Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Structures and types shared between the IA64 CPU and its debugger extensions.
27-Sept-1999 BarryBo
Revision History: 9-Aug-1999 [askhalid] added WOW64IsCurrentProcess
#ifndef _IA64CPU_INCLUDE
#define _IA64CPU_INCLUDE
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#define GDT_ENTRIES 24
// Each 387 register takes 1 ia64 fp register
#define NUMBER_OF_387REGS 8
// Each XMMI register takes 2 ia64 fp registers
** The order of this structure is very important. The Reserved space at ** the beginnig allows the ExtendedRegisters[] array in the CONTEXT32 structure ** to be aligned properly. ** ** There are constants in the ISA transisiton code that are dependant on ** the offsets in this structure. If you make changes here, you must ** make changes to the cpu\ia64\simulate.s code at the very least */ #pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct _CpuContext { DWORD Reserved; CONTEXT32 Context;
// Because the sizeof(CONTEXT32) struct above is 4 bytes short of
// being divisible by 16, the padding allows the following
// fields to be on 8 byte boundaries. If they are not, we will
// do misaligned accesses on isa transisitons and we will
// see ASSERTS in the cpumain.c code (CpuThreadInit()).
#if defined(WOW64_HISTORY)
// This MUST be the last entry in the CPUCONTEXT structure
// The size is actually allocated based on a registry entry
// and is appended to the sizeof the CPUCONTEXT structure as reported
// back in CpuProcessInit()
WOW64SERVICE_BUF Wow64Service[1]; #endif // defined WOW64_HISTORY
} CPUCONTEXT, *PCPUCONTEXT; #pragma pack(pop)
// GDT Entry
#ifndef WOW64EXTS_386
typedef struct _KGDTENTRY { USHORT LimitLow; USHORT BaseLow; union { struct { UCHAR BaseMid; UCHAR Flags1; // Declare as bytes to avoid alignment
UCHAR Flags2; // Problems.
UCHAR BaseHi; } Bytes; struct { ULONG BaseMid : 8; ULONG Type : 5; ULONG Dpl : 2; ULONG Pres : 1; ULONG LimitHi : 4; ULONG Sys : 1; ULONG Reserved_0 : 1; ULONG Default_Big : 1; ULONG Granularity : 1; ULONG BaseHi : 8; } Bits; } HighWord; } KGDTENTRY, *PKGDTENTRY; #endif
#define TYPE_TSS 0x01 // 01001 = NonBusy TSS
#define TYPE_LDT 0x02 // 00010 = LDT
// UnScrambled Descriptor format
typedef struct _KDESCRIPTOR_UNSCRAM { union { ULONGLONG DescriptorWords; struct { ULONGLONG Base : 32; ULONGLONG Limit : 20; ULONGLONG Type : 5; ULONGLONG Dpl : 2; ULONGLONG Pres : 1; ULONGLONG Sys : 1; ULONGLONG Reserved_0 : 1; ULONGLONG Default_Big : 1; ULONGLONG Granularity : 1; } Bits; } Words; } KXDESCRIPTOR, *PKXDESCRIPTOR;
#define TYPE_CODE_USER 0x1B // 0x11011 = Code, Readable, Accessed
#define TYPE_DATA_USER 0x13 // 0x10011 = Data, ReadWrite, Accessed
#define DESCRIPTOR_DATA_READWRITE (0x8|0x2) // Data, Read/Write
#define DPL_USER 3
#define DPL_SYSTEM 0
#define GRAN_BYTE 0
#define GRAN_PAGE 1
// Now define the API's used to convert IA64 hardware into ia32 context
VOID Wow64CtxFromIa64( IN ULONG Ia32ContextFlags, IN PCONTEXT ContextIa64, IN OUT PCONTEXT32 ContextX86);
VOID Wow64CtxToIa64( IN ULONG Ia32ContextFlags, IN PCONTEXT32 ContextX86, IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextIa64);
VOID Wow64CopyFpFromIa64Byte16( IN PVOID Byte16Fp, IN OUT PVOID Byte10Fp, IN ULONG NumRegs);
VOID Wow64CopyFpToIa64Byte16( IN PVOID Byte10Fp, IN OUT PVOID Byte16Fp, IN ULONG NumRegs);
VOID Wow64CopyXMMIToIa64Byte16( IN PVOID ByteXMMI, IN OUT PVOID Byte16Fp, IN ULONG NumRegs);
VOID Wow64CopyXMMIFromIa64Byte16( IN PVOID Byte16Fp, IN OUT PVOID ByteXMMI, IN ULONG NumRegs);
VOID Wow64CopyIa64ToFill( IN FLOAT128 UNALIGNED *ia64Fp, IN OUT PFLOAT128 FillArea, IN ULONG NumRegs);
VOID Wow64CopyIa64FromSpill( IN PFLOAT128 SpillArea, IN OUT FLOAT128 UNALIGNED *ia64Fp, IN ULONG NumRegs);
// The following ptototypes are to be used only by the cpu debugger extension
NTSTATUS GetContextRecord( IN PCPUCONTEXT cpu, IN OUT PCONTEXT32 Context ); NTSTATUS SetContextRecord( IN PCPUCONTEXT cpu, IN OUT PCONTEXT32 Context ); NTSTATUS CpupGetContextThread( IN HANDLE ThreadHandle, IN HANDLE ProcessHandle, IN PTEB Teb, IN OUT PCONTEXT32 Context); NTSTATUS CpupSetContextThread( IN HANDLE ThreadHandle, IN HANDLE ProcessHandle, IN PTEB Teb, IN OUT PCONTEXT32 Context); NTSTATUS CpupSetContext( IN PCONTEXT32 Context ); NTSTATUS CpupGetContext( IN OUT PCONTEXT32 Context );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif