryBuffer + (BytesInMsg / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
// Find last non-space char in message.
while((p > TemporaryBuffer) && SpIsSpace(*(p-1))) { p--; }
// Find end of the last significant line and terminate the message
// after it.
if(q = wcschr(p, L'\n')) { *(++q) = 0; q++; } else { q = TemporaryBuffer + (BytesInMsg / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// Grab rest of buffer to put ANSI translation into
HalPrintString = (PUCHAR)q; BufferLeft = (ULONG)(sizeof(TemporaryBuffer) - ((PUCHAR)q - (PUCHAR)TemporaryBuffer));
// Print out message, line-by-line
for(p=TemporaryBuffer; q = SpFindCharFromListInString(p, L"\n\r"); ) {
c = *q; *q = 0;
RtlUnicodeToOemN( HalPrintString, BufferLeft, &BytesInMsg, p, (ULONG)((PUCHAR)q - (PUCHAR)p + sizeof(WCHAR)) );
if(BytesInMsg) { InbvDisplayString(HalPrintString); }
*q = c;
// If cr/lf terminated the line, make sure we skip both chars.
if((c == L'\r') && (*(q+1) == L'\n')) { q++; }
p = ++q; }
// Write the final line (if there is one).
if(wcslen(p)) {
RtlUnicodeToOemN( HalPrintString, BufferLeft, &BytesInMsg, p, (wcslen(p) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if(BytesInMsg) { InbvDisplayString(HalPrintString); } InbvDisplayString("\r\n");
} }
VOID SpDisplayRawMessage( IN ULONG MessageId, IN ULONG SpacingLines, ... )
Routine Description:
Output a message to the screen using the HAL-supplied console output routine. The message is merely dumped, line-by-line, to the screen, terminal-style.
MessageId - supplies id of message resource containing the text, which is treated as a format string for FormatMessage.
SpacingLines - supplies the number of lines to skip down before starting this message.
... - supply arguments for insertion into the given message.
Return Value:
{ va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, SpacingLines);
vSpDisplayRawMessage( MessageId, SpacingLines, arglist );
va_end(arglist); }
VOID SpBugCheck( IN ULONG BugCode, IN ULONG Param1, IN ULONG Param2, IN ULONG Param3 )
Routine Description:
Display a message on the screen, informing the user that a fatal Setup error has occurred, and that they should reboot the machine.
BugCode - Bugcheck code number as defined in spmisc.h and documented in ntos\nls\bugcodes.txt
Param1 - 1st informative parameter
Param2 - 2nd informative parameter
Param3 - 3rd informative parameter
Return Value:
{ if(VideoInitialized) {
// If we are in upgrade graphics mode then
// switch to textmode
if(KbdLayoutInitialized) { SpContinueScreen( SP_SCRN_F3_TO_REBOOT, 3, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE ); SpDisplayStatusText(SP_STAT_F3_EQUALS_EXIT, DEFAULT_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE); SpInputDrain(); while(SpInputGetKeypress() != KEY_F3); SpDone(0,FALSE, TRUE);
} else { //
// we haven't loaded the layout dll yet, so we can't prompt for a keypress to reboot
while(TRUE); // Loop forever
} } else { SpDisplayRawMessage( SP_SCRN_FATAL_SETUP_ERROR, 2, BugCode, Param1, Param2, Param3 ); SpDisplayRawMessage(SP_SCRN_POWER_DOWN, 1);
while(TRUE); // loop forever
} }
VOID SpDrawFrame( IN ULONG LeftX, IN ULONG Width, IN ULONG TopY, IN ULONG Height, IN UCHAR Attribute, IN BOOLEAN DoubleLines ) { PWSTR Buffer; ULONG u; WCHAR w;
Buffer = SpMemAlloc((Width+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ASSERT(Buffer); if(!Buffer) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: unable to allocate memory for buffer to draw frame\n")); return; }
Buffer[Width] = 0;
// Top.
w = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleHorizontal : LineCharSingleHorizontal); for(u=1; u<Width-1; u++) { Buffer[u] = w; }
Buffer[0] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleUpperLeft : LineCharSingleUpperLeft); Buffer[Width-1] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleUpperRight : LineCharSingleUpperRight);
// Bottom.
