Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the generic routines and initialization code for the kernel debugger extensions dll.
#define KDEXT_64BIT
#include <windows.h>
#include <wdbgexts.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ntverp.h>
// BUGBUG - need to find better way to get these values
#define WizPagesTypeMax 7
#define LOADED_INF_SIG 0x24666e49
#define INF_STYLE_NONE 0x00000000 // unrecognized or non-existent
#define INF_STYLE_OLDNT 0x00000001 // winnt 3.x
#define INF_STYLE_WIN4 0x00000002 // Win95
#define SPOST_NONE 0
#define SPOST_PATH 1
#define SPOST_URL 2
#define SPOST_MAX 3
#define DRIVERSIGN_NONE 0x00000000
#define DRIVERSIGN_WARNING 0x00000001
#define DRIVERSIGN_BLOCKING 0x00000002
#define SP_FILE_QUEUE_SIG 0xc78e1098
#define FILEOP_COPY 0
#define FILEOP_ABORT 0
#define FILEOP_DOIT 1
#define FILEOP_SKIP 2
// Local function prototypes
VOID UtilGetWStringField ( ULONG64 Address, PUCHAR Structure, PUCHAR Field, PWCHAR Buffer, ULONG Size );
VOID UtilReadWString ( ULONG64 Address, PWCHAR Buffer, ULONG64 Size );
VOID UtilDumpHex ( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG Size );
VOID DumpUnwindList( ULONG64 pun, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpTargetEnt( ULONG64 pte );
VOID DumpDelayMoveList( ULONG64 pdn, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpFileQueueNodeList( ULONG64 pfqn, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpSourceMediaInfoList( ULONG64 smi, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpCatalogInfoList( ULONG64 ci, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpAltPlatformInfo( ULONG64 api );
VOID DumpXFile( ULONG64 pxf, ULONG64 mask );
VOID DumpXDirectory( ULONG64 pxdir, ULONG64 mask );
VOID DumpXDrive( ULONG64 pxd, ULONG64 mask );
VOID DumpInfVersionNode( ULONG64 ver );
VOID DumpInfLine( ULONG64 line, ULONG64 valuedata );
VOID DumpStringTableHeader( ULONG64 st );
VOID DumpInfSection( ULONG64 section, ULONG64 linedata, ULONG64 valuedata );
ULONG64 GetStringTableData( ULONG64 st );
ULONG64 GetFirstNode( ULONG64 stdata, ULONG64 offset, PULONG64 poffset );
ULONG64 GetNextNode( ULONG64 stdata, ULONG64 node, PULONG64 offset );
BOOL CheckInterupted( VOID );
LPCSTR GetWizPage( DWORD i );
VOID DumpOcComponent( ULONG64 offset, ULONG64 node, ULONG64 pcomp );
// globals
ULONG64 EXPRLastDump = 0;
// this string is for supporting both the old and the new way of getting
// data from the kernel. Maybe it will go away soon.
char ___SillyString[200];
DllInit( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, DWORD dwReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break;
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; }
return TRUE; }
VOID WinDbgExtensionDllInit( PWINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64 lpExtensionApis, // 64Bit Change
USHORT MajorVersion, USHORT MinorVersion ) { ExtensionApis = *lpExtensionApis;
SavedMajorVersion = MajorVersion; SavedMinorVersion = MinorVersion;
return; }
VOID CheckVersion( VOID ) { return; }
LPEXT_API_VERSION ExtensionApiVersion( VOID ) { return &ApiVersion; }
VOID UtilGetWStringField ( ULONG64 Address, PUCHAR Structure, PUCHAR Field, PWCHAR Buffer, ULONG Size ) { ULONG offset = 0; GetFieldOffset (Structure, Field, &offset); UtilReadWString (offset + Address, Buffer, Size); }
VOID UtilReadWString ( ULONG64 Address, PWCHAR Buffer, ULONG64 Size ) { ULONG64 count = 0;
ZeroMemory (Buffer, (ULONG) Size); while (1) { if (count == (Size-1)) { break; } ReadMemory (Address + (count * sizeof (WCHAR)), Buffer + count, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count]) { break; } count ++; } }
ULONG64 UtilStringToUlong64 ( UCHAR *String ) { ULONG64 ReturnValue = 0; sscanf (String, "%I64x", &ReturnValue);
return ReturnValue; }
VOID UtilDumpHex ( PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG Size ) { ULONG count = 0, count2 = 0; dprintf ("\n%08lx:", Buffer); while (count < Size) {
if (! (count%16) && count) { dprintf ("|"); for (count2 = 16; count2; count2--) { if (Buffer[count - count2] >= 0x30) { dprintf ("%c", (UCHAR) Buffer[count - count2]); } else { dprintf ("."); } } dprintf ("\n%08lx:", Buffer + count); } dprintf ("%02x ", (UCHAR) Buffer[count]); count ++; } }
VOID DumpUnwindList( ULONG64 pun, BOOL recursive ) { InitTypeRead (pun, SETUPAPI!SP_UNWIND_NODE);
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_UNWIND_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t NextNode : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (NextNode)); dprintf( "\t\t TargetID : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (TargetID)); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SecurityDesc)); dprintf( "\t\t CreateTime : 0x%I64x 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (CreateTime.dwLowDateTime), ReadField (CreateTime.dwHighDateTime));
dprintf( "\t\t AccessTime : 0x%I64x 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (AccessTime.dwLowDateTime), ReadField (AccessTime.dwHighDateTime));
dprintf( "\t\t WriteTime : 0x%I64x 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (WriteTime.dwLowDateTime), ReadField (WriteTime.dwHighDateTime));
if (ReadField (NextNode) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpUnwindList(ReadField (NextNode), TRUE ); }
VOID DumpTargetEnt( ULONG64 pte ) { InitTypeRead (pte, SETUPAPI!SP_TARGET_ENT); dprintf( "\t\t***SP_TARGET_ENT structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetRoot : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (TargetRoot)); dprintf( "\t\t TargetSubDir : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (TargetSubDir)); dprintf( "\t\t TargetFilename : 0x%I64\n", ReadField (TargetFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t BackupRoot : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (BackupRoot)); dprintf( "\t\t BackupSubDir : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (BackupSubDir)); dprintf( "\t\t BackupFilename : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (BackupFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t NewTargetFilename : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (NewTargetFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t InternalFlags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (InternalFlags)); }
VOID DumpDelayMoveList( ULONG64 pdn, BOOL recursive ) { InitTypeRead (pdn, SETUPAPI!SP_DELAYMOVE_NODE);
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_DELAYMOVE_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t NextNode : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (NextNode)); dprintf( "\t\t SourceFilename : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourceFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t TargetFilename : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (TargetFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc (stringtable index) : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SecurityDesc));
if (ReadField (NextNode) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpDelayMoveList( ReadField (Next), TRUE ); }
VOID DumpFileQueueNodeList( ULONG64 pfqn, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive )
{ InitTypeRead (pfqn, SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE); dprintf( "\t\t***SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Next)); dprintf( "\t\t Operation : 0x%I64x ( %s )\n", ReadField (Operation), (ReadField (Operation) == FILEOP_DELETE) ? "DELETE" : (ReadField (Operation) == FILEOP_RENAME) ? "RENAME" : "COPY" );
dprintf( "\t\t SourceRootPath : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourceRootPath)); dprintf( "\t\t SourcePath : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourcePath)); dprintf( "\t\t SourceFilename : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourceFilename)); dprintf( "\t\t TargetDirectory : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (TargetDirectory)); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SecurityDesc));
dprintf( "\t\t SourceMediaInfo : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourceMediaInfo)); if (ReadField (SourceMediaInfo) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpSourceMediaInfoList( ReadField (SourceMediaInfo), mask, FALSE ); InitTypeRead (pfqn, SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE); } dprintf( "\t\t StyleFlags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (StyleFlags)); dprintf( "\t\t InternalFlags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (InternalFlags));
dprintf( "\t\t CatalogInfo : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (CatalogInfo)); if (ReadField (CatalogInfo) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpCatalogInfoList( ReadField (CatalogInfo), mask, FALSE ); InitTypeRead (pfqn, SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE); }
if (ReadField (Next) && recursive) {
DumpFileQueueNodeList( ReadField (Next), mask, TRUE ); }
VOID DumpSourceMediaInfoList( ULONG64 smi, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive ) { InitTypeRead (smi, SETUPAPI!SOURCE_MEDIA_INFO);
dprintf( "\t\t***SOURCE_MEDIA_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Next)); dprintf( "\t\t Description : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Description)); dprintf( "\t\t DescriptionDisplayName : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (DescriptionDisplayName)); dprintf( "\t\t Tagfile : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Tagfile)); dprintf( "\t\t SourceRootPath : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SourceRootPath)); dprintf( "\t\t CopyQueue : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (CopyQueue));
if (ReadField (CopyQueue) && (mask & 8) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpFileQueueNodeList( ReadField (CopyQueue), mask, FALSE ); InitTypeRead (smi, SETUPAPI!SOURCE_MEDIA_INFO); }
dprintf( "\t\t CopyNodeCount : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (CopyNodeCount)); dprintf( "\t\t Flags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Flags));
if (ReadField (Next) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpSourceMediaInfoList( ReadField (next), mask, TRUE ); }
VOID DumpCatalogInfoList( ULONG64 ci, ULONG64 mask, BOOL recursive ) { WCHAR Buffer[200];
InitTypeRead (ci, SETUPAPI!SPQ_CATALOG_INFO); dprintf( "\t\t***SPQ_CATALOG_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Next)); dprintf( "\t\t CatalogFileFromInf : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (CatalogFileFromInf)); dprintf( "\t\t AltCatalogFileFromInf : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (AltCatalogFileFromInf)); dprintf( "\t\t AltCatalogFileFromInfPending : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (AltCatalogFileFromInfPending)); dprintf( "\t\t InfFullPath : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (InfFullPath)); dprintf( "\t\t InfOriginalName : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (InfOriginalName)); dprintf( "\t\t InfFinalPath : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (InfFinalPath)); dprintf( "\t\t VerificationFailureError : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (VerificationFailureError)); dprintf( "\t\t Flags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Flags)); UtilGetWStringField (ci, "SETUPAPI!SPQ_CATALOG_INFO", "CatalogFilenameOnSystem", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t\t CatalogFilenameOnSystem : %ws\n", Buffer);
if (ReadField (Next) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } DumpCatalogInfoList(ReadField (Next), mask, TRUE ) ; }
VOID DumpAltPlatformInfo( ULONG64 api ) { InitTypeRead (api, SETUPAPI!SP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO);
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_ALT_PLATFORM_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t cbSize : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (cbSize)); dprintf( "\t\t Platform : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Platform)); dprintf( "\t\t MajorVersion : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (MajorVersion)); dprintf( "\t\t MinorVersion : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (MinorVersion)); dprintf( "\t\t ProcessorArchitecture : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (ProcessorArchitecture)); dprintf( "\t\t Reserved : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Reserved));
VOID DumpXFile( ULONG64 pxf, ULONG64 mask ) { if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) { return; }
InitTypeRead (pxf, SETUPAPI!XFILE); dprintf( "\t\t ***XFILE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t CurrentSize : 0x%I64x", ReadField (CurrentSize)); if (ReadField (CurrentSize) == -1) { dprintf( " (doesn't currently exist)" ); } dprintf( "\n\t\t NewSize : 0x%I64x", ReadField (NewSize)); if (ReadField (NewSize) == -1) { dprintf( " (will be deleted)" ); } dprintf("\n");
VOID DumpXDirectory( ULONG64 pxdir, ULONG64 mask ) { ULONG64 pst; DWORD i; ULONG64 offset; ULONG64 stdata = 0,pextradata = 0; //STRING_TABLE st;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//PXFILE pxf;
ULONG64 node = 0, boffset = 0, count = 0; WCHAR Buffer [200]; ULONG64 pxf = 0;
if ((mask & 2) == 0 ) { return; }
InitTypeRead (pxdir, SETUPAPI!XDIRECTORY);
dprintf( "\t\t ***XDIRECTORY structure***\n"); dprintf( "\t\t SpaceRequired : 0x%x\n", ReadField (SpaceRequired)); dprintf( "\t\t FilesTable : 08%08x\n", ReadField (FilesTable)); pst = ReadField (FilesTable); DumpStringTableHeader (pst); stdata = GetStringTableData (pst); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pxf = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); DumpXFile(pxf, mask ); node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
VOID DumpXDrive( ULONG64 pxd, ULONG64 mask ) { DWORD i; ULONG64 offset = 0; ULONG64 stdata = 0, pextradata = 0, pst = 0; //STRING_TABLE st;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
ULONG64 node = 0, pxdir = 0, boffset = 0, count = 0; WCHAR Buffer [200];
if ((mask & 1) == 0) { return; }
InitTypeRead (pxd, SETUPAPI!XDRIVE); dprintf( "\t\t***XDRIVE structure***\n"); dprintf( "\t\t SpaceRequired : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SpaceRequired)); dprintf( "\t\t BytesPerCluster : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (BytesPerCluster)); dprintf( "\t\t Slop : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Slop)); dprintf( "\t\t DirsTable : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DirsTable));
pst = ReadField (DirsTable); DumpStringTableHeader (pst); stdata = GetStringTableData(pst );
if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pxdir = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); DumpXDirectory(pxdir, mask ); node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
VOID DumpInfVersionNode( ULONG64 ver ) { WCHAR Buffer[200]; InitTypeRead (ver, SETUPAPI!INF_VERSION_NODE);
dprintf("***INF_VERSION_NODE***\n"); dprintf("\t FilenameSize : 0x%x\n", ReadField (FilenameSize)); dprintf("\t DataBlock : 0x%x\n", ReadField (DataBlock)); dprintf("\t DataSize : 0x%x\n", ReadField (DataSize)); dprintf("\t DatumCount : 0x%x\n", ReadField (DatumCount)); UtilGetWStringField (ver, "SETUPAPI!INF_VERSION_NODE", "Filename", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\t Filename : %ws\n", Buffer);
return; }
VOID DumpInfLine( ULONG64 line, ULONG64 valuedata ) { DWORD i; ULONG64 ptr = 0; ULONG64 data = 0; ULONG ulongptrsize = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR");
InitTypeRead (line, SETUPAPI!INF_LINE);
dprintf("\t ValueCount : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (ValueCount)); dprintf("\t Flags : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Flags)); dprintf("\t Values : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Values));
if (ReadField (Flags) > 3) { return; }
for (i = 0; i< ReadField (ValueCount); i++) { ptr = valuedata + (ReadField (Values) * ulongptrsize) + (i * ulongptrsize); ReadMemory (ptr, &data, ulongptrsize, NULL); dprintf("\t data [%ld] : 0x%I64x [0x%I64x]\n", i, ptr, data);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
VOID DumpInfSection( ULONG64 section, ULONG64 linedata, ULONG64 valuedata ) { DWORD i; //INF_LINE line;
ULONG64 line; ULONG64 data;
InitTypeRead (section, SETUPAPI!INF_SECTION);
dprintf("***INF_SECTION***\n"); dprintf("\t SectionName : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SectionName)); dprintf("\t LineCount : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (LineCount)); dprintf("\t Lines : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (Lines));
for (i = 0; i< ReadField (LineCount); i++) {
data = linedata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!INF_LINE") * ReadField (Lines)) + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!INF_LINE") * i; dprintf("***INF_LINE [%ld] at 0x%I64x***\n", i, data);
DumpInfLine (data, valuedata); //
// Have to reinit type read because of DumpInfLine
InitTypeRead (section, SETUPAPI!INF_SECTION);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
VOID DumpStringTableHeader( ULONG64 st ) { //
// dump the string table header
dprintf("\tBase Data ptr:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Data)); dprintf("\tDataSize:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DataSize)); dprintf("\tBufferSize:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (BufferSize)); dprintf("\tExtraDataSize:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ExtraDataSize));
ULONG64 GetStringTableData( ULONG64 st ) { InitTypeRead (st, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); return ReadField (Data); }
ULONG64 GetFirstNode( ULONG64 stdata, ULONG64 offset, PULONG64 poffset ) { ULONG64 NodeAddress = 0; ReadPtr (offset, &NodeAddress); *poffset = NodeAddress; if (NodeAddress == -1) { return 0; }
return NodeAddress + stdata;
ULONG64 GetNextNode( ULONG64 stdata, ULONG64 node, PULONG64 offset ) { ULONG64 next, nextoffset;
// BUG BUG: Hack for ptr - STRING_NODEW is not built into any file
// so I will cheat because I know that the offset is the first entry
ReadPtr (node, &nextoffset); if (nextoffset == -1) { *offset = 0; return 0; }
next = stdata + nextoffset; *offset = nextoffset;
return next;
BOOL CheckInterupted( VOID ) { if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf( "\nInterrupted\n\n" ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
