Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
This file contains some common stuff for SENS project.
Gopal Parupudi <GopalP>
Revision History:
GopalP 10/11/1997 Start.
#include "common.hxx"
#ifdef DBG
extern DWORD gdwDebugOutputLevel; #endif // DBG
// Constants
#define MAX_DBGPRINT_LEN 512
// Available only on Debug builds.
#if DBG
ULONG _cdecl SensDbgPrintA( CHAR * Format, ... ) /*++
Routine Description:
Equivalent of NT's DbgPrint().
Same as for printf()
Return Value:
0, if successful.
--*/ { va_list arglist; CHAR OutputBuffer[MAX_DBGPRINT_LEN]; ULONG length;
// See if we are supposed to print
if (0x0 == gdwDebugOutputLevel) { return -1; }
length = sizeof(SENS_DEBUG_PREFIXA); memcpy(OutputBuffer, SENS_DEBUG_PREFIXA, length); // indicate this is a SENS message.
// Put the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format);
HRESULT hr = StringCchVPrintfA(&OutputBuffer[length - 1], MAX_DBGPRINT_LEN - length, Format, arglist);
// We don't care about failures - this just means the result was truncated.
// Just output to the debug terminal
return (0); }
ULONG _cdecl SensDbgPrintW( WCHAR * Format, ... ) /*++
Routine Description:
Equivalent of NT's DbgPrint().
Same as for printf()
Return Value:
0, if successful.
--*/ { va_list arglist; WCHAR OutputBuffer[MAX_DBGPRINT_LEN]; ULONG length;
// See if we are supposed to print
if (0x0 == gdwDebugOutputLevel) { return -1; }
length = sizeof(SENS_DEBUG_PREFIXW); memcpy(OutputBuffer, SENS_DEBUG_PREFIXW, length); // indicate this is a SENS message.
// Put the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format);
HRESULT hr = StringCchVPrintfW(&OutputBuffer[(length/sizeof(WCHAR))-1], MAX_DBGPRINT_LEN - (length/sizeof(WCHAR)), Format, arglist);
// We don't care about failures - this just means the result was truncated.
// Just output to the debug terminal
OutputDebugStringW(OutputBuffer); return (0); }
BOOL ValidateError( IN int Status, IN unsigned int Count, IN const int ErrorList[]) /*++
Routine Description
Tests that 'Status' is one of an expected set of error codes. Used on debug builds as part of the VALIDATE() macro.
This function is called with the RpcStatus and expected errors codes as parameters. If RpcStatus is not one of the expected error codes and it not zero a message will be printed to the debugger and the function will return false. The VALIDATE macro ASSERT's the return value.
Status - Status code in question. Count - number of variable length arguments
... - One or more expected status codes. Terminated with 0 (RPC_S_OK).
Return Value:
TRUE - Status code is in the list or the status is 0.
FALSE - Status code is not in the list.
--*/ { unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (ErrorList[i] == Status) { return TRUE; } }
SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_DEB, ("[SENS] Assertion: unexpected failure %lu (0x%08x)\n", (unsigned long)Status, (unsigned long)Status));
return(FALSE); }
void EnableDebugOutputIfNecessary( void ) /*++
This routine tries to set gdwDebugOuputLevel to the value defined in the regitry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Mobile\SENS\Debug value. All binaries using this function need to define the following global value:
DWORD gdwDebugOutputLevel;
--*/ { HRESULT hr; HKEY hKeySens; LONG RegStatus; BOOL bStatus; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; LPBYTE lpbData;
hr = S_OK; hKeySens = NULL; RegStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; bStatus = FALSE; dwType = 0x0; cbData = 0x0; lpbData = NULL;
RegStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Handle of the key
SENS_REGISTRY_KEY, // String which represents the sub-key to open
0, // Reserved (MBZ)
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, // Security Access mask
&hKeySens // Returned HKEY
); if (RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_ERR, ("[SENS] RegOpenKeyEx(Sens) returned %d.\n", RegStatus)); goto Cleanup; }
// Query the Configured value
lpbData = (LPBYTE) &gdwDebugOutputLevel; cbData = sizeof(DWORD);
RegStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKeySens, // Handle of the sub-key
SENS_DEBUG_LEVEL, // Name of the Value
NULL, // Reserved (MBZ)
&dwType, // Address of the type of the Value
lpbData, // Address of the data of the Value
&cbData // Address of size of data of the Value
); if (RegStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_ERR, ("[SENS] RegQueryValueEx(SENS_DEBUG_LEVEL) failed with 0x%x\n", RegStatus)); gdwDebugOutputLevel = 0x0; goto Cleanup; }
SensPrintToDebugger(SENS_INFO, ("[SENS] Debug Output is turned %s. The level is 0x%x.\n", gdwDebugOutputLevel ? "ON" : "OFF", gdwDebugOutputLevel));
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
if (hKeySens) { RegCloseKey(hKeySens); }
return; } #endif // DBG