// Useful.CPP
// Module: CDM Provider
// Purpose: Useful classes
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wbemprov.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "useful.h"
#include "wbemmisc.h"
void FreeTheBSTRArray( BSTR *Array, ULONG Size ) /*+++
Routine Description:
This routine will free the contents of an array of BSTR and then the array itself Arguments:
Array is the array to be freed
Size is the number of elements in the array Return Value:
---*/ { ULONG i;
if (Array != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { if (Array[i] != NULL) { SysFreeString(Array[i]); } } WmipFree(Array); } }
CBstrArray::CBstrArray() { Array = NULL; ListSize = 0xffffffff; }
CBstrArray::~CBstrArray() { ULONG i; if (Array != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ListSize; i++) { if (Array[i] != NULL) { SysFreeString(Array[i]); } } WmipFree(Array); }
ListSize = 0xffffffff; }
HRESULT CBstrArray::Initialize( ULONG ListCount ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; ULONG AllocSize; if (ListCount != 0) { AllocSize = ListCount * sizeof(BSTR *); Array = (BSTR *)WmipAlloc(AllocSize); if (Array != NULL) { memset(Array, 0, AllocSize); ListSize = ListCount; } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { ListSize = ListCount; } return(hr); }
BOOLEAN CBstrArray::IsInitialized( ) { return( (Array != NULL) || (ListSize == 0) ); }
BSTR CBstrArray::Get( ULONG Index ) { WmipAssert(Index < ListSize); WmipAssert(IsInitialized());
return(Array[Index]); }
void CBstrArray::Set( ULONG Index, BSTR s ) { WmipAssert(Index < ListSize); WmipAssert(IsInitialized());
Array[Index] = s; }
ULONG CBstrArray::GetListSize( ) { WmipAssert(IsInitialized());
return(ListSize); }
CWbemObjectList::CWbemObjectList() { //
// Constructor, init internal values
List = NULL; RelPaths = NULL; ListSize = 0xffffffff; }
CWbemObjectList::~CWbemObjectList() { ULONG i; //
// Destructor, free memory held by this class
if (List != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ListSize; i++) { if (List[i] != NULL) { List[i]->Release(); } } WmipFree(List); } List = NULL;
if (RelPaths != NULL) { FreeTheBSTRArray(RelPaths, ListSize); RelPaths = NULL; } ListSize = 0xffffffff; }
HRESULT CWbemObjectList::Initialize( ULONG NumberPointers ) { HRESULT hr; ULONG AllocSize;
// Initialize class by allocating internal list array
WmipAssert(List == NULL);
if (NumberPointers != 0) { AllocSize = NumberPointers * sizeof(IWbemClassObject *); List = (IWbemClassObject **)WmipAlloc(AllocSize); if (List != NULL) { memset(List, 0, AllocSize); AllocSize = NumberPointers * sizeof(BSTR); RelPaths = (BSTR *)WmipAlloc(AllocSize); if (RelPaths != NULL) { memset(RelPaths, 0, AllocSize); ListSize = NumberPointers; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { WmipDebugPrint(("CDMProv: Could not alloc memory for CWbemObjectList RelPaths\n")); hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { WmipDebugPrint(("CDMProv: Could not alloc memory for CWbemObjectList\n")); hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { ListSize = NumberPointers; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } return(hr); }
ULONG CWbemObjectList::GetListSize( void ) { //
// Accessor for list size
WmipAssert(IsInitialized()); return(ListSize); }
IWbemClassObject *CWbemObjectList::Get( ULONG Index ) { IWbemClassObject *Pointer; WmipAssert(Index < ListSize); WmipAssert(IsInitialized());
Pointer = List[Index]; return(Pointer); }
HRESULT CWbemObjectList::Set( IN ULONG Index, IN IWbemClassObject *Pointer ) { HRESULT hr; VARIANT v;
WmipAssert(Pointer != NULL); WmipAssert(Index < ListSize); WmipAssert(IsInitialized()); hr = WmiGetProperty(Pointer, L"__RelPath", CIM_REFERENCE, &v); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { RelPaths[Index] = v.bstrVal; List[Index] = Pointer; } return(hr); }
BSTR /* NOFREE */ CWbemObjectList::GetRelPath( IN ULONG Index ) { WmipAssert(Index < ListSize); WmipAssert(IsInitialized());
return(RelPaths[Index]); }
BOOLEAN CWbemObjectList::IsInitialized( ) { return((ListSize == 0) || ((List != NULL) && (RelPaths != NULL))); }
CValueMapping::CValueMapping( ) { VariantInit(&Values); ValueMap = NULL; }
CValueMapping::~CValueMapping( ) { if (ValueMap != NULL) { WmipFree(ValueMap); }
VariantClear(&Values); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::EstablishByName( IWbemServices *pServices, PWCHAR ClassName, PWCHAR PropertyName ) { HRESULT hr; PWCHAR Names[2]; VARTYPE Types[2]; VARIANT v[2]; VARTYPE IsValueMapArray, IsValuesArray; Names[0] = L"ValueMap"; Types[0] = VT_BSTR;
