#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
void DoIt( PCWSTR pcwszSource, PCWSTR pcwszAsmDir, PCWSTR pcwszAppName ) { ACTCTXW ActCtx = {sizeof(ActCtx)}; HANDLE hCreated; DWORD x;
ActCtx.lpSource = pcwszSource; ActCtx.lpApplicationName = pcwszAppName; ActCtx.lpAssemblyDirectory = pcwszAsmDir;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) { ActCtx.dwFlags = ((x & 1) ? ACTCTX_FLAG_APPLICATION_NAME_VALID : 0) | ((x & 2) ? ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID: 0);
printf("Run %d with source %ls, appname %svalid '%ls', asmdir %svalid '%ls'\n", x, ActCtx.lpSource, (ActCtx.dwFlags & ACTCTX_FLAG_APPLICATION_NAME_VALID) ? "" : "not ", (ActCtx.dwFlags & ACTCTX_FLAG_APPLICATION_NAME_VALID) ? ActCtx.lpApplicationName : L"", (ActCtx.dwFlags & ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID) ? "" : "not ", (ActCtx.dwFlags & ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID) ? ActCtx.lpAssemblyDirectory : L"" );
hCreated = CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx); if (hCreated != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION DetailedInfo = NULL; SIZE_T cbRequired = 0; SIZE_T cbAvailable = 0;
if (!QueryActCtxW( 0, hCreated, NULL, ActivationContextDetailedInformation, DetailedInfo, cbAvailable, &cbRequired)) { const DWORD dwL = ::GetLastError();
if (dwL != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { printf(" ! Got error 0x%08lx (%ld) querying actctx data\n", dwL, dwL); } else { DetailedInfo = (PACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbRequired); cbAvailable = cbRequired;
if (!QueryActCtxW( 0, hCreated, NULL, ActivationContextDetailedInformation, DetailedInfo, cbAvailable, &cbRequired)) { printf(" ! Failed second call to queryactctxw, error 0x%08lx (%ld)\n", ::GetLastError(), ::GetLastError()); } else { printf(" + App path '%.*ls'\n + Assembly path '%.*ls'\n + Root manifest '%.*ls'\n", DetailedInfo->ulAppDirPathChars, DetailedInfo->lpAppDirPath, DetailedInfo->ulRootConfigurationPathChars, DetailedInfo->lpRootConfigurationPath, DetailedInfo->ulRootManifestPathChars, DetailedInfo->lpRootManifestPath); }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, DetailedInfo); } } else { printf(" ! First call to queryactctxw with empty buffers should not succeed\n"); }
printf(" ! Created activation context\n"); ReleaseActCtx(hCreated); } else { printf(" ! Failed creating activation context, error 0x%08lx (%ld)\n", ::GetLastError(), ::GetLastError()); } } }
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { PWSTR pwszAsmDirectory = new WCHAR[::wcslen(argv[1])]; wcscpy(pwszAsmDirectory, argv[1]); *wcsrchr(pwszAsmDirectory, L'\\') = UNICODE_NULL;
// Do it with NULL source
DoIt(NULL, argv[2], argv[3]);
// Do it with directory source
DoIt(pwszAsmDirectory, argv[2], argv[3]);
// Do it with file source
DoIt(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); }