Buffer[0] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleLowerLeft : LineCharSingleLowerLeft); Buffer[Width-1] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleLowerRight : LineCharSingleLowerRight);
// Interior lines.
for(u=1; u<Width-1; u++) { Buffer[u] = L' '; }
Buffer[0] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleVertical : LineCharSingleVertical); Buffer[Width-1] = SplangGetLineDrawChar(DoubleLines ? LineCharDoubleVertical : LineCharSingleVertical);
for(u=1; u<Height-1; u++) { SpvidDisplayString(Buffer,Attribute,LeftX,TopY+u); }
SpMemFree(Buffer); }
ULONG SpWaitValidKey( IN const ULONG *ValidKeys1, IN const ULONG *ValidKeys2, OPTIONAL IN const ULONG *MnemonicKeys OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Wait for a key to be pressed that appears in a list of valid keys.
ValidKeys1 - supplies list of valid keystrokes. The list must be terminated with a 0 entry.
ValidKeys2 - if specified, supplies an additional list of valid keystrokes.
MnemonicKeys - if specified, specifies a list of indices into the SP_MNEMONICS message string (see the MNEMONIC_KEYS enum). If the user's keystroke is not listed in ValidKeys, it will be uppercased and compared against each character indexed by a value in MnemonicKeys. If a match is found, the returned value is the index (ie,MNEMONIC_KEYS enum value), and the high bit will be set.
Return Value:
The key that was pressed (see above).
while(1) {
c = SpInputGetKeypress();
// Check for normal key.
for(i=0; ValidKeys1[i]; i++) { if(c == ValidKeys1[i]) { return(c); } }
// Check secondary list.
if(ValidKeys2) { for(i=0; ValidKeys2[i]; i++) { if(c == ValidKeys2[i]) { return(c); } } }
// Check for mnemonic keys.
if(MnemonicKeys && !(c & KEY_NON_CHARACTER)) {
c = (ULONG)RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar((WCHAR)c);
for(i=0; MnemonicKeys[i]; i++) {
if((WCHAR)c == MnemonicValues[MnemonicKeys[i]]) {
return((ULONG)MnemonicKeys[i] | KEY_MNEMONIC); } } } } }
// Attributes for text edit fields.
Routine Description:
Allow the user to enter text in an edit field of a specified size.
Some special keys are interpreted and handled locally; others are passed to a caller-supplied routine for validation.
Keys handled locally include ENTER, BACKSPACE, and ESCAPE (subject to ValidateEscape): these keys will never be passed to the callback routine.
Other keys are passed to the callback function. This specifically includes function keys, which may have special meaning to the caller, and upon which the caller must act before returning. (IE, if the user presses F3, the caller might put up an exit confirmation dialog.
ValidateKey - supplies address of a function to be called for each keypress. The function takes the keypress as an argument, and returns one of the following values:
ValidationAccept - acecpt the keystroke into the string being input. If the keystroke is not a unicode character (ie, is a function key) then this value must not be returned.
ValidationIgnore - do not accept the keystroke into the string.
ValidationReject - same as ValidationIgnore, except that there may be some addition action, such as beeping the speaker.
ValidationTerminate - end input ad return from SpGetInput immediately with a value of FALSE.
ValidationRepaint - same as ValidationIgnore, except that the input field is repainted.
X,Y - specify the coordinate for the leftmost character in the edit field.
MaxLength - supplies the maximum number of characters in the edit field.
Buffer - On input supplies a default string for the edit field. On output, receives the string entered by the user. This buffer should be large enough to contain MaxLength +1 unicode characters (ie, should be able to hold a nul-terminated string of length MaxLength).
ValidateEscape - if TRUE, treat escape like a normal character, passing it to the validation routine. If FALSE, escape clears the input field. CoverCharacter - Optional variable that, if present, will be displayed instead of the typed-in character. For example, if we're retrieving a password, we would like to echo '*' for each character instead of the character typed in.
Return Value:
TRUE if the user's input was terminated normally (ie, by he user pressed ENTER). FALSE if terminated by ValidateKey returning ValidationTerminate.
{ ULONG c; ValidationValue vval; ULONG CurrentCharCount; WCHAR str[3]; WCHAR CURSOR = SplangGetCursorChar();
// Make sure edit field is in a reasonable place on the screen.
ASSERT(X + MaxLength + 1 < VideoVars.ScreenWidth); ASSERT(Y < VideoVars.ScreenHeight - STATUS_HEIGHT);
// Prime the pump.
vval = ValidateRepaint; CurrentCharCount = wcslen(Buffer); str[1] = 0; str[2] = 0;
ASSERT(CurrentCharCount <= MaxLength);
while(1) {
// Perform action based on previous state.
switch(vval) {
case ValidateAccept:
// Insert the previous key into the input.
ASSERT(Buffer[CurrentCharCount] == 0); ASSERT(CurrentCharCount < MaxLength); ASSERT(!(c & KEY_NON_CHARACTER));
Buffer[CurrentCharCount++] = (USHORT)c; Buffer[CurrentCharCount ] = 0; break;
case ValidateRepaint:
// Repaint the edit field in its current state.
// The edit field is one character too large, to accomodate
// the cursor after the last legal character in the edit field.
SpvidClearScreenRegion(X,Y,MaxLength+1,1,EDIT_FIELD_BACKGROUND); if( CoverCharacter ) { //
// Hide the buffer.
str[0] = CoverCharacter; for( c = 0; c < CurrentCharCount; c++ ) { SpvidDisplayString(str,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X+c,Y); } } else { SpvidDisplayString(Buffer,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X,Y); }
// Draw the cursor.
str[0] = CURSOR; SpvidDisplayString(str,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X+CurrentCharCount,Y); break;
case ValidateIgnore: case ValidateReject:
// Ignore the previous keystroke.
case ValidateTerminate:
// Callback wants us to terminate.
return(FALSE); }
// Get a keystroke.
c = SpInputGetKeypress();
// Do something with the key.
switch(c) {
case ASCI_CR:
// Input is terminated. We're done.
case ASCI_BS:
// Backspace character. If we're not at the beginning
// of the edit field, erase the previous character, replacing it
// with the cursor character.
if(CurrentCharCount) {
Buffer[--CurrentCharCount] = 0; str[0] = CURSOR; str[1] = L' '; SpvidDisplayString(str,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X+CurrentCharCount,Y); str[1] = 0; }
vval = ValidateIgnore; break;
case ASCI_ESC:
// Escape character. Clear the edit field.
if(!ValidateEscape) { RtlZeroMemory(Buffer,(MaxLength+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); CurrentCharCount = 0; vval = ValidateRepaint; break; }
// Otherwise, we want to validate escape like a normal character.
// So just fall through.
// Some other character. Pass it to the callback function
// for validation.
vval = ValidateKey(c);
if(vval == ValidateAccept) {
// We want to accept the keystroke. If there is not enough
// room in the buffer, convert acceptance to ignore.
// Otherwise (ie, there is enough room), put the character
// up on the screen and advance the cursor.
if(CurrentCharCount < MaxLength) {
if( CoverCharacter ) { str[0] = (WCHAR)CoverCharacter; } else { str[0] = (WCHAR)c; } SpvidDisplayString(str,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X+CurrentCharCount,Y);
str[0] = CURSOR; SpvidDisplayString(str,EDIT_FIELD_TEXT,X+CurrentCharCount+1,Y);
} else {
vval = ValidateIgnore; } }
break; } } }