Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module will register reflector thread and do necessary action while awake up.
ATM Shafiqul Khalid (askhalid) 16-Feb-2000
Revision History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "wow64reg.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "reflectr.h"
REFLECTR_STATUS ReflectrStatus = Stopped; HANDLE hRegistryEvent[ISN_NODE_MAX_NUM];
HANDLE hReflector; DWORD TotalEventCount = 0;
VOID DbgPrint( PCHAR FormatString, ... );
REFLECTR_STATUS GetReflectorThreadStatus () /*++
Routine Description:
Return current thread status;
Return Value:
{ return ReflectrStatus;
BOOL NotifyKeyChange ( HKEY hKey, HANDLE hEvent ) /*
Routine Description:
Register an event to be fired when something get changed on a key.
hKey - handle to a key that need to be watched. hEvent event that need to be triggered.
Return Value:
TRUE if the event registration succeed, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD Ret; ResetEvent (hEvent); Ret = RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( hKey, // need to change to the ISN node
TRUE, // Watch the whole sub-tree
hEvent, // Event Handle
TRUE // Async
); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != Ret) DbgPrint ("\nWow64.exe:Error!! Couldn't register events:%x on handle %x",hEvent, hKey);
return Ret == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
VOID RefreshWaitEventTable () /*++
Routine Description:
Just copy all event object and we can wail for new event to trigger.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD k; for (k=0;k<TotalEventCount;k++) hRegistryEvent[k] = eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent; }
BOOL CreateInsertEvent ( PWCHAR Name, DWORD dwIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create an event for the key.
Name - Name of the key an event will be created to watch any changes. dwIndex - is the index to the reflector table. when event is fired up we need to tack the key.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE Otherwise
--*/ {
if ( Name == UNICODE_NULL) return FALSE;
if (wcsstr( Name, (LPCWSTR)L"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\*\\")) {
if (RegOpenKey ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Name+sizeof ( L"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\*")/sizeof(WCHAR), &eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nSorry! couldn't open Key [%S]", Name+sizeof ( L"\\REGISTRY\\USER\\*")/sizeof(WCHAR) ) );
return FALSE; } } else {
eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey = OpenNode (Name);
if ( eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey == NULL ) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nSorry! couldn't open Key [%S] Len%d %d %d", Name, wcslen (Name), Name[0], UNICODE_NULL )); return FALSE; } }
// DO make sure that 32bit version exist on the hive...
{ WCHAR TempName[256];
GetMirrorName (Name, TempName); if ( wcscmp(Name,TempName ) ) CreateNode ( TempName ); // get all kind of name
eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // Security Attributes
TRUE, // Manual Reset
FALSE, // Initial State
NULL // Unnamed
) ;
if ( !eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nUnable to create event")); RegCloseKey (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey); return FALSE; }
eReflector[TotalEventCount].dwIndex = dwIndex; ResetEvent (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent);
if (!NotifyKeyChange (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey, eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent )) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSevere Error!!!! Couldn't hook to registry notify index:%d", TotalEventCount) ); RegCloseKey (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey); CloseHandle (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent); return FALSE; //set thread state
return TRUE; }
DWORD TotalRelflectorKey() /*++
Routine Description:
Return the total number of the key in the reflector Table.
Return Value:
Number of entry in the reflector table.
--*/ { extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable; DWORD i; for (i=0;;i++) if ( ReflectorTable[i].NodeValue[0] == UNICODE_NULL ) return i; }
VOID PrintTable () /*++
Routine Description:
Dump the current content of the table, just for debugging purpose.
Return Value:
--*/ { extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable; DWORD Size = TotalRelflectorKey(); DWORD i;
for ( i=0;i<Size;i++) Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nTableElem [%d], %S", i, ReflectorTable[i].NodeValue));
BOOL RemoveKeyToWatch ( PWCHAR Name ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove an entry in from the table to reflector thread need to watch.
Name - Name of the key to remove from the table.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE Otherwise
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD k; extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable; DWORD Size;
for (i=1; i<TotalEventCount;i++) if (!_wcsicmp (Name, ReflectorTable[eReflector[i].dwIndex].NodeValue)) {//found match
// move reflector table entry
// fixup pointer in the ereflectortable
Size = TotalRelflectorKey (); wcscpy ( ReflectorTable[eReflector[i].dwIndex].NodeValue, ReflectorTable[Size-1].NodeValue ); Size--; ReflectorTable[Size].NodeValue[0]=UNICODE_NULL; //invalidate the place
for (k=1; k<TotalEventCount;k++) if ( eReflector[k].dwIndex == Size ) { eReflector[k].dwIndex = eReflector[i].dwIndex; //new location
break; }
// fixup the table with the new entry
{ REFLECTOR_EVENT Temp = eReflector[i]; eReflector[i] = eReflector[TotalEventCount-1]; eReflector[TotalEventCount-1] = Temp;; } TotalEventCount--; CloseHandle (eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent ); RegCloseKey ( eReflector[TotalEventCount].hKey); eReflector[TotalEventCount].dwIndex = -1;
//Now remove from the original table
PrintTable(); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL AddKeyToWatch ( PWCHAR Name ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add an entry in the table to reflector thread need to watch.