LPCSTR GetWizPage( DWORD i ) { LPCSTR WizPage[] = { "WizPagesWelcome", // welcome page
"WizPagesMode", // setup mode page
"WizPagesEarly", // pages that come after the mode page and before prenet pages
"WizPagesPrenet", // pages that come before network setup
"WizPagesPostnet", // pages that come after network setup
"WizPagesLate", // pages that come after postnet pages and before the final page
"WizPagesFinal", // final page
"WizPagesTypeMax" };
return WizPage[i];
VOID DumpOcComponent( ULONG64 offset, ULONG64 node, ULONG64 pcomp ) { DWORD i; ULONG count; WCHAR Buffer[200];
UtilReadWString (node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"), Buffer, sizeof (Buffer));
dprintf("OC_COMPONENT Data for node %ws : 0x%p\n", Buffer, offset ); dprintf( "\t InfStringId:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (InfStringId)); dprintf( "\t TopLevelStringId:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (TopLevelStringId)); dprintf( "\t ParentStringId:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ParentStringId)); dprintf( "\t FirstChildStringId:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (FirstChildStringId)); dprintf( "\t ChildrenCount:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ChildrenCount)); dprintf( "\t NextSiblingStringId:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (NextSiblingStringId)); dprintf( "\t NeedsCount:\t\t%d\n", ReadField (NeedsCount)); if (ReadField (NeedsCount)) { // read and dump needs list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (NeedsCount); i++) { ReadMemory(ReadField (NeedsStringIds) + (i * sizeof (ULONG)), &count, sizeof (count), NULL); dprintf("\t NeedsStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf( "\t NeededByCount:\t\t%d\n", ReadField (NeededByCount)); if (ReadField (NeededByCount)) { // read and dump needs list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (NeededByCount); i++) { ReadMemory(ReadField (NeededByStringIds) + (i * sizeof (ULONG)), &count, sizeof (count), NULL); dprintf("\t NeededByStringIds #%d: 0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf( "\t ExcludeCount:\t\t%d\n", ReadField (ExcludeCount)); if (ReadField (ExcludeCount)) {
// read and dump Excludes list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (ExcludeCount); i++) { ReadMemory(ReadField (ExcludeStringIds) + (i * sizeof (ULONG)), &count, sizeof (ULONG), NULL); dprintf("\t ExcludeStringIds #%d: 0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf( "\t ExcludedByCount:\t%d\n", ReadField (ExcludedByCount)); if (ReadField (ExcludedByCount)) {
// read and dump Excludes list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (ExcludedByCount); i++) {
ReadMemory(ReadField (ExcludedByStringIds) + (i * sizeof (ULONG)), &count, sizeof (ULONG), NULL); dprintf("\t ExcludesStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf( "\t InternalFlags:\t\t0x%08x\n", ReadField (InternalFlags)); //
// bugbug correct identifier
dprintf( "\t SizeApproximation:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SizeApproximation)); dprintf( "\t IconIndex:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (IconIndex)); UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "IconDll", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t IconDll:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "IconResource", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t IconResource:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
dprintf( "\t SelectionState:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SelectionState)); dprintf( "\t OriginalSelectionState:0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (OriginalSelectionState)); dprintf( "\t InstalledState:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (InstalledState)); dprintf( "\t ModeBits:\t\t0x%08x\n", ReadField (ModeBits));
UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "Description", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t Description:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "Tip", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t Tip:\t\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "InstallationDllName", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t InstallationDllName:\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pcomp, "OCMANAGE!OPTIONAL_COMPONENT", "InterfaceFunctionName", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf( "\t InterfaceFunctionName:\t%s\n", Buffer); dprintf( "\t InstallationDll:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (InstallationDll)); dprintf( "\t ExpectedVersion:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ExpectedVersion)); dprintf( "\t Exists:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Exists)); dprintf( "\t Flags:\t\t\t0x%016I64x\n\n\n", ReadField (Flags));
return; }
DECLARE_API( setuphelp ) { dprintf("setupexts help:\n\n"); dprintf("!setuphelp - This message\n"); dprintf("!ocm [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the OC_MANAGER structure at address, flag increased verbosity\n"); dprintf("!space [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the DISK_SPACE_LIST structure at specified address\n"); dprintf("!st [address] - Dump the contents of a STRING_TABLE structure at specified address\n"); dprintf("!stfind [address] [element] - Dump the specified string table element\n"); dprintf("!queue [address] [opt. flag] - Dump the specified file queue\n"); dprintf("!qcontext [address] - Dump the specified default queue context \n"); dprintf("!infdump [addr] [opt. flag] - Dump the specified hinf \n"); }
DECLARE_API( st ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps a string table at the address specified.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 pst; DWORD i; ULONG64 offset; ULONG64 pextradata; ULONG64 stdata; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG64 boffset, node; ULONG count = 0; if (args==0) {
dprintf ("st: no string table specified.\n"); return; }
ZeroMemory (&Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); pst = UtilStringToUlong64 ((UCHAR *)args); dprintf("Base String Table Address:\t0x%p\n", pst); DumpStringTableHeader(pst); stdata = GetStringTableData(pst); //
