Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the Server Request thread procedure for the Sb API calls exported by the Server side of the Client-Server Runtime Subsystem to the Session Manager SubSystem.
Steve Wood (stevewo) 8-Oct-1990
Revision History:
#include "csrsrv.h"
PSB_API_ROUTINE CsrServerSbApiDispatch[ SbMaxApiNumber+1 ] = { CsrSbCreateSession, CsrSbTerminateSession, CsrSbForeignSessionComplete, CsrSbCreateProcess, NULL };
#if DBG
PSZ CsrServerSbApiName[ SbMaxApiNumber+1 ] = { "SbCreateSession", "SbTerminateSession", "SbForeignSessionComplete", "SbCreateProcess", "Unknown Csr Sb Api Number" }; #endif // DBG
NTSTATUS CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest( IN PSBAPIMSG Message );
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
NTSTATUS CsrSbApiRequestThread( IN PVOID Parameter ) { NTSTATUS Status; SBAPIMSG ReceiveMsg; PSBAPIMSG ReplyMsg; HANDLE hConnectionPort;
ReplyMsg = NULL; while (TRUE) { while (1) { Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort (CsrSbApiPort, (PVOID)(&hConnectionPort), (PPORT_MESSAGE)ReplyMsg, (PPORT_MESSAGE)&ReceiveMsg); if (Status == STATUS_NO_MEMORY) { LARGE_INTEGER DelayTime;
if (ReplyMsg != NULL) { KdPrint (("CSRSS: Failed to reply to calling thread, retrying.\n")); } DelayTime.QuadPart = Int32x32To64 (5000, -10000); NtDelayExecution (FALSE, &DelayTime); continue; } break; }
if (Status != 0) { if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { continue; // Try again if alerted or a failure
} else { IF_DEBUG { DbgPrint( "CSRSS: ReceivePort failed - Status == %X\n", Status ); } ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } }
// Check to see if this is a connection request and handle
if (ReceiveMsg.h.u2.s2.Type == LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest( &ReceiveMsg ); ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
if (ReceiveMsg.h.u2.s2.Type == LPC_CLIENT_DIED ) {
ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
if (ReceiveMsg.h.u2.s2.Type == LPC_PORT_CLOSED ) {
// Close the handle to the connection's server communication port object
if (hConnectionPort != NULL) { NtClose( hConnectionPort ); } ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
if ((ULONG)ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber >= SbMaxApiNumber) { IF_DEBUG { DbgPrint( "CSRSS: %lx is invalid Sb ApiNumber\n", ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber ); }
ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber = SbMaxApiNumber; }
ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; if (ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber < SbMaxApiNumber) { if (!(*CsrServerSbApiDispatch[ ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber ])( &ReceiveMsg )) { ReplyMsg = NULL; } } else { ReplyMsg->ReturnedStatus = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), Status );
return( Status ); // Remove no return value warning.
Parameter; // Remove unreferenced parameter warning.
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
NTSTATUS CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest( IN PSBAPIMSG Message ) { NTSTATUS st; REMOTE_PORT_VIEW ClientView; HANDLE CommunicationPort;
// The protocol for a subsystem is to connect to the session manager,
// then to listen and accept a connection from the session manager
ClientView.Length = sizeof(ClientView); st = NtAcceptConnectPort( &CommunicationPort, NULL, (PPORT_MESSAGE)Message, TRUE, NULL, &ClientView );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(st) ) { KdPrint(("CSRSS: Sb Accept Connection failed %lx\n",st)); return st; }
st = NtCompleteConnectPort(CommunicationPort);
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(st) ) { KdPrint(("CSRSS: Sb Complete Connection failed %lx\n",st)); }
return st; }