Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of file validation.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 18-Dec-1998
Revision History:
Andrew Ritz (andrewr) 7-Jul-1999 : added comments
#include "sfcp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winwlx.h>
// handle to validation thread
HANDLE hErrorThread;
// list of files that need to be checked in the validation request queue
LIST_ENTRY SfcErrorQueue;
// count of files in queue
ULONG ErrorQueueCount;
// event that's signalled when a new event is placed into the queue
HANDLE ErrorQueueEvent;
// critical section used to synchronize insertion and deletion from the file
// restore list
// this records how much space in our dllcache has been consumed. CacheUsed
// should never be larger than the quota.
// records the currently logged on user's name (for logging)
WCHAR LoggedOnUserName[MAX_PATH];
// set to TRUE if a user is logged onto the system
BOOL UserLoggedOn;
// set to TRUE if we're in the middle of a scan
BOOL ScanInProgress;
// event that is signalled to cancel the scanning of the system
HANDLE hEventScanCancel;
// event that is signalled when the cancel has been completed
HANDLE hEventScanCancelComplete;
// used to handle files that need to come from media which do not
// require UI to restore
RESTORE_QUEUE SilentRestoreQueue;
// used to handle files that need to come from media which require UI to
// restore
// handles to user's desktop and token
HDESK hUserDesktop; HANDLE hUserToken;
// indicates if WFP can receive anymore validation requests or not.
BOOL ShuttingDown = FALSE;
// This event is signalled when WFP is idle and no longer processing any
// validation requests. An external process can synchronize on this process
// so that it knows WFP is idle before shutting down the system
HANDLE hEventIdle;
// prototypes
BOOL pSfcHandleAllOrphannedRequests( VOID );
BOOL SfcValidateFileSignature( IN HCATADMIN hCatAdmin, IN HANDLE RealFileHandle, IN PCWSTR BaseFileName, IN PCWSTR CompleteFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks if the signature for a given file is valid using WinVerifyTrust
hCatAdmin - admin context handle for checking file signature RealFileHandle - file handle to the file to be verified BaseFileName - filename without the path of the file to be verified CompleteFileName - fully qualified filename with path
Return Value:
TRUE if the file has a valid signature.
// initialize some of the structure that we will pass into winverifytrust.
// we don't know if we're checking against a catalog or directly against a
// file at this point
ZeroMemory(&WintrustData, sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA)); WintrustData.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA); WintrustData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; WintrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_AUTO_CACHE; WintrustData.pCatalog = &WintrustCatalogInfo; WintrustData.dwProvFlags = WTD_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN_EXCLUDE_ROOT | WTD_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL; Hash = NULL;
// Initialize the DRIVER_VER_INFO structure to validate
// against 5.0 and 5.1 OSATTR
ZeroMemory( &OsVersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); ZeroMemory(&OsAttrVersionInfo, sizeof(DRIVER_VER_INFO)); OsAttrVersionInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_VER_INFO); OsAttrVersionInfo.dwPlatform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; OsAttrVersionInfo.sOSVersionLow.dwMajor = 5; OsAttrVersionInfo.sOSVersionLow.dwMinor = 0;
if (GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo)) {
OsAttrVersionInfo.sOSVersionHigh.dwMajor = OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion; OsAttrVersionInfo.sOSVersionHigh.dwMinor = OsVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion;
//Set this only if all went well
WintrustData.pPolicyCallbackData = (LPVOID)(&OsAttrVersionInfo);
}else{ DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Could not get OS Version while validating file - GetVersionEx failed (%d)", GetLastError() ); }
// we first calculate a hash for our file. start with a reasonable
// hash size and grow larger as needed
HashSize = 100; do { Hash = MemAlloc( HashSize ); if(!Hash) { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Not enough memory to verify file signature" ); SigErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } if(CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle(RealFileHandle, &HashSize, Hash, 0)) { SigErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { SigErr = GetLastError(); ASSERT(SigErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); //
// If this API did mess up and not set last error, go ahead
// and set something.
if(SigErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SigErr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } MemFree( Hash ); Hash = NULL; // reset this so we won't try to free it later
// The API failed for some reason other than
// buffer-too-small. We gotta bail.
DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"CCACHFFH() failed, ec=0x%08x", SigErr ); break; } } } while (SigErr != ERROR_SUCCESS);
if (SigErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// if we failed at this point there are a few reasons:
// 1) a bug in this code
// 2) we are in a low memory situation
// 3) the file's hash cannot be calculated on purpose (in the case
// of a catalog file, a hash cannot be calculated because a catalog
// cannot sign another catalog. In this case, we check to see if
// the file is "self-signed".
hCatInfo = NULL; goto selfsign; }
// Now we have the file's hash. Initialize the structures that
// will be used later on in calls to WinVerifyTrust.
WintrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG; ZeroMemory(&WintrustCatalogInfo, sizeof(WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO)); WintrustCatalogInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO); WintrustCatalogInfo.pbCalculatedFileHash = Hash; WintrustCatalogInfo.cbCalculatedFileHash = HashSize;
// WinVerifyTrust is case-sensitive, so ensure that the key
// being used is all lower-case!
// Copy the key to a writable Unicode character buffer so we
// can lower-case it.
wcsncpy(UnicodeKey, BaseFileName, UnicodeChars(UnicodeKey));
// in theory, we don't know what the size of BaseFileName is...
UnicodeKey[UnicodeChars(UnicodeKey) - 1] = '\0';
MyLowerString(UnicodeKey, wcslen(UnicodeKey)); WintrustCatalogInfo.pcwszMemberTag = UnicodeKey;
// Search through installed catalogs looking for those that
// contain data for a file with the hash we just calculated.
PrevCat = NULL; hCatInfo = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash( hCatAdmin, Hash, HashSize, 0, &PrevCat ); if (hCatInfo == NULL) { SigErr = GetLastError(); DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"CCAECFH() failed for (%ws), ec=%d", UnicodeKey, SigErr ); }
while(hCatInfo) {
CatInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(CATALOG_INFO); if (CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext(hCatInfo, &CatInfo, 0)) {
// Attempt to validate against each catalog we
// enumerate. Note that the catalog file info we
// get back gives us a fully qualified path.