Arguments: Name - Name of the key to watch.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE Otherwise
--*/ {
// Check for duplicate entry
DWORD i; DWORD k; extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable; DWORD Size;
for (i=1; i<TotalEventCount;i++) if (!_wcsicmp (Name, ReflectorTable[eReflector[i].dwIndex].NodeValue)) {//found match
return FALSE; //already there
Size = TotalRelflectorKey (); wcscpy ( ReflectorTable[Size].NodeValue, Name ); ReflectorTable[Size+1].NodeValue[0]=UNICODE_NULL; //invalidate the place
if (!CreateInsertEvent ( Name, Size )) ReflectorTable[Size].NodeValue[0]=UNICODE_NULL; //no point of keeping the bad entry
return TRUE; }
BOOL ValidateOpenHandleEventTable ( DWORD dwIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
Validate a given node and if something wrong kick out the entry from the event table.
dwIndex - entry that need to be checked
Return Value:
TRUE if function succeed. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable;
// current implementation will just remove the entry from the table
return RemoveKeyToWatch (ReflectorTable[eReflector[dwIndex].dwIndex].NodeValue); }
VOID PeocessHiveLoadUnload () /*++
Routine Description:
Take necessary action when a hive has been unloaded.
Return Value:
--*/ {
WCHAR Name[257]; WCHAR Type;
for (;;) { if (!DeQueueObject ( Name, &Type )) break;
if ( Type == HIVE_UNLOADING ) { //Closing hive
RemoveKeyToWatch (Name); } else if ( Type == HIVE_LOADING) { //opening hive
AddKeyToWatch (Name); }
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nFired up from shared memory write.....Value..%S [%C]", Name, Type) ); } } ULONG ReflectorFn ( PVOID *pTemp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main reflector thread.
pTemp -
Return Value:
return exit code.
--*/ { DWORD Ret, k; DWORD LocalWaitTime;
for (k=0;k<TotalEventCount;k++) hRegistryEvent[k] = eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent;
for (k=0;k<TotalEventCount;k++) { //reset everything and wait for a fresh event
if (eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent) NotifyKeyChange ( eReflector[k].hKey, eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent); }
for (;;) {
if ( ReflectrStatus == PrepareToStop ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nGoing to stop")); ReflectrStatus = Stopped; break; // the thread should stop
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nReflector thread has been started and will wait for event\n.......") );
Sleep (1000*10); //wait 10 sec before reregistering events
LocalWaitTime = WAIT_INTERVAL; //wait infinite
for (;;) {
//DbgPrint ("\nwow64.exe Waiting to liten...");
Ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(TotalEventCount, hRegistryEvent, FALSE, LocalWaitTime );
if (ReflectrStatus == PrepareToStop) {
ReflectrStatus = Stopped; Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nGoing to stop")); break; // the thread should stop
} if ( Ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) break; // break the loop and process all dirty hives.
if ( ( Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0) > TotalEventCount ) { //right index
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nWaitMultiple object failed!!.. %d LastError:%d", Ret, GetLastError ()) ); Sleep (1000*10); //wait 10 sec before reregistering events
continue; //break;
// Checkspecial case like shared memory write
if ( (Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0) == 0){
PeocessHiveLoadUnload (); ResetEvent (eReflector[0].hRegistryEvent); // reset the event that triggered this
RefreshWaitEventTable ();
continue; }
// set timeout to 10 second, Mark the hive dirty, reset event, and back to sleep
LocalWaitTime = 5*1000; // poll the event every 5 second.
Sleep (1000* 3);// Sleep 3 second to reregister the event.
eReflector[Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0].bDirty = TRUE; ResetEvent (eReflector[Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0].hRegistryEvent);
// watch for the event again
if (!NotifyKeyChange ( eReflector[Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0].hKey, eReflector[Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0].hRegistryEvent)){ //
// if the node get deleted you need to unload the events and everything
ValidateOpenHandleEventTable (Ret-WAIT_OBJECT_0); RefreshWaitEventTable (); //ReflectrStatus = Abnormal;
//break; //set thread state
} }
if (ReflectrStatus == PrepareToStop) break;
// Now process all dirty hive.
for (k=0;k<TotalEventCount;k++) if ( eReflector[k].bDirty ) {
CreateIsnNodeSingle( eReflector[k].dwIndex); // reflect changes
eReflector[k].bDirty = FALSE; //ResetEvent (eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent);
} //for loop
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nReflector thread terminated....")); return TRUE; }
BOOL RegisterReflector() /*++
Routine Description:
Register the reflector thread after doing necessary initialization.
Return Value:
TRUE if it can launch the reflector thread properly. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD i; DWORD Size;
extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable;
if ( ReflectrStatus == Running ) return TRUE; // already running
if ( ReflectrStatus != Dead ) return FALSE; // last state was invalid I can do nothing
InitializeIsnTableReflector (); //initialize the table with the more list in the registry.
hReflector = NULL;
if (!TotalEventCount) Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nSorry! total event count for reflector is zero %d", TotalEventCount));
// Now time to create event and sync object for the shared resources
for (i=0;i<ISN_NODE_MAX_NUM;i++) { eReflector[i].hRegistryEvent = NULL; eReflector[i].hKey = NULL; eReflector[i].dwIndex = -1; eReflector[i].bDirty = FALSE; // not dirty so that we need to refresh.
if (!CreateSharedMemory ( 0 )) Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nSorry Couldn't create/open shared memory Ret:%x", GetLastError ())); //default creation
if (!Wow64CreateEvent ( 0, &eReflector[TotalEventCount].hRegistryEvent )) Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry Couldn't create events, reflector can listen to others")); else { eReflector[TotalEventCount].dwIndex = -1; TotalEventCount++; }
Size = TotalRelflectorKey (); for ( i=0;i<Size;i++) {
// Open The Key
// special case current user
CreateInsertEvent ( ReflectorTable[i].NodeValue, i );
// Now Create a thread to watch the event.
hReflector = CreateThread( NULL, // pointer to security attributes
0, // initial thread stack size
ReflectorFn, // pointer to thread function
0, // argument for new thread
0, // creation flags
NULL // pointer to receive thread ID
); if ( !hReflector ) {
Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nCouldn't create reflector thread")); return FALSE; }
ReflectrStatus = Running; return TRUE; }
BOOL UnRegisterReflector() /*++
Routine Description:
Unregister reflector thread and cleanup resources used by the reflector thread.
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ {
ReflectrStatus = PrepareToStop;
// try to signal event in case the thread is wating
for (k=0;k<TotalEventCount;k++) { //reset everything and wait for a fresh event
if (eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent) SetEvent (eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent); }
// Allow reflector thread little bit time to stop.
i=0; while ( ReflectrStatus != Stopped ) {
Sleep(1000); if ( ReflectrStatus != Running ) break; // why you should wait idle thread or that might be in a abnormal state.
i++; if (i>60*5) break; // 5min timeout going to stop anyway.
for (i=1;i<TotalEventCount;i++) { // skip the initial event for shared memory
CloseHandle (eReflector[i].hRegistryEvent); eReflector[i].hRegistryEvent = NULL;
RegCloseKey ( eReflector[i].hKey ); eReflector[i].hKey = NULL; }
if ( hReflector ) { CloseHandle (hReflector); //make sure abnormal thread termination doesn't cause any corruption
hReflector = NULL; }
ReflectrStatus = Dead;
// release shared resources
CloseSharedMemory (); Wow64CloseEvent ();
return TRUE; }
BOOL InitReflector () /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize resources associated with a reflector thread.
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD k;
ReflectrStatus = Dead;
hReflector = NULL;
for (k=0;k<ISN_NODE_MAX_NUM;k++) { //reset everything and wait for a fresh event
eReflector[k].hRegistryEvent = NULL; eReflector[k].hKey = NULL; eReflector[k].bDirty = FALSE; // not dirty so that we need to refresh.
return TRUE;
LONG RegReflectKey ( HKEY hKey, // handle to open key
LPCTSTR lpSubKey, // subkey name
DWORD dwOption // option flag
) /*++
Routine Description:
Synchronize registry hive from a given point.
hKey - handle to an open key. Can be predefined handle or NULL to sync all. lpSubKey - Name of the subkey. This can be NULL. dwOption - set to zero. for future uses.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on success, WIN32 error otherwise.