Names[1] = L"Values"; Types[1] = VT_BSTR; hr = WmiGetQualifierListByName(pServices, ClassName, PropertyName, 2, Names, Types, v);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { IsValueMapArray = v[0].vt & VT_ARRAY; IsValuesArray = v[1].vt & VT_ARRAY; if (IsValueMapArray == IsValuesArray) { if (IsValueMapArray) { //
// Qualifiers specified as arrays so we can just
// set them up
hr = EstablishByArrays(&v[1], &v[0]); } else { //
// Qualifiers specified as scalars
hr = EstablishByScalars(v[1].bstrVal, v[0].bstrVal); } } else { //
// Both must be an array or a scalar
VariantClear(&v[0]); VariantClear(&v[1]); }
return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::EstablishByScalars( BSTR vValues, BSTR vValueMap ) { HRESULT hr; PULONG Number; LONG Index; SAFEARRAYBOUND Bound;
// First, establish the ValueMap values
ValueMap = (PULONG64)WmipAlloc(sizeof(ULONG64)); if (ValueMap != NULL) { *ValueMap = _wtoi(vValueMap); ValueMapElements = 1; //
// Now build a safearray to store the Values element
ValuesLBound = 0; Bound.lLbound = ValuesLBound; Bound.cElements = 1; Values.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, &Bound); if (Values.parray != NULL) { Values.vt = VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY; Index = 0; hr = SafeArrayPutElement(Values.parray, &Index, vValues); if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { VariantClear(&Values); } } } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::EstablishByArrays( VARIANT *vValues, VARIANT *vValueMap ) { HRESULT hr; BSTR s; LONG ValueMapLBound, ValueMapUBound; LONG ValuesUBound, ValuesElements; LONG Index; LONG i; //
// Get the array sizes and ensure that they match
hr = WmiGetArraySize(vValueMap->parray, &ValueMapLBound, &ValueMapUBound, &ValueMapElements);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = WmiGetArraySize(vValues->parray, &ValuesLBound, &ValuesUBound, &ValuesElements);
if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if ((ValuesLBound == ValueMapLBound) && (ValuesUBound == ValueMapUBound) && (ValuesElements == ValueMapElements)) { //
// The ValueMap is balance with the values so parse the
// valuemaps from strings to ulongs
ValueMap = (PULONG64)WmipAlloc(ValueMapElements * sizeof(ULONG64)); if (ValueMap != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ValueMapElements; i++) { Index = i + ValueMapLBound; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(vValueMap->parray, &Index, &s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { ValueMap[i] = _wtoi(s); SysFreeString(s); } }
// And assign Values to our class
Values = *vValues; VariantInit(vValues); } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } }
return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::MapToString( IN ULONG64 Number, OUT BSTR *String ) { LONG i; WCHAR ss[MAX_PATH]; LONG Index; HRESULT hr;
// Loop over all values and try to find a match
for (i = 0, hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; (i < ValueMapElements) && (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); i++) { if (Number == ValueMap[i]) { //
// We found something to map the value to
Index = i + ValuesLBound; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(Values.parray, &Index, String); } }
if (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { //
// There was no match so we just leave the result as a number
wsprintfW(ss, L"%d", Number); *String = SysAllocString(ss); if (*String == NULL) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::MapToNumber( IN BSTR String, OUT PULONG64 Number ) { LONG i; BSTR s; LONG Index; HRESULT hr, hr2;
for (i = 0, hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; (i < ValueMapElements) && (hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); i++) { Index = i + ValuesLBound; hr2 = SafeArrayGetElement(Values.parray, &Index, &s); if (hr2 == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (_wcsicmp(s, String) == 0) { *Number = ValueMap[i]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } SysFreeString(s); } }
// There was no match so we don't really have anything to map to
return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::MapVariantToNumber( VARIANT *v, CIMTYPE NewType ) { HRESULT hr; VARTYPE BaseType, IsArray; ULONG64 Number; VARTYPE NewVarType; WCHAR ss[MAX_PATH]; BaseType = v->vt & ~VT_ARRAY; IsArray = v->vt & VT_ARRAY; WmipAssert(BaseType == VT_BSTR); if (IsArray == VT_ARRAY) { //