// NOTE: Because we're using cached
// catalog information (i.e., the
// don't need to explicitly validate the
// catalog itself first.
WintrustCatalogInfo.pcwszCatalogFilePath = CatInfo.wszCatalogFile;
SigErr = (DWORD)WinVerifyTrust( NULL, &DriverVerifyGuid, &WintrustData );
// If the result of the above validations is
// success, then we're done.
if(SigErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// note: this API has odd semantics.
// in the success case, we must release the catalog info handle
// in the failure case, we implicitly free PrevCat
// if we explicitly free the catalog, we will double free the
// handle!!!
CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(hCatAdmin,hCatInfo,0); break; } else { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"WinVerifyTrust(1) failed, ec=0x%08x", SigErr ); }
// Free the pcSignerCertContext member of the DRIVER_VER_INFO struct
// that was allocated in our call to WinVerifyTrust.
if (OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext != NULL) {
CertFreeCertificateContext(OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext); OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext = NULL; } }
PrevCat = hCatInfo; hCatInfo = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash(hCatAdmin, Hash, HashSize, 0, &PrevCat); }
if (hCatInfo == NULL) { //
// We exhausted all the applicable catalogs without
// finding the one we needed.
SigErr = GetLastError(); ASSERT(SigErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); //
// Make sure we have a valid error code.
// The file failed to validate using the specified
// catalog. See if the file validates without a
// catalog (i.e., the file contains its own
// signature).
WintrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_FILE; WintrustData.pFile = &WintrustFileInfo; ZeroMemory(&WintrustFileInfo, sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO)); WintrustFileInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO); WintrustFileInfo.pcwszFilePath = CompleteFileName; WintrustFileInfo.hFile = RealFileHandle;
SigErr = (DWORD)WinVerifyTrust( NULL, &DriverVerifyGuid, &WintrustData ); if(SigErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"WinVerifyTrust(2) failed [%ws], ec=0x%08x", WintrustData.pFile->pcwszFilePath,SigErr ); //
// in this case the file is not in any of our catalogs
// and it does not contain it's own signature
// Free the pcSignerCertContext member of the DRIVER_VER_INFO struct
// that was allocated in our call to WinVerifyTrust.
if (OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext != NULL) {
CertFreeCertificateContext(OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext); OsAttrVersionInfo.pcSignerCertContext = NULL; } }
if(SigErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rVal = TRUE; }
if (Hash) { MemFree( Hash ); } return rVal; }
DWORD GetPageFileSize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function will only be needed if we're being called from Setup. The problem is that Setup has decided how much of a pagefile will be needed on the next reboot, but doesn't actually generate a pagefile, therefore, the disk space appears to be free.
This function will go look in the registry, and determine the size of the pagefile (that isn't really on disk).
Note that we only care about the pagefile if it's going to be on the partition where the file cache is installed.
Return Value:
If successful, returns the size of the pagefile. Otherwise, we're going to return 0.
--*/ { #if 0
DWORD SetupMode = 0; #endif
PWSTR PageFileString = 0; PWSTR SizeString; #if 0
WCHAR WindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH]; #endif
DWORD PageFileSize = 0;
// Determine if we're in Setup mode.
#if 0
SetupMode = SfcQueryRegDword( L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\Setup", L"SystemSetupInProgress", 0 ); if( SetupMode == 0 ) { return( 0 ); } #else
if (SFCDisable != SFC_DISABLE_SETUP) { return( 0 ); } #endif
// Go get the pagefile string out of the registry.
// Note that the pagefile string is really a REG_MULTI_SZ,
// but we're only going to pay attention to the first string
// returned.
PageFileString = SfcQueryRegString( L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management", L"PagingFiles" ); if( PageFileString == NULL ) { return( 0 ); }
// Is the pagefile even on the cache drive?
// Note that the user can have multiple pagefiles. We're going to
// look at the first one. Any other pagefiles, and the user is on his own.
#if 0
GetWindowsDirectory( WindowsDirectory, MAX_PATH ); if( WindowsDirectory[0] != PageFileString[0] ) { #else
if( towlower(SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer[0]) != towlower(PageFileString[0]) ) { #endif
MemFree( PageFileString ); return( 0 ); }
// How big is the pagefile?
SizeString = wcsrchr( PageFileString, L' ' );
if (SizeString != NULL) { PageFileSize = wcstoul( SizeString + 1, NULL, 10 ); } else { PageFileSize = 0; }
// Default.
MemFree( PageFileString ); return PageFileSize; }
BOOL SfcPopulateCache( IN HWND ProgressWindow, IN BOOL Validate, IN BOOL AllowUI, IN PCWSTR IgnoreFiles OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used to populate the dll cache directory.
We add files in order of their insertion in our list (so note that we have to put files we *really want in the cache* at the head of the list.) We continue to add files until we run out of space compared to our quota.
ProgressWindow - handle to progress control that is stepped as we add each file to the cache Validate - if TRUE, we should make sure that each file we're adding is valid before moving the file into the cache AllowUI - if FALSE, do not emit any UI
Return Value:
If successful, returns TRUE.
--*/ {
// if we're in the middle of scanning, we shouldn't touch the cache since
// the two functions will step on each other.
if (ScanInProgress) { return TRUE; }
DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"SfcPopulateCache entry..." );
// start the scan and log the message, but don't log anything if we're
// inside gui-mode setup
ScanInProgress = TRUE;
if (SFCDisable != SFC_DISABLE_SETUP) { SfcReportEvent( MSG_SCAN_STARTED, NULL, NULL, 0 ); }
// How big does our freespace buffer need to be?
RequiredFreeSpace = (GetPageFileSize() + SFC_REQUIRED_FREE_SPACE)* ONE_MEG; DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"RequiredFreeSpace = %d, SFCQuota = %I64d", RequiredFreeSpace, SFCQuota );
// try to initialize crypto here as this could be the first use of it (from SfcInitProt or SfcInitiateScan)
Status = LoadCrypto();
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return FALSE;
if(!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &DriverVerifyGuid, 0)) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"CCAAC() failed, ec=%d", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; }
// Flush the Cache once before we start any Crypto operations
// Refresh exception packages info
CacheUsed = 0; Drive[2] = L'\\'; Drive[3] = 0;
// iterate through the list of files we're protecting
// 1. make sure the entry is ok
// 2. if we're supposed to, check the signature of the file and restore if
// necessary.