--*/ { HKEY hDest;
WCHAR DestNode[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL b64bitSide=TRUE; BOOL Ret = TRUE;
DestNode[0] = UNICODE_NULL;
// present implementation will start from the very top level
// should interact with the running service, stop the thread, run the reflector and then try again.
if (hKey != NULL || dwOption!=0 ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint (("\nCurrent implementation only take all zero parameters. ")); }
if (!InitializeIsnTable ()) return -1;
if (!InitializeIsnTableReflector ()) return -1;
if (!HandleToKeyName ( hKey, Path, &Len )) return -1;
// Make the complete path
if ( lpSubKey != NULL ) if (lpSubKey[0] != UNICODE_NULL ) { wcscat (Path, L"\\"); wcscat (Path, lpSubKey ); }
// MakeSure destination exists
// must check the value if that exist
if ( Is64bitNode ( Path )) {
Map64bitTo32bitKeyName ( Path, DestNode ); } else {
b64bitSide = FALSE; Map32bitTo64bitKeyName ( Path, DestNode ); }
hDest = OpenNode (DestNode); if (hDest != NULL) RegCloseKey ( hDest); else { if ( !CreateNode (DestNode)) return -1; }
SyncNode (Path);
BOOL SetWow64InitialRegistryLayout () /*++
Routine Description:
This routine does some initial setup for the registry for wow64.
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed. FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD Ret; HKEY Key; //HKEY Key1;
// Create symbolic link {HKLM\software\Wow6432Node\Classes to HKLM\software\classes\wow6432Node}
InitializeWow64OnBoot (1); return TRUE;
Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key
L"SOFTWARE\\Classes\\Wow6432Node", // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options flag
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&Key, // address of buffer for opened handle
NULL // address of disposition value buffer
if ( Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! I couldn't create the key SOFTWARE\\Classes\\Wow6432Node") ); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey ( Key );
Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key
L"SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node", // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , // special options flag
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&Key, // address of buffer for opened handle
NULL // address of disposition value buffer
if (Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't create/open SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node") ); return FALSE; } else {
// Delete the Key if exist
Ret = RegDeleteKey ( Key, L"Classes"); RegCloseKey (Key);
} if (Ret == ERROR_SUCCESS ) Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key
L"SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Classes", // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
KEY_ALL_ACCESS | KEY_CREATE_LINK, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&Key, // address of buffer for opened handle
NULL // address of disposition value buffer
if(Ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Ret = RegSetValueEx( Key, L"SymbolicLinkValue", 0, REG_LINK, (PBYTE)WOW64_32BIT_MACHINE_CLASSES_ROOT, (DWORD ) (wcslen (WOW64_32BIT_MACHINE_CLASSES_ROOT) * sizeof (WCHAR)) ); RegCloseKey(Key); if ( Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! I couldn't create symbolic link to %S", WOW64_32BIT_MACHINE_CLASSES_ROOT)); return FALSE; } }else { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nWarning!! SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Classes might be already there\n") ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL PopulateReflectorTable () /*++
Routine Description:
Populate the initial redirector table
Return Value:
TRUE if the function succeed. FALSE otherwise.
extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *ReflectorTable; extern ISN_NODE_TYPE *RedirectorTable;
HKEY Key; LONG Ret; DWORD dwIndex=0;
// delete the entry first
SetWow64InitialRegistryLayout ();
Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key
(LPCWSTR ) WOW64_REGISTRY_SETUP_KEY_NAME_REL, // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options flag
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&Key, // address of buffer for opened handle
NULL // address of disposition value buffer
if (Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry!! couldn't open/create key list at %S", WOW64_REGISTRY_SETUP_REFLECTOR_KEY) ); return FALSE; }
// Now Key point to the right location
for ( dwIndex=0;wcslen (RedirectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue);dwIndex++) { if (RedirectorTable[dwIndex].Flag==0) { // write the node in the registry
Ret = RegSetValueEx( Key, RedirectorTable[dwIndex].NodeName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)&RedirectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue[0], (ULONG)(wcslen (RedirectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't write the key")); RegCloseKey (Key); return FALSE; }
} }
RegCloseKey (Key);
// populate list for reflector
Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key
(LPCWSTR ) WOW64_REGISTRY_SETUP_REFLECTOR_KEY, // address of subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // address of class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options flag
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // address of key security structure
&Key, // address of buffer for opened handle
NULL // address of disposition value buffer
if (Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry!! couldn't open/create key list at %S", WOW64_REGISTRY_SETUP_REFLECTOR_KEY)); return FALSE; }
// Now Key point to the right location
for ( dwIndex=0;wcslen (ReflectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue);dwIndex++) { if (ReflectorTable[dwIndex].Flag==0) { // write the node in the registry
Ret = RegSetValueEx( Key, ReflectorTable[dwIndex].NodeName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)&ReflectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue[0], (ULONG)((wcslen (ReflectorTable[dwIndex].NodeValue)*sizeof(WCHAR))+sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) ); if ( Ret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Wow64RegDbgPrint ( ("\nSorry! couldn't write the key")); RegCloseKey (Key); return FALSE; }
} }
RegCloseKey (Key);
return TRUE; }