Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This program monitors the heap usage of another process and updates its display every 10 seconds
Steve Wood (stevewo) 01-Nov-1994
Revision History:
#include <ntos.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void Usage( void ) { fputs( "Usage: HEAPMON [-?] [-1] [-p id] [-t | -a | -f | -d | [-u | -b]] [-( | -)] [-e]\n" "where: -? displays this message.\n" " -1 specifies to monitor the Win32 subsystem\n" " -p specifies the process to monitor\n" " Default is to monitor the Win32 subsystem\n" " -t sort output by tag name\n" " -a sort output by #allocations\n" " -f sort output by #frees\n" " -d sort output by #allocations - #frees\n" " -u sort output by bytes used\n" " -b same as -u\n" " -( Changes #allocations and #frees above to be #bytes\n" " allocated and freed\n" " -) same as -(\n" " -e enables display of total lines\n" " -l enables highlighing of changed lines\n" "\n" "While HEAPMON is running you can type any of the following\n" "switch characters to change the output:\n" " t - sort output by tag name\n" " a - sort output by #allocations\n" " f - sort output by #frees\n" " d - sort output by #allocations - #frees\n" " u or b - specifies the sort output by bytes used\n" " ( or ) - toggles interpretation of #allocations and #frees above\n" " to be #bytes allocated and freed.\n" " e - toggles display of total lines.\n" " l - toggles highlighing of changed lines\n" " ? or h - displays help text\n" " q - quit the program.\n" , stderr); ExitProcess( 1 ); }
#define TAG 0
#define ALLOC 1
#define FREE 2
#define DIFF 3
#define BYTES 4
BOOL fFirstTimeThrough; BOOL fDisplayTotals; BOOL fHighlight = TRUE; BOOL fParen; BOOL fInteractive; BOOL fQuit; BOOL fHelp; ULONG DelayTimeMsec = 5000; ULONG SortBy = TAG; HANDLE InputHandle; DWORD OriginalInputMode; HANDLE OriginalOutputHandle; HANDLE OutputHandle; COORD ConsoleBufferSize; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO OriginalConsoleInfo; WORD NormalAttribute; WORD HighlightAttribute; ULONG NumberOfCols; ULONG NumberOfRows; ULONG NumberOfDetailLines; ULONG FirstDetailLine; ULONG NumberOfInputRecords; INPUT_RECORD InputRecord;
typedef struct _HEAP_ENTRY { struct _HEAP_ENTRY *Next; BOOL Changed; PVOID HeapBase; PCHAR HeapName; SIZE_T BytesAllocated; SIZE_T BytesCommitted; } HEAP_ENTRY, *PHEAP_ENTRY;
typedef struct _TAG_COUNTS { SIZE_T Allocs; SIZE_T Frees; SIZE_T Used; SIZE_T Allocs_Frees; SIZE_T UsedPerAlloc; } TAG_COUNTS, *PTAG_COUNTS;
typedef struct _TAG_TOTALS { BOOL Changed; TAG_COUNTS Counts; TAG_COUNTS Differences; } TAG_TOTALS, *PTAG_TOTALS;
typedef struct _TAG_ENTRY { struct _TAG_ENTRY *Next; PCHAR HeapName; PCHAR TagName; PVOID HeapBase; USHORT TagIndex; BOOL Changed; TAG_COUNTS Counts; TAG_COUNTS PrevCounts; TAG_COUNTS Differences; } TAG_ENTRY, *PTAG_ENTRY;
ULONG HeapListLength; PHEAP_ENTRY HeapListHead; ULONG TagListLength; PTAG_ENTRY TagListHead, *TagArray; TAG_TOTALS TagTotals;
VOID ShowHelpPopup( VOID );
VOID UpdateDisplay( VOID );
VOID DumpTagDataBase( VOID );
PCHAR GetNameForHeapBase( PVOID HeapBase );
PVOID CreateNameTable( IN ULONG NumberOfBuckets );
PCHAR AddNameToNameTable( IN PVOID pNameTable, IN PCHAR Name );
PVOID NameTable;
BOOL ProcessOptionCharacter( IN CHAR c );
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { DWORD_PTR ProcessId; PCHAR s, s1; NTSTATUS Status; PRTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION p; SMALL_RECT NewWindowRect;
NameTable = CreateNameTable( 37 );
ProcessId = 0xFFFFFFFF; fHelp = FALSE; fInteractive = TRUE; while (--argc) { s = *++argv; if (*s == '-' || *s == '/') { while (*++s) { if (!ProcessOptionCharacter( *s )) { switch ( toupper( *s ) ) { case '1': fQuit = TRUE; fInteractive = FALSE; break;
case 'P': if (--argc) { ProcessId = atoi( *++argv ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: missing argument to -p switch\n" ); fHelp = TRUE; } break;
default: fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: invalid switch - /%c\n", *s ); fHelp = TRUE; break; } } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: invalid argument - %s\n", s ); fHelp = TRUE; } }
if (fHelp) { Usage(); }
if (ProcessId == -1) { HANDLE Process; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION BasicInfo;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, L"\\WindowsSS" ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, 0, NULL, NULL ); Status = NtOpenProcess( &Process, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes, NULL ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( Process, ProcessBasicInformation, (PVOID)&BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), NULL ); NtClose( Process ); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: Unable to access Win32 server process - %08x", Status ); if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { fprintf( stderr, "\nUse GFLAGS.EXE to ""Enable debugging of Win32 Subsystem"" and reboot.\n" ); } ExitProcess( 1 ); }
ProcessId = BasicInfo.UniqueProcessId; }
InputHandle = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); OriginalOutputHandle = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); if (fInteractive) { if (InputHandle == NULL || OriginalOutputHandle == NULL || !GetConsoleMode( InputHandle, &OriginalInputMode ) ) { fInteractive = FALSE; } else { OutputHandle = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL ); if (OutputHandle == NULL || !GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( OriginalOutputHandle, &OriginalConsoleInfo ) || !SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( OutputHandle, OriginalConsoleInfo.dwSize ) || !SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OutputHandle ) || !SetConsoleMode( InputHandle, 0 ) ) { if (OutputHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle( OutputHandle ); OutputHandle = NULL; }
fInteractive = FALSE; } else { NormalAttribute = 0x1F; HighlightAttribute = 0x71; NumberOfCols = OriginalConsoleInfo.dwSize.X; NumberOfRows = OriginalConsoleInfo.dwSize.Y; NumberOfDetailLines = NumberOfRows; } } }
p = RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer( 0, TRUE ); if (p == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: Unable to create query buffer.\n" ); ExitProcess( 1 ); }
if (GetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess() ) == NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) { SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ); }
Status = RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation( (HANDLE)ProcessId, RTL_QUERY_PROCESS_MODULES | RTL_QUERY_PROCESS_HEAP_SUMMARY | RTL_QUERY_PROCESS_HEAP_TAGS, p ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: Unable to query heap tags from Process %u (%x)\n", ProcessId, Status ); fprintf( stderr, " Be sure target process was launched with the\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " 'Enable heap tagging' option enabled.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " Use the GFLAGS.EXE application to do this.\n" ); ExitProcess( 1 ); }
ScreenUpdateLoop( p );
RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer( p );
if (fInteractive) { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OriginalOutputHandle ); SetConsoleMode( InputHandle, OriginalInputMode ); CloseHandle( OutputHandle ); }
ExitProcess( 0 ); return 0; }
VOID ScreenUpdateLoop( PRTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION p ) { NTSTATUS Status; COORD cp; COORD newcp; COORD originalCp; LONG ScrollDelta; ULONG i, MaxLines; UCHAR LastKey = 0;
fFirstTimeThrough = TRUE; while (TRUE) { if (!UpdateTagDataBase( p )) { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: Unable to compute tag data base\n" ); break; } fFirstTimeThrough = FALSE;
if (fInteractive) { UpdateDisplay(); while (WaitForSingleObject( InputHandle, DelayTimeMsec ) == STATUS_WAIT_0) { //
// Check for input record
if (ReadConsoleInput( InputHandle, &InputRecord, 1, &NumberOfInputRecords ) && InputRecord.EventType == KEY_EVENT && InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ) { LastKey = InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; if (!ProcessOptionCharacter( LastKey ) ) { if (LastKey < ' ') { ScrollDelta = 0; if (LastKey == 'C'-'A'+1) { fQuit = TRUE; } else switch (InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) { case VK_ESCAPE: fQuit = TRUE; break;
case VK_PRIOR: ScrollDelta = -(LONG)(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount * NumberOfDetailLines); break;
case VK_NEXT: ScrollDelta = InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount * NumberOfDetailLines; break;
case VK_UP: ScrollDelta = -InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount; break;
case VK_DOWN: ScrollDelta = InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount; break;
case VK_HOME: FirstDetailLine = 0; break;
case VK_END: FirstDetailLine = TagListLength - NumberOfDetailLines; break; }
if (ScrollDelta != 0) { if (ScrollDelta < 0) { if (FirstDetailLine <= (ULONG)-ScrollDelta) { FirstDetailLine = 0; ScrollDelta = 0; } } FirstDetailLine += ScrollDelta; if (FirstDetailLine >= (TagListLength - NumberOfDetailLines)) { FirstDetailLine = TagListLength - NumberOfDetailLines; } }
if (FirstDetailLine > TagListLength) { FirstDetailLine = TagListLength; } } else { switch (toupper( LastKey )) { case 'Q': //
// Go to the bottom of the current screen when
// we quit.