// 3. if there is space available, copy the file into the cache from:
// a) if the file is present on disk, use it
// b) if the file isn't present from appropriate media
// 4. add the size of the file to the total cache size and make sure the
// file we put in the cache is properly signed
for (i=0; i<SfcProtectedDllCount; i++) { RegVal = &SfcProtectedDllsList[i];
DebugPrint2( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Processing protected file [%ws] [%ws]", RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, RegVal->SourceFileName.Buffer ); //
// We step the guage once per file
if (ProgressWindow != NULL) { PostMessage( ProgressWindow, PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0 ); }
if (RegVal->DirName.Buffer[0] == 0 || RegVal->DirName.Buffer[0] == L'\\') { ASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (NULL == RegVal->DirHandle) { DebugPrint1(LVL_MINIMAL, L"The dir handle for [%ws] is NULL; skipping the file", RegVal->DirName.Buffer); continue; }
// check if the user clicked cancel, and if so, exit
if (hEventScanCancel) { if (WaitForSingleObject( hEventScanCancel, 0 ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { Cancelled = TRUE; break; } } #if DBG
// don't protect the SFC files in the debug build
if (_wcsnicmp( RegVal->FileName.Buffer, L"sfc", 3 ) == 0) { continue; } #endif
// get the inf name here
ExcepPackFile = SfcGetInfName(RegVal, InfFileName);
if (Validate) { //
// also make sure the file is valid... if we're putting a file
// in the cache, then don't log anything (SyncOnly = TRUE)
RtlZeroMemory( &vrd, sizeof(vrd) ); vrd.RegVal = RegVal; vrd.SyncOnly = TRUE; vrd.ImageValData.EventLog = MSG_SCAN_FOUND_BAD_FILE; //
// set the validation data
SfcGetValidationData( &RegVal->FileName, &RegVal->FullPathName, RegVal->DirHandle, hCatAdmin, &vrd.ImageValData.New);
// check the signature
SfcValidateDLL( &vrd, hCatAdmin );
// If the source file is present and is unsigned, we must restore
// it. If the source file is not present, then we just ignore it
if (!vrd.ImageValData.Original.SignatureValid && vrd.ImageValData.Original.FilePresent) {
// this might be an unsigned F6 driver that should be left alone when running in GUI setup
if(SFC_DISABLE_SETUP == SFCDisable && IgnoreFiles != NULL) { PCWSTR szFile = IgnoreFiles; USHORT usLen;
for(;;) { usLen = (USHORT) wcslen(szFile);
if(0 == usLen || (usLen * sizeof(WCHAR) == RegVal->FullPathName.Length && 0 == _wcsnicmp(szFile, RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, usLen))) { break; }
szFile += usLen + 1; }
if(usLen != 0) { continue; } }
// see if we can restore from cache
if (!vrd.ImageValData.RestoreFromMedia) { SfcRestoreFromCache( &vrd, hCatAdmin ); }
if (vrd.ImageValData.RestoreFromMedia) { //
// the file is still bad so we need to restore from the
// media
if (!SfcRestoreFileFromInstallMedia( &vrd, RegVal->FileName.Buffer, RegVal->FileName.Buffer, RegVal->DirName.Buffer, RegVal->SourceFileName.Buffer, InfFileName, ExcepPackFile, FALSE, // target is NOT cache
AllowUI, NULL )) { LastErrorInvalidFile = GetLastError();
SfcReportEvent( ((LastErrorInvalidFile != ERROR_CANCELLED) ? MSG_RESTORE_FAILURE : (SFCNoPopUps == TRUE) ? MSG_COPY_CANCEL_NOUI : MSG_COPY_CANCEL ), RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, &vrd.ImageValData, LastErrorInvalidFile);
DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Failed to restore file from install media [%ws]", RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); } else { DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"The file was successfully restored from install media [%ws]", RegVal->FileName.Buffer );
SfcReportEvent( MSG_SCAN_FOUND_BAD_FILE, RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, &vrd.ImageValData, ERROR_SUCCESS ); } } else { ASSERT(vrd.ImageValData.New.SignatureValid == TRUE); } } }
// see how much space we have left
Drive[0] = SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer[0]; Drive[1] = SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer[1]; if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( Drive, &FreeBytesAvailableToCaller, &TotalNumberOfBytes, &TotalNumberOfFreeBytes ) || TotalNumberOfFreeBytes.QuadPart <= RequiredFreeSpace) { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Not enough free space" ); //
// if we're validating, we want to keep going through the list even
// though we're out of space
if (Validate) { continue; } else { break; } } if (CacheUsed >= SFCQuota) { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Cache is full" ); //
// if we're validating, we want to keep going through the list even
// though we're out of space
if (Validate) { continue; } else { break; } }
ASSERT(RegVal->DirHandle != NULL);
DirHandle = RegVal->DirHandle;
if (!DirHandle) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"invalid dirhandle for dir [%ws]", RegVal->DirName.Buffer ); continue; } //
// Either copy the file or restore from media...
