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  1. /*++ BUILD Version: 0002 Increment this if a change has global effects
  2. Copyright (c) 1993-1995, Microsoft Corporation
  3. Module Name:
  4. oledlgs.h
  5. Abstract:
  6. Resource ID identifiers for the OLE common dialog boxes.
  7. --*/
  8. // Help Button Identifier
  9. #define IDC_OLEUIHELP 99
  10. // Insert Object Dialog identifiers
  11. #define IDC_IO_CREATENEW 2100
  12. #define IDC_IO_CREATEFROMFILE 2101
  13. #define IDC_IO_INSERTCONTROL 2102
  14. #define IDC_IO_LINKFILE 2103
  15. #define IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPELIST 2104
  16. #define IDC_IO_DISPLAYASICON 2105
  17. #define IDC_IO_CHANGEICON 2106
  18. #define IDC_IO_FILE 2107
  19. #define IDC_IO_FILEDISPLAY 2108
  20. #define IDC_IO_RESULTIMAGE 2109
  21. #define IDC_IO_RESULTTEXT 2110
  22. #define IDC_IO_ICONDISPLAY 2111
  23. #define IDC_IO_OBJECTTYPETEXT 2112
  24. #define IDC_IO_FILETEXT 2113
  25. #define IDC_IO_FILETYPE 2114
  26. #define IDC_IO_ADDCONTROL 2115
  27. #define IDC_IO_CONTROLTYPELIST 2116
  28. // Paste Special Dialog identifiers
  29. #define IDC_PS_PASTE 500
  30. #define IDC_PS_PASTELINK 501
  31. #define IDC_PS_SOURCETEXT 502
  32. #define IDC_PS_PASTELIST 503 //{{NOHELP}}
  33. #define IDC_PS_PASTELINKLIST 504 //{{NOHELP}}
  34. #define IDC_PS_DISPLAYLIST 505
  35. #define IDC_PS_DISPLAYASICON 506
  36. #define IDC_PS_ICONDISPLAY 507
  37. #define IDC_PS_CHANGEICON 508
  38. #define IDC_PS_RESULTIMAGE 509
  39. #define IDC_PS_RESULTTEXT 510
  40. // Change Icon Dialog identifiers
  41. #define IDC_CI_GROUP 120 //{{NOHELP}}
  42. #define IDC_CI_CURRENT 121
  43. #define IDC_CI_CURRENTICON 122
  44. #define IDC_CI_DEFAULT 123
  45. #define IDC_CI_DEFAULTICON 124
  46. #define IDC_CI_FROMFILE 125
  47. #define IDC_CI_FROMFILEEDIT 126
  48. #define IDC_CI_ICONLIST 127
  49. #define IDC_CI_LABEL 128 //{{NOHELP}
  50. #define IDC_CI_LABELEDIT 129
  51. #define IDC_CI_BROWSE 130
  52. #define IDC_CI_ICONDISPLAY 131
  53. // Convert Dialog identifiers
  54. #define IDC_CV_OBJECTTYPE 150
  55. #define IDC_CV_DISPLAYASICON 152
  56. #define IDC_CV_CHANGEICON 153
  57. #define IDC_CV_ACTIVATELIST 154
  58. #define IDC_CV_CONVERTTO 155
  59. #define IDC_CV_ACTIVATEAS 156
  60. #define IDC_CV_RESULTTEXT 157
  61. #define IDC_CV_CONVERTLIST 158
  62. #define IDC_CV_ICONDISPLAY 165
  63. // Edit Links Dialog identifiers
  64. #define IDC_EL_CHANGESOURCE 201
  65. #define IDC_EL_AUTOMATIC 202
  66. #define IDC_EL_CANCELLINK 209
  67. #define IDC_EL_UPDATENOW 210
  68. #define IDC_EL_OPENSOURCE 211
  69. #define IDC_EL_MANUAL 212
  70. #define IDC_EL_LINKSOURCE 216
  71. #define IDC_EL_LINKTYPE 217
  72. #define IDC_EL_LINKSLISTBOX 206
  73. #define IDC_EL_COL1 220