fQuit = TRUE; break; } } } else { FirstDetailLine = 0; }
break; } }
if (fQuit) { break; }
if (fHelp) { fHelp = FALSE; ShowHelpPopup(); } } else { DumpTagDataBase();
if (fQuit) { break; }
Sleep( DelayTimeMsec ); }
Status = RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation( p->TargetProcessId, p->Flags, p ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { fprintf( stderr, "HEAPMON: Unable to update heap tags from Process %p (%x)\n", p->TargetProcessId, Status ); break; } }
return; }
BOOL WriteConsoleLine( HANDLE OutputHandle, WORD LineNumber, LPSTR Text, BOOL Highlight ) { COORD WriteCoord; DWORD NumberWritten; DWORD TextLength;
WriteCoord.X = 0; WriteCoord.Y = LineNumber; if (!FillConsoleOutputCharacter( OutputHandle, ' ', NumberOfCols, WriteCoord, &NumberWritten ) ) { return FALSE; }
if (!FillConsoleOutputAttribute( OutputHandle, (WORD)((Highlight && fHighlight) ? HighlightAttribute : NormalAttribute), NumberOfCols, WriteCoord, &NumberWritten ) ) { return FALSE; }
if (Text == NULL || (TextLength = strlen( Text )) == 0) { return TRUE; } else { return WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( OutputHandle, Text, TextLength, WriteCoord, &NumberWritten ); } }
VOID ShowHelpPopup( VOID ) { HANDLE PopupHandle; WORD n;
PopupHandle = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL ); if (PopupHandle == NULL) { return; }
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( PopupHandle ); n = 0;
WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " HeapMon Help", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " columns:", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Heap Name is the name or hex address of the heap", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Tag Name is a string given to the heap allocation", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " For untagged allocations, the tag name is a function of the size", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Objects= 32 - objects of size 32 bytes", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Objects>1024 - objects larger than 1024 bytes are lumped under this tag", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " VirtualAlloc - objects larger than 1MB bytes are lumped under this tag", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Allocations is count of all alloctions", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " ( ) is difference in Allocations column from last update", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Frees is count of all frees", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " ( ) difference in Frees column from last update", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Diff is (Allocations - Frees)", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " Bytes Used is the total bytes consumed in heap", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " ( ) difference in Bytes column from last update", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " switches: ", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " ? or h - gives this help", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " q - quits", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " e - toggles totals lines on and off", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " l - toggles highlighting of changed lines on and off", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " sorting switches:", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " t - tag a - allocations", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " f - frees d - difference", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " b - bytes (u is the same as b)", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " ) - toggles sort between primary value and value in ( )", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " command line switches", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, " -eltafdbu) - as listed above", FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE ); WriteConsoleLine( PopupHandle, n++, NULL, FALSE );
