** main.c - Main module for DOS command-line LZA file compression / expansion ** programs. ** ** Author: DavidDi ** ** This module is compiled twice - once for COMPRESS (COMPRESS defined) and ** once for EXPAND (COMPRESS not defined). */
// Headers
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include "lz_common.h"
#include "lz_buffers.h"
#include "lz_header.h"
#include "args.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include <diamondc.h>
#include "mydiam.h"
// Globals
CHAR ARG_PTR *pszInFileName, // input file name
*pszOutFileName, // output file name
*pszTargetName; // target path name
TCHAR ErrorMsg[1024];
// Module Variables
#ifndef COMPRESS
static BOOL bCopyingFile; // Is current file being copied or expanded?
// Local Prototypes
static VOID DisplayErrorMessage(INT fError); static VOID MakeDestFileName(CHAR ARG_PTR *argv[], CHAR ARG_PTR *pszDest); static BOOL GetCanonicalName(LPSTR lpszFileName, LPSTR lpszCanonicalBuf); static BOOL ActuallyTheSameFile(CHAR ARG_PTR *pszFile1, CHAR ARG_PTR *pszFile2); static BOOL ProcessNotification(CHAR ARG_PTR *pszSource, CHAR ARG_PTR *pszDest, WORD wNotification);
** static void DisplayErrorMessage(int fError); ** ** Display error message for given error condition. ** ** Arguments: LZERROR_ code ** ** Returns: void ** ** Globals: none */ static VOID DisplayErrorMessage(INT fError) { switch(fError) { case LZERROR_BADINHANDLE: LoadString(NULL, SID_NO_OPEN_INPUT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszInFileName); break;
case LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE: LoadString(NULL, SID_NO_OPEN_OUTPUT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszOutFileName); break;
case LZERROR_READ: LoadString(NULL, SID_NO_READ_INPUT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszInFileName); break;
case LZERROR_WRITE: LoadString(NULL, SID_OUT_OF_SPACE, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszOutFileName); break;
case BLANK_ERROR: break;
default: LoadString(NULL, SID_GEN_FAILURE, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszInFileName, pszOutFileName); break; } }
** static void MakeDestFileName(char ARG_PTR *argv[], char ARG_PTR *pszDest); ** ** Create the appropriate destination file name. ** ** Arguments: argv - like argument to main() ** pszDest - pointer to destination file name buffer to be filled ** in ** ** Returns: void ** ** Globals: none */ static VOID MakeDestFileName(CHAR ARG_PTR *argv[], CHAR ARG_PTR *pszDest) { CHAR ARG_PTR *pszDestFile;
if (nNumFileSpecs == 2 && bTargetIsDir == FALSE && bDoRename == FALSE) // Compress a single input file to a single output file. N.b., we must
// be careful to eat up the output file name command-line argument so
// it doesn't get processed like another input file!
STRCPY(pszDest, argv[GetNextFileArg(argv)]); else if (bTargetIsDir == TRUE) { // Prepend output file name with destination directory path name.
STRCPY(pszDest, pszTargetName);
// Isolate source file name from source file specification.
pszDestFile = ExtractFileName(pszInFileName);
// Add destination file name to destination directory path
// specification.
MakePathName(pszDest, pszDestFile); } else // Destination file name same as source file name. N.b., this is an
// error condition if (bDoRename == FALSE).
STRCPY(pszDest, pszInFileName); }
** static BOOL GetCanonicalName(LPSTR lpszFileName, LPSTR lpszCanonicalBuf); ** ** Gets the canonical name for a given file specification. ** ** Arguments: pszFileName - file specification ** szCanonicalBuf - buffer to be filled with canonical name ** ** Returns: TRUE if successful. FALSE if unsuccessful. ** ** N.b., szCanonicalBuf must be at least 128 bytes long. The contents of ** szCanonicalBuf are only defined if the funstion returns TRUE. ** */ static BOOL GetCanonicalName(LPSTR lpszFileName, LPSTR lpszCanonicalBuf) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; LPSTR lpszLastComp;
return((BOOL) GetFullPathName(lpszFileName, MAX_PATH, lpszCanonicalBuf, &lpszLastComp)); }
** static BOOL ActuallyTheSameFile(char ARG_PTR *pszFile1, ** char ARG_PTR *pszFile2); ** ** Checks to see if two file specifications point to the same physical file. ** ** Arguments: pszFile1 - first file specification ** pszFile2 - second file specification ** ** Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the file specifications point to the same ** physical file. FALSE if not. ** ** Globals: none */ static BOOL ActuallyTheSameFile(CHAR ARG_PTR *pszFile1, CHAR ARG_PTR *pszFile2) { CHAR szCanonicalName1[MAX_PATH], szCanonicalName2[MAX_PATH];
if (GetCanonicalName(pszFile1, szCanonicalName1) && GetCanonicalName(pszFile2, szCanonicalName2)) { if (! lstrcmpiA(szCanonicalName1, szCanonicalName2)) return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
** static BOOL ProcessNotification(char ARG_PTR *pszSource, ** char ARG_PTR *pszDest, ** WORD wNotification); ** ** Callback function during file processing. ** ** Arguments: pszSource - source file name ** pszDest - destination file name ** wNotification - process type query ** ** Returns: BOOL - (wNotification == NOTIFY_START_*): ** TRUE if the source file should be "processed" into ** the destination file. FALSE if not. ** else ** TRUE. ** ** Globals: none */ static BOOL ProcessNotification(CHAR ARG_PTR *pszSource, CHAR ARG_PTR *pszDest, WORD wNotification) { switch(wNotification) { case NOTIFY_START_COMPRESS: { // Fail if the source and destination files are identical.