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { //
// BUG BUG: Hack for offset - STRING_NODEW is not built into any file
// so I will cheat because I know that the offset is after a ptr
boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pextradata = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%016I64x\n", pextradata ); node = GetNextNode(stdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
} } } }
DECLARE_API( stfind ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data for a given string table number
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 pst, element, stdata, boffset; DWORD i; ULONG64 offset; ULONG64 pextradata; ULONG64 node; UCHAR arg[2][100]; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG64 count = 0, argcount = 0; PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; ZeroMemory (&arg, sizeof (arg)); ZeroMemory (&Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0] || !arg[1][0]) {
dprintf ("stfind: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!stfind [address] [element]\n"); return; }
pst = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); element = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[1]); stdata = GetStringTableData(pst);
if (!stdata) { dprintf("Error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; } //
// search each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset ); if (!node) {
} else {
while (node) { if (element == offset) { //
// BUG BUG: Hack for offset - STRING_NODEW is not built into any file
// so I will cheat because I know that the offset is after a ptr
boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL); if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pextradata = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%016I64x\n", pextradata ); return; }
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
} } } dprintf("Couldn't find element\n");
DECLARE_API( ocm ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps an OC_MANAGER (UNICODE!) structure at the specified address
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 pocm; DWORD i; ULONG64 infdata,compdata; ULONG64 Mask = 0; LONG count = 0; UCHAR arg[2][100]; PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; ULONG64 offset = 0; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG argcount = 0; ULONG64 node = 0, boffset = 0; ZeroMemory (&arg, sizeof (arg)); while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0]) {
dprintf ("ocm: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!ocm [address] [verbosity]\n"); return; } pocm = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); Mask = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[1]); InitTypeRead (pocm, OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER);
// dump the OCM structure
dprintf("OC_MANAGER structure at Address:\t0x%016I64x\n", pocm); dprintf("\tCallbacks :\n"); dprintf("\t\tFillInSetupDataA:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Callbacks.FillInSetupDataA)); dprintf("\t\tLogError:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Callbacks.LogError)); dprintf("\t\tSetReboot:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Callbacks.SetReboot)); dprintf("\t\tFillInSetupDataW:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Callbacks.FillInSetupDataW));
dprintf("\tMasterOcInf:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (MasterOcInf)); dprintf("\tUnattendedInf:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (UnattendedInf)); UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "MasterOcInfPath", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tMasterOcInfPath:\t%ws\n", Buffer); UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "UnattendedInfPath", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tUnattendInfPath:\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "SourceDir", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tSourceDir:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "SuiteName", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tSuiteName:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "SetupPageTitle", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tSetupPageTitle:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "WindowTitle", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tWindowTitle:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
dprintf("\tInfListStringTable:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (InfListStringTable)); dprintf("\tComponentStringTable:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ComponentStringTable)); dprintf("\tOcSetupPage:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (OcSetupPage)); dprintf("\tSetupMode:\t\t%d\n", ReadField (SetupMode)); dprintf("\tTopLevelOcCount:\t%d\n", ReadField (TopLevelOcCount)); if (ReadField (TopLevelOcCount)) { // read and dump needs list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (TopLevelOcCount); i++) {
// BUG BUG - No way to read size of String Ids off target, so assume LONG
ReadMemory(ReadField (TopLevelOcStringIds) + (i * sizeof (LONG)), &count, sizeof (count), NULL); dprintf("\t TopLevelOcStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } } dprintf("\tTopLevelParenOcCount:\t%d\n", ReadField (TopLevelParentOcCount)); if (ReadField (TopLevelParentOcCount)) { // read and dump needs list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (TopLevelParentOcCount); i++) {
// BUG BUG - No way to read size of String Ids off target, so assume LONG
ReadMemory(ReadField (TopLevelParentOcStringIds) + (i * sizeof (LONG)), &count, sizeof (count), NULL); dprintf("\t TopLevelParentOcStringIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf("\tSubComponentsPresent:\t%d\n", ReadField (SubComponentsPresent));
// BugBug WizardPagesOrder there's not really any way to tell the exact upper bound of
// each array, though we know that it's <= TopLevelParentOcCount...since this is the case
// we just dump the point to each array of pages...
