Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation of the IEventObjectChange interface. We need to subscribe to this interface for publishing the DestinationReachable events of SENS's ISensNetwork interface.
Gopal Parupudi <GopalP>
Revision History:
GopalP 1/26/1998 Start.
#include <precomp.hxx>
// Globals
LONG g_cSubChangeObj; // Count of active components
LONG g_cSubChangeLock; // Count of Server locks
extern LIST *gpReachList;
// Constructors and Destructors
CImpIEventObjectChange::CImpIEventObjectChange( void ) : m_cRef(1L) // Add a reference.
{ InterlockedIncrement(&g_cSubChangeObj); }
CImpIEventObjectChange::~CImpIEventObjectChange( void ) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cSubChangeObj); }
// Standard QueryInterface
STDMETHODIMP CImpIEventObjectChange::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv ) { HRESULT hr;
DebugTraceGuid("CImpIEventObjectChange:QueryInterface()", riid);
hr = S_OK; *ppv = NULL;
// IUnknown
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppv = (ISensNetwork *) this; } else // IEventObjectChange
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IEventObjectChange)) { *ppv = (ISensNetwork *) this; } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
if (NULL != *ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); }
return hr; }
// Standard AddRef and Release
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIEventObjectChange::AddRef( void ) { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIEventObjectChange::Release( void ) { LONG cRefT;
SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("\t| CImpIEventObjectChange::Release(m_cRef = %d) called.\n"), m_cRef));
cRefT = InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cRef);
if (0 == m_cRef) { delete this; }
return cRefT; }
// IEventObjectChange Implementation.
STDMETHODIMP CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedSubscription( EOC_ChangeType changeType, BSTR bstrSubscriptionID ) { HRESULT hr; NODE *pNode; DWORD dwStatus; BOOL bSuccess; BSTR bstrDestinationName;
hr = S_OK; pNode = NULL; dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; bSuccess = FALSE; bstrDestinationName = NULL;
SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedSubscription() called\n\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING(" ChangeType - %d\n"), changeType)); SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (SENS_BSTR(" bstrSubscriptionID - %s\n"), bstrSubscriptionID)); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n")));
hr = GetDestinationNameFromSubscription( bstrSubscriptionID, &bstrDestinationName ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription() returned 0x%x\n"), hr)); if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) == hr) { hr = S_OK; // Implies we got a non-DestinationReachability subscription.
} goto Cleanup; } else if (bstrDestinationName == NULL) { SensPrintW(SENS_WARN, (SENS_BSTR("Destination is <NULL> !\n"))); goto Cleanup; } else { SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (SENS_BSTR("Destination is %s\n"), bstrDestinationName)); }
// Deal with the changed subscription appropriately.
switch (changeType) { case EOC_NewObject: { if (wcslen(bstrDestinationName) > MAX_DESTINATION_LENGTH) { SensPrintW(SENS_ERR, (SENS_BSTR("Destination %s is too long.\n"), bstrDestinationName)); break; }
gpReachList->InsertByDest(bstrDestinationName); StartReachabilityEngine(); break; }
case EOC_DeletedObject: // Delete the node from the reachability list.
bSuccess = gpReachList->DeleteByDest(bstrDestinationName); break;
case EOC_ModifiedObject: default: // Nothing to do.