while (TRUE) { if (WaitForSingleObject( InputHandle, DelayTimeMsec ) == STATUS_WAIT_0 && ReadConsoleInput( InputHandle, &InputRecord, 1, &NumberOfInputRecords ) && InputRecord.EventType == KEY_EVENT && InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE ) { break; } }
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( OutputHandle ); CloseHandle( PopupHandle ); return; }
VOID UpdateDisplay( VOID ) { ULONG HeapLines, DetailLines, SummaryLines; WORD DisplayLine; PHEAP_ENTRY pHeap; PTAG_ENTRY p, *pp; CHAR Buffer[ 512 ];
HeapLines = HeapListLength; if (fDisplayTotals) { SummaryLines = 2; RtlZeroMemory( &TagTotals, sizeof( TagTotals ) ); } else { SummaryLines = 0; } DetailLines = NumberOfRows - HeapLines - SummaryLines - 3; NumberOfDetailLines = DetailLines; if (DetailLines > (TagListLength - FirstDetailLine)) { DetailLines = TagListLength - FirstDetailLine; }
DisplayLine = 0; WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, "Heap Name Address Allocated Committed Free", FALSE );
pHeap = HeapListHead;
Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = 0;
while (pHeap != NULL && HeapLines--) { _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%-20.20s %p %8u %8u %8u", pHeap->HeapName, pHeap->HeapBase, pHeap->BytesAllocated, pHeap->BytesCommitted, pHeap->BytesCommitted - pHeap->BytesAllocated ); WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, Buffer, pHeap->Changed );
pHeap->Changed = FALSE;
pHeap = pHeap->Next; }
pp = &TagArray[ FirstDetailLine ]; WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, "Heap Name Tag Name Allocations Frees Diff Bytes Used", FALSE ); Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = 0; while (DetailLines--) { p = *pp++; _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%-20.20s %-14.14s %8u (%6u) %8u (%6u) %6u %8u (%6u)", p->HeapName, p->TagName, p->Counts.Allocs, p->Differences.Allocs, p->Counts.Frees, p->Differences.Frees, p->Counts.Allocs_Frees, p->Counts.Used, p->Differences.Used ); if (fDisplayTotals) { TagTotals.Counts.Allocs += p->Counts.Allocs; TagTotals.Differences.Allocs += p->Differences.Allocs; TagTotals.Counts.Frees += p->Counts.Frees; TagTotals.Differences.Frees += p->Differences.Frees; TagTotals.Counts.Allocs_Frees += p->Counts.Allocs_Frees; TagTotals.Differences.Allocs_Frees += p->Counts.Used; TagTotals.Differences.Used += p->Differences.Used; TagTotals.Changed |= p->Changed; }
WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, Buffer, p->Changed );
p->Changed = FALSE; }
while (SummaryLines--) { if (SummaryLines) { WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, NULL, FALSE ); } else { Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = 0; _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%-20.20s %-14.14s %8u (%6u) %8u (%6u) %6u %8u (%6u)", "Totals", "", TagTotals.Counts.Allocs, TagTotals.Differences.Allocs, TagTotals.Counts.Frees, TagTotals.Differences.Frees, TagTotals.Counts.Allocs_Frees, TagTotals.Differences.Allocs_Frees, TagTotals.Differences.Used );
WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, Buffer, TagTotals.Changed ); } }
while (DisplayLine < NumberOfRows) { WriteConsoleLine( OutputHandle, DisplayLine++, NULL, FALSE ); }
return; }
VOID DumpTagDataBase( VOID ) { ULONG i; PTAG_ENTRY p;
