Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
String table functions in sputils that setupapi needs to know about but nobody else does
Jamie Hunter (JamieHun) Jun-27-2000
Revision History:
// name mangling so the names don't conflict with any in sputilsa.lib
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableLookUpString _pSpUtilsStringTableLookUpStringW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableGetExtraData _pSpUtilsStringTableGetExtraDataW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableSetExtraData _pSpUtilsStringTableSetExtraDataW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableAddString _pSpUtilsStringTableAddStringW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableEnum _pSpUtilsStringTableEnumW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableStringFromId _pSpUtilsStringTableStringFromIdW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableTrim _pSpUtilsStringTableTrimW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableInitialize _pSpUtilsStringTableInitializeW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableDestroy _pSpUtilsStringTableDestroyW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableDuplicate _pSpUtilsStringTableDuplicateW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableInitializeFromMemoryMappedFile _pSpUtilsStringTableInitializeFromMemoryMappedFileW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableGetDataBlock _pSpUtilsStringTableGetDataBlockW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableLock _pSpUtilsStringTableLockW
#define _pSpUtilsStringTableUnlock _pSpUtilsStringTableUnlockW
#endif // SPUTILSW
// Define an additional private flag for the pStringTable APIs.
// Private flags are added from MSB down; public flags are added
// from LSB up.
// Don't change this in a hurry - it requires all INF files to be recompiled
// There might even be other dependencies
// Private string table functions that don't do locking. These are
// to be used for optimization purposes by components that already have
// a locking mechanism (e.g., HINF, HDEVINFO).
LONG _pSpUtilsStringTableLookUpString( IN PVOID StringTable, IN OUT PTSTR String, OUT PDWORD StringLength, OUT PDWORD HashValue, OPTIONAL OUT PVOID *FindContext, OPTIONAL IN DWORD Flags, OUT PVOID ExtraData, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize OPTIONAL );
LONG _pSpUtilsStringTableAddString( IN PVOID StringTable, IN OUT PTSTR String, IN DWORD Flags, IN PVOID ExtraData, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataSize OPTIONAL );
BOOL _pSpUtilsStringTableGetExtraData( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, OUT PVOID ExtraData, IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize );
BOOL _pSpUtilsStringTableSetExtraData( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId, IN PVOID ExtraData, IN UINT ExtraDataSize );
BOOL _pSpUtilsStringTableEnum( IN PVOID StringTable, OUT PVOID ExtraDataBuffer, OPTIONAL IN UINT ExtraDataBufferSize, OPTIONAL IN PSTRTAB_ENUM_ROUTINE Callback, IN LPARAM lParam OPTIONAL );
PTSTR _pSpUtilsStringTableStringFromId( IN PVOID StringTable, IN LONG StringId );
PVOID _pSpUtilsStringTableDuplicate( IN PVOID StringTable );
VOID _pSpUtilsStringTableDestroy( IN PVOID StringTable );
VOID _pSpUtilsStringTableTrim( IN PVOID StringTable );
PVOID _pSpUtilsStringTableInitialize( IN UINT ExtraDataSize OPTIONAL );
DWORD _pSpUtilsStringTableGetDataBlock( IN PVOID StringTable, OUT PVOID *StringTableBlock );
BOOL _pSpUtilsStringTableLock( IN PVOID StringTable );
VOID _pSpUtilsStringTableUnlock( IN PVOID StringTable );
// PNF String table routines
PVOID _pSpUtilsStringTableInitializeFromMemoryMappedFile( IN PVOID DataBlock, IN DWORD DataBlockSize, IN LCID Locale, IN UINT ExtraDataSize );
// names expected by setupapi (we use the munged names above to stop accidental link errors)
#define pStringTableLookUpString _pSpUtilsStringTableLookUpString
#define pStringTableAddString _pSpUtilsStringTableAddString
#define pStringTableGetExtraData _pSpUtilsStringTableGetExtraData
#define pStringTableSetExtraData _pSpUtilsStringTableSetExtraData
#define pStringTableEnum _pSpUtilsStringTableEnum
#define pStringTableStringFromId _pSpUtilsStringTableStringFromId
#define pStringTableDuplicate _pSpUtilsStringTableDuplicate
#define pStringTableDestroy _pSpUtilsStringTableDestroy
#define pStringTableTrim _pSpUtilsStringTableTrim
#define pStringTableInitialize _pSpUtilsStringTableInitialize
#define pStringTableGetDataBlock _pSpUtilsStringTableGetDataBlock
#define InitializeStringTableFromMemoryMappedFile _pSpUtilsStringTableInitializeFromMemoryMappedFile