Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to support hidden or internal-only functionlity.
Ted Miller (tedm) 4 Nov 1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Value used internally to automatically fetch
// alternate setup hives for differing # of processors.
UINT NumberOfLicensedProcessors;
// internal value used to turn off processing of "exception packages"
BOOL IgnoreExceptionPackages;
// Where to get missing files.
TCHAR AlternateSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
BOOL AddCopydirIfExists( IN LPTSTR pszPathToCopy, IN UINT Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
If pszPathToCopy exists, then act like "/copydir:pszPathToCopy" was passed on the cmd line.
pszPathToCopy - path that we want to additionally copy if it exists.
Flags - one of the OPTDIR_xxx flags to specify how to treat this optional directory
Return Value:
TRUE - pszPathToCopy existed and we added this to list of extra dirs to copy. FALSE - pszPathToCopy did not exist or we failed to add it to our list of extra dirs
--*/ { TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH], szRealPath[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; if( !pszPathToCopy ) return FALSE;
if (NativeSourcePaths[0][0]) { lstrcpy(szFullPath, NativeSourcePaths[0]); } else { if (!MyGetModuleFileName(NULL, szFullPath, ARRAYSIZE(szFullPath)) || !(p = _tcsrchr(szFullPath, TEXT('\\'))) ) { return FALSE; } // remove "\winnt32.exe" part
*p = TEXT('\0'); } ConcatenatePaths(szFullPath, pszPathToCopy, MAX_PATH);
if(GetFullPathName( szFullPath, MAX_PATH, szRealPath, NULL )){ if (FileExists (szRealPath, NULL)) { DebugLog (Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("AddCopyDirIfExists for <%1> <%2>"), 0, szRealPath, pszPathToCopy); return RememberOptionalDir(pszPathToCopy, Flags); }else{ DebugLog (Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("AddCopyDirIfExists FileExists failed for <%1>"), 0, szRealPath); } }else{ DebugLog (Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("AddCopyDirIfExists GetFullPathName failed for <%1>"), 0, szFullPath ); }
return FALSE; }
VOID CopyExtraBVTDirs( ) /*++
Routine Description: Copies the extra dirs that are good to have when running bvt's: symbols.pri, idw, mstools, and debugger extensions.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPTSTR psz;
if (CopySymbols) { // copy symbols.pri\retail
if (AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\sym\\retail"), 0) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\symbols.pri\\retail"), 0) || // for dev postbuild installs
AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\sym\\netfx"), 0) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\symbols.pri\\netfx"), 0)) // for dev postbuild installs
{} }
// copy idw
if (AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\bin\\idw"), 0) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\idw"), 0)) // for dev postbuild installs
// copy mstools
if (AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\bin\\mstools"), 0) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\mstools"), 0)) // for dev postbuild installs
// copy bldtools
if (AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\bin\\bldtools"), 0) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\bldtools"), 0)) // for dev postbuild installs
// copy debugger package to %windir%\Debuggers
if (AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\bin\\dbg\\released"), OPTDIR_DEBUGGER) || AddCopydirIfExists(TEXT("..\\..\\dbg\\released"), OPTDIR_DEBUGGER)) // for dev postbuild installs
{} }
BOOL AppendUpgradeOption ( IN PCTSTR String ) { BOOL result = FALSE; UINT lengthInBytes; UINT lengthPlusTerminator; PTSTR UpgradeOptionsReAllocated = NULL;
__try { //
// Ensure there is enough room.
lengthInBytes = UpgradeOptionsLength + ((_tcslen(String) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); lengthPlusTerminator = lengthInBytes + sizeof (TCHAR);
if (lengthPlusTerminator > UpgradeOptionsSize) { //
// Allocate more space, aligned to 256 bytes.
UpgradeOptionsSize = ((lengthPlusTerminator / 256) + 1) * 256; UpgradeOptionsReAllocated = REALLOC(UpgradeOptions,UpgradeOptionsSize); }
if (UpgradeOptionsReAllocated) { UpgradeOptions = UpgradeOptionsReAllocated; //
// Ok, memory was successfully allocated. Save the new option onto the end
// of the list.
wsprintf ( (PTSTR) ((PBYTE) UpgradeOptions + UpgradeOptionsLength), TEXT("%s%c"), String, 0 );
UpgradeOptionsLength = lengthInBytes; } else { //
// This is bad. realloc failed.
__leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { }
return result; }
VOID InternalProcessCmdLineArg( IN LPCTSTR Arg )
Routine Description:
Parse a command line arg that is thought to be internal-only.
The caller should call this routine only if the switch arg char is # (ie something like /#x:foo).
/#[n]:sharename internal distribution n can be a digit from 1-9 to indicate source count, default is 3 n win9x and 5 on nt.
/#L:number number of licensed processors
/#N auto skip missing files
/#U:[Option] Upgrade option. All upgrade options are packed together into a multisz and passed to the plugin-dll.
/#bvt:[Option]:[Option] Setup machine for running bvt's. Options include :nosymbols, :baudrate=XXXX, and :debugport=X
/#asr[{t|f}:[AsrSifPath]] Setup machine for running ASR coverage tests, using the asr.sif specified. This includes adding /DEBUG /BAUDRATE=115200 (on IA64 use 19200 and /DEBUGPORT=COM1), in addition to setting setupcmdlineprepend="ntsd -isd -odgGx", and adding other options as appropriate. Arguments:
Arg - supplies comment line argument, starting with the switch character itself (ie, - or /). This routine assumes that the interesting part of the argument starts at Arg[2].
Return Value:
{ UINT NumSources; UINT u; UINT length; LPTSTR src;
if(!Arg[0] || !Arg[1]) { return; }
NumSources = ISNT() ? 5 : 3;
switch(_totupper(Arg[2])) {
case TEXT('1'): case ('2'): case ('3'): case TEXT('4'): case ('5'): case ('6'): case TEXT('7'): case ('8'): case ('9'): if(Arg[3] != TEXT(':')) { break; }
NumSources = Arg[2] - TEXT('0'); Arg++; //
// Fall through
case TEXT(':'): //
// Internal distribution stuff
// handle cases where
// -they put a "\" before path
// -they map a net drive and put "f:" first
// -they map a net driver and put "f:\" first
src = (LPTSTR)(Arg+3);
for(u=0; u<NumSources; u++) { if(SourceCount < MAX_SOURCE_COUNT) {
if (GetFullPathName ( src, sizeof(NativeSourcePaths[SourceCount])/sizeof(TCHAR), NativeSourcePaths[SourceCount], NULL )) { SourceCount++; } } } break;
case TEXT('A'):
if (_tcsnicmp(Arg+2,TEXT("asr"),3) == 0) { //
// Setup machine for running ASR tests
AsrQuickTest = 3; // Assume default is full
if (Arg[5] == TEXT('t') || Arg[5] == TEXT('T')) { AsrQuickTest = 2; // Text mode only
if (Arg[5] == TEXT('f') || Arg[5] == TEXT('F')) { AsrQuickTest = 3; // Full mode
if (Arg[5] != 0 && Arg[6] == TEXT(':')) { //
// User specified asr.sif to use
StringCchCopy(AlternateSourcePath, ARRAYSIZE(AlternateSourcePath), Arg+7); } else { //
// Use default asr.sif (%systemroot%\repair\asr.sif)
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%systemroot%\\repair"), AlternateSourcePath, MAX_PATH ); }
// Don't block if we can't find enough disk space.