// Let's make an optimization here that says that if the file is in
// the driver cache, we don't have to spend any time putting the
// file in the dllcache since we will probably be able to get at
// the file later on. This will also save disk space during the
// initial scan
DoCopy = TRUE; if (SFCDisable == SFC_DISABLE_SETUP) { PCWSTR TempCabName;
TempCabName = IsFileInDriverCache( SpecialFileNameOnMedia( RegVal )); if (TempCabName) { MemFree((PVOID)TempCabName); DoCopy = FALSE; }
if (DoCopy) { PCWSTR OnDiskFileName;
OnDiskFileName = FileNameOnMedia( RegVal ); FileNameOnMedia = SpecialFileNameOnMedia( RegVal ); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
// see if the file is cached. the filename in the cache will
// have the same name as the filename on the media. Note that
// we don't use the "FileNameOnMedia" routine to get
// this information because of special case files like the NT
// kernel and HALs. In these special case files, we should
// only copy the current file on disk to the cache if it
// corresponds to the source filename.
if (_wcsicmp( OnDiskFileName, FileNameOnMedia) == 0) { Status = SfcOpenFile( &RegVal->FileName, DirHandle, SHARE_ALL, &hFile ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NtClose( hFile ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &tmpString, FileNameOnMedia ); Status = SfcCopyFile( DirHandle, RegVal->DirName.Buffer, SfcProtectedDllFileDirectory, SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer, &tmpString, &RegVal->FileName ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugPrint3( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Could not copy file [0x%08x] [%ws] [%ws]", Status, RegVal->FileName.Buffer, RegVal->DirName.Buffer ); } } else { if (!SfcRestoreFileFromInstallMedia( &vrd, RegVal->FileName.Buffer, SpecialFileNameOnMedia(RegVal), SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer, RegVal->SourceFileName.Buffer, InfFileName, ExcepPackFile, TRUE, // target is cache
AllowUI, NULL ))
{ LastErrorCache = GetLastError(); SfcReportEvent( MSG_CACHE_COPY_ERROR, RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, &vrd.ImageValData, LastErrorCache); DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Failed to restore file from install media [%ws]", RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); } }
// get the size of the file we just added to the cache and add it to
// the total cache size. while we have the handle open, it's a good
// time to verify that the file we copied into the cache is indeed
// valid
ASSERT(SfcProtectedDllFileDirectory != NULL );
FileNameOnMedia = SpecialFileNameOnMedia(RegVal); RtlInitUnicodeString( &tmpString, FileNameOnMedia );
Status = SfcOpenFile( &tmpString, SfcProtectedDllFileDirectory, SHARE_ALL, &hFile ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { WCHAR FullPathToCachedFile[MAX_PATH];
wcsncpy(FullPathToCachedFile, SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer, UnicodeChars(FullPathToCachedFile)); pSetupConcatenatePaths( FullPathToCachedFile, FileNameOnMedia, UnicodeChars(FullPathToCachedFile), NULL);
Status = NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &IoStatusBlock, &StandardInfo, sizeof(StandardInfo), FileStandardInformation ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { FileSize = StandardInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"file size = [0x%08x] [%ws]", FileSize, RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); } else { DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Could not query file information [0x%08x] [%ws]", Status, RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); FileSize = 0; } if (!SfcValidateFileSignature( hCatAdmin, hFile, FileNameOnMedia, FullPathToCachedFile )) { //
// delete the unsigned file from the cache
DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Cache file has a bad signature [%ws]", RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); SfcDeleteFile( SfcProtectedDllFileDirectory, &tmpString ); FileSize = 0; } NtClose( hFile ); } else { DebugPrint2( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Could not open file [0x%08x] [%ws]", Status, RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); FileSize = 0; } DebugPrint4( LVL_MINIMAL, L"cache size [0x%08x], filesize [0x%08x], new size [0x%08x] (%d)", CacheUsed, FileSize, CacheUsed+FileSize, (CacheUsed+FileSize)/(1024*1024) ); CacheUsed += FileSize; } }
if (hCatAdmin) { CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin,0); }
// log an event saying it succeeded or was cancelled, but only if we're not
// inside gui-setup.
if (SFCDisable == SFC_DISABLE_SETUP) { //
// the user can never cancel inside gui-setup
ASSERT(Cancelled == FALSE); } else { SfcReportEvent( Cancelled ? MSG_SCAN_CANCELLED : MSG_SCAN_COMPLETED, NULL, NULL, 0 ); }
ScanInProgress = FALSE;
if (hEventScanCancelComplete) { SetEvent(hEventScanCancelComplete); }
DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"SfcPopulateCache exit..." );
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
This routine checks if the specified file is in the validation request queue.
Note that this routine does no locking of the queue. The caller is responsible for locking.
RegVal - pointer to structure for file we're concerned with
Return Value:
If the file is already in the queue, returns a pointer to the validation request corresponding to this item, else NULL.
// walk through our linked list of validation requests looking for a match
Next = SfcErrorQueue.Flink; while (Next != &SfcErrorQueue) { vrd = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, VALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA, Entry ); Next = vrd->Entry.Flink; if (RegVal == vrd->RegVal) { return vrd; } } return NULL; }
void RemoveDuplicatesFromQueue( IN PSFC_REGISTRY_VALUE RegVal )
Routine Description:
This routine checks for the specified file is in the validation request queue and removes any duplicate entries from the queue.
Note that this routine does locking of the queue. The caller is not responsible for locking.
RegVal - pointer to structure for file we're concerned with
Return Value:
// we need to lock down the validation queue since we are modifying the
// list
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); Next = SfcErrorQueue.Flink; //
// walk through our linked list of validation requests looking for a match
// and remove any duplicates
while (Next != &SfcErrorQueue) { vrd = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, VALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA, Entry ); Next = vrd->Entry.Flink; if (RegVal == vrd->RegVal) { RemoveEntryList( &vrd->Entry ); ErrorQueueCount -= 1; MemFree( vrd ); } }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); }
BOOL IsUserValid( IN HANDLE Token, IN DWORD Rid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine checks that the security token has access for the specified RID (relative sub-authority) for the NT-authority SID
Token - security token Rid - well known relative sub-authority to check for presence in
Return Value:
b = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, Rid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &Group );
if(b) {
// See if the user has the administrator group.
if (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( Token )) {
if (!CheckTokenMembership( NULL, Group, &b)) { b = FALSE; }
} else { b = FALSE; }
FreeSid(Group); }
// Clean up and return.
return b; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called by winlogon each time a user logs onto the system.
