Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements a stub tool that is designed to run with NT-side upgrade code.
<full name> (<alias>) <date>
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
VOID pFixUpMemDb2 ( VOID );
BOOL Init ( VOID ) { HINSTANCE hInstance; DWORD dwReason; PVOID lpReserved;
// Simulate DllMain
hInstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL); dwReason = DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH; lpReserved = NULL;
// Initialize DLL globals
if (!FirstInitRoutine (hInstance)) { return FALSE; }
// Initialize all libraries
if (!InitLibs (hInstance, dwReason, lpReserved)) { return FALSE; }
// Final initialization
if (!FinalInitRoutine ()) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID Terminate ( VOID ) { HINSTANCE hInstance; DWORD dwReason; PVOID lpReserved;
// Simulate DllMain
hInstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL); dwReason = DLL_PROCESS_DETACH; lpReserved = NULL;
// Call the cleanup routine that requires library APIs
// Clean up all libraries
TerminateLibs (hInstance, dwReason, lpReserved);
// Do any remaining clean up
FinalCleanupRoutine(); }
INT __cdecl wmain ( INT argc, WCHAR *argv[] ) { TREE_ENUM te; DWORD Value, Flags; DWORD Offset; TCHAR Node[MEMDB_MAX]; FILEOP_ENUM e; FILEOP_PROP_ENUM eOpProp; PTSTR NewDest; TCHAR node[MEMDB_MAX];
if (!Init()) { wprintf (L"Unable to initialize!\n"); return 255; }
CopyFile (TEXT("c:\\public\\ntsetup.bak"), TEXT("c:\\public\\ntsetup.dat"), FALSE); MemDbLoad (TEXT("c:\\public\\ntsetup.dat")); MemDbSave (TEXT("c:\\public\\ntsetup.dat"));
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&e, OPERATION_SHELL_FOLDER)) { do { wprintf (L"Operation %u\n", e.Sequencer);
if (EnumFirstFileOpProperty (&eOpProp, e.Sequencer, OPERATION_SHELL_FOLDER)) {
do { wprintf (L" %s: %s\n", eOpProp.PropertyName, eOpProp.Property);
} while (EnumNextFileOpProperty (&eOpProp)); }
} while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&e)); }
MemDbSave (TEXT("c:\\public\\ntsetup.new"));
return 0; }
PCTSTR GetProfilePathForUser2 ( PCTSTR User ) { static TCHAR Path[MAX_TCHAR_PATH];
wsprintf (Path, TEXT("c:\\Documents and Settings\\%s"), User);
return Path; }
VOID pFixUpDynamicPaths2 ( PCTSTR Category ) { MEMDB_ENUM e; TCHAR Pattern[MEMDB_MAX]; PTSTR p; GROWBUFFER Roots = GROWBUF_INIT; MULTISZ_ENUM e2; TCHAR NewRoot[MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR AllProfilePath[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; PCTSTR ProfilePath; DWORD Size; PTSTR UserName; HKEY sfKey = NULL; PCTSTR sfPath = NULL; PTSTR NtLocation; PCTSTR tempExpand; BOOL regFolder;
// Collect all the roots that need to be renamed
StringCopy (Pattern, Category); p = AppendWack (Pattern); StringCopy (p, TEXT("*"));
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, Pattern, MEMDB_THIS_LEVEL_ONLY, MEMDB_ALL_BUT_PROXY)) { do { if ((_tcsnextc (e.szName) == TEXT('>')) || (_tcsnextc (e.szName) == TEXT('<')) ) { StringCopy (p, e.szName); MultiSzAppend (&Roots, Pattern); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); }
// Now change each root
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e2, (PCTSTR) Roots.Buf)) { do { //
// Compute NewRoot
StringCopy (NewRoot, e2.CurrentString);
p = _tcschr (NewRoot, TEXT('<'));
if (p) {
UserName = _tcschr (p, TEXT('>')); MYASSERT (UserName); StringCopyAB (Pattern, _tcsinc (p), UserName); UserName = _tcsinc (UserName);
regFolder = TRUE; if (StringIMatch (Pattern, TEXT("Profiles"))) { regFolder = FALSE; } if (StringIMatch (Pattern, TEXT("Common Profiles"))) { regFolder = FALSE; }
if (StringIMatch (UserName, S_DOT_ALLUSERS)) { Size = MAX_TCHAR_PATH; if (regFolder) { if (!GetAllUsersProfileDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot get All Users profile path.")); continue; } sfKey = OpenRegKeyStr (S_USHELL_FOLDERS_KEY_SYSTEM); } else { if (!GetProfilesDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot get All Users profile path.")); continue; } } } else if (StringIMatch (UserName, S_DEFAULT_USER)) { Size = MAX_TCHAR_PATH; if (regFolder) { if (!GetDefaultUserProfileDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot get Default User profile path.")); continue; } sfKey = OpenRegKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, S_USHELL_FOLDERS_KEY_USER); } else { if (!GetProfilesDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot get All Users profile path.")); continue; } } } else { ProfilePath = GetProfilePathForUser2 (UserName); if (!ProfilePath) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot get profile path for user:%s", UserName)); continue; } StringCopy (AllProfilePath, ProfilePath); if (regFolder) { sfKey = OpenRegKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, S_USHELL_FOLDERS_KEY_USER); } } if (regFolder) { if (!sfKey) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not open Shell folders key.")); continue; } sfPath = GetRegValueString (sfKey, Pattern); CloseRegKey (sfKey); if (!sfPath) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Could not get Shell Folder path for: %s", Pattern)); continue; } tempExpand = StringSearchAndReplace ( sfPath, S_USERPROFILE_ENV, AllProfilePath );
if (!tempExpand) { tempExpand = DuplicatePathString (sfPath, 0); } } else { tempExpand = DuplicatePathString (AllProfilePath, 0); }
NtLocation = ExpandEnvironmentText (tempExpand);
StringCopy (p, NtLocation);
MemDbMoveTree (e2.CurrentString, NewRoot);
FreeText (NtLocation);
FreePathString (tempExpand);
if (regFolder) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, sfPath); } } else {
p = _tcschr (NewRoot, TEXT('>')); MYASSERT (p);
if (StringIMatch (_tcsinc (p), S_DOT_ALLUSERS)) { Size = MAX_TCHAR_PATH; if (!GetAllUsersProfileDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Dynamic path for %s could not be resolved", e2.CurrentString)); } else { StringCopy (p, AllProfilePath); MemDbMoveTree (e2.CurrentString, NewRoot); } } else if (StringIMatch (_tcsinc (p), S_DEFAULT_USER)) { Size = MAX_TCHAR_PATH; if (!GetDefaultUserProfileDirectory (AllProfilePath, &Size)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Dynamic path for %s could not be resolved", e2.CurrentString)); } else { StringCopy (p, AllProfilePath); MemDbMoveTree (e2.CurrentString, NewRoot); } } else { ProfilePath = GetProfilePathForUser2 (_tcsinc (p)); if (ProfilePath) { StringCopy (p, ProfilePath); MemDbMoveTree (e2.CurrentString, NewRoot); } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Dynamic path for %s could not be resolved", e2.CurrentString)); } }
} while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e2)); }
FreeGrowBuffer (&Roots); }