if (ActuallyTheSameFile(pszSource, pszDest)) { LoadString(NULL, SID_COLLISION, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszSource); return(FALSE); }
// Display start message.
switch (byteAlgorithm) { case LZX_ALG: LoadString( NULL, SID_COMPRESSING_LZX, ErrorMsg, 1024 ); printf(ErrorMsg, pszSource, pszDest, CompressionMemoryFromTCOMP(DiamondCompressionType) ); break;
case QUANTUM_ALG: LoadString( NULL, SID_COMPRESSING_QUANTUM, ErrorMsg, 1024 ); printf(ErrorMsg, pszSource, pszDest, CompressionLevelFromTCOMP(DiamondCompressionType), CompressionMemoryFromTCOMP(DiamondCompressionType) ); break;
default: LoadString( NULL, (byteAlgorithm == MSZIP_ALG) ? SID_COMPRESSING_MSZIP : SID_COMPRESSING, ErrorMsg, 1024 ); printf(ErrorMsg, pszSource, pszDest); } } break;
default: break; }
return(TRUE); }
// static BOOL FileTimeIsNewer( const char* pszFile1, const char* pszFile2 );
// Return value is TRUE if time stamp on pszFile1 is newer than the
// time stamp on pszFile2. If either of the two files do not exist,
// the return value is also TRUE (for indicating that pszFile2 should
// be update from pszFile1). Otherwise, the return value is FALSE.
static BOOL FileTimeIsNewer( const char* pszFile1, const char* pszFile2 ) {
struct _stat StatBufSource, StatBufDest;
if (( _stat( pszFile2, &StatBufDest )) || ( _stat( pszFile1, &StatBufSource )) || ( StatBufSource.st_mtime > StatBufDest.st_mtime )) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
LPSTR ValidListEntry( LPSTR szArg ) { // Check for special character at front of file
if ( '@' == szArg[0] ) return szArg + 1; else return NULL; }
BOOL GetNextFileListFile( const LPSTR szFileList, char **pszSource, char **pszDest ) { static char szList[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szSource[MAX_PATH] = {0}, szDest[MAX_PATH] = {0}; static BOOL bParsingFile = FALSE; static FILE *hFile; static int dEntryNum = 1; int dRetVal;
// Initialize out paramters to NULL
*pszSource = *pszDest = NULL;
// Open file if we are not currently parsing another one
if ( !bParsingFile ) { // Do not reopen last file used as this is our signal to stop
if ( !_stricmp( szFileList, szList ) ) { return TRUE; }
// Attempt to open specified file
hFile = fopen( szFileList, "rt" ); if ( NULL == hFile ) { LoadString( NULL, SID_NO_OPEN_INPUT, ErrorMsg, 1024 ); printf( ErrorMsg, szFileList ); return FALSE; }
// Store new file name in static buffer
strcpy( szList, szFileList );
bParsingFile = TRUE; }
dRetVal = fscanf( hFile, "%s %s", szSource, szDest ); if ( EOF == dRetVal ) { fclose( hFile ); bParsingFile = FALSE; return TRUE; } else if ( 0 == dRetVal ) { LoadString( NULL, SID_INVALID_LIST_FILE, ErrorMsg, 1024 ); printf( ErrorMsg, dEntryNum ); return FALSE; }
// Point to new source and destination entries
*pszSource = szSource; *pszDest = szDest; // Track entry
return TRUE; } /*
** int main(int argc, char *argv[]); ** ** Run command-line file compression program. ** ** Arguments: figure it out ** ** Returns: int - EXIT_SUCCESS if compression finished successfully, ** EXIT_FAILURE if not. ** ** Globals: none */ INT __cdecl main(INT argc, CHAR *argv[]) { INT iSourceFileName, fError, nTotalFiles = 0, nReturnCode = EXIT_SUCCESS; CHAR ARG_PTR pszDestFileName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR chTargetFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; LONG cblTotInSize = 0L, cblTotOutSize = 0L;
USHORT wLanguageId = LANGIDFROMLCID(GetThreadLocale());
// This used to be #ifdef DBCS. Now a runtime check.