If a valid user is logged on, then we signal an event.
pInfo - pointer to WLX_NOTIFICATION_INFO structure filled in by winlogon
Return Value:
--*/ {
if (SfcWaitForValidDesktop()) { if (IsUserValid(pInfo->hToken,DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS)) { DebugPrint1(LVL_MINIMAL, L"user logged on = %ws",pInfo->UserName); UserLoggedOn = TRUE; hUserDesktop = pInfo->hDesktop; hUserToken = pInfo->hToken;
// record the user's name for later on
wcscpy( LoggedOnUserName, pInfo->UserName );
// now that a user is logged on, SFCNoPopups can transition to
// whatever value we grabbed on initialization (ie., we can now
// allow popups to occur since a user is logged on)
SFCNoPopUps = SFCNoPopUpsPolicy;
SetEvent( hEventLogon );
if ( SxsLogonEvent ) { SxsLogonEvent(); }
} else { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"received a logon event, but user is not a member of domain administrators = %ws", pInfo->UserName); ; } } }
Routine Description:
This routine is called by winlogon each time a user logs off of the system.
We simply signal an event when this occurs. Note that the UserLoggedOff global is set by a thread that will detect this event.
pInfo - pointer to WLX_NOTIFICATION_INFO structure filled in by winlogon
Return Value:
{ BOOL ReallyLogoff;
DebugPrint1(LVL_MINIMAL, L"user logged off = %ws",pInfo->UserName);
ReallyLogoff = FALSE;
// See if the correct user logged off.
if (UserLoggedOn) { if (_wcsicmp( LoggedOnUserName, pInfo->UserName )==0) { ReallyLogoff = TRUE; } }
if (ReallyLogoff) { //
// reset the logon event since the validation thread may not be around to do this
// just fire the event if we had a valid user logged on
if (hEventLogoff) { SetEvent( hEventLogoff ); if ( SxsLogoffEvent ) { SxsLogoffEvent(); } }
ASSERT((SFCSafeBootMode == 0) ? (UserLoggedOn == TRUE) : TRUE );
UserLoggedOn = FALSE; hUserDesktop = NULL; hUserToken = NULL; LoggedOnUserName[0] = L'\0';
// now that the user is logged off, SFCNoPopups transitions to
// 1, meaning that we cannot allow any popups to occur until a
// user logs on again.
SFCNoPopUps = 1;
// we need to get rid of the persistant connection we asked the user to
// make earlier on
if (SFCLoggedOn == TRUE) { WNetCancelConnection2( SFCNetworkLoginLocation, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, FALSE ); SFCLoggedOn = FALSE; } }
NTSTATUS SfcQueueValidationThread( IN PVOID lpv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Thread routine that performs the file validations.
The validation thread can only run when a user is logged on.
The validation thread waits for an event which signals that there are pending files to validate. It then cycles through this list of files, validating each file that has not been validated.
If the file is valid, it is removed from the queue. If the file is invalid, we first try to restore the file from cache. If we cannot restore from cache, we try to determine if we'd require UI to restore this file. We then have one of two global files we add the file to (one which requires UI, one which does not). After we've gone through the entire list of files, we will attempt to commit these queues if the queue committal is not already in progress. (Care must be taken not to add a file to a file queue that is already being committed.)
We then put the thread back to sleep waiting for a new event to wake up the thread and start all over again. If we still have pending items to be restored, we will put the thread back to sleep with a non-INFINITE timeout.
Unreferenced Parameter.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS code of any fatal error.
HDESK hDesk = NULL; #endif
PSFC_REGISTRY_VALUE RegVal; DWORD Ticks; BOOL WaitAgain; ULONG tmpErrorQueueCount; PWSTR ActualFileNameOnMedia; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; BOOL RemoveEntry; ULONG FilesNeedToBeCommited; WCHAR InfFileName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ExcepPackFile; const DWORD cdwCatalogMinRetryTimeout = 30; // 30 seconds
const DWORD cdwCatalogMaxRetryTimeout = 128 * cdwCatalogMinRetryTimeout; // 64 minutes
DWORD dwCatalogRetryTimeout = cdwCatalogMinRetryTimeout;
ASSERT((ValidateTermEvent != NULL) && (ErrorQueueEvent != NULL) && (hEventLogoff != NULL) && (hEventLogon != NULL) );
// if this thread has started, we'll need crypto; set the thread's ID before attempting to load it
g_dwValidationThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); Status = LoadCrypto();
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto exit;
#if 0
// this thread must run on the user's desktop
hDesk = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if ( hDesk ) { SetThreadDesktop( hDesk ); CloseDesktop( hDesk ); } #endif
// event tells us to stop validating (ie., machine is shutting down)
Handles[0] = ValidateTermEvent;
// tells us that new events were added to the validation queue
Handles[1] = ErrorQueueEvent;
// event tells us to start validating again since someone is logged on
Handles[2] = hEventLogon;
while (TRUE) { //
// set our idle trigger to "signalled" if there are no events to be
// validated
if (hEventIdle && ErrorQueueCount == 0) { SetEvent( hEventIdle ); }
// Wait for a change
Status = NtWaitForMultipleObjects( sizeof(Handles)/sizeof(HANDLE), Handles, WaitAny, TRUE, pTimeout );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"WaitForMultipleObjects failed returning %x", Status ); goto exit; }
DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"SfcQueueValidationThread: WaitForMultipleObjects returned %x", Status );
if (Status == 0) { //
// the termination event fired so we must exit
goto exit; }
// Make sure we acknowlege that the user logged on so this event
// doesn't remain signalled forever
if ( (Status == 2) || (Status == 1) ) { if (WaitForSingleObject(hEventLogon,0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
// the logon event fired
ASSERT(UserLoggedOn == TRUE); ResetEvent( hEventLogon );
if (Status == 2) { if (IsListEmpty(&SfcErrorQueue)) { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"logon event but queue is empty..."); pTimeout = NULL; } else { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"logon event occurred with requests in the queue. see if we can satisfy any of the requests"); pTimeout = &Timeout; goto validate_start; } continue; } } else { ASSERT(Status == 1); } }
if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { //
// a timeout is necessary only when there are entries in the list
// that are servicable
if (IsListEmpty(&SfcErrorQueue)) { DebugPrint(LVL_MINIMAL, L"Timeout in SfcQueueValidationThread but queue is empty"); pTimeout = NULL;
} else { DebugPrint(LVL_MINIMAL, L"Timeout in SfcQueueValidationThread with requests in the queue. check it out"); pTimeout = &Timeout;
goto validate_start; }
continue; }
if (Status > sizeof(Handles)/sizeof(HANDLE)) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Unknown success code %d for WaitForMultipleObjects", Status ); continue; }
ASSERT(Status == 1);
validate_start: DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Processing queued file validations..." ); //
// process any file validations
// Reset our "idle trigger so that it is unsignalled while we validate
// the files
if (hEventIdle) { ResetEvent( hEventIdle ); }
NtResetEvent( ErrorQueueEvent, NULL );
ASSERT(hCatAdmin == NULL);
if (!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &DriverVerifyGuid, 0)) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"CCAAC() failed, ec=%d", GetLastError() ); hCatAdmin = NULL; //
// try again to get a context; each time, double the timeout until we reach the max
Timeout.QuadPart = (1000 * dwCatalogRetryTimeout) * (-10000); pTimeout = &Timeout;
if(dwCatalogRetryTimeout < cdwCatalogMaxRetryTimeout) { dwCatalogRetryTimeout *= 2; }
continue; } //
// reset the catalog wait timeout
dwCatalogRetryTimeout = cdwCatalogMinRetryTimeout;
// Flush the Cache once before we start any Crypto operations
// Refresh exception packages info
Timeout.QuadPart = (1000*SFC_QUEUE_WAIT) * (-10000); WaitAgain = FALSE;
// cycle through the list of queued files, processing one at a time
// until we get back to the start again
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); CurrentEntry = SfcErrorQueue.Flink; RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
while (CurrentEntry != &SfcErrorQueue) {
RemoveEntry = FALSE;
DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"CurrentEntry= %p", CurrentEntry );
ASSERT(ErrorQueueCount > 0 );
// get the current entry from the list and point to the next entry
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); vrd = CONTAINING_RECORD( CurrentEntry, VALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA, Entry ); RegVal = vrd->RegVal; ASSERT(RegVal != NULL);
CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
DebugPrint2( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Processing validation request for [%wZ], flags = 0x%08x ", &vrd->RegVal->FullPathName, vrd->Flags );
// attempt to validate the file if we haven't already done so
if ((vrd->Flags & VRD_FLAG_REQUEST_PROCESSED) == 0) { //
// skip this file if the queue has not paused long enough
Ticks = GetTickCount();
ASSERT(vrd->NextValidTime != 0);
if (vrd->NextValidTime && Ticks < vrd->NextValidTime) { Timeout.QuadPart = (__int64)(vrd->NextValidTime - Ticks) * -10000; WaitAgain = TRUE; RemoveEntry = FALSE;
DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Have not waited long enough on validation request for [%wZ]", &vrd->RegVal->FullPathName );
goto continue_entry; }
// see if we can open the file, otherwise wait a bit until we have
// a chance to validate the file.
Status = SfcOpenFile( &vrd->RegVal->FileName, vrd->RegVal->DirHandle, FILE_SHARE_READ, &FileHandle ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"file opened successfully [%wZ] ", &vrd->RegVal->FileName ); NtClose( FileHandle ); } else { if (Status == STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION) { DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"file sharing violation [%wZ] ", &vrd->RegVal->FileName ); vrd->RetryCount += 1; RemoveEntry = FALSE; WaitAgain = TRUE; goto continue_entry; } }
// now validate the file
SfcValidateDLL( vrd, hCatAdmin ); vrd->Flags |= VRD_FLAG_REQUEST_PROCESSED;
// if the file is valid, we're ready to go onto the next file
if (vrd->ImageValData.Original.SignatureValid) { //
// before we continue, let's see if we can synchronize the copy
// of the file in the dll cache
if (!SfcSyncCache( vrd, hCatAdmin )) { DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"failed to synchronize [%wZ] in dllcache", &vrd->RegVal->FileName ); } RemoveEntry = TRUE; goto continue_next; }
ASSERT(vrd->ImageValData.Original.SignatureValid == FALSE);
// see if we can restore from cache. If this succeeds, we're
// ready to go onto the next file
if (vrd->ImageValData.Cache.SignatureValid) { SfcRestoreFromCache( vrd, hCatAdmin ); if (vrd->CopyCompleted) { DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"File [%wZ] was restored from cache", &vrd->RegVal->FileName ); RemoveEntry = TRUE; goto continue_next; } }
if ((vrd->Flags & VRD_FLAG_REQUEST_QUEUED) == 0) { //
// check if the file is available. If it is, then we can restore
// it without any UI coming up
ActualFileNameOnMedia = FileNameOnMedia( RegVal );
// get the inf name here
ExcepPackFile = SfcGetInfName(RegVal, InfFileName);
// get the source information which let's us know where to look
// for the file
wcscpy(vrd->SourceInfo.SourceFileName,ActualFileNameOnMedia); if (!SfcGetSourceInformation(ActualFileNameOnMedia,InfFileName,ExcepPackFile,&vrd->SourceInfo)) { //
// if this fails, just assume that we need UI
vrd->Flags |= VRD_FLAG_REQUIRE_UI; } else { WCHAR DontCare[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR FilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR SourcePath[MAX_PATH]; SOURCE_MEDIA SourceMedia; DWORD Result;
RtlZeroMemory( &SourceMedia, sizeof( SourceMedia ));
// build up a temporary SOURCE_MEDIA structure as well
// as the full path to the file we're looking for
wcscpy( SourcePath, vrd->SourceInfo.SourceRootPath ); pSetupConcatenatePaths( SourcePath, vrd->SourceInfo.SourcePath, UnicodeChars(SourcePath), NULL); //
// note the wierd syntax here because TAGFILE is a macro
// that accepts a PSOURCE_INFO pointer.
SourceMedia.Tagfile = TAGFILE(((PSOURCE_INFO)&vrd->SourceInfo)); SourceMedia.Description = vrd->SourceInfo.Description; SourceMedia.SourcePath = SourcePath; SourceMedia.SourceFile = ActualFileNameOnMedia;
wcscpy( FilePath, vrd->SourceInfo.SourceRootPath );
BuildPathForFile( vrd->SourceInfo.SourceRootPath, vrd->SourceInfo.SourcePath, ActualFileNameOnMedia, SFC_INCLUDE_SUBDIRECTORY, SFC_INCLUDE_ARCHSUBDIR, FilePath, UnicodeChars(FilePath) );
Result = SfcQueueLookForFile( &SourceMedia, &vrd->SourceInfo, FilePath, DontCare);
if (Result == FILEOP_ABORT) { vrd->Flags |= VRD_FLAG_REQUIRE_UI; } }
vrd->SourceInfo.ValidationRequestData = vrd;
// now add the file to the proper file queue
if (SfcQueueAddFileToRestoreQueue( vrd->Flags & VRD_FLAG_REQUIRE_UI, RegVal, InfFileName, ExcepPackFile, &vrd->SourceInfo, ActualFileNameOnMedia)) { vrd->Flags |= VRD_FLAG_REQUEST_QUEUED; } else { //
// we failed for some reason. put the request back in
// the queue to see if we can add it later on
WaitAgain = TRUE; goto continue_entry; } }
continue_entry: if (vrd->RetryCount < 10) { NOTHING; } else { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Could not restore file [%ws], retries exceeded", RegVal->FileName.Buffer); RemoveEntry = TRUE; SfcReportEvent( MSG_RESTORE_FAILURE_MAX_RETRIES, RegVal->FileName.Buffer, NULL, 0 ); }
if (RemoveEntry) { //
// remove the entry if we're done with it. otherwise we leave
// it in the list just in case we get more notifications about
// this file
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
RemoveEntryList( &vrd->Entry ); ErrorQueueCount -= 1;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
MemFree( vrd ); }
} // end of while(CurrentEntry != &SfcErrorQueue)
// we've cycled through the validation queue. now if we've queued any
// files for restoration, we can do that now.
// no UI filequeue
SfcQueueCommitRestoreQueue( FALSE ); SfcQueueResetQueue( FALSE );
if (UserLoggedOn) { //
// UI filequeue
SfcQueueCommitRestoreQueue( TRUE ); SfcQueueResetQueue( TRUE );
} else { RtlEnterCriticalSection( &UIRestoreQueue.CriticalSection ); RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); tmpErrorQueueCount = ErrorQueueCount; RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs ); FilesNeedToBeCommited = UIRestoreQueue.QueueCount; RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &UIRestoreQueue.CriticalSection ); }
// getting ready to wait again, cleanup our admin context
if (hCatAdmin) { CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin,0); hCatAdmin = NULL; }
// a timeout is necessary only when there are
// entries in the list that can be acted on
// if all of our files need UI but the user is not logged on, then
// we should just sleep until the user logs on again.
if (IsListEmpty(&SfcErrorQueue) || (UserLoggedOn == FALSE && tmpErrorQueueCount == FilesNeedToBeCommited) || (WaitAgain == FALSE) ) { pTimeout = NULL; } else { pTimeout = &Timeout; } }
// we're terminating our validation thread. remember this so we don't
// start a new thread up.
ShuttingDown = TRUE;
// Log an event for each validation request we couldn't finish servicing.
// This will at least let the user know that they should run a scan on
// their system.
DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"SfcQueueValidationThread terminating" ); return 0; }
NTSTATUS SfcQueueValidationRequest( IN PSFC_REGISTRY_VALUE RegVal, IN ULONG ChangeType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine adds a new validation request to the validation queue.
It is called by the watcher thread to add the new validation request.
This routine must be as fast as possible because we want to start watching the directory for other changes as soon as possible.
RegVal - pointer to the SFC_REGISTRY_VALUE for the file that should be validated. ChangeType - type of change that occurred to the file.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS code indicating outcome.
// if we're in GUI-Setup, don't queue any validation requests
// allocate a vrd & initialize it
vrd = MemAlloc( sizeof(VALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA) ); if (vrd == NULL) { DebugPrint( LVL_MINIMAL, L"SfcQueueValidationRequest failed to allocate memory for validation request" ); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
vrd->NextValidTime = GetTickCount() + (1000*SFCStall); vrd->RegVal = RegVal; vrd->ChangeType = ChangeType; vrd->Signature = SFC_VRD_SIGNATURE;
// insert it in the list if it isn't already in the list. Note that we
// take the hit of looking through this list right now for this file
// because it's much simpler and faster later on if we don't have any
// duplicates in our list
// note that we do allow a duplicate entry in the list if the file has
// already been queued for restoration (if someone changes a file after
// we restore it but before we remove it from the queue, we don't want
// there to be a window where we don't care if the file changes). We
// ignore this window in the case of restoring from cache because that
// is a much quicker codepath.
// Note that the reasoning above is incorrect, in that the window of time
// in the cache restore case, though much quicker than the restore from
// media case, can be significant. So this logic is changed to say that
// we remove duplicate entries in the case that we haven't yet verified
// the file's signature. Once we verify the signature of the file and get
// a change notification, we need another request to re-verify the file.
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
// Put a try-except here since we don't want to hang on to the critical section
// if some exception is raised (Windows bug 690573)
__try { vrdexisting = IsFileInQueue( RegVal); if (!vrdexisting || (vrdexisting->Flags & VRD_FLAG_REQUEST_PROCESSED) ) {
DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Inserting [%ws] into error queue for validation", RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer );
InsertTailList( &SfcErrorQueue, &vrd->Entry ); ErrorQueueCount += 1;
// do this to avoid free later on
vrdexisting = NULL;
} else { vrd->NextValidTime = GetTickCount() + (1000*SFCStall);
DebugPrint1( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Not inserting [%ws] into error queue for validation. (The file is already present in the error validation queue.)", RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer );
// create the list processor thread, if necessary
if (hErrorThread == NULL) { Status = NtCreateEvent( &ErrorQueueEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Create error queue thread
hErrorThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, SfcQueueValidationThread, 0, 0, NULL ); if (hErrorThread == NULL) { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Unable to create error queue thread, ec=%d", GetLastError() ); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { DebugPrint1( LVL_MINIMAL, L"Unable to create error queue event, ec=0x%08x", Status ); } } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); DebugPrint1(LVL_MINIMAL, L"Exception occurred in SfcQueueValidationRequest, ec=0x%08x", Status); }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
// signal an event to the validation thread to wakeup and process the
// request
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
ASSERT(hErrorThread != NULL); NtSetEvent(ErrorQueueEvent,NULL); }
// if we already inserted an event into the list, we don't need this
// entry anymore, so free it
if (vrdexisting) { MemFree( vrd ); }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Routine takes a filename in a given directory and fills in an IMAGE_VALIDATION_DATA structure based on it's checks
FileName - unicode_string containing file to be checked FullPathName - unicode_string containing fully qualified path name of file DirHandle - handle to directory the file is located in hCatAdmin - crypto context handle to be used in checking file ImageValData - pointer to IMAGE_VALIDATION_DATA structure
Return Value:
TRUE indicates the file data was successfully retreived.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE FileHandle;
ASSERT((FileName != NULL) && (FileName->Buffer != NULL)); ASSERT((FullPathName != NULL) && (FullPathName->Buffer != NULL)); ASSERT( (DirHandle != NULL) && (hCatAdmin != NULL) && (ImageValData != NULL) );
RtlZeroMemory( ImageValData, sizeof(IMAGE_VALIDATION_DATA) );
// open the file
Status = SfcOpenFile( FileName, DirHandle, SHARE_ALL, &FileHandle ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
ASSERT(FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ImageValData->FilePresent = TRUE; SfcGetFileVersion(FileHandle, &ImageValData->DllVersion, &ImageValData->DllCheckSum, ImageValData->FileName ); } else { //
// we don't to anything on failure since this is an expected state
// if the file was just removed. The member variables's below are
// automatically set at the entrypoint to the function so they are
// not necessary but are present and commented out for the sake of
// clarity
NOTHING; //ImageValData->SignatureValid = FALSE;
//ImageValData->FilePresent = FALSE;
// verify the file signature
if (hCatAdmin && FileHandle != NULL) { ImageValData->SignatureValid = SfcValidateFileSignature( hCatAdmin, FileHandle, FileName->Buffer, FullPathName->Buffer); } else { ImageValData->SignatureValid = FALSE; }
// close the file
if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NtClose( FileHandle ); }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Routine takes a validation request and processes it.
It does this by checking if the file is present, and if so, it checks the signature of the file.
This routine does not replace any files, it merely checks the signature of the file and of the copy of the file in the cache, if present.
vrd - pointer to VALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA structure describing the file to be checked. hCatAdmin - crypto context handle to be used in checking file
Return Value:
always TRUE (indicates we successfully validated the DLL as good or bad)
--*/ { PSFC_REGISTRY_VALUE RegVal = vrd->RegVal; PCOMPLETE_VALIDATION_DATA ImageValData = &vrd->ImageValData; UNICODE_STRING ActualFileName; PCWSTR FileName;
// get the version information for both files (the cached version and the
// current version)
SfcGetValidationData( &RegVal->FileName, &RegVal->FullPathName, RegVal->DirHandle, hCatAdmin, &ImageValData->Original);
RtlZeroMemory( &ImageValData->Cache, sizeof(IMAGE_VALIDATION_DATA) );
FileName = FileNameOnMedia( RegVal ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &ActualFileName, FileName );
ASSERT(FileName != NULL);
wcscpy(Buffer, SfcProtectedDllPath.Buffer); pSetupConcatenatePaths( Buffer, ActualFileName.Buffer, UnicodeChars(Buffer), NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString( &FullPath, Buffer );
SfcGetValidationData( &ActualFileName, &FullPath, SfcProtectedDllFileDirectory, hCatAdmin, &ImageValData->Cache);
DebugPrint8( LVL_VERBOSE, L"Version Data (%wZ),(%ws) - %I64x, %I64x, %lx, %lx (%ws) >%ws<", &RegVal->FileName, ImageValData->Original.FileName, ImageValData->Original.DllVersion, ImageValData->Cache.DllVersion, ImageValData->Original.DllCheckSum, ImageValData->Cache.DllCheckSum, ImageValData->Original.FilePresent ? L"Present" : L"Missing", ImageValData->Original.SignatureValid ? L"good" : L"bad" );
// log the fact that the file was validated
if (SFCChangeLog) { SfcLogFileWrite( IDS_FILE_CHANGE, RegVal->FileName.Buffer ); } #endif
return TRUE; }
BOOL pSfcHandleAllOrphannedRequests( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function cycles through the list of validation requests, taking an action (for now, just logging an event) for each request, then removing the request
Arguments: None.
Return Value: TRUE indicates that all requests were successfully removed. If any request could not be closed, the return value is FALSE. --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Current; PVALIDATION_REQUEST_DATA vrd; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; DWORD Total;
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
Total = ErrorQueueCount;
Current = SfcErrorQueue.Flink; while (Current != &SfcErrorQueue) {
ASSERT( vrd->Signature == SFC_VRD_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( vrd->RegVal != NULL );
Current = Current->Flink;
SfcReportEvent( MSG_DLL_NOVALIDATION_TERMINATION, vrd->RegVal->FullPathName.Buffer, NULL, 0 );
ErrorQueueCount -= 1;
RemoveEntryList( &vrd->Entry ); MemFree( vrd );
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &ErrorCs );
ASSERT( ErrorQueueCount == 0 );
return(RetVal); }
BOOL SfcWaitForValidDesktop( VOID ) { HDESK hDesk = NULL; WCHAR DesktopName[128]; DWORD BytesNeeded; DWORD i;
if (hEventLogon) { //
// open a handle to the desktop and check if the current desktop is the
// default desktop. If it isn't then wait for the desktop event to be
// signalled before proceeding
// Note that this event is pulsed so we have a timeout loop in case the
// event isn't signalled while we are waiting for it and the desktop
// transitions from the winlogon desktop to the default desktop
i = 0; try_again: ASSERT( hDesk == NULL ); hDesk = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if (GetUserObjectInformation( hDesk, UOI_NAME, DesktopName, sizeof(DesktopName), &BytesNeeded )) { if (wcscmp( DesktopName, L"Default" )) { if (WaitForSingleObject( hEventDeskTop, 1000 * 2 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { i += 1; if (i < MAX_DESKTOP_RETRY_COUNT) { if (hDesk) { CloseDesktop( hDesk ); hDesk = NULL; } goto try_again; } } else { RetVal = TRUE; } } else { RetVal = TRUE; } } if (hDesk) { CloseDesktop( hDesk ); } }
return(RetVal); }