for (i=0; i<TagListLength; i++) { p = TagArray[ i ]; if (p->Changed && (p->Counts.Used != 0)) { printf( "%-14.14s%-20.20s %8u (%6u) %8u (%6u) %6u %8u (%6u)\n", p->HeapName, p->TagName, p->Counts.Allocs, p->Differences.Allocs, p->Counts.Frees, p->Differences.Frees, p->Counts.Allocs_Frees, p->Counts.Used, p->Differences.Used ); p->Changed = FALSE; } }
return; }
__inline int DiffSizeT(SIZE_T s1, SIZE_T s2) { if (s1 == s2) return 0;
if (s1 > s2) return -1; else return 1; }
int __cdecl CompareTagFunction( const void *e1, const void *e2 ) { int Result; PTAG_ENTRY p1, p2; SIZE_T s1, s2;
p1 = *(PTAG_ENTRY *)e1; p2 = *(PTAG_ENTRY *)e2;
switch (SortBy) { case TAG: Result = _stricmp( p1->HeapName, p2->HeapName ); if (!Result) { Result = _stricmp( p1->TagName, p2->TagName ); } return Result;
case ALLOC: if (fParen) { return DiffSizeT(p2->Differences.Allocs, p1->Differences.Allocs); } else { return DiffSizeT(p2->Counts.Allocs, p1->Counts.Allocs); }
case FREE: if (fParen) { return DiffSizeT(p2->Differences.Frees, p1->Differences.Frees); } else { return DiffSizeT(p2->Counts.Frees, p1->Counts.Frees); }
case BYTES: if (fParen) { return DiffSizeT(p2->Differences.Used, p1->Differences.Used); } else { return DiffSizeT(p2->Counts.Used, p1->Counts.Used); }
case DIFF: return DiffSizeT(p2->Counts.Allocs_Frees, p1->Counts.Allocs_Frees); }
return(0); }
BOOLEAN UpdateTagDataBase( PRTL_DEBUG_INFORMATION DebugInfo ) { PTAG_ENTRY p, p1, *pp; PLIST_ENTRY Next, Head; ULONG HeapNumber; PRTL_PROCESS_HEAPS Heaps; PRTL_HEAP_INFORMATION HeapInfo; PRTL_HEAP_TAG HeapTagEntry; PVOID HeapNameBase; PCHAR HeapName; ULONG TagIndex; UCHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL CalcDifferences;
if (!UpdateHeapDataBase( DebugInfo )) { return FALSE; }
pp = &TagListHead; Heaps = DebugInfo->Heaps; HeapInfo = &Heaps->Heaps[ 0 ]; for (HeapNumber = 0; HeapNumber < Heaps->NumberOfHeaps; HeapNumber++) { if (HeapInfo->Tags != NULL && HeapInfo->NumberOfTags > 0) { HeapTagEntry = HeapInfo->Tags; for (TagIndex=0; TagIndex<HeapInfo->NumberOfTags; TagIndex++) { p = *pp; if (p == NULL || p->HeapBase != HeapInfo->BaseAddress || p->TagIndex != HeapTagEntry->TagIndex ) { if (HeapTagEntry->NumberOfAllocations != 0 || HeapTagEntry->NumberOfFrees != 0 || HeapTagEntry->BytesAllocated != 0 ) { *pp = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *p ) ); if (*pp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
(*pp)->Next = p; p = *pp; if (p->Next == NULL) { pp = &p->Next; }
p->HeapBase = HeapInfo->BaseAddress; if (p->HeapBase != HeapNameBase) { HeapName = GetNameForHeapBase( HeapNameBase = p->HeapBase ); } p->HeapName = HeapName;
p->TagIndex = HeapTagEntry->TagIndex; Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = 0; _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%ws", HeapTagEntry->TagName ); p->TagName = AddNameToNameTable( NameTable, Buffer ); p->Changed = !fFirstTimeThrough; TagListLength += 1; CalcDifferences = FALSE; } else { p = NULL; } } else { pp = &p->Next; p->PrevCounts = p->Counts; CalcDifferences = TRUE; p->Changed = FALSE; }
if (p != NULL) { p->Counts.Allocs = HeapTagEntry->NumberOfAllocations; p->Counts.Frees = HeapTagEntry->NumberOfFrees; p->Counts.Used = HeapTagEntry->BytesAllocated; p->Counts.Allocs_Frees = p->Counts.Allocs - p->Counts.Frees; if (CalcDifferences) { p->Differences.Allocs = p->Counts.Allocs - p->PrevCounts.Allocs; p->Differences.Frees = p->Counts.Frees - p->PrevCounts.Frees; p->Differences.Used = p->Counts.Used - p->PrevCounts.Used; p->Differences.Allocs_Frees = p->Counts.Allocs_Frees - p->PrevCounts.Allocs_Frees; if (p->Differences.Allocs != 0 || p->Differences.Frees != 0 || p->Differences.Used != 0 || p->Differences.Allocs_Frees != 0 ) { p->Changed = TRUE; } } }
HeapTagEntry += 1; } }
HeapInfo += 1; }