BlockOnNotEnoughSpace = FALSE;
// Run in unattended mode
UnattendedOperation = TRUE;
// Pretend we're running from CD
RunFromCD = TRUE;
// Make sure we're not upgrading
Upgrade = FALSE;
// Skip EULA
EulaComplete = TRUE;
case TEXT('B'): if (_tcsnicmp(Arg+2,TEXT("bvt"),3) == 0) { TCHAR* pszTemp = (TCHAR*)Arg;
// setup for running BVT's
RunningBVTs = TRUE;
// replace all ":"'s with spaces so that _ttol will work properly
while (*pszTemp) { if (*pszTemp == TEXT(':')) { *pszTemp = TEXT(' '); } pszTemp++; }
// check for other #bvt switches (eg "/#bvt:nosymbols:baudrate=19200:debugport=1")
if (_tcsstr(Arg, TEXT("nosymbols"))) { CopySymbols = FALSE; }
pszTemp = _tcsstr(Arg, TEXT("baudrate=")); if (pszTemp) { pszTemp = pszTemp + ((sizeof(TEXT("baudrate=")) - sizeof(TCHAR))/sizeof(TCHAR)); lDebugBaudRate = _ttol(pszTemp); }
pszTemp = _tcsstr(Arg, TEXT("debugport=")); if (pszTemp) { if ( _tcsstr(pszTemp, TEXT("com")) ) { pszTemp = pszTemp + ((sizeof(TEXT("debugport=com")) - sizeof(TCHAR))/sizeof(TCHAR)); lDebugComPort = _ttol(pszTemp); } else { pszTemp = pszTemp + ((sizeof(TEXT("debugport=")) - sizeof(TCHAR))/sizeof(TCHAR)); lDebugComPort = _ttol(pszTemp); } }
break; }
// Don't block if we can't find enough disk space.
BlockOnNotEnoughSpace = FALSE; break;
case TEXT('C'): //
// Don't block if we can't find enough disk space.
UseBIOSToBoot = TRUE; break;
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
case TEXT('F'): //
// temp variable to allow compliance checking
Floppyless = FALSE; break; #endif
case TEXT('L'): //
// Licensed processors
if(Arg[3] == TEXT(':')) { NumberOfLicensedProcessors = _tcstoul(Arg+4,NULL,10); } break;
case TEXT('M'): //
// Alternate source for missing files
if(Arg[3] == TEXT(':')) { StringCchCopy(AlternateSourcePath, ARRAYSIZE(AlternateSourcePath), Arg+4); RememberOptionalDir(AlternateSourcePath,OPTDIR_OVERLAY); //behave like /m:
} break;
case TEXT('I'): if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+2,TEXT("IgnoreExceptionPackages"))) { IgnoreExceptionPackages = TRUE; } break;
case TEXT('N'): #ifdef PRERELEASE
if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+2,TEXT("NODEBUGBOOT"))) { AppendDebugDataToBoot = FALSE; } else //
// this is PRERELEASE code only, intended to help testing of winnt32
// the use of this switch is not supported in any way!
if (!_tcsicmp (Arg+2, TEXT("nopid"))) { extern BOOL NoPid; NoPid = TRUE; } else #endif
// Skip missing files mode
AutoSkipMissingFiles = TRUE;
case TEXT('H'): //
// Hide windows dir
HideWinDir = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('P'): //
// allow the user to select a partition during textmode setup
ChoosePartition = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('R'): //
// Pretending to run from CD.
RunFromCD = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('Q'): //
// Denote running from MSI file.
RunFromMSI = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('S'): //
// use signature based arc paths
UseSignatures = !UseSignatures; break;
case TEXT('D'): //
// specify the directory to install into
if(Arg[3] == TEXT(':')) { StringCchCopy(InstallDir, ARRAYSIZE(InstallDir), Arg+4); } break;
case TEXT('T'): //
// Give the user detailed timing info during file copy.
DetailedCopyProgress = TRUE; break;
case TEXT('U'): //
// Plugin option. Add it to the multisz that will be passed to the plugin.
if (Arg[3] == TEXT(':')) {
if (!AppendUpgradeOption (Arg+4)) { break; }
// winnt32 uses the anylocale and virusscanersok switches itself.
if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+4,TEXT("ANYLOCALE"))) { SkipLocaleCheck = TRUE; } else if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+4,TEXT("VIRUSSCANNERSOK"))) { SkipVirusScannerCheck = TRUE; } else if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+4,TEXT("NOLS"))) { NoLs = TRUE; } else if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+4,TEXT("NOBUILDCHECK"))) { CCDisableBuildCheck(); }
if (!_tcsicmp(Arg+4,TEXT("NOCOMPLIANCE"))) { NoCompliance = TRUE; } #endif
} break; } }