Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Module Name:
Exception Pack installer helper DLL Can be used as a co-installer, or called via setup app, or RunDll32 stub
This DLL is for internal distribution of exception packs to update OS components.
Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) 2001-11-27
Revision History:
Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) 2001-11-27
Initial Version
--*/ #define _SETUPAPI_VER 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include <infstr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <excppkg.h>
#include <msoobci.h>
// Keywords
#define KEY_REBOOT TEXT("Reboot")
#define KEY_DOTSERVICES TEXT(".Services")
#define KEY_DOTPRECOPY TEXT(".Precopy")
#define KEY_COMPONENTID TEXT("ComponentID")
#define KEY_DEFAULTINSTALL TEXT("DefaultInstall")
#define KEY_COMPONENTS TEXT("Components")
#define CMD_SEP TEXT(';') // character used for DoInstall
#define DESC_SIZE (64) // size of exception pack description
// common
#define COMPFIELD_NAME (1)
// expack
// <path\name>,<flags>,<comp>,<ver>,<desc>,<osver>-<osver>
#define COMPFIELD_COMP (3)
#define COMPFIELD_VER (4)
#define COMPFIELD_DESC (5)
// qfe
// <path\name>,<flags>,<osver>,<os-sp>,<qfenum>
#define FLAGS_METHOD 0xffff0000
#define FLAGS_EXPACK 0x00010000 // method = exception pack
#define FLAGS_QFE 0x00020000 // method = QFE
#define FLAGS_REINSTALL 0x00000001 // indicates need to reinstall
#define FLAGS_REBOOT 0x00000002 // set if reboot required
#define FLAGS_INSTALLED 0x80000000 // (not user) set if a component installed
#define POSTFLAGS_REINSTALL 0x00000001 // postprocessing - set problem to reinstall
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
extern HANDLE g_DllHandle; extern OSVERSIONINFOEX g_VerInfo;
VOID DebugPrint( PCTSTR format, ... OPTIONAL );
#if DBG
// real DebugPrint
#define VerbosePrint DebugPrint
// don't want VerbosePrint
// below define has intentional side effect(s)
// VerbosePrint(TEXT("text"),foo) -> 1?0:(TEXT("text"),foo) -> 0 -> nothing
#define VerbosePrint /* (...) */ 1?0: /* (...) */
#endif // DBG
DWORD DoDriverInstallComponents ( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA Context );
DWORD DoDriverInstallComponentsPostProcessing ( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA Context );
DWORD DoDriverComponentsSection( IN HINF InfFile, IN LPCTSTR CompSectionName, IN OUT DWORD *AndFlags, IN OUT DWORD *OrFlags );
DWORD DoDriverExPack( IN INFCONTEXT *EntryLine, IN LPCTSTR PathName, IN OUT DWORD *Flags );
DWORD DoDriverQfe( IN INFCONTEXT *EntryLine, IN LPCTSTR PathName, IN OUT DWORD *Flags );
HRESULT StringFromGuid( IN GUID *GuidBinary, OUT LPTSTR GuidString, IN DWORD BufferSize );
HRESULT GuidFromString( IN LPCTSTR GuidString, OUT GUID *GuidBinary );
HRESULT VersionFromString( IN LPCTSTR VerString, OUT INT * VerMajor, OUT INT * VerMinor, OUT INT * VerBuild, OUT INT * VerQFE );
int CompareVersion( IN INT VerMajor, IN INT VerMinor, IN INT VerBuild, IN INT VerQFE, IN INT OtherMajor, IN INT OtherMinor, IN INT OtherBuild, IN INT OtherQFE );
int CompareCompVersion( IN INT VerMajor, IN INT VerMinor, IN INT VerBuild, IN INT VerQFE, IN PSETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA SetupOsComponentData );
BOOL WINAPI QueryRegisteredOsComponent( IN LPGUID ComponentGuid, OUT PSETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA SetupOsComponentData, OUT PSETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA SetupOsExceptionData );
BOOL WINAPI RegisterOsComponent ( IN const PSETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA ComponentData, IN const PSETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA ExceptionData );
BOOL WINAPI UnRegisterOsComponent ( IN const LPGUID ComponentGuid );
UINT GetRealWindowsDirectory( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // buffer to receive directory name
UINT uSize // size of name buffer
BOOL QueryInfOriginalFileInformation( PSP_INF_INFORMATION InfInformation, UINT InfIndex, PSP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO AlternatePlatformInfo, PSP_ORIGINAL_FILE_INFO OriginalFileInfo );
BOOL CopyOEMInf( PCTSTR SourceInfFileName, PCTSTR OEMSourceMediaLocation, DWORD OEMSourceMediaType, DWORD CopyStyle, PTSTR DestinationInfFileName, DWORD DestinationInfFileNameSize, PDWORD RequiredSize, PTSTR *DestinationInfFileNameComponent );
HRESULT MakeSureParentPathExists( IN LPTSTR Path );
HRESULT MakeSurePathExists( IN LPTSTR Path );
LPTSTR GetSplit( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
LPTSTR GetBaseName( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
HRESULT InstallExceptionPackFromInf( IN LPCTSTR InfPath, IN LPCTSTR Media, IN LPCTSTR Store, IN DWORD Flags );
HRESULT ProxyInstallExceptionPackFromInf( IN LPCTSTR InfPath, IN LPCTSTR Media, IN LPCTSTR Store, IN DWORD Flags );
CONFIGRET Set_DevNode_Problem_Ex( IN DEVINST dnDevInst, IN ULONG ulProblem, IN ULONG ulFlags, IN HMACHINE hMachine );
BOOL GetDeviceInfoListDetail( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, OUT PSP_DEVINFO_LIST_DETAIL_DATA DeviceInfoSetDetailData );