Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ #include "stdinc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "fusionhandle.h"
#define MAX_REG_RETRY_COUNT (10)
#define FIND_ERROR_IN_ACCEPTABLE_LIST(err, tgtlasterror, vcount) do { \
SIZE_T i; \ va_list ap; \ va_start(ap, vcount); \ (tgtlasterror) = (err); \ for (i = 0; i < (vcount); i++) { \ if ((err) == va_arg(ap, LONG)) \ break; \ } \ va_end(ap); \ if (i == (vcount)) { \ ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s(%d) Err 0x%08lx not acceptable", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (err)); \ ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(__FUNCTION__, err); \ } \ } while (0)
BOOL FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer, DWORD &rdwLastError, SIZE_T cExceptionalLastErrors, ... ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
LONG lResult = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwChances;
lResult = rdwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
for (dwChances = 0; dwChances < MAX_REG_RETRY_COUNT; dwChances++) { DWORD dwDataSize = rbBuffer.GetSizeAsDWORD(); LPBYTE pvData = rbBuffer.GetArrayPtr();
lResult = ::RegQueryValueExW( hKey, lpValueName, NULL, &dwType, pvData, &dwDataSize);
// If we are to fail because the type is wrong (ie: don't magically convert
// from a reg-sz to a binary blob), then fail.
// HACKHACK: This is to get around a spectacular bug in RegQueryValueEx,
// which is even documented as 'correct' in MSDN.
// RegQueryValueEx returns ERROR_SUCCESS when the data target pointer
// was NULL but the size value was "too small." So, we'll just claim
// ERROR_MORE_DATA instead, and go around again, letting the buffer
// get resized.
if ((pvData == NULL) && (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { //
// Yes, but if there's no data we need to stop and quit looking -
// zero-length binary strings are a gotcha here.
if ( dwDataSize == 0 ) break; lResult = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((dwFlags & FUSIONP_REG_QUERY_BINARY_NO_FAIL_IF_NON_BINARY) == 0) PARAMETER_CHECK(dwType == REG_BINARY);
break; } else if (lResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT( rbBuffer.Win32SetSize( dwDataSize, CFusionArray<BYTE>::eSetSizeModeExact)); } else { break; // must break from for loop
} }
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SIZE_T i = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, cExceptionalLastErrors);
::SetLastError(lResult); rdwLastError = lResult;
for (i=0; i<cExceptionalLastErrors; i++) { if (lResult == va_arg(ap, LONG)) break; } va_end(ap);
if (i == cExceptionalLastErrors) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s(%ls)\n", __FUNCTION__, lpValueName ); ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RegQueryValueExW, lResult); } }
BOOL FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer ) { DWORD dwLastError = NO_ERROR; return ::FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx(dwFlags, hKey, lpValueName, rbBuffer, dwLastError, 0); }
BOOL FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CBaseStringBuffer &rBuffer, DWORD &rdwLastError, SIZE_T cExceptionalLastErrorValues, ... ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; CStringBufferAccessor acc; DWORD cbBuffer; DWORD dwType = 0;
rdwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; rBuffer.Clear();
if (acc.GetBufferCb() > MAXDWORD) { cbBuffer = MAXDWORD; } else { //
// ISSUE:2002-3-29:jonwis - Shouldn't we have done something smarter here? Shouldn't we have
// adjusted for the terminating NULL character?
cbBuffer = static_cast<DWORD>(acc.GetBufferCb()) - sizeof(WCHAR); }
lResult = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, lpValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) acc.GetBufferPtr(), &cbBuffer);
// The value wasn't found, but the flag to just return a NULL string was set. Set the length
// of the string to zero (stick a NULL as the first character) and return.
// If we got back "more data", expand out to the size that they want, and try again
else if (lResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { //
// Resize the buffer to contain the string plus a NULL terminator.
acc.Detach(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rBuffer.Win32ResizeBuffer(1 + (cbBuffer / sizeof(WCHAR)), eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); acc.Attach(&rBuffer);
if (acc.GetBufferCb() > MAXDWORD) { cbBuffer = MAXDWORD; } else { cbBuffer = static_cast<DWORD>(acc.GetBufferCb()); } lResult = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, lpValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)acc.GetBufferPtr(), &cbBuffer); }
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FIND_ERROR_IN_ACCEPTABLE_LIST(lResult, rdwLastError, cExceptionalLastErrorValues); } else { if (dwType != REG_SZ) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RegistryValueNotREG_SZ, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
BOOL FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR lpValueName, CBaseStringBuffer &rBuffer ) { DWORD dw = 0; return ::FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx(dwFlags, hKey, lpValueName, rBuffer, dw, 0); }
BOOL FusionpRegQueryDwordValueEx( DWORD dwFlags, HKEY hKey, PCWSTR wszValueName, PDWORD pdwValue, DWORD dwDefaultValue ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
BOOL bMissingValueOk = TRUE; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; ULONG ulResult = 0;
if (pdwValue != NULL) *pdwValue = dwDefaultValue;
ulResult = ::RegQueryValueExW( hKey, wszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE)pdwValue, &(dwSize = sizeof(*pdwValue)));
// If the user said that missing values are not an error, then fake up some
// state stuff and continue.