  74. #define IDC_EL_COL2 221
  75. #define IDC_EL_COL3 222
  76. // Busy dialog identifiers
  77. #define IDC_BZ_RETRY 600
  78. #define IDC_BZ_ICON 601
  79. #define IDC_BZ_MESSAGE1 602 //{{NOHELP}}
  80. #define IDC_BZ_SWITCHTO 604
  81. // Update Links dialog identifiers
  82. #define IDC_UL_METER 1029 //{{NOHELP}}
  83. #define IDC_UL_STOP 1030 //{{NOHELP}}
  84. #define IDC_UL_PERCENT 1031 //{{NOHELP}}
  85. #define IDC_UL_PROGRESS 1032 //{{NOHELP}}
  86. // User Prompt dialog identifiers
  87. #define IDC_PU_LINKS 900 //{{NOHELP}}
  88. #define IDC_PU_TEXT 901 //{{NOHELP}}
  89. #define IDC_PU_CONVERT 902 //{{NOHELP}}
  90. #define IDC_PU_ICON 908 //{{NOHELP}}
  91. // General Properties identifiers
  92. #define IDC_GP_OBJECTNAME 1009
  93. #define IDC_GP_OBJECTTYPE 1010
  94. #define IDC_GP_OBJECTSIZE 1011
  95. #define IDC_GP_CONVERT 1013
  96. #define IDC_GP_OBJECTICON 1014 //{{NOHELP}}
  97. #define IDC_GP_OBJECTLOCATION 1022
  98. // View Properties identifiers
  99. #define IDC_VP_PERCENT 1000
  100. #define IDC_VP_CHANGEICON 1001
  101. #define IDC_VP_EDITABLE 1002
  102. #define IDC_VP_ASICON 1003
  103. #define IDC_VP_RELATIVE 1005
  104. #define IDC_VP_SPIN 1006
  105. #define IDC_VP_SCALETXT 1034
  106. #define IDC_VP_ICONDISPLAY 1021
  107. #define IDC_VP_RESULTIMAGE 1033
  108. // Link Properties identifiers
  109. #define IDC_LP_OPENSOURCE 1006
  110. #define IDC_LP_UPDATENOW 1007
  111. #define IDC_LP_BREAKLINK 1008
  112. #define IDC_LP_LINKSOURCE 1012
  113. #define IDC_LP_CHANGESOURCE 1015
  114. #define IDC_LP_AUTOMATIC 1016
  115. #define IDC_LP_MANUAL 1017
  116. #define IDC_LP_DATE 1018
  117. #define IDC_LP_TIME 1019
  118. // Dialog Identifiers as passed in Help messages to identify the source.
  119. #define IDD_INSERTOBJECT 1000
  120. #define IDD_CHANGEICON 1001
  121. #define IDD_CONVERT 1002
  122. #define IDD_PASTESPECIAL 1003
  123. #define IDD_EDITLINKS 1004
  124. #define IDD_BUSY 1006
  125. #define IDD_UPDATELINKS 1007
  126. #define IDD_CHANGESOURCE 1009
  127. #define IDD_INSERTFILEBROWSE 1010
  128. #define IDD_CHANGEICONBROWSE 1011
  129. #define IDD_CONVERTONLY 1012
  130. #define IDD_CHANGESOURCE4 1013
  131. #define IDD_GNRLPROPS 1100
  132. #define IDD_VIEWPROPS 1101
  133. #define IDD_LINKPROPS 1102
  134. // The following Dialogs are message dialogs used by OleUIPromptUser API
  135. #define IDD_CANNOTUPDATELINK 1008
  137. #define IDD_SERVERNOTFOUND 1023
  138. #define IDD_OUTOFMEMORY 1024
  139. #define IDD_SERVERNOTREGW 1021
  140. #define IDD_LINKTYPECHANGEDW 1022
  141. #define IDD_SERVERNOTREGA 1025
  142. #define IDD_LINKTYPECHANGEDA 1026
  143. #ifdef UNICODE
  146. #else
  149. #endif
  150. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////