// The variant is an array so we need to map each element in an
// array
SAFEARRAYBOUND Bounds; SAFEARRAY *Array; ULONG Value; LONG UBound, LBound, Elements, Index; BSTR s; LONG i;
hr = WmiGetArraySize(v->parray, &LBound, &UBound, &Elements); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if ((NewType == (CIM_SINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) || (NewType == (CIM_UINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY))) { //
// If we are mapping to a 64bit number we need to make
// it into a string so setup as an safearray of strings
NewVarType = VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY; } else { NewVarType = (VARTYPE)NewType; } Bounds.lLbound = LBound; Bounds.cElements = Elements; Array = SafeArrayCreate(NewVarType, 1, &Bounds); if (Array != NULL) { for (i = 0; (i < Elements) && (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); i++) { Index = i + LBound; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(v->parray, &Index, &s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = MapToNumber(s, &Number); SysFreeString(s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (NewVarType == (VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY)) { //
// Mapping to a 64bit number so convert
// to string first
wsprintfW(ss, L"%d", Number); s = SysAllocString(ss); if (s != NULL) { hr = SafeArrayPutElement(Array, &Index, s); SysFreeString(s); } else { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { hr = SafeArrayPutElement(Array, &Index, &Number); } } } } if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { VariantClear(v); v->vt = NewType | VT_ARRAY; v->parray = Array; } else { SafeArrayDestroy(Array); } } }
} else { //
// The variant is a scalar so we just need to map one thing
hr = MapToNumber(v->bstrVal, &Number); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { VariantClear(v); WmiSetNumberInVariant(v, NewType, Number); } } return(hr); }
HRESULT CValueMapping::MapVariantToString( VARIANT *v, CIMTYPE OldType ) { VARTYPE BaseType, IsArray; ULONG64 Number; BSTR s; HRESULT hr; LONG i;
BaseType = v->vt & ~VT_ARRAY; IsArray = v->vt & VT_ARRAY; if (IsArray == VT_ARRAY) { //
// The variant is an array so we need to map each element in an
// array
SAFEARRAYBOUND Bounds; SAFEARRAY *Array; ULONG Value; LONG UBound, LBound, Elements, Index;
hr = WmiGetArraySize(v->parray, &LBound, &UBound, &Elements); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { Bounds.lLbound = LBound; Bounds.cElements = Elements; Array = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, &Bounds); if (Array != NULL) { for (i = 0; (i < Elements) && (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR); i++) { Index = i + LBound;
if (BaseType == VT_BSTR) { //
// If base type is a string then we assume that
// we've got a 64bit number which is encoded as
// a string. So we need to fish out the string
// and convert it to a ULONG64
WmipAssert((OldType == (CIM_SINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) || (OldType == (CIM_UINT64 | CIM_FLAG_ARRAY))); hr = SafeArrayGetElement(v->parray, &Index, &s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { Number = _wtoi(s); SysFreeString(s); } } else { //
// Otherwise the number is acutally encoded as
// a number so fish out the number
Number = 0; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(v->parray, &Index, &Number); } if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = MapToString(Number, &s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { hr = SafeArrayPutElement(Array, &Index, s); SysFreeString(s); } } } if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { VariantClear(v); v->vt = VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY; v->parray = Array; } else { SafeArrayDestroy(Array); } } }
} else { //
// The variant is a scalar so we just need to map one thing
WmiGetNumberFromVariant(v, OldType, &Number); hr = MapToString(Number, &s); if (hr == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { VariantClear(v); v->vt = VT_BSTR; v->bstrVal = s; } } return(hr); }
#ifndef HEAP_DEBUG
PVOID WmipAlloc( IN ULONG Size ) /*+++
Routine Description:
Internal memory allocator Arguments:
Size is the number of bytes to allocate
Return Value:
pointer to alloced memory or NULL
---*/ { return(LocalAlloc(LPTR, Size)); }
void WmipFree( IN PVOID Ptr ) /*+++
Routine Description:
Internal memory deallocator Arguments:
Pointer to freed memory
Return Value:
---*/ { WmipAssert(Ptr != NULL); LocalFree(Ptr); }