if ((ulResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) && bMissingValueOk) { *pdwValue = dwDefaultValue; dwType = REG_DWORD; ulResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Got an error? Send it back
if (ulResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RegQueryValueExW, ulResult); }
// If the type wasn't a dword, then that's a problem.
if ((dwType != REG_DWORD) || (dwSize != sizeof(*pdwValue))) { *pdwValue = dwDefaultValue; ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RegQueryValueExW, ERROR_INVALID_DATA); }
BOOL CRegKey::DestroyKeyTree() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
CStringBuffer buffTemp;
// First go down and delete all our child subkeys
while (true) { BOOL fFlagTemp = FALSE; CRegKey hkSubKey; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( this->EnumKey( 0, buffTemp, NULL, &fFlagTemp ) );
if ( fFlagTemp ) break;
// There's more to delete than meets the eye. But don't follow links
// while wandering the registry.
if (hkSubKey == this->GetInvalidValue()) { continue; }
IFW32FALSE_EXIT( hkSubKey.DestroyKeyTree() );
// Delete the key, ignore errors
IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS( this->DeleteKey( buffTemp ), ( ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) || ( ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ), fFlagTemp );
// Clear out the entries in the key as well - values as well
while ( true ) { BOOL fFlagTemp = FALSE; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( this->EnumValue( 0, buffTemp, NULL, &fFlagTemp ) );
if ( fFlagTemp ) { break; }
IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS( this->DeleteValue( buffTemp ), ( ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) || ( ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ), fFlagTemp ); }
BOOL CRegKey::DeleteValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, OUT DWORD &rdwWin32Error, IN SIZE_T cExceptionalWin32Errors, ... ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 LONG l; rdwWin32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; l = ::RegDeleteValueW(*this, pcwszValueName);
if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FIND_ERROR_IN_ACCEPTABLE_LIST(l, rdwWin32Error, cExceptionalWin32Errors); } FN_EPILOG }
BOOL CRegKey::DeleteValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName ) const { DWORD dw; return this->DeleteValue(pcwszValueName, dw, 0); }
BOOL CRegKey::SetValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, IN DWORD dwValue ) const { return this->SetValue(pcwszValueName, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE) &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); }
BOOL CRegKey::SetValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rcbuffValueValue ) const { return this->SetValue( pcwszValueName, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) (static_cast<PCWSTR>(rcbuffValueValue)), rcbuffValueValue.GetCbAsDWORD() + sizeof(WCHAR)); }
BOOL CRegKey::SetValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, IN DWORD dwRegType, IN const BYTE *pbData, IN SIZE_T cbData ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::RegSetValueExW( *this, pcwszValueName, 0, dwRegType, pbData, (DWORD)cbData));
BOOL CRegKey::GetValue( IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffValueName, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffValueData ) { return this->GetValue(static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuffValueName), rbuffValueData); }
BOOL CRegKey::GetValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffValueData ) { return FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx(0, *this, pcwszValueName, rbuffValueData); }
BOOL CRegKey::GetValue( IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer ) { return this->GetValue(static_cast<PCWSTR>(rbuffValueName), rbBuffer); }
BOOL CRegKey::GetValue( IN PCWSTR pcwszValueName, CFusionArray<BYTE> &rbBuffer ) { return ::FusionpRegQueryBinaryValueEx(0, *this, pcwszValueName, rbBuffer); }
BOOL CRegKey::EnumValue( IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffValueName, OUT LPDWORD lpdwType, OUT PBOOL pfDone ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
DWORD dwMaxRequiredValueNameLength = 0; DWORD dwMaxRequiredDataLength = 0; CStringBufferAccessor sbaValueNameAccess; DWORD dwError = 0; bool fRetried = false;
if ( pfDone != NULL ) *pfDone = FALSE;
Again: sbaValueNameAccess.Attach( &rbuffValueName );
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS( ::RegEnumValueW( *this, dwIndex, sbaValueNameAccess.GetBufferPtr(), &(dwMaxRequiredValueNameLength = sbaValueNameAccess.GetBufferCbAsDWORD()), NULL, lpdwType, NULL, NULL), LIST_2(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, ERROR_MORE_DATA), dwError);
if ((dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && !fRetried) { sbaValueNameAccess.Detach(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( rbuffValueName.Win32ResizeBuffer( dwMaxRequiredValueNameLength + 1, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); fRetried = true; goto Again; } //
// Otherwise, if the error is "nothing more"
else if (dwError == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { if (pfDone != NULL) *pfDone = TRUE; } //
// Uhoh, we might have failed a second time through or we failed for some other reason -
// originate and exit.