break;; }
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
if (bstrDestinationName) { ::SysFreeString(bstrDestinationName); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedEventClass( EOC_ChangeType changeType, BSTR bstrSubscriptionID ) { SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedEventClass() called\n\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING(" ChangeType - %d\n"), changeType)); SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (SENS_BSTR(" bstrSubscriptionID - %s\n"), bstrSubscriptionID)); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n")));
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedPublisher( EOC_ChangeType changeType, BSTR bstrSubscriptionID ) { SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("CImpIEventObjectChange::ChangedPublisher() called\n\n"))); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING(" ChangeType - %d\n"), changeType)); SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (SENS_BSTR(" bstrSubscriptionID - %s\n"), bstrSubscriptionID)); SensPrint(SENS_INFO, (SENS_STRING("---------------------------------------------------------\n")));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT GetDestinationNameFromSubscription( BSTR bstrSubscriptionID, BSTR *pbstrDestinationName ) { HRESULT hr; int errorIndex; BSTR bstrPropertyName; BSTR bstrMethodName; VARIANT variantPropertyValue; WCHAR wszQuery[MAX_QUERY_SIZE]; LPOLESTR strDestinationName; IEventSystem *pIEventSystem; IEventSubscription *pIEventSubscription; IUnknown *pIUnkQueryResult;
hr = S_OK; errorIndex = 0; strDestinationName = NULL; bstrPropertyName = NULL; bstrMethodName = NULL; *pbstrDestinationName = NULL; pIEventSystem = NULL; pIEventSubscription = NULL; pIUnkQueryResult = NULL;
// Get a new IEventSystem object to play with.
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CEventSystem, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IEventSystem, (LPVOID *) &pIEventSystem ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): failed to create ") SENS_STRING("IEventSystem - hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; }
// Form the query
StringCchCopy(wszQuery, MAX_QUERY_SIZE, SENS_BSTR("SubscriptionID=")); hr = StringCchCat(wszQuery, MAX_QUERY_SIZE, bstrSubscriptionID);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("Unable to build query, subid too long: %ws"), bstrSubscriptionID)); goto Cleanup; }
hr = pIEventSystem->Query( PROGID_EventSubscription, wszQuery, &errorIndex, &pIUnkQueryResult ); if (hr != S_OK) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): failed to Query() ") SENS_STRING("- hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; }
hr = pIUnkQueryResult->QueryInterface( IID_IEventSubscription, (LPVOID *) &pIEventSubscription ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): QI for IEventSubscription") SENS_STRING(" failed - hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; }
// See if it is a subscription for Destination Reachability event. If not,
// return success. If yes, try to get the value for Publisher property -
// bstrDestination.
hr = pIEventSubscription->get_MethodName( &bstrMethodName ); if (hr != S_OK) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): get_MethodName()") SENS_STRING(" failed - hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; } if ( (wcscmp(bstrMethodName, DESTINATION_REACHABLE_METHOD) != 0) && (wcscmp(bstrMethodName, DESTINATION_REACHABLE_NOQOC_METHOD) != 0)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): Non-Reachability event") SENS_STRING(" subscription (%s). Returning - hr = <%x>\n"), bstrMethodName, hr)); goto Cleanup; }
// Try to get the value for Publisher property - bstrDestination
VariantInit(&variantPropertyValue); AllocateBstrFromString(bstrPropertyName, PROPERTY_DESTINATION);
hr = pIEventSubscription->GetPublisherProperty( bstrPropertyName, &variantPropertyValue ); if (hr == S_OK) { *pbstrDestinationName = variantPropertyValue.bstrVal; // Found the property!
goto Cleanup; }
// Now, try to get the value for Publisher property - bstrDestinationNoQOC
FreeBstr(bstrPropertyName); VariantInit(&variantPropertyValue); AllocateBstrFromString(bstrPropertyName, PROPERTY_DESTINATION_NOQOC);
hr = pIEventSubscription->GetPublisherProperty( bstrPropertyName, &variantPropertyValue ); if (hr == S_OK) { // Found the property!
*pbstrDestinationName = variantPropertyValue.bstrVal; goto Cleanup; }
SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationNameFromSubscription(): failed to get ") SENS_STRING("PublisherProperty - hr = <%x>\n"), hr));
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
if (pIEventSystem) { pIEventSystem->Release(); } if (pIEventSubscription) { pIEventSubscription->Release(); } if (pIUnkQueryResult) { pIUnkQueryResult->Release(); }
FreeBstr(bstrPropertyName); FreeBstr(bstrMethodName);
return (hr); }