for (i = 0; i < WizPagesTypeMax; i++) { ULONG wizardpageorder = 0;
// BUG BUG - Again, assuming that this type will always be ULONG
GetFieldOffset ("OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "WizardPagesOrder", (PULONG) &offset); ReadMemory (pocm + offset + (i * sizeof (ULONG)), &wizardpageorder, sizeof (ULONG), NULL); dprintf("\tWizardPagesOrder[%i] (%s)\t: 0x%08x\n", i, GetWizPage(i), wizardpageorder); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "PrivateDataSubkey", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tPrivateDataSubkey:\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
dprintf("\thKeyPrivateData:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (hKeyPrivateData)); dprintf("\thKeyPrivateDataRoot:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (hKeyPrivateDataRoot)); dprintf("\tProgressTextWindow:\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ProgressTextWindow)); dprintf("\tCurrentComponentStringId:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField(CurrentComponentStringId)); dprintf("\tAbortedCount:\t\t%d\n", ReadField (AbortedCount)); if (ReadField (AbortedCount)) { // read and dump needs list
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (AbortedCount); i++) {
ReadMemory(ReadField (AbortedComponentIds) + (i * sizeof (LONG)), &count, sizeof(count), NULL);
dprintf("\t AbortedComponentIds #%d:\t0x%08x\n", i, count); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
dprintf("\tInternalFlags:\t\t0x%016I64x\n\n\n", ReadField (InternalFlags));
dprintf("\tSetupData.SetupMode :\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SetupData.SetupMode)); dprintf("\tSetupData.ProductType :\t\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SetupData.ProductType)); dprintf("\tSetupData.OperationFlags :\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SetupData.OperationFlags)); UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "SetupData.SourcePath", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tSetupData.SourcePath :\t\t%ws\n", Buffer); UtilGetWStringField (pocm, "OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER", "SetupData.UnattendFile", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\tSetupData.UnattendFile :\t\t%ws\n", Buffer);
// Verbose print
if ((Mask&1) && ReadField (InfListStringTable)) { ULONG64 pinfdata = 0;
dprintf("\t\t***InfListStringTable***\n"); pinfdata = GetStringTableData( ReadField (InfListStringTable)); if (!pinfdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node with data in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(pinfdata, (pinfdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { //dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
while (node) { ULONG64 pocinf = 0; //dprintf("\tNode Name:%ws\n", node->String);
UtilReadWString (node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"), Buffer, sizeof (Buffer) );
boffset = wcslen (Buffer) * sizeof (WCHAR);
ReadPtr (node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") + boffset + 1, &pocinf);
pocinf = node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") + boffset + 2; if (pocinf) { InitTypeRead (pocinf, OCMANAGE!OC_INF); dprintf("\tNode Data for %ws\t (0x%08x): 0x%016I64x\n", Buffer, offset, ReadField (Handle) ); } else { dprintf("\tNo Node Data for %ws\n", Buffer ); } node = GetNextNode(pinfdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } } } dprintf("\n\n"); }
InitTypeRead (pocm, OCMANAGE!OC_MANAGER); if ((Mask&1) && ReadField (ComponentStringTable)) { ULONG64 compdata = 0;
dprintf("\t\t***ComponentStringTable***\n"); compdata = GetStringTableData(ReadField (ComponentStringTable)); if (!compdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// dump each node with data in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(compdata, (compdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset);
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { //dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
while (node) { ULONG64 pcomp = 0; //dprintf("\tNode Name:%ws\n", node->String);
UtilReadWString (node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"), Buffer, sizeof (Buffer) );
boffset = wcslen (Buffer) * sizeof (WCHAR); pcomp = node + GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") + boffset + 2; if (pcomp) { DumpOcComponent( offset , node, pcomp ); } else {
dprintf("\tNo Node Data for %ws\n", Buffer ); }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
node = GetNextNode( compdata, node, &offset ); } } } }
return; }
DECLARE_API( infdump ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to an HINF structure
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; ULONG64 pinf; //LOADED_INF inf;
//INF_SECTION InfSection;
//INF_LINE InfLine;
DWORD i; ULONG64 offset = 0, count = 0; ULONG64 stdata,pextradata; //STRING_TABLE st;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; UCHAR arg[2][100]; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG argcount = 0; ULONG64 node = 0, boffset = 0, pst = 0; ULONG64 Mask = 0; ZeroMemory (&arg, sizeof (arg)); while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0]) {
dprintf ("infdump: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!infdump [address] [verbosity]\n"); return; } pinf = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); Mask = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[1]); InitTypeRead (pinf, SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF);
count = ReadField (Signature); dprintf("LOADED_INF at :\t0x%016I64x\n", pinf); dprintf("\t Signature : 0x%08x (%s)\n", (ULONG) count, ((count == LOADED_INF_SIG) ? "Valid" : "Invalid")); if (ReadField (Signature) != LOADED_INF_SIG) { return; }
dprintf("\t FileHandle:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (FileHandle)); dprintf("\t MappingHandle:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (MappingHandle)); dprintf("\t ViewAddress:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ViewAddress));
if (ReadField (FileHandle) == (ULONG64) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dprintf(" *** In memory INF ***\n" ); } else { dprintf(" *** PNF ***\n" ); }
dprintf("\t StringTable:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (StringTable)); dprintf("\t SectionCount:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SectionCount));
dprintf("\tSectionBlock:\t0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SectionBlock));
for (i = 0; i < ReadField (SectionCount); i++) {
dprintf("***INF_SECTION [%d] at 0x%016I64x***\n",i, ReadField (SectionBlock) + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!INF_SECTION") * i)); DumpInfSection( ReadField (SectionBlock) + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!INF_SECTION") * i), ReadField (LineBlock), ReadField (ValueBlock));
// Need to reinit type read because previous functions change the
// default read structure type
InitTypeRead (pinf, SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
dprintf("\tLineBlock : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (LineBlock)); dprintf("\t ValueBlock : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (ValueBlock));
DumpInfVersionNode(ReadField (VersionBlock));
InitTypeRead (pinf, SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF);
dprintf("\t HasStrings : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (HasStrings));
UtilGetWStringField (pinf, "SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF", "OsLoaderPath", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\t OsLoaderPath : %ws\n", Buffer);
dprintf("\t InfSourceMediaType : 0x%I64x ( ", ReadField (InfSourceMediaType)); if (ReadField (InfSourceMediaType)) { if (ReadField (InfSourceMediaType) & SPOST_PATH ) { dprintf("SPOST_PATH "); } if (ReadField (InfSourceMediaType) & SPOST_URL) { dprintf("SPOST_URL "); } } else { dprintf("SPOST_NONE "); }
UtilGetWStringField (pinf, "SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF", "InfSourcePath", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\t InfSourcePath : %ws\n", Buffer);
UtilGetWStringField (pinf, "SETUPAPI!LOADED_INF", "OriginalInfName", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\t OriginalInfName : %ws\n", Buffer); dprintf("\t SubstValueList : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SubstValueList)); dprintf("\t SubstValueCount : 0x%I64x\n", ReadField (SubstValueCount)); dprintf("\t Style : 0x%x ( ", ReadField (Style));
if (ReadField (Style) & INF_STYLE_OLDNT) { dprintf("INF_STYLE_OLDNT "); } if (ReadField (Style) & INF_STYLE_WIN4) { dprintf("INF_STYLE_WIN4 "); }
dprintf("\t SectionBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", ReadField (SectionBlockSizeBytes)); dprintf("\t LineBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", ReadField (LineBlockSizeBytes)); dprintf("\t ValueBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", ReadField (ValueBlockSizeBytes)); dprintf("\t LanguageId : 0x%x\n", ReadField (LanguageId));
dprintf("\t UserDirIdList : 0x%x\n", ReadField (UserDirIdList)); dprintf("\tLock[0] : 0x%x\n", ReadField (Lock.handles[0])); dprintf("\tLock[1] : 0x%x\n", ReadField (Lock.handles[1]));
dprintf("\tPrev : 0x%x\n", ReadField (Prev)); dprintf("\tNext : 0x%x\n", ReadField (Next)); pst = ReadField (StringTable); DumpStringTableHeader (pst); stdata = GetStringTableData (pst); //
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { //
// BUG BUG: Hack for offset - STRING_NODEW is not built into any file
// so I will cheat because I know that the offset is after a ptr
boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pextradata = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%016I64x\n", pextradata ); node = GetNextNode(stdata, node, &offset );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
} } } return; }
DECLARE_API( space ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a HDSKSPC structure
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; ULONG64 pst = 0; ULONG64 dsl = 0; DWORD i; ULONG64 offset = 0, count = 0, boffset = 0; ULONG64 stdata = 0,pextradata = 0; ULONG64 Mask = 0; ULONG64 node = 0, pxd = 0, pte = 0; PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; UCHAR arg[2][100]; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG argcount = 0;
while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0]) {
dprintf ("space: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!space [address] [verbosity]\n"); return; } dsl = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); Mask = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[1]);
dprintf("DISK_SPACE_LIST at :\t0x%016I64x\n", dsl);
GetFieldOffset ("SETUPAPI!DISK_SPACE_LIST", "Lock", (ULONG *) &offset); boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!HANDLE"); ReadMemory (dsl + offset, &count, (ULONG) boffset, NULL); dprintf("\tLock[0] : 0x%016I64x\n", count); ReadMemory (dsl + offset + boffset, &count, (ULONG) boffset, NULL); dprintf("\tLock[1] : 0x%016I64x\n", count); dprintf("\tDrivesTable : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DrivesTable)); dprintf("\tFlags : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Flags)); pst = ReadField (DrivesTable);
dprintf("\t ***DrivesTable***\n"); DumpStringTableHeader(pst);
stdata = GetStringTableData(pst); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pxd = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); DumpXDrive( pxd, Mask ); node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
DECLARE_API( queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a HSPFILEQ
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 ReturnLength; ULONG64 pfq = 0,pst = 0, pte = 0; //SP_FILE_QUEUE fq;
DWORD i; ULONG64 offset = 0, count = 0, boffset = 0; ULONG64 stdata = 0, pextradata = 0, node = 0; //STRING_TABLE st;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
ULONG64 Mask = 0; PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; UCHAR arg[2][100]; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG argcount = 0;
while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0]) {
dprintf ("queue: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!queue [address] [verbosity]\n"); return; } pfq = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); Mask = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[1]); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE);
dprintf("SP_FILE_QUEUE at :\t0x%016I64x\n", pfq); dprintf("\t BackupQueue : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (BackupQueue)); dprintf("\t DeleteQueue : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DeleteQueue)); dprintf("\t RenameQueue : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (RenameQueue));
dprintf("\t CopyNodeCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (CopyNodeCount)); dprintf("\t DeleteNodeCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DeleteNodeCount)); dprintf("\t RenameNodeCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (RenameNodeCount)); dprintf("\t BackupNodeCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (BackupNodeCount));
dprintf("\t SourceMediaList : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SourceMediaList)); dprintf("\t SourceMediaCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SourceMediaCount));
dprintf("\t CatalogList : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (CatalogList)); dprintf("\t DriverSigningPolicy : 0x%016I64x (%s)\n", ReadField (DriverSigningPolicy), (ReadField (DriverSigningPolicy) == DRIVERSIGN_BLOCKING) ? "DRIVERSIGN_BLOCKING" : (ReadField (DriverSigningPolicy) == DRIVERSIGN_WARNING) ? "DRIVERSIGN_WARNING" : "DRIVERSIGN_NONE" );
dprintf("\t hWndDriverSigningUi : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (hWndDriverSigningUi)); dprintf("\t DeviceDescStringId : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DeviceDescStringId)); dprintf("\t AltPlatformInfo : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (AltPlatformInfo));
GetFieldOffset ("SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE", "AltPlatformInfo", (ULONG *) &offset); DumpAltPlatformInfo(pfq + offset);
dprintf("\t AltCatalogFile : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (AltCatalogFile)); dprintf("\t StringTable : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (StringTable)); dprintf("\t LockRefCount : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (LockRefCount)); dprintf("\t Flags : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Flags)); dprintf("\t SisSourceHandle : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SisSourceHandle)); dprintf("\t SisSourceDirectory : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (SisSourceDirectory)); dprintf("\t BackupInfID : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (BackupInfID)); dprintf("\t TargetLookupTable : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (TargetLookupTable)); dprintf("\t UnwindQueue : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (UnwindQueue)); dprintf("\t DelayMoveQueue : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DelayMoveQueue)); dprintf("\t DelayMoveQueueTail : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DelayMoveQueueTail));
dprintf("\t Signature : 0x%016I64x (%s)\n", ReadField (Signature), (ReadField (Signature) == SP_FILE_QUEUE_SIG) ? "VALID" : "INVALID" );
// dump the queue nodes
if (Mask & 1) { if (ReadField (BackupQueue)) { dprintf("\t ***BackupQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList(ReadField (BackupQueue), Mask, TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE); }
if (ReadField (DeleteQueue)) { dprintf("\t ***DeleteQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList(ReadField (DeleteQueue), Mask, TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE); }
if (ReadField (RenameQueue)) { dprintf("\t ***RenameQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList( ReadField (RenameQueue), Mask, TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE); }
if (ReadField (SourceMediaList)) { dprintf("\t ***source media list***\n"); DumpSourceMediaInfoList( ReadField (SourceMediaList), Mask, TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE); } }
// dump the catalog info
if (Mask & 2) { if (ReadField (CatalogList)) { dprintf("\t ***CatalogList***\n"); DumpCatalogInfoList( ReadField (CatalogList), Mask, TRUE ); } }
// dump the string table
if (Mask & 4) { dprintf("\t ***StringTable***\n"); pst = ReadField (StringTable);
DumpStringTableHeader (pst);
stdata = GetStringTableData (pst);
if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; } }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pextradata = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%016I64x\n", pextradata );
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
dprintf("\t ***TargetLookupTable***\n"); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE); pst = ReadField (TargetLookupTable); DumpStringTableHeader (pst);
stdata = GetStringTableData (pst); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, (stdata + (GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR") * i)), &offset );
if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { boffset = GetTypeSize ("SETUPAPI!ULONG_PTR"); count = 0; while (1) { if (count == sizeof (Buffer)) { break; } ReadMemory (node + boffset + count, (PWCHAR) &Buffer + count/2, sizeof (WCHAR), NULL);
if (!Buffer[count/2]) { break; } count +=2; } dprintf("\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", Buffer, offset); InitTypeRead (pst, SETUPAPI!STRING_TABLE); pte = ReadField (Data) + offset + (wcslen(Buffer) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); DumpTargetEnt(pte); node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
// backup stuff
if (Mask & 8) { if (ReadField (UnwindQueue)) { dprintf("\t ***UnwindQueue***\n"); DumpUnwindList( ReadField (UnwindQueue), TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE);
} if (ReadField (DelayMoveQueue)) { dprintf("\t ***DelayMoveQueue***\n"); DumpDelayMoveList(ReadField (DelayMoveQueue), TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE);
} if (ReadField (DelayMoveQueueTail)) { dprintf("\t ***DelayMoveQueueTail***\n"); DumpDelayMoveList( ReadField (DelayMoveQueueTail), TRUE ); InitTypeRead (pfq, SETUPAPI!SP_FILE_QUEUE);
} }
return; }
DECLARE_API( qcontext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a queue context structure
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 pqc = 0, count = 0; PUCHAR argptr = (PUCHAR) args; UCHAR arg[2][100]; WCHAR Buffer[200]; ULONG argcount = 0;
while (*argptr != 0) {
if (*argptr == ' ') { argcount++; count = 0; argptr++; }
if (argcount > 1) { break; }
arg[argcount][count] = *argptr; count++; argptr++; } if (!arg[0][0]) {
dprintf ("qcontext: missing one or more parameters\nusage:!qcontext [address]\n"); return; } pqc = UtilStringToUlong64 (arg[0]); InitTypeRead (pqc, SETUPAPI!QUEUECONTEXT);
dprintf("QUEUECONTEXT at :\t0x%016I64x\n", pqc); dprintf("\t OwnerWindow : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (OwnerWindow)); dprintf("\t MainThreadId : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (MainThreadId)); dprintf("\t ProgressDialog : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ProgressDialog)); dprintf("\t ProgressBar : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ProgressBar)); dprintf("\t Cancelled : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (Cancelled)); UtilGetWStringField (pqc, "SETUPAPI!QUEUECONTEXT", "CurrentSourceName", Buffer, sizeof (Buffer)); dprintf("\t CurrentSourceName : %ws\n", Buffer); dprintf("\t ScreenReader : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ScreenReader)); dprintf("\t MessageBoxUp : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (MessageBoxUp)); dprintf("\t PendingUiType : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (PendingUiType)); dprintf("\t PendingUiParameters : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (PendingUiParameters)); dprintf("\t CancelReturnCode : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (CancelReturnCode)); dprintf("\t DialogKilled : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (DialogKilled)); dprintf("\t AlternateProgressWindow : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (AlternateProgressWindow)); dprintf("\t ProgressMsg : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (ProgressMsg)); dprintf("\t NoToAllMask : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (NoToAllMask)); dprintf("\t UiThreadHandle : 0x%016I64x\n", ReadField (UiThreadHandle));