else if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RegEnumValueW, dwError); }
BOOL CRegKey::LargestSubItemLengths( PDWORD pdwSubkeyLength, PDWORD pdwValueLength ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::RegQueryInfoKeyW( *this, // hkey
NULL, // lpclass
NULL, // lpcbclass
NULL, // lpreserved
NULL, // lpcSubKeys
pdwSubkeyLength, // lpcbMaxSubkeyLength
NULL, // lpcbMaxClassLength
NULL, // lpcValues
pdwValueLength, // lpcbMaxValueNameLength
BOOL CRegKey::EnumKey( IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffKeyName, OUT PFILETIME pftLastWriteTime, OUT PBOOL pfDone ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
CStringBufferAccessor sba; DWORD dwLargestKeyName = 0; BOOL fOutOfItems;
if (pfDone != NULL) *pfDone = FALSE;
// ISSUE: jonwis 3/12/2002 - In a posting to win32prg, it's been noted that on NT/2k/XP
// the RegEnumKeyExW will return ERROR_MORE_DATA when the lpName buffer is
// too small. So, this gross "get longest length, resize" hack can be
// removed, and we can use the normal "attempt, if too small resize reattempt"
// pattern.
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(this->LargestSubItemLengths(&dwLargestKeyName, NULL)); if (dwLargestKeyName >= rbuffKeyName.GetBufferCch()) IFW32FALSE_EXIT( rbuffKeyName.Win32ResizeBuffer( dwLargestKeyName + 1, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents));
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::RegEnumKeyExW( *this, dwIndex, sba.GetBufferPtr(), &(dwLargestKeyName = sba.GetBufferCbAsDWORD()), NULL, NULL, NULL, pftLastWriteTime ), {ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS}, fOutOfItems );
if ( fOutOfItems && ( pfDone != NULL ) ) { *pfDone = TRUE; }
BOOL CRegKey::OpenOrCreateSubKey( OUT CRegKey &Target, IN PCWSTR SubKeyName, IN REGSAM rsDesiredAccess, IN DWORD dwOptions, IN PDWORD pdwDisposition, IN PWSTR pwszClass ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
HKEY hKeyNew = NULL;
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::RegCreateKeyExW( *this, SubKeyName, 0, pwszClass, dwOptions, rsDesiredAccess | FUSIONP_KEY_WOW64_64KEY, NULL, &hKeyNew, pdwDisposition));
Target = hKeyNew;
BOOL CRegKey::OpenSubKey( OUT CRegKey &Target, IN PCWSTR SubKeyName, IN REGSAM rsDesiredAccess, IN DWORD ulOptions ) const { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
BOOL fFilePathNotFound; HKEY hKeyNew = NULL;
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::RegOpenKeyExW( *this, SubKeyName, ulOptions, rsDesiredAccess | FUSIONP_KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hKeyNew), LIST_2(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), fFilePathNotFound );
if (fFilePathNotFound) hKeyNew = this->GetInvalidValue();
Target = hKeyNew;
BOOL CRegKey::DeleteKey( IN PCWSTR pcwszSubkeyName ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 #if !defined(FUSION_WIN)
IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::RegDeleteKeyW(*this, pcwszSubkeyName)); #else
// Be sure to delete out of the native (64bit) registry.
// The Win32 call doesn't have a place to pass the flag.
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(this->OpenSubKey(ChildKey, pcwszSubkeyName, DELETE));
// make sure that the Key does exist, OpenSubKey return TRUE for non-existed Key
if (ChildKey != this->GetInvalidValue()) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status = NtDeleteKey(ChildKey))) { RtlSetLastWin32ErrorAndNtStatusFromNtStatus(Status); goto Exit; } } #endif
BOOL CRegKey::Save( IN PCWSTR pcwszTargetFilePath, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSAttrs ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::RegSaveKeyExW(*this, pcwszTargetFilePath, pSAttrs, dwFlags)); FN_EPILOG }
BOOL CRegKey::Restore( IN PCWSTR pcwszSourceFileName, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::RegRestoreKeyW(*this, pcwszSourceFileName, dwFlags)); FN_EPILOG }