DWORD dw = GetConsoleOutputCP();
switch (dw) { case 932: case 936: case 949: case 950: SetThreadLocale(MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT)); break; default: SetThreadLocale(MAKELCID( MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; } }
// Parse command-line arguments.
if (ParseArguments(argc, argv) != TRUE) return(EXIT_FAILURE);
// Display sign-on banner.
if ( bNoLogo == FALSE ) { LoadString(NULL, SID_BANNER_TEXT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg); }
// Set up global target path name.
pszTargetName = argv[iTarget];
if (bDisplayHelp == TRUE) { // User asked for help.
LoadString(NULL, SID_INSTRUCTIONS, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg); LoadString(NULL, SID_INSTRUCTIONS2, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg); LoadString(NULL, SID_INSTRUCTIONS3, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
// Check for command line problems.
if (CheckArguments() == FALSE) return(EXIT_FAILURE);
// Set up ring buffer and I/O buffers.
pLZI = InitGlobalBuffersEx(); if (!pLZI) { LoadString(NULL, SID_INSUFF_MEM, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg); return(EXIT_FAILURE); }
// Process each source file.
while ((iSourceFileName = GetNextFileArg(argv)) != FAIL) { char *pszFileList = NULL, *pszCurFile, *pszCurDestFile;
// Determine if this is a directive file
if ( pszFileList = ValidListEntry( argv[iSourceFileName] ) ) { if ( !GetNextFileListFile( pszFileList, &pszCurFile, &pszCurDestFile ) ) { return (EXIT_FAILURE); } // Handle empty directive lists
if ( NULL == pszCurFile ) continue; } // Otherwise use current argument as file to compress
else { pszCurFile = argv[iSourceFileName]; } do { // Set up global input file name.
pszInFileName = CharLowerA(pszCurFile);
// Set up global output file name.
if ( NULL == pszFileList ) { MakeDestFileName(argv, pszDestFileName); pszOutFileName = CharLowerA(pszDestFileName); } else { pszOutFileName = CharLowerA(pszCurDestFile); }
strcpy( chTargetFileName, pszOutFileName );
if ( bDoRename ) MakeCompressedName( chTargetFileName );
if (( ! bUpdateOnly ) || ( FileTimeIsNewer( pszInFileName, chTargetFileName ))) {
if(DiamondCompressionType) { fError = DiamondCompressFile(ProcessNotification,pszInFileName, pszOutFileName,bDoRename,pLZI); } else { fError = Compress(ProcessNotification, pszInFileName, pszOutFileName, byteAlgorithm, bDoRename, pLZI); }
if(fError != TRUE) // Deal with returned error codes.
DisplayErrorMessage(nReturnCode = fError); else { nTotalFiles++;
if (pLZI && pLZI->cblInSize && pLZI->cblOutSize) {
// Keep track of cumulative statistics.
cblTotInSize += pLZI->cblInSize; cblTotOutSize += pLZI->cblOutSize;
// Display report for each file.
LoadString(NULL, SID_FILE_REPORT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszInFileName, pLZI->cblInSize, pLZI->cblOutSize, (INT)(100 - ((100 * (LONGLONG) pLZI->cblOutSize) / pLZI->cblInSize)));
} else { LoadString(NULL, SID_EMPTY_FILE_REPORT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, pszInFileName, 0, 0); }
} // Separate individual file processing message blocks by a blank line.
printf("\n"); }
// If we are processing a directive file, get the next arguments
if ( NULL != pszFileList ) { if ( !GetNextFileListFile( pszFileList, &pszCurFile, &pszCurDestFile ) ) { return (EXIT_FAILURE); } }
} while ( NULL != pszFileList && NULL != pszCurFile ); }
// Free memory used by ring buffer and I/O buffers.
// Display cumulative report for multiple files.
if (nTotalFiles > 1) {
// Scale results to get accurate %
LONG cblAdjInSize = cblTotInSize, cblAdjOutSize = cblTotOutSize; while (cblAdjInSize > 100000) { cblAdjInSize /= 2; cblAdjOutSize /= 2; } cblAdjOutSize += (cblAdjInSize / 200); // round off (+0.5%)
if (cblAdjOutSize < 0) { cblAdjOutSize = 0; }
LoadString(NULL, SID_TOTAL_REPORT, ErrorMsg, 1024); printf(ErrorMsg, nTotalFiles, cblTotInSize, cblTotOutSize, (INT)(100 - 100 * cblAdjOutSize / cblAdjInSize)); }
return(nReturnCode); }