if (TagArray != NULL) { RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, TagArray ); } TagArray = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, TagListLength * sizeof( *TagArray ) ); if (TagArray == NULL) { return FALSE; }
p = TagListHead; pp = TagArray; while (p != NULL) { *pp++ = p; p = p->Next; }
qsort( (void *)TagArray, (size_t)TagListLength, (size_t)sizeof( *TagArray ), CompareTagFunction );
return TRUE; }
pp = &HeapListHead; Heaps = DebugInfo->Heaps; HeapInfo = Heaps->Heaps; for (i=0; i<Heaps->NumberOfHeaps; i++) { p = *pp; if (p == NULL || p->HeapBase != HeapInfo->BaseAddress ) { *pp = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *p ) ); if (*pp == NULL) { return FALSE; } (*pp)->Next = p; p = *pp; if (p->Next == NULL) { pp = &p->Next; }
p->HeapBase = HeapInfo->BaseAddress; HeapTagEntry = HeapInfo->Tags + HeapInfo->NumberOfPseudoTags; Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = 0; if (HeapInfo->NumberOfTags > HeapInfo->NumberOfPseudoTags && HeapTagEntry->TagName[ 0 ] != UNICODE_NULL ) { _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%ws", HeapTagEntry->TagName ); } else { _snprintf( Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, "%p", p->HeapBase ); } p->HeapName = AddNameToNameTable( NameTable, Buffer ); p->BytesAllocated = HeapInfo->BytesAllocated; p->BytesCommitted = HeapInfo->BytesCommitted; p->Changed = !fFirstTimeThrough; HeapListLength += 1; } else { p->Changed = FALSE; if (HeapInfo->BytesAllocated != p->BytesAllocated) { p->Changed = TRUE; p->BytesAllocated = HeapInfo->BytesAllocated; }
if (HeapInfo->BytesCommitted != p->BytesCommitted) { p->Changed = TRUE; p->BytesCommitted = HeapInfo->BytesCommitted; }
pp = &p->Next; }
HeapInfo += 1; }
return TRUE; }
PCHAR GetNameForHeapBase( PVOID HeapBase ) { PHEAP_ENTRY p;
p = HeapListHead; while (p != NULL) { if (p->HeapBase == HeapBase) { return p->HeapName; } else { p = p->Next; } } return NULL; }
typedef struct _NAME_TABLE { ULONG NumberOfBuckets; PNAME_TABLE_ENTRY Buckets[1]; } NAME_TABLE, *PNAME_TABLE;
PVOID CreateNameTable( IN ULONG NumberOfBuckets ) { PNAME_TABLE p; ULONG Size;
Size = FIELD_OFFSET( NAME_TABLE, Buckets ) + (sizeof( PNAME_TABLE_ENTRY ) * NumberOfBuckets);
p = (PNAME_TABLE)RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Size ); if (p != NULL) { p->NumberOfBuckets = NumberOfBuckets; }
return p; }
PCHAR AddNameToNameTable( IN PVOID pNameTable, IN PCHAR Name ) { PNAME_TABLE localNameTable = pNameTable; PNAME_TABLE_ENTRY p, *pp; ULONG Value; ULONG n, Hash; UCHAR c; PCHAR s; PNAME_TABLE_ENTRY *pa, a;
s = Name; Hash = 0; while (c = *s++) { c = (UCHAR)toupper( c ); Hash = Hash + (c << 1) + (c >> 1) + c; } n = (ULONG)((PCHAR)s - (PCHAR)Name);
if (0 == localNameTable->NumberOfBuckets) { return NULL; } pp = &localNameTable->Buckets[ Hash % localNameTable->NumberOfBuckets ]; while (p = *pp) { if (!_stricmp( p->Name, Name )) { break; } else { pp = &p->HashLink; } }
if (p == NULL) { p = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( *p ) + n ); if (p == NULL) { return NULL; } p->HashLink = NULL; //
// We've just checked that Name is terminated and
// we allocate memory accordingly, but anyway...
strncpy( p->Name, Name, n ); *pp = p; }
return p->Name; }
BOOL ProcessOptionCharacter( IN CHAR c ) { switch (toupper( c )) { case 'T': SortBy = TAG; return TRUE;
case 'A': SortBy = ALLOC; return TRUE;
case 'U': case 'B': SortBy = BYTES; return TRUE;
case 'F': SortBy = FREE; return TRUE;
case 'D': SortBy = DIFF; return TRUE;
case '(': case ')': fParen = !fParen; return TRUE;
case 'E': fDisplayTotals = !fDisplayTotals; return TRUE;
case 'L': fHighlight = !fHighlight; break;
case 'H': case '?': fHelp = TRUE; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }