Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
<TODO: fill in abstract>
TODO: <full name> (<alias>) <date>
Revision History:
<full name> (<alias>) <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
HANDLE g_hHeap; HINSTANCE g_hInst;
BOOL pCallEntryPoints ( DWORD Reason ) { HINSTANCE Instance;
// Simulate DllMain
Instance = g_hInst;
// Initialize the common libs
if (!MigUtil_Entry (Instance, Reason, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
// TODO: Add others here if needed (don't forget to prototype above)
return TRUE; }
BOOL Init ( VOID ) { g_hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); g_hInst = GetModuleHandle (NULL);
return pCallEntryPoints (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); }
VOID Terminate ( VOID ) { pCallEntryPoints (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH); }
VOID HelpAndExit ( VOID ) { //
// This routine is called whenever command line args are wrong
_ftprintf ( stderr, TEXT("Command Line Syntax:\n\n")
// TODO: Describe command line syntax(es), indent 2 spaces
TEXT(" hugecopy <source> <destination>\n")
// TODO: Describe tool, indent 2 spaces
TEXT(" hugecopy copies a file that has a path longer than MAX_PATH\n")
// TODO: Describe args, indent 2 spaces, say optional if necessary
TEXT(" source - Specifies the file to copy\n") TEXT(" destination - Specifies the name and path of the new copy\n") TEXT("\n") TEXT("NOTE: both source and destination must contain a file name, and\n") TEXT(" they cannot contain wildcard characters\n")
exit (1); }
INT __cdecl _tmain ( INT argc, PCTSTR argv[] ) { INT i; PCTSTR src = NULL; PCTSTR dest = NULL; PCWSTR decoratedSrc; PCWSTR decoratedDest; WCHAR bigSrc[MAX_PATH * 8]; WCHAR bigDest[MAX_PATH * 8]; BOOL b; PCWSTR unicodeSrc; PCWSTR unicodeDest;
// TODO: Parse command line here
for (i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == TEXT('/') || argv[i][0] == TEXT('-')) { switch (_totlower (_tcsnextc (&argv[i][1]))) {
default: HelpAndExit(); } } else { //
// Parse other args that don't require / or -
if (!src) { src = argv[i]; } else if (!dest) { dest = argv[i]; } else { HelpAndExit(); } } }
if (!dest) { HelpAndExit(); }
// Begin processing
if (!Init()) { return 0; }
unicodeSrc = CreateUnicode (src); unicodeDest = CreateUnicode (dest);
if (!GetFullPathNameW (unicodeSrc, ARRAYSIZE(bigSrc), bigSrc, NULL)) { StackStringCopyW (bigSrc, unicodeSrc); }
if (!GetFullPathNameW (unicodeDest, ARRAYSIZE(bigDest), bigDest, NULL)) { StackStringCopyW (bigDest, unicodeDest); }
decoratedSrc = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", bigSrc); decoratedDest = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", bigDest);
b = CopyFileW (decoratedSrc, decoratedDest, FALSE); if (b) { printf ("%s -> %s\n", src, dest); } else { wprintf (L"%s -> %s\n", decoratedSrc, decoratedDest); printf ("Copy failed, error=%u\n", GetLastError()); }
DestroyUnicode (unicodeSrc); DestroyUnicode (unicodeDest);
FreePathStringW (decoratedSrc); FreePathStringW (decoratedDest);
// End